HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1934-09-17Regular meeting of the o~ty council of' ~he 3ity o£ South S~n Pra~cisco ,hel~ l:Tonda.~, September _l? th ,1934. meeting of the ': ~ity Council of the ~%~ of South San ~amc£$C.~ was h~ld in tl The regul ar ~ity Hall, Momday~ even, lng~, September l?th,~.54. The meetTng was called t~ o~J[e~ by. ~:!ayoriilEe~ese~Llo~d~at ?;30 o'clock p.m. Roll call foun~[ Councilmen LLoyd~e®~i, ifTibbetts an~ Quinlan present.Absent Councilmen Bo~ ar.d Minucciani. The minutes o~' the previous meeting were read and approved· C0u~oilman Tihbetts repo=ted the lights placed in seventh Lane. The monthly report of City Tre-~.surer [dd Lauffmann submitted, The report was acc~pte~. and filed. A reqUest to sidewalk Linden Ave. South was taken up,and considered, & r~-~ferred to'Eng. Klass, The following claims, wwze.submitted and approved· ;- Gee. N, ]~essier Reese 'r. loyd Rod. Tibbetts ~OS. 1~. qutnlan. Bo. City Immber Co. Pacheoo Electric Co. Fred Brown Chas. Bollazzi A. Marcucci Ric' s ~ervic e Stati on ~an Nateo Co. Title Co, E. Ottenfield A. Carlisle Co. Pot ts' s Garage Arndt' s Dept. ~tore Dudley Perkins Co. G. E. T,everton Kauffmsmn Bros. So. San ~ranctsco Chamber of Commerce The Ent e~prise Enterprise Press R. J. Graziani A. ~angrando Co. E. Milani Ac Baldini~ Imirian Roofing & ~heet Metal Works W. T.. Hickey & ~on 30. City Sheet Meat Products Hallawell Seed Co. .Biker Hamilton & Pacific O; F. Gaultier re-appraisal work Exp, to Municipal Cony, materials for sewer '" fire /~pt, "for lib rary installing cable fire dep, ' fire alarm from S. P. to Western Meat painting streets materials police dept, clerical labor Gas - Angus t August reports 2~ hours overtime on roll supplies clerk's office ~ gals. polish fire dep. material fire dept. "labor motorcycle $ 99.00 100.00 100. O0 100.00 66.99 ~-4.. 91 ~6.70 EO,, 99 7.80 61.50 18.&5 ~$1, 51 18. O0 9.~ 4:9.50 18.0Z 1.50 13.50 141. ?0 4.80 8.30 6.32. repair typewriter pol. dep. 13.~5 freight Sept ember advert t sing auto card notices 1000 letterhead pol. dep. plastering library Lib rary rel~ir paint lng painting library repairs to library- Install drinking fountain Library ~repairs to library mixed seed 1030 lbs sheet copper painting flag pole .35 ~5.00 '/.8? 8.20 47.00 152.10 54. O0 5?.60 65. O0 186.65 37.50 · 51 248.04 5.50 Total $2,067.24 After a recess of ten minutes the councilmen reassembled and submitted claims against the ci' The c/aims in the amount of $~,067~E4 having been audited ~y the finance committee, Council~ Qminlal~ moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts, and regularly carried. ouncilman Tibbetts stated the Swift Company requeste~[ £ lights be placed near 'their plant for convenience and safety of night workers. Referred to councilman Tibbetts for action. There being no further business before the Board 0ouncilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting Mond~,'OctoBer 1, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quinlan and regularly carri ed, Time of adjournment 8;;05 p.m. Approved ~,~ayor~UT South $~ranciscp Respectfully submitt~