HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-04-20REGULAR ~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~E CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCo, HELD MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1936. The regular mee~ting of the City Council of the City of South San Fraucisco was held in the .city hall Monday evening, April 20, 1936. The meeting was called to order at 8.00 o'clock p.m, by Mayor Reese Llol~i ROLL CALL Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows: Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, M. Minucci~ani, R. Tibbetts, Reese Lloyd The minutes~ of the two previous meetings were read, omissions they were approved as read. There being no errors or The reading of communications was dispensed with. Claims in the amount of $1~15.02 were next presented for payment: Isabell Brawn Ellen Carmody M. Guistetto H. A. Cavassa Leta Koellner Me llie Cohen Ambrosia Cerri ~. Gianne cchini Tom Cosgrove Helen Hickey C. Holbrook Anita Pera S. Balopulos Vera Gsell M. Laufer R. DeLuca J. Galli C. Begnal H. Pera J. Curti L. Penna C. Mercks Antionette Kozlowski Mildred Foley Edward Borba Desire Palany Wm. Locatelli Frances Rinehart Antoinette Marcucci C. D. Rush E. Milani Fred Brown J. Corse So. City Lumber Co. Pacheco Electric Co. A. J. Pacheco A. J. Pacheco D. W. Ratto Southern P'acific Co. So. S. F. Hospital fl II Andrew Hynding B. J. Rodondi Dudley Perkins 0slrock Asphalt Co. J. 0. McMills F. C. Thomas Furniture Co. California Pacific Title Co. Southern Pacific Co. C. Bollazzi Emer.son Manufacturing Co. The ~ F, uterpris e Bertucelli and Nannini San Mateo Co. Title Co. A. Carlisle & Co. E. Venturini~l and V. Pariani J. Souza Rent,, ga,r, age for election It II II ~I II Services bn election board ti fl fl ti fl II ti II Il Il TI Il Il tl I1 Il II Il It fl fl Il fl Il V0 hours cutting grass 68 "-Unloading rock 72 " painting fire hydrants 14 hrs. putting up flags 10e00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 38.00 34.00 36.00 ?.00 64 hours working around city park 32.00 V6 " .lab,o,r digging around tree38.00 ?6 " " " 38.00 44 " "turning manure services on election board fl Il fl fl fl TI 11 II 5 days labor on sample ballots Special Police Apr. 14 Bronzing City ~all doors 3 days putting up and taking down election booths removing 5 dogs March Supplies Linden Ave Bridge Installing couplite flower star repairs street si~nal Grand and Linden Aves. run A C feed to tower clocks rent yard and bldg. space Linden Ave. 2/25 to 3~25 expense in connection with in- speding sewer installation under tracks for sanitary sewer 2 ex. for alcoholism 3 ~ ~ quarterly audit due on Pol. public liability prem. Judge Dinning bond 1 battery for motorcycle 15.50 tons calrock Phone Ha!th Dep. March 1 floss mattress fire house Litigation report on property of California Water Service freight on calrock supplies city hall 1 flag printing horniness for office and 4 h~l~f ..cards t case ~flush daily reports March i index to assessment roll balance due contract pile driving Linden Avenue -assigned contract of J. D. Neall 64 hours work on city park 22.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 5.00 12.00 20.00 5.00 6.V3 26 .V5 11.50 13.44 35.00 69.45 5.00 ?.50 98.51 25.00 ll.5V 63.86 3.25 10.80 200.00 18.60 7.88 35.04 7.50 2.32 1.50 12.57 602.25 32.00 ~1,815.02 RO.LL Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows: Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, M. Ninucci~ani, R. Tibbetts, Reese Lloyd The minutes' of the two previous meetings were read, omissions they were approved as read. There being no errors or The reading of communications was dispensed with. Claims in the amount of $1815.02 were next presented for payment: Isabell Brawn Ellen Carmody M. Guistetto H, A. Cavassa Leta Koellner Nellie Cohen Ambrosia Cerri .. Giannecchini om Cosgrove He len Hickey C. Holbrook Anita Pera S. Balopulos Vera Gsell M. Laufer R. De. Luca J. Galli C. Begnal H. Pera J. Curti L. Penna C. Mercks Antionette Kozlowski Mildred Foley Edward Borba Desire Palany Wm. Locatelli Frances Rinehart Antoinette Marcucci C. D. Rush E. Milaui F~ed Brown J. Corse So. City Lumber Co. Pacheco Electric Co. A. J. Pacheco A. J, Pacheco D. W. Ratto Southern Pacific Co. So. S. F. Hospital l! II Andrew Hynding B. J. Rodondi Dudley Perkins 0slrock Asphalt Co. J. 0. McMills F. C. Thomas Furniture Co. California Pacific Title Co. Southern Pacific Co. C. Bollazzi Emers. on Manufacturing Co. The ' F, uterpri s e Bertucelli and Nannini San Mateo Co. Title Co. A. Carlisle & Co. E. Venturini~ and V. Pariani J, Souza Rent,, ga,r, age for election, Il Services On election board ti II !1 TI II Il Il Ii Il II Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il Il tl I1 76 hours cutting grass 68 "~ unloading rock 72 " painting fSre hTdrants 14 hrs. putting up flags $ 10,00 10.00 10.00 10,00 10,00 10.00 10,00 10,00 10,00 10.00 10.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 38.00 34.00 36.00 V.O0 64 hours working around city park 32.00 76 " .lab,o,r digging around tree38.00 76 " " " 38. O0 44 " "turning manure services on election board fl fl Il Il Il Il Il fl Il Il 5 days labor on sample ballots Special Police Apr. 14 Bronzing City Eall doors 3 days putting up and taking down election booths removing 5 dogs March Supplies Linden Ave Bridge Installing couplite flower star repairs street si~;;nal Grand and Lind en Ave s. run A C feed to tower clocks rent yard and bldg. space Linden Ave. 2/25 to 3~25 expense in connection with in- speding sewer installation under tracks for sanitary sewer 2 ex. for alcoholism 3 n quarterly audit due on Pol. public liability prem. Judge Dinning bond I battery for motorcycle 15.50 tons calrock Phone Halth Dep. March I floss mattress fire house Litigation report on property of California Water Service freight on calrock supplies city hall i flag printing horniness for office and 4 h~.l_f ..cards t case ~Ig-flush daily reports March I index to.assessment roll balance due contract pile driving Linden Avenue -assigned contract of J. D. Neall 64 hours work on city park 22.00 10,00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 20,00 5.00 12.00 20.00 5.00 6.73 26.75 11,50 13.44 35,00 69.45 5.00 7.50 98.51 25.00 11.57 63,86 3.25 10,80 200,00 18.6 0 9.88 35,04 7.50 2.32 1.50 12.57 602.25 32. qo ~1,815,02 296 The claims having been audited by the finance committee, Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilmau Minucciani and regular- ly. carried. Councilman Ninucciani made a motion to open the absent voter's ballots. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Councilman Mager and Elizabeth 0ttenfield ware appointed tally derks, and Councilman Boido was appointed judge. The ballots were then opened and showed the following re- sult s: That the number of votes cast by absent voters is four and the votes cast for each candidate by said absent voters are as follows: Members of City Council - Full Term Albert J. Eschelbach Thomas Fitzgerald Ha~lon Reese Lloyd Michele Minucciani David William Ratto Herman Scampini Roderi ck Tibbett s Members of the City Council - Short Term 1 2 4 3 none John Francis Mager John Tacchi Enrico H. Ventu~i 2 1 1 For City Clerk: For City Treasurer: Daniel McSweeney 2 Edward Philip Kaufi~nann 3 The result of the canvass of the four consolidated precincts of the City of South San Francisco showed the following votes: Members of the City Council - Full ter~: Albert J. Eschelbach Thomas Fitzgerald Hanlon Reese Lloyd Michele Minucciani David William Ratto Herman Scampini Roderick Tibbetts Chas. Grant (No office designated) 836 548 652 V36 1213 685 698 1 Members of City Council - Short Term John Francis Mager John Tacchi Enrico H. Venturi 910 386 622 For City Clerk: For City Treasurer: Daniel McSweeney Harry Cavassa 153V 1 Edward Philip Kaufi~,~ann Charles Graut Joe Di Nardi Albert Kleemeyer 1378 1 1 The combined total vote of the absentee voters and the f$ur consolidated precincts of the City of South San Francisco showed the total number of votes cast for each candidate as follows: Members of the City Council - F~ll Term Albert J. Eschelbach 83V Thomas Fitzgerald Hanlon 549 Reese Lloyd 652 Michele Minuc ciani V38- David William Ratto 12tV Herman Scampini 688. Roderi ck Tibbetts 698. Chas. Grant (No office designated) i Members of City Council - Short Term John Francis Mager John Tacchi Enrico H. Venturi 912 38V 623 For City Clerk: Daniel McSweeney Harry Cavassa 1539 1 Albe~t J. Eschelbach Thomas Fitzgerald Ha~!on Reese Lloyd Michele Minucciani David William Ratto He rmau Scampini Roderick Tibbetts 'l 1 2 3 none Members of the City Council - Short Term John Francis Mager John Tacchi Enrico H. Venturi 2 1 1 For City Clerk: For City Treasurer: Daniel McSweeney Edward Philip Kauffmann 2 3 The result of the canvass of the four consolidated precincts of the City of South San Francisco showed the following votes: Members of the City Council - Full ter~: Albert J. Eschelbach Thomas Fitzgerald Hanlon Reese Lloyd Michele Minucciani David William Ratto Herman Scampini Roderick Tibbetts Chas. Grant ( No of fi ce designated) 836 548 652 V36 1213 685 698 1 Members of City Council - Short Term John F~ancis Mager John Tacchi Enrico H. Venturi 910 386 622 For City Clerk: For City Treasurer: Daniel McSweeney Harry Cavassa 1537 ! Edward Philip Kauffmann Charles Grant Joe Di Nardi Albert Kleemeyer 13V8 1 1 The combined total vote of the absentee voters and the four consolidated precincts of the City of South San Francisco showed the total number of votes cast for each candidate as follows: Members of the City Council - Full Term Albert J. Eschelbach 83V Thomas Fitzgerald Hanlon 549 Reese Lloyd 652 Michele Minucciani V38- David William Ratto 12tV Herman Scampini 688. Roderick Tibbetts 698. Chas. Grant (No office designated) I Members of City Council - Short Term John Francis Mager John Tacchi Enrico H. Venturi 912 387 623 For City Clerk: Daniel McSweeney Harry Cavassa 1539 1 Election Results continued: For City Treasurer: Edward Philip KaufI~nann Charles Grant Joe Di Nardi Albert Kleemeyer 1378 1 1 That the result of the vote cast showed the following candidates elected: For membe~ of City Council - Full Term Albert J. Eschelbach, Michele ~iinUcciani and David ~Villiam Ratto For members of City Council - Short Term John Francis Mager For City Clerk - D~uieI McSweeney For City Treasurer - Edward Philip Kauffmann Councilman Mager introduced a resolution canvassiFn~ the returns of the general municipal election held in t he City of South San rancisco April 14, 1936. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the city council, as follows: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, Reese Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None Attesti~ Daniel McSweene~, City Clerk, By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy Recorded in Book of Resolutions - Vol. 3 at page A~l 48 and 46 Councilmen Tibbetts introduced a resolution directing~the~ payment of $602-25 to E. Venturini and V. Pariaini ~balence due ,them~under assigned con- tract from James D. Neall f~ furnishing and driving certain Douglas fir piles on Linden Avenue in said city. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the city council, as follows: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, Reese Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen . None Attest: Daniel ~icSweeney, City Clerk By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy Recorded in Book of Hesolutions - Vol. 3 at page ,? Mayor Lloyd then declared a recess of ten minutes. During this recess Luigt Galiano stepped forward and presented Councilman elect D. W. Ratto a boquet of roses. Mr. Silvio Nieri interpreted his words in which Mr. Galiano said he was glad we have our first Italian Mayor and Mr. Ratto is the best mayor we ever had. The Councilmem were then swor~ in and on motion of Councilman Minucciani, Mr. RattoL 'was elected I~ayor. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager ~and regularly carried. Edward P. Kauffmann was also sworn in as City Treasurer. Mayor Ratto then addressed the people who gathered in the Council Chambers and thanked the~peepl~ for their support. He outlined his program for the improve- ment of the municipal administratbn of the city for a more efficient police and health department and for recreational areas for the community. The fire depart- ment was commended for its work. He then appointed Councilman Boido chairman of the Police Commission, Councilman Mager chairman of the Fire Commission, Councilman Minucciani chairman of the Finance cormmission and Councilman A. J. Eschelbach chairman of the street and purchasing committees, stressing the fact t~ supplies be purchased in the City of South San Francisco in so far as possible. Councilman Eschelbach next addressed the audience and thanked the people for their support at the election, and pledge~ that every city employee would keep his position as long as he did his work and his behavior was good. He said he hoped the board would be a five man council. Councilman Mager addressed the people, thanking them for their vote and that he would do his best to warrant their confidence. He also stated the board would prove to the people that it was not a one man board. Councilman Minucciaui addressed the people, thanked them for their support at the election and said he hoped to be able to accomplish things that they were not able to do in the past. Councilman Boido was called on and he as his desire to work with the new members of the council for the betterment of the city. A number of businessmen horseshoe. of the city presented the new council with a floral The first order of business for the new council was a communication from the Young Voters Leag~eof South San Francisco asking permission to usethe City Hall as a meeting place. Theycongr~tulated the newly elected officers and extended an open invitation to attend their meeting V~eduesday at Club Metro. Councilman Eschelbach made a motion to grant the league permission to hold their meetings in the city hall. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager, with the provision Albert J. Eschelbaeh, Mtchele Minu~cciani and David Willism Ratto For members of City Council - Short Term John Francis Nager For City Clerk - DanieI McSweeney For Cit~ Treasurer - Edward Philip Kauffmann Councilman Mager introduced a resolution canvassing the returns of the general municipal election held in the City of South San Francisco April 1938. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the city council, as follow s: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, Reese Llo~i, R. Tibbetts, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None Attesti~ Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk, By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy Recorded in Book of Resolutions - Vol. 3 at page ~# 45 and 46 Councilmen TibbettS' introduced a resolution directing~ the payment of $602.25 to E. Venturini and V. Pariaini ~balance due ~th~m under assigned con- tract from James D. Neall f~ furnishing and driving certain Douglas fir piles on Linden Avenue in said city. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of the city council, as follows: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, Reese Lloyd, R. Tibbetts, N. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen ~ None Attest: Daniel ~icSweeney, City Clerk By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy Recorded in Book of Hesolutions - Vol. 3 at page ,? Mayor Lloyd then declared a recess of ten minutes. During this recess Luigi Galiano stepped forward and presented Councilman elect D. W. Ratto a boquet of roses. Mr. Silvio Nieri interpreted his words in which Mr. Galiano said he was glad we have our first Italian ~iayor and Mr. Ratto is the best mayor we ever had. The Councilmem were then sworm in and on motion of Councilman Minucciani, Mr. Ratto~ was elected Mayor. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager ~and regmlarly carried. Edward P. Kauffmann was also sworn in as City Treasurer. Mayor Ratto then addressed the people who gathered in the Council Chambers and thanked the~peei01~ for their support. He outlined his program for the improve- ment of the municipal administratbn of the city for a more efficient police and health department and for recreational areas for the community. The fire depart ment was commended for its work. He then appointed Councilman Boido chairman of the Police Commission, Councilman Mager chairman of the Fire Commission, Councilman Minucciani chairman of the Finance commission and Councilman A. J. Eschelbach chairman of the street and purchasing committees, stressing the fact supplies be purchased in the City of South San Francisco in so far as possible. Councilman Eschelbach next addressed the audience and thanked the people for their support at the election, and pledged that every city employee would keep his position as long as he did his work and his behavior was good. He sai he hoped the board would be a five man council. CounciLman Mager addressed the people, thanking them for their vote and tha he would do his best to warrant their confidence. He also stated the board w oul prove to the people that it was not a one man board. Councilman ~iinucciani addressed the people, thanked them for their support at the election and said he hoped to be able to accomplish things that they were not able to do in the past. Councilman Boido was called on and he/~idwas-- his desire to work with the new members of the council for the betterment of the city. A number of businessmen of the city presented the new council with a flora horseshoe. The first order of business for the new council was a communication from th Young Voters Leagmeof South San Francisco asking permission to usethe City Hall as a meeting place. Theycongr~tulated the newly elected officers and extended a open invitation to attend their meeting Wednesday atI Club Metro. Councilman Eschelbach made a motion to grant the league permission to hold their meetings i the city hall. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mager, with the provision that their meetings would not conflict with other meetings in the hall~ and regularly carried. A communication was received from Willism Locatelli, 227 Armour Avenue applying for the position of special traffic police officer. The cc~mnunicat~on was ordered placed on file. A communication was recived from Peter P. Bono applying for the position of building inspector. The communicationw as accepted snd ordered placed on file. A communication was received from ~¥alter A. Ryan regarding his application for a jitney service from Liepsic Junction to the Industrial plants on East Grand Avenue. Councilman Mager moved the permit be dmnied. Councilman Eschelbach asked that the letter be laid over to give the new councilmen an opportunity to study the application. Councilman Mager withdrew his motion in this favor. Councilman Boido made a motion to lay the application over to the next meeting.The motion was seconded by Councilman Ninucciani and regularly carried. A communication was recieved from the Pacific Gas and Electric Co, for per- mission to install a 2" gas main in Seco~zi Lane between Eucalyptus And Acacia Avenues. Councilman Mager moved to refer the matter to Councilman Eschalbach with power to act. An application for a business license was received from Kathe~zne~Farhat for permission to open a Specialty Shop at 315 Grand Avenue, On motion by Councilman Minucciani and seconded by Councilman BoidO, permission was granted. Under unfinished business the application of A. Ghiorsi for permission to move his house from front to rear of Lot 18, Block 128 and make alterations, at a cost of $800.00 was granted on motion of Councilman Minucciaui, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried, The application of Serafino Barbagelata to build a garage costing $90.00 on portions of Lots 23 and 24, Block 129 was granted on motion by Councilman Nager, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach~ and regularly, carried. ORDINANCE NO . 18~ An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AMENDING SECTIONS 33, 35 and 43 of ORDINANCE NO. 21 OF T~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, E~II'LED 'AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A SYSTE~ FOR THE ASSESS~,~ENT, LEVY ~2JD COLIECTION OF ALL CII~Z TAXES IN TB~E CITY OF SOUTH S~N FRANCISCO', passed and adopted on the 19th day of April, 1909, had its second reading and was adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco by the unanimous vote of the council, as follows: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, D. W. Ratto, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None Attest: Daniel l'.:cSweeney, City Clerk BU Elizabeth 0ttenfield, De~ty. Recorded in Book of Ordinance, Vol. 2 at page 255. There being no further business before the Council, Councilman Minucciaui moved to adjourn, The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 10.10 p. m. Approved: Respectfully submitted, Dan~...~l~IcSweeney, City Clerk Mayor of South San Francisco.