HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1935-08-19REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE C I TY OF S0 UTH SAN FRANC I ~ CO, HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 19,1935. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Monday evening,August 19th,1935. In the absence of Mayor Reese Lloyd Councilman Tibbetts' moved that Councilman ~ager be selected Mayor Pro Tem. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Mayor pro tern Mager then took the chair at 8 o'clock p.m. and called for the roll call. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the city council present,as follows;- Councilmen, ~.Boido, J.F.Mager,M.Minucciani ,R. Tibbetts. Absent, Councilman, DMyor Reese Lloyd. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissicns they were approved as read. An application was received from John Ruggeri,asking for permission to install an additional 55o gallon tank at his gasoline station,l~$46 San Bruno Road. As no notice of intention had been posted Fire Chief ~Velte was instructed to post the red notice upon the premises, for the ten day period. Engineer Klassen received notice from the California PacificTitle & Trust Company that they hold a deed of easement from the California ¥~ater Service Company to the City of South San Francisco for a right of way for the waters of Colma and Baden Creek water sheds, when the Works Progress Administration approves the project and the city's share is made available. Communication accepted and placed on file. The Pacific Tel & Tel Company submitted a statement showing the amount of busines done their fiscal year and the amount due the City of South San Francisco under franchise,Ordi- nance No.83, and the same ~to be $819.69, a check for which was enclosed. Communication and check accepted. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company made request for permission to open a trench in Second Lane to install a 2" gas main. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the request grant e d. This being the date set for the opening of bids to furnish and rent to the City of South San Francisco, equipment for the purpose of widening and straightening Colma and ~aden Creeks, councilman Minucciani moved the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido, and re~ularly carried;- Th~ followin~ bids were then opened;- Bid of W.~.Peterson; one ~ yard ~ragline $6.8~ per hour, ~i75.00 for moving. J.S.Baker,One-1 yard Dragline shovel complete $6.88"" " " " Two-four-yard ~ump Trucks ~3.45"" " " " One Caterpillar & Bulldozer $Z'85 "" Com~leste with oil-g~soline and crew. William Trimble, 45 HP ALLIS CHALL~RS TRACTOR,equioed with Bulldozer,szraper and 2ipper, new,wide gau~e;- $5.00 per hour. A.Morton, two,four to~ifive yd,~ trucks $2.75 per hour,each. L.C.Smith, One Lima 101; l~ya~d gas shovel $6~.00 Der day,8 hrs. ~' ~' ' One Caterpillar Tractor ,Bulldozer ~ 4.00 per hour. $75. for moving shovel a~d ~25.00 transportation of Tractor. Contractor's ~chinery Ezchange, One,Osgood Conqueror Dragline,one cu-yard Page R.C.D~-agline Bucket,S7.65 ~,er hour. All bids were laid over for further investigation.~nd await word from the W.P,A. A resolution increasing the s~laries of certain °f£~cers and employees of the City of South San Francisco was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts, and was adopted by the votes of all the members of the council present:s follows, Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,J.F.Mager, M.~inucciani, ~.Tibbetts. Noes,Co~mcilmen,None, Absent,Councilmen,Reese Lloyd. Attest, Daniel McSwee~ey City Cler2. R.Tibbetts,Chairman Convention Com.expsnses Blgme C.Begnal relief fireman Burroughs Adding Machine Co 6 mo maintenance Bashford S~ith blue prin~s,etc The Seagrave Corporation Jackshaft Sprockets South City Lumber ~JL Su?ply Co. materials parks The ~terorise Press City Bank Checks ,, ,, " Print Inv. Seal Pro~s ~red J.Lautze Hockwald Chemical Co John Cosa The EnterDrise Rress ~ 5.55 15.65 99.~2 $ .7o ~ 18.0~ drainage ~anal Eqlii]~,'t ~ 27.00 charge battery,etc,fire $~'~.21 fleeced lined undes $ 7.87 rem 5 dags June-July ~ 5.00 notice meeting Board Equalizati~ 2.00 Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol. S and page 497. ORDINANCE N0.185. Ordinance No.185,entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING TRE DISTRIBUT~0N OF ADV~.-~TIoING MATTER IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND RE!EALING ORDINANCE N0.158 OF SAID CITY",had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the'City of South San Francisc~ by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,J.F.D~ger,~.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts. Noes,Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,Reese Lloyd. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol.2,at ~age 252. Claims in the amount of $770.19 were next presented ~o the council for payment:- W.P.Fuller & Company, shingle stain ~ 6.80 - ~ 5.00 ~25.00 Roll call found the following members of the city council present,as follows;- Councilmen, ];.Boido, J.F.Nager,l~i.Minucciani,R.Tibbetts. Absent, Councilman, ~;~yor geese Lloyd· The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissicns they were approved as read. An application was received from John Ruggeri,asking for permission to install an additional 55o gallon tank at his gasoline station,l$46 San Bruno Road. As no notice of intention had been posted Fire Chief Welte was instructed to post the red notice upon the premises, for thm ten day period. Engineer Klassen received notice from the California £acificTitle & Trust Company that they hold a deed of easement from the California ~,~a~er Service Company to the City of South San ~rancisco for a right of way for the waters of Colma and Baden Creek water sheds, when the Works Progress Administration approves the project and the city's share is made available· Communication accepted and placed on file. The Pacific Tel & Tel Company submitted a statement showing the amount of busines done their fiscal year and the amount due the City of South San Francisco under £ranchise,br~i- nance No. SZ, and the same ~to be $819.69, a check for which was enclosed. Communication and check accepted. The Pacific Gas & Electric Company made request for permission to open a trench in Second Lane to install a 2" gas main. Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the request grant e d. This being the date set for the opening of bids to furnish and rent to the City of South San Francisco, equipment for the purpose of widening and straightening Colma and Oaden Creeks, councilman Minucciani moved the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by councilm&n Boido, and re~ularly carried;- Th8 followin~ bids were then opened;- Bid of W.E.Peterson; one I yard ~ragline ~6.88 per hour, ~75.00 for moving· $6.88 " " J.S.Baksr,One-1 yard Dragline shovel complets $3.45"" " " " Two-four-yard Dump Trucks " " " One Caterpillar & Bulldozer $3'85 "" Com~leste with oil-gasoline and crew. William Trimble, 45 HP ALLIS CHAL~RS TRACTOR,equioed with Bulldozer,s~raper and 2ipper, new,wide gauge;- $5.00 per hour. A.~iorton, two,four to~.ifive Yd~ trucks $2.75 per hour,each· L.C.Smith, One Lima 101; l~"ya~d gas shovel $65.00 oer day,8 hrs. " ~' ' One Caterpillar Tractor ,Bulldozer ~ 4.00 per hour· $75. for moving shovel a~d ~25.00 transportation of Tractor. Contractor's ~chinery Ezchange, One,Osgood Conqueror Dragline,one cu-yard Page R.C.D~agline Bucket,~7.65 ~,er hour. All bids were laid over for further investigation.and await word from the W.P.A. A resolution increasing the salaries of certain °f£~cers and employees of the City of South San Francisco was introduced by Councilman Tibbetts, and was adopted by the votes of all the members of the council present;s follows, Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,J,F.Mager, M.Einucciani, H.Tibbetts. Noes,Co~ncilmen,None, Absent,Cbuncilmen,Reese Lloyd. Attest, Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. R.Tibbetts,Chairman Convention Com.expsnses Blgme C .Begnal relief fireman Bashford Smith i~lue prin~s,etc The Seagrave Core. oration Jackshaft Sprockets South City Lumber ~JL Su~,ply Co. materials Darks ~' 18 0~ · 27.00 Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2 and page 497. ORDINANCE N0.185. Ordinance No.185,entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DISTRIBUTION OF ADV~o~TI~ING MATTER IN T~E CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AND RE!EALING ORDINANCE N0.158 OF SAID CITY",had its second reading and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the~City of South San Francisco by the following vote;- ~yes, Councilmen,V.Boido,J.F.D~ger,~.Minucciani, R.Tibbetts. Noes,Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,Reese Lloyd· Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk· Recorded in Book of Ordinances, Vol.2,at page 252. Claims in the amount of $770.19 were next presented ~o the council for payment:- W.P.Fuller & Company, shingle stain ~ 6.80 ! 5.00 ~5.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Co 6 mo maintenance 5.55 ~ 15.65 99.~2 Z.70 The ~terorise Press City Bank Checks Print Inv. Seal Pro~s drainage ~anal Equi~'t charge battery,etc,£ire $~ ~.21 fleeced lined undes ~ $ 7.8~ rem 5 dags June-July v~ 5.00 notice meeting Board Equalizat~ 2.00 clerical labor Clerk's & Tax ~ii A0.50 paving C~muings Avenue $487.~9 materials,etc v~ 8.08 Fred J.Lautze Hockwald Chemical Co John Cosa The Enterprise Rress Antoinette ]¢mrcucci J.S.Baker LNar's Garage Claims continued, Francisco ~arenti Angelo Moneitini balance due cutting weeds Total 1.98 .1.98 770.19 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani ~oved they be paid. The motic, n was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business the city attorney reported not yet ready on the proposed ordinance to ~educe the penalties on tax delinquencies, and an ordinance to abate nuisances being considered. Under the head of New 3usiness Engineer Klassen reported it ~as necessary for the city to be on record as havin~ the amount of money available for its share of the contribution to finance the pro~ect of deepening the canal of Colma Creek, and to authorize the city clerk to e~ecute ~, a certificate to the Works Progress Administration before the matter could be approved by the government. Councilman Tibbetts accordingly introduced a resolution of the City of South San Fra~ cisco authoriEing the City Clerk to execute such certificate. The resolution was adopted by tl votes of all the members of the city council present.as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, J.~.~ager, ~.~inucciani, R.Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman, Reese Lloyd. Attest Daniel McSweeney, ~ City Clerk. ~ecoeded in Book of ResOlutions, Vol.~iL2, at page 498. ~uilding Insoector Welte received applications for a building~permit to make alterat to the Zamaaski building, 37X Grand Avenue in the estimated amount of $~00, and one for a )~ermit to make alterations to the front of the Annie Cunningha~ at 367 Grand Ave,in the sum of ~i~400. Permits o~dered granted. There being no further business Councilmau Tibbetts moved to adjourn until ~onday, August 26th,193~,at 8 o'clock,p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;1~ O'clock p.s. Approved pro tem of South Sa~ FranciscO ~ie~pectfully submitte~