HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1937-12-06REGULAR ~EETINC OF THE CITY CO NCIL OF THE CITY OF SO'bT? SAN FRANCISCO , HELD IV[ONDAY, DEC. 6, 1937. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the city hall,Monday evening, December The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.~,~. by ~ayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all the mem?~ers of the City Council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~ager, N.~Iinucciani, D.~.Ratto. The minutes of the two previous meetings were read. There beinz no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from San NIateo Count~ Tuberculosis and Health Asoociation, enclosini~ a $15 bond for t~e city to buy. After City Attorney Cole~-~erd advised ~ayor and the council that the city could not donate city ~o~ey for such purpose~ the communicatio~ was filed. Peter Dress appilied for a business license to operote a beer and poolroom parlor at 220 Orand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the desired permit was zranted. C,~alloS Bros.507 Bayshore Boulevard, having purchased the ,-~rocery business of ,~ustin Delgado, applied for a license to succeed him. 0u motion by Councilman Ninucciani, secconde~ by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the permit was granted. A communication was received from the ~ounty 61erk's office,enclosing a copy of a letter written h-y County Health Officer Df. Charles C.Cans to the Board of S~pervisors regarding the building of new hog ranches west of Junipera Sera Road and ,.Colma Creek, protesaed against by the City Council of South San Francisco. Dr.~ans' letter stated there were no new hog ranches built in the area referred to. That some exist in the area of Christiansen's Dairy, who have permits, and have paid their fees to the county. Co~uacilman Boido stated the ranches are not far from . t~_e County Jaunipera Sera hi~'hway and should be controlled. The City Clerk was instructed to write ~Zealth Officer, The Board of Supervisors and the Hog Raisers Association , and protest again a~ainst the nuisance. A similar communication was received from the San ~ateo County Planning Commission in answer to the city's protest against the building of ho~ ranches in such close proximity to the Colma Creek Area. The Secretary of the Commission,$~r Ronald Campbell, said he was informed by the Count=~ ~iiealth Officer that the existing ho~ ranches have been operated for several years and that the construction of new ranches is not contemplated. He stated the Plannin~ Commissicn has a regulation requiring hog ranches to be out of siteof ar'? ~ounty or State !.il!~hway or a minimum distance of 1000 feet from such highway. ~r. Campbell said he would appreciate any definite information from this city as to preposed construction of any more hog ranches. The City Clerk was instructed to again protest to Dr.~:-ans, The ~'oard of Supervisors and the Hog Raisers' association a~ainst bo~ ranches bein~ b~ilt in the area adjacent'to the creeks and highways. On question by Councilman ~.~a~er as to there bein~ new ranches built recently Councilman Boido there were and t~ey are in si?bt of the highway. EnTineer Mlassen stated ~f~luent comes down ~tream from vegetable farms also. A comm~icatlon was received from The Barret Company stati~z that for lack of proper drainage in the vicinity of their plant the same becomes flooded, and requested the city to take action to provide a~ainst further floodins of their plant. En~ineer Klassen stated the city work is not interfering with their drainage, that when they built they made their own ~rade and level. Communication ordered filed. A comlv, unication was received from the City Engineer relative to moving the building in Oranue .A.venue ~ark which was used as an o~='fice and toel house on the Colma Creek Project, stating ground has been made ready in the proposed, final location of the b~ildin~ and the approach thereto. That he has received two bids to move the buildlnM at $1~8 each, and that the foundation, etc,rtc,be would estimate to cost $~0o50. Laid over till the next meetinc. In another' co~mmunication from Engineer Klassen, supplementinz his report of November on the ectimateO cost of grading the northeast area of 0rankle Avenue Park, he st°ted he ~ a "carry-all", a dirt moving equipment,zrade the area around the building in the southwest portm ion of the area, and by using this equipment he estimated the work could be done for $~8~.00. On motion by co~mcilman Eschelbach, regularly carried, the engineer wes authorized to carry Out the balance of the work. A communication was received from ~he Enterprise stating they are plannin~ a special Industrial and ~oodwill edition of the Enterprise on December 17., and offered the city a full- page advertisement for the sum of ~100. On motion by councilm~n Eschelbach, seconded by Council- man ~oido and reo~ularly carried the advertisement was ordered taken. The California State Automobile Association submitted a communication concerning traffic control to avoid accidents, advising azainst left hand turns w~erever possible, and re- quested the city council to support the chief of police as far as possible in the matter. Communication accepted and ordered placed o~ file. A letter from the American Le~ion ~!ernard ~cCaffrey Post No. S55 of South San Francisco stated that accor~in~ to their Constitution and i~y-Laws they were unable to raise the money to take over the W.P.A. building in Oran~'ie Avenue Park for the reason that it takes a vote of two- thirdsof their membership to withdraw the money, and the proposition was voted down. The Post thanked the city , the city engineer and the city attorney for their expressed desire to help them. The matter was laid over. C.C~.Uhelenberg, 6ertified l~ublic accountant, applied for the position of auditor of ~e city s books and account,offerin?~ to submit a proposal for the work and cost thereof. He sXtated he v~derstood the city is considering the engazement of an accountant. The application was ordered placed on file. Francisco Parenti, 12Z 0ranMe Avenue, applied for a job as ~ardener, assistant yardener or laborer in Orange Avenue Park. Application placed on file. Letters were received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Cormmerce,Latham Company~ Incorporated, California ':¥ire Cloth Corp. Standard 0fl Co .... . ~,~u Pont de~:e Nemours 5~ Company,& the American ~rake Shoe Company, giving as many reasons why sidewalks are very necessary and should be constructed along South Linden Avenue in the South Industrial Area, many statin~ that the present is an opportune time on a~count of the re-construction ~oin~ on in the avenue. Engineer Klssen was instructed to furnish an estimate of the probable cost. Andrew ~illepsis,204 Armour Avenue, requested a permit to construct a bakery on his lot, the same address. Referred to ~uilding Inspector Welte~who, said the property is in the business zone. The monthly reports of the Health Officer, Chief of Police, City Jud~.eFire Chief, Building Inspector, City Treasurer and City Clerk, for'the month endinz November 30,19~7 were submitted, and on motion by Councilman Minucciani_~ennu~ by ~mmo~l~o~ wo~o~ ~ ...... ~-~ ...... 'they were approved as read. A communication was received from San Mateo Count~ Tuberculosis and Health As,~ociation, enclosin'~ a $15 bond for the city to buy. After City Attorney Cole~-~erd advised ~ayor and the council that the city could not donate city ~o~ey for such purpose~ the communicatior was filed. Peter Dress appilied for a business license to operate a beer and poolroom parlor at S20 ~rand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the desired permit was zranted. C~alloS Bros.507 Bayshore Boulevard, having purchased the qrocery business of ,~ustin Delgado, applied for a license to succeed him. Ou motion by Councilman Ninucciani, secconde~ by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the permit was granted. A communication was received from the ~ounty 61erk's office,enclosing a copy of a letter written h.y County Health Officer Df. Charles C.Cans to the Board of Supervisors re~3ardin~ the building of new hog ranches west of Junipera Sera Road and ..Colma Creek, protesaed ag~inst by the City Council of South San Francisco. Dr.~ans' letter stated there were no new ho~ ranches built in the area referred to. That some exist in the area of Christiansen's Dairy, who have permits, and have paid ~heir fees to the county. Councilman ~o_do stated the ranc~aes are not far from Jaunipera Sera hi?'hway and should be controlled. The City Clerk was instructed to write the County ~ealth Officer, The Board of Supervisors and the Hog Raisers Association , and protest a~ain a~ainst the nuisance. A similar communication was received from the San ~ateo County Plauning Com~nission in ansser to the city's protest against the building of boq ranches in such close proximity to the Colma Creek Area. The Secretary of the Commission,~r Ronald Campbell, said he was informed by the County ~]ealth Officer that the existing ho~ ranches have been operated for several years and that the construction of new ranches is not contemplated. He stated the Plannin~ Commissicn has a regulation requiring hog ranches to be out of siteof a~77 ~ounty or State !ili.~hway or a minimm~m., distance of 1000 feet from such highway. Nr. Campbell said he would appreciate any definite information from this city as to proposed construction of any more hog ranches. The City Clerk was instructed to again protest to Dr.f~-ans, The ~oard of Supervisors and the Hog Raisers' association ajainst bom ranc?~es being built in the area adjacent'to the creeks and highways. On question by Councilman ~a~er as to there beinc new ranches built recently Councilma~ Boido there were and they are in si~?~t of the highway. Encineer Klassen s~ated effluent comes down stremm from vegetable farms also. A 6omm~micatlon wa~ received from The Barret Company statin~ that for lack of proper drainase in the vicinity of their plant the same becomes flooded, and requested the city to take action to provide a~ainst further floodin~ of thef. r plant. En~ineer Klassen stated the city work is not interfering with their~drainage, that when they built they made their own ~rade and level. Communication ordered filed. A communication was received from the City Engineer relative to moving the building in Oran~ie ~venue ~ark which was used as an o~fice and tool house on the Colma Creek Project, stating ground has been made ready in the proposed final location of the b~ildin~ and the approach thereto. That he has received two bids to move the building at $1~5 each, and that the foundation, etc,rtc,De would estfmate to cost $Z50o50. Laid over till the next meeting. In anot~er' communication from Engineer Klassen, supplementin~ his report of November on the estimated cost of grading the northeast area of Oran~e.. Avenue Park, he stated he had "carry-all", a dirt moving equipment,~rade the area around the building in the southwest port& ion of the area, and by using this equipment he estimated the work could be done for $~8~.00. On motion by councilman Eschelbach, regularly carried, the engineer was authorized to carry Out the balance of the work. A communication was received from ~he Enterprise stating they are planning a special Industrial and ~oodwill edition of the Enterprise on December 17., and offered the city a full- page advertisement for the sum of ~100. On motion by councilm~n Eschelbach, seconded by Council- man ~oido and regularly carried the advertisement was ordered taken. The California State Automobile Association submitted a communication concerning traffic control to avoid accidents, advising a~ainst left hand turns wherever possible, and re- quested the city council to support the chief of police as far as possible in the matter. Communication accepted and ordered placed o~ file. A letter from the American Le~ion ~!!ernard ~cCaffrey Post No. S55 of South San Francisc~ stated that accordin~ to their Constitution and ~y-Laws they were unable to raise the money tO take over the W.P.A. building in Oran~"e Avenue Park for the reason that it takes a vote of two- thirdsof their membership to withdraw the money, and the proposition was voted down. The Post thanked the city , the city engineer and the city attorney for their expressed desire to help them. The matter was laid over. C.C..Uhelenberg, 8ertified ~ublic accountant, applied for the position of auditor of ~e city's books and account,offerinF to submit a proposal for the work and cost thereof. He s~tated he understood the city is considering the engazement of an accountant. The application was ordered placed on file. Francisco Parentt, 12~ OranMe Avenue, applied for a job as ~ardener, assistant .oardener or laborer in Orange Avenue Park. Application placed on file. Letters were received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce,Latham Company, Incorporated,California '.~ire Cloth Corp. Standard 0il Co~*~-'~r,~ Pont de~[e Nemours ~ Company,& the American Brake Shoe Company, giving as many reasons why sidewalks are ver~_ ,, necessary, and should be constructed along South Linden Avenue in the South Industrial Area, man'? statin~ that the present is an opportune time on a~count of the re-construction going on in the avenue. Engineer Klssen was instructed to furnish an estimate of the probable cost. Andrew Gillepsis,20~ Armour Avenue, requested a permit to construct a bakery on his lot, the same address. Referred to i!~uilding Inspector Welte~who, said~the property is in the 'business zone. The monthly reports of the Health Officer, Chief of Police, City Jud~zeFire Chief, Building Inspector, City Treasurer and City Clerk, for the month endinz November Z0,19~7 were submitted, and on motion by Councilman ~inucciani,seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and re~ularly carried were accepted. 4~ RESOLUTION NO. 637. Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco rejecting.the claim of Blanche A. Eaker against the City of South San Francisco in th~ sum of $10,000 for injuries alleMed to have been received in Juniper Avenue. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney ~ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vo1.3,at page 141. RESOLUTION N0. 638. Councilman Esehelbach introduced a resolution of the City ~ouncil o~ the City of Scut San Francisco authorizing the commencement of action by the City Attorney ~,.': ~ ~ ..~' ...... against H.Q.Roberts to recover the amount of the damages sustained by the city in a collisic between the city Buick car and the car driven by K.Q.RSberts on October 2,1937/ The resoluti was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mazer, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto/ Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest, ~aniel M~Sweeney .~ Oity Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 14~.. RESOLUTION N0.639. Councilman Mager i'ntroduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South Sam. Francisco accepting a deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company for an easement for the construction, and maintenance of a storm and sanitary sewer in South Ind~t I Area. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as ~ follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.'Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Ma~er, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest D~niel Mc~S~q~ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.3,at pate 142. RESOLUTION N0.640. Councilman 2oido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of Mouth San Francisco adopting plans and specifications for the c°~struction of a Tennis Court on.'0range Ave~ue Park~'and moved~its:adoPtion, Mayor:Ratto advised ~embers of~the C°uncil to abandon th p~afi to construct the(Tennis'Court~' He stated'a rece~si°n'tn~business'is noted,and~may become o~[o~ that~t~e a~t~ mi~ht~eed~the..money that.is to be spent~-on the court; The request was. den~ed~an8 On ~bll~e c°uncilm~n voted as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.~oido, ~.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Maser, ~ . ~ Noes, Councilmen, M,Mt~ucciani,D.W.Ratto Absent, Councilmen, ~ono. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol'.3,at pate 143. RESOLUTi0 N0.641. Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City Council ~of the City of South San Francisco orderinc the construction of a Tennis Court on the park at Orange Avenue. The resolution was adopted by the votes of the following members of the City Council;. Ayes, COuncilmen, V.~:oido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager. Noes, Councilmen~M.Mtnucciani,D.W.Ratto. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at pages 144- This resolution set the scale of wages to be paid on the construction of the court, and the date of receiving bids for its construction~as Monday, December 20,1937, at 8 o'clock P.M.by the city council. Claims in." the amount of $5,094.52 were next presented to the council for payment;- Wm. Danieis, Labor on sluice ~ate ~ 35.00 An~elo Zanzrande Bob Orr P.BianChi C, Monettini E.Bottini C.De Zordo A. Cinquini N.Re~alia Tom Wiley V.mLindb~rg J.Gioffre Arthur Kelly A. Si~nore~li E. Nes~i Louis Selloni M.Elliott Judge W.L.Hickey ~.Minucciani W" " M.Be~li & Company A,Hynding Speedometer Service Company Standard Oil Company Santini Roccucci So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce Cuddy Motors Co J.Nelch Union 0il Co.of Calif M.Minucciani final pa~ent Club House ~1465.00 labor Linden Ave. Pla~ffrou~ 22.50 I! on playf,;rounds $ 36.00 " draina~e ditch ~ 72.00 " sluice gate ' $ 27.00 " Mission Road ~ 20.25 " " " i-~ 40.50 " " " ~ 27. O0 " " " ~ 4.50 " " " ~ 13. -50 " cleanin~ streets ~ 27.00 " " "$ 3~. 50 " " " ~ 27.00 " " " ~ 45. O0 food for prisoners,etc ~ 6.28 Ri wa;1 map, police ~ 7.73 materials spriln~ling Sys$ 19179 drinkin~f fountain etc $140.00 repairi~ toilet ~ 3.50 refund P.P.Tax ~ 12.60 ins.on play,rounds ~ 27.75 service,':~olice ~ 2.50 motor oll ~ 6.98 koveralls $ 16.33 December advs.~ ~ 25.00 refund P.P.Tax ~ 37.80 remov.32 dogs,cats Nov, $ 32.00 materials police dep i~ 8.93 expenses lea.~ue meet ~ 2.00 Councilman Es~helbach introduced a resolution of the City ~.o~.mcil o~ the City of San Francisco authorizinz the commencement of action by the City Attorney against H.Q.Roberts to recover the amount of the damases sustained by the city in a colli,' between the city Buick car and the car driven by K.Q.RSberts on October 2,19Z7/ The resol~ was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mater, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto/ Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest, Daniel McSweeney ~ity Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.b, at page l~l. RESOLUTION N0.639. Councilman Mazer introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South Francisco accepting a deed from South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company for an easement for the construction, and maintenance of a storm and sanitary sewer in South Ind, I Area. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.$oido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Ma~er, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest D~niel City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions,Vol.3,st pa2e 142. RESOLUTION N0.640. Councilman ~oido introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of Mouth S Francisco adoptinM pla~s and specifications for the c°astruction of a Tennis C?urt on. Orange Avenue Park,~and. ~ovedli.ts:adoption, Mayor~Ratto advised ~embers. of'the COuncml to abandon plan tomconstruct theTennis~.Court, He stated'a rece~si°ntn~'bustness~is noted, and'may beCom ~ou~ that~tbe e~tv might ~eed/the..money.that,is to be spenti"on the court~ The request wa den~ed~'anSiOn ~lI'~e. CSu~0ilmen voted as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V~isoiao, ~.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~azer, Noes, Councilmen, M~Misucciani,D.W.Ratto Absent, Councilmen, ~one. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 143-. RESOLUTI0~ N0.641. Councilman Eschelbach introduced a resolution of the City Council ~of the City of South San Francisco ordering the construction of a Tennis Court on the park at Orange Avenu The resoiution was adopted by the votes of the following members of the City Counci Ayes, Councilmen, V.~oido,A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.Mager. Noes, Councilmen~M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at pages 144- ~ This resolution set the scale of wages to be paid on the construction of the cour~ and the date of receiving bids for its construction~as ~onday, December 20,1937, at 8 o'clo( P.N.by the city council. Claims in the amount of $5,094.52 were next presented to the council £or payment;- Wm. Daniets, AnTelo Zan~rande Bob Orr P.Bianchi C, Monettini E.Bottini C.De Zordo A.Cin~ini M.Re~alia Tom Wiley V..Lindb~rg J.Gioffre Arthur Kelly A.Si~nore$1i E.Nes~i Louis Delloni M.Elliott Judge W.L.Hickey ~.Minucciani W II II ~.Bei~li & Company A,Hynding Speedometer Service Company Standard Oil Company Santini · Roccucci So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce Cuddy Motors Co J.Nelch Union Oil Co.of Calif M.Minucciani J.V.Ron Silvio Pianca Labor on sluice ~ate $ 36.00 final pa~ent Club House $1465.00 labor Linden Ave. Pla~grou~ 22.50 " on playo;rounds $ 36.00 " draina,re ditch $ 72.00 " sluice f~ate $ 27.00 " ~ission Road ~ 20.25 " " " !~ 40.50 " " " ~ 27. O0 " " " $ 4.50 '1 " " $ 13.50 " cleaninq streets ~ 27.00 ' ' ' ' ' ' $~ 131.50 " " " ~ 27.00 " " " ;~ 45.00 food for prisoners,etc $ 6.28 ~i!~1 wall map, police $ 7.73 materials sprirHkling Sys~ 19179 drinkini[ fountain etc ~140.00 repairi~E toilet ~ 3.50 refund P.P.Tax ~ 12.60 ins.on play,rounds ~ 27.75 service,~olice ~i 2.50 motor oil ~ 6.98 koveralls ~ 16.33 December advsq ~ ~ 25.00 refund P.P.Tax ~ 37.80 remov.32 do?s,cats Nov, ~ 32.00 materials police dep ~ 8.93 expenses league meet ~ 2.00 labor on ~ayshore ~ 20.00 play~rounds labor (INT)~152.V5 430 Disbursement continued;- Silvio Pianca Intermediate labor playgrounds La Mat's Auto Parts i stora?~e battery Superior laundry wash, fire houses ,Nov. So.City Ldry ~ Linen Sup. Co,wash, 2 fire houses, Nov Frank Pariani la¥or,ma¥~erial Police ~uick Arndt's Dept Store jail blankets ~ 71.50 ,'~ 7.90 6.10 ~ 6.09 ~ 20.60 Dr.~usselman Davis Company, Ltd waterproof 1st aid kits Railway Express Agency freight on R.E.Transfer bla~Zs M.~reenberg's Sons i steamer hydrant Patrick-~oise-Klinkner Co.,~ 4 reams yellow second sheets Capital Fire Equip Co., Auto.Double Female Pac.Tel ~> Tel Co., city phones Nov. J.J.Hearne lease of lots to city Pacheco Electric electric work for city 15 copies f~nerfcan Red Cross 7cots 9.00 ~ ll.31 ~ ,38 ~i; 69.36 4.10 ~ 15.45 ;~ 67.47 ,~ 60. O0 84.66 Il Carl ~mderson labor Hfssion Road Fred J.Lautze reps etc,dump truck Pac. Oas..~ El. Co Miss.lights Nov " " " street lights California Water Service Co library water Nov " "~ " hydrant rental Nov " " " " water playgrounds " " " " " fountain " " " " " city hall " " " " " pla~rounds So.City Lumber & Supply Co brick catch ~asin II Il Il Il Il Il Il Il ' Il Il" Western Pipe & Steel Co Il I' Il Industrial City Lumber ~:-~~ Co., cement,posts Il Il II II Il Il II II II II Il II Il 01een~ J.- Feflfernan A. i.,'[ i 1 an o W.~ Ec~strom So. S.'F.Tile Co., " etc--ma~ntenance fire alarm system Nov~ 43.65 materials , projects "concrete b~ocks · " .catch basin mount map firemen culverts couplings radial gate Redwood champor materials, vario~ s projects 24 brooms park materials ~ase~all park sweepin~ streets labor ~,~is s. Road cave tile in club house Total ~ 21.25 ~ 19.95 ~ 86.48 ~716.37 ~ 10. O0 ;~31l~. O0 ,~ 58.27 ~ 3.60 ~ 11.05 ~ 1.25 39.79 12.88 ~ 38.74 ~4 92.54 ~ 9.22 ~ 24.~2 ~ l~ 71.71 35.02 20.66 ~ 62.7'0 ~ 27. O0 , 11.25 ~5094.52 '(~t_Mayo,r Hatto announced that any persons wishin~- to see t~e~, claims' s~otkld~:calZ at the Cl~rk's offic The cmaims havin7 been audited bF the ,in,ce co~ittee bo~cm~an mscnezoacn moved they be paid The motion was seconded by Counc~ ~.an F' ~ · .~i]lRUm. Oiani and regularly carried.. Unfinished business ;- The California Water Service Co.,havin~ made no reply to the city's request for larger and more water mains in the South Industrial Area, the CitF Clerk was instructed to write them a~ain and bring the matter to their attention. Referrin~ to the request of Eliza)eth [~;amson, owner of pro~ert~ on "B" Street,.~aden, Counci~an Eschelbach said the street was in poor condition, but repairs would be made to keep the street in fair condition~ it befn~ poorly constructed ~ t~e be,~inninC. Under the head of new ~m~siness Co~mcitman ~ager asked for a raise in salary of tUe City Clerk. He stated ~?'e clerk wac workioc for ~ l~borer's salar? in a posit~on requirio~ experience and intelli~-ence, with all due respect to the laL~orer. Councilman Minucciani opposed the raise, saying the Clerk had taken too much time off and did not d.e~:.erve it. The 5]erk said Councilmam. ~.~inucciani took time off to go around t~e world with his salary paid all the time. ~iayor Ratto also opFosed the Clerk's raise,sayin~ the Clerk's office was not properly conducted. The City Clerk denied tkis statement ~'~S ~d' t'~e office is r~n at far less e~:pe~se than any office of its ,size in California, and the' opposition 0'f Councilman ~./~inucciani and himself was pure , personal sprite. Co~mcil~an Eschelbach stated ~fcSweeney had been ~11, and ~-~elived in tke raise of salary. Councilman [¥Iacer ' ~oved that tke salary of McSweeney ~s l~cense col].ector be raised ?rom $100 per month to .~140 per ~onth, sayin[~ he was badly underpaid and was entitled to it for the services rendered. The motion was seconded by Councilman }]oido, and on call of the vote Counci~en, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach and J.F.Ma%er voted aye, and Councilmen ~,~inucciani and katto voted No. Mayor Ratto asked .su~x~est~ons on parkin~ cars at a~"les o~ the ~ain b~].siness blocks of lieved it would not be feasible owin~ to the narrowness of the city. Chief of ~o~fce ~:elloni ~e C. rand Avenue. Trucks would have to park partly on t~e street car tracks.Th~ matter will be taken up next eetln~. It was stated that the +:t~sfn=~s men oet~ city would like to have the e~t~ strin~ ,]hi,_ We~t~ a~d h~ -o~t wo~ld a~:~,roximate 2 c a foo~ across the streets for the h~l~days. :~re r ~e~ ~ . II for wiring only. The matter w~ll 'z,e ta~n up at the next roosting. Wealt~ 0ff~o~0. r ).(sM!lis reported a quarenti~e on dor:s without muzzle or lea~h for a ~erio~ of 90 days.Those tauten will be i~pounded in the city pound. E~rt~er discussion on the suoject next meeting. Fire Ch!et ~.,lte reported ~ leakier: z~d~a~oz i? ~ ~!~e en~ine.Fe stated the cost of a new one is $1~5.00. 0n motion by Councilman )}aTer re~larly carried , the chief was authorized to install At this ~uncture in the' nroceeain~;s Councilman Ka~[er stated he wished to resent re- marks of Councilman Minuccfani earlier in the meetinz , d~:r~nC the d~scussion on the raise of salary Cit:~ ~lerk,that he, Councilman :'~,a-ter, was ';~ favor of the r~iae fo~ pol- o, th license Collector , . ,~ itical reasons. Councilman Maser flatly denied the charge. Councilman Eschelbach reported that the 2as man informed hi~ that the city li~hts would be better if the globes were chan'~ed. ~e was authorized to contact Pacheco Electric and make tbs change. Under the head of qood ~ Welfare Counci~an Boido reported that the bus~tnes~men favored a change in the ordinance, ~akmn~ all l%censes payable annually instead of some quarterly. The hatter will be't~en up later. There being no further business CounciLman l(a-~er moved to adjourn unt~l !~onday evenin[], December lO,1937,at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and re~uiarly carried. Time of adjournment, ll;15 o'clock p.m. Re~ct~ul~sub~tted, Approved ~ayor of South San Francisco Pac. Gas.,5~: El. Co IvIisc.lights Nov $ 86.48 " " " street lights $71G. $7 California Water Service Co library water Nov ~ 10.00 " "" " hydrant rental Nov ,~31~. O0 " " " " water playgrounds ~,~ 58.27 " " " " " fount;tin $ 3.60 " " " " " city hall ~ 11.05 " " " " " playgrounds $ 1.25 ?~o.City Lumber ?'~ Supply Co brick catch ~asin $ 1.88 " " " materials , projects $ 51.~6 " " *" "concrete b~ocke · $ 11.$9 ,i ., ,. " .catch basin ~ 39.79 " " " "~ mount map firemen ~ 12.88 Western Pipe d: Steel Co culverts couplings $. [email protected] " " " radial ~ate ~492.54 Industrial City Lum~er - ~.~ Co., cement,posts ~ 9.22 " " " [~edwood champor ~ 24.~2 " " " materials,various projects ~ 71.71 " " " 24 brooms ~ 35.02 " " " " park materials $ 20.66 Oleen~ '~effernan " ~ase~:all park ~ 52.7'0 A.i~{ilano sweepin~ streets ~ 27.00 W.~..~-.Eckstrom labor ~,~iss.Road $ 11.25 So.S.F.Tile Co., cave tile in club house ~ 3.20 Total ~5094.52 <.[] Mayor Ratto announced that any, persons wishin~' to see t~e claims s~ot~ld, caL! at the _Cl~rk's off lc ~The claims havin~ been audited by the finance committee uounc~man ~;scneloacn moved riley be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman ?~inucciani and regularly carried.- Unfinished ~usiness ;- The California Water Service Co.,havin~ made no reply to the city's request for larger and more water mains in the South Induotrmal Area, the City Clerk was instructed to write them a~ain and bring the matter to their attention. Referrint to the request of Elizabeth Wanson, owner of property on "B" Street,.Saden, Councilman Eschelbach said the street was in poor condition, but repairs would be made to keep the street i~-~ fair condition~ it beins poorly constructed .i~ the be.cinning. Under the head of new business Co~mcilman ~ager asked for a raise in salary of the City Clerk. He stated h?e clerk was workin~ for ~.~ laborer's salary in a position requirin~ experience and intelli~uence, with all due respect to the laborer. Councilman Linucciani opoosed t~e raise, sayinz the Clerk had taken too much time off and did not dezerve it. The 5]erk said Councilman- ~,~inucciani took time off to go around the world with his salary paid all the time. i'~iayor Ratto also opposed the Clerk's raise,saying the Clerk's office was not properly conducted. The City Clerk denied this statement ~ ~g~d' t'~e office is r~n at far less e:~pe_~se than any office of its ,size in California, and the~' opposition O'f CounciLman ~,/~inucciani and himself was pure . ~ had ~ll, and tel!red in the raise personal spite. Co~mcil~an Eschelbach stated ~,'~.cSweeney been of salary. Councilman iiv~a.cer' ~oved that the salary of ~/~cSweeney ,-s license collector be raised ?rom $100 per month to .~140 per month, sayinfj he was badly un~]erpaid and was entitled to it for the s~:.rvices rendered. The motion was seconded by Councilman i'~oido, and on call of the vote CounciLmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach and J.F.l.,,Iacer voted aye, and Councilmen Minucciani and i-~atto voted No. ~"~[ayor Ratto asked .su~_~]estions on parkin~ cars at am~'~les e? the ..... main business blocks of the city. Chief of ~olice ~!!elloni believed it would not be feasi'ble owing to the narrowness of C. rand Avenue. Trucks w6uld have to park partly on t~oe street· car tracks.The matter will b.e taken up next ~eetin~. It was stated that, the bus~n~-~s men of tl'~ city would like to have the city str~.nz across the streets for the ho.l!days. Fire Chief ~e]t~ 2e~d t'~e co~t wo~ld a~Droxi~ate 2 c a foou? f.or wiring only. The matter wmll be taken up at the next m.~eting. Wealth Offic.~J:r ?/~c~{ills reported a quarentine on do~s without muzzle or leash for a period of 90 days.Those ta?:en will be impounded in the city pound. Furt~er discussion on the subject next meeting. Fire Chief Welte reported a leaking? radiator Ir 2 fi~e engine.He stated the cost of a new one is $125.00. On motion by Councilman U'.fazer re.TUlarly carried , the chief was authorized to install ore At this juncture in the~ nroceedin[[s Councilman ~./[a~er stated he wished to resent re- _, ~ '" ~ the sion on the raise of salary marks of Councilman ~Iinucc.iani earlier in the meetin~-~ , d~r~.n:z discus of th license Collector ,Cit~? Clerk,that he, Councilman ~',,a~er, was '~n favor of the raise for pol- itical reasons. Councilman ~,/~ager flatly denied the charge. Councilman Eschelbach reported that the ~'as man informed hi~ that the city li,-,:hts would be better if the globes were chan~ed. ~e was authorized to contact Pacheco Electric and make the change. Under the head of q. ood ~.: Welfare CounciLman Boido reported that the buslnes~men ~?avored a change in the ordinance, making all licenses payable annually instead of some quarterly. The hatter will be 'taken up later. There being no further business Councilman ~(a~er moved to adjourn until ?Jlonday evenin[~, December 13,1937,at 8 o'clock p.m. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and reuu!arly carried. Time of adjournment, 11;15 o'clock p.m. Re~p~ectfull~sub~tted, Approved _ ~aygr of South San Francisco Ci~j ~lSrk.