HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-08-05REGULAR i~EETI~G OF T~ CITY COUNCIL CITY OF SOUTH SNN FRANCISCO,HELD, MONDAY ,AUGUST 5th, 1935. The regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall,Monday evening, August 5th,1935. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by ~,~yor Reese Lloyd, ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the city council present,as follows;- Co~mcilmen,V.Boido~ J~2.Mager.M.Minucciani, R.LLoyd,R.Tibbetts. The minutes of the~ 3~ ~previo~s meetings were re~d. There being no errors or omissions, councilman ~I~.nucciani moved they ba adopted as read. The motion w~s seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. An application was received from John Tacchi'for permission to hold boxing, Wrestl~ and vaudeville acts in Fraternal Hall, weekly, on Thursdays, with damcing commencing atl0~P~'~ amd, to 12 P.M, only, The opening date to be Thursday,August l~th,193~. On motion, by counciln Boido, seconded hy co~Lucilman Minucciani,and regularly carried, the desired permit was grant~ Leo Hidalgo Murillo made aoolication for a business license to open a shoe repair~ shop at 805 Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman ~inucciani, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the permit was granted. Acknowledgment of the receipt~of the city's floral tribute to ~s. Alexander Welt~ was received, and accepted, A communication was received from t~e ~etropolitan Laundry Company,LtD.,stating they are paying~a l~ense fee of $12~ anr~uall~· as~a laundry, and that if the~ had taken out a license as a linen SupDly~'Laundry they would have to pay only $12 per annum. They askes if they may be classified as a Linen Supply Laundry and and operate under the $12 license fee. A reoresentative o~ the ~etropolitan Com?any appeared before the council in support of the company's request. He stated Linen Supply La~ndries were accepting wash from hotels, rooming houses, barber shoos,etc,other than towels. City attorney Coleberd asked if he had positive knowledge this was being done in South San Francisco by Linen Sure, ply Laundries. The ~etropolitan represntative stated he could not positively prove this ~as being done in South San Francisco, but it was in San ~rancisco. ~o~mcilman ~inucciani moved that the city licen~ collector be instructed to investigate the matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boi( and regularly carried. A communication was received from the Peninsula Division of the League of Califo~ M~micipalities stating the next meeting of the division will be hel~ Thursday, August l~t~, ~ at the Burlingame Co~.utry Club,Hillsborough, and requested to know how many city officials w( attend. Nayor Lloyd asked the city councilmen and officials ~resent how many wished to atte~ and seven signified their intention to be present at the meeting. Abraham AlDert of the Alpert Packing Company of San Francisco requested a refund $27.00, claiming to have been assessed for personal property in the Onited Packing Company's Dlant which he says he does not own. The City Attorney and the City Clerk were instructed investigate ~s to who owns the ~ersonal assessed to 1~. Alpert. The monthly reoorts of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Building Inspector,City J Health Officer, and City Clerk for the month ending July 31,were submitted to the council an, motion by CouncilmanTibbetts,seconded by Councilman Minucciani, and regularly carried were ? accepted and ~laced on file. iJ~yor Lloyd thanks the city officers for their promptness in attending to this duty. Claims in the amout of $8721.90were next ~resente,J~ to the city Co~&ncil for Daymen' Francisco Parenti Angelo Monettini A. Johnson E. Venburi A. Colombo C. Buzzi E. Kozlowski J. Fambrini R. Bisagno C. Robinson V. Ullery J. Feri P. Penoskt J. Mayerle R. Smith C. Rinehart E. Milani R. Petrocchi J. Bernardo L. Imprescia L. Savares C. Begnal C. Begna! Paul Svanorsio George A. Kneese 11 Il I1 ,, ,, So.City_ Lumber Co, ti t! II II ti II Union Oil Co. Clearing weeds ~rom stdwalk-on ac~t$ 100.00 II Il II II on account 100.00 Attending fires 8.00 " " 2.00 " " 2.00 " " 5.50 , ,i 5.50 ~ ~ 3.50 " ~ 6.50 " ~ 4°00 ~ ~ 7.00 ~ ~' 5.00 ~ ~ 3.50 " ~ ' ' 6.50 ~ 'i ~ &, 6.00 ~ ~ 1.00 ~ ~ 4.00 ~ ~ 8.50 , ~ 6.50 7.00 ~ ~ 6.50 12 dys.relief driver-Fire Dept. 60.00 Attending Fires 10.00 Erecting watctE~n's quarters 230.00 Engineering & Sup.of Division St. 15.84 Work on sewer on Eucalyptus Ave. 4.99 Constrt~ction of sidewalks on Orange 22.00 Checking Permit for Water Dept. 8.00 Const.of bridge across Linden Ave. 305.88 Work to be done with State Gas Tax Fund 194.70 App.,or Co!ma Creek project S.E.R.A.142.23 Con.mix, 2 sacks, cement paper 2.~ Wood preserver-City Hot House 28.20 Crusher, run, etc. 209.83 Sash cor, nails, etc. 5.88 Gasoline and oil 191.71 Councilmen. V.Bcido ~. J~ ?.Mager M.Minucciani, R.~Z~J~.R.Tibbetts. The minutes o£ the .~. :previous meezings were read. There being no errors or omissions, councilman ~.nucc~an~. moved they bs adopted as read. The motion w~s seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. An application was received from John Tacchi~ for permission to hold boxing, Wrestling and vaudeville acts in ~raternal Hall, weekly, on Thursdays, w~th damcing commencing a~d, to 12 ~.M, only, The opening date to be Thursday,August l~th,193~. On motion by councilman Boido, seconded by councilman Minucciani,and regularly carried, the desired permit was granted. Leo Hidalgo Murillo made application for a business license to open a shoe repairing shod at 80~ Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman ~inuociani, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the permit was gra~ted. Acknowledgment of the receipt~ of the city's floral tribute to ~Lrs. Alexander Welte, was received, and aceeptedJ A comm~mication was received from t~e i~etropolitan Laundry Company,LtD. ,stating they are paying~a l~cense fee of $12~ annually' as~a laundry, and that if the~ had taken out a license as a linen Sup~lyLaundry they would have to pay only $12 per annum. They~ askes if they may be classified as a Linen Supply Laundry and and operate under the $12 license fee. A re.~resentative o~~ the ~ietropolitan Company appeared before the council in support of the company's request. Re stated Linen Supply Laundries were accepting wash from hotels, rooming houses, barber sho~s,etc,other than towels. City attorney Coleberd asked i£ he had positive knowledge this was being done in South San Erancisco by Linen Supply Laundries. The ~etropolitan represntative stated he could not positively p~ove this ~as being done in South San Francisco, but it was in San ~rancisco. Co~mcilman i~inucciani moved that the city license collector be instructed to investigate the matter. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. A communication was received from the Peninsula Division of the League of Californi I~micipalities stating the next meeting of the division will be held Thursday, August 15th, 193 at the Burlingame Country Club,Hillsborough, and requested to kno~ how many city officials woul attend. ~Aayor Lloyd asked the city councilmen and o£ficials present how many wished to attend, and seven signified their intention to be present at the meeting. Abraham A1Dert of the Alpe~t Packing Company of' San ~rancisco requested a refund of $27.00, claiming to have been assessed for personal property in the ~nited Packing Company's plant which he says he does not own. The City Attorney and the City Clerk were instructed to investigate ~s to who owns the personal assessed to ~r. Alpert. The monthly re~orts of the Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Building Inspector,City Jud~ Health Officer, and City Clerk for the month ending July 31,were submitted to the council and motion by CouncilmanTibbetts,seconded by Councilman Minucciani, and regularly carried were accepted and ~laced on file. L~yor Lloyd thanks the city o££icers for their promptness in attending to this duty. Claims in the amout of $8~21.90were next ~resente,~ to the city Co~ncil for pa,~ment:- Francisco Parenti Angelo Monettini A. Johnson E. Ven~uri A. Colombo C. Buzzi E. Kozlowski J. Fambrini R. Bisagno C. Robinson V. Ullery J. Feri P. Penoski J. Mayerle R. Smith C. Rinehart E. Milani R. Petrocchi J. Bernardo L. Impre scia L. Savares C. Begnal C. Begna! Paul Svanorsio George A. Kneese IA II !1 Il Il So.City~Lumber Co. II !1 Il Elmer' s Floral Shop Calif. Pao.Title&Trust San Mateo County Title Enterprise Press Clearing weeds ~rom stdwalk-on acct$ 100.00 !1 II II II on accou_ut 100.00 Attending fires 8.00 " " 2.00 " " 2.00 " " 5.50 " ,i 5.50 ~ '~ 3.50 " fi' 6.50 " ~ 4.00 fi fi 7.00 " '~' 5.00 " ~ 3.50 'i ,i ' 6.50 ,i ti 6. O0 ,i ,i 1.00 '~ '~ 4.00 ,i ,~ 8.50 '~ ~ 6.50 " '} 7.00 ;' 6.50 12 dys.relief driver-Fire Dept. 60.00 Attending Fires 10.00 Erecting watchman' s quarters 2~0.00 Engineering & Sup.of Division St. 15.84 Work on sewer on Eucalyptus Ave. 4.99 Construction of sidewalks on Orange 22.00 Checking Permit for Water Dept. 8.00 Const.of bridge across Linden Ave. 305.88 Work to be done with State Gas Tax Fund 194.70 App.for Colma Creek project S.E.R.A.142.23 Con.mix, 2 sacks, cement paper 2.~ Wood preserver-City Hot House 28.20 Crusher, run, etc. " 209.83 Sash ocr, nails, etc. 5.88 Gasoline and oil 191.71 Wreath sent to Mrs. Welte 10.00 Right-of-way report01d San Bruno Rd. 20.00 Daily reports for July 1.50 Official Receipts, binders, etc. 71.50 248 Amount brought forward.... .... ............ A. Carlisle & Co. Pets. prop. Volume #2, etc. Calif. State Auto Assn. "No.U turn" sign, etc. Pac.Tel. &Tel. Co. Number 626 " " " City phones for July' Gamewell Co. 2 winding keys for gong-Fire Dept. 55.86 24.32 2.50 46.05 2.25 Union Paving C°. Arndt's Dept.Store S. Minetti Bank of America Standard 0il A.Marcucci Harvey E. Conner Royal Supply Co. Pac. Gas.& Electric . . . . Postmaster 'So. S.F. Dr. J. 0. McMills Louis Belloni Geo.N.Messier Pacheco Electric A. J. P&checo . . . Calif.Water Serv. " " II II Il Il Re~airing broken pavement on Orange Ave.,etc.205.00 4436.75 ~rand, Linden and Railroad Ave. Caps and flags 1 rubber bulb and 1 stem Gordon Rowe Co. - Accounting Gasoline & oil Clerical. work July 15 ~o Aug. 3rd. Labor and material-Division St. sewer Welch Poundmaster-removing cats & dogs-July ~terhouse-Lester-Scovel . Co. Linkbelt chain-Fire Dept Superior Steam Laundry Wash-July-Fife'Dept. Materials July-Street Lighting Various accounts - July 100 stamped envelopes - Police Dept. Phone service - July - August Feeding prisoners -.July Airdrome Transport Co. "Sierra Roadlights" Police Dept. Johnson Service Sra. Gas - Police Department Labor and Service from May 1st to July 31st Repair to Fire Alarm- Telephone system Maintaining fire alarm system - July Changing lamps on street lights Water service - Library 470 Fountains - Fire House - July Hydrant rental - July Water service-City Hall-baseball park-July 2.75 1.15 225.00 60.12 74.25 219.80 35.50 47.59 13.39 1.90 602.52 81.03 32.52 6.50 4.28 8.63 13.82 85,50 23.45 20.00 4.50 27.30 8.27 456.00 79.95 Total $8.721.90 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by co',ncilman M ager and regularly carried. Under unfinished business 3olice Chief Bellone stated the Di Felli~,pi mauure pile was mostly removed. Building Ins~ector W~lte stated the Union Oil ~o's 10 day period of notice had expired and the permit to construct would be in order. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,secended by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried permission to construct was granted. Jnder the h~ad of new business ~ayor Rees Lloyd asked the council fora leave of absence to leave the state for one month. On motion by councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman ~iinucciani and regularly carried the request was granted. ~nder the head of Good and Welfare, none. Co~mcilman Einucciani moved the council refer ~ack to New Business. The motion was seconded oy Councilman D~ger and, regularly c~rrieS, Co~ci]man Tibbetts thereupon suggested the salaries of the city empolyees be raised 10%, they having sustained a cut of 10~ in June 1932. Councilman ~inucciani stated 10~ raise on their present salaries would not be the full 10~ cut . Councilman mager suggested a motion be ~nade to restore the salaries of the empolyees to the old rate before the cut. As several new city emjloyees were not on the city payroll at the time of the cut,and had raises since en~,loyment,it was decided to request City ~ttorney Coleberd to draw up a resol- ution specifying the restoration amounts of the various employees. Troop 70 , Boy Scouts of South San Francisco appeared in a body before the city council and received a Welcome off by ~I~ayor Rees Lloyd for the boy scouts goinE to Washington, ~ames, Balopoulos and Joe Wilson . Dr.Nc~Govern will accompany the boys. · , .,' Ric ~enturi, secretary of the Citizen's committee which made possible the trip of the boys to the Scout's Eamboree Convention introduced the troop to the council. Delegates Balouoolos and Wilson made neat speeches, and Joe Wilson presented l~ayor Lloyd with an honorary membership in Troop 70 of South San Francisco and a badge of organization, l~yor Lloys thanked the boys for the honor, and wished them a pleasant, enjoyable and interesting trip to the nation's C~pitol. City attorney Coleberd, former ~J~yor Quinlan,Dr.~cGovern, L~. ~rndt N~ade interestin~ talks, wishing the boys every enjoyment in.their travels and a safe journey to the Jamboree at Washington and return. There being no further business bo£ore the board Co~mcilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn until Wednesday evening, August 7th,193~,at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;4~ p.m. Approved~(~~~ D~yor o~T--S~utn ~Francisco Respectfully submitted,