HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-10-18REGULAR MEETING OF Tb~ CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, HELD ~ONDAY,OCTOBER 18TH, 1937. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, October 18th, 1937. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p.m. by Mayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the Council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Nager,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. An application for labor was received from Robert Ferrario,Sr,445 Commercial Avenue. The clerk was instructed to request him to register in the city hall '~n the labor register. William~iNUZio, Secretary of the South San Francisco Grove~ No.171,U.A.0.D., made applicat~ for a permit to hold a Benefit Dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, October 23,1937. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Counc~.lman Boido and rezularly carried the desire~ permit was granted. A communication from the San MateooLod~e Benevolent Order of Elks ~lll2, requesting ~hat the city send representatives to t~eir ~afe6y proEram, on Wednesday evenzng, Nove~ber 3,at 8;30 o'clock P.M. at the Elks Club,San ~ateo,to assist in devising wa~s and means to prevent accidents. ~ayor Ratto appointed Councilman Boido and Chief of Police Belloni to attend the conference. Mayor Ratto reneived a communication from ~he American Red Cross stating that San ~ateo Chapter had added to their nursing service an additional nurse to take care of ~ayshore, Brisbane,Colma, Daly City, Lawndale,Lomita Park,~illbrae,San Bruno a~d South San ~'rancisco. Accepted and ordered placed on file. A communication was received from A.J.Welte,Fire Chief, calling the council's atten~ to the fire de~artment's request some time ago for ar increase of the firemen and chief's sal~ Councilman ~ager stated the request was outlined in the budget submitted in August, that the ~ chief was working as Building Inspector at no additional salary, and $25 additional for this service was reasonable,that he is on duty 24 hours a day, that the firemen serve 12 hours a d~ for $160 per month,whereas the city police receive $175 per month for 8 hours a day. He recommended the raise in salary as outlined in the budget. CounciLman Boido asked a postponen of the matter, and ~onday, the 25th, inst was set for an informal meeting of the council. A report of the activities of ~he Public Library for the month of September was rece~ from ~iiss Rue Clifford, showing among other things an expenditure of ~508.76 for the month. Report accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from the South San Francisco ~and & Improvement Company with reference to the proposed construction cfa sanitary and storm water sewer in ~South Industrial Area. The communication stated it was the land com~?any's un~!erstanding that the pfc would cost approximately $59,~00.~ .that the Federal Government would contribute $4~,500.11, ~nd agreed to contribute the sum of ~7800 ,leaving the c~ty to pay the balance of $9,000, inc] lng the Engineer's fees. Their previous o~fer was wf. thdrawn. After deliberation by the cou~ it was agreed to accept the offer. 'Uhereupon Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of 3ity Council of the City of South San Francisco accepting the offer of the South San Franciscc Land and Improvement Company. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the mombers of tk ~ity Co~-,nc~'l,as follows; - RESOLUTION Ayes,CounciLmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, N.Minucciani,D.W.B Noes,Councilmen, None. Absent, CounciLmen, None. Attest D_aniel NcSweeney,. City ~lerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.$,atnpage 127. RESOLUTION THA~KI~G ~.~ERKaL~Y CHIEF OF POLICE & ASSISTANTS. CounciLman Eschelbach introduced a resOlution of the City Council of the ~ity of South San Francisco thanking the Berkeley Chief of Police and his assistants for their co~operation assistance in holding the examination for police officers and police clerk in this city. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschclbach, J.F.Mager,~.M!nuccia~i,D.~.Ratto. N~es, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None, Attest__ Daniel ~cSweeney ~City-Cl~rk. ~ R~corded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.$, at page, 1~7. RESOLUTION-TEN}iIS COURT. Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South S Francisco directing the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a Tennis Court in Orange Avenue Park. The resolution was adopted by the following vote;- AYes, Councilmen, ~.Boido, A.J. Eschelbach, J.F.Mager. Noes, Councilmen, N.Ninucciani,D.W.Ratto. Absent, Councilmen,none. Attest__ Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.$, at page,128. ~ayor Ra6to contended the court should be in Civic Center. Councilman Eschelbach stated that mc oourts will be built later. RESOLUTION LEASINC BUILDING TO BERNARD ~cCA£~EY POST 0F THE ~ERICAN LEGION. ni ~ CounciLman Minuccia'introduced a resolution of the City Council 'of the City of South San Fra Leasing to Bernard McCaffrey Post of the America~ Legion a certafn building in Orange Avenue ~ for thei~ use for a period of 20 years,under certain conditions. The resolution was adopted by the ~otes of all the members of the City Council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Nager,~.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. No~s,Councilmen,None, Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney ~ City Clerk. Reborded in Book of Resoluti~ns, Vol.3, at page 128. RESOLUTION ~ALLING FOR BI]~)S FOR REROOFING CITY HALL. Roll call found all members of the Council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager,~.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meetinM were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. An application for labor was received from Robert Ferrario,Sr,445 Commercial Avenue. The clerk was instructed to request him to register in the city hall "n the labor register. William ~MU~im, Secretary of the South San Francisco Grove~ No.171,U.A.0.D., made applicati¢ for a permit to hold a Benefit Dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, October 23,1937. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Counc~.lman Boido and rezularly carried the desired permit was granted. A communication from the San Mateo Lodge Benevolent Order of E~.ks ,lll2, requesting ~hat the city send representatives to t~eir safely pro~ram, on Wednesday evening, Nove~ber 3, at 8;30 o'clock P.M. at the Elks Club,San Mateo,to assist in devising wa~.~s and means to prevent accidents. ~ayor Ratto appoluted Councilman Boido and Chief of Police Belloni to attend the conference. Mayor Ratto reoeived a communication from ~he American Red Cross stating that San ~ateo Chapter had added to their nursin~ service an additional nurse to take care of ~ayshore, Brisbane,Colma, Daly City, Lawndale,Lomita Park,?~illbrae,San Bruno a~d South San ~'rancisco. Accepted and ordered placed on ~ile. A communication was received from ~.J.Welte,Fire Chief, c~lling the council's attenti to the fire de~oar~ment's request some time ago for a~ increase of the firemen and chief's salar Councilman ~ager stated the request was outlined in the budget submitted in August, that the Fi chief was working as Building Inspector at no additional salary, and $25 additional for this service was reaSonable,that he is on duty 24 hours a day, that the firemen serve 12 hours a day for $160 per month, whereas the city police receive $1V5 per month for 8 hours a day. He recommended the raise in salary as outlined in the budget. CounciLman Boido asked a postponeme of the matter, and ~onday, the 25th, inst was set for an informal meeting of the council. A report of the activities of ~he Public Library for the month of September was receiv from ~iss Rue Clifford, showing among other things an expenditure of $508.76 for the month. Report accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from the South San Francisco Sand & Improvement Company ~ith reference to the proposed construction cfa sanitary and storm water sewer in iL~South Industrial Area. The communication Stated it was the land company's un~erstanding that the proj would cost approximately $59,300.33 .that the Federal Government would contribute $42~500.11, and agreed to contribute the sum of $~800 ,leaving the c~ty to pay the balance of $9,0©0, inclu lng the Engineer's fees. Their previous o~fer was withdrawn. After deliberatiou b~ the counc it was agreed to accept the offer. '~hereupon Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of t City Council of the City of South San Francisco accepting the offer of the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company. The re~olution was adopted by the votes of all the mombers of the ~ity Council, as follows;- RESOLUTION Ayes,CounciLmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ra No~s,CounciLmen,None. Absent, Counci~en, None. Attest Daniel NcSweeney,._ City Clerk Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,atnpage 127. RESOLUTION THAMKIMG ~.~E~EL~Y CHIEF OF POLICE & ASSISTANTS. CounciLman Eschelbach introduced a resOlution of the City Council of the ~ity of South San Fra~cisco thanking the Berkeley Chief of Police and his assistants for their couoperation a: assista~ce in holding the examination for police officers and police clerk in this city. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- AYes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschclbach, J.F.Mager,~ ~inucciani,D.W.Ratto N~es, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None, Attest~ ....... Daniel ~cSweeney ~ City Clerk. R~corded in Book. of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page, 12~. RESOLUTION-TENEIS COURT. Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the ~City Council of the City of South Sa~ Francisco directing the City Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the construction of a Tennis Court in Orange Avenue Park. The resolution was adopted by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen, ¥.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager. Noes, Councilmen, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Absent, Councilmen,none. Attest__ Daniel McSweeney. City Clerk. R~corded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page,128. Mayor R~6to contended the court should be in Civic Center. Councilman Eschelbach stated that mcr zourts will be built later. RESOLUTION LEASING BUILDING TO BERNARD McCA£~RE¥ POST OF THE ~ERICAN LEGION. ni Councilman Minuccia'introduced a resolution of the City Council 'of the City of South San Fran( Leasing to Bernard McCaffrey Post of the America~ Legion a certain building in Orange Avenue ~a~ for thei~ use for a period of ~0 years,under certain conditions. The resolution was adopted by the ~otes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Nager,l~,Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. No~s,Councilmen,None, Absent,Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~McSwee~ey City Clerk. Reborded in Book of Resolution.ns, Vol.3, at page 128. RESOLUTION UALLING FOR BIDS FOR REROOFING CITY HALL. CoUncilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South S~ F~anctsco calling for bids for reroofin~ the city hall, including scale of wa~jes,hours of labor, The resolutionwas adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager,M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None.Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest~ Daniel McSeeeney. City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at pages 129 and 130. RESOLUTION iJEASIN:) LOT FROM JOSEPH & MAR:ARET !iEARNE. Councilman Mager introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San mranctsco, authorizing the leasing of a lot from Joseph and Mar.:aret Hearne for playground pur- .poses. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.~schelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucctani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None,Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest-'- Daniel._. .... Mc~e. eney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 131. SUPPLEMENT The Division of Highways having s~bmitted the F~RST, MEMORAND~.~ OF AOREEMENT iN TRIPLICATE TO PROVIDE FOR THE EX:E?:~ITURE OF $870 under pro~ect No.l, Councilman ~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City Co~ncil of the City of South San Francisco adopting · budget and approving FIRST SU?PLEEENTAL ~EMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF ~ CENT GAS TAX ALLOCATED FOR STREETS OF ~AJOR I~PORTANCE. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~ager, ~.Minucciani,D.: ~.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel Mcsweeney City Clerk. .Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 132. Two bids were received on a proposal to excavate a portion of the main channel of Colm~ Creek and the Secondary Channel of Co'ma Creek, one from L.C.$mith and one from J.S.Baker, and were ordered opened. Both bidders bid the same amount or figure for doing the work, Seven (7) ~ents per cubic yard, and agreed to do the Work according to the plan entitled"Map Showing Pro- , _oosed Maintenance Channels in the Lower Co'ma Creek, South San Francisco,Scale l"-200',June 1937 George A.Kneese,City Engineer", which map is on file in the office of the City Clerk. ~emno a tie bid it :as azreed by the councilmen the toss of a coin would decide the winner. In the toss L.C.Smith won and accordingly councilman Boido moved the award be granted to him. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani, and on roll call Councelmen Boido, ~schelbach,~aoer,Minucciani and Ratto voted AYE. ~ O At the beginning of the meeting ~ayor ~atto stated Mr. An.~el Sc~mpini, attorney for R.A.Hamilton, in his Trailer C~mp Ground License matter, wished to leave early and would appreciate ~aking the matter up at once. So ordered. Mr Scampini asked City ~ttorne¥ Coleberd if his decision was made in the matter of the application of R.A.Hamilton for a business license to operate a Trailer Cmmp Ground. Mr. Coleberd stated he would advise the City Council that no action be taken until a friendly suit by the city be undertaken to have the court decide whether businesses of ~he kind in~estion can operate underthe oresent zoning law of this city. Attorney Scampini was '' agreeable tolproposition. Asked by Councilman Mager if further arrests should be made of tbe.o~fenders ~r. Coleberd advised that nothin~ be done till the matter was settled, Attorney Scamp!nj stated nc action should be taken against Mr. Hmuilton pending the suit. Claims in the ~mount of $18,836.65 were next presented to the council for payment;- Steve Kish Cha$. Stuernman Ray Quinlan J. Geoffre C. Castro T. Johnson So. S. F. Hospital Bancroft-Whitney Co. Frank Parian, Fred J. Lautze A. Terragno V. Bianchini J. Bildhauer C. D. Rusk Union Oil Co. of Calif. Frank Parian, Ray's Service Standard Oil Co. Standard 0il Co. Union 0il Co. Arndt's Dept. Store G. A. Kneese It 11 ti II '1 ti Il. '1 '1 II ti II ti ti IL Il II II II If II !1 ti ti '1 If ,! '1 Robinson Druggist G. E. Leverton Highway Transport San Mateo County Title Co. Lillian Laufer P. G. & E. Il il It fl II II Chamber of Commerce A. .T. g,, .T. T,_ ~a'l'r, hm'nL,-,a labor on pla~rounds ti Il ~ II II Il Il Il Il II II I! " " Orange Park 3 alcholic ex. set 1937 Calif. Codes and Laws repairs police Buick rent Ford Police Dept. 10/~ to 10/6 2 days extra duty l~th to 15th 4 days extra police duty at circus Oct. ll, 13, 15, 17 Oct. 14 police duty circus Police duty at circus Oct. ll to 17th oil and gas police dept. repairs Buick 2 tires and casings motorcycle 53 gals. motor oil Police Dept. 5 gals. pearl oil . 53 gals. Notor oil Fire Dept. l0 towls Fire Dept. drainage plans Mission Road between Oak and Grand Avenue contour map imp. of beach designing controe gate for drainage canal Eng. Work proposed storm sewer Grand and Linden 27. O0 40.50 18. O0 45.00 45.00 49.50 7.50 43.57 138.03 20.00 10.00 20. O0 5.00 35.00 6.53 1.75 17.66 22.93 1.22 34.94 6.70 81.14 40.84 137.09 45.29 prep. plans for sewer to servie Beck Kahler 15.53 Eng. study lower end CoLma ditch 21.60 Eng. work in Linden Ave. 123.05 compiling weed assmt, levy 1937 74;38 Genl. administration Streets Sept. 54.00 Eng. in re Orange Ave. Park Eng. in re Peck's and Linden playgrounds supplies Tax Collector's Office repair 3 typewriters freight Sept. 'reports 1 6w days clerical work assessor's office Misc. service Sept. Street lights Sept. Extend Gas service 340' on Orange Ave. Advertising Aug. & sept. 102.31 97.20...'7 ~ 7~? ~-,-~--f~-g - I~--~--~.,~ 4.00 .35 1.50 32.50 81.34 712.96 134.93 5O. 00 Recorded in Book of Resolutions) Vol.3, at page 131. SUPPLEMENT The Division of Highways having submitted the FIRST, MEMORAND~,.~ 0F AOREEMENT iN TRIPLICATE TO PROVIDE FOR THE EXi:E?~!:~iTURE OF $870 under pro~ect No.l,Councilman ~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City Co~ncil of the City of South San Francisco adopting budget and approving FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL ~EMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE EXPENDITURE OF ~ CENT GAS TAX ALLOCATED FOR STREETS OF ~AJOR IMPORTANCE. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~ager, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None.Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. .Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 132. Two bids were received on a proposal to excavate a portion of the main channel of Colms Creek and the Secondary Channel of Colma Creek, one from L.C.Smith and one from J.S.Baker, and were ordered opened. Both bidders bid the same amount or figure for doing the work, Seven '(7) ~ents per cubic yard, and agreed to do the work according to the plan entitled"Map Showing Pro- posed Maintenance Channels in the Lower Colma Creek, South San Francisco,Scale l"-200',June 1937, 4eorge A.Kneese,City Engineer", which map is on file in the office of the City Clerk. Being a tie bid it ,vas a~jreed by the councilmen the toss of a coin would decide the winner. In the toss L.C.Smith won and accordingly councilman Boido moved the award be granted to him. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani, and on roll call Councelmen Boido, Eschelbach, Mager,Minucciani and Ratto vOted AYE. At the beginning of the meeting Mayor t~atto stated Mr. Angelo Scmmpini, attorney for R.A. Hamilton, in his Trailer Cmmp Ground License matter, wished to leave early and would appreciate ~aking the matter up at once. So ordered. Mr Scampini asked City ~ttorne¥ Coleberd if his decisicn was made in the matter of the application of R.A.Hamilton for a business license to operate a Trailer Cmmp Ground. Mr. Coleberd stated he would advise the City Council that no action be take~ until a friendly suit by the city be undertaken to have the court decide whether businesses of ~he kind in ~uestion can operate underthe present zoning law of this city. Attorney Scampini was agreeable to~propositi'on. Asked by Councilman Mager if furth~r arrests should be made of the.oefenders ~r. Coleberd advised that nothin5 be done till the matter was settled,Attorney Scampini stated nc action should be taken against Mr. Hamilton pending the suit. Claims in the mmount of $18,8~6.65 were next presented to the council for payment;- Steve Kish Chas. Stuernman Ray Quinlan J. Geoffre C. Castro T. Johnson So. S. F. Hospital Bancroft-Whitney Co. Frank Pariani Fred J. Lautze A. Terragno V. Bianchini J. Bildhauer C. D. Rusk Union Oil Co. of Calif. Frank Pariani Ray's Service Standard 0il Co. Standard 0il Co. Union 0il Co. Arndt's Dept. Store G. A. Kneese II II II !1 11 I1 11 II II il II II !1 IL !1 II It II II II II II II II II II I1 11 Robinson Druggist G. E. Leverton Highway Transport San Mateo County Title Co. Lillian Laufer P. G. &E. !1 ti !1 II II Chamber of Co,vmerce A. J. & J. L. Fairbanks Enterprise Press Shell 0il Co. labor,, on,, play,rounds II !1 Il 11 II ti ,, ,t ,t it ,, orange Park 3 alcholic ex. set 1937 Calif. Codes and Laws repairs police Buick rent Ford Police Dept. 10/2 to 10/6 2 days extra duty 12th. to 15th 4 days extra police duty at circus Oct. ll, 13, 15, 17 Oct. 14 police duty circus Police duty at circus Oct. ll to 1Vth oil and gas police dept. repa£rs Buick 2 tires and casings motorcycle 53 gals. motor oil Police Dept. 5 gals. pearl oil 53 gals. Motor oil Fire Dept. l0 towls Fire Dept. drainage plans Mission Road between Oak and Grand Avenue contour map imp. of beach designing controe gate for drainage canal Eng. Work proposed storm sewer Grand and Linden 27. O0 40.50 18. O0 45.00 45.00 49.50 7.50 43.57 138.03 20. O0 10.00 20.00 5.00 35.00 6.53 1.75 17.66 22.93 1.22 34.94 6.70 81.1~ 40'. 84 137.09 45.29 prep. plans for sewer to servie Beck Kahler 15.53 Eng. study lower end CoLma ditch 21.60 Eng. work in Linden Ave. compiling weed assmt, levN 1937 Genl. administration Streets Sept. Eng. in re Orange Ave. Park Eng. in re Peck's and Linden playgrounds supplies Tax Collector's Office repair 3 typewriters freight Sept. 'reports 6~ days clerical work assessor's office Misc. service Sept. Street lights Sept. ~ Extend Gas service 340' on Orange Ave. Advertis%ng Aug. & Sept. refund a/c overpayment 200 pets. prop. bills 489 gals. gas 123.05 74;38 54.00 102.31 4.00 .35 1.50 32.50 81.34 712.96 134.93 50.00 31.50 10.97 78.24 Continuation of claims: Fred Brown La Mat's Auto Parts So.~ City Lumber Co. ti Il II ti F. J. Lautze G. Aresto R. J. Reynolds G. Cresol A. Milani II II J. DeZordo II II J. Souza- V. DeLucca Brhce Montgomery A. Monettini H. Pera R. Maschiovecchio F. Parenti T. Johnsen J. Colombo P.. Na~naghi M. Laufer S. Pianca F. Mandoli Chris Jordan 2 hrs. carpenter work city hall and 12 keys I battery Dodge truck Material repairs street truck repair streets 0ct.12 to 16 " " Sept. 23 to 29 " " Oct. 4th to 16th 12 days labor sweeping streets 12 days labor Oct' 4 to 16 repairing walks l0 days work on streets Sept. 8days Oct. 2 days work Orange Ave Park Oct. ll to 16 labor Orange Av~ Park Oct 4 to 8 6 days work in Sept. at playgrounds 9 days labor Parks Sept. 22 to Oct. 8 labor Orange Ave Park Oct. 6 to 16 labor 0ranEe Ave. Park Oct. 6 to. 16 " " " " Oct. 4 to 16 , II '" " " "Oct. 4 to 16 '" " " "' Oct 4 to 16 labor repair walks.',0ct. 4 to 16 labor playgrounds 10days Sept. 2Gays Oct. labor Orange Ave. Park .Oct I to 16 l0 da?s work at playgrounds 5 days labor playground Oct. 4 ~to '16 94 hfs rental tractor and removing roots 5.25 12.15 35.21 46.62 8.05 18. O0 27. O0 49.50 54. O0 54. O0 49.50 45.00 22.50 22.50 27. O0 40.50 40.50 40.50 49.50 " " "10days Sept. lday Oct. 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 54 .oo 54.00 . 22.5O 0~ange Ave. Parl~ 587.50 Calif. Water Co. Laying ~" Main at Orange Ave. Park 15.45 A. Zangrando Co. part Day'.?ent on climb house contract t320.00 J. S. Baker 512 C{~. yds. top soil Orange .Ave. Park 307.02 J. S. Baker 53 hrs. rent tractor blade and blade man 318.00 " " " 22~ hrs rental gas shovel 157.50 " " " 808 cu. yds. top soil Orange Ave. Park 484.80 " " " 4(~,~ hrs. truck rental work at ball park 139.72 Carl Ande~-~On 24 hrs. labor Orange Ave. Park 15.00 Eaton'.&~ith ~ 24 hrs. rental gas driven, blade and scarifier 132.00 Grinvell Co. supplies 0range Ave Park 25.34 Patterson - Willimms'(~i. i volley ball wire net 20.60 1' Total $ r18,836.65 The claims having been a~.dited by t~~, finance committee CounciLman Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Counci]mmn Eschelbach and regularly carried. Under the head of ~m~fnished business the matter of the ~25 per month allowed by the Board of Supervisors for rent of the Justice of the Peace Court in the City Hall was taken up. City Attorney Coleberd havin.~ business in Redwood City Wednesday the 20th, inst, was requested to confer with County Execrative Roleson and the Board of Supervisors and lay the city's claim before them. -' The application for a business license of Theodore ~'lulky. was la.~.d over pendi~..,tbe out- come of the friendly s~]~it in the matter to be presented to the court. Paul Douste challen?:ed the right oF Mr. Mulky to operate without a license, and asked the city attorney if this is'-no true. The City attorney stated, the suit comes first. ~,./,~r Douste claimed Mr. ~,Eulky has no righ to go on, and can be arrested and fined again. -~ayor t:~atto asked ~,,!r Coleberd if ~r. i~,~ulky could be arrested and fined again, and the city attorney replied that he could~ but the suit would be com~nenced at once. The laid over matter of the Beach Project next was considered, t:Eayor Ratto asked all cotmciLmen~for their opinions. He stated there was a full Board of Councilmen present at the meeting when the petition for the development of the beach v.~as submitted, Later a special election was advocated and now a bond issue is ~vo~ted b7 a majority of the co~zucil. Council~ Minucciani believed the beach should be developed' without the necessity of a bond election. Councilman Eschelbach was of the opinion it would best to give the voters a chance to express their opinion on spending .a larTe amount of money on a pro~ect of this magnitude by holding a bond election. CounciLman Boido thought the public should hnow about the-cost,that ,~uch a project would cost a great deal of money,more than the people have ,~v idea of, and believed a bond election should be held. Mayor [{atto stated the money had been earmarked for the purpos. Councilman Mager believed that the people should know about the probable cost of the pr~ ject, the cost of maintantnE the service after opening, such~policing, watchmen, water,roads in the grounds,and many ~eatures not mentioned in. the petition. He stated the signers of the petition had no knowledge of the probable cost,and no knowledge of the sanitary Condition of tl waters of the bay at the prdposed site~ conditions which developed in the situation simce the beginning of the movement to establish a city beach. He belf eved the sanitary conditions as described by the Cook's Research Laboratories and County Health 0fficer~Dr. Gans's report sufficiently alarming to investigate the matter further. He :~tated that for these reasons the voting public should be given the opportunity to vote for or aFainst the proposition at a bond election~ when all phases of matter could be submitted to the public for their quidance. Mayor iiatto announced the appointment of a police officer was in order. Councilman Boido stated that since the appo-;ntment of a police clerk was made, it would z:ot be necessary to appoint a policeman at the present time, but that in a few months time the city would know better if one was needed. There was no further disc,ussion on the matter. Under the head of new bu,~iness CounciLman~A~'~ounced that a chair, desk, table,file,folde: eto,::in'Cludtng,::a desk'::phon~ were r~quired in the ~olice department for the new police clerk. Also a new alphabetic index for ~.~ street department. On motion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Boido and reTularly carried authorization was Tiven, and ~ordon Rowe employed to make the installation and take care of the files for one year back for t_he sum of $25o. Cou~Qilman Eschelb~.ch re_p=orted the J~o_h~__s~anv.i.l~ r~edores~entative ore~ent wha ~ J~ DeZordo repairing walks " " 10 days work on streets Sept. 8days 49.50 J. Souza· V. DeLucca Brhce Montgomery A. Monettini H. Pera R. Maschiovecchio F. Parenti t! T. Johnsen J. Colombo P. Ma~maghi M. Laufer S. Pianca F. Mandoli Chris Jordan Oct. 2 days work Orange Ave Park Oct. 11 to 16 labor Orange Av~ Park Oct 4 to 8 6 days work in Sept. at playgrounds ~9 days labor Parks Sept. 22 to Oct. 8 labor Orange Ave Park Oct. 6 to 18 labor 0ranEe Ave. Park Oct. 6 to 16 " " " " Oct. 4 to 16 . I! "~ " " "Oct. 4 to 16 ',i ;, . "' Oct 4 to 16 labor repair walks.-~0ct. 4 to 16 labor playgrounds 10days Sept. 2Gays Oct. labor Orange Ave. Park .Oct I to 16 10 davs work at playgrounds 5 days labor playground Oct. 4'to ~16 94 hfs rental t~actor and removing roots 45.00 22.50 22.50 27. O0 40.5O 40.50 40.50 49.50 " " "10days Sept. lday Oct. 49.50 49.50 49.50 49.50 5 .oo 54.00 . 0~ange Ave. Par~ 587.50 Calif. Water Co. Laying 4" Main at Orange Ave. Park 15.45 A. Zangrando Co. part oay~:ent on c]~b house contract 1320.00 J. S. Baker 512 C~. yds. top soil Orange .Ave. Park 307.02 J. S. Baker 53 hrs. rent tractor blade and blade man 318.00 " " " 22~ hfs rental gas shovel 157.50 " " " 808 cu. yds. top soil Orange Ave. Park 484.80 " " " 40~ hrs. truck rental work at ball park 139.72 Carl AndersOn 24 lmrs. labor Orange Ave. Park 15.00 Eaton~.&~S~hith ¢ 24 hrs. rental gas driven, blade and scarifier 132.00 supplies 0range Ave. park 25 34 Grinvell Co. ~,~ ~ · Patterson - Willi~msm'~J~[. I volley ball wire net 20.60 Total ......... $18,836.65 The claims having been a~dited by t!~.'~ finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Counci~uan Eschelbach and regularly carried. Under the head of ~m~inished business the matter of the $25 per month allowed by the Board of Supervisors for rent of the Justice of the Peace Court in the City VCall was taken up. City Attorney Coleberd havinz business in Redwood City Wednesday the 20th, inst, was requested to confer with County Exem~tive Roleson and the Board of Supervisors and lay the city's claim before them. The application for a business license of Theodore Mulky. was laid over pendi~--~he out- come of the friendly s~.~it in the matter to be presented to the court. Paul DoUste challen~fed the right of Mr. Mulky to operate without a license, and asked the city attorney if this is not true. The City attorney stated the suit comes first. ~!r Douste claimed Mr. t.~ulky has no right to go on, and can be arrested and fined a~jain. Mayor ~atto aske5 Mr. 0oleberd if Mr. Mulky could be arrested and fined again, a~d the city attorney replied that he could~ but the suit would be cow~nenced at once. The laid over matter of the Beach Project next was cons~.dered. ~ayor Ratto asked all councilmen.for their opinions, iHe stated there was a full Board of Councilmen present at the meeting when the petition for the development of the beach was submitted, Later a special election was advocated and now a bond issue is ~avoc~ted b7 a majority of the council. Council. Minucciani believed the beach should be developed'without the necessity of a bond election. Councilman Eschelbach was of the opinion it would best to give the voters a chance to express their opinion on spendin~ .a large amount of money on a project of this ma~mitude by holding a bond election. Councilman Boido thought the public should hnow about the cost,that Such a project would cost a ~reat deal of money,more than the people have o~v idea of, and believed a bond election should be held. Mayor Eatto stated the money had been earmarked for the purpose Councilman Mager believed that the people should know about the probable cost of the pfc jeer, the cost of maintaninM the service after opening, such~policing, watchmen, water,roads tnt the grounds,and many Features not mentioned in the petition. He stated the signers of the petition had no knowledge of the probable cost,and no knowledge of the ~,anitary Condition of th waters of the bay at the prbposed site~ conditions which developed in the situation since the beginning of the movement to establish a city beach. ~e believed the sanitary conditions as described by the Cook's Research Laboratories and COunty Health 0fficer:Dr. Gans's report sufficiently alarming to investigate the matter further. He stated that for these reasons the voting public should be given the opportunity to vote. for or a~ainst the proposition at a bond election~ when all phases of matter could be submitted to the public for their quidance. Mayor Ratto announced the appointment of a police officer was in order. Councilman Boido stated that since the appointment of a police cl~rk was made, it would ~:ot be necessary to appoint a policeman at the present time, but that in a few months time the city would know better if one was needed. There wss no further disQussion on the matter. Under the head of new b~.~.siness Councilman~o~..mced that a chair, desk,table,file,folder etC~::inC:[uding~a desk'::Phon'e were required in the ~olice department for the new police clerk. Also a new alphabetic index for ~b~ street department. On ffotion by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Boido and reTularly carried authorization was Eiven, and ~ordon Rowe employed to make the installation and take care of the files for one year back for the sum of $250. Councilman Eschelbaah reported the Johr~s Manville ~e~res:entative ~re~ent explain anything about the proposed new roof for the city half, The represe~atave e~p~~tha' 42O while his company did not do the work of roofing themselves,only supplying the materials, they guarantee all work and material, place an inspector in charge of the work at no cost to the city, and otherwise supervise the construction. Mayor Ratto requested ~ark ~aher to see that some trees at Accasim Avenue were attended to. Mayor Ratto stated that the Circus Ordinance Should be amended to be plainly understoed as to rates and what concessionaires may or may not do under the ordinance. The matter of QUIET and "Drive Slowly" signs at the crossings at the South San Francisco Hospital was given consideration, and Chief of Police Belloni was instructed to attend to the matter. Referring to a cable for underground laying Engineer Klassen reported he could secure one for the sum of $250. It is required for the new club house in Orange Avenue Park. Fire Chief Welte was instructed to change the ordinany fire bo~ at W.P.Fuller's plant to a Master Box. There being no further business before the council Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 11;45 o'clock P.M. Approved ~ ayor of South San Francisco Respectfully su~itted,