HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1936-10-05REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SSI'~ FRANCISCO, HiiLD OCTOBER 5th, 1936. The regular meetlnc of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held Ln the city ha!l, ~,~onda~r evenin~ October 5th,193~ The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by l,[ayor D.Vf.hatto. R{LL CALL. Roll call found all members of the city council present,as follows;- Counc!lmen$ V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.5[ager, M.M~nm~ani,D.W.Ratto. The m!~autes of the meetingsof September 21 and Oepte~oer 23 were read. In the minutes of September 21 reference was made to the Cit~ of San Francisco bein~ granted Permission by resolution to lay their pipe line around the W.P.A.0ffice Building on 0range Avenue. 0n motion by councilman Zinucciani,se~onded by Cocci!man Boido an5 regularly carried reference to the W.P.A.0ffice Bui!din~ on 0rance ':~as ordered strm,:~e out ~d t~e wor~:~ ~to chau~e their pipe line in 0fanuc Avenue,~uostituted. The minutes were then adopted as cor~ In the minutes of the adjourned meeting of September 23, reference was made to a ' Resolution adopt~ .:.n~ specifications for fur~ishin~ re~nforced concrete sto~ water sewer ~ipe fin' South Industrial Area". 0n motio~_ by counci!ma~ Ninucciani, seconded by counci~an Bofdo ~d re:u~lar_y carried thms reference ~,~ ordered shah:ed to read"in 0ra:~e Avenue Park~ The minutes ¥~ere then adopted as corrected. A co~unfcation .:~as received from Cecelia Pe~a, secreta~f of the Italian Catholic ~ederation requestin~ pe~issfon to hol~ a Ravioli Dinner Dance in Fraternal Hall, S~day, the 22nd day of November,1935, from 12 O'clock noon to 12 o'clock midnight. 0n motion by Co~cil~ Boido, Seconded by CorsiCan Maker the desired pe~ft was Granted. As no fee for extra police ~rotect'ion accomp~ied the application the city clerk was instructed to request that the fee forwarded. The Italian ~erfcan. Activities Club of South San Fr~cfsco applied for permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall,0ctober 10th,1936, from 9 p.m. to 1 A.N. 0n motion by Co~ci~a~ Ma~er, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the desired -oe~it was g~anted. A co~a~ication was received from the International Brot~erhood of Electrical Workers, San l~lageo ~o,~mty, stating theU received complaints from n~erous sources concerning electrical jobs that were not up to the requirements and re~lations of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. 0n question by i,~aFor Ratto :~ire Cb!of '/felte said the city is operating ~der ti National Board of Fire Underwriters Electric Code a:ad that no com~laint had come to him from the 'San ~,iateo County International Brotherhood Electrical ?forkers. Co~ication ordered plac~ on"~te. ~- ~A"'-co~uunication was received from ~-~::e balifornia Water Service Com'o~n-, statin:: that th attention h~s bee~~', called to a . .~?lmmb~n.._~ condition in the f'-r~ar School. That ~0 to 100 outle draw from one 2" pipe under tke entire lend'th of the building, about 20 or 25 of these out!e are 1 inch servzux the toilets equiped wlt~ flas.~, valves, v~kich r~quire acme residual pressur to close and operate properly. The letter stated '~'~ere is a oossible danger of cont~nination. -Nayor Ratto stated this ia a serious situation a/~d inquired from Health Officer ~dcMill if there was anythinc being done about it. Dr.~,!cilills stated his attention was drawn to the matter and an investization is being had at the present time,and requested the assistance of Building Inspector to locate the trouble. This was satisfactory to the city council and the comm~ication ordered accepted and placed on file. A communication was receive~ from San ~.{ateo LoS. t~e No.!llg,B. P.0.E, , requesting the City of South. S~ Francisco to oo~erve v~..~, week. la:for Ratto,kavin~ received the coxmunication, urged all citizens of-b~':e city to o~:serve "OLD CL0?f" week from October llth, t October 17. Councilman Eschelbach moved that the fla.~ of our nation be flown from all publi .~u~ldmn,s ~n the czty for t,,e .0~D ,L~.~ ~ee,~,cohm,enc-n. on October ll,and endzn October 17 N~e motion ,~a . ..... ed ~y Co~cilmm~ ~dinuc~i=ni ~nd ~.e~ularly carried. ~avor Rat'to issued ,' ~- ~1 C'~- ~-~1 a proc~ation urGin~ all citizens of tke cm~j to observe OLD ,~xL~ week by disp!ayinz ay payin.7 proper tribute to. the f'~erica~ Flag. An application was made bF Edward qin?,biny for a transfer of the Rex Cl~o lioense to On motion by Councilman ~ ~o~helbach, :'econded by Councilm~ Hi~uccia~'-~i the transfer was ,~rant~ 'Application was. made by Corradetti Brothers for _oermission to make alterations in the~ ~e .... ed to the buildin._, inspector premises ~05 Grand ~venue, at a'-~ estimated cost of ,;~700. :~ ~ , -An application was received from v.,~mne.,s of new automobile sales,retail,the De cote and 2~iths~ at 243 C-rand Avenue Counc~ Boido and ~'~iager ob?ected to ,c:rantin~ a license until t]-e ~r~,mmoies vms as~.'ured a toilet and sanitary improvements. Nuch discussion arose as to the issuance of licenses :~efore the City Council's approval, and it ~.¥as decided no more licenses of this character be issued until application is a?proved by th~ City Coz~.cil. ?,{r. i~ilton was 7ranted a temporary License of days,on motion By Co~cilman ~.'~aTer, seconded by Coun,mtm~n 2inuccia~i a~d re!ularly carried, condition, that a loilet be installed and all otter ca~itary conditions governed by ordinance: com:}lied with. Duildiu~' Inspector Welte was instructed t~ take care of the situation. A petition omgned by 35 persons requesti~ the city to provide parking soaces By lin. arced the Golden Ea~le Hotel for the accommodation of boarders and others doin~ business tk~ was submitted to the Co,ail. Nayor Ra~o was of t~'e o-oinion ..... that Orov~d_n~ nar~n~, ~. ..~. spaces hdtels or individuals would be surely met with u::favora'ble co?~ent,and could not be .iranted.. members of the council were of the smme opinion a~:-~ the Oetit!on was ordered plac~d on file. The monthly reports of the City Yud. le, City Treasurer,)~_ealth Officer,Chief of relic Fire Chief,Buildin~ Ins~oector and Cit~ Clerk for the month ending September 30,193~,~ere sub: and accepted. NESOLUTIOY CALLING FOR ZEDS FOR=~,~i~T~T~Y mO~z , ~ THE CITY 0F SOUT!I SAN FRANCISCO. ,. 0ouncilman Boido !nhPoduced a resolution of '~he 0~y of Sou~h S~n FP~ncisoo e~lltn b~ds fop ~ Dod. se ~Puok fop the 0i~y of South S~n PP~nofsco. The bids to be opene~ on The resolution w~s adopted by the votes of ~11 ~he members of the city Ayes~ 0o~oilmen~ V.Boi{o~A.J.Eschelb~oh~ J.P.!{a{eP~ Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen, None. At,est Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Dock of Resolutions, 7o!.S, at page 88. k, Claims in ~he ~ou~t of ~}{~l{l~SS were next presented to the co,oil for 'The minutes of the meetingsof September Zl and Oeptember 23 were read. In the minutes of September 21 reference was made to the City of San Francisco bein granted pcrmission by resolution to lay their pipe line around the W.P.A.0ffice Building on Orange Avenue. On motion by councilman Xinucciaui,seconded by Co~cilman Boido an~ regularly carried reference to the W.P.A.0ffice Buildin~ on 0range was ordered strike~ out ~d the wor~ "to cha~ge their pipe line in 0ranze Avenue~substituted. The minutes were then adopted as co~ In the minutes of the adjourned meetin~ of September ~, reference was made to a "Resolution adoptin~ specifications for fur~ishin~ reinforced concrete sto~ water sewer oip~ in~ South Industrial Area". 0n motion bv councilmao ~¥~inucciani,seconded by counci~an Boido ~ rezularly carried this reference wao~ o~dered chan2ed to read"in 0ra?ze Avenue Park'~ The minut ~ere then adopted as corrected. A co~ication c~as received from Cecelia Pe~a,secreta~ of the Italian Catholic ~ederation requesting pe~ission to hol~ a ldavio~i Dinner Dance in Fraternal Hall, S~day, th~ ~nd day of November, 193~, from 1~ O'clock noon to l~ o'clock midnight. 0n motion by Co~c~ Boido, ~seconded by Counci~an ~,~a~er the desired permit was granted. As no fee for extra pol~ protection accomp~ied the application the city clerk was instructed to request that the fe~ f orwardb d. ~The Italian ~erican Activities Club of South San Fr~cisco applied for permission ~ 0n motion by Co~ci~ hold a dance in Fraternal llall,0ctober 10th, 19~8,from 9 p.m. to i A ..... ~'~aMer, seconded by Co~ci~an Boido and rezularly carried the desired co,it was g~anted. A co~ication was received from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Worke~ San ~at~eo County, stating the~ received complaints from n~erous sources concerning electric~ jobs that were not up to the requirements and re~lations of the National Board of Fire Urderw~iters. 0n question by ~a?or Ratto ~mr~ Chief U~elte said the city is ooerating under National Board of Fire Underwriters Electric Code a~ad that no co~uplaint had come to him fron the ~'San ~ateo County International Brotherhood Electrical Jerkers. Co~ication ordered pl~ on ~ le~ ~'~ ~A"co~uunication was received from ~ ~e Oalifornia ~Yater Service Comn~_ ~,u~ statinx~, that attention h~s been called to a ~ mmbin~ condition in tho C~r~ar School. That ~0 to 100 out] draw from one ~" pipe ~nder the entire lenc~t~ of the building, about ~0 or ~8 of these are I inch ~ se~v_~o the toilets equiped with flush valves, which require acme residual press~ to close and operate properly. The le~ter stated t~ere is a pooomble dan~zer of cont~inatio~ ~ayor Ratto stated this is a serious situation and inquired from Health Officer ~c~i] if there was anything being done about it. Dr.~c~ills stated his attention was drawn to the matter and an investigation is being had at the present time,and requested the assistance Building Inspector to locate the trouble. This was satisfactory to the city council and the co~n~!cation ordered accepted and placed on file. A co~ication was receive~ from San ~ . . ~e~uestin~ the ~.~ateo Lodce N° ll12,B P.0.E, , ~ ... ,~ City of South S~ Francisco to observe "OLD '~" week. ~T ~,,~.~. u..ayor ~atto,havin~ received the "~ ~" week ~rom October llth, co~untcation, urged all citizens of t]~e city to observe ~_~ .... October 17. Co~citman Eschelbach moved 'that the flat of our nation be flown from all publ buildinr:s zn the czty for the ~D ..~-L.t~. z~ee~co~.enczn.: on October ll, and endin.~ October 1 , ~.~a~or Ratto issued The motion was second, ed by Co~cf!ma~ ~.linucciani and re.~ularly carried. ~'~ ~ . a procl-~ation urgin~ all citizens of t]'~e clt~r to observe "OLD OL01~3" week by disp!al~in2 a payiu~ proper tribute to the 3~erica~ Flag. An application was made by Edward C-iWnbiny for a transfer of the Rex Club license to 0n motion by Councilman Eoehelbach, ~econded by Councilm~ ~}.~ucc~:~i the transfer was grant -Application was made by Corradetti Brothers for permission to make alterations in the ~orsmfses Z05 Qrand ~venu~, at a~% estimated cost of ~T00. i%ef~rred to tko building, inspector -An appIication was received from Frar~li]~ Uilton fop a business license to on~a2'o in busine~s of new automobile sa!os,retail, the De Sore and 2~iths~ at 2~ Qrand Avenue. Co~c Boido and tv[aoer ob ected ~o cranting a lice~_oe until the nremisie~ w~8 a~cu~ed a toilet and ..... ~ore the City sanita~ improvements ;.{uch discussion arose as to t>:e issuance of liaenses Co~cil's ~pproval, and it '.?a~ decided no more licenses of this ch~racte~ be i8sued until application is a~?roved by th~ Citz Co~:cil. ~{r. ;{ilton was ?anted a temporary License of days,on motion By Co~cilman t,~a~e?, ~econded by Councilman Xinucciani a'~d rezularlz carried, condition that a loiZet be inst~lZed and all other ~anita?z conditions Zov~rned bM ordinauce com-olied with. Duildi~z'' Inspector Welte was instructed to taks care of the situation. A petition ~igned by ~8 persons requesting7 the city to provide park~n? soaces by arced the Golden Ea~le Hotel for b..e acco~odation of boarders and others doin~ business was submitted to the Co~cil. LIayor Ratto was of t~(e opinion that providing parking spaces h~tels or individuals would be surely met with u~favorable co~3nont,and could not be _~ranted.~ members of the council were of the s~me opinion ~ -~ a~:~ t~%e petitio~ was ordered plac~d on file. The monthly renorts of the CitI Judce, City Treasurer,]iealth Qfficer, Chief of Polic~ Fire Chief,Building Insoector and Cit-~ Clerk for the month ondin~ September ~0,19o~,were sub~ and accepted. Xz~o,, LUE IC ?T . ,~.uz,_,..,, ~ FOR FOR TRUCK FOR THE CITY OF SOUTH SA!T 'FRANCISC0. Councilman Bofdo introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco calling fc bids for a Dodse truck for the City of South San Francisco.. The bids to be opened on ~onday, t 19th day of 0c6ober, 19Z6,at 8 o'clock o.m. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council,as fei Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, L.J.Eschelbach, J.F.?~ager, .'~,~.>~inuccia~i,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilme~ No~e. Attest ~aniel ~cSweene~___ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vel. Z, at page 8~. C~laims in the amount of $4,141,83 were next presented to the council for payment;- I Claims,continued;- ?link's Service Station Jo~hn Monti V.Ullery Hanuel Castro M.Iguartz L.Imprescia E.Milani C.Beznel M.Mazetti J.~erri Carl ~Rinehart J.Mayerle E.Venturi Paul 2enoski Roy Zmith L. Savares R.Bisagno E.Rossi M.Mayer~e 4 tires,new police Buick ~ 64.65 Oeo. A.Kneese,Engineerin~ Colma Ditc~~ " " " plans speci's tru~ sewe~ Ext.So. Ind. Area. " " "Eng,& Superv,play~rounds gasoline str.dept :~j 1.70 Att~nding fires ~ 1.00 " " ~ 6,50 " " :~¢ 4.00 " " ~ 5.50 " "~ 1.00 " " ~ 7.50 " " i~ 1. O0 " " ~ 4. O0 " "~ 1.50 " " ii 3.00 " " ~ 3.50 " "! 3.00 ' " " 6.00 " " 3.50 " " ~ 6. O0 " " '~i. 9. O0 " " $ 5.50 "~3!6.68 " ~ 33.00 and parks $ 73.92 11 II II !1 eng.& InspectlonLfnden Avenue brld~e Industrial City Lumber Co, materials for parks Ii II II II II II II " " " " " street department " " " " "police dept California ~Hater Ser. Co water Martin School park 11 Il survey land & water area of SoS.F. for U.S.C.0?.C 4.00 52.80 ~186,90 i~183,36 2.60 The claims havi~Tu been audited by the finance co~mr~ittee coumci!man Eschelbach moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Co~mcilman Minucciani and regularI~ carried. Under the head of ._unfinished-business Councilman Ma~er reoorted pro~Tress on the request of Laths:: Company for adequate fire protection for their new plant,and Fire Chief ~Velte report- ed waiting for the water company to install the proper size main. The offer of many residents of the Town of Baden to erect a ~e~nce for the city at 0ra~e~ Avenue Park was taken up and Councilman Boido su7gested the council meet at 9 A.M. in the morning and go over the ,~round and decide on w~at is best to do. The suggestion was azreeable to all the councilmen. In the matter of the application of Con. Pula for a permit to ooen a wkolesa!e and retail store in Gus Chelini's old gasoline station on the east side of Sm~ Bruno Road, .... . BuildinF Inspector Welte stated he inspected the oremesis and made recommendations to the party to follow before openin.~ and heard nothing from h. im sicne. At this juncture the matter of the sanitary condition of the ~.adeo Firenze restaurant on San Bruno Roa~ was tsd~en up. On m~estion Zuildin~ Inspector Welte stated there is but one toilet in the place for both sexes,that Mr. Firenze was instructed to add another toilet and to remedy the draina~:e,but~ had so far not done so. Councilman' ,V~a~er· .~, thought· the license shor_ld be revoked, and so moved. Considerable discussion resulted. Councilman Minucciani rheum;bt Firenze should be given the same consideration as Franklin Milton, ten days to comply with the city~ ordinances and other sanitary regulations. This suggestion Was s~tisfactor~/to Councilman 'acer amd ,',.~mlton to comply with the law within the building inspector was instructed to notify 7irenze a~d ~" ~ days. The City Clerk was instructed to address communications to them notffyin~~ them to the ssme affect. Mayor Ratto stated it was re:orted to him tkat a sf~n was erected at Third. Street and the. E1 Car~ino heal which obstructed the view of drivore. Buildin~ Inspector ~elte was instructed to investmga~e. T~re being no further business before the board Councm!man ~mnuccma~i moved to adjourn. The mo~fo~_~as seconde.d by Councilman, hschelbach and regularly carried. ~ Tim~ ~diour~ment 9.30 o clock p.m. ~ .... ~,,~ ~ ~'=~w~.~ 2 ':;' 7.49 " " " " " fountain & fire house, ,~ " " " " " hydrants, September ~462.00 " " " " " baseball Crounds " ~ 40.56 ,' ,. .// ,. .i city hall " ~ 35.88 on traf('ic signals 10.50 Pacheco Electric labor,ets, . A.J.Pacheco maintenance, fire alarm s~z2tem Sept2g. 00 Pacbeco 71~lectric " lames & Str L.qhts ";i~ 22.80 !~outh City Lbr~.d~ Supply Co. ,materials,~arks, ,.olay'~rounds~196.27 " " " " " con. crete f: ce?~eT~t ~ 14.73 Oalifornia ~.tste "re. to Asso'n, crossin~ sicns ~i~ 5.37 ';J~. ~l-reenber Sons, one Aro hydrant ~ 62.62 Pacific Oas ?,: Electric Co street liZhts,Septe::~ber ~624.71 " " " "miscellaneous lf~hts,Sept ~i~ 85.36 Fred Lomo~rdm grading Martin o~hool Park ~ 12 00 Superior Steam Laundry wash fire houses,Sept ~ 14.30 Jack Welch removing dead do':"c, etc Sept ~ 32.00 Enterorise Press stamoed envelopes,circ~lars,etc ~133.81 Pac.Te~.& TeI.oo city pkones, September, ~ 58.14 Pacific Pumoin~ Co., rent of pump Linden Ave Bridye Sept30.00 Louis Belloni feed vrisomers,P.0.11~:tox rent ~ 4.10 Dudley Perkins lfew motor cycle,]'oolice d. ept ~394.70 So.S.F.Hospital 4 exams for alcoholism ~ 10.00 S.~vI.i::0.Products (~ Floral ~i~s'ba o~a-,'es 83,81 Bay I',k,a,~ow:~100 00 Calif. Fire Extinguisker Stop L!~:ht Flasher, fire deot, f~ 1]55 ltobins o -~' . n-Dru~omst, materials 'oolice dept, ~ 10.96 " " " City Clerk's office ~ 4.12 D.W.Ratto,A,~ent~for Eeltrami & ~aldasseroni rent yard i~140.00 M.Laufer labor at baseball ~.ark ~ 26.00 A. Monize " " ~" ~ 20.00 Burrou~Ths Add ~[achine Co maintenance 6 months clerks ~ ~.5~ Andrew ~-[vnd. in~, Insura~co, Police,~h Firemen, streets, Prunerll4. lS ~entral Supply Co. material Martin School play~roundo~ 38.BS Patterson-~illiams Co materials for playgrounds ~6~.85 Total ~4,141.83 J.~,~averle " " ~ $. O0 E. Venturi " " ~ 5.50 " " ~ ~.00 Paul ~.~enoski , . !~oy Zmith ~ 6.00 L. Savares " " ~ ~.50 R..oisa~no ~ 6.00 E.Rossi " "~ .~i. 9 00 C~eo.A,Kneese,Engineerin~ Colma Ditc~ "~ 6'S1 68 " " "_~lans speci's true: sewe~ ~ ' Ext. So. Ind. Area. " " ~ 55.00 " " "Eng,~. Superv,playc~o%ua~s a~.d oarks $ 75.92 survey land ~'.~ water area of So2~.F.for U.S.C.0F.C 4.00 " " " es'~.g.{.',: InspectionLinden Avenue bridce ~ 52.80 Iudustrial City~ Lumber Co, materials for parks ~186.90 " " " " " " " ~185 56 " " " " "street department ~ " " " " "pOlice dept ~ 6.59 California 'L~a'~er Ser Co water ~.,.~a.~m~ School park ~ 2.60 " " " " " fo~natain & fire house,2,~ 7.49 " " " " " hydrants, September ~462.00 .' .. .. i' " baseball grounds " ~ 40.56 " " # " " city hall " ~ 55.88 Pacheco E!ecDric labor,ets,on trafCic signals 10.50 A.J.Pacheco maintenance, fire alarm system Sept2G. 00 Pac3~eco i~lectric " laraos& Str Lzhts "{~ 22.80 !~outh City Lbr,.c~ Supply Co. ,~aterials,parks, olayTrounds~196.27 " " " " " concrete ~.; ces-,~e~ot ~ 14.7~ California. "~s~- ........ e '~u. to Asso'n, crocsins sic'ns {~ 5.57 ~.1~ 'Sl-reenbes:' SOns, ~. one Are hydrant ~ 62.62 Pacific ~as Z~ Electric Co street liThts,Septe':'.~ber ~624.71 " " " "miscellaneous lights,Sept ~ 85.~6 Fred Lombardi grading Martin a~hool Park ~ 12.00 Superior Steam Laundry wash fire houses,Sept ~ 14.~0 Jack Welch re~soving .,dead do~".c~, etc Sept ~ 52.00 Enterprise Press stamoed envelopes,circulars,ets Pac.Te~.& T'el'.Co city pi'~ones, September, $ 58.14 Pack, f is Pumpin'3:~ Co., rent of pump Linden Ave Bridge Sep. tg0.00 Louis Bellont feed orisomers,P.0.Box rent ~ 4.10 !Dudley Perkins New motor cycle,?~olice dept ' So.S.F.Hospital 4 exams for alcoholism ~ 10.00 S.M.130.Product. s & Floral Fiesta soaces 85,84 Bay ~eadow~100.00 ~.~alif. Fire Extinguisher Stop Lm ~:~t Flasher,fire dept, ~ 1 55 l{obinson-Druggist, materials -police dept, ~ 10.96 " " " City Clerk's os~mce ~ 4.12 D.V;.Ratto,A,?ent~ for Eeltrami 8~ ~}a!dasseroni rent yard ~140.00 ?.{.Laufer labor at baseball ~ark ~ 26.00 A. Monize " " '" {~ 20.00 Burrou:~hs Add 2~achine Co maintenance 6 months clerks ~ 5.55 Andrew Mynah_ins, In ...... ra..c~,Police,~% Firemen, streets,Prunerl14.15 Central Supply Co. material ?~iartin School play~rounds$ 58.25 Patterson-~illiams Co m~terials for playsrounds ~565.85 Total ~,~, 14i'. ~ The claims havi,~7 been audited by the finance co:m~ittee councilman Eschelbach moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Co~ncilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Under the head of unftniShed~business CounciLma~a ]'.~tacer resorted progress on the request of Latha~s Company for adequate fire protection for their nevz plant,and Tire Chief ?~elte report- ed waiting for the ~s. ter company to install the proper size main. The offer of many residents of the Town of Baden to erect a fence for the city at Ora~e Avenue Park was taken up and Councilman Boido suygested the council meet at 9 A.~t. in the morning and mo over th.e .sround and decide on ~at ms best to do. The suxMestion was agreeable to all the councilmen. In the matter of the application of Con. Pula for a permit to seen a w~-'olesale and retail store in Gus Chelini's old gasoline station on the east side of Sat~ Bruno Road, Buildin~ Inspector Welte stated he inspected the oremesis and made recommendations to the part.~ to follow before openin~ and heard nothin~ from him sicne. At this juncture t.~e matter of the sanitar? condition of the ;~.adeo Firenze . . . .~ , ere is restaurant on San ?.rune Roa~ was ts2~en up On cuestion ~.uildinc Insoector V~elte stated ~ but one toilet in the olace for both sexes,that Mr. Firenze was instructed to add another toilet and to remedy the draina~e,but_ had so far not done so. Councilman ~a~er. ~-. thought the license should be revoked, and so moved. Considerable discussion resultod. Cou_ncilma~ Minucciani thou~ht Firenze should be given the same consideration as Franklin ~.,~ilton, ten days to comply with the city~ ordinances and other sanitary re~lations. This suggestion was satisfactor~r to Councilman a~er amd the building inspector was mnotructed to notify Firenze a~d ~:.~.~lton to comply with the law within days. The City Clerk was instructed to address communications to them notif7in~ them to the ssm~ affect. Mayor Ratto stated it was re orted to him t~at a si~n was erected at Third Street and the. E1 C~mino ~al which obstructed the view of dr!yore. Buildin.7 Inspector Welte was instructed to investiga~e. T~re being no further business before the board Councilma_u Diinuccia~i moved · to adjourn. The mob, iotas seconded by Co~uucilman hschelback and regularly carried. Ti'm~ ~d.~our=.~.cnt 9; 30 o' clock p.m. Re~woectfu.~l~¥~-~ ~ted,