HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-06-01RE,=ULAR M~.~T!~. ~ OF T~E CI?% COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUT]~ SAN FRANCISCO, HELD ~ONDAY, JUNE 1ST,1~36. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall Nonday evening, June lst,1938. The me~ting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by ~ayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the city council present,as follows~ Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~ager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meetin~j were read. There bei~C no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from Rivers Brothere ovrners of a section of the Town of Baden, infor~uinz the city that they were about to undertake the work of clenin~ weeds from their property in that tract, and requested the city not to cut weeds there. The request was ~ranted and Councilman Eschelbach said the grass cuttere would not be over there for some time. Charles F.Schurk,410 Na~nol~a Avenue,applied for the position of Buildin~ Inspector in the event that there will be an appointment made. Application pla~ed on file. ~ A communication was received from H.Bo~telling, ~?!anager of the Zethleham Steel C~mpany Baseball Club, stating the city's baseball greund is in bad condition and his temn migh~play~ ~ elsewhere if the grmuads were not placed in condition. Councilman I~a~er move~' the matter be referred to Councilman Eschelbach for investigation and power to act. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. A check was received from the Market Street Railway Company in the sum of ~200.73, a percentage of the gross receipts of the road ending April 21,1938, under their franchis~ . On motion by Councilman Eschelbach seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried the check was accepted. City Treasurer Ed.P,Kauffmann submitted a statement showin~ Street series L and ~ ma~uring June lst,1938, serie~ L with a deficit of ~885.05 and Series "~" with a deficit of ~1~4G.23, total deficit ~2~31.48, and asked for p~rmission to draw upon the Eeneral fund to pay the deficit. City Attorney Coleberd stated the desired permission should be granted by resolution, and he was accordingly instructed to draw up a resolution to be presented to the City Council at the next meeting of the board. The monthly reports of the City Judge, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Building I ' Inspector, Health Officer, C~t¥ Treasurer~,~and City Clerk for the month endin~ May 31.1936. were submitted. On motion by Oouncilman :azer, seconded by Councilman Boido-'the repSrt s- were accepted. ~layor Ratto asked if there were any persons present who wished to object to the passage of a resolution ordering the abatement of weeds,or any written protests against the same. There being none Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco ordering the Street Superintendent to abate the weed nuisance. The resoluticn was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Ma~er, M.L,linucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, VOl ~, at page ~1. Claims in t~e amount of ~$848.47 were next presented to the council for payment;- Robinson-Druz~ist, ~iateria!,health dept ~ 38.63 Carl Rinehart attending fires Jules Ferre " " J.Fambrini " E.Venturi " " C.Brizzi " " E.Rossi L.Eavares A. Jolknson " " Roy Smith " J.~ayerle " ~.Mayerle " " ~.Iguotz " " L.!mpre$cia " " C.oe?na M.Mazetti " " V.Ullery " " R.Bisagno " " L.Belloni feeding itinerants & prisoners Irvene & Jachens one nickel police star Sun Printing & Publishing House C.Landucci Enterprise Press Roy's Repair Shop Ro.b. in s on-Dru~gi s t I1 tl II II E.I.Du Pont De Nemours Jack Welch Patrick-Moise Klimkner Co Pacific Tel & Tel Co Industrial Ci,~y Lbr Co. II II 11 II II 11 II Calif ':~'ater Set. Co !1 II II II II II II II II !1 Ii II Ii II tl II building codes canvass grass catcher printint ordinanc 189 repairs to motor cycle 100 rolls toilet paper 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.50 3.50 2.50 1.00 1.0o , .00 1.50 Y.O0 2.00 3.00 3.00 1.30 3.71 5.15 9.50 13.oo 19.80 8.24 one day book,tax coll ~ .67 Black ~eaf & Calcium Arsenates ~ 4.12 carbon paper et~,fire dept ~ .88 Floor & Deck Enamel ~ 10.31 removin~ dogs,cats *'~ay, ~ 32.50 i~anila foldeEs,police dept ~v 1.80 city phones ~aay, ~ 61.20 one steel tape,fire dept $ 1.35 material for janitor ~. 24.72 scoops street dept waterbasebal park city hall Grs~ 21.45 water Library etc ~" 22.75 water city hall e~c ~ 30.68 " fountain & fire house ~ 5.93 The mihutes of the 'previous meetin~ were read. There bei~:7~ no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from Rivers Brothere ovrners of a section of the Town of Baden, infor~':~inz the cit~T that theft were about to undertake the work of clenin~ weeds from their property in that tract, and requested the city not to cut weeds there. The request was granted and Councilman Eschelbach said the ~?rass cuttere would not be over there for some t ime. Charles F.Schurk,410 Na~no.lfa Avenue,applied for the position of Building Inspector in the event that there will be an appointment made. Application plak. ed on file. A communication was received from H.B, ~'~telling, ~anager of the Zethleham Steel C~mpany Baseball Club, stating the city's baseball~ ground is in bad cSndition, and his teton might/play elsewhere if the gro~mds were not placed ~n condition. Councmlman ~a~er move~ the matt~er be referred to Councilman Eschelbach for investigation and power to act. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. A check was received from the ~'~arket Street Railway 0ompany in the sum of $200.~, -x~ under their franchis~ . a percentage of the gross receipts of the road ending April 21,19~o, On motion by Councilman Eschelbach seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the check was accepted. City Treasurer Ed.P,Kauffmann submitted a statement showin~ Street series L and M maturing June lst,19~8, serie~ L with a deficit of ~885.05 and Series "~" with a deficit of ~lS~G.2Z, total deficit ~2~G1.~8, and asked for p~rmission to draw upon the Eeneral fund to pay the deficit. City Attorney Coleberd stated the desired permission should be granted by resolution, and he was accordingly instructed to draw up a resolution to be presented to the City Council at the next meeting of the board. The monthly reports of the City Judge, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Building I Inspector: ~ealth Officer, C~t¥ Treasurer~and City Clerk for the month endin~ May Zl, l~$8, were submitted. On motion by Councilman ~azer, seconded by Councilman Boido~the-report s were accepted. RESOLUTION 0RD]~RiN~ ~-~-~w .... ~ -~ . ~layor Ratto asked if there were any persons present who wished to object to the passage of a resolution ordering the abatement of weeds,or any written protests against the same. There be~ ~ none Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco ordering the Street Superintendent to abate the weed nuisance. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, ~.~Iinucciani, D.VY.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest. Daniel ~,~cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, V01 ~, at page 81. Claims in the amount of $8~8.~ were next presented to the council for payment;- Robinson-Dru~gist, Zaterial,health dept ~ 58.8~ Carl Rinehart attending fires .~ 1.50 Jules Forte " " ~ 1.50 J. Fambrlni " " ~ 1.50 E.Venturi " " ~ 1.00 C.Brizzi " " ~i 1.00 E.Rossi " " '~' L.aavares .. .. ~ 1.00 2.5o A. Jokns on " " ~,~ 3.50 Roy Smith " " ~ 2.50 J.Mayerle " " ~ 1.00 M.~ayerle " " ~ 1.00 ~,{. Iguotz " " ~ $. 00 L. !morescia " " ~ 1.50 C. ~:~e.~.~nal ~ ~. 00 ~. ~.~azetti " " ~ ~.00 V.Ullery " " ~ 5.00 R. Bisagno " " :~ $.00 L.Belloni feeding itinerants & prisoners ~ 1.50 Irvene & Jachens one nickel police star ~ $.71 Sun Printin~g & Publishinq House building codes 5.15 C.Landucci canvass grass catcher ~$ 9.50 Enterprise Press printin~ ordinanc 189 ~ ~ 1S.00 Roy's Repair Shop repairs to motor cycle $ 19.80 Robinson-Druggist !00 rolls toilet paper ~.~'~' 8.24 " one day book,tax cell ~ .67 " " Black ~,eaf & Calcium Arsenates :~ 4.12 " " carbon paper et~-,fire dept ~ .88 E.I.Du Pont De Nemours Floor & Deck Enamel ~ 10.Gl Jack Welch removin_z dogs, cats ~'~ay, !~ ~2.50 Patrick-Moise Klimkner Co I¥ianila folders,police dept ~ 1.80 Pacific Tel & Tel Co city phones ~ay, ~ 81.20 Indusgrial Ci,t.y Lbr Co one steel tape,fire dept ~ 1.~5 " " '~ material for janitor .~ 24.72 " " " " scoops street dept ~ $.~$ Calif ~ater Set. Co waterbasebal park city hall. Ors~ 21.45 " " " " water Library etc ~ 22.75 " " " " water city hall e~c ~ 50.68 " " " " " fountain & fire house ~ 5.95 " " " " "Hydrant rental ~4~62.00 The cliams having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinishi business Councilman Mager stated he would meet with representatives of the Growers Rice ?dilling Co., at some future date on their application for a hydrant to be placed in or nearer their plant. The request of tchool Superintendent Kleemeyer for the appointment of supervisors for the Children's playground was laid over. On the request of ~ir. C.Frachia to have the trees prt~ned in front of his home, Councilman Eschelbach stated he had taken care of the situation. In the matter of the petition of residents in the 700 Block Commercial Avenue, Healt officer I~c~ills had visited the premises. _~e requested ~Ir. ~,~ummert to connect bath drain to sewer which had been previously draining into the back yard~:~r. _~,~iummert agreed to do so. The health officer will further inspect the premises where it was stated a horse and cow created, a nuisance. The request of the Pacific C'as & Electric Company to install mains in certain stree~ was ~ranted on recommendation of Councilman Eschelbach. Councilman Rschelbach stated he had interviewed Piombo Brothers, contractors removir hills from Peck's Lots, complaint havin~ been made a~ainst them on account of alleged all night long noises made by the company's trucks. ~'~r. Piombo assured Councilman ~schelbach t~ would do everythin~ to abate the nuisance. City attorney stated the 7~.P.;~.was amenable under the law the same as other parties. Covuncilman Mager stated the work was contract work. He requested that the ~ity ~lerk be instructed to write W.0.Eddy and ~r. Prentice of the Works Progress Administration, San Jose~ and ask that their engineer be sent hereto confer with himself and ~ouncilman Eschelbach.$o Under the head of New business discussion was: had regarding the hydrant rates cha,~ South San Francisco. Councilman ~ager stated water stand by pipe ~ervice was of vital i~portance to the city. That the rate of per hydrant up to 150 and ,~:~2.00 per h.vdra~t k\over 150 was exhorbitant and something should be done, and moved that a study be made of ral ~h other towns, the city's agreement with th~ water company, and the prospect of securing a reduction in rates. The motion was seconded by councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried Co~mcilman Eschelbach ~tated. other towns had lower hydrant rental rates than South San Francisco and an investigation should be made with a view to securin~j a lower rate., son town, paying as low ~s $1.50 per hydrant. Councilman Boi~O stated a meeti_~.~ was held on the subject, and a reduction in rates asked for, but nothing Could be done. ~ire Chief V~elte stated that when the mains were inst ed it was determined they were large enough to sustain an increasin~ population for the 1~ ~ period stated in the agreement, after which time the city might get a reduction in fetes if a substantial increase in the water company's receipts was' shown. City Attorney su~7gested the resolution and a,zreement and other data perta~.ning to ti~ city and water company be looked into for the next meeting. $o ordered. Councilman Esch~lbach ~sked for men to tend trees at the baseball ~oark, to clean the brush away and cultivate the soil around the roots. No objections. He also stated the prese~ trees are improperly pruned and top heavy. Relative to the matter of city employees acceptin7 employment elsewhere ~,':~ayor Ratto stated he wanted the dog rece track divorced from the city hall. He stated Judge Dinning can. him after the election and before he was s~lected ~i, iayor, wish~n7 to know how he stood for h~ position as judge, and if the order included him. ~ayor ;-~atto stated he answered yes,and t~ Jud<e Dinning said he would, work in harmony. The mayor then asked all the councilmen how they felt on the question. Councilman Ninucciani stated if one department is barred from emplo~.ent in the race track the same rule should apply to all departments, though Judce Dinning wa:~ only employed as a part time man--by the city at '~ll0.00 per month and it was not much for a family to live on. Councilman ~och.~lbach stated he thou<bt any man with a oart time salary had a riMht try to make some extra money and JudTe Dinning had his consent to do so. Councilman ~oido ~_~aid Judge Dinnin~ was workin~ ~.t the track before he was appoint judge, was an o1~ man with a f~ly, had only a small salary and was entitled to make a few hundred dollars extra money, if-so desired. Councilman ~'~a~er stated he felt the board should not take the matter too seriousl~ thought Judge ])inning had a right to make some extra money, that ,~110 a month salary is not much for a man with a family and also believed the track should have police protection. ?le said Judge Dinning had .seen him on the sub,~ect and. he told the judge he had no objections t¢ him making somethiny on his own time. ?~,1ayor Ratto replied that the job should be given to someone else, and that the race track was not cooperatin~ with the City Council. He then moved that the office of ~ity Judge be declared vacant if Jud~e Dinning does not resign from the race track job. There was no s~ to the motion. Job~u Fontana took sides with the mayor and stated Judge Dinning had two jobs. Theodore Pretzer, Commander of the South San Fmancisco Post of Veterans Of ?oreign took the position that it is unconstmt~tmonal to prevent persons from doing any extra labor in their spare time, as free citizens , that the dog track had given many persons work fron the relief rolls,etc. Under the head of Oood & Welfare ~¥~rs. ~uth Alford , colored, addressed the council stated she had been robbed at her residence,J08 Railroad Avenue, ~.~ay 28 last, She stated she called the police and told them her story and that they told her to see the Judfje and Chief ' ~Z The Police at ten o'clock the ne:~t mornmn ..... Chief of Police haid he had no report of the b~ ~'~aYor Ratto stated t_'.~e charge would be investi~[~ated. There b ~ ~ein ....no further business before the Co~mucil, Councilman Eschelbach moved t¢ ~ ~ ' The motion adjourn '~ntil ~ne next re[~ular meetin,~;,~.'~onday, June 15th, 19~o,at S o clock p.m. was seconded by councilman Boido and ref.~ularly carried.. Time of adjour~mment, 10.06 o'clock p.m. Respe ct~ s~~~ Approved City Clerk~ ~'~ayor of Sout!: San Francisco.