HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-01-16REGULARLY ADJ0~URDED MEETING 0F THE CITY C0b%~C IL 0F THE CITY OF ~0UTH SAN FRANCISCO, EE~D WEDNESDAY, JA~A RY 16TH,19~. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the ~ity of' South San Francisco was held in the city hall Wednesday evening, January 16th,19~5. This meeting was mmlled to order at 8.0'clock ~.m. by Mayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL. R°ll call found the following members of the city council present;to-wit;- Oouncilmen, V. Boido ,R.Lloyd, N.Ninucciant ,R.Tlbbetts, Absent, Councilman,Jos. P.Quinlan. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. The ANAHUA0 $0CIEDAD FRAT~NAZ DE AUXILIOB MUTU0S sent a statemen~t to the city counc announcing that their society was organized 25 December,19~4, for the purpose of teachir~g the Spanish Language to the Mexiaan children of the 'city, at ~12 Maple Avenue. Communication accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from the Shell oil company offering to contract with the city to 'sell gasoline for one year for 1~ and 1~ cents a gallon respectively. Ordered place A resolution offered by attorney Mc~ranaghan Of the Bay District Ntillties was laid ~) vet. A communication was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce inquirt the present status of the ENJOY ACME BEER sign, belie~,ing their privilege of advertising expired January 1 The communiamtion was accepted and the city 'will answer the same when more informatio is at hand. The Societa 0perai~ Mutuo Soccorso applied for a permit to hold a dance and concert on Saturday evening, January 26th,193§, from 8 o'clock p.m to 2 o'clock A.M. the following day 2ire ~ollars for police protection accompanied the application, which was granted.. A communication was received from Andrew Hynding submitting and quoting ~' insurance Premiers. Computation and Maintenance Policy for the quidance of the city, covering Buildings, Land, streets, and sidewalks, and also sewers. The communication was accepted and ordered placed on file. ORDINANCE N0.1?6. Ordins.nce ~o.176 of the ~ity of South San Francisco,introduced January ?th,19~, had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San l~ranCisco, 'entitled "AN ORDINANCE EEPEALING ~)RDINANOE N0.81 OF THE CITY 0~ SOUTH SAN FRANCIBC( E~TTITLED 'AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCI?~0 C~ATING THE OFFICE OF DEPUTY TAX- OOLXE~TOR, PROVIDING FOR THE A~POINTMENT OF SD-OH DEOUTY TAX-COLLEOTOR,A~TD DEFINING HIS DUTIES' passed ~'arch 15th,191$, by the following vote;- January 16th,19~5;- Ayes ,.~ Counc ilmen,V,Boido ,R. Lloyd, N,Mtnuc c iani ,R, Tibbe t ts, Noes',· Councilmen,None,Absent,0ounci lman, Jos. P.Quinla~i. ~tte st Daniel McSweeney Recorded in Book of ~wdlnances,Vol. 2,at page ~4~. City Clerk ORDINANCE NO l?V. 0edin'ance No.17?,introduced,January ?th,193§,Entitled "AN 0RDINAITCE CK~ATII~G THE OFFICE OF TAX COLLECT0~ AND DEFII~ING HIS DUTIES" had its second reading snd was pass, and adoDted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco,thi~?:t61'dAy,:ofYJan~l~9~3$,by the wing vote;- Ayes, Councilmen,V. Boido,R.Lloyd, ~,~.Minucciani,R..Tibbetts. ~ Noes, Councilmen. l~one. Absent, Councilman,Jos. P.~uinlan. Attest Daniel Me,weensy City 01erk. Recorded in Book of 0rdinances,Vol.£,at page 241. ~0RDINANCE N0.1?8. An ordinance introduced January ?th,19~§, entitled"AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE LICENSE COLIECTOR AND DEFINING HIS DUTIES " ,had its second reading, and was passeA a~?, adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco,this 16th,day of Januarys,IgOr,by t following vote ;- Ayes, Councilmen,V. Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R. Tibbetts, Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman,Jos. P.Quinlan. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in ~ook of Ordinances, VoI.2,at page 24~. 0RDINAZ~E NO. 17~.. 0rdinan~e Nc.l?9, introduced January ?th,19~, entitled "ANORDINANOE REPEALING 0RDINANSE NO.141 0~ THE C IT~~ 0F SOUTH SAN FRANOISO0 CREATING T~ OFFICE 0~ BUILDING INSP~T~,' Pi~S~SCRIBING ~EE DUTIES AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSULNCE OF BUILDING PER~IT~ AND PJ~PEALING 0RDINANOE N0.118 O~ SAID CITY, passed January 2,19~, AND ORDIN~d~CE NO.1B8 0~ ~AID CITY,PAS~ED JUNE,18th,19~§", passed and adopted September had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the 0ity~ of South San this 16th,day of January ,19~ ,by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,R.Lloyd, M.Mtnucctani,R.Ttbbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilman, Jos. P.Quinlan. Attest Denis 1 McSweenep City Clerk. Recorded in book of 0rdinances,Vol 2, at page 0RDINA~E NO j180. Ordinance no.l$0,introduced January ?th,19~B, entitled ~SOUTH ~A~ FRANCI,SCO CRMATINC T~E 0?FICE OF BUILDI~G INSOECTOR,PRESCRIBING T~ DUTIE A~D FROVIDING ~OR THE ISSUANCE OF BUILDII~G o::P3'ITS",had its second reading and Was wassed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco,this 16th,day of Jan~iarl L93B, by the following..vote;- Aye s, Councilmen, V.Boido ,R. Lloyd, ~.Minucciani ,R. Tlbbe tts, Noes, Councilmen,None.Absent, Councilman,Jos P.Quinlan. Attest Daniel McSweeney Recorded in Book of B~di~'andes~,~V~l.2,at page 246. ~ Cit~ 01erk. 0tiDINANC E i:~i1~'0. 181. An ordinance, ~o.181, introduced January 7th,1955,entitled -AN ORDINANCE ANENDING SECTION 4 0F ORDINANCE 84 0F ~_~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN ~RAECISC0 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING THE OPERATION 0F AUTOMOBILES FOR HIRE AND THE PUBLI0 TRANSPORTATION 0F PASSENGERS THEi~EIN WITHIN THE CITY 0~ SOUT~ SAN FRANCISO0' passed July &th,1915,had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, this, 16th day of Jauuary,19BS, by the following vote, Ayes, Councilmen,V. Boido, R.Lloyd, M.Minucciani,R.Tibb et ts, Noes Councilmen,None. Absent,0ouncilman Jos. P.Cuinlan. Attest Daniel McSweeney ' City Clerk. _.~co.r. ded in Book of 0rdinances, Vo.2,at page ~47. Councilman Tiooezzs reported the. je-nn~ngs si_dewalk un.der repair,. ~...~,~ ~he }.~cGranaghan resolution postponed. Claims in the amoun~ of $1~8.45 were nex~ presented to the council for payment;-. All Soul' s Church, So. S.~.Postmaster, Fred Brown, West Disinfecting Company Royal Supply Co., Pacific Tel &Tel. Co Highway Transport Co., A. J.Pacheco, C. Bagnal John Corso Robinson-Druggi st, Hallwell Seed Co., ComPliments of City of South San PrsY~°ieco,dona~ion stamped en. velopes for Chief of Police Uar?enter work,city hall supp lie s solder, ere, BiancChini phone frieght fire alarm maintenance,Dec,195~ oallman, fi re dept ,Dec ,19~4. remov, dead dogs, ~0ct.Nov. Dec.19S4 Supplies,fire dept, prunicg sheers South 0ity Lumber & Supply Co., Mmterials California Water Service Company, water fountain, December Total $15.00 $!5.96 sl~.oo ~6.oo 4.oo $ '7o00 S 9.~9 '~L98.4D audi ted The claims having bee,~'by the finance ~oommittee councilman paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. There being no further business before the board councilman Minuceiani ~oved to adjourn until Monday eVening,. January 21st,19~5,at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried.' .... Time of adjournment, 8.A5 o'clock P.M. Ti~betts moved they be ': Approved ayor o S~ut ~~Fra'c is O0, Respec'tfull~ submi tted~ . Ult,,Clerk.