HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-08-17 124 REC-ULAR ;:~EETINC- OF TT]E CITY COU~,'~CIL OF T~tE CITY OF GOUTi't SA~'~ ~_~ANCTM ~ ±,~0,~ELD I'[ONDAY, AUGUST 17,195~. The regular meeting of the 6ity Council of tile City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall ~onday evening, August 17th, 19OG. The meeting was called to order at $ o'clock p.m. by ?~ayor D.V~.Eatto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found a~l members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,~J.?.~{a~er, ~.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto. the minutes of the three previous meetings were read. There bein~ no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A co'?ml~uaication was received from the Pacific Tel ~ Tel Co., requesting permission to install underground-manhole identification markers on Chestnut Avenue and Linden Avenue in this city. Attached maps indicated the locations. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, second- ed by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the desired permission u~as granted. South S~ Francisco Order of Druids,Grove No.l~l, requested permission to hold a dsaace on the 22 day of August,19$8, from 8 p.m. to 1 A.~. On motion by ~ouncilman ~,{ager, seconded by Councilman ~¥~inucciani and re~ularly carried the permit was granted. Application was made by Regina Elena Circle ~/97,Druids, for permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall on the evening of October $1,19ZS,from 9 o'clock p/m/ until 1 A.~.~. On motion by Councilman Lschelbach, seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and recularly carried the application was ~ranted. A communication was received from the County Clerk's office~Redwood City, in answer to this city's letter addressed to the Board of Supervisors of San i'~ateo County] ~ with reference to this city's application to the ~arbour Board for hearing on the establishment of pierbesd lines. The letter stated it was the opinion of the Board of Supervisors that this ~it~ council,while not legally bound by the so called Land Use 0rdinan~e or ~aster Plan adopted by the county, it would have bearinz if the Cit~? Council of South San Francisco would give due consideration a~.~d careful study as to the meanin~ and purpose of the ~'gaster Plan prepar- ed by the County Plauninz Commission. Accepte~] and filed. A con~nunication was received from Ronald Campbell,Plannin~ Enzineer-SecretarM, of San ~'Iateo Count}~ Plaimning Conmmission wit?) reference to recommending the location of the proposed pierhead and bulkhead lines along the Bay Side of San I¥lateo County, stating that at the requesst of our City Attorney J.W.Coleberd the commission continued the iiearing until ~ p.m. Friday, Au~ust 21 in the Supervisors Chambers in the Court House at Redwood Cit}4and invited the City Council to attend~ Accepted and filed. A communication was received from J.P.Eu~sell,~.D. Actin7 Directo~ San ~lateo County Health Deoartment in reference to the Pollution of Co!ma Creek~bv sewa~e from Lawndale District, stat~.in~ he reins~ected C??press Lawn Cemeter.¥, a ~roup of nine housesow~e~ b~ ~rs. La~muar~ino, the effluent from-~he ss~ne, and that ~ome of this effluent was sent to a laboratory ~n San Francisco for tests, but ~o report had been received on the tests so far. Communication accepted and filed. South San Francisco Librarian Edna Broner, submitted a detailed report of the amount of business transacted ?C? t]~e li]~rar~ ~urin~ the fiscal ~ear, such as reTistrations, ~ook stock, Circulation, number of persons usin7 tibrar~? dur~nc the year, etc. The report was accepted and filed° ............. Another con~m~mication wa~ received from Dr. J.P.Russell in answer to the city's letter of ~"June ~0 last, reeerrin7 to the pollution of Co~.ma Creek, statin~ his deoartment made a thorough investm~atmon of the matter immediately after the reciept of the city's letter, and fo~uad conditions bad at the places specified, and would begin sanitation work i~.v~nediately. The 8itv Clerk was instructed to notif~ Dr. Oans the cit~ health officer would work in conjuncion with him and his deput'~es in the process of remed~in~ t~' is con~'tion. Co~.~munica~ion ordered filed. ........... D.C.Vouel applied for~usiness licc':~e ',to operate a crea~uery lunch at ~25 Grand Avenue. On motion b?? Councilman Es~helbac:.3, seconded by Councilman ~?.oido and re~ularl?~ carried the application was granted. Councilman ~';~a~er introduced a resolution of the CitE~ of South 3an Francisco awarding a contract to 01sen ?,: nef:.ernan for furnmshmn~ Cast iron Pice,Steel pipe, Cast iron pipe fittings, Valves and malleable fittings for a water system in 0range Avenue ~ark, in a total sum of $2305.90. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Counc~l~ as follows;- Ayes, Co~n~cilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~',~a~er,;~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,~!one, Absent, Councilmen, None, Attest Daniel I~cSweeney~ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at ps,es, 70,71,72. Claims in the amount of ~,~950.57 were n~xt presented to the council for pa~-ment;- l~ational Fire ~rotection Ass'n V~ilme S. Company, ~ode i ~adio J. V. Ron ?~. ~reenberg' s 2~ons Pacific Pumping"_ ~. Cao~na~y B~er,Hamilton Pacific S.Sgt,.Ce.Title Co " ' ~?mshop Standard Oil Co. ~allewell~ Seed Co Porta' s aPag~ Old Reliance arage Ro~d ~al~f Chain Corp ~uperior Sta~ Laundry A. Carlisle ~ Co, The ~erprise Chamber of Commerce C. Be ~al The Hub C~a~l~e Gu~8~ Chief's yr Subscription f~ 10.00 reward sicns ~ 46.36 material for oolice radio ~ 71.04 cleaning ~itch ~ 20.00 New Staemer Hyrdants ~ 11.69 rent electric Pumping Equip ~!~ 31.00 1.step ladder ~ 8.59 real estate reports July ~;~ 1.50 chain ti~'htener arm :~ 1.45 ~: oil ~ 61.88 ~as ~ ~;arden seeds ~ 23.69 weldin~ fish tail, fire dept. ~ 1.50 repairing city truck :;~9.50 balance due last statement ~,~2.60 wash 2 fire houses .$ 15.90 park benches :~ 58.71 Personal Prop Index S'!'~eet ;;~14.13 notice meet Board Equalization, 2.00 advertising Auzust, 1.:~3~ ~ 25.00 10 days relief driver, fire dep 50.00 they were approved as read. A co:mntuaication was received from the Pacific Tel ?: Tel Co., requesting permission to install underground-manhole identification markers on Chestnut Avenue and Linden Avenue in this city. Attached maps indicated the locations. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, second- ed by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the desired permission v.ras granted. South Sam Francisco Order of Druids,Grove No.lV1, requested permission to hold a dsmce on the 22 day of August,1936, from 8 p.m. to i A.~i. On motion by ~ouncilman [./iager, seconded by Councilman ~linucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted. Application was made by Regina Elena Circle ~/97,Druids, for permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall on the evening of October 31,1936,from 9 o'clock-p/m/ until i A.~;i. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman !~iinucciani and regularly carried the application was ~ranted. A communication was received from the County Clerk's office~Redwood City, in answer to this city's letter addressed to the Board of Supervisors of San ~ateo County; with reference to this city's application to the ~arbour Board for hearing on the establishment of pier~e~ lines. The letter stated it was the opinion of the Boar~ of Supervisors that this ~it~ · council,while not legally bound by the so called Land Use Ordinance or Master Plan adopt~ by the county, it would have bearinZ if the City Council of South San Francisco would give due consideration a~d careful study as to the meanin~ and purpose of the ~aster Plan prepar- ed by the County Planning Commission. Accepte~l and filed. _ ~n~ineer-,~ecretary, of San A conununication was received from Ronald Campbell,Plannin~ ~ ~ ~1ateo County Plmmuing Commission witi5 reference to recommending the location of the proposed pierhead and bulkhead lines along the Bay Side of San Mateo County, stating ~hat at the requesst of our City Attorney J.W. Coleberd the commis,~ion continued the hearing until 3 p.m. Friday, Au~ust 21 in the Supervisors Chambers in the Court House at Redwood City, and invited the City Council to attend~ Accepted and filed. A communication was received from J.P.Eussell,i)i.D. Actin7 Directo~ San ~iateo Cotuaty Health Deoartment in reference to the Pollution of Co~J~a Creek.bv sewace .from Lawndale District, statcin.~ he reinsoected Cypress Lawn Cemetery, a zroup of nine houses ow?_ed by ?'?rs. Lai~arsino, the effluent from !;he ss~ne, and that ~ome of this effluent was sent to a laboratory ~n San Francisco for tests, but no report had been received on the tests so far. Communication accepzed and ~iled. Sout~ San Francisco Librarian Edna Broner, submitted a detailed report of the amount of business transacted >~y t~:e li]~rary durinz the fiscal year, such as re2istrations, Book stock, Circulation, number of persons usin7 library durtnz the year, etc. The report was accepted and filed. ...... - Another conLm~mlcation was received from Dr. J.P.Russell in answer to the city's letter of ./"jUne 20 last, re eerrin,7, to the pollution of Colma Creek, stating his department made a thorough investigation of the matter immediately after the reciept of the city's letter, and found conditions bad at the places specified, and would begin sanitation work imnediately. The 6itv ,~lerk was instructed to notif~z Df. Gens the citu health officer would work in con~uncion with him and his deputies in the process of remed~inz t~is condition. Co~munica~,ion ordered filed. .......... D.C.Vouel applied for~business lice:~se to operate a creamery lunch at 325 Grand Avenue. ~ ?'1 ~"~7 carried the On motion by Councilman Es~helbach, seconded by Councilman Soido and application was granted. Councilman I¥~a~er introduced a resolution of the Cit-~ of South San Francisco awarding a contract to Olsen f~.s Heffernan for furnishing Cast Iron Pipe,Steel pipe, Cast iron pipe fittings~ Valves and malleable fittings for a water system in Oranse Avenue ~ark, in a total sum of $~05.90. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Counc~l~ as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.?.~',~a~er,M.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,~one, Absent, Councilmen, None, Attest Daniel N, cSweeney_ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.5, at pa~es, Claims in the amount of $950.5? were next presented to the council for payment;- I~ational Fire ~rotection Ass'n Wilme s. Company, ~Iodel ~adio J.V. Ron M.Oreenberg's ~ons Pacific Pumpinu Cao!na~y Baker,Hamilton Pacific S.3;i. Co.Title Co C. T. Bishop Standard 0il Co. iiallewell Seed Co Porta's arag~ Old Reliance arage Round Calif Chain Corp ~uperior Steam Laundry Patterson-Wi~li~md Nf~ Co A. Carlisle Co, The Enterprise 3hamber of Commerce C.Be~nal The Hub C~arlie Guidi Industrial City Lumber Co II ti ti Chief's yr Subscription $ 10.00 reward signs ~ 46 36 material for oolice radio w 71~0~ cleaning ?itc~ ~ ~0.00 New Staemer Hyrdants ~ 11.89 rent electric Pumping Equip ~ $1.00 1.step ladder $ 8.59 real estate reports July :;~ 1.50 chain tir~htener arm '.,~ 1.45 ~as f: oil ~ 61.8~ r~arden seeds ~ 23.69 weldin~ fish tail, fire dept· ~' 1.50 repair!n~ city truck ~ 9.50 balance due last statement ~ ~.60 wash ~ fire houses ~ 15.90 park benches ~j 58.71 Personal Prop Index S! eet ~i~14.13 notice meet Board Equalization 2.00 advertising AuTust, l.~3~ $ 25.00 l0 days relief driver, fire dep 50.00 red cloth, fire dept ~.~ 1.03~ materials for parks $ 91.55 " for streets ~lV3.01 Flink~s Service Station tires & yubes, fire dept A, J,Pacheco f~' re alarm maintenance, ,July Pacheco Electric street li~h " " trans ~.own H.C.Cross Eo.3 Circuit South City Lbr.~-',: uppl¥ Co,materials fire dept Standard 0iL Co., r~as,olL, July ?.azel Shipley rep. c-~ t¥ n~berin~ books,etc, Ed Stahl building fence Total 26.57 0o B8.28 7.~0 41.78 .o0 1o.0o The claims havin,~ been audited by ti!ne financ~'e cormnittee Councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman l~,~ager and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business the health department report~the premises !l.X2 San ~qruno Road where .~adeo Firenze applied for a restauran~'A in good condition and the read~ to be opened. The request of Frank J. Oosta for permission to remove a tree in the passage way to his ,zarage in Peck's Lots, was ~anted on recommendation of CounciLman Eschelbach. The request of t!.,e San~ ateo Times for an add for the San ['~ateo Cou~oty Floral mesta was laid over. Under the head of New Business Councilmen Eschelbach asked for authority to purc~. 200 feet of ~/4 inch garden hose . On motion by Councilman a~er seconded by councilman Boidc desired authority was granted. There bein~ no further business before the board Councilman I,~inucciani moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;25 o'clock p.m. Approved ~ayor of ~$uth San Francisco. kespe ct_~ully submitted; Cit-y~ lerk.