HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-02-04 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL 0F THE CITY OF SOUTH. S~ FRANCISCO, t~ELD MONDAY,FEBRUARY, 7TH,1938. The[regular meeting of t?~e City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Monday evening, February 7th, 1938. The ~eeting was calle~ to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by Mayor D.W.Ratto. ROLL CALL. Rol~ call found all the members of the city council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.F.~[ager, M.~¥inucciani, D.W.Ratto. The~.minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions the were approMed as read. An ~pplication was reQeived from the Santo Christo Society for a permit to hold a dan on Saturda~,~April 30,1958, from .8 o'clock P.~. to ~ A.~[., on Sunday, ~ay 1,19~8, from g ~.~ to 8 P.M qo. parade on Sunday,~ay 1,1~Z8,from Fraternal Hall to the Catholic Church, with~'~ fi works afte~ the parade~to hold a carnival from the ZSth day of April, 19S$, to the first ~of ~[ay,19SS,~c.and the city to decorate the streets with flags during the four days celeb~atic On ~otion by Counci~an ~inucciani, seconded by Co~cilman Boido and regularly ca~r~ed all pe~it~ were granted. The society invited the City Co~ci~en and other city of f lc to attend. _The invitation was accepted with the tha~s of the city council and city offi~clal Notice was received from Attorney Charles J.Oebhardt that Ella ~ojica of this city wa seriously and pe~antly injured while crossing to her automobile from the si~ewalk by atepp into a depEession. No ~ount was mentioned or demanded and the mat:~er was referred to Ci~t¥ Attorney CQleberd. A CQ~cation was received from .~he San ~ateo Ch~ber of Co~erce, laying stres~s up the lack of~ proper traffic patrol in San ~ate0 County, that only from 1Z to 16 men are now covering t~e highways where fo~erly Z0 ~en were on duty, the importance of having a f~ll complement ~of officers and advised the cit? council to urge Ra~nuond E.Cator, Chief of the Californi~.H~ghway ratrol and Mr. ~ay ~gles,Director of the State ~[otor Vehicle Department, ~ Sacr~ento,to use their best endeavors to secure the proper .n~ber of-Traffic ~at~l Offf this county !s entitled to. The city clerk was instructed to co--un!cate with the Sacr~ent heads of the ~epartments stating the city co~cil's views and ~quest regarding the matter. Unioa Paving Comply, contractors raisin~ Linden Avenue, submitted a re,est for an extension og 90 da~s time in which to complete t~e improvement. After discussion on the advisibillb~ of such a long extension, quest~one~t by Counci~an Eschelbach, it was finally aqreed to g~ant the request. Counci~an ~inucciani moved the extension be ~ranted. The motio was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and re~larly carried. Jack Jol~son Roofing Company, herinT paid the business and vehicle licenses in the s~ of $~1.~0 for the year 19S8, asked -for a refund of the money. 0n advice of City Attorney Coleberd t~ request was denied. A co~ication from the Italian-American Citizens' Club was received wishing to~ knc if this city would consider directinZ one of the flood lights in front of the City Hall on the stature, of George Washington on his birthday, February ZZ, I~SS, and on July 4th, each ~ear The matter-~as referred to Counci~an Eschelbach. A co~ication was received from the -~.usinessmens" ~ssociation of South San Franbisc ex~oressing their appreciation of the city's efforts in decorating the City Hall and~Grand Avenue during t~e C~istmas Celebration. Communicate. on accepted and placed on file. ~other comm~ication from the Businessmens' Association stating they are in accord the City Council in their endea~or to remove sign 'boards from the city. Co~unication accept and ordered, placed on file. A co~mtcatio~ was received from Sociedad ~utualista ~,Iexmcana, ~.0RELLOM~, ~i$~ ~e[ ~ a~'~c~a~ 0'lubl '~ ~r~ threeI ~ights a~'wee~ll so~ndwiches, beer, etc, and operate a 'printing press in the b~sem~nt' of Fraternal Hall.~l~e~erred to C~-~ief of Police Bel!oni. An application for a transfer of a resta~rant lm~en~c from Tony Bildhauer~to Bildhau~ and Jones was received from Tony $ildhauer. 0~ mote. on b~ Co~nc!lman Eschelbach, seconded by Co~cilm~ ~Inucci~i and re~larl¥ carried the transf er was ~ranted, ~toinette G~bero made application for a b~siness license to operate the l~ax Club,~ Oayshore Roulevard. On motion by Counc~lman~Eschelbach, seconded by CounciLman Boid~ ahd ~e~ larly-carried the lmc~nse was granted. Applications for positions on the election board of this city on April 1~,19S8, were received from Fred Brown,Vera Barsuglia, Alice ~,~[.Young, E.B.Pache and ?,Iary Gr6mi. The application~were ordered placed on file, by motion of Counci~an Eschelbach, seconded by Coum man N~ager and regularly carried. A co~ication was received from ESasse and D.Vowel, asking for a pe~it to conduct Motel on Lot 4, Dlock 1~, Dayshore HIzhway, and enclos~ an application for a building pe~ showin~ the cost to be estimated at ,~6000 for a ~x 88' structure 0n motion seconded by.Co~mci~an Eschelbach and re~ularly carried the ~tesire8 ve~its were granted~ A co~ication was r~ceived from the South San Francisco ~h~mber of Co~erce, stati~ that at She .last meeting of the ch~ber it was su~gested that some action s~[ould be take~ re lng the prement danserous crossing at Grand Ave, ~ ~?~ayshore .~?igh~ay, and the Southern Pacific tracks. The .co~ication suggested that a committee from the cit~z co~cil and the ch~bsr b appointed tm m~e a study as to the ('eas~bility of esther an underpass or a bridge to allevi the conditimn. Engineer Klassen was selected to confer with L.O.~[ardy , Secreta~y~of the Ch~ber of Co~erce, and report to the city council. Ezia Lovi, 741 Baden Aven~e,a?plied for a job as street sweeper or the city se~vice. Application placed on file. ~ application for a .lob as 'bricklayer, stone maso n, concrete man carpenter or~othe occupation '~ the city servi~e was receive~ from ~iseppe Oloffre,4~G ~i'iler ~Avenue. Applic ordered plamed on file. 0n .behalf of the South San = ~ranc~.~co Public Library, ~iss ~Rue Clifford wrote the Cfr Co~cil thawing the members for installing the new li.~htin"~[ system and new roof in t~e ~ibr Co~unicati~ a~cepted and placed on. file. Th~monthly re~orts of the Libr~ian, City Judge, Chief of Police,Boun~aster, Treasurer B~ilding Inspector, Fire Chief, Vealth Officer and City Clerk for the month ending January Z1,19~8, v~ere received and accepted and ordered placed on file. The gollow~ng applications for weed refunds were rec?iMed aod allowed and ordered ps E.C.~eck, $8.86, Jo~ J.Bow!er,~.00Arthur W.McCain,~$~..~01 Albert Toqnettf,$1.60.L.&. Martinelli, $6.00E.N.Fouroans, ~. 00A.Monettini ,~1.00, William L. Pache.co, ~1.60, A. ~A. Si~onin~ $~.~1; Allce. N.Yo~g, ~0.~; Robert Nieri ~.~ Wife~$~.00, Carl Jess, ~.7~;-qrover E.Sites Rol~ call found all the members of the city council present, as follows;- CounciLmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, J.?.~a~er, t~.!~inubciani, D.W.Ratto. The.minutes of the previous meeting were read. There bein2 no errors or omissions they were approMed as read. An ~pplication was reQeived from the Santo Christo Society for a permit to hold a danc on Saturday,~April ~0,19~8, from .8 o'clock P.~. to ~ A.~., on Sunday, ~iay 1,19~8, from to 8 P.M,~q parade on Sunday,May 1,1PgS,from Fraternal Hall to the Catholic Church, with~'~ fir works afte~ the parade, to hold a carnival from the ~Sth day of April,19ZS, to the first ~of Nay, 19$8,inc.and the city to decorate the streets with flags during the four days celebration On ~otion by CounciLman ~inucciani, seconded by Councilman Boido and reEularly ca,tied, all permits were granted. The society invited the City Councilmen and other city offici to attend._The invitation was accepted with the thanks of the cit~ council and city officials Notice was received from Attorney Charles J.q~ebhardt that Ella Nojica of this city was seriously ~nd permantly injured while crossin~ to her automobile from the si~ewalk by ~teppi: into a depression. No amount was mentioned or ~emanded and the ma~:er was referred to CDty Attorney CQleberd. A cQmmun~cation was received from ~he ~an ~ateo Chamber of Corm?~erce, laying stres-s upo~ the lack o.~ proper traffic patrol in San ~ate0 County, that only from 13 to 16 men are now covering the highways where formerly 20 ~en were on duty, the importance of having a f~ll complement.of officers and advised the city council to urge Ra~nuond E.Cator, Chief of the Californi~ .H~ghway ~atrol and Mr. ~ay Ingles,Director of the St~.te Motor Vehicle Demartment, ~ Sacramento,to use their best endeavors to secure the proper ,number of' Traffic Patrol Offic~ this county is entitled to. The city clerk was instructed to communicate with the Sacramento heads of the 5eoartments stating the city council's views and ~equest reEarding the matter. Union Pavin~ Company, contractors raisin~ Linden Avenue, submitted a request for an extension og 90 days time in which to comolete t:"e improvement. After discussion on the advisibiliby of such a long extension, quest~one~ by Councilman Eschelbach, it was finally aTreed to g~ant the request. Councilman Minucciani moved the extension be ~ranted. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. Jack Jotmus~n Roofing Company, havin~ paid the business and vehicle licenses in the sum of ~Rl.~0 for the year 1938, asked &or a refund of the money. On advice of City Attorney Coleberd th~ request was denied. A communication from the Italian-American Citizens' Club was received wishing to~ know if this city would consider directinc one of the flood lights in front of the City Hall on the stature, of Oeorge Washington on his birthday, February 22,1938, and on J~ly 4th, each ~ear. The matter~ ~as referred to Councilman Eschelbach. A communication was received from the [~usinessmens" ~ssociation of South San Franbisco exoressing their appreciation of the city's efforts in decorating the City Hall and~Grand Avenue during the Christmas Celebration. Communicate. on accepted and placed on file. Another communication from the Businessmens' Association stating they are in accord wi~ the City Council in their endeavor to remove sign boards from the city. Communication accepte~ and ordered, placed on file. .'~'ORELL(S~, A comm~.micatio~ was received from Sociedad ~utualista ~Iexicana~ "~ ' ~ Inc~ asking, ~ ~ermit~o'b~a~c.~a~ ~u~ ~0~ three' ~tght~ a Wee~ll ~avdwiches, beer, otc,and operate a 'printin~ press in the b~sement of Fraternal _qall.~Ee~erred to C~-~ief of Police Eelloni. An application for a transfer of a restaurant licenc~ from Ton]z Bildhauer'to Bildhaue? and Jomes was received from Tony Bildhauer. 0~ motion b~ Co~.mcil~an Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman Minucctani and reT ularl~? carried the transf er was ~ranted, Antoinette Gambero made application for a b~siness license to operate the i~x Clu~,751 Oayshore Boulevard. On motion by Councilman-Eschelbach, seconded by CounciLman Bold5 and regu- larly carried the license was granted. Applications for positions on the election board of this city on Ap?il 12,1938, were received from Fred Brown,Vera Barsuglia, Alice M.Young, E.B.Pache and Mary Gr6mi. The application.were ordered placed on file, by motion of Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Counci man 2ager and regularly carried. A communication was received from ESasse and D.Vowel, asking for a permit to conduct a Motel on Lot 4, Dlock 152, Dayshore Hi.zhway, and enclosed an application for a building permit showin~ the cost to be eotimated at ~$6000 for a ~2x 88'structure. On motion ~ Counciima~ ~a~e seconded b[~.Councilman Eschelbach and reuularly carried the f~esire8 '~ermits were granted~ A communication was roceived fro~ the South San Francisco ~hmmber of Commerce, stating that at the .last meeting of the chamber it was su?gested that some action s~ould be take~ reGa lng the pre~ent dangerous crossing at Grand Ave, ' !Sayshore ..'igh~ay, and the Southern Facific tracks. The .com~.unication suggested that a committee fro~ the city council and the chambsr be appointed tm make a study as to the (~easibility of either an underpass or a bridge to alteviat the condittan. Engineer Klassen was selected to confer with L.O.Hardy , Secreta~y~of the Chamber of Commerce, and report to the city council. Ezta Lovi, 741 Baden Aven~e,applied for a job as street sweeper or any other .~ob in the city service. Application placed on file. An application for a .~ob as bricklayer, stone maso n, concrete man carpenter or other occupation in the city servi-ce was receive~ from Cuiseppe qioffre,42~G M~iler ~venue. Applicat ordered plamed on file. On ~ehalf of the South San ~rancioco Public Library, ~iss ~Rue Clifford wrote the City Council thanking the members for installing the new lifjhtin'i system and new roof in t~e ~ibrar- Communicatiom a~c~pted and placed on-file. Thamonthly re~orts of the Libra~ian, City Judge, ~hief of Police,Poundmaster, City Treasurer B~ilding Inspector, Fire Chief, ;~ealtb. Officer and City Clerk for the month ending January 31, L~38, ~ere received and accepted and ordered placed on file. The £ollowing applications for weed refunds were received amd allowed and ordered paid E.C.~eck, $6.86, John J. Bowler,~2.0OArthur W.McCain,~2.01 Albert To~nettf,$1.60.L.&.E ~ ' ' ~l. 60, A. ~:A. Simonini, Martinelli, $6.00E.N.Fourcans, ~)2.00A.~onettini,~l.00, ~mlliam L. Pacheco, . '~ v~ ~'~ ~' J ~' · ~' ~' E.Sites & Wife;- ~1.~1; Alice. M.Young, $0.43; Robert Nieri .~ J_~fe~2.00,.~ar! ess, ~,~.TR,-fro~er $1.60;- ,Loule Epidendio,$1.00;-Frank Lavazzo, :~1.20 and :~rank L~vazzo,~l.00. Total :i~1.~3.~ 442 Claims in the amount of $10,426.4V payment: Subway Service Station Dudley Perkins Julius Brunton and Sons Patrick & Moise Klinkner Co. National Target Company South San Francisco Hospital Union Oil Company Fred Brown Louis Belloni F~ank Pariani Universal Tool and Mfg. Co. Robinson D~u{~gis t L. Savares R. Bisagno J. Feri E. Venturi W. Locatelli G. Olmstad V. Ullery M. Castro A. Johnson C. Begnal E. Kozlowski R. Smith P. Smith A. Robinson Universal Tool and Mfg. Co. B. F. McDonald Co. Standard Laboratories American Fire Equipment Co. So, City Laundry and Linm Supply Fred Brown Pete Medeghini . M. Laufer Howard Walker C. Monettini Frank Diem L. Penna N. Guidotti R. Cornell A. Bertolucci R. Francisco Fred J. Lautze A. N. Bloomquist South City Lumber Co. D. W. Ratto, Agt. W. P. Fuller Co. ~ Standard Oil Co. Union Oil Co. Pacheco Electric A. J. Pacheco J~ J. Jennings A. Carlisle Co. Western Pipe and Steel Co. J. Welch Robert Cornell So.S.F. Chamber of Commerce La Mat's Auto parts Geo. A. Kneese Gladding Bros. Mfg. Co. Westerr~ Pipe and Steel Co. Dolan Building Supply Co. P. G. and E. San Mateo Co. Title Co. California Water Se~.?ice , pacific Tole ar~i Tole Co. were :next presented Eort.~e] Cit2 Council fo r 4 tires - 1 ~tube police dept. $ Service motorcycle Bosch Station Receiver 2 dates, 2 type ribbons 100 targets police dept. Alcoholic Examinations Supplies police dept. 3~ days removing & installing st. marke rs meals for prisoners Jan repairs Buick clean and repair fire alarm re~isters ~ doz. pair gloves - st. dept. supplies - fire dept. attending fir~es Jan Clean and rep. fire alarm register.~ 3 all service canisters 50~ wiping rags 18 turn out p~ants wash #1 and ~2 houses Jan 68 hrs. carpenter labor 6.da~s sweeping streets 4~ at Orange Ave Club house 1~ days laborcleaning stre?ts,etc. lS da~s 2 h~s. tending ~gate~ 6 days labor at playgrounds 6 days cleaning stox'~ sewers 6 d.ays labor at Playgrounds 6 " 6 da~s cleaning streets and allyes re~air park truck street ~truck " police car ~20 gals bitumuls materials police dept. top sand, cement -park ~bck~ playgrounds 1 ~ yard concrete - street crushed rook materials for club house " W P A project rent bldg. storage 1/10 to 2/10/38 2 gals ~At~okot~ 5 gals pearl oil gas and oil January street lamps repair traffic signal°& system maintain street lights Jan and remove Xmas lights maintain fire alarm Jan and change fire boxes supplies Clerk's office index to assmt, roll 2 driving blocks removing dogs and cats Jan impounding 19 dogs - 2 ca~s Jan Advertising January mqtor, etc for animal destruction Engine~ing various projects " January ·" in re Orange Ave. Park V5 pieces pipe Linden A~e. Job plate for pile driver cap Lumber ~inden Ave. Job Miscellaneous service ·12/13 tol/12 daily reports Jan. ' · hydrant rental Jan water W P A project Linden~Ave city hall service service at various playgrounds fountain and fire house service LibrarY serv~ ce "~ phgne service Jan 100.3 7 1.§0 45.06 3.71 1.00 1.53 IV. ~5 4.60 13 .~7 16.50 4,63 ' 2'~VS 2.~0 2 .~0 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.90 3.00 S.o0 10 .$0 16 .§i V.21 1~3.69 12.10 68.00 27.00 20.25 20.25 51.V5 68.62 18.00 27.00 27.00 2V.O0 2V.O0 2~.~0 *.6§ 8.21 29 .$8 8.60 81.91 1.21 30.26 5.15 3 1.13 23.04 99,~0 35.00 5.61 ,60 109.5~ 96,10 24,72 51.55 59 .V5 15,0~ 12.4~ 15.90 31.00 20.00 25.00 51.60 396.53 156 .~0 ~ 33. 416 6.18 219.~0 15~.26 1.50 321.00 .50 6.00 9.75 3.00 4.50 60.45 Eobinson# Dru~gis t L. Savares R, Bisagno J. Feri E. Venturi W. Locatellt G. 01mstad V. Ullery M, Castro A, Johnson C. Begnal E, Kozlowski R, Smith P, Smith A. Robinson Universal Tool and Mfg. Co. B. F. McDonald Co. Standard Laboratories American Fire Equipment Co. So, City Laundry and Lin~ Supply Fred Brown Pete Medeghini . M. Laufer Howard Walker C. Monet tini Frank Dieu L. Penna N. G~idotti R. Cornell A. Bertolucci R. Francis co Fred J. Lautze A. N. Bloomquist South City Lumber Co. D. W. Ratto, Agt. W. P. Fuller Co. Standard 0il Co. ~ Union 0il Co. Pacheco Electric A. J, Pacheco J~ J. Jennings A. Carlisle Co. Western Pipe and Steel Co. J. Welch Robert Cornell So.B.P. Chamber of Commerce La Mat's Auto parts Geo. A. Kneese Gladding Bros. Mfg. Co. Wester~ Pipe and Steel Co. Dolan Building Supply Co. P. G. and E. San Mateo Co. Title Co. California Water So,ice Pacific Tole ar~i Tole Co. W. J. Tobin Industrial City ~ber Co. ~'ie~'~"~ repair fire ~ doz. pair gloves st. dept. supplies - fire dept. attending fires Jan Clean and rep. fire alarm register.' 3 all service canisters 50~ wiping rags 18 turn out p~ants wash #1 and ~2 houses Jan 68 hrs. carpenter labor 6 days sweeping streets 4~ " at Orange Ave Club house 11~ days laborcleaning streets,etc. 15 da~s 2 h~s. tending ~ate,~ 6 days labor at playgrounds 6 days cleaning stex~a sewers 6 d.ays labor at Playgrounds 6 " 6 da~s cleaning streets and allyes re,air ~ark tr~ck street ~uck " police car 720 gals bitumuls mate~iAls police dept. top sand, cement -park' ~k. playgrounds ¼ yard concrete - street crushed rook materials for club house " W P A project rent bldg. storage 1/10 to 2/10/38 2 gals mAtr~kote 5 gals pearl oil gas and oil January street lamps repair traffic signal~& system maintain street lights Jan and remove Xmas lights maintain fire alarm Jan and change fire boxes supplies Clerk's office index to assmt, roll 2 driving blocks removing dogs and cats Jan impounding 19 dogs - 2 ca~s Jan Advertising January mqtor, etc for animal destruction Engine~ing various projects " January · ~" in re Orange Ave. Park V5 pieces pipe Linden Ave, Job plate for pile driver cap Lumber Linden Ave. Job Miscellaneous service ·lM/13 tol/12 daily reports Jan, hydrant rental Jan water W P A project Linden Ave. city hall service service at various playgrounds fountain and fire house servi6e Library servi ce phgne service Jan final payment Linden- Grand sewer supplies 16.50 4,63 · 2~VS 2,~0 2 ,~0 2,~0 2.50 2,50 2,50 2.50 3.00 3.00 3,00 3.00 3 3,.00 S,00 10 ,$0 16 V.21 143,69 12,10 68.00 27.00 20,25 20,25 51,V5 68,62 18,00 2~.90 27,00 27.00 2V.~0 2V,Q0 8.21 29 ,~8 8.60 51,91 1,21 30,26 5,15 3 ~ i,IS 23.04 99,~0 35.00 5,61 .60 109,54 96,10 24,V2 51,55 59. V5 15.07 12.47 13,90 31,00 20.00 25.00 51,60 396,53 156 .~0 33. 416, 6,18 219.~0 157.26 ' 1.50 321 .50 6.00 9.V5 3.00 4,50 60,45 3 682 6,5.61 Industrial City Lumber Co. J. L. Stuart J. S. Baker . Railway Express Co. Pacific Tele. & Tele. Co. M. Minucciani ~A. Pianca 1 doz. torches $ materials for dog pound canvas cover for dog pound rental drag line ~ trucks " "Linden Ave. job express phone #401 attending League dinner P. A. installing walk on roof & glass 24.72 11.42 4.00 225.75 205.65 .61 2.60 2.00 on clocks 60.25 Enterprise Press reports police dept. 35.89 P. G. and E. Street lights Jan 719.35 H. L. Haaker prem. Chief of police bone 12.50 H. L. Haaker " dep. city clerk's bo nd 5.00 " "poundmaster's bond 5.00 " "bldg. inspector' s bond 5.00 " "Orange Ave. club house 66.33 " "- Treasurer's bond 250.00 " "public liability 40.00 prem. city buildings 168.00 " "City autos - non ownership 214.V5 "' " " " 994.10 So. City Fender & Radiator Wks 6 spray cans 12.00 So. C~t-y Lumber Co. 5000 Lbs. crushed rock Golden West Quarry 16.4V tons ct. run 12.V2 Levenson Co. 6 waste receptacles 90.85 Pacific Nurseries plants 9.27 L. Martinelli refund on acct. weed charge 6.00 John Bowler " " 2.00 E. C. Bigelow " " 2.00 A. Monettini " " 1.00 W. L. Pach~co " " 1.60 A. Simonini " " 1.21 Alice M. Young " " .43 Robert Nieri " " 2.00 Carl Jess " " .72 Grover Sites " " 1.60 L. Epidendio " " 1.00 Frank Lavazzo " " 1.20 E. C. Peck " " 6.86 A. McCain " " 2.01 Albert ~ognetti " " 1.60 Total .... $10,426 The claims having been audited by the finance committee, Cotmcilman Minucciani move they be paid. The motion was secondod by CounciLman Eschelbach and regularly carried. ~Aayor Hatto announced that any persons wishin~ to look over the bills may do so by calling at the City Clerk's office. Under the head of unfinished business ~he E~npire Advertising Company's representa- tive appeared before the council in re~ard to his application of the 12th of January for a business license to conduct outdoor ~dvertising. He stated he had an option on a piece of land near the Richfield 0il Company, which he would buy'and build on if given a permit to erect a sign. On motion by CounciLman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman ~ager and re~larl carried the desired permit was granted. Mr. Rosenberg of the Chancellor l~otel, who had asked for a permit to erect a sign advertising the hotel, stated he owned the ground, near the underpass, On motion by Councilm Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried~ the desired permit was ~:ranted. The application of Foster '~ Hlaiser for permission to erect signs on six additional spaces was next acted upon. On question Buildin~ Inspector UJelte stated the company had 50 signs. Councilman Eschelbach stated the company had previously agreed to a limit of 36 spac and did'not believe they should be ~ranted any further. Thereupon Councilman ~tager moved the request be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. A delegation of members of the baden Improvement Club appeared before the city coun in relation to the auto camp of ~r. ~ulkey and the Trailer Camp of Mr. z~amilton. Mr Paul Dou of th club asked City Sttorney if he had received a deck, ion from the courts on the status o camps running without a city license. ~r. Coleberd was of the opinion that the city cannot refuse a license arbitrarly to a person wishing to do a legitimate business. He stated the c cannot prohibit the camps from doin~ business, that he ~'~ad no feeling in the matter whatever but that under the present zonin~ law there was no way out for the city but to zrant the permits, he urged that the zoninc laws be revised or amended at once to insure ~o other diff nces of this character would arise again. Mr. Douste and Mr Oendot and other members of t Baden Improvement Club thought differently and stated the places were running illegally, and should be closed. Councilman Boido stated the old street car dump at First and E1 Cami was a nuisance and should be removed. He asked City Attorney Coleberd if ~. Hamilton con extend his area of operations to include other lots or ].and adjoining him. The~City Attorney said he could not. Councilman ~inucciani stated the City of EuDli.~game was ~reparing an emergency ordinance to halt further encroachments by auto and trailer camps. ~r. Hsar~ilton stated he was operating on lots 1,~,$ and 7, Block'.10. ~ay0r Ratto asked Nit. Douste if this the propoerty referred to and Mr. Douste said yes. ~r. Hamilton.then asked for the necess license. Councilman ~inucciani said he has noue~ow and why need any. The request was laid ov after the objections of ~e~srs ~endot & Douste and other members of the club. Mr. Mulky of Mulky Auto Court asked for a license for his place of business. Laid over for further consid ation. The council agreed to meet in irre.zular session on the su~ect Wednesday the ~, at 7 Councilman Nager ~nquired from En,?ineer Klassen as to whether be had contacted the California Water Service C6mpany and asked for a 50 cent reduction in hydrant rental. The Engineer stated he had seen the company officials, and inferre~ from their conversation ther no6 much hope of securinf[ a reduction~ but would see the~ fur~er. Councilman ~a~er stat the company agreed to cut the rental in one year by 50 cents eac~, and expected the company prem. Chief of police bone 12.50 H. L. Haaker " dep. city ~lerk's bo nd 5.00 " "poundmaster's bond 5.00 " "bldg. inspector' s bond 5.00 " "Orange Ave. club house 66.33 " "Treasurer,s bond 250.00 " "public liability 40.00 prem. city buildings 168.00 " "City autos - non ownership 214.75 " " " " 994:.10 SO. 0ity Fender & Radiator Wks 6 spray cans 12.00 So. C~t2 Lumber Co. 5000 Lbs. crushed rock ~.67 Golden West Quarry 16.47 tons ct. run 12.72 Levenson Co. 6 waste receptacles 90.85 Pacific Nurseries plants 9.27 L. Martinelli refund on acct. weed charge 6.00 John Bowler " " 2.00 E. C. Bigelow " " 2.00 A. Monet tini " " 1.00 W. L. Pach~co " " 1.60 A. Simonini " " 1 Alice Robert Nieri " " 2.00 Carl Jess " . .V2 Grover Sites " " 1.60 L. Epidendio " " 1.00 Frank Lavazzo " " 1.20 E. C. Peck " " 6.86 A. McCain " " 2.01 Albert ~egnetti " " 1.60 Total ..... - - $10,426.47 The claims having been audited by the f&nance committee, CoLmcilman Minucciani move they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and regularly carried. ~ayor hatto announced that any persons wishing to look over the bills may do so by calling at the City Clerk's office. Under the head of unfinished business The EEpire Advertising Company's representa- tive appeared before the council in resard to his application of the 12th of January for a business license to conduct outdoor advertising. He stated he had an option on a piece of land near the Richfield 0il Company, which he would buy and build on if given a permit to erect a sign. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman i~ager and re:.~ularl oarried the desired permit was granted. Mr. Rosenberg of the Chancellor Hotel, who had asked for a permit to erect a sign advertising the hotel, stated he owned the fround, near the underpass, On motion by Councilm Eschelbach, seconded by CoUncilman ~inucciani and regularly carried~ the desired permit was granted. The application of Foster ?~ Klaiser for permission to erect signs on six additional spaces was next acted upon. On question Building Inspector UIelte stated the company had 50 signs. Councilman Eschelbach stated the company had previously agreed to a limit of 36 spac and did'not believe they should be uranted any further. Thereupon Councilman ~ager moved the request be denied. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. A delegation of members of the Oaden Improvement Club appeared before the city court in relation to the auto camp of Mr. Mulkey and the Trailer Camp of Mr. ~amilton. ~r Paul Dou of th club asked City attorney if he had received a decision from the courts on the status o camps running without a city license. Mr. Coleberd was of the opinion that the city cannot refuse a license arbitrarly to a person wishing to do a legitimate business. He stated the c cannot prohibit the camps from doin~ business, that he bad no feel~.ng in the matter whatever but that under the present zoning law there was no way out for the city but to grant the permits. He urged that the zoninC laws be revised or amended at once to insure no other diff nces of this character would arise again. Mr. DouSte and Mr Oendot and other members of tl Baden Improvement Club thought differently and stated the places were running illegally, and should be closed. Councilman 2oido stated the old street car dump at First and E1 Cami was a nuisance and should be removed. He asked City Attorney Coleberd if ~. Hamilton cou extend his area of ooerations~ to include other lots or land adjoining him. The~Cit~.. Attorney said he could not. CoUncilman Minucciani stated the City of ~uDlingame?as'~reparing an emergency ordinance to halt further encroachments by auto and trailer camps. Mr. Hamilton stated he was operating on lots 1,3,5 and 7, Block 10. l~ayor Ratto asked ~[r. Douste if this the propoerty referred to and Mr. Douste said yes. ~r. Hamilton.then asked for the necess~ license. Councilman Minucciani said he has nonenow and why need any. The request was laid ov after the objections of ~e~srs ~endot !~1: Douste and other members of the club. Mr. Mulky of Mulky Auto Court asked for a license for his place of business. Laid over for further consid, ation. The council agreed to meet i~ irrezular session on the subject Wednesday the ~, at 7 Councilman Eager ~nquired from En~'ineer Klassen as to whether be had contacted the California Water Service C~mpany and asked for a 50 cent reduction in hydrant rental. The Engineer stated he had seen the compam~ officials, and ihferred from their conversation ther, not much hope of securinz a reduction~ but would see them further. Councilman Eager stat~ the company agreed to cut the rental in one year by 50 cents eaci~, and expected the company do so. ~esley Brami~le appeared before the council and announced he was publishing a local city DirectoMy, and offered to furnish the city a full oa2e .advertisement for the sum of ~250. Councilman Boido believed the price was too exorbitant for a one page ad, and requested Mr. Bramble to modify his figure. Mr. Bramble then offered to make the price ~2QO. This being satisfactory Councilman Boido moved the city take the one page add. The mqtion was seconded by Councilman Macer and re~larly carried. Under the head of New BUsiness Engineer Klassen suggested some action be taken by the city in~co-operation with the Board of Supervisors of th~ County toward maintaining an open ditch in the Co.lma CMeek. After discussion it was decided a committee be appqinted to investigate the subject. Accordingly Councilman Eschelbach moved that the City Attorney and the City Engineer be appointed to confer with the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County, the District attorney and the county engineer with a view to making, an a~?eement to keep the creek clear. The moti&n was seconded by Councilman B°ido and re~la, rly carried. COu[ucilman Eschelbach reported a light required at Eucalyptus a~ ~,~il~e~ A~enues,and ~ Mayor R~tto reported one should be remo~gd from arand and Spruce. Referred 'to 'Councilman Eschelb~ch for action. In the matter of removin~ trees Mr. Herman Scampini s.tated he would prefer seeing larger trees pIaced between the old ones befJre removing any. Councilman Eschelbach sa~.d he would attend ~o the matter. ~ Under the head of~Oood & Welfare City ?i~eman AnTelo Conziani reported the Southern Pacific Company blocks the crossinE of Grand A~enue and their tracks far too long, ~eeping pedestrians and autoists waiting unnecessarily on both sides of the cross'ings,and asked that some action be taken by the City Council. Chief of Police Louis Belloni was instructed to confer with the freight engineer in the ~orning and ask for better crossing conditions~ M~. Schafer of the Schafer Button Company appeared before the' council in 'reference to a suppl? furois~ed the Police Department for demarkation lines. The buttons appearing unsatisfac~ toryto'Police Chief ~!~elloni, he ~ould not 0.~. the claim. Mr. Schafer.agreed to make the chanzes'at any time 'and at any place where the buttons were not holding up. Referred to the Chief l~ok ioto the matter.· There being no further b~siness before the board Councilman Minucciani m~ved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and re~ularly carried. Time of adjourn~ent, 10;45 o'clock P.~.~. Approve~ by ' ~ayor of South San Francisco