HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-06-07REGULAR ~EETING OF T~[E CITY COUNCIL OF T~.~[E CITY OF SOUTH SI~N FRANCISCO, HELD ~0NDAY, JUNE 7,193V. ~ : :~.:. '~..' of the City of South San TheRe~lar meeting of the City Council · ~ '~ Francisco, was held in the City Hall Monday .:~ewenin~, June 7,19bV. The meeting was calle~ to order at ~ o'clock P.~.. by ~layor D.W.ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all ~a~ab:ers of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Ma~er,M.Minucciani~ ,D'W'Ratt°' The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they wer. approved as read. Replies were received from Senator Parkman and Assemblyman Call to the city's request that they oppose a proposed civil service measure in the Legislature making mandatory civil servlc, for firemen in cities of the fifth and sixth ~lasses in the State of California. Senator Parkman stated he would give the matter full consideration and Assemblyman Call stated he opposed the measure and it was decisively defeated. The communication were accepted and Coun~ man Eschelbach moved a vote"of thanks be extended to the Legislators for their efforts. The motion was seconded byCouncilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Union Espanola Branch No.1, applied for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, June 26,193?,from 8 o'clock p.m. to I O'clock A.M. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucclanl and regularly ca, tied the permit was jranted. Application was made by Sociedad Mutualista ~exicana "Morelos" for a permit to hold dances in Fraternal Hall June 19,September ll, October 30, and December 18,1937,from 8 o'clocl P.M. to 2 o'clock A.M., and literary excerctses in the Grammar School Auditorium on Septembe~ ll. Councilman Minucciani moved the permits for the dances be granted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach an~ regularly carried. The permit to hold the literary exce~ cises to be requested of the School epartment. A communication was received from Mrs. Rose Ungarettt, requesting permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall'on the occasion of the ~edding of her son,~aturday evening, June 12. Councilman Es.chelbac~tated it is not necessary to apply for a permit to hold a dance for social purposes where n~ ~S-ton is charged and moved the request be granted. The motioz was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Roger Roussille applied for a business license for the Empire Advertising Company for outdoor advertising. There being no location designated and no written consent of an owner the application was laid over. Application for a business license was received from the Peninsula Welding Service, E.C Bigelow, proprietor, lO5 Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Council man Minucclani and ~egularly carried the permit was granted, install Application was made by the Pacific Gas & Electric Company for permission to'a 2" gas main in the easterly side of the roadway of "C" Street between Orange Avenue and a point approXimately 130' south of Orange Ave. Referrod to Councilman Eschelbach and the desired permit granted. Jose Hernandez applie~ for permission to transfer his license from the South City Hots 220 Stand Ave. to the Eagle est Cafe,2o6 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the transfer was granted. Chief of Police Louis Belloni submitted the name of Joseph Miller to be :spill, ted ~a:.-i police officer of the city~. On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the. appointment was made. A communication and check for $29,65 were received from The Truck Insurance Exchange~ reimbursing the city for damage done to a city electrolier. Accepted. A communication and check for $197.24 were received from the South San Francisco Rail- road & Powe~ Company for the franchise privilege from April 22,1936 to Apri121,193V.Accepted. A e~nnnunication was received from Armour & Company making application for a permit to store 1000 gallons gasoline underground in a storage tank on their premises on East Grand Avez The customary notice having been posted by the Fire Chief Councilman Minucciani moved the permit be gra~ed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Botdo and regularly carried. The American Improvement Club of South San Francisco submitted a statement endorsing ti improvement of Orange Avenae Park, with picnick...and playgrounds. Communication accepted ani filed. A communi~was'recetved from the South S.F. Chamber of Commerce advocatin~ the pai~ of the Curb ~iSs. Ref~erred to Councilman Eschelbach. A comm-~nicatton was'received from the Businessmen' Association of South San Francisco stating that at a regular meet~g~of the associa~ion the ~atter. of extending Grand Avenue acre the tracks of the United Railroads'and the Southern Pacific Company to meet the E1 Camino Real was discussed and various organizations asked to give the same consideration. Moved by Council Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Eschelbach that the communication be accepted and filed for future consideration. Carried. Councilman Mager was of the opinion that either Oak Avenue or Chestnut Avenue should be considered first,crossing of the tracks from those streets being ope An application for 'a building permit was received fromEnrico H.Venturi to construct a ~ervice Station on lot 26,block 123, dimensions 26 x 14 feet, estimated cost $2300. On mot! by Councilman~ager, seconded by Bold° and regularly carried the desired permit was granted. Monthly reports fo~ the month ending ~ay 31,1937 were received from the Chief of Polic City Judge,Health OfficerBuilding Inspector, FireChtef, City Treasurer and City Clerk. On mot'! by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the reports were accept This being the date set for the opening of bids to construct a club house in Orange Avenue Park,CouncilmanMinucciani moved that the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Co ~an Boido and regularly carried. But three bids were received. The bids are as follows;- Matt Dickson;- To furnish all labor & materials ~s p~r pl~ns,e~c, 55406.3~ De Luca & Son. Inc., " " " " ". ~4668.0~ A.Zangrando & Company." " " " " " " " ~265o00 A Zangrando & Company appearing the lowest, responsible bidder Councilman Mager introduc resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco awarding the bid to A. Zangrando & Company at the price named in their, to-wit,$~265.00. The resolution was adopt by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;-~ Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.MinUcciani, D'W.Rat~o. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent. Councilmen. None. were read no errors or omissions they were approved as read. Replies were received from Senator Parkman and Assemblyman Call to the city's request that they oppose a proposed civil service measure in the Legislature making mandatory civil service for firemen in cities of the fifth and sixth classes in !:he State of California. Senator Parkman stated he would give the matter full consideration and Assemblyman Call stated he opposed the measure and it was decisively defeated. The communication were accepted and Counc: man Eschelbach moved a vote"of thanks be extended to the Legislators for their efforts. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and re~ularly carried. Union Espanola Branch No.1, applied for a permit to hold a dance in ~:raternal Hall, Saturday evening, June 26,1937,from @ o'clock p.m. to 1 O'clock A.M. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the permit was ~ranted. Application was made by Sociedad Mutualista ~exicana "Morelos" for a permit tS hold dances in Fraternal Hall June 19, September 11, October 30, and December 18,1937,from 8 o'clock P.M. to 2 o'clock A.M., and literary excercises in the Grammar School Auditorium on September 11. Councilman Minucciani moved the permits for the dances be granted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach an~ regularly carried. The permit to hold the literary excer cises to be requested of the School epartment. A communication was received ~rom Mrs. Rose Ungaretti, requesting permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall-on the occasion of the ~edding of her son,~atz~rday evening, June 12. Councilman Es.chel~h~stated it is not necessary to apply for a permit to hold a dance for social purposes where no ~a~i~Ps-ion is charged and moved the request be ~ranted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. Roger Roussille applied for a business license for the Empire Advertising Company for outdoor advertising. There being no location designated and no written consent of an owner the application was laid over. Application for a business license was received from the Peninsula Welding Service, E.C Bigelow, proprietor, 105 Linden Avenue. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Council man Minucciani and ~egularly carried the permit was granted, install Application was made by the Pacific Gas & Electric Company for permission to'a 2" gas main in the easterly side of the roadway of "C" Street between Orange Avenue and a point approximately 130' south of Orange Ave. Referrod to Councilman Eschelbach and the desired ~ermit granted. Jose Hernandez applie~ for permission to transfer his license from the South City Hota~ 220 Stand Ave. to the Eagle est Cafe,2o6 Grand Avenue. On motion by Counoilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the transfer was granted. Chief of Police Louis Belloni submitted the name of Joseph Miller to be ~apla~inted police officer of the city'. On motion by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the appointment was made. A communication and check for $29,65 were received from The Truck Insurance Exchange~ reimbursing the city fo~ damage done to a city electrolier. Accepted. A co~unication and check for $197.24 were received from the South San Francisco Rail- road & PoWe~ Company for the franchise privilege from April 22,1936 to April 21,1937.Accepted. A e~mmunication was roceived from Armour & Company making application for a permit to store 1000 gallons gasoline underground in a storage tank on their premises on East Grand Aven~ The customary notice having been posted by the Fire Chief Councilman Minucciani moved the permit be gra~ed. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. The American Improvement Club of South San Francisco submitted a statement endorsing th, improvement of Orange Aven~e Park, with picnick..,.and playgrounds. Communication accepted and filed. A communi~ was 'received from the South S.F.Chamber of Commerce advocatin~ the pain~ of the curb Si~s. Referred to Councilman Eschelbach. A communication was 'received from the Businessmen' Association of South San Francisco stating that at a regular meeti~ng~of ~he association the matter~ of extending Grand Avenue acro: the tracks of the United Railroads and the Southern Pacific Company to meet the E1 Camino Real was discussed and various organizations aske~ to give the same consideration. Moved by Council~ Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Eschelbach that the communication be accepted and filed for future consideration. Carried. Councilman Mag~r was of the opinion that either Oak Avenue or Chestnut Avenue should be considered first,crOssing of the tracks from those streets being ope~ An application for a building permit was received fromEnrico H.Venturi to construct a ~ervice Station on lot 26,block 123, dimensions 26 x 14 feet, estimated cost $2300. On moti( by Councilman ~ager, seconded by Boido anal regularly carried the desired permit was granted. Monthly reports fo~ the month ending ~ay 31,1937 were received from the Chief of Polic~ 0ity Judge,Health 0fficerBuilding Inspector, Fire Chief, City Treasurer and City Clerk. On moti( by Councilman Mager, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the reports were accept~ This being the date set for the opening of bids to construct a club house in Orange Avenue Park,Councilman Minucciani moved that the bids be opened. The motion was seconded by Co~ nan Boido and regularly carried. But three bids were received. The bids are as follows;- Matt Dickson;- To furnish all labor & materials ~s p,e,r plans,etc, $5406.30 De Luca & Son. Inc., " " " " " " " ~4668.00 A. Zangra~do & Company" " " " " " " '" ~4265.00. A Zamgran~ & Compan~ appearing the lowest responsible bidder Councilman Mager introduc~ ~ ~eaolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco awarding the bid to A. Zang~o & O~pa~y at th~ price named in their, ~o-wtt,$4265.00. ~.he resolution was adopt~ by the Votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;-~ Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.MinucCiani, D.W.Rat~o. Noes, CounCilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, ~one. Attest Daniel McSweeney. ' ~City Clerk Recoorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume ~,at page 108. RESOLUTIO~ ORDERING ABATE~IENT OF WEEDS, 1937. Councilman Bschelbach introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco ordering the abatement of weeds in this city, 1937. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council by the following vote;- Ayes, Co~mcilmen, V.Boido, A.J. Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume 3, at page 109. RESOLUTION CALLING FOR BIDS FOR AUTOMOBILE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Co?xucil of the City of South San Francisco calling for bids for the purchase of an automobile~for the police department of this city, and setting the date for the opening of bids as 8 o'clock P.M. on Monday, the 21st day June,1937. The resolution was adopted.by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,~ A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume 3, at page 109. ORDINANCE N0.193. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SANITATION AND CONDUCT ~0F CAMP CARS AND TRAILERS IN THE CITY DF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO" had its second reading~and was passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco by the followingWvote;- ~yes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F,Mager,M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None.. .  Absent, Councilmen, None Attest Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. Mt. Hamilton thought the ~rdinance O.K. except ~i~H'~.~9~s ~equired under it.The City atto~ said 1000 feet is not too much and Councilman ~ager thought the same on account of the fire hazard. Recorded in Book ~f Ordinances, Vol. 2 at pages 266-267-268. Claims in the amount of $4271.67 were next presented to the council for payment;- Mr. Fred Brown So. San Fran. HosPital So. San Fran. Hospital Bertucelll & Nannini Dudley Perkins So. City Auto Service So. City Auto Service KauffmannBros. Seagrave Corp. Fire Protection Engineering Co. Universal Tool & Mfg. Co. National Fire Protection Assn. So. San Francisco Bakery Superior Laundry E. Venturi W. Locatelli A. Peterson Arndt's Dept. Store A. Welte Bertucelli & Nannini John Corso Paramount Flag Co. Pacific Coast Bldg.0fficials ~ Conference Enterprise Press Enterprise Press Enterpris~Press Enterprise Press Commercial Soap & Chemical Co. Shell 0il Co. Richfield 0il Corp. Richfield 0il Co. Richfield 0il Corp. Calif. Water Service Calif. Water Service Calif. Water Service Calif. Water Service Calif. Water Service Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. So. S. F. Chamber of Commerce Bank of So. S~ Francisco Pa~ntin~ Safety Zones Alcholic Exams Alcholic Exams Shells--S8 & 45 Repair Motor Cycle Headlite Bulb, Tow Dodge & Gas 2.94 Repair Fire E~.gine 34.53 Freight .50 Exhaust Valves 86.52 Running Board Carriers 52.05 Transmitter Code ~rheels 7.81 Dues July to July 1938 10.00 One Dozen Sacks 1.25 May Wash 9.30 Attending Fires May 1.00 Attending Fires May 1.00 Attending Fires May 1.50 Pillows 5.28 Misc. purchases 2.40 One Doz. Cans Lye 1~00 Removing 6 dogs 6.00 81 Flags 97.34 $13.50 7.50 10.00 78.90 35.17 10 Copies 1937 Bldg. Code Notice inviting sealed proposals Club Ho,~se 500 Copies 0rd#192 Printing 0rd Notices to destroy weeds l~ Gals. Liquid Soap Motor 0il ,~ Richlude & Kerosene~ Gas Gas Fountain & Fire House Eydrant Rental Library Service City Hall & Baseball Park Service Phone Service Advertising May Safety Deposit Box 10.00 51.00 3.00 '12.00 38.67 10.04 21.49 6.63- 25.95 25.95~ 8.06 ~70.00 24.44 74.36 2.79 58.75 25.00 3.85 FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco calling for bids for the purchase of an automobileefor the police department of this city, and setting the date for the opening of bids as 8 o'clock P.~. on Monday, the 21st day June, 1937. The resolution was adopted.by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows ;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,. A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume 3, at page 109. ORDINANCE N0.193. An ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE SANITATION AND CONDUCT ~0F CAMP CARS AND TRAILERS IN THE CITY DF SOUTH ofSs~ooJ~i~S~nhc~ ~t~yS~l~n~ ~~~e~S passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City c o ~yes, Councilmen, V.Botdo, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F,Mager,M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None.~ .  Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. M Hamilton thou ht the ordinance O.K. exce t ~-o~'~"~'~was required under it.The City attorne~ r. g ~. P P said 1000 feet is not too much and Councilman ~ager thought the same on account of the fire hazard. Recorded in Book ~f Ordinances, Vol. 2 at pages 266-267-268. Claims in the amount of $4271.87 were next presented to the council for payment;- Mr. Fred Brown L~ ~o. San Fran. Hospital So. San Fran. Hospital Bertucelli & Nannini Dudley Perkins So. City Auto Service So. City Auto Service Kauffmann Bros. Seagrave Corp. Fire Protection Engineering Co. Universal Tool & Mfg. Co. National Fire Protection Assn. So. San Francisco Bakery Superior Laundry E. Venturi W. Locatelli A. Peterson · Arndt's Dept. Store A. Welte Be~tucelli & Nannini John Corso Paramount Flag Co. Pacific Coast Bldg.0fficials ~ Conference Enterprise Press Enterprise Press Enterprise~ess EnterpriSe Press Commercial Soap & Chemical Co. Shell 0il Co. Richfield 0il Corp. Richfield Oil Co. Richfield 0il Corp. Calif. Water Service Calif. Water Service Calif. WaterService Calif. W&te~ ~e~viee Calif. Water Service Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. So. $. F. Chamber of Commerce Bank of ~o. S~ Francisco San Mateo County Title Co. A. Carlisle Co. Golden West Quarry P. Baratteri Pad, ting Safety Zones Alcholic Exams Alcholic Exams Shells--~8 & 45 Repair Motor Cycle Headlite Bulb, Tow Dodge & Gas Repair Fire Engine Freight Exhaust Valves Running Board Carriers Transmitter Code ~heels Dues July to July 1938 One Dozen Sacks ~May Wash Attending Fires May Attending Fires May Attending Fires May Pillows Misc. purchases One Doz. Cans Lye Removing 6 dogs 81 Flags $13.50 7.50 10.00 78.90 35.17 2.94 34.53 .'50 86.52 52.05 7.81 10.00 1.25 9.30 1.00 1.00 1.50 5.2~ 2.40 1.00 6.00 97.34 10 Copies 1937 Bldg. Code Notice inviting sealed proposals Club Ho,?se 500 Copies 0rd#192 Printing 0rd Notices to destroy weeds 1S Gals. Liquid Soap Motor 0il Richlude & Kerosene~ Gas Gas Fountain & Fire House Eydrant Rental Library Service City Hall & Baseball Park Service Phone Service Advertising May Safety Deposit Box Daily reports Bench Warrants 10.00 51.00 3.00 'I2.00 36.67 10.04 21.49 6.63~ 25.95 25.95~ 6.06 ~4~0.00 24.44 74.36 2.79 58.75 25.00 3.~5 1.50 1.37 Ct. Run, Ct. Hun, Dust.438.84 Making Fill 15.75 P. Baratteri Joe Galli Joe Galli Carl Anderson R. G. Reynolds R. G. Reynolds Ric's Service Station Improving Orange Ave. Making Fill for Orange Ave. Improving Orange Ave. Foreman Orange Ave. Imp. Orange Ave. Making fill for Orange Ave. Tires, Tubes, Dump Truck Fred J. Lautze Repairs Ford, dump Truck Peninsula Welding Service Making welding qdard on 48" stench Peninsula Welding Service Welding on dump body tuck,& stake body clips So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. W. L. Hickey H. A. Carter H. A. Carter Co. Grinell Co. Kelley's Welding Shop So. City Plumbing Shop D. W. Ratto Geo. A. Kneese Geo.'A. Kneese Crushed Rock Crushed Rock Crushed Rock & Gravel Crushed Rock & Cement Rent Roller Rent Roller Materials Materials Labor & Materials Tire & hub f~wheelbarrow Spindle parts fo~sprinkler Materials Geo. A. Kneese Geo. Ae Kneese Geo. A. Kneese Geo. A. Kneese Louise Belloni Pac. Tel. & Tel. P. G. E. P. G. E. W. Elliot Judge Union 0il Co. J. Welch Daniel McSweeney S. P. Co. M. Minucciani Industrial City Lumber Ind. City Lumber Co. Ind. City Lumber Co. Ind. City Lumber Co. Ind. City Lumber Co. $6.75 18.00 38.25 46.75 5.91 18.00 186.02. 6.33 2.50 8.00 i15.66 9.89 76.13 52.68 106.50 18.00 27.98 15.23 19.27 11.85 2.60 9.41 Welding Tools 3.25 Galv. Nipples ~%~,L~'~-~ 1.00 Yard rent in re linden ~?~.~J~,,~.~ ~ 105.00 Posting Weed Notices "~'~ 89.62 Study Maintance work lower end colma ditch. ~reparin plans etc. development Industiral Area Work widening Orange Ave. pavements Connect Iron Orange Ave. Park water system. Connect Geol. admistration of streets Stamps supplies, and meals for prisoners Phone Street Lites May Misc. Lights May Maps of Calif. Supplies Removing cats & dogs May Pen. League Dinner Los Gatos Maintaining 18" Storm Sewer CrosAing Attending League Dinner Los Gatos Cement Supplies 124' I x 6 0. P. Materials Materials 232.33 95.82 174 ..92 97.20 32,40 5.46 Industrial City Lumber Co. Cement Ind. City Lumber Co. Materials Ind. City Lumber Co. Materials Ind. City Lumber Co. 4 qts. paint M. Lauf~r Sunday labor in ball parks 2.50 712.96 79.54 8.04 7.20 30.00 2.50 10.00 6.25 1.55 3.45 2.55 21.33 28.74 7.73 5.69 6.49 8.34 9.00 Total $4271.67. Mayor Ratto invited all citizens to look over the city claims.~' The 'claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minuccianl moved the be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business 'Fire Chief Welte reported the price of a water pump and tank on a fire wagon would be approximately between $500 and $600. On a proposed ordinance to strengthen the powers of police officers in entering public places,or places und suspician of violating some ordinances Councilmen Eschelbach and Boido were opposed to the me believing the present powers are sufficient to handle any situation. The matter was laid ore on suggestion of Mayor Ratto Councilman ~ager's re~ort on the proposition to increase the number of city playground was that a committee should be appointed to investigate t~e situation instead of one person, t matter requiring considerable study and time. Mayor Ratto volunteered his services and time o the project and requested as many councilmen to act as could afford the time ne~t day. In the matter of a proposed meeting with the Board of Supervisors of San ateo County t discuss the Raising of Linden Avenue South, the Colma Creek project and the saniEary situation at upper Colma Creek E~gineer Klassen reporte the supervisors were very busy but thought he c armang~ .for a meeting with the City Council some time the following week. In the matterof the proposed public pound nothing definite was decided upon. Referring to the police deputies appointed by the City Council to police the Baden Kenn Club during racing seasons Councilman ~ager said he would look to the Chief of Police for res sibility, that he should be at the track every meeting night and he would hold him responsibl for the actions of the men appoi~nted. Mayor Ratto stated the men should have been finger~i~ and carefully selected by the city authorities and the Baden Kennel Club before being appoi~$ and the appointments approved. No further action was taken. Under the head of New Business Fire Chief Welte reported a leak in the walls in the oil room of the fire house in the city hall and was unable to trace its source. He was authoriz secure a contractor to open the walls and locate the trouble,and also to have an inspectio ma of the air compressor. Owing to the lateness of the season in cutting weeds it was recommended by Councilman Eschelbach that an adjourned meeting be held Tuesday evening, the 8th, lust, to pass a resolut calling for bids to cut the weeds. So ordered. Fred Brown appeared before the City Council with reference to the proposed Golden West shows. He stated he signed a contract with the company at the rate of $100 for the first and $50 per day for the balance of the days allowed, and they were holding him responsible for the permit. That the $200 per day was not mentioned when the arrangements were being made,and ~'j i~i"t'~U~ber co. C~ushed Rock & Gravel So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. So. City Lumber Co. W. L. Hickey H. A. Carter H. A. Carter Co. Grinell Co. Crushed Rock & Cement Rent Roller Rent Roller Materials Materials Labor & Materials Tire & hub f~ wheelbarrow Spindle parts fo~sprinkler Materials Kelley's Welding Shop So. City Plumbing Shop D. W. Ratto Geo. A. Kneese Geo.'A. Kneese Geo. A. Kneese Geo. A. Kneese Geo. A. Kneese Geo. A. Kneese Louise Belloni Pac. Tel. & Tel. P. G. E. P. G. E. W. Elliot Judge Union 0il Co. J. Welch Daniel McSweeney S. P. Co. M. Minucciani Lndustrial City Lumber Ind. City Lumber Co. Ind. City Lumber Co. Ind. City Lumber Co. Ind. City Lumber Co. 9.89 76.13 52.68 106.50 18.00 27.98 15.23 19.27 11.85 2.60 9.41 Welding Tools 3.25 Galv. Ni~ples ,~;~,~:~,,.,~,--~'~ ~ ~' 1.00 Yard rent in re linden /t.~.~/J;~,-~.~.~.,~, ~ 105.00 Posting Weed Notices ....... 89.62 Study Maintance work lower end colma ditch. ~reparinplans etc. development Industiral Area Work widening Orange Ave. pavements Connect Iron Orange Ave. Park water system. 232.33 95.62 174.92 97.20 Connect Geol. admistration of streets 32 40 Stamps supplies, and meals for prisoners 5.46 Phone Street Lites May Misc. Lights May Maps of Calif. Supplies Removing cats & dogs May Pen. League Dinner Los Gates Maintaining 18" Storm Sewer CrosAing Attending League Dinner Los Gates Cement Supplies 124' 1 x 6 0. P. Materials Materials Industrial City Lumber Co. Cement Ind. City Lumber Co. Materials Ind. City Lumber Co. Materials Ind. City Lumber Co. 4 qts. paint M. Laufer Sunday labor in ball parks 2.50 712.96 79.54 8.04 7.20 30.00 2.50 10.00 6.25 1.55 3.45 2.55 21.33 28.74 7.73 5.69 8.49 8.34 9.00 Total.~$4271.67 Mayor Ratto invited all citizens to look over the city claims.' ' The Claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved be paid. THe motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business Fire Chief Welte reported the price of a watex pump and tank on a fire wagon would be approximately between $500 and $600. On a proposed ordinance to strengthen the powers of police officers in entering public places,or places suspician of violating some ordinances Councilmen Eschelbach and Boido were opposed to the believing the present powers are sufficient to handle any situation. The matter was laid on suggestion of Mayor Ratto. Councilman Mager's report on the proposition to increase the number of city playgro was that a committee should be appointed to investigate the situation instead of one perso matter requiring considerable study and time. Mayor Ratto volunteered his services and tim the project and requested as many councilmen to act as could afford the time ne~t day. In the matter of a proposed meeting with the Board of Supervisors of San ateo Countl discuss the Raising of Linden Avenue South, the Colma Creek project and the saniEary situat~ at upper Colma Creek E~gineer Klassen reporte the supervisors were very busy but thought h, arranga ~for a meeting with the City Council some time the following week. In the matterof the proposed public pound nothing definite was decided upon. Referring to the police deputies appointed by the City Council to police the Baden K~ Club during racing seasons Councilman ~ager said he would look to the Chief of Police for ~ sibility, that he should be at the track every meeting night and he would hold him respons~ for the actions of the men appoi~ted. Mayor Ratto stated the men should have been fingerp~ and carefully selected by the city authorities and the Baden Kennel Club before being appo~ and the appointments approved. No further action was taken. Under the head of New Business Fire Chief Welte reported a leak in the walls in the o room of the fire house in the city hall and was unable to trace its source. He was author secure a contractor to open the walls and locate the trouble,and also to have an tnspectioL of the air compressor. Owing to the lateness of the season in cutting weeds it was recommended by Councilman Eschelbach that an adjourned meeting be held Tuesday evening, the 8th, inst, to pass a resol: calling for bids to cut the weeds. So ordered. Fred Brown appeared before the City Council with ~eference to the proposed Golden Wes~ shows. He stated he signed a contract with the company at the rate of $100 for the first dal and $50 per day for the balance of the days allowed,and they were holding him responsible f( the permit. That the $200 per day was not mentioned when the arrangements were being made,~ the counCil for redress on account the error. Showmen present stated this was true and the~ would be stranded if the higher rate was insisted upon. It was agreed by the ~ity Council ! C~t2 at~orney, Mr. Coleberd, Mr. Oaker and showmen get together on another ordinance,the Circus 384 Road Show Ordinance, and pay so much for each concession, and report at the proposed adjourned meeting Tuesday evening, June 8, at 7 o'clock p.m~ Councilman Boido urged that if the show was in straightened circumstances it would be only fair they be given a chance of account of having been misinformed on the rates of a Carnival Show. Councilman Eschelbach voiced the same opinion. Under the head of Good & Welfare Councilman Eschelbach stated he and City Engineer Klassen had inspected the Winches under consideration by the city. A delinquent license liar was requested ~h~ Clerk. There being uo further business before the board Councilman Minucclant moved to adjourn until Tuesday evening,June 8,1937,at 7 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 11120 o'clock p.~. Respectfully submitted, Approved Mayor of South San Francisco