HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-04-08Regularly Adjourned Meeting Of ~he'~'ity ~ouncil {~f The City Of 9outh 9an F~anciScO, Held ~Onday, April 8th,19Z~. A regularly adjourned meeting of the cit~~ council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, I~onday evening, April 8th,19SS. . This meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock ~.m. by ~'~ayor ~-~eese Lloyd. ROLL CAL~. i~oll call found the following'members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, R.Lloyd, N.~inucciani,IQ. Tibbetts. Absent, Councilman, John F.Mager. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Referring to the Nessier report to the council on t~x reconcilment Councilman Ninucciani moved that the portion of the minutes reading "With a provisor by Councilman Nager that the recommendations were not thereby adopted", be eliminated. The motion was sec ed by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Councilman Minucciani then moved the ~inutes be adopted as corrected, The motion was seconded by Councilmau Boido and regularly ca A communication was received from the ~raternal Hall Association, requesting the City Council to reduce the valuation of the property, of the association, 0n advice by City Attorney Coleberd the council could not see the way clear to grant a red~ction, and the clerk was instructed by Nayor Lloyd to so .inform the association. A communication was received from the Bout~ Ban Francisco Chamber of Commerce, embodying a copy of a resolution adopted at its last meeting endorsing the Putteart system of garbage reduction, and the proposition to locate the same in South San Francisco Industrial Area for the reduction of ~an Francisco's ~arbage. Communication accepted and placed on file~ Ado~tpy Nedeghini made application for a position on the police fores, having heard the police force was to be enlarged. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. ~ociedad Eutualista l~exicaca "I~ORELOS", Inc., made application for a perr~it to hold a social dance in ]~aternal Hall on ~aturd~y evening, April l~,lgBS, from 8 p.m. to I A.E. Pe~mission granted. aThetNanufacturersih~ra Association of ~outh ~an Francisco sent a written protest to the council a g g nting permission to any outsiders to bring garbage to ~outh ~an Francisco for reduction, stating their association at a regular meeting had unanimously opposed the construction of such a plant. E ayor Reese Lloyd stated there would be a meeting of the bodies interested at noon ~ur sday. A reply was received from the~rket Street Railway Company to the city's letter requesting that repairs be made to the tracks 'of the company,and 'roadbed of the marne,near the junction of Orange and ~and Avenues, neighbors there having again complained about the noise at night of the cars runnt~ng rapidly over the sinking roadbed and tracks. The company stated the matter would be called to the attention of their engineering department, who would make repairs as soon as a crew was available. ~ccepted and placed on file. J.W.Bacigalupi, dentist, applied for permission to make alterations in his offices in the Bank of ~outh ~an ~rancisco BAlding, the estim~e~l cost, . $~72.00. Permission granted. The monthly report of City Treasurer,Ed.'~.Kauffmann, for the month ending !'arch Z1, 19~§, Was received and accepted. T ~Nder the he~d of unfinished business ¢~,ouncilman Tbbetts stated the matter of repai: ing~nforan Avenue and Oak ~enue had been taken up aud the work being taken care of. The application of James Parks for a barbecue restaurant license for the location 6~ Linden Avenue, w~s again referred to the cit~" healt~ officer. The ap~lication of the proprietor of the Olden Eagle Ntel, Joseph Reichel, for a refund of. personal property taxes in the a~::ount of $~4.60, for the year 19~0, was laid over till a future meeting. T~e application for a refund of taxes paid by Xfred L~edica in 19~4 after filing exemption affidavit was, on motion by Councilman ~nucciani, regularl~~ carried, allowed in the full amount of the claim, ~ $4.?~. G Mr.W,~H.Brownlee of the Bafe ~ard Check ¥~riters, appeared before the council and requested renewal of the ~10,000 check-writer policy, now expiring. On motion by Councilman B~ido, seconded by.Councilman }~inucciaui and regularly carried the policy was ordered renewed and the claim of $5~.00 allowed for the insurance for the two year period, lnew check-writing machine was furnished with the poli?y. Claims'in the amount of $B47~.~0 v~ere next presented to the council for payment;- A Carlisle & Company Louis Belloni Fred Br own Chas K. Elder Ge o.A.Messier Judge's court sea~l ~ ~.~9 feeding prisoners,Px rent ~.20 painting safety zones ~ 18.00 lettering, signs,cit~~ hall ~ 22.50- analysis ~: reconcilation disputed taxes,etc, ~216.00 Pete Magnaghi painting safet~ zones :8.00 Ric Venturi, police gasoline ~ 1~.09 California ~tate Auto Assn ~otice (v'oTP~.~ ~w'~?.T) &- 2.9~ . ' ~ -'~ ~ ~'i71.5~ Standard 0il Co., I:arch gasoline Royal Supply Company Gardener's supplies ~:.~*~ 12.20 J.B.Pilkingto~n, Irish,Golden & Juniper Yews ~ 2~.60 Highway Transport Co freight ~ .SC W.~.Fuller Company traffic lacquer il ~2.29 American Bitumuls 26? gals bitumuls '. £0. ~S M?Greenberg's Sons Hydrant .head & gasgets ~ A.~6 ~oote Pierson & Co., register spring,fire dept ~ 1.76 Pac. Tel & Tel Co., Earth phones <' 6~.01 Baden Cash ~gtore materials for gardener ~? 8.16 J.Welch remov, dead dogs,cats, Earth ~'~S0. S0 California Pat. Title Trust Co, report on Baden Lots !~ ?5.00 Dr. J.O.McMills l~]arch phone ~, S.2~ 0.N.Wilson typewriter ribbon ~ . ?S Riohmon~ Pottery Inc., flower pots, covers 14.95 9o.Oity Lbr.& ~uppl~ Co., materials,street LFire depts ~.97 " " " " " " $ ~55. ? S Absent, JOhn F.Mager. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Referring to the Messier reoort to the council on t~x reconcilment Councilman Minucciani moved that the portion of the minutes reading "With a provisor by Councilman Mager that the recommendations were not thereby adopted", be eliminated· The motion was ed by Councilman Tibbetts and regularl~~ carried. Councilman Minucciani then moved the minutes be adopted as corrected. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularl.~ ~ communication was received from the ~raternal Hall Association, requesting City Council to reduce the valuation of the property, of the association. On advice by Attorney Coleberd the council could not· see the way clear to grant a reduction, and the was instructed by Mayor Lloyd to so inform the association· A communication was received from the South 5an ~rancisco Chamber of Commerce, embodying a copy of a resolution adopted at its last meeting endorsing the Putteart system of garbage reduction, and the proposition to locate the same in South San Francisco Industz Area for the reduction of ~an Francisco's ~arbage. Communication accepted and placed on Ado~py Medeghini made application for a position on the police fores, having he the police force was to be enlarged. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. ~ociedad Mutualista ~,,~exicaca "~0RELOS", Inc., made application for a permit to a social dance in ~aternal Hall on ~aturday evening, April 13,195~, from_ 8 p.m. to I A.M. Permission granted. The.Manufacturers Association of ~outh ~an Francisco sent a written protest to council aga~ns~ granting permission to any outsiders to bring garbage to ~outh ~an Franc1 for reduction, stating their association at a regular meeting had unanimously opposed the construction of such a plant. E ayor Reese Lloyd stated there would be a meeting of the bodies interested at noon Thursday. A reply was received from the~rket ~treet Railway Company to the city's lette~ requesting that repairs be made to the tracks ~of the company,and 'roadbed of the same,near junction of Orange and ~and Avenues, neighbors there having again complained about the noi,, at night of the cars runni.ng rapidly over the sinking roadbed and tracks. The company stat the matter would be called to the attention of their engineering department, who would mak, repairs as soon as a crew was available. ~,ccepted and placed on file. J.W.B~cigalupi, dentist, applied for permission to make alterations in his off: in the Bank of ~outh ~an ?rancisco Bilding, the estima~e.d cost, ~'$B72.00. Permission grant~ The monthly report of City Treasurer,Ed.~O.Kauffmann, for the month ending ~/arch 193~, was received and accepted. T ~.Nder the head of unfinished business £1ouncilman ~bbetts stated the matter of r~ ing~nforan Avenue and Oak ~enue had been taken up end the work being taken care of. The application of James Parks for a barbecue restaurant license for the locati, 62~ Linden Avenue, w~s again referred to the cit~~ healt~ officer. ?he ap?lication of the proprietor of the Olden Eagle Ntel, Joseph Reichel, for refund of. personal property taxes in the amount of $E4.60, for the year 1950, was laid eve: till a future meeting. T~e application for a refund of taxes paid by Xfred L~edica in 1954 after filing exemption affidavit was, on motion by Councilman ~nucciani, regul~rl~~ carried, allowed in ' full amount of the claim, ,~ $4.?E. G Mr.W.H.Brownlee of the ~afe ~ard Che~k ~¥riters, appeared before the council and requested renewal of the ~10,000 check-writer policy, now expiring. On motion by Councitm~ B~ido, seconded by.Councilman ~.~inucciaui and regularly carried the policy was ordered renew and the claim of $~.00 allowed for the insurance for the two year period. Lnew check-wri machine w~s furnished with the polic, y. Claims in the amount of $B477.~0 ~ere next presented to the council for payment A Carlisle & Oompany Judge's court seal ~ 6.39 Louis Belloni ' feeding prisoners,Px rent ~ 4.20 Fred Brown painting safety zones ~ 16.00 Chas K.Elder lettering, signs,cit~~ hall ~ 22.50- Geo. A.Messier analysis ?~ reconcilation disputed taxes,etc, ~216.00 Pete Magnaghi painting safety zon,~s ~8.00 Ric Venturi, police gasoline ~' 13.09 California ~tate Auto Assn, ~otice ~oTY~ ~R'~?) ~ 2.97 Standard 0il Co., L~arch gasoline ~' 71.5~ Royal Supply Company Gardener's suDplies 12.20 J.B.Pilkingto~n, Irish,Golden & Juniper Yews 24.60 Highway Transport Co freight .38 W.°.Euller Company traffic lacquer 3£.29 American Bltumuls 267 gals bitumuls 20.83 M?Greenberg's Sons H~drant head & gasgets ~ 4·46 Foots Pierson & Co., register spring,fire dept ~ 1.76 Pac. Tel & Tel Co., Llarch phones ~ 63.01 Baden Cash ~tore materials for gardener ~ 8.16 J.Welch remov, dead dogs,cats, ~.~larch ~ 30.~0 California ?ac. Title Trust Co, report on Baden Lots $ ?~.00 Dr. J.O.McMills I. iarch phone ~ 3.25 0 N.Wilson typewriter ribbon f~' .75 Riohmon~ Pottery Inc., flower pots, cover~ 14.9§ To.City Lbr.& ~uppl~ Co., materials,street JFire depts 2.97 . . . ,, . . ~. ? g ' " " " " fire dept ~? ?~A~. Pacheco Electric Co., material & labor,Butler ~oad ~ 44.9~ 996 disbursements continued;- '' Pachoco Electric Co., Elobes, quards etc, $ 13.47 changing lamps ~and Ave~',. 10.00 labor , material 'i,inden Ave street lights $ 15.75 " " " traffic signal lamps ' 5.40 " " ~" ~,larch fire alarm mainten $ 20.00 The Enterprise Press letterheads ,clerk? ouncil$ 56.34 includ ng envelopes W.H.Brownlee, ~afe Cuard Check Writer Ins., ~ 5§.00 , ' 27.52 Geo.A.Kneess Yarch labor work gas tax ~ " " " " "Colma Creek $1S6.~9 Pcrta's garage bal due by fire dept ~ 1.~65 ~So.S.F..Chamber com~.erce April advertising '~ 25.00 Andrew Hynding public liability insurance co~:vering streets ,sidev,:alks Fac Gas & El.Co. J.B.Pil~ington W.~.Fuller Company Wm. Minucciani Superior Steam Laundry B.Br0wn Federal Laboratories, Inc. 2000 auto Cartridges and alleys $924.~5 Mtsc.gas Light ~,~ar $108,85 street lights ~'arch,~3B $602~32 Acacia Catapatia ? 29.72 traffic whi~e ~'~2.29 repair oil valve ~'~ 1.~0 wash fire houses March ~ 21.77 guarding Chubbuck Lime ~ $ 5.09 ~" 62.10 Marguerite Rutz' Pete ~agnaghl Fred Brown Dudley Perkins Rob ins 0n-Druggi s t ¢ alif. Water Ser,C o E. Ot tenfield tntrepretlng Mexican-case ~i 5.00 painting safety zonesL £~.00 ,, , ,,. ~ 22.00 service n~achine,ect ~i 1.5~ Stearn's Rat Pas~e Mar-Jul 32.03 h~drant rental t/arch :454.00 city hall water ~'arch 12.$0 library water I~arch 4.50 fountain,Fire house,Mar. 3.00 overtime special work ~i 18.75 Afred Eedica refund of taxes,1934, ' 4..72 Total~S4??. 30 The claims having been audited by the finence committee councilmau Tibbetts moved they be paid,Regularly carrie T~ere being no further business counCilman Tibbetts moved to adjourn until the next ~ regular meeting,~,~nday, April 15th,1935 at 8 o&lock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman BBido'::~ a~d~regularly carried Time of adjournment, 8.40 o'clock p.m. Approved Ee I~P ect full y submit t e d,