HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-05-18804 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY C0b~'ICIL 0F THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD }~ONDAY, }'!IAY 18,1936. The regular meeting of the city cotmcil of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall, Monday evening, May 18th, 1936. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clockp.m, by }gayor A.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the City Council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V. BoidoA, J, Es chelbach, J.F. lv{ager, M. Minucciani, D. W. Ratto. The minutes of the meeting of May 4th, 1~36 were approved as read. The minutes of the adjourned meetin~ of May 6tb~.1936 were not anDroved pendin{ some corrections. A communication was received from George A.Capitelli,222 Linden Avenue, statin~ he had started in the insurance business and requested some of the city's business. The Communication was accepted and placed on file. An application was received from the Bolt a Nut Club of South San Francisco asking permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, June 13,1936, from ~ p.m. until 2 A.M. $5.00 accompanied the application for ~}olice protection. 9R motion by Cotmcil- man Eschelbach, seeonded by Councilman l~{inucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted. An application was received from the :outh San Francisco Firemen's Association requesting permission 'to hold a d~nce in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, 2day The aeplicabion was accompanied bY a five dollar check for police protection. On motion by Co~cilman Eschelbach, seconded by Counci]nnan 13oido and regularly carried the permit was granted. Jo~hn A.Nauman applied for a business license to establish a funeral parlor at ~11 Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman D,~ager, seconded by Councilman },iinucciani and regularly carried the license was granted. A communication was received from Albert C.Kleemeyer, Secretary of the Board of Education, st,.ting that at a special meetin~ of the Board of Education it was decided to aza~ ope~ the school playgrounds for the children this year, and requested the city to appoint~t~he supervisors, as has be~n done in the past. Communication accepted and placed A communication was received fro~ the ~den Kennel Club stating that on their opening night,May 16,1936, the fire department was represented but no police protection was accorded, and asked that police protection be given at once as was granted at the City's meeting of May 4,1936. On motion by 0ouncilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Minuciani and regularly carried the communication was ordered placed on file. A petition signed by ten merchants was received requestin~ the city authorities to allow them to keep open on Memorial Bay, Sat(~rday, May 30,1~)36. Hayer Ratto asked the City attorney if the city council had authority to ~%rant the petition, t~r. Coleberd said No. Councilman Eschelbach stated the city mi~ht foruet about the store bein~ open on this particular occasion, the fact of two holidays coming together, and proceed at once to amend the ordinance to the satisfaction. Councilman ~,{ir, ucciani stated the ordinance was drawn up on the reco~.~endation and s,~vervision of the businessmen themselves,and while it canno~ be broken officially for a daN', he was willin~ to overlook an infraction on this occasion and the ordinance could be amended at a later date. Co~n~cilman Boido stated that somethinu should be done to relieve the merchants, that the ordinance seemed unsatisfactory in its present form, and the city officials oughz to overlook the matter in this case. Emelio Cortesi stated it was a hardshio upon the merchants, in the 6ases of two holidays, Saturdays and Sundays, together, and al~o for the people to have who have to }~Iondays or fie to San Bruno or other towns for their necessities. !',~ayor Ratto stated in reply to ~,,{r. Cortese the city was willing to do anything for the merchants,s~mend 'the ordinance or repeal the ordinance,provided the businessmen reques;ed it,but at the present time under the ordinance as it stands,the city's hands are tied. · Councilman Esc~albach moved that the subject be laid over till the next meeting. The motion was seconded by CounciLman ~inucciani and regularly carried. Application for laboring work of any kind were received from ~artin 5~oro, Egio Levi and Charles Mercks. Applications accepted and placed on file. Fire chief Welte submitted the name of Manuel Castro for appointment to the call forces of the fire department to fill a vacancy in No.1 Fire Station. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Maser and regularly carried the appointment was made. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the city's new police car Councilman Eschelbach moved that the bi~s be opened. The motion ~Jas seconded by Cotmcilman Minucciani and regularly carried. The following bids were then opened;- Arthur R.Lindburg Co,1936,5 passesger Lincoln Zephyr Sedan sales t~x Total Allowance on City's Dodge Eedan Net differance $1605.00 $I'6-o~. 15 750.00 90Z.15 Denelt Motors Limited one -4 door Packard Sedan,fully equipped Allowance of 1935 Dodge Sedan Net difference ~1489.90 73Z.45 ~756.45 William J.Sweeney Studebaker President '8'shatter proof glass throughout Sales tax Total Less Federal Excise Tax Total Less allowa~ce 1~35 Dodge Eedan Net difference ~1443. O0 43.s9 ~1486.29 27.50 ~1458.79 700.00 758.V9 The Pacific Gas & E!ec~ric Company r~uested permission to extend a 2"main in the Westerly sidewalk area Ave between California Avenue & Seventh Lane,in Parkway Between Pine & Maple Avenues and in Ashton Avenue N.of Cummings Avenue,according to s~etches attached.Referred to Councilman Eschalbach. A communication was received from George A.Capitelli,222 Linden Avenue, stating he had started in the insurance business and requested some of the city's business. The Communication was accepted and placed on file. An application was received from the Bolt & Nut Club of South San Francisco asking permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, June 13,1936, from 9 p.m. until 2 A.M. $5.00 accompanied the application for ?olice protection. 9n motion by Cotmcil- man Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted. An application was received from the !outh San Francisco Firemen's Association requesting permission to hold a dance in Frat,rnal Hall, Saturday evening, ?~ay ~3,1936. The aoplicabion was accompanied b~ a five dOllar check .for police protection. On motion by CounciLman Eschelbach, seconded by Counci~nan Lomdo and regularly carried the permit was granted. Job~ A.Nauman applied for a business license to establish a funeral parlor at 211 Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman ?~ager, seconded by Councilman Ninucciani and regularly carried the license was granted. A communication was received from Albert C.Kleemeyer,Secretary of the Roard of Education, stating that at a special meeting of the Board of Education it was dec~ed to again ope~ the school playgrounds for the children this year, and requested the city to appoint~mt~he supervisors, as has be~n done in the past. Communication accepted and placed file. ? ' " A communication was received fro~ the ~den Ke~nel Club stating that on their opening night,~ay 16,193~, the fire department was represented but no police protection was accorded, and asked that police protection be ~iven at once as was granted at the City's meeting of Nay 4,1936. On motion by ~ouncilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Minuciani and regularly carried the communication Was ordered placed on file. A petition signed by ten merchants was received requesting the city authorities to allow them to keep open on Memorial ~ay, Sat~rday, May 30,1)3~. ~.~iayor Ratto asked the City attorney if the city council had authority to grant the petition. Mr. Coleberd said No. Councilman Eschelbach stated the city mizht forzet about the store bein~ open on this particular occasion, the fact of two holidays coming together, and proceed at once to amend the ordinance to the satisfaction. Councilman Minucciani stated the ordinance was drawn up on the recon~endation and s~vervision of the businessmen themselves,and while it cannov be broken officially for a day, he was willin~ to overlook an infraction on this occasion and the ordinance could be amended at a later date. Co~kucil~an Boido stated that semethin~ should be done to relieve the merchants, that the ordinance seemed unsatisfactory in its present form, and the city officials ou~hv to overlook the matter in this case. ~melio Cortesi stated it was a hardship upon the merchants, in the 6ases of two holldays.,Saturdays and Sundays, together, and also for the people to have who have to ~iondays or Go to San Bruno or other towns for their necessities. ~ayor Ratto stated in reply to Mr. Cortese the city was willing to do anythinm7 f.or the merchants,~mend the ordinance or repeal the ordinance,provided the businessmen requested it,but at the present time under the ordinance as it stands,the city's hands are tied. Councilman EscD~lbach moved that the subject be laid over till the next meeting. The motion ~as seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Application for laboring work of any kind were received from ~artin Moro, Egio Levi and Charles Mercks. Applications accepted and placed on file. Fire chief Welte submitted the name of Manuel Castro for appointment to the call forces of the fire department to fill a vacancy in No.i Fire Station. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman ~Iaoer and regula~l carried the appointment Was made. This being the date set for the opening of bids for the city's new police car Councilman Eschelbach moved that the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. The following bids were then opened;- Arthur R.Lindburg Co,1936,5 passesger Lincoln Zephyr Sedan sales tmx Total Allowance on City's Dodge Eedan Net differance $1605.00 I'6 .15 750.00 903.15 Denelt Motors Limited one -4 door Packard Sedan, fully equipped Allowance of 1935 Dodge Sedan Net difference $1489.90 733.45 $ 756.45 Willi~,~ J.Sweeney Studeb~{er President '8'shatter proof glass throughout Sales taE Total Less Federal Excise Tax Total Less allowa~ce 1935 Dodye Eedan Net difference $1443.00 $ 43.29 ~14~ 6.29 ~i~ 27.50 ~!45~.79 7oo.oo ~ 758.79 The Pacific Gas & E!ec~ric Company r~uested permission to extend a 2"main in the Westerly sidewalk area Ave between California Avenue & Seventh Lane,in Parkway Between Pine & Maple Avenues and in Ashton Avenue N.of Cummings Avenue,according to s~etches attached.Referred to Councilman Eschalbach. Alternate--- Studebaker President '8', without chromedisc wheels,automatic switch-key starting and overdrive transmission Plus sales tax Total Le ss Federal Excise Tax Total if1374. O0 ; 41.22 ;1415.22 ; 26.40 ;13~8.82 :;~ 700. O0 Less allowance on 1935 DodTe Sedan~ Net differance ~ 682.82 On ~lotion by Co'~uncilman ~ager, seconded b7 councilma'a Bo!do and re i'ularly carried / acceptance .of the bid was laid over till o:ce week from to-niTht,i..:~on~ay, May 25th, 1936. Notmc?ng a de~e~ation of ladies ~rese~t Mayor Ratto asked them if they wished ~o'~ waited on before continuing the city's business. Mrs. Alma Le~with ':~as introduced as President of the Grand Avenue P.T.A. She outlined the requirements of the city's children in t:a~ matter of plavgro~muds and recreation centers in several parts of the city;stating it would be of great value to the children and urged the City Council to establish these ~enters. She was followed by Mrs Peck, who stated the ~stab!is~'~-.~m.,.~ of Children' s playgrozuuds or recreation centers would keep the children off the streets, furnish, healthful exercise, a~undance of amusement~ would be inspirational and the building of character if the proper program were adopted.. Councilman Minucciani, Chai~,~an of the Finance Committee stated the city fun~s were in good shape and was much in favor of opening playgrounds for the children of the city, for health, amusement and instruction. ~ Councilman Mager, Boido and Eschelbach were also very much. in favor of doing some- thing alon~ the lines suggested by the P.T.~. ~'~ayor Ratto stated he was very much in favor :f the movement and would co-operate in every way possible, and requested the dele~ation to furnish a concrete plan an d program of the requirements to establish centers for recreation ~f the kind them favor~ Councilman Mager said he would be unable to attend certain meetin~s but suggested ~rs Peck and others of their co~;mlittee inspect other playgrounds and recreation centers for information for themselves and the city cou'~cfl, and said he ',,~as ~ery much interested in the movement. Councilman Eschelbach Stated Willows Park is an idea? spot for a recreation center, mad the city owns the ground, ornsauental trees could be set out to beautify the center,another oaseball grounds installed, together with a tennis court,basket ball court and all equipment t necessary for a choldren's p!aygro~uud. Councilman Boido stated stated it is an important thet s Should be done. Mayor Ratto stated he would call a meeting and have the subject brought up for i~nediate discussion and would notify the committees when ready, and advised them to procure tentative plans and an outline of the ~equirements necessary to operats a recreation center. Counc~.lman Minucciani introduced a resolution to lay on the table a fo..~m of ordinance Entitled "An ordinancere~u±a~~ ~ ~'n~_~ the sale ,installation, ~ainte~.ance,and red, air of appliances designated to employ natural,mixed or manufactured gas as a fuel medium , et.c, The reso!uti~ was adopted by the unanimous vote of all the city councilman, as follows.- Ayes,Councilman V.Boido,A.J.Esche!bach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani~ D.!V.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent Councilmen,None, Attest Daniel McSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.2, at page 55, /~ ~-Y-~lerk. Councilman Eschelbach then introduced an ordinance No, entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATI~IG THE SALE,MAINTENaNCE,MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF APPLIANCES DESIG'~ATED TO EMPLOY NATRUAL,~IXED OR ZAN'UFACTU~~v ~AS AS A F~L ~EDI~,~,~D HOUSE OAS PIPING IN THE CITY OF SOUTH _,-~qANCISC0:PROVIDI~G FOR THE INSPECTION OF GAID APPLIANCES AND HOUSE OAS PIPING: PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF PERMITS FOR THE INSTALLATION AND FOR RE fAIR OF SAID APPLIANCES AND HOUSE OAS PIPIN( AI~ THE COLLECTION OF FEES T!~EREFOR: PROVIDINa FOR TI~ LICENSING OF PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS OF INSTALLING AND FOR REPAIRING SAiD APPLIANCES AND HOUSE GAS PIPING: PROVIDINO FOR ?ENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, HAD IT~ TITLE RE~DI!;~ AND WAS LAID OVER to come up under the regular order of business at another meeting. ' Councilman Mager introduced a resolution to lay on the table a form of ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SA]: FRANCISCO ADOPTING THE U~IFORM BUILDI~O CODE 1935 Edition and Repealing Ordinance No.148 OF SAID CITY OF SOUTH SAN FP~NCISC0 'ENTITLED AN 0RDIN~CE OF T~!E CIT~ OF !~0UT~-~ SAN FRANCISCO ADOPTING THE ~iFOR~ BUILDING CODE 1927 EDITI( .M)0PTED BY T!TE PACIFIC COAST COAST BUtLDIN~ OFFICIALS CONFERENCE AT THE SIXTH ANNUAL 0CTOBER, 1927', ADOPTED ~:~mPTEMBER 17.1928, INTRODUCED ON THE THIRD DAY OF FEBRUARY, 19$6~The,res¢ l~The proposed ordinance had its title reading and was laid over to come up under the _egular order of business at ~nother meet~ng.A. JEschelbach, J ..... .',a~er,.,~.~..~inucciani,D.,7.Ratt~,noe ionwas~~e~ by the vote~ ofall the counci!man, Ayes,Boidg/none, absent,none~Attest,Daniel McSweeney,~ity Rec~B.0~~ Councalman Minucctani introduced a resolution of the City of South San ~'~vacating and setting aside a resolution of the City of ~ou~h San Francisco, adopted Apri~ V~193~ i-[ providing for the amendment of the lease entered into by said city of South San Francisco and G.H.Thomson on the 18,day of April, 1932, for the purpose of orecting,maintainin~ and operating an electric sign. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city co~ as follows, Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Nager, M.~inucciani, R.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweene~ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, ~olume ~, at paze Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco vacati~ _. and setting aside a resolution providing for ~ amendment of lease between City of South San Francisco and G.H.Thomson,which resolution was adopted by said ~ity ~ouncil on the 8, day of Ma2 L988. The resolution was adopted by the unanimous votes of all the ~ity Councilman,as follows; ~ Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~ ~ ~-- ~aoer, M.l~inucciani,D.J.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen , None, Absent, ~Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~, at page 56. Councilman Eschelbach next introduced a resolution approving of the new agreement with Mr. Thomson, which agreement was submitted and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Lesse The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council,as follo~ Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J. Eschelbach, J.F.Macer, M.Minucciani,D.~.Ratto. Noes,Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney Cit~ Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~,at page 57. Engineer Robert Klasses reported that a Grocer officer should be desi~h~8 ~ ~o~ On motion by Co~uucilman ~gager, seconded by councilman. Boido a~ud reuularly car~ried y acceptance of the bid was laid over ti~! o~e week from to-n~:ht,~...~onSay,~ay 25th, 193o. ~ /~ Notic?n~ a de~e~ation of ladies ~rese~t ~ayor Ratto asked them if they wished t0~P ~' waited on before continuing the city's business. ~{rs. A~a Lo,with '~as introduced as President of the Grand Avenue P.T.A. She outlined the requirements of the city's children in the matter of playgrounds and recreation centers in several parts of the city, stating it would be of zreat value to the children and urged the City Co~cil to establish these ~enters. She was followed by I~Irs Peck, who stated the ~stablishi'~-~Z of Children' s playgrounds or recreation centers would keep the children off the streets, furnish, healthful exercise, a~undance of ~usement~ would be inspirational and the building of character if the proper progr~ were adopted.. Co~cilman ~inucciani, Chairman of the Finance Committee stated the city fun~s were In good shape and was much in favor of opening playgro~ds for the children of the city, for aealth,~musement and instruction. ~ -- Councilman L{ager, Boido and Eschelbach were also very much in favor of doing some- thing alonG the lines suggested by the P.T.A. ![ayor Ratto stated he was vory much in favor of the movement and ~ould co-operate in every way possible, and requested the dele{ation to furnish a concrete plan a~ d progr~ of the roquirements to establish centers for recreation of the kind they favor~ Co~cilman ~,{ager said he would be unable to attend certain meetings but suggested Nrs. Peck and othsrs of their co~m~ittee inspect other playgro~ds and r~creation centers for info~ation for themselves and the city cou~cil, and said he was bery much interested in the movement. Co~ci~an Eschelbach Stated Uillows Park is an idea~ spot for a recreation center, ~d the city owns the gro~d,ornmuental trees could be set out to beautify the center,~other oaseball sro~ds installed,together with a tennis court,basket ball court and all equipment ti necessary for a choldren's playground. Co--clean Boido stated stated it is an important thet s{ Should be done. ~{ayor Ratto stated he would call a meeting and have the subject brought up for i~ediate discussion ~d would notify the committees when ready, and advised them to procure ~entative plans and ~ outline of the requirements necessary to operat~ a recreation center. Councilm~ ~inucciani introduced a resolution to lay on the table a form of ordins~ce Entitled "An ordinance regulating the sale ,installation, ~aintenance,and re~0air of appli~ces designated to employ natural,mixed or manufactured gas as a fuel medi~ , otc, The reso!utic was adopted by the ~animous vote of all the city councilm~,as follows.- Ayes, Councilman V. Boido, A. J. Esche!bach, J.F.~,~ager, ~I.~inucciani, D.I:~I. Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent Councilmen,None, Attest .Dauiel ~cSweeney Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.~O, at page 85, ~,~, ~'C. ity 'C-i~k. Councilman Eschelbach then introduced an ordinance No, entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATIh~G THE SALE,~,~AINTE~UENCE,k~AINTENANCE AND REPAIR 0F APPLIANCES DESIG'~ATED T0 E~PLOY NATRUAL,I~IXED 0R ~fA~:~UFACTU~ C~AS AS A F~PL ~.~EDI~,A~'~D HOUSE C-AS PIPING IN THE CITY ~ANCISC0:PROVIDI~G FOR T~ INSPECTION 0F GAID APPLIANCES AND !t0USE ~AS PIPING: PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE 0F PERi, ITS FOR THE INSTALLATION ~D FOR RE:~AIR 0F SAID APPLIANCES AND HOUSE OAS PIPING AND THE COLLECTION 0F FEES T~[EREFOR: PROVIDI~a FOR THE LICENSING 0F PERSONS ENGAGED IN THE BUSINESS 0F INSTALLING AND FOR REPAIRING SAiD APPLIANCES AND HOUSE OAS PIPING: PROVIDI>~q FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION 07 THIS ()RDI~A~x~CE, HAD IT.', .~I~LL RE~)I~; AND ~AS LAID OVER to come up ~der the re~lar order of business at another meeting. ' Co~cilman ~1ager introduced a resolution to lay on the table a fo~ of ordinate entitled "AN 0RDII~ANCE 0F THE CIT]f 0F SOUTi~ SA]: F~NCISC0 ~0PTINO THE U[QFOR~ BUILDI!~O CODE 1935 Edition and Repealing Ordinance No.148 0F SAID CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FP~NCISC0 ~ENTITLED ~ 0RDIN~1CE 0F ~ ~ _, zo~ ADOP~I~.~ TH_~ ~tiFOR?~ BUILDING CODE 192V EDITI( p ...... CIT-~i OF ~',0~IT SAN F~z,~C''-°~ .- ~o --;] ~0PTED BY T!~ PACIFIC COAST COAST BUILDINg- OFFIC]-ALS CONFzRmNCE AT TH~, SIXTH ANNUAL ~'~EETT~~ OCTOBER, 19~', ~0PTED :~EPTE~[BER 1T.1928, INT~d0DUCED ON THE T!-III~D DAY 0F FEBRUARY, 19BS~The ,rase ~,~?The proposed ordinance had its title roading ~d was lald over to come up under the _~l. ap Order Of b~sin~ss at ~.~othyr me~tlng,A. JEsoh8lbaoh~J ...... .~a~$p,~:.]~;In~oolani~D. ' ion was~~ed by the votes of all the councilman, Ayes,p, oidr/none, absent, none,Attest,Daniel ~gcSweeney,~ity Rec$B.Of Res~ Councilman !~,~inucci~i introduced a resolution of the City of South S~ ~~atlng and setting aside a resolution of the City of Zouth S~ Fr~clsco,adopted April ~195~ .:~ ' providing for the ~enBent of the lease entered into by said city of South San Francisco ~d [ G.H.Thomson on the 18,day of April~lr~2, for the purpose of ~cting,ma!ntaininZ and operating .- ~ electric si~. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city co: as follows, Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boldo, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~ager, :v[.~inucciani, B.W.Ratto. Noes, Co~ci~en,None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest D~iel ~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, 'o!~e ~, at raze 8~. Co,clean ~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco vacati~ and setting aside a resolution providing fo~- . ~en~ent of lease between City of South Francisco and G.H.Thomson,which resolution was adopted by said eity eouncil on the 8, day of ~[a L95~. The resolution was adopted by the ~animous votes of all the ~ity Co~cilman,as follows; Ayes, Co~cilmen, V.Boido, A.J. Eschelbach, J.F.?,~[ager, ~.I~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Co~cilm~ , None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~qSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~, at pa~e Counci~ Eschelbach next introduced a resolution approving of the new agreement with Mr. Thomson, which agreement was submi:ted and signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the Lesse The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the ~embsrs of the City Council,as follom Ayes, Co~ci~en, V.Boido, A.J. Eschelbach, J.F.!,~a.Ter, ~.I,.~inucciani,D.~.Ratto. Noes,Co~ci~en,None. Absent, Co~cilmen,None. Attest Daniel [~[cSweeney Cit~ Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.~,at page Engineer Robert Klasses reported that a proper officer should be designated to sign project:' statements and other papers pertain~n~ to the Sta~--"~ cent gas tax fund, and also that the city authorize~ the accumulation of funds to accrue under project statement No.36,1 for expenditure at a later date. Accordingly Councilman Mager introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco authorizinM and designating the ~ayor of this city as the proper person zo sign project statements and other papers pertaininz to the State ~ cent Oas Tan Fund. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as foll~ Ayes, Councilman V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~acer,~.?~in~cciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes. Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilme,:, None, Attest, Daniel ~'.~cS~ney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.2,at page 57. Claims in the amount of $2421.98 were next prese~oted to the council for payment;- Oakland Sewer construction Co. Dudley Perkins S. S. ?. Hospital Superior steam Laundry Highway Transoort Co . Wscific Coast Rubber Co Enterprise Foundry FrarZ Pariani Arndt's Dry Roods Store So City Lb~ & Supply Co W.P.Fuller & Co SO.City Lbr. & Supply Co ti ' I1 H.S.Crocker & Co Bank of So.,San Francisco Andrew Hynding Patrick & ~,~oise Klinkner Co J. S. Baker So. City LBR & Supply Co Robert Beach balance due on contract ~655.72 .Service motor cycle $ 4.18 exam for alcoholism ~ 2.50 wash jail blanket $ 1.50 1.18 freight on hose testing hose 40.00 machine work fire truck 2 12.29 repair fire chief coupe $ 1.5~ blankets and curtains fire DS 6.99 manila rope,fir dept ~ 2.47 5 ~al porch & Dick paint $ 13.39 Cement & Concrete (A-9768) $ 10.V9 1.73 yds concrete (Inv D87205 14.03 i Crocker Slue Book Cal Laws$ 4.23 Rent after hours depository ~ 10.00 Premi~u Bond City Clerk $ 5.00 repairi::'~ dater ~ 2.11 Lease Trucks Linden Bridge $2~0.77 12 wicks linden Ave Bridge labor Linden" ,. .. o. '5.00 Standard Electric Time Clock Co repairing city clocks Gee A.Kneese II II Pac Gas & Electric II I1 II Enterprise Press Il Il Il Il Model Ra~io Shop ~ 11.30 field work Linden Ave BridgeS 47.52 " "Colma Drainage Dist,562.30 miscellaheous service S10B.42 street li.~ats April $605.38 2500 notices destroy weeds ~ 25.75 printing Ordinance 187 ~ 26.00 2000 oolice complaint blanks~ii 2~.92 repair electric hedge cutter~ 1.50 Total2421.98 .~ The claims having bee~ audited by the finance Coymmittee Councilman Minucciani mo~ed they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman. Eschelbach and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business Councilman Escbelbach reported the stumps had bee removed from the front of the property of ?.~rs 0zzello and Frank gpuri. Fire chief Welte reporte investigating the Complaint of Mr. ~]orruccini about some o~d cars an~ a bus and bodie~ on some lots in Block 1,Town of °aden, and sai~ he warned theo~ners they wet allowed only a certain number of these articles and exceeding the limit would be an offense against the city. Councilman Eschelbach reported the matter of the request of the Baden Improvement Ulub for better street conditions, the planting of trees and better lighting system was being taken care Of. There being ho further business councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until Monday evening, May 25th, 1936 at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by councilman ~Eschelbach and regularly carried. Time of adjournment 9;45 o'clock p.m. Approved Mayor of South San Francisco Respectf submitte