HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-03-01REGULAR HEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO m~.T.D MONDAY MARCH 1, 19~V. The reEmlar meeting of the City Council of the City of South San F~ancisco was held Monday, March 1, The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock p. m. by Mayor D. W. Ratto ROLL CALL Roll call found all members of the council p~esent, as follows: Councilmen V-. Boido, Je F. Mager, A. J. Eschelbach, Me Minucciani, D. W. Ratto The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as reade A communication was received from John Monti stating that the gutter on the Calif~ornia Avenue side of his gasoline station had sunk, and that he would like to have the same re'paired. ~ The matter was referred to Councilman Eschelbach. A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Company. in answer to the City Clerk's letter regarding the abatement of the mosquito nuisance near the S. P. Tower, stating they. are making a study of the matter and asking for an appropriation of monay to do the work. Referred to the Health Officer. A. con~nunicationwas received f~om the Alta Electric Company, stating it was of the opinion that the cost of lighting' the underpass was paid out of the Gasoline Tax Fund. Communication o~dered filed. In this connection a letter was received from the State Department of Public Works stating that the cost of illumination of the Underpass is being defrayed by the Department of Public Works frc~ the 1/4 cent gas tax funds Con~nunication ordered filed. A communication was received from the San Mateo County Planning Commf ssion asking for the names of the City's Pl_-_nning Commission. The Clextc was instructed to advise them that the City Council comprises the Planning Commission. A communication was received fr~m the General Elecbric Company, with regard to street lighting together with a copy of the "Code of Street Lighting" as adopted by the Illuminating Engineering Society. The _matter was referred ~o Councilman Eschelbach. The P;.G. & E. requested permission o f the City Council to open a 40' trench in Tamarack Lane about 200' E. of Walnut Avenue for the purpose of replacing a section of their 2e gas main. Referred to CounciLman Eschalbach. A comammication was received from the Italian American Citizen's Club stating it was the Club's intention to erect a statue of George Washington, preferably in front-of the City Hall, the dedication to take place during the Twentieth Anniversary celebration of the Club, July 2nd to 5th. Mr. Tacchi, Chairman of the Celebration Committeewas present and stated.they would like to put the statue in front of the City Hall near the American flag. The Mayor stated the city would like to have the statue and appointed Councilmen Eschelbach and Minucciani to meet with membe~s~of the Club at 10 o'clock a. March 2nd, to select a suitable place. A communication was received from San Bruno Council #30V, Y.M.I. asking permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, April 10, 19~V. On motion of Councilman Eschelbach seconded by Councilman Boido permissi on was granted. Application of Eva Raugi and 0~a Tassan to operate a beauty parlor at-219 Linden · Avenue was received, On motion by Councilman Boido, seconded by Councilman Eschelbaeh permission was granted. ApplicatiOn of Taste Good Bakeries to operate a retail bakery store at-3V1 Grand Avers was received. On motion by Councilman Eschalbach, seconded by Councilman Mager, per-~ mission wes g~anted. Applicatisns for the position of police officer were received from Mario Giannecchini, and W. V.. Foutse The applications were ordered placed on file. (J.Giachett: The application of Joe Bacigalupi for the position of clerk was received and ordered placed on. file. Au application was received from Luigi Penna for any available position in the parks and streets. Application ordered placed on file. The monthly reports of th~ Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Health 0ffieer, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending February 28, 195~, were s'.,hmitted. On motion by Counci~ Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Mager and regularly carried, the reports were ac~ed. Councilma~ Minucciaui introduced a resolution, requesting the adoption of Assembly Bill No. 19~$ ~y the State Legislature. The resolution was adopted by the vote of all members o~ the City Council present, as followi: Councilme~ V. B$id~, J. F. Mager, .D.W. Ratto, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani Nos s, Cou~cil~mn None Absent Councilmen None. . Attest: Daniel McSweeney~ City Clerk By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy RecOrded ~.~ ~Beok of Resolutions, Vol. 5, at page Counei _.~ ~eciami introduced a resolution requesting t~he adoption of Assembly Bill No. 1955~ i~the State Legislature. The resoluti, on was adopted by the vote of all memb~i!!i~J~ Cit2 Council present, as follows. _A_yes, Ceu~Xlmen Ve Boido, J. F. Mager, D. W. Ratto, A.J. Eschelbaeh, ~. Minucciani A communication was received from John Monti stating that the gutter on the California Avenue side of his gasoline station had sunk, and that he would like to have the same - repaired. The matter was referred to Councilman Eschelbach. A communication was received from the Southern Pacific Company. in answer to the City Clerk's letter regarding the abatement of the mosquito nuisance near the S. P. Tower, stating they-are making a study of the matter and asking for an appropriation of monay to do the work. Referred to the Health Officer. A. communication was received from the Alta Electric Company, stating it was of the opinion that the cost of lighting' the underpass was paid out of the Gasoline Tax l~und. Communication ordered filed. In this connection a letter was received from the State Department of Public Works stating that the cost of illumination of the Underpass is being defrayed by the Department o£ Public Works fr~ the 1/4 cent gas tax fund. Communication o~dered filed. A communication was received from the San Marco County Planning Commission asking for the names of the City's Pl~_nning Commission. The Clerk was instructed to advise them that the City Council comprises the Planning Commissiou. A co~unication was received from the General Electric Company,.~ith regard to street lighting together with a copy of the "Code of Street Lighting" as adopted by the Illuminating Engineering Society. The_matter was referred to Councilman Eschelbach. The P~.G. a E. requested permission o f the City Council to open a 40' trench in Tamarack Lane about ZOO' E. of Walnut Avenue for the purpose of replacing a section of their Bw gas main. .Referred to Councilman Eschalbach. A communication was received from the Italian American Citizen's Club stating it was the Club's intention to erect a statUe of GeorgeWashington, preferably in front-of tM City Hall, the dedication to take place during the Twentieth Anniversary celebration of the Club, July 2nd to 5th. Hr. Tacchi, Chairman of the Celebration Committeewas present and stated.they would like to put the statue in front of the City Hall near th~ American flag. The Mayor stated the city would like to have the statue and appointed Councilmen Eschelbach and Minucciani to meet with members~of the Club at i0 'o'clock a. March 2nd, to select a suitable place. A communication was received from San Bruno Council #30V, Y.M.I. asking permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, April 10, 193V. On motion of Councilman Eschetbach seconded by Councilman Boido permissi on was granted. Application of Eva Raugi and 01ga Tassan to operate a beauty parlo~ at-B19 Linden · Avenue was received, On motion by C ouncilm-n Boido, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach permission was granted. Application of Taste Good Bakeries to operate a retail bakery stc~e at-3~l Grand Ave~ was ~eceived. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Mager, per- mission was g~anted. Applications for t he position of police officer were received from Mario Giannecchini, and W. V..Fouts. The applications were ox~ered placed on file. (J.Giachett The application of Joe Bacigalupi for the position of clerk was r~ceived and ordered placed on. file. An application was received frem Luigi Penna for any available position in the parks and streets. Application ordered placed on file. The monthly reports of th~ Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Health Officer, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending FebxeAax-j 28, were submitted. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Couacilman Mager and regularly carried, the reports were ac.c~p~ede Councilma~ Minucciani introduced a resolution requesting the adoption of Assembly Bill No. 19~8 ~y the State Legislat~me. The resolution was adopted by the vote of all members o~ the City Council present, as follows: Councilme~ V. B$idm, J. F. Mager, D. W. Ratto, A. J. Eschelbach, M. M~ucciani Noes, Cou~ci~ None Absent Councilmen None Attest: Daniel McSweeney~ City Clerk By Elizabeth Ottenfield, Deputy Recorded ~n Book of Resolutions, Vol. ~, at page ~Se Councilman. Ml~ucciani introduced a resolution requesting the adoption of Assembly Bill No. 19S9~.~ t~xe State Legislature. The resolut%on was adopted by the vote of all memb~~%~e City Council present, as follows. - Ayes, Ceu~cXlmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, D. W. Ratto, A.J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilme~ None Absent, Councilmen None Attest: Daniel McSweene~,.City Clerk b2 Elizabeth Ottenfield, Deputy Recorded ~Book of Resolutions, VoI. ~ at page ~. 358 Councilman Eschelb~ch introduced a ~esolution of the City of South San Francisco opposing reduction of number of cou:t ~ooms and offices for Justice's Oourt of First Township. The resolution was adopted by the vote of all members of the City Council present, as follows: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mag, r, D. W. Ratto, A. J. Eschelbach, M, Minucciani None, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen None Attest: Daniel McSweeney,0ity Clerk By Elizabeth 0ttenfield, Deputy Recorded in Book of R~solutions, %o1~ S, at page 94. Andrew Hynding appeared before the Council and stated no action had been taken regarding the city's insurance policies. He stated the city would save approximately $250, by combining the general liability and fleet policies. He protested to the insurance being carried in 1 company, stating .better service could be had by splitting it into ~ policies. Mayor Ratto stated that Mr. Hynding was writing his loaner business with 1 additional policy. He also said that considerable difficulty had been experienced in handling .the insurance and the council decided to split it into 3 policies; hhat the instruction of the council had been followed out and the N_,rtford Ins. Co, made an agreement with ~r. Rodondi whereby his Mass, Bonding Co. policy would be written by the Hartford and in return the Nartford would super- vise the city's insurance business, splitting the commissions in 4 equal parts.? Mr. Hynd- ing also suggested putting the privately owned cars in a nonownership policy thereby saving the city about SVS.CHe asked for a vote of the council in the matter of handling the insurance but Under the.head of unfinished business Councilman Eschelbach stated that the request of (no action NcNellis and Church to top the trees in Peck's Lots had been taken ~are of. (was ~aken, In the matter of trailer cou:ts, Cit7 Attorney Coleberd suggested an ordinance be ad- opted on re,slating Trailer. Courts, lie stated he was p~ocuring data on this zabJect, I~ the matt~of the Jess Apartment fire escapee the fire chief stated he is waiting the action of the State Housing Commission. The mat%er of a new automobile for the Fire Chief was again, discussed and ~ncilman Eschelbach suggested the matter be laid over. The matter of replacing the sidewalk on. the west side of Bayshore Boulevard in Peak's Subdivision was to be held up until the work of hauling the dix~ and gravel is completed. John Blanchard was present regarding the buildt~ permit of Carl Jess. He .'.stated he explained the new plans to the peck~s Lots residents and all seemflsatisfied with the new plans and it would be 0. Ke for the .. Council to grant the permit, On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Esahelbach and regularly carried Jess was granted pex~nission to build along the revised plan. Fi~e Chief Welts reported the.cost of the Booster brakes $12~.00 and the four wheel brakes $500, to $600e00~ with no guarantee on the four wheel brakes, He reported~:that the Seag~ave Company stated Booster brakes would have to be used with the four wheel brakese On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regu larly carried the Fire Chief was instructed to have the booster brakes installed, City Engineer Klassen advised the council it would c6st between $200, and $300,00 to pre- pa~e the ground for the renewing of the sidewalk on 0x~e Avenue. Councilman Eschelbach said th&~$~ F~A~cisCo~.~ater D_e~nt, would replace the sidewalk torn up by them with' ~: concrete without further cost of the city, On motion by C~ouncilman Eschelbach, seconded by Council- man Boido and regularly carried the engineer was instructed to hire the necessary labor to get the ground in readiness .for ~the completion of the sidewalk. Claims in the amount of $ 2923e95 were next presented to tb_e council for payment: · .Chureh Jim Cu:ti Chas. Merchs H. McNe~lis P. Baratteri L. Colle~i Dudley Perkins Fred Brown Star Radio So' City Auto Service E. Rossi A. Colombo B. Brown T. Galli W. Garibaldi E. Eozlowski L, Savares J, Mayerle V. ,Ullery Ro Smith C. Rinehart P. Penoski E. Ventu~i W. Smith J, Feri W. Locatelli J, Fevravio ' M. ~astro M. Ignotz C, Begnal M, Mazzetti A. Johnson trimming ~rees Peak's Lots 4~ h~s. carpenter work Orange Avenue Park fence 4 hfs. " " repairs moro rcycle 1Shes checking cars Bayshore repairs radio repairs stre et truck ~ "Police Buick Attend fires Feb. Swift Avenue fire Attend fires Feb. $ 12,00 12,00 lZ. O0 lZ,O0 4,50 S,O0 5.54 6.50 2.60 1.O0 2.50 2.50 -2,50 5.00 5.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 V,O0 10.00 11,00 11.00 - 11.00 11.50 11.50 11,50 12.00 12.00 19,.00 12.50 12.50 council decided to split it into 3 policies; ~hat the instruction of the council had been followed out and the Hartford Ins. Co. made an agreement with Sr. Rodondt whereby his Mass. Bonding Co. policy would be written by the Hartford and in return the Hartford would super- vise the city's insurance business, splitting the commissions in 4 equal parts.. lng also suggested putting the privately owned cars in a nonownership policy thereby saving the city about SV.5.CHe asked for a vote of the council in the matter of handling the insurance but Under the~head of unfiB~shed business Councilman Eschelbach stated that the request of (no action NcNellis and Church to top the trees in Peck's Lots hadbeen taken Sate of. (was ~aken. In the matter of trailer cou~ts, City Attorney Col, herd suggested an ordinance be ad- opted on regulating Trailer. Courts. He stated he was procuring data on this subject. I~ the matte~of the Jess Apartment fire escapes the fire chief stated he is waiting the action of the State Housing Commission. The mat~er of a new automobile for the Fire Chief was again, discussed and C~ncilman Eschelbach suggested the matter be laid over. The matter of replacing the sidewalk on. the weSt side of Bayshore Boulevard in Peck's Subdivision was to be held up until the work of hauling the dirt and gravel is completed. John Blanchax~i was present regarding the building permit of Carl Jess. He ~,stated he explained the new plans to the peck's Lots residents and all see~dsatisfied with the new plans and it would be 0. Ke fer the~Oouncil to grant the permit. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Esahelbach and regularly carried Jess was granted permission to build along the revised plan. File Chief Welt, reported the.cost of the Booster brakes $12~.00 and the fou~ wheel brakes $500. to $600.00t with no guarantee on the four wheel brakes. He repe~te~that the Seagrave Company stated Booster brakes would have to be used with the four wheel brakes. On motion by Councilman Mag, r, seconded by Councilman Bold, and regu laxly carried the Fire Chief was instructed to have the booster brakes installed. City Engineer Klassen advised the cotmcil it would cSst between $200. and $300.00 to pre- pa~e the ground for the renewing of the sidewalk on 0x-stage Avenue, Councilman Eschelbach said th&~S~ F~An$isco~wate~ De, tS would replace the sidew~ torn up by them with~ .'.~ concrete w~thout further cost ofth~ city. On motion by ~ouncilman Eschelbach, seconded by Council- man Boido and regularly carried the em~ineer was instructed to hire the necessax~ labor to get the ground in readiDe.ss~for ~the cc~pletion ef the sidewalk. Claims in the amount of $ 292~e9~ were next. presented to the council for payment: · * Clm~eh Jim Curti Chas. Merchs H. McNe~lis P. Baratte~i L, Colle~i Dudley Perkins Fred Brown Star Radio So. City Auto 'Service E. Rossi A. Colombo B. Brown T. Galli W. Garibaldi E. Kozlowskt L, Savares Je May, tlc V. ,Ullex~y R. Smith C. Rinehart P. Pen.ski E. Ventu~i W. Smith J. Feri W. Locatelli J. Ferrari,~ N. ~astro M. Ignotz C. ~egnal N. Nazzet ti A. Johnson ,R. Btsagno Arndt ' s Dept. Store Gas, well Co.. trimming ~rees Peak's Lots 4~ h~s. carpenter work Orange Avenue Park fence 4 h~s. # " repairs mot. rcycle 13hfs checking cars Bayshore repairs radio re~airs stre et truck "PoXice Buick Attend fires Swif~ Avenue Attend fires . fire Febe Blankets 10 lbs. ,~qoi 1 cloth fire dep r e,g. p~per $ 12.00 12.00 12.00 12000 4.,50 5 ..54 6,.50 2 .~ 2.60 1.00 2..50 2.50 '2,50 .5.00 5..50 6,50 6,50 6.50 V.O0 10.00 11.00 11.00 11,00 11..50 ]2.00 1E. O0 12,.00 12.50 12.50 5V.94 2..56 2.57 Seag~ave Co~poration Fred J. Lautze Superior L~ndry Pac~eoo Electric A. J· Pacheco Pacheco Electric Central Supply So._ City Plumbing Shop Pac. Tel, &Tele California Water Service South City 'State Compensation Ins· Burroughs Adding Machine Supplies .for fire tX,ACk repair star, er Wash #1 and #2 houses Feb · Install 3 fire boxes 1 SV rectifier to operate clock maintain fire al&ram system Dec· and labor on circuit Matain street lights Dec. & la~s cembnt, sand and. brick sand and cement unplug sewer in front 548 Miller phone service Feb. hydr~ant rental Feb fountain and five house se librax~y service Feb· city hall and baseball sex-vice playground ~a~tin School Park 3 gals paint - fire dop materials $ 3,VV 10,40 204,00 112.85 44.00 60.30 10,/)4 1.49 2.00 56,10 470 ·00 3,00 4.50 12·00 1,25 13 ·85 2.09 qt.s. cardinal dec,vet ~.99 paint, remover - putty knife 2.37 naisl stakes Linden A ye. Brig, 3.56 1 redwood tapered plug materials martin shcool par~ repair sash, etc Martin School materials Martin 3chool pa~k materials Orange Ave. ~ark " " fence hal· due p_rem· 11/19/3.5 - 11/19/36 service ~/?/37 to 9,39 5,87 26 25,54 171·72 169 201·73 5·55 D.W.Ratto, Agent Beltrami etal rent ye~d used in construotion Union 0il Co· Welch 0· Me,ills Ente,rprise. Press H, L. ~aaker A· H~nding Patterson Williams Co. H· L. Haaker Lin. den. Avenue .Bt .~ge a Colin& nl25136 to z12. 13y 298 gals· gas 2/.11/.87 " /16737 10 lbse., cup gvease Fire d ep. removi~ dogs ~d cats Feb. phone Health ~pt. Feb. 1000 2~ envel~es Clerk 2~0 checks a~ 800 ~fi~vits 250 leg~s bl~s ci~ Judge Dep. PremPublic liability Prem. Tax Collector's bond aunt s/31/36 to 11/30/36 lia- bility slide - chair outfit and circle ladder - park prem.p..oundmaster bond 105.00 44.70 22.50 1·27 30.50 3.25 31.74 43.67 11.43 250,00~ AO,O0 75. O0 96.55 205 ·42 5.85 ~ - $2,923·95 The claims having, be'nTh audited by the finance committee Court cilman Minucciani moved the~ be paid. motion was seconded by Councilman Boido a nd regularly carried· Under the head of Good and ~elfa~e,-CouncilmanMager suggested a letter of -thanks of the City Council be sent to the San Francisco, Burlingame and San Mate, fi~e depaPtments for their assistance at the Swift fire on Feb. 27, 1937· · ayor Rat~o instructed the City Clerk to write the 1 e tiers. There being no fux~h~r business before the Council, C°un cilman Minucciani moved to adjourn· The motion was seconded by Counci~lman Boido and regularly ~a~ri e d · Time of adjournment 9·20 p. m· Respectfully submitted Approved: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk City of Sou2h San Francisco