HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-03-15 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 0F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD MONDAY Ma~eh 15, 1937. The regular ~eeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held Monday, March 15, 19~V. The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock 'p. m. bt' Mayor D. W. Ratto. ~OT~. CJIT.T. Holl call fo~n~ the follolr~ ma~b_e~s o£:~~ the:,.co~uc$1 present, ::as follows: Councilmen V..Botdo. ~. F. Nager, D. 1~. Ratto, M. Minucciant Absent, Councilman Eschelbach The minutes o2 the previous meetirgwere read. There being no errors or omis sions they were app~.oved as read. . A communicati'.on was received fro~ State Senator Harry L. Parka~zu acknowleding receipt" of ~esolution~ in reference to Assembly Bills Nos. 1938 and 1939, and stating he would do what he coBld for the p~ssage of same. Con~nunication ordered filed. A communicatian was received from the Peninsula League of California MUnicipalities advising that the next meeting of the League would be held March 18, at Uncle Tom's Ca~i~. The Cierk was instructed to write that the mamal number of officials would attend. A communicatian was received from the Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show asking the city to furnish decorations from the Bayshore Highway to the Stockyards for the dura- tion of the sh~ow, March 21 to 2~th. ~ matter was referred to Councilman Eschelbach. A communicati6n was received fr~m the Division of Highways together with an1 Enei~oach- sent Permit No. 44007. This permit allows the signals at the intersection of Grand Ave. and Bayshore ~ighway to operate automatically from V a. m. to 9 a. m. and fre~ 4.30 to 6.30 p. m..and on certain days when. traffic i~ unusally heavy. The matte~.was referred to Ct~.ief Belloni to ascertain the cost of installing an automatic A communication was.received from the Globe Indemnity Company regarding general liability inspection under their policy and advising the council a handrail should be installed on the steps ~eading to the children's library section on Walnut Avenue and asking for advice when t~ematter is attended to. The communication was referred to Councilman Eschelbach A communicati6n was received ~om C~harles Berg Company regarding playground equipment. The communication was ordered filed. The Butcher's 'Union Local 508 asked permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall April IV , 19~V, enclosing F~meiMcheck for $5.0Q. 0n motion by Councilman Mager seconded by Cquncilman Boido and regularly carried permission was grsnted. An applicatio~ for the position of Police 0ffic~r was received from Gordon Scott. Application ordered placed on file. A map showing_the harbor lines in wicinitmy of South San Francisco was received from the War Department. The Map wasordered filed.~ Councilman Minucciani introduced an Ordinance requiring toilet facilities in connect- ion w~th public danc~ halls in the City of South San Francisco. The ordinance had its first reading and mas laid over to come up under the regular order~of business at tt~ next regular meeting of the City Council. Councilman Minugciaui introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco author- ing execution of a~reements with oil companies for 19~7. The resolution was adopted by the following members of the Cit~ Council: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, D. W. Ratto, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen A.J. Eschelbach Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk By Elizabeth Ottenfield, Deputy Reeorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 3, at page 95. Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Col~berd suggested the City Council get together regarding the trailer cou~ts with a view of framing an ordinance for adoption. Councilman Boido stated that a tent is being used on the premises leased by Mr. Hamilton on the E1 Camino Real to house people, and suggested a trailer cou~t ordinance should be framed at once. The matter of the tent was referred to the Health Officer. Building Inspector Welte reported no action on the Jess Apartment fire escapes. · he matter of the automobile for the Fire Chief was l~id over until Friday night. Emilio Cortesi appeared before the council and asked for the removal of the pillar on Ca, diner Avenue and BaYshore adjacent to his new store building~ also the three ttrees in front of the windows and garage entranee. He was advised by. the council t hat the city will have the pillar and trees removed. Pollock a~peared before the council regarding the sale of flags to the city. Ratto advised him that the city's supply of flags is sufficient at this time, Mayor ~e J- Rodondi appeared before the council in behalf of Mr. Bianchi. He stated that eema~e~able damage was being done from the water flowing down over Grand A~enue on to ~e ~ehi'ap~opex-ty. Mr. Be~gamaschi was also present and stated that the water :~'lowo down Aahton Arenas over Grand Avenue and also from the Due~ Ranch on to his prop- ~._oa~Sin$ considerable damage. Mayor Ratto instructed CitFEn~ineerKlassen:~:to The minutes of the previous meeti~were ~ead' There being no they were app~roved as read. · A communicatiSn was received fro~ State Senator Harry L. Parkman acknowleding receipt of resolutions in reference to Assembly Bills Nos. 1958 and 1959, and stating he would do what he coBld for the p~ssage of same.' Co-,,unication ordered filed. A communicatisn was received from the Peninsula League of California MUnicipalities advising that.the next meeting of the League would be held March 18, at Uncle Tom's Cabin. The Clerk was instructed to write that the usual number of officials would attend. A communicatisn was received from the Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show asking the city to furnish decorations from the Bayshore Highway to the Stockyards for the dura- tion of the sh~ow, March 21 to 25th. The. matter was referred to Councilman Eschelbach. A com--Anicati6n was received fr~m the Division of Highways together with an Encroach- ment Permit NO. 44007. This pex~mit allows the signals at the intersection of Grand Ave. and Bayshore ~ighway to operate autumatically frc~ ~ a. m. to 9 a. m. and fr~a 4.50 p. m. to 6.50 p. m..and on certain days when. traffic is unusally heavy. The ~_tter~was referred to C~.ief Belloni to ascertain the cost of installing an automatic ~-s~al. A communication was.received from the Globe Indemnity Company regarding general liability inspection under their policy an~ advising the council a handrail should be installed on the steps ~eading to the children's library section on Walnut Avenue ami asking for advice when the matter is attended to. The communication was referred to Councilm~n Eschelbach A communication was received ~a C. harles Berg Company regarding playgrou~ equipment. The communication was ordered filed. The Butcher's 'Union Local 508 asked permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall April IV , 19~V, enclosing ~ check for $5.0Q. On motion by Councilman Mager seconded by Cquncilman Boido and regularly carried permission was granted. An applicatio~ for the position of Police 0ffic~r was received from Gordon Scott. Application ordered placed on file. A map showing.the harbor lines in~eini~ of South San Francisco was received from the War Department. The Map was excreted filed.~ Councilman Minucciani introduced ax~0rdi~ance requiring toilet facilities in connect- ion w~th public danc~ halls in the City of South San Francisco. The ordinance had its first reading and mas laid over to come up under the regular order~of business at th6 next regular meeting of the City Council. Councilman Minugciani introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco author- ing execution of a~reements with oil companies for 1957. The resolution was adopted by the following me~bers of the Cit~ Council: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, J. F. Mager, D. W. Ratto, M. Minucciani Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen A.J. Eschelbach Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk By Elizabeth Ottenfield, Deputy Recorded in Book of Resolutions Vol. 5, at page 95. Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Col~berd suggested the City Counci1 get together regarding the trailer coumts with a view of framing ~n ordinance for adoption. Councilman Boido stated that a tent is being used on the premises leased by Mr. Hamilton on the E1 Camino Real to house people, and suggested a trailer cou~t ordinance should be framed at once. The matter of the tent was referred to the Health Officer. Building Inspector Welte reported no action on the Jess Apartment fire escapes. · he matter of the automobile for the Fire Chief was l~id over until Friday night. Emilio Cortesi appeared before the council and asked for the removal of the pillar on ~ax, iiner Avenue and BaYshore adjacent to his new store building, also the three ~trees in f~ont of the windows and garage entrance. He was advised by the council t hat the citywill have the pillar and trees removed. Mm. Pollock a~peared before the council regarding the sale of flags to the city. Hatto advise~ him that the city's supply of flags is sufficient at this time. Mayor M~e J. Ro~ondA a~eame~ before the council in behalf of Mr. Bianchi. He stated that considePable damage was being done from the water flowing down over ~ra~ Avenue on to MP. Bianchi's pP~pe~ty. Mr. Be~gamaschi was also present and stated that the water flows down Ashton Avenue over Grand Avenue and also from the Due~ Ranch on to his prop- e~y causing considerable damage. Mayor Ratto instructed City Engineer Klasseu~to get in touch with Mr. Marshall with a view of taking care of the matter at once. Claims in the amount of $3,900.12 were next presented to the council for payment: V. De Luca trimming trees - ~ days $12.00 Union Oil Co. supplies police department 2.80 Frank Pariani repairs police buick 2v.gv Flink's Sex--ice grease and wash Job police ca~ 2.V5 So. City Auto Sex--ice repairs police car 10.19 Pacific Railway Signal Co. 1 gross fusees 18.03 Fred Bx~wn painting safety lines Bayshore 14.00 Bank Pariani repairs Fire Chief' s ca~ 4.06 Lewis Degen engineering sex-vices fire dap. 22.50 Fred Lautze 5 valve insides " .26 The Saagrave Corp. 1 bendix assembly - 30 spark plugs 36.92 Western Pipe and. Steel 1 sec 1§" #16 culvert 11.18 F~ed Lautze 1 batter7 and spark plug street dep. 10.B8 W. L. Hickey and Son repair drinking fount and pipe 2.3V Industrial City L~. Co. 4 rolls t~ 6.29 " 6 tree saws and 225 tree stakes 61.06 South City LUmber Co. side rack for truck 10.09 " 20 2x40P 3.86 Railway Express Co. express - fusees 1.6(1 California Auto Assa.' Signs 22.5V W. P. ~tller 0o. paint 16.43 Union 0il Co. 148 gals. gas 22.20 P. Ba~atte~i 29 h~s. labor Orange Ave sidewalk 10.00 A. DiPiero B8 h~s gardening around city hall 14.00 F. Manala 43 " u 21.50 M. Laufer A~,h~s Orange Ave. Park 21.50 San Marco Co. Title reports Feb. 1.50 A. Ferrari 6 cases beer 9.90 Pacific Tale. & Tale. Phone 626 Feb 2.50 Post Master 1000 3 cent envelops police dap. 32.16 P. G. & E. misc. serVice Feb. 111.~8 " street lights Feb. 6V0.24 Gee.As Kueese So. Ind. Way engineering " reconstruction Orange Ave.sidewalk " Genl.,supervision Street Feb. 96.?V " Engineering Colma ditch 88.03 " superVision cleaning outfall sewer 53.'"/6 H. L. H_~_~ker pram. burgarly ins. " "property of city po1.11280~ 134.40 " "non-owns :t',~hip 58.90 " ~ maps, abstracts & other records 20.80 " ~ ~lnning bond 25.00 " ~ city propex~y Pol 112808 168.00 " "fleet ins. 868.18 , prem. Ottenfield bond 5.00 " "L. Belloni bond 12.50 B. J. Rodon~[i " city propex~y Pol. #15~664 ~..60 A. Hynding "genl. liability Pol. #98V24V _ total ....... $3,900.12 The claims having been audtied by the finance committee, Councilman Ninucciani moved they paid paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. There being no further business before the council, Councilman Mage~ moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regalarly carried. Time of adjournment 9.oo o'clock p. m. Respectfully submitted, Approved: Dan~[eX-McSweeney, City Clerk Mayor City of South San Francisco