HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-02-01REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,MELD ~0NDAY, FEBRUARY 1ST, 1937. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Monday evening, February 1,193V. ROLL CALL. .Roll call foundall members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A. J.Eschelbac¥., J.F.Mager,M.Minucctani, .:"D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. An application for a business license was received from ~'ederigo Martinelli to run a restaurant at 200 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was granted. M.L.Harris made application to open a Fender and Radiator Shop at 310 Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Mager and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. R.A.Hamilton,owner of the 5aden Service Station on the E1 Camino Real South of Third Street, Baden, requested permission to operate a tra~ler Court Business in connection with his ~asoline. station. Inspector Welte reported the premisies is in a sanitary condition. Councilman Boido was of the opinion that the ~railer Court business should be looked into as a new kind of business and there ahould be control over them, He suggested the matter be laid over. So ordered. A Communication was received from Hugh F.McNellts and C.E.Church, Peck's Lots, asking for the job of topping the shade trees in Peck's Lots at $1.00 each or at a daily wage. They stated the trees are getting to be as. high as the houses now and in rain~ .... weather are liabl~ to blow down. The matter was laid over for investigation. In response to the city's nGtice that applications would be received for the positio~ clerk in the Police,Fire and Street Depertmants, Clyde C.Conrad, Jr.,536 Grand Avenue and Lawrence L.Wallace submitted their applications for the position. The applications were ordered placed on file. The following applications were received for positions on the Police Force;- Nello Lazzar~$evio J.Raffaelli, Joseph Grandona, and Ben La Mar. The applications were ordered placed on file.~ A communication was received from. Arthur Gunderson,Supervisor, Federal Music ProJec ~4697-1, Dist.#9,stat:lng he had completed a successful series of concerts in San ~Asteo County this Fall, and is axnious to take the San Mateo Federal Concert Orchestra of the W.P.A on a t. of the county. He stated .the concert could~be sponsored" by the city, the School Board or the Sarent teacher's Association. Laid over for consideration. NOTICE OF ESTABLISH~[ENT OF HARBOR LINES. Notice was received from Lieutenant Colonel Dorst of the Federal Engineer Corps, that January 11,1937, the Acting Secretary of War approved the establishment of a Bulkhead Line in San Francisco Bay, in the vicinity Of South San Franclsco..The communication was accepted and Engineer Klassen requested to ascertain the cost of Bulkheads. A communication was received .from L.~.~ardy, Manager of the South San ~rancisco Ehamber of Commerce, stating that nUmerous itinerant photographers are coming into town. Also that many instances of. fraud and theft have been attributed to them in other localitie~ and is possible they may commttt depredations here. The matter was referred to the Police departm The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, Health Officer, City Judge,Fire Chief, Building Inspector, City Treasurer a~d City Clerk for the month ending January 31,1937 were submitted, and on motion by Councilma~ Mager,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carri accepted. A proposed ordinance requirin~ Toilet facilities in connection with Public Dance Hall ~/~~not~ p~ropose~ o'~dinance, n~t intr~oduced, regarding loitering, picketing, carrying /or displaying banners,badges,signs,etc, caulked considerable commotion. The ordinance Was not read~ but Councilman Boido asked if the city attorney had drawn it up. The city attorney Sai~ he had not. Councilman Boido said it was t~e understanding the City Attorney would act ~n coz Junction with the attorney of the manufacturers and draw up an or~l~.i~nance satisfactory to the working men of the city and the manufacturers 'also. Mayor Ratt6~ffhat he and another member the council at a caucus were opposed to the adoption of an anti-picket~nC ordinance. Councilm~ Mage~ disputed this statement'saying he asked specifically if the ordinance was' entirely f( oustide 'aggression and that he might not be opposed to curbing outside aggression providing there ~was absolutely nothing th~_~guld in any way have any effect on collective bargaining the rights to organize .or in any~hAve any effects on the~rights of the working men of South~ San Francisco. Mayor Rattoc stated he asked each one of the members of .the council how he wo~ vote on such an ordinance and how he felt about :~' ":~. '.~ such an ordinance. It was the' consenm of opinion that if an ordinance of the kind is to be brought before the council -the attorney city and the attorney for the manufacturers should work together on framing it and that each ~ouncilmen be supplied with a copy of the ordinance to study. Attorney ~arry K.Wolff of th, Federation's counsel offered to come up and meet the City Council at any time and assis~ in' preparation of the proposed ordinance~ with his assistants in the Federation, if the city notify him. His ad~re.~.~ is 410.._B.a..lf~our Buildi~.~.~.~Sln~L~isco. ~ ............... ~ .............. ~ ......................... 7 k~ Cu~tw,~ the amount of $'1~.-~3"~'~e next pres~h~i~he council for payment;- . ~Mylan Watson labor street dept. ~00.00 A. Soldant ' ~" " " ~lOO. co C. Severni " " " $100. O0 Louis Belloni envelopes _prisoner ~ood~ 5.94 Seagrave Corporation oil pUmp . $ 1;5~ ~:'~ ...'~ Universal Tool & MF'G Co 3 fire alarm Boxes316.73 " " " "2 doors fire boxes $ 12.36 Simon Auto Reconstruction reps fire chief oar Flink's. Service Sra. rep tire fire dept E.Rossi attending fires Jan.3$ Paul Penoski " " " " Louis Savares " " " " M.Mazetti " " " " C,Begnal " " [' " 3.90 .50 1.00 1.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 .... .~_~ fo llows; - .... ouncilmen, V.Boido,A.J. Eschelbac?~:, J.F.Mager,M.Minucciani, "D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissio~ they were approved as read. An application for a business license was received from ~ederigo Martinelli to r a restaurant at 200 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilm Minucciani and regularly carriod the permit was granted. M.L.Harris made application to open a Fender and Radiator Shop at ~10 Linden Ave On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Mager and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. R.A.Hamilton, owner of the Baden Service Station on the E1 Camino Real South of T~ Street, Baden, requested permission to operate a t~a~ler Court Business in connection witl his ~asoline. station. Inspector Welte reported the premisies is ih a sanitary condition. Councilman Boido was of the opinion that the ~railer Court business should be looked into as a new kind of business and there should be control over them. He suggested the matter laid over. So ordered. A Communication was received from Hugh F.McNellis and C.E. Church,Peck's Lots, as~ for the job of topping the shade trees in Peck's Lots at $1.00 each or at a daily wage. Ti stated the trees are getting to be as high as the houses now and in rain~: to blow down. The matter was laid over for investigation. In response to the city's notice that applications would be received for the posi clerk in the Police,Fire and Street Depertmants, Clyde C.Conrad, Jr.,536 Grand Avenue and Lawrence L.Wallace submitted their applications fo~ the position. The applications were ordered placed on file. The following applications were received for positions on the Police Force;- Nello Lazzar$$evio J.Raffaelli, Joseph Grandona, and Ben La Mar. The applicatio~ were ordered placed on file, A communication was received frown. Arthur Gunderson,Supervisor, Federal Music Pro #4697-1, Dist.#9,stat~ng he had completed a successful series of concerts in San msteo Cou~ this Fall, and is axnious to take the San Mateo Federal Concert Orchestra of the W.P.A on of the county. He stated ~he concert could~be sponso~ed~i by the city, the School Board or tl ~arent teacher's Association. Laid over for consideration. NOTICE OF ESTABLISHMENT OF HARBOR LINES. Notice was received from Lieutenant Colonel Dorst of the Federal Engineer Corps, t~ January 11,1937, the Acting Secretaryof Wa~ approved the establishment of a Bulkhead Line in San Francisco Bay, in the vicinity 2f South San Franclsco..T~e communication was accepte8 and Enginee~ Klassen requested to ascertain the cost of BsAlkheads. A communication was received., from L.C..~ardy, Manager of the South San ~rancisco Ehamber of Commerce, stating that numerous itinerant photographers are coming into town. Als that many instances or. fraud and theft have been attributed to them in other localitie~ and is possible they may committ depredations here. The matter was referred to the Police depar The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, Health Officer, City Judge,Fire Chief, Building Inspector, City Treasurer a~d City Clerk for the month ending January 31,1937 were submitted, and on motion by Councilma~ Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carl accepted. A proposed ordinance requtrin~ Toilet facilities in connection with Public Dance Ha~ was laid over for two week~s.~~~ ~ ........................................................ ~_/-~--~not_e~proposed ordinance, nGt introduced, regarding loitering, picketing, carry ng ~or displaying banners,badges,signs,etc, caused considerable commotion. The ordinance Was n( but Councilman Boido asked if the city attorney had d~awn it The city attorney sa~ ~ea~ up. he had not. Councilman Boido said it was the understanding the City Attorney would act ~n cc junction with the attorney of the manufacturers and draw up an or~ance satisfactory to the working men of the city and the manufacturers'also. Mayor RattO~-b~hat he and another member the council at a caucus were opposed to the adoption of an anti-picket~.n~ ordinance. Councilm ~ager disputed this statement,saying he asked ~pecifically if the ordinance was~entirely f oustide aggression and that he might not be opposed to curbing outside aggression providing there was absolutely nothing th~uld in any way have any effect on collective bargaining the rights to organize .or in any~h~ve any effects on the rights of the working men of South San Francisco. ~ayor Ratto~: stated he asked each one of the members of ~the council how he wo~ vote on such an ordinance and how he felt about ;.: '?.:: such an ordinance. It was the, consens~ of opinion that if an ordinance of the kind is to be brought before the council ~he attorney city and the attorney for the manufacturers should work together on framing it and that each 2ouncilmen be supplied with a copy of the ordinance to study. Attorney ~arry K.Wolff of th, ~ederation s counsel offered to come up and meet the City Council at any time and assist in 1 ore~arat~on of the proposed ordinance,~with his assistants in the Federation, if the city wi~ notify him. His ad~res~ ~s 410 Ball_our BuildiB~.~.~~L~sco.  C~e~~' the ~nOunt 'of $~69,~83~e next pres~Ti~r~'he council for paymen~;- MylanWatson labor street dept. ~100.00 A. Soldani ' '" " " loo.0o C.Severni " " " $100.00 Louis Beiloni envelopes.prisoner foods §.94 Seagrave Corporation oil pump $ 1;5~ UnivePsal Tool & MF'G Co 3 fire alarm Boxes316.73 " " " "2 doors fire boxes $ 12.36 Simon Auto Reconstruction reps fire chief car ~.90 Flink's Service Sra. rep tire fire dept $ .50 E.Rossi attending fires Jan.3~ ~ 1.00 Paul Penoski " " " " 1.00 Louis Savares " " " " 2.50 M.Mazetti " " " " C,Begnal . , i. ,' ~ 2.50 ! 2.50 A. Johnson " " " " 2.50 M. Ig~atz " " " " 3.00 M. Cast~o " " " " $ ~.00 Disbursements Continued;- E. Venturi WZf. Stat t h Wm. Garibaldi H. Smith E.Kozlowski V, Ullery C. Rinehart R,Bisagno A. J. Pacheco A " " So. City Lumber co I, II !1 R.Alexander A,Monettini J.Welch Enterprise ~ress ~ I! attending fires Jan $ 3.00 " " "¢ 3.00 " " " $ 5.50 'i ·'" " ~ 5.50 ii " " " 5.50 " "¢ 5.50 " " "$ 5.50 ~ ;' ~.' '~ 6.00 Maintain Fire Alarm Jan,~ 24.50 Work Grand Ave Lights Decorate Library main- tain lights $ 64.75 59.10 " " " rep traffic sig & Sig door Enterprise Foundry frame & gate s~orm sewrs~ 23.69 J. Penna bread for rat dumps $ 1.25 Pac. Tel & Tel Co ~anuarY city phones $ 58.10 Westinghouse Electric Co Globesmcanopies 3 finals,3 rolling bands 45.28 Union Oil Co of Cai 298 Gals gas ~ 44.70 " " ~' " 150 gals gas ~ 22.50 c~ushed rock, cement brick 6.85 materials ~ 3.50 "/ storm.sewer 10.45 Clean.outfall sewer $ 44.00 building catch basin ~ 17.60 removing dead dogs& cats 27.50 envelopes Judge Dinning $ 26.57 · post cards,envelopesTax Co~0.90 Calif Water~ Service Co set fire Ho & fountain ~.00 " " " hydrantal hydrants Jan $470.00 " " " Library Water Jab. $ 4.~0 C " " Water City Hall i~all ~ark 12.00 Hallawell Se~d Co seeds $ 5.61 Total $1694.8~ The claims having audited by the finance committee Councilman Boido moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Under unfinished business Engineer Klassen reported no wo~d from bhe RailrOad Commission concerning the city's efforts to secure a reduction of hydrant rental from $3900 to $1.80 a month each. The traffic count ordered by the city was not yet ready, according to Chief of Police Belloni. In the matter of the application of Joseph Latto for a permit to open a sandwich stand at 229 E1 Camino Eeal Fire Chief Welte reported he had been to the place to meet Latto and no one showed up. The Fire Chief reported he had ordered in the fire escape in the Jess Apartments that morning.~ The State Board of health baying no jurisdiction over the matter. Under the head of new BuS'In- ess an Application was made by ~elto Cortesi for permission to construct a store and dwelling on Lot 20,Block C,Peck's Lots, at .an e~timated cost of $9,500. On motion by Councilman Boido , s~conded by councilman Mager and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. Carl Jess ~f the Jess apartments submitted plans for a galvanized iron three room structure near the ~ess Apartments.Laid over for investigation, on protest of B.J.Rodondi. Councilman'Mager brought up the subject of the cost of illumination in the underpass,~ stating he believed bhe cost should be borne by the Highway Commission. On request the city clerk was instructed to write the League of Caltforni~ Municipalities and make inquiries concerning the same,and also the San Francisco-Gakland ~ay Bridge,S lighting status. Councilman Eschelbach submitted the bid of an oil Company to furnish gas & oil to the city. City attorney Coleberd stated a resolution should be drawn up in proper-form and introduced to the council at the next meeting. Councilman Eschelbach repor~ted tha~ water was running in a ditch at the Railroad Crossing and Orange ~venue,and a concrete pipe would be necessary to catch the flow to bring it into the proper channel. Councilman Esch.elbach moved that the City Engineer be requested to re-locate the sidewalk on Orange Avenue.The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and reg~larly carried. ~ayor Hatto~stated a baseball team was in process of formation~a~cordt~g t~ a baseball and it would be good business to have the W. PA. building fitted with showers,etc, if title can be secured to the office building. Engineer Klasses stated there was no doubt ~ut that the building would be turned over to the city when the work of W.P.A.in the vicinity was completed. The matter of the city's ins~rance busines next cede up for discussion. Mayor Ratto contend ed the city insurance should be given to one company, the hartford i~surance Company, on account of their modern methods of handling large insurance,and the commissions could be split in four ways to give each of the local insurance men their share of the profits. The other Councilmen were oppos ed to this method of handling the city insurance and believed three local agents be given the business and the commissions split amoung the four local insurance men. The Mayo~ stated this would be a loss to the city of from $150 to $262.95 per annum.. After long discussion it was decided to give the insurance to three local agents andmto split the commissions four ways, most of the board favoring this plan. There being no further business before the council Councilman Eschelbach moved to adjourn. fhe motion was seconded by CouncilmanMager and regularly carried% Time of adjournment, 9;55 o'clock p.m. Approved.~ · ayor of gouth San F~ancisco