HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-02-04REGULAR NEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH. SAN FRANCISCO,HELD ~ONDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH, 193~. The regular meeting .of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the, city hall, Monday evening, February 4th,1935. ~ meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. bY Mayor Reese Lloyd. ROLL CALL. the following members of the council present,as follows;- ~i~me~ R..Ll~yd, M.l~inucctani,R.Tibbetts, Jos. P.Ouinlan. C olmol lman, V.Bo ldo. . of the nrevious meeting were read. There being no errors or omis~lo~~ approved as read. '~: ~tion was received from the Bulgarian American Welfare Society of ~ou~h questing permission to hold a dance in ~raternal Hall, larch 2,1935 from to 1 o'clock a.m. Permission granted. ~emtion was received from the ~outh ~n Francisco Chamber of Commerce, ~t~ had been adopted by the Chamber endorsing the action of the City Council of the ~ of. South San Francisco in passing the handbill ordinance amendment -~rohibiting the distribution of undesirable handbills, otc, in the city. The communication waa accepted and ordered filed and the City Clerk instructed to acknowledge the receipt of the end~sememt. ~. R,E.Clarke, President of the ~,~arine Chemicals Company of South San Francisco, ad~resse~ a~reseed a letter to the ;~ayor and Council of the city p~aising and eulogizing the work done by the Dire and Police Departments of this city during the fire at his plant on the night of January 28th,last. when his establishment took fire in the early morning. Mr. Clarke stated ha[~t not been for the prompt manner in which the departments responded he undoubtedly would have lo~t the whole plant. The letter was received with the thanks of the city council for the compliments paid the departments and Mayor Lloyd instructed the City Clerk to answer an acknowledgment. David W. Ratto, Real Estate and Insurance, made application to the council for appointment to the o~fic~iof City Councilman if and when Councilman ~uinlan resigns. Application acc~ted and ordered placed on file. Lloyd S.DIlly, 108 Randolph Avenue, this city,made application for the' position of policeman should a vacancy occur. Application accepted and ordered placed on file. · The monthly reports of the Health Officer, Pire Chief, City Treasurer, Cit~' Ju~g',. Chief of Police and City Clerk for the month ending ~anuary 31st,1935 were received and aecePt~.' An ordinance establishing a Fire Department for the City of South San Francisco, and repealing Ordinance No.36 Of the City of South San Francisco entitled;- "AN ORDINANCE E~TABLISHING A FIRE DEPARTMENT IN AND ~0R THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FKAI~0ISC0" passed and adopted August 2~,1910, ~, · was Introduced h2 Councilman Minucelani, had its first 'reading and was laid over to come p~ under the regular order of business at the next regular meeting of the city council. Claime in the amount of $2269.52 were next presented to the council for payment;- G.N.Messier, work on delinquent taxes ~ 69.7~ G.~.Bisho'~ & Co., La Mars' ~arage A. J.Pacheco Robinson-Druggist Royal Supply Co, Superior Steam Laundry repairs to lawn mower one Dodge Auto police dept maintain fire alarm,Jan. 6.40 ~534.48 20.00 supplies fiee dept $ 4.~0 " clerk's office ~ .92 supplies fire dept 1.48 wash fire houses,1 and 2Jan $ 1~.§9 South City Lbr, & Supply C.c.,material $.Minetti Pacheco Electric Co, Standard 0il Co, Pac. Gas& Electric Co Geo.A.Kneese Calif. Water Serv. Co, Dr. J. 0' l~c~ills Jack Welch, Fred Brown LOuis Belloni ~link' s Service Oacheco Electric Hadicke Redd Co, $ 2.60 material street dept, vS 11.15 globes,canopies, glass balls$ 42. ?1 gasoline ,January ~ ?1 15 street lights January w 656[01 miscellaneous service Jan. ~143.78 time on SO.Linden project $ 6,00 " "Colma Creek " Zibrary Service Jan. ~ ~ 4.§0 water service city hall ~ 6.00 " " hydrants, Jan.?~54.00 " " fountain ~. 1.25 telephone,health dept,Jan. 6.~0 removing dogs,cats, January 33.50 ~arpenter work city hall feeding prisoners,January 2.28 ga soline, January 10.84 repair signals,contactor etc 26.45 23.00 269.82 Lorraine laml~ police dept Total The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Minuoolan~J moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Attorney Harrison Call appeared before the council and protested against continuance of the daylight Acme Beer sign of ]~,ir. Thompson's on the hill above the ci~, stating time enough had been given Mr, Thompson to remo~e %he same,and that citizens of and others from other parts were criticising city.officials for allowing the sign to be Revgrened ~,.~r. ~orton also abJected to the ~§~r sign display and stated the called the Acme Beer city, much to the discredit of the city and the citizens thereof. Continued; - Mr. Thompson of the sign compar~y stated he was the owner of the sign, that the Chamber of Commerce was the principal objector to it, that the chamber is composed o£ only a men, and does not own any more,p~,operty than he , that all the businessmen are for the sign that he has~ done more advertising for the City of South San Francisco by far than his contrac Calls for, for nothing, He referred to ~olice Chief Louis Belloni and Councilman Quinlan for corroboration cf his statement. Ray Spangler, ~Vanager of the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, stated Mr. Thompson was wrong in his belief business men and property owners were for the sign, and quot several persons in business who opposed tbs sign. Councilman ~Tinucctani said he did not object to the sigE and had heard no protests against ~, i t. Cit~ ~ttorney Coleberd stated his opinion was that the daylight sign violated Mr. Thompson'~ agreement with ~he city. ~r. ThomsOn declared he had opinions to the contrary. Councilman 0~uinlan believed the matter should be taken up before the whole Board of Counc~.lmen. 'Councilman Tibbetts,being of the same opinion,i ~'~ moved the matter be taken under consideration and laid over. The motion was seconded by Co~_ucilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Councilman Quinlan asked Engineer Klasses if the Tullies in Industrial Way Ditch c be destroyed permanently and the engineer said it~is possible. Nayor Lloyd asked Chief of ~olice Belloni if the trucks working out of Peck's Lots were being watched for any l~iolation of the stop signs amd excessive speed. The Chief said th matter was being taken care of. Fire Chief Welts proposed the na~,~es of Eugenic Milani and V. Ullery to the Call For of the B~ire Department. Comncilman Minucciani submitted the names to the city council as re mended, ~nd moved they be appointed. The motion was seconded by Co~nacilman Tibbetts and regB1 c arri ed. Councilman Ninucciani moved that Fire Chief Al. Welts be appointed Temporary ~Buildi Inspector. The motior~ was seconded b~- Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. 0resti Blandini appemred before the city council and protested there is no sewer connscting with his lot l, Block 151, the North East Corner of San Bruno Road and Pine Avenue Apparently the ~tate H~.ghway destroyed the old sewer .and f~iled to replace it. Engineer Kla states there is no recourse exceot through the Sta.te Highwa[~ Commission and advised ~,[r. Blah to confer with them,, as the e~.t~: is not responsible for their work. There being' no' f~ther business beToret .'the ~ity ~ouncil Councilman ?~inucciani moved to adjourn until the.~next regular meeting, !'onday, February,' 18th,1935 at ' 0'~ock The motion w,~s seconded by Councilman Tibbetts an& regularly carried. P. ppr oved ~~~ ~~ South ~an~noi sco Respectfullu submitted, city m rk. /