HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-01-18REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANUISC0, HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 18,1937. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Monday evening, Jan~ ary 18,1937. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.W.Ratto/ ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the' City Council present;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto. Absent Councilman, J.F.Mager. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. An application was received from Joseph Latto for a business license to operate a Sandwich Shop at 229 El~Camino Real, on the ~dolph Curriccini property. Referred to the Buil~ Inspector and Health Officer. A co~mnunication was received from the Beninsula League of California Municipalities notifying the City Council of the date of the next meeting of the branch and requested to kn¢ how many city officials would attend. Six officials signified their intention to be on hand. The Soctedad Mutualista Mexicana "Morelos" submitted a commication applying for permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, February 13,1937 from 8 o'c] P.~. to 2 o'clock A.M. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach ~i~i'!~o~ seconded by Councilm~ ~oido and regularly carried the desired permission was granted on condition the $6.00 extra for police protection is deposited. Joe Franko, Park Way and Spruce Avenue,asked the council in writing for permission to.remove a tree in the parking space on the north side of his property, as the same was spX~ and raising the sidewalk and curb. He agreed to replacetthe tree and put in an additional one On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by ~ouncilman Minucciani and regularly carried tk Sesired permission was granted. Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for permission to open a trench approximatel~ 20 feet long in Ninth Lane,225' East of Linden Avenue, to replace ~a portion of gas main foun~ in poor condition. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach. $~.~.~/~ ~.~g Edgar C.Bigelow, 238 Grand Avenue, applied for pe~ssio~ to make alterations on bui~ at 1234 Bayshore Highway, on Lots 18 and l~,The San Bruno Road Tract. Moved by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Counciman Boido and regularly carried the permit was granted. Fire Chief Welte submitted and recommended the names of John Ferrario and William Lc for appointment to the call forces of the Fire Department, effective February lst,1937. On motion by Councilma~ Ninucciani, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the appointments were made. Fire Chief Welte submitted a comprehensive report of the camparative fire losses in~ Residential and Non-Residential Districts of the city for the years 1~34 to 1936, inclusive.T~ Report was accepted and ordered placed on file~ A proposed ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING TOILET FACILIT7ES IN CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC DANCE HALLSiIN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO" had a reading without introduction and was laid over for consideration. Claims in the ,mount of $1~89.81 were next presented to the city council for payment Standard 0il Co James Spuri Cook's 0il Company P.Di Marchi N.Guido~ti 01d Reliable Garage South City Lbr & Supply Co concrete & cement # " " "g~vel & Rock Industrial City Lbr Co materials for streets #~ " " " parks SoCity Lbr & Supply Co 60 seed flats nails Total Tom Wiley, labor on outfall sewer $ 48.00 Pacific Coast AssociationFire Chiefs 1937 duesS 3.00 R.Alexander labor outfall sewer S 13.00 Industrial City Lbr. Co nails " " S 1.30 Hamvey E.connor Bal Due Dupont Sewer S160.76 Price Furniture Co supplies for city hall S 27.03 John Figoni ~leaning fount & Windows $ 31.00 J. Penna Christman Tree $ 5.00 California WatervService Co install 3 hydrants$ 10.16 C.J.~ineha~t remov city hall xmas lights 2.00 San =ateo County Title Co daily reports Dec $ 1.50 Southern Pacific Co 18" sewer pipe cross privil$ 10.00 Pacific Gas & Electric Co., connect street imps lB.00 ~ · a Street lighting December $633.47 ~ " " miscellaneous Lights $119.63 gasoline December 8~.1~ Wreath Mrs. Ratto'~ motor oil S 8.50 labor on sewere $ 30.00 '" " " S 28.00 ~epairs to street truck S 15.86 S 17.16 $ 6.24 S 42.77 S 21.72 S 6.70 $1389.81 The claims having been audited by the finance Committee Councilman Boido moved they paid. The m~tion was seconded by Councilman Minucci'ani and regularly carrie~. Under the head of unfinished business the application of J.Berroni for permission to erect a temporary structure in his back yard for a Bocci Ball Game was again laid over. In the matter of the city's request for a reduction of water hydrant rental f~om $3. to $1.50 per month each, Engineer Klassen reported it would probably be the end of January be he could secume the info,nation desired by the city from the Railroad Commission. .On the traffic count ordered by the city for dat. to be presented together with the 2 s teo to the Highway Commission in requesting automatic ,signals at Grand Avenue and ayshor~ Highway. n~-=report was received. Building Inspector Welte reported the Firenze restaumant mat~er had been taken care Report of the inspection of the Jess apartments no~ yet ready. Sandwich Shop at 229 E1Camino Real, on the ~dolph Curriccini property. Referred to the Build ' Inspector and Health Officer. ~ A co-,~munication was received from the Beninsula League of California Municipalities I notifying the City Council of the date of the next meeting of the branch and requested to kno " how many city officials would attend. Six officials signified their intention to be on hand. The Soc~edad Mutualista Mexicana "Morelos" submitted a commicatton applying for permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday eve~nm, Webruary 13,1937 from 8 o'cl P.M. to 2 o'clock A.M. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach .:~.~'~'~d~ ~ seconded by Councilma ?Boido and regularly carried the desired permission was granted on condition the $5.00 extra for police protection is deposited. Joe Franko, Park Way and Spruce Avenue,asked the council in writing for permission to,remove a tree in the parking space on the north side of his property, as the same was sp~i and raising the sidewalk and curb. He agreed to replacer:the tree and put in an additional one On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by ~ouncilman Minucciani and re~ularly carried th desired permission was granted. Pacific Gas & Electric Company applied for permission to open a trench approximately 20 feet long in Ninth Lane,225' East of Linden Avenue, to replace~a portion of gas main found in poor condition. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach. Edgar C.Bigelow, 238 Grand Avenue, applied for permissio~ to make alterations on bull at 1234 Bayshore Highway, on Lots 18 and l~,The San Bruno Road Tract. Moved by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Counciman Boido and regularly carried the permit was granted. Fire Chief Welte submitted and recommended the names of John Ferrario and William Lo for appointment to the call forces of the Fire Department, effective February lst, 19~7. On action by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried the appointments were made. Fire Chief Welts submitted a comprehensive report of the camparative f~re losses ._ Residentia~ and Non-Residential Districts of the city for the years 1934 to 1936, inclusive.Th Report was accepted and ordered placed on file. A proposed ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING TOILET FACIL~TTMS - IN CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC DANCE HALL~IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO" had a reading without introduction and was laid over for consideration. Standard Gil Co James Spuri Cook's 0il Company P.Di Marcht N. Guido~ti 01d Reliable Garage 8curb City Lbr & Supply Co concrete & cement #" "~' "gmmvel & Rock Industrial City Lbr Co materials for streets #~' " " " parks SoCity Lbr & Supply Co 60 seed flats nails Total Claims in the ,mount of $1~89.81 were next p~esented to the city council for payment Tom Wiley, labor on outfall sewer $ 48.00 Pacific Coast AssociationFtre Chiefs 1937 dues$ 3.00 R. Alexander labor outfall sewer $ 13.00 Industrial City Lbr. Co· nails " " $ 1.30 Harvey E.Connor Bal Due Dupont Sewer S150.75 Price Furniture Co supplies for city hall S 27.03 John Figoni ~leaning fount & Windows $ 31.00 ~.Penna Christman Tree $ 5.00 California ~atervService Co install 3 hydrants$ 10.16 C.J.~inehart remov city hall xmas lights 2.00 San =arco County Title Co daily reports Dec $ 1.50 Southern Pacific Co 18" sewer pipe cross privil$ 10.00 Pacific Gas & Electric Co., connect street Imps 15.00 ~ ~ '~ Street lighting December $6~.4~ m " " miscellaneous Lights $119.53 gasoline Decembe~ 81~$.1~ Wreath Nfs. Ratto'~ funeral. I0~00 motor oil S 8.50 labor on sewers S 30.00 '" " " S 28.00 ~epairs to street t~uck S 15.85 $ 17.16 $ 5.24 ~ 42.77 ~ 21.72 $ 6.70 $2589.81 ~he claims having been audited by the finance Committee Councilman Boido moved they paid. The ~tion was seconded by Councilman Mtnucciani and regularly carried. Under t~e head of unfinished business the application of J'.Berroni for permission to erect a t~mporar~y structure in his back yard for a Bocci Ball Game was again laid over. In ~he matter of the city's request for a reduction of water hydrant rental from $3.( te $1~50 per month each, Engineer Klassen reported it would probably be the end of January be~ he could secure the information desired by the city from the Railroad Commission. ~On ~he traffic count ordered by the city for data to be presented together with the ~£ ~a~ate~ to' the Highway Commission in requesting automa$tc signals at Grand Avenue and &Ysh~x~ Highway.~report was received. BulldOg Inspector Welts reported the Firenze restaurant matter had been taken care Rep~x~ ef the inspection of the Jess apartments not yet ready. Umde~ the head of Good and Welfare Councilman Esc~elbach ~nnounced there was good su~ of flus young Eucalyptus plants on hand andasked the council 352 if it was agreeable to offer a supply of them to the Martin Grammar School, the school authorities to attend to the planting of them. So ordered and the city clerk was instructed to write the ~chool authorities making the city's offer. Councilman Eschelbach reported that the roadbedof the Market Street Railway Company in Upper Grand Avenue, was in very poor condition in many places,many holes on both sides of the tracks being an menace to travel, and requested that the 6ity Clerk be instructed to write the Market Street Railway Company, notifying them of the condition of the road and requesting that they send their repair crews out to place the tacks and roadbed in order. Bo ordered. Councilman Minucciani asked City Attorney Coleberd if the city had the power to raze a building that appeared to be a men/~e. The city Attorney stated the city has not that power. Mayor Ratto asked the City Attorney if th~ League of California Municipalities had anyordinance rulings or information on the subject. ~r.Coleberd stated he would confer with them and ascertain. Councilman Boido stated the Chief of Police should have a clerk in his department. He stated there is enough work ther~ to keep a clerk busy. Mayor Ratto thought a clerk in that office could also act as clerk for the fi~e chief and streets department. Councilman Minuccia~i thought one clerk could attend the these three duties. All councilmen agreed that the clerk sh~mld be a man. Mayor Ratto reported that City Councilmen and the City Enginee~ visited the water front with a view to selecting a beach for the city's population. It was agreed to wait upon the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company next morning at l0 o'clock A.M. to inquire the price of a B~z acre tract and the conditions of sale. Councilman Boido reported an additional police car should be put on for the night patrol to cruise along the Bayshore Highway looking out for speeders and reckless drivers. The council wilt give the matter c~nsideration. Fire Chief Welte asked the City Council to amend the electrical ordinance to change the ~ Cit~ Co~ucil was a~reeable ~o the suggestion. prese~e~e~e no rur~ner ousmness oerore ~ne ooara~ouncmmman Minucciani moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried~ Time of adjournment 9;1§ o'clock P.M. Respectfully submitted, Cit~y Clerk Approved Mayor of South San Francisco.