HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-09-21REGULAR MEETIN~ OF THE CITer C0~,.~,~CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD M0h.~DAY, SEPT. 21, 1936. Tbs regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the ~city hall,Monday evening, September 21,1936. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by ~.~ayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the city council present, as follows;- CounciLmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager,N.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omiss- ions they were approved as read. An application was made by Edward V.Peterson for permission to distribute politi- cal literature to the voters of South San ~'rancisco~ being a candi~te for State Senator on the Socialist ticket. City attorney Coleberd advised that the handbill'ordinance would have to be complied with before the issuance of a permit. A communication was received from Swift ~ Comoany expressin~ their appreciation of the prompt and efficient action of the South S~ rancisco folice DePartment in handling their request for pedestrian signs,slow si2ns, marking of the ~i~bway and patrollin~ of the same in front of their plant, after a very serious accident =ea~i~he Exchange Buildin~ about one month a~o. Communication a~cepted and placed on file. A communication was received from L.G.Mardy, Jr. Secret~ry of the South San Francisco Chamber of COmmerce, advocating a display by the City of South Sa~ Francisco that would fully. represent its progress during the past vear~ at the San ~ateo County Floral Fiesta at Bay Meadows Oct6ber @th to llth. Nr.~a~dy stated the city could secure 200 square feet space for the s~nn of ~ He ~105, stated the Chamber of Commerce would endeavor to put on the best show possible if the city desired to t~e space at the ~eadows. Councilman Boido moved that the city rent 200 feet of space at the Fiemt~ for South ~an Franciaco's exhibit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. A c'ommunication was received from Latham Company, Incorporated,manufacturers of Power Brakes~,statin~ they had bought a parcel of land bounded by Tanforan and Linden Avenues, East of the S.P.Railroad tracks, and requested that the city. provide the proRer fire pro- tection, as they are about to commence the construction of t~eir buildin?s. Referred to Councilman Ma~er, Chairman of the ~ire Committee. A co~munication was received from 27 property ov~ers,residen.ts,ta~pa~ers a~ ~ec~a~ics of the Town of Ba4en vol~mteerin~ their services for the construction of a fence at Orange Avenue Park,~ or any other service the city might require of them and at any time. After diacussion as to the time to commence operations t~?e offer was zratefu!ly accepted and will be taken up as soon a~ materials are ready. The ma~tter was laid over till then. A co~aunication was received from the "anufacturors Association of Sout~ San Francisco callinz the attention of the City Council to the report of the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific,under date of October ~1,1935, pertainin~2 to fire protection in the City of South Sa~ ~rancisco, and requeatin,~2 that the city take action to carry out the recommendations made in the report. A difference of opinion arose among the cOuncilmen as to the best method to pursue. Some thought a bond issue might be advisable, while othere thou~?.t the ~eneral fund could handle the situation, without the payment of bond interest. ~ayor Rat'to asked ~ire Chief ~elte as to the apparatus required and the approximate cost of same. The Fire~ chief stated a Service Ladder Truck should be purchase~, and fire engine No replaced by anew engine,as it is now over twenty years old It could], be held in reserve. He stated the cost of an ordinary Service ~adder Truck ~s approximately ~10,750 ~ but would recon~end the A~ial Service Ladder Truck at a cost of approximately ~1~,75~, because one man can handle the 65 foot ladder where it t~es si~ men to handle the ordinanry 50 foot ladder. He stated the approximate cost of an engine is ~12,500.Referred to Councilman A communication was received from Con. Pula,asking for permission to open a produce store,wholesale & retsil, in the Gus Chelini No.2,~asol!ne Station on the Bayshore Highway. Referred to the Buildin~y Inspector The City and County of San Francisco asked for the passage of a resolution permitting them to lay their new water pine line throuqh Orance Avenue on ~the north side of the W.P.A. Office Building. , Laid~5?er t'ill~'$ meeting~of the Council,Wednesday, September 24,1936,~t 8 o'clock p.m. Claims in the amount of ;~524.66 were next presented to the co:mcil for~.payment;- California Water Service Company, Library water, August, ~936 ~ 28.21 James Spuri, lJ Photographs, People vs. Grace Brown 26.00 M.~Belli Co., Lt~., Parts etc., Police Buick Patrol Car 4~.35 Frank Pariani, Repairs and Battery Charges, Police Department 6.75 G. F. Bishop Co., Materials--Labor, Parks 15.05 La ~ar's Garace, I Battery, Fire Dept. 1.29 C. Beznal, 4 days Relief Driver, Fire Dept. 20.00 D. Rush, Special Police Officer Vacat~o~ Periods 80.00 Commercial Soap & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Metal Polish, Fire Dept. 7.72 Dr. J. 0. ~ ~ ~c~ills, July & August Phones 6.50 S. M. Co. Title Co., R. E. Transfers, August 1936 1.50 W. P. Fuller & Co., Traffic Line Paint 9.27 Baden Cash Store, Sani Flush ~nd Spade 3.75 Pacific Tel & Tel, Phone 626 July & August, 1936 ,. 5.00 So. S. F. Chamber of Commerce, Sept. Advertising 25.00 So. City L~mber & Suoplv Co., Playground 1.24 ,' ~,! ,! ~' '! ~.l " .. 1 Sk. Pro Lime .77 " " " " " " Concrete Mf~x, Concrete Cement, etc., Martin School Playgrouuds 9.92 L. C. Smith,.Rent Tractor Gradin~ ~artin School Park 40.00 Joe Penna, Bread fo~ City Dumps .88 Standard 0il Company, Pearl 0il & Ethyl Gasoline G3.10 Amer. Fire Equipment Co., i Double Male, St. S. F. Fire Dept. ~ 3.61 Dinner Committee, Dinner Meeting P. B. League Calif. Mun. at Metro Grill 3.75 James Curti, Labor Orange Ave. Park 55.00 ca]. literature to the voters of South San ~'rancisco, bein~ a candidate for State Senator on the Socialist ticket. City attorney Coleberd advised that the handbill ordi~..ance would have to be complied with before the issuance of a permit. A communication was received from Swift ~,: Comoany expressin.? their appreciation of the prompt a~d efficient action of the South So.~ rancmsco rolice DePartment in handling ~ ~ ~ slow signs, markin~ of the ~i~wa~ and oatrollin~ of the their request for pedestrian si,~.n~., same in front of their plant, after a very serious accident near the Exchange Buildin~ about one month a~o. Communication a~cepted and placed on file. A co~.mmunication was received from ,L,.O.Mardy, Jr. Secret~r¥ ~.f the South an Francisco Chamber of COmmerce, advocating a display b,~; the City of South Sa~ ~ran~cisco that would fully. represent its progress during the past vear, at the San '"ateo County Floral Fiesta at Bay Meadows October @th to llth. Mr.~'a~dy stated the city could secure 200 square feet of space for the s~nn of $105, He stated the Chamber of Commerce would endeavor to put on the best show possible if the city desired to take space at the ~,eadows. Councilman ~;~oido moved that the city rent 200 feet of space at the Fiemta for South .an Francisco's exhibit. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. A c'ommunication was received from Latham Company, Incorporated,manufacturers of Power Brakes.,statin~ they had bought a parcel of land bounded by Tanforan and Linden Avenues, East of the S.P.Railroad tracks, and requested that the city. provide the prop. er fire pro- tection, as them are about to commence the construction of tlleir buildin?s. Referred to Conncilman Mager, Chairman of the Fire Committee. A co~munication was received from 27 property ov~ers,residents,taxpa~ers and ~.ec~ar~iCs of the Town of Baden vol~nateerin? their services for the construction of a fence at Orange Avenue Park,i or any other service the city might require of them and at any time. After discussion as ~o the time to commence operations t~.~e offer ws.s z. ratefully accepted and will be taken up as soon a,~ materials are ready. The matter was laid over till then. A co~aunication was received from the ~anufacturers Association of South °an Francisco callir~Z the attention of the City Council to the report of the Board of Fire Underwriters of the Pacific,under date of October ~1,1~J35, pertaining to fire. protection, in the City of South Sa.~ ~rancisco, and reques~tin~z that the city tske action to carry out the recommendations made in the report. A difference of opinion arose among the cOuncilmen as te the best '~uet~nod to pursue. Some thou~tht a bond issue might be advisable, while othere thouz?.t the ~eneral fund could handle the situation, without the payment of bond interest. Mayor Ratto asked Pire Chief ~elte as to the apparatus required and the approximate cost of same. The Fire chief stated a Service Ladder Truck should be purchase~, and fire engine No 2, replaced by a new enMine,as it is now over twe~_ty years old. It could be held in reserve. He stated the cost of an ordinary Service Ladder Truck is approximately ~10,750 ~ but would reco~umend the A~ial Service Ladder Truck at a cost of approximately ~1Z,75~, because one man can handle the 85 foot ladder where it takes six men to handle the ordinanry 50 foot ladder ~e stated the approximate cost of an engine is $12,500 Heferred to Councilwoman A communication ';~as received from Con. Puls,asking for permission to open a produce store,wholesale & retail,in the Gus Chelini No.2,~ ~aoo___ne Station on the Bayshore Highway. Referred to the Buildin~ Inspector The City and County of San Francisco asked for the passage of a resolution permitting them to lay their new water pipe line throuqh Orange Avenue on,the north side of the W.P.A. 0f~ice Building. , Laid~.~.er t~t~'$ f, ee~ing..of the Council,Wednesday, September 24,1~6,~t 8 o' clock p.m. Claims in the amount of ~524.68 were next presented to the co:zucil for pa~?nnent;- California Water Service Company, Library water, August, 1936 $ 26.21 Jam~s Spuri, 1~ Photographs, People vs. Orace Brown 26.00 M.~Belli Co., Lt~., Parts etc., Police Buick Patrol Car 49.35 Frank Pariani, Repairs and Battery Char~es, Police Department 6.75 G. F. Bishop Co., Materials--Labor, Parks 15.05 La Sar's Garage, I Battery, Fire Dept. 1.29 C. Becnal, 4 days Relief Driver, Fire Dept. 20.00 D. Rush, Special Police Officer Vacat"~o~ Periods 80.00 Commercial Soap & Chemicals Co., Ltd. Metal Polish, Fire Dept. 7.72 Dr. J. 0. McMills, July & August Phones 6.50 $. M. Co. Title Co., R. E. Transfers, August 1936 1.50 W. P. Fuller & Co., Traffic Line Paint 9.27 Baden Cash Store, Sani Flush s_nd Spade 3.75 Pacific Tel & Tel, Phone 52~ July & August, 1936 5.00 So. S. F. Chamber of Commerce, Sept. Advertising 25.00 So. City..Lu~..ber .&..Sup~.ly C.o.., Playground 1.24 " 1 Sk. Pro Lime .77 " " " " " " Concrete _~,~I~x, Concrete Cement, etc., Martin School Playgrounds 9.92 L. C. Smith, Rent Tractor Gradin~ 1.~artin School Park 40.00 Joe Penna, Bread fo~ City Dumps .88 Standard 0fl Company, Pearl 0il & Ethyl Gasoline G3.10 Amer. Fire Equipment Co., I Double Male, St. S. F. Fire Dept. 3.61 Dinner Committee, Dinner Meeting P. B. League Calif. Mun. at Metro Orill 3.75 James Curtt, Labor Orange Ave.Park 55.00 ~Martin Maro, " " " " ~ 60.$0 Total $524.66 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Eschelbach moved ~hey be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Bo!do and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business the application of C.J. Partridge for a permit so erect a board si~n for Jack Hicke~? on lots 23 and 24, Block 148, was taken up. On motion by Councilman Esche~bach, seconded by Councilman Mager and regularly carried the permit was ~ranted,under the supervision of the Building Inspector. The application of Charles Shuman for permission to operate a taxi and autmobile servi¢ From ll5 Gramd Avenue was ~ranted, there being no ordinance a~ainst operating this character o~ ousiness. The City Clerk wa.~ instructed to write the San ~ateo Times and inform them the city is ~ ~akin~ space at the San ~ateo County Floral Fiesat and would not be advertising in the Times. ~_- The request of the San ~ateo County ?oard of Supervisors to adopt an ordinance prohibi~ ~ng the erection of unsightl~ and urnaecessary Billboards alon~ the city's highways was ordere~ Filed.. New business , None.Under Good & Welfare,B.J.Rodondi said Petroff & Co cleaned their weeds away,Aoceptedlm the matter of the request of the City of San Francisco for permission to lay their water pipe aroundthe ~~~m.~B~il~i~.~--~0~-~oAvenue, councilman Boido moved to refer ~o new business.The motion was seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. Councilman Boido then introduced a resolutiOn permitting the City of San Francisco to ~heir water pipein 0range Avenue around~he ~1ae building ~f tho~W.F.A. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Nager, ~.~inucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest D~uiel NcSweeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol .3, at page evening, ~ayo~ of So~ . There bein~ ~o further business Councilman ~inucciani moved t~ adjourn ,until Wednes~ September"~21' 19~8' at i °' cloc~' P' I"{'~! ~//:'~:.~?~'~/~ ~ /(~?~'~ ¥~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~