HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-09-20412 REGULAR ME!~]T~NC 0F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOU?H SAN FRANCISCO, HELD I,.O~.DAY, ,~. ~.~,_~ ,~ 20,1937. The regular meeting of the City Co~ncil of the City of South ~an Francisco was held in the city hall,Nonday evening, September 20,1937. The meeting was called to order at eight o'clock ?.~.f. by Fayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll c~:~ll found the following meN, hers of the City ConK, oil ~resent;- Councilmen, V.Boido. A.J.Eschelbach, ~.~'inucc~ani,D.W.i~tto. Absent, Counailm~n J.F.Nager. The minutes of the two previous meetimgs were read. There being no errors or o~issions they ~7ere approved as read. A b~d for the installation of 340 feet of t%~o inch g~:_s pipe fron'~ the 50 feet allowance, was received from the ..... ac~fic ~as & ~ . ~lectric Co~an*,, ~ to :furnish gas to the 0ra~e Avenue Club House, in the an~ount of ;~134.93. The Cit~ Council ,o~a n-orion by Co~:,ncilman !~imucciani, seconded by Co~ncilman Boido and regularly carried, instructed the Cit? Clerk to request the gas com'nany to install the line. A conmuni~tion was received from .Edna Broner,L,~brarian, representing Ifrs. Bartlett, President of the m~brar,~ Board,quoting a nrice of CllO.00 on shelving needed in the library. 0n motion b~~ Councilman Boido seconded by Councilman '~ , :~sche!bach nnd refult~rl~: carric, d the cl-~rk ",':.~s instructed to reply stating 0.Ii.v~ith the City Council. Apnlication for a tailoring business license was received from L.J.Freed,' for the location 215 Crand A~enue. 0n motion by Councilman i~inucciani,seconded by Co~n6ilman Eschel- bach and .regularly c~rried the desired license was granted. A communication was received b'y ~''~" :mg~neer I[tassen from Jno. H.Ske~gs,District~, ~ngineer ~'~ , Divisio;~ of Highumys off the State, stating as a result of ~eir conference on Project llo.i, additional budgeting of the ~ cent funds v:ould provide the sum of ~SV0.00,and city runes, in the amount of ,~',1530.00, toward the cons'truction of storm sen'ers in Linden and Crand Avenues. Tr;.plicate sv. pplen-ental project statements were su.b~:~itted to be si?ned by the tit3 of~icials. Corrm'u~nication accepted and ordered placed on file. ,.J.Tobin, ~-~az~ing been the lov,~est bidder to construct a storm sewer in Linden and Ore, nd Avenues, Councilman '~schelbach introduced a resolut.~on of the City of ~outh Ssa Frr.~ncisco ins_ the contract to l,[r. Tobin st the tot:t~l ¥:r'ice n~,~ed~,- in his bid, to-wit-a:14~' ,6~0.28. The resolution was adopted by the votes of al! the members of t~e Cit[~ Council present;- as follows;- ~s Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,I',!"inucciani,D.W.Ratto Noes, Counci. lmen,Iione. Absent, Councilmen, J.P.~,~ager. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution v:as regularly iz~troduced and adopted by the Cit~, Council of the City of South San Francisco ~ tills SOtl: day of September,1937. A-test 'angel ~'cSweeney City Clerk. Recorded iu Book o'~ ~'esolutions, Vol. Z,at Dages A._~no~se rari subr:-:itt~d ~u ~]_~.ca~io~ ar,,encL~q? ~.~s ~re~'~oL, s a~,lica, tior~ for a bn';Idins reft:it to construc,, a ,,u~.l~.n~ o~ the ~aayshore ]'[iff]~v~ ~~ out;~ offqrand 2ye 0n n~otion .... n~ re~ul~:~.rz,, carried the desired by Counci!~?~ ['.~oido,seconded. by Councilman :~,~c~~o~,~,~ ,,~, .... , , permit was f~ranted. Tb.e esti~ted cost ~s ~t ,O00 for a full coz?crete building. ~nder t~e head of ~ n~]nished b~siness the laid over recuest of Theodore L~vlk7 for a business liaense to oporate an auto co~rt on the E1 O~m~ino J~eal,?own o~ Oaden, refferred to City .,. '~ ",' s application df d not comply Attorney Coleb,,~rd,was taken uO '~he Cit~.: Ag::%osney st~:~:ed ir, Lu=k,..' with the ordinance a, a he ~as operating- without a license, lfter TM ' _ . Douste declared ~'r ]'~uli:y had ~o right to run was refused a permit and was ru:'~iu~: the auto c~n"~p to the city ant; critics. Chief of ?olice Louis ]~elloni stated I¥~r. ~!ky had bee~ arrested for runr~i:~lF without a license --:nd firmed a suspendec~ sentence. ~r. Douste stated that ss ]fulky h,~d never been given a legal permit to build he sho~,_ld be asaiu :~rrested and fir,ad. Councilman ~schetbach st~;~ted no permit should have been g a~,ted ¥:ithout the people's knowledge and in ~ ~e legal way Councilman ~ ~ . ~_,oido stated Llr. ~lk~' h~ d insulte~, the C~tf Cou~:cJ/ and the citizens and prope¥'ty owners of the di,,strict affected by his remarLs ir~ the city hall before~ a meeting~ and has no rig~t to :m~n,having no permit. 0n questio~ the C~ty Attor~-,ay ad% sea that ~,~r. Nulky had no ri?hr to op:~rate and the p'~lice shouZa_ arrest hit-1 again. Chief ~elloni was instructed to make the arrest,after securing eviaence. o~,nc~l set the date flor the ~,e~?ri~-~g of protests against the granti~g of The 8ity C '~ a permit or'license to L~r. R ,k.][ami!ton to operate a ';~railer Camp Cround on Lots 1,3 5 V Bloc~ 10,Town of Baden,South San Francisco, as October 4,th, 1957, on ~,onm~y, at ~ o'clcok The ap)olication of L.:~by for t? 'buildir'F per~?it to construct an ~uto Court or i~otorist apartment 0n 'he ~ast sideof Bayshore Bo'.!evard, the corner of Armour Avenue, was granted. 'L~r', Eby wrote an a~ olication for ~:~ permit to :operate his proposed auto court when ready,durin~ the meeting, and the same was granted~on motion by Councilman Eschelbach,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. ~ayor i~tto submitted an estimate of a unit for the i~provement of the Beach property, in the s~ of ~17,597.00, the cost of the property not included. Councilmen F. inuc~:iani and Mayor Ratto '?ere for a special election on the question as to whether or mot the voters want the beach developed, while Councilmen .Eschelbach and Boido were of the opinion a bond election should be held for the purchase and development of the beach. L.C.Hardy stated there were only ~00 genuine names on the beach petition, and wanted to hear a report of the sanitary condition __%~f the waters of the beach. Logan ?ranklin requested th~ ~-ayor to furnish information .,/~oncerning the wster conditions at and near the beach. ~fayor ~attO read the result of the research ~ made by the Cook Research ~aboratories. The report was not submitted as a public record ~F the Cl~rk's Office. During discussion over the beach project ~-ayor katto stated the ~'[en~el Club · i ~ license n-,oney was intended-for the development of the beach and playgrounds. Councilmen Esch- ~-- elbach said the license money ~ general f~d money and no mention was made of playgrounds and the beach being developed with it. ~¥!ayor i~atto stated that 5 manufacturers were for the raise in valuations of the personal property for the proposed projects. Councilman Eschelbach stated this is not so, and is,not of record. Councilman Eschelbach stated !?ire Chief Welterequested that 150' sewer from Dupo~ts to Beck & Kohler's be installed. Being satisfactory to the council Councilman .Eschelbach H~oved the City Enginer be authorized to make the installation. The motion was seconded by- Councilman Councilmen, V. Boido. A.J.Eschelbach, ~:.~',znncc~_ani,]).W.Ratto. Absent, Coumail~n J.F.Yager. The ~iuutes ~ ~ o~ the two previous ~eet~s u~ere read. '.~'here be~n~ no errors or omissions the2~ were aporoved as read. A b~d for the installation of 340 feet of t~vo ~ncb g~s ripe fror~-~, tile 50 feet allowance, was received from the '~'ac~fic Was & Electric Com~an~ to :furnish gas to t}-:e Orar~e Avenue Club House, in the a~r, ount of ~1,~4.93. The Citf Council ,o~c r~-otiou b3: Co~:~nc~lE~an i i~ucc~ani, secon~ed~ b~f Co~nciln~an Ooido._. and regularly carried, ~.nstructed the Cit~,~ Clerk to request the gas com~oany to install the line. A conmuni~tion was received from :~dna Broner,L.~brarian, representing I.:rs. Bartlett, President o:~' the Librar~ Board,quoting a orice of ~['~110.00 o~'i shelving needed in the Library. 0n motion 'b~,~ Councilman ~.oido,seconded by, Councilman Esche!bach and reFul~rlj/ carried the cl.-~rk ~'::~.s instructed to re!oly statin~ 0 ~ ' . .~.~,~ith the Cit3' Council Lpplication for a tai!orins business license ~as received from L.J.Yreed,' for the location t]15 Crand Avenue. On motion by Councilman :. inuc~iani ,seconded b~ Co~;nSilman Eschel- bach .~,nd .regularly c~ried tl;e desired license was granted. A communication was received by Engineer, lilassen fron'~ Jno. H.Skeggs,District ~ngineer~'~. ,~ . . Divisio~ of Highu~a[.~s of the State, stating ~:.~.s a result of E~eir conference on Project 17o.1, additional 'budgeting of the -~%- cent funds would provide the sum of ~E370.OO,~nd city furies in the amount of ,~12~30.00, toward the cons'truction of storm ,oe ,ers in Linden and Creed Avenues Tr~.plicate s~p]:,le~ental project statements were sub~itted to be sJ~ned by the ~it;>: ofi~icials. Com~'utnication accepted and ord.~red pla. ced on file. .f. Tobin, ~-~a~'ing been the lo~:~est bidder to construct a storm server in ~inden and Ore, nd Avenues, Councilman 2schelbach introduced a resolution of the Cit2~: of South San Fr~ncisco t-Etl4,6VO. 28. in~z the contract to ~,Er. Tobin s,t the total ~-~r'ice named in his bid, to-u.'i The resolution was adopted by the votes of ~ll the members of the Czt,~ Council presert'- as follows;- 2~es Councilmen, '~.Boido, A.J Eschelbach,I'.!'~inucciani,D.~ Ratto ~(oes, Councf~lmen,ITone. Absent, Councilmen], J.~F.tT~ager. I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution ~.;~as regularly i~troduced and adopted by the Cit~~ Council of the City of South San ~rancisco , t~is f~Ot~: day of 2eptember,19ZV. ~,-test Daniel Yc2weeney C it~,: Clerk. Rec-~rded iu Book cC ~"esolutions, Vol. Z,at mages 126-1~7. Alohonse ~e'rrari su%~-:~tted an ~.~mmlica~ion a~-~end~n~''~ ].~s pre%"ious a~,licatior~ for a buJldin~ ~err~it to construct a building on the ~ayshore ][igh~.y,-'o~th of Crand Ave. On ~otion b~7 Cou~cil~:~u :~oido,seconded b2~ Counoilm~n ~och~_~eE E~.~E re~ularl~ carried the desired per.it ,.v~s ~?rauted. Tie e~ti~ted cost is ~l.,~OO for a Tull cor~crete bu.~.ldiug l~:~der tt~.e head of ~nfi~ished business the laid over recue~t cT Theodore ,~slM.ss mlE~ey~se to operate an auto court on the E10~mino ::~eal,Town o~ -oaden, re~erred to C~t~7 ~ttor~e.~. Coleb,~; s ta~n up. The Cit:7 ~,~o~e,,~, st~:'~.ted ~:r. Lulk., s ~,rpl~catio~ ~zit~': the ord~uanne a~d he ~:as operatin~ without a l~cense, lfter lo~,g discussio~ ~.:r. Douste declared ~'~ t . -.. ~ · ~ulk7 had ~o right to rEM,was reV~sed a pern~it and was ru~ir~~' the auto to the cit~ ant critics. C~ief of Police Louis 7~elloni stated ~r. ~lk~/ had bee~ arrested f.or ru~i:~g without a license --nd fi~ed a suspended sentence. ~r. Douste stated t~at ]~ulky h~d ne~er been given a legal permafit to build he s~o~ld be a~ain ~rrested arid fi~ad. Councilman ~schelbach st~'~ted no permit should h~ve been ~ anted uithout the people's k~owledge and in ~he legal way. Councilman ~oido stated ]:r. ]~lkz~ h~ d insulte~ the Cit~ Cou~c~] and ~he citizens an~ prope~ty o~ners of the di'~trict afYected b~7 )~is re~arhs i~ the city h~ll before: a meeting~ and has no rig~t to ~run,ha~:~ng no oermit. 0n ~uestio~ the C~t~7 ~ttor~y ad~'~sem that ~:r. Hulky had no ri~ht to open, rate and the police shoui~ arrest hi~'~ again. Chief 2elioni was instructed to make the arrest,after securing evimence. The Uity Co~ncil set the date ~'or the ~e~ri~-~g of protests agai~st the grar~ti~g of a permit or license to ~:r. E.&.~amilton to operate a Trailer Camp Cround on Lots Block 10,Town of Baden,~outh Gan Francisco, as October ~,th, 19g?, on ~onday, at 8 o'clcok The apolication of L.~by t~or ~ buildi~f permafit to construct an ~uto Court or ]iotorist ~partment 0n ~he '~ast sideof Bayshore Bo~levard, the cornier of Armour Avenue, was granted. ~r'. Eby ~rote an a~ plicstion Tot a permit to operate his proposed auto court when ready,durin~ the meeting, and the same was Franted~on motion by Councilman Eschelbach,seconded by Councilman Bo~do and regularly carried. ~ayor i~tto submitted an estimate of a unit for the ir~provement of the ~each property, in the s~ of ~l?,~gV.O0, the cost of the property not included. Councilmen ~inuc~iani and ~ayor Ratto ~.~ere for a special election on the question as to whether or not the voters want the beach developed, while Councilmen Eschelbach and Boido were of the opinion a bond election should be held for the purchase and development of the beach. L.C.Hardy stated there were only ~00 genuine names on the beach petitio~ and wanted to hear a~report of the sanitary condition _~f the waters of the beach. Logan ~ranklin re~uested the ~a~0r to furnish information ~,~oncern~n~ the ~)ater conditions at and near the beach. ~ayor ~atto read the result of the~research · ~ ' ~ ' ~ ' ~ e crt was not submitted as a ublic recor~ m de b. the Cook Research ~aborator~es. ~h~ rep ~ P the Cl~rk's Office. During discussion over the beach project ~.~ayor z~atto stated the _entel Cluo license n~oney was i~tended~for the development of the beach and playgrounds. Councilmen Esch- elbach said the license money ~ general f~d money and no mention was ~ade of playgrounds and the beach being developed with it. ~.~ayor idatto stated that ~ manufacturers were for the raise in valuations of the personal property for the proposed projects. Councilma~ Eschelbach stated this is not so, and is not of record. Councilman Eschelbach stated ~ire Chief Welterequested that l~0' sewer from Dupo~ts to Beck & Eohler's be installed. Being satisfactory to the council Councilman Eschelbach n~oved the City Enginer be authorized to make the installation. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~inucciani ~d regularly carried. ~ayor Ratto reported he had received advises from the Oerkely Police Depart~ent showin~ the result ce the examination for police officer and police clerk for the City of i3outh ~an Prancisco~ and read the documents. It a~pears that Joe Oachigalupi was f~rst on list for policer:an,Edgsr L.Brewer second and Leo Cortesi third~ and for the position of ~oli Clerk ?~llace, Cattilini and Peter Lind v,'ere placed ~n the order named. The ?ecret method ~o~,~~ tke examiations not being satisfactory to Councilman Eschelbach and !~oido, tb~- hel that the test ~apers should have ~een .~n the possession of the Chairman of tl~e Police Com~ission,,~ouncilman Boido, who sho~ld b~ve tle r~!~t to rec,}n~_~end officers and clerk. iTayor Ratto stated he had refused to pern~it other councilmen see the papers on accou of pokitical rur~ors of favoritism. Councilman Eschelbach resented this statement,ask~n~ the i~iayor"if five men elected by the people cannot be true, ted,why not elec~ only you and let you run it all". No action was taken. The examination papers were not submitted to the City Clerk's office for filing and are, therefore,not a public record. Councilman Eschelbach proposed that a Tennis Oourt be built in Orange Avenue Park. He Stated that ne had been asked frequently why this city has no tennis court, that all the sm. towns on the peninsula have one and this cit~~ should not be behind in this sport. Councilma Boido believed tennis courts should be built. Councilman ~iinucciani stated no provision wa made for tennis courts in th e budget,and ~ayor Ratto stated Orange Avenue P~rk was no plac for a Tennis Court,that a good site wo~,ld be opposite the church~ Asked about the probable cost of a tennis court Engineer Klassen stated it would take about SE~00 to build one and ~-~bout ~$1~00 to e~uip and install the lighting system. J~ ~laims in the amount of $186~.81 were next presented to the council for payment;- Li 1 li an 5au fe r The Enterprise Press Jenning' s Pharmacy Rob ins on- Druggi s t Frank P, ar iani The '~eagrave C oap'n Fred J. Lautze '-~ o. $. ?. Mo spit al C .Begnal Pete i~a ~na~hi L.H.Cook Laboratories i)~dley °erkins C.E. Leverton clerical work,assessor's office 1000-~ct, stamped envelopes ,Clerk' s materials ,clerk, tax-collector' s off materials oolice dept. labor & repairs " " bell hanger fire dept exhaust manifold " " reps to fire engine alcoholic e×a~inat~ relief driver ,fire dept ~aitting traffic samplin~,testin~ be? ~ater police car radio hook-up reo. uNderwo od, cd_erk' s office ~o.City Lumber & ~upoly Co. ,oark sand & ~ravel '~tand~ard ~'ence Co Calif. Water 3ervice ~o C. D. Jordan $. Pianca A. $oldivini B.~'ontgomery R.Ferrario T. Johnson P.Parenti E. Balli C .Castro P. ~;a gna ghi P.Barratteri J.Colombo W. J.Perry B.Brosherars }.~. Leu fe r Fred J. Laut ze F.J~andoli R.~asciovecchi R. ouinlan G.Cresci J. Ci offre ~...l~Ni C. Stuernman %a i~ar's Garage t~e!ly's Welding ~hop materials Peck's Lots Playgro~_~ds " Linden Ave " ,, ,, ,, ,, " pa rks " Peck's 5ets " " Cit~ },~al 1 Poncin~ r~aterials " w~ter Ora~e :~ve. Ballpark ~ent~l '2factor Orange Aw..~'ark labor on playgrounds labor Oran~.o Park " City "Hall Park labor on playgrounds Labor Orange Ave. Park " " "~ept.12 & 19tV , grease,repairs ,etc dur:-p truck Tr ~mminF trees sv:e e~in~ streets rewairs street v?eldJn~ brooke d_um~ truck Total 45. O0 41.66 9.99 65 s. v6 .6~. 40. O0 9.00 1,5.98 18.46 5.95 4.01 17.92 5.51 ~ 45 ~5.00 ~[0~. O0 ~8 O0 45 O0 . 45' O0 51.75 51.75 49.50 4.50 1~. O0 9.00 45. O0 45. ~0 ~5. O0 49.50 ~5.00 47.25 9.00 20.19 1.50 (:1262. S1 The claims havi~ been ~ulited by the ~' -~ , ' - ' _ ~ c , ,.].n~nce committee Councilman ~scbelbach moved they 'he ~aid. The motion was seconded ~y Counc~ lm~ 3oido and re~larl,v carried. There being no further brsiNess before the bosrd ConNcil~n }.li},ucciani moved to adjov The motion ,/,'as seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of ~djour~ent 10;10 o'clcok p.m. App r eve d ~,~ayor of .South ~an Francisco Respectfully subm~, ed, .... e-~E'"I~I'~S~ ~i~'~' ShOuld not be behind in this sport. Coun( ~F~6~l~eved tennis coUrts~ should be built. Councilman ~inucciani stated no provisi( made for tennis courts in th e budget,and ~ayor Ratto stated Orange Avenue Pmrk was no for a Tennis Court,that a good site wo~ld be opposite the church~ Asked about the probable cost of a tennis court Engineer Klassen stated it would about SE~00 to build one and ~obout ~l~00 to eeuip and install the lighting system.~.~ ~laims in the amount of $188E,81 were ~ext presented to the council for payment;- Lillian Laufer The Mnterprise Press Jenning' s Pharmacy Robinson-Druggi st Frank Pariani The ~eagrave Coap'n Fred J.Laut ze ~o. ~.F.Mospital C. Begnal Pete }!a~na~hi L.H.Cook Laboratories DUdley Oerkins C.~.Leverton clerical work,assessor's office ~ ~B.00 1000-Bct,stamped envelopes,Clerk's $ A1.68 materials,clerk,tax-collector's off~ 9.99 materials police dept. labor & repairs " bell hanger fire dept exhaust manifold " " reps to fire engine alcoholic examinations relief driver,fire dept oattting traffic sampling,testin~ bay -,aters police car radio hook-up rep.underwood,clerk's office So. City L~mber & Supply Co.,oark sand & ~ravel materials Peck's Lots Playgrourds " Linden Ave " ~, ,! ,, ,, " parks " .Peck's Lot~ " " City Hall ' ?encing n-a t erials " water Orange Ave. ~ Ballpark Rental Tractor Orange Ave.Park labor on playgrounds labor Orange Park " City "Hall Park labor on playgrounds Labor Orange Ave. Park " " "Sept.12 & 19th, grease,repairs ,etc d~:~p tr~ck Trimming trees sweepin~ streets repairs street truck welding brake dump truck ?! ,, r, TI It TI T, ,, Standard ~ence Co Calif.~ater Service Co C.L. Jordan S.Pianca A. Soldivini B..~"ontgomery R.~errario T. Johnson F.Parenti E. Balli C .Castro P.I;agnaghi P.Barratteri J.Colombo W. J.Perry B.Brosherars I~. Laufer Fred J. Lautze F..~!andoli R.Masciovecchi R. Ouinlan C.Cresci J.Cioffre A.Yil~ni C. ~tuerhman ~,,ar s Garage Kelly's ~eldi~g Shop Total 12.65 15.58 8.~6 .6Z 40. O0 9.00 ~. O0 1~.98 9.50 18.46 19.06 17.92 5.95 4.01 8 . 9 6 5.4~ 2?5.00 ~104. O0 ~s. oo 18 O0 18]00 ~6. O0 ~. O0 ~1.~6  15. ~0 18.00 9, O0 ~. O0 45.00 47.25 20.19 1.50 ~1s62. s~ ./ The claims havirg been audited by the finance committee Councilman Eschelbach moved they be oaid. The motion was seconded by Councilm~m~ Doido and regularly carried. There beiog no further b~siness before the board Councilman E~r~uc¢iani moved to adjo~ The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. '. Time of sdjournment 10;10 o'clcok p.m. Approve d ~iayor of South San Francisco iQespectfu!ly subm'~A~ ed,