HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-06-29REGULARLY ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISC0, HELD TUESDAY, JUhrE 29,~H, 1937. A regularly adjourned meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisc. was held in the City Hall Tuesday evening, June 29,1937. This meeting was called to order by Mayor D.W.Ratto at 7;30 o'clock p.m. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. The reading of the minutes of the two previous meetings was dispensed with. Mayor Ra~to inquired of Mr. B.T.Batchelor, decoration man, if he had something to bring before the council. Mr. Batchelor explained that he had secured a business license to handle hats,novelties,banners, etc,for Fourth of July. He asked'~about the possibility of distributing the articles from place to place, to consumers. City Attorney Coleberd referred him to ordinance No.171. There was no further discussion. Councilman Mager repc~rted that he was tnfoEned by Mr. Zaro that persons in his tract were filling dirt, refuse, and erecting some structures on the 8 foot easement between lots High School Park, that rats were coming in and made the sanitary condition bad. He was also roi that termites were affecting his fences adjoining the easement. Councilman Mager asked City Attorney Coleberd if the city could compel the quilty persons to remowe the structures,dirt, from the easement. The City Attorney stated the city had no power~to order the removal of the nuisances, but believed the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company had, and would be willi~g to act in the matter. The ~ity Clerk was instructed to write the company accordingly. The City Attorney will look over the records of the establishment of the subdivision to see to what extent the easement is protected from molestation. Mayor Ratto stated a small brass foundry company would locate on the Bayshore High~ in the vicinity of Peck ' S Lots if permission is granted by the City Council. The company employs 135 men. Some of the Councilmen thought the works should be off the highway. The Mayor said he would consult with Delhi, Edwards, the Western Pipe & Steel Company and Wildber~ brothers, while City Attorney C°leberd and he will visit Sam and Ralph Jacobison at their Saz Francisco plant, Spear & Folsom St~eets, and ma~e inspections. Mayor Ratto reported that the contractor on the Club House infoEned him that the ma~ nesite specified in the construction on floors is poor substance for that work,and offered to substitute 6ement for it for $60 less. It was agreed by the Councilmen that Mr. Zangranda · could substitue cement for magnesite. A communication was received from Carl Jess and NoEna Reid, protesting aganist the establishment of a children's playgrounds opposite the Jess Apartments on Braden Avenue,on account of the noise and dust that might become a nuisance. Councilman Boido suggested securing the sentiment of the people in Peck's Lots, including Cortesi, who is in touch with residents of t~at section. ~ayor Ratto stated that Mr. Cortesi was in favor of the playgroun~ 5ut he would in~estigate further. CitN Attorney Coleberd stated he would draw up an ordinan¢ on f~re escapes and present it to the city at the next meeting of the City Council. ~ayor Rat ~equested him to draw up the lease on the Hearne property for the proposed Childrens' Playgro~ Mayor Ratto brought the subject of the equalization of personal property to the cit~ council's attention. He showed that the values laid down by the county assessor a~e lower tha~ bh® city assessor's in varying degrees of from ~ne andi'five-~tenths to four and five-tenths btmes~ and wished to see the values equalized. The city assessor explained that the city value ~re arrived at according to what amount of personal property each owner possesses or is calcu~ ated to possess,and divided by three,tea?ing~the assessed value one-third of the actual value, and the rate to be made according to the city's financial requirements. The city's valuations and the city's rate having no connection or relation to the county valuations or rate. The ~ayor stated he desired the sentiment of the ~ouncilmen as well as the assessor c ~he subject. Asked by Councilman Eschelbach if his proposed re-valuation was for the purpose of raising additional tax money for projects,and if so for how much. ~ayor Ratto said it was and the amount proposed to be raised $40,300. Councilmen Eschelbach and Boido thought it be unwise to tax the factories at this ti~ after the long period of depression. SoNde of the projects they thought favorably of but on others they were Opposed to. They thought a bond is would be the better ~ew~tho~ of determining the wishes of the ~eople on the projects. Councilman ~ager stated he would vote' .or any measure including~the reconstruction, cleaning or repairing ~he Colma Creek dttch~ and~i~inden Avenue, these two projects being up th. the County of San ~a ~o maintain. An~a bond issue for the other projects would not have his consent unless the~ ~ecommendations for the improvement of the fire departmen~ to cost $32,000 were included. Councilman Boido re-iterated his statement that $40,300 was too much money to raise the Manufa ers alone in any one year. He-favored the raising of extraordinary amounts of funds in a two three year period~ when necessary. He believed the matter of raising of Linden Avenue should b Left to the County of San Mateo till the city gets more info,nation. He also thought the mat · f equalizing values of persona~ Property should be up to the city assessor. MayorRatto believed the city assessor should have the support of the City Council in deteEnining values of p~rsonal~i~property. City Attorney C~leberd stated the board could not the assessor instructions on valuating property. Mayor ~atto asked the city attorney if the City Council could suggest to the assessor that certain property might be revaluated. Mr. Cole' said yes but the assessor could use'his own Judgment whether to do so or not. The assessor ag~ to send out blanks to the ~lanufacturers to be sWO~n.i~i'to and returned if the City Council was agreeable to the procedure. The Council was agreeable to this method. In the matter of the beach project ~ayor Ra'tto stated that a good way to secure the sentiment of the people on the project was to get up a petition and hold mass meetings. The Ci' Council agreed thst this was a good method, and the ~ayor said he would take the matter u~at once. Mayor Hun~Jwished to know the meeting place of the league in So.S.F.July 15.Cortes~'s w~ e~d upon. Mayor R~tto was asked by Latham ~ompany if they could use the old Coata building in ~aden for a brass works for about one year until they were r~ady to move it. The Board agreed to its use for that purpose provided the period was about one year-only. Councilman Minucciani stated a company would light up the city hall with/brilliant colored ltgh~ for the Fourth of July ~elebration if the city would consent, for t~ sum of $16 Gn motion by Councilman Es~helbach, secouded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the proposition was accepted. Chief of Police Belloni requested the purchase of'a new typewriter~ $86. 00. The purchasing eommltte was instructed to ~ecure the new ~0~~ found all members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. The reading of the minutes of the two previous meetings was dispensed with. Mayor Ratto inquired of Mr. B.T.Batchelor, decoration man, if he had something tt bring before the council. Mr. Batchelor explained that he had secured a business license handle hats,novelties,banners, etc, for Fourth of July. He asked about the possibility of distributing the articles from place to place, to consumers. City Attorney Coleberd referr~ him to ordinance No.171. There was no further discussion. Councilman Mager rep~rted that he was informed by Mr. Zaro that persons in his were filling dirt, refuse, and erecting some structures on the 8 foot easement between lots High School Park, that rats were coming in and made the sanitary condition bad. He was also that termites were affecting his fences adjoining the easement. Councilman Mager asked Cit Attorney Coleberd if the city could compel the quilty persons to remowe the structures,diz from the easement. The City Attorney stated the city had no power, to order the removal of t nuisances, but believed the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company had, and would b willing to act in the matter. The ~ity Clerk was instructed to write the company accordingl The City Attorney will look over the records of the establishment of the subdivision to see to what extent the easement is protected from molestation. Mayor Ratto stated a small brass foundry company would locate on the Bayshore Hi in the vicinity of Peck ' S Lots if permission is granted by the City Council. The company employs 135 men. Some of the Councilmen thought the works should be off the highway. Ti Mayor said he would consult with Delhi, Edwards, the Western Pipe & Steel Company and Wildb brothers, while City Attorney C°leberd and he will visit Sam and Ralph Jacobison at their Francisco plant, Spear & Folsom St~eets, and make inspections. Mayor Ratto reported that the contractor on the Club House informed him that the nesite specified in the construction on floors is poor substance for that work, and offered substitute 6ement for it for $80 less. It was agreed by the Councilmen that Mr. Zangranda could substitue cement for magnesi~e. A communication was received from Carl Jess and Norma Reid,protesting aganist the establishment of a children's playgrounds opposite the Jess Apartments on Braden Avenue,on account of the noise and dust that might become a nuisance. Councilman Boido suggested securing the sentiment of the people in Peck's Lots, including Cortesi, who is in touch witk residents of that section. Mayor Ratto stated that Mr. Cortesi was in favor of the playgro~ but he would investigate further. City Attorney Coleberd stated he would draw up an ordins on f~re escapes and present it to the city at the next meetinE of the City Council. Mayor requested him to draw up the lease on the Hearne property for the proposed Childrens' Playgr Mayor Ratto brought the subject of the equalization of personal property to the ci council's attention. He showed that the values laid down by the county assessor are lower th bhe city assessor's in varying degrees of from one and~'fiwe-~t.enths to four and five-tenths times~ and wished to see the values equalized. The city assessor explained that the city val ~re arrived at according to what amount of personal property each owner possesses or is calc ated to possess,and divided by three,tea~ing~the assessed value one-third of the actual valu. and the rate to be made according to the city's financial requirements. The city's valuation. and the city's rate having no connection or relation to the county valuations or rate. The ~ayor stated he desired ~he sentiment of the ~ouncilmen as well as the assessor ~he subject. Asked by Councilman Eschelbach if his proposed re-valuation was for the purpo: of raising additional tax money for pvojects,and if so for how much. ~ayor Ratto said it w~ and the amount proposed to be raised $~0,~00. Councilmen Eschelbach and Boido thought it be unwise to tax the factories at this ttm~ after the long period of depression. Some of the DroJects they thought favorably of but on O~hers they were Opposed to. They thought a bond would be the better ~e~tho~ of determining the wishes of the people on the projects. Councilm~ ~ager stated he would votJ',~:or any measure including.the reconstruction, cleaning or repairin~ ~he Colma Creek ditch~ and i~inden Avenue, these two projects being up th: the County of San ~o maintain. And~a bond issue for the other projects would not have his consent unless the: recommendations for the improvement of the fire department to cost $32,000 were included. Councilman Boido re-iterated his statement that $40,300 was too much money to raise the Manuf ers alone in any one year. He-favored the raising of extraordinary amounts of funds in a two three year period~ when necessary. He believed the matter of raising of Linden Avenue should Left to the County of San Mateo till the city gets more information. He also thought the ma ef equalizing values of persona~ property should be up to the city assessor. Mayor Ratto believed the city assessor should have the support of the City Council i: determining values of p~rsonal~property. City Attorney Coleberd stated the board could not g the assessor instructions on valuating property. Mayor Hatto asked the city attorney if the City Council could suggest to the assessor that certain property might be revaluated. Mr. Col. ~aid yes bUt the assessor could use'his own judgment whether to do so or not. The assessor ag~ to send out blanks to the Manufacturers to be sworn..!'to and returned if the City Council was agreeable to the procedure. The Council was agreeable to this method. In the matter of the beach project -"ayor Ratto stated that a good way to secure the sentiment of the people on the project was to get up a petition and hold mass meetings. The C~ Council agreed th$~ th~s was a good method, and the ayor said he would taxe the matter u~, at cnce. Mayor Hunt.~Wlshed to know the meeting place of the league in So.S.F.July 15.Cortesm s w e~d upon' Mayor~tto was asked by Latham Company if they could use the old Coata building in aden for a brass worxs for about one year until they were r~ady to move it. The Board agreed to its use for that purpose provided the period was about one year-Only. Councilman Minucciani stated a company would light up the city hall with/brilliant colored ligh~ for the Fourth of July ~elebration if the c~ty would consent, for t~'~ sum of $16 £n mO$ion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucctant and regu!a~z~y caDried the proposition was accepted. Chief of Police Belloni requested the purchase of'a new typewriter $86. 00. The purchasing Commltte was instructed to Secure the new typewriter. There being no further business before the Board Councilman mager moved to adjourn. Th motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and megularly carried. Time of adjournmer~_.!l;151 APp~°vedMayor Of Sou~h San ~r~ncisco City Cler~