HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-04-04REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO t~LD APRIL 4, 1938. Regular meeting of the city council of the City of Scut h San F~aucisco was held in the City Hal~l .on Monday evening April 4, 1938. The meeting was called to order at 8 otclock p, m. by Mayor D. W. Ratto Roll Call found me~ers of the council present as followsJ Councilmen V. Boido, A. J. Eschelbach, M. Minucciani, D. W, Ratto' The minutes of the 2 p~evtous meetings -were read. There being no errors or omissions A comEunication was received from Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana "Morelos" asking ( peEnission to hold dances and literary excercises on May Vth, September 10, October .[ 29 and December 1V. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman ~t~,lba,~h and duly carried permission was gr~nted. A co~unication was received from Cortesi for Councilman. Committee by P. Menicucc~ fo~ permission to hold a political parade on Monday, April ll, 193~. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach snd duly carried pe~ission was g~anted~ A communication was received from John ~ambrini applying for a position as police officer. Om motion by Councilman Mtnucciani, seconded by Councilman ~Eschelbach and~ duly carrte~ the communication was ordered filed. A communication was received from Logan ~auklin, Committee Chai~man, regarding wa~s and means of solving the problem of Safety on ~ayshore~ Highway through South F~ancisco. After discussion i~ was decided that Engineer Klassen submit plans to Mr. Skeggs for an island on either side of Grand.Avenue and then resubmit them to ~the council. Mr. Hardy discussed the matter of using the signs "Stop~W~en Pedestrian is in Crosswalk" and was of the opiulon this would be impracticable. An application for a building permit was received from Mike Petroff to co~tructio~ of Service station st the southeast corner of Linden and Aspen Avenues on Lot L? Block 135 at a cost of ~6000.00. On motion by councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and duly carried the permit was gran ted. -~.be monthly reports for the month ending March 31, 1938 were received fro~ the following: Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Buildi~M Inspector, City Treasu~ er, Health Officer, City Clerk, and Librarian. The audit report of Gordon Rowe Company for the period ending March 31, 1938, was also received. On motion by Counc~ man Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and_ duly carried the reports were accepted and o~dered filed. Claims in the amount of $3111.18 Union 0il Company Patrick & Moise Klinkner Co. A. Carlisle Co. Fltnks~' Service Louis Belloni F~ank Pariani Irvine and Jachens General Pr~id~.ction Co. C. D. Rush Dudley Perkins The Hub M. Greenbe~ s Sons So. City Lundary & Linen Supply Arndt's Dept. Store C. S. Schurk G. 01mstad M. Mazzetti A. Johnson C. Begnal A. RobinsOn W. Locatelli M, Castro E. Kozlowski R. Smith J. Fe~i A. Peterson V. Ullery R. Bis agno ~A. J. Pacheco Pacheco Electric Co. Enterpri se Foundry Gladding McBean Co. Woodin and Little W. P. Ful.l. er Co. Walter Martin Signs Chas. Bollazzi A. Robinson W. Wright D. Rossia A. Sola J. G~i~ were next present ed to the council f~r paym~ SupPlies police dept. $ gummed ps t che s Supplies police dept. wash and grease police car ~ misc. expense expense repair police car 1 police badge I police car desk Special police duty repairs motorcycle ~ doz towels - 6 sheets ! hydrant - fire dept. Wash #l and #2 houses March 6 pillow cases fire d ept attending fires Mar maintain fire alarm M ar, & repairs ~ bronze bells and other repairs traffic maintain street lights Mar ~ ma~ole frames and 2 5 manhole steps sewer pi~e -W. P. A Job 1 diaphragm, 15' hose , i nipple Red le~d - paint remo vet, etc. 6 signs' Linden Ave jo b supplies for cit~.-hall "for street dept. sups, lies ~ark "fire dept. ~ days labor colma creek 3 days labor grading Linden Ave. 3 days trimming trees 13.60 61.40 3,00 V.V6 4.75 'Y .83 3.61 5.00 36 13.~V 45. O0 15.56 2.16 1.00 · 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.50 50.19 6P~.93 10.00 13V.51 345. V9 2~.93 8.03 9.00 3.34 9.99 4.4~ ~ .61 3.9~ 9.00 9,00 13.50 13.50 permission to hold dances and literary excercises on May 7th, September 10, October .( 29 and December 17. On motion by Councilman Eschelbach, seconded by Councilman I ~p~L¢lb~eh and duly carried permission was granted. A communication was received from Cortesi for Councilman Committee by P. Mentcucc for permission to hold a political parade on Monday, April 11, 1935. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilmsn Eschelbach and duly carried per~ission was granted~ A com~unication was received from John Fambrini applying ~or a position as police officer. 0~ motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman ~Eschelbach and duly carrie~ the comJ~unication was ordered filed. A comEunication was received from Logan Franklin, Committee Chairman, regarding wa~s and means of solving the problem of Safety on Bayshore · Highway through South ~Sa~ Francisco. After discussion i~ was decided that Engineer Klassen submit plans to Mr. Skeggs For an island on either side of Grand.Avenue and then resubmit t~em to~th~ council. Mr. Hardy discussed the matter of using the signs "Stop~..en Pedestrian is in Crosswalk" and was of the opinion this would be impracticable. ~ An application for a building permit was received from Mike Petroff to constructio~ of Service station at the southeast corner of Linden and A spen~ Avenues o~ Lot 12 Block 135 at a cost of ;~6000.00. On motion by councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Eschelbach and duly carried the permit was gran ted. !~e monthly reports for the month ending March 31, 1938 were received fror~ the following: Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief~ Build!~ Inspector, City Treasu~ er, Health Officer, Cat~ Clerk~ and Librarian. The audit report of Gordon Rowe Company for the period ending March_ 31, 1938, was also received. On motion by Counc~ man Minucciani, seconded by CouncilEan Eschelbach and duly carried the reports were accepted and ordered filed. Claims in the amount of $3111.18 Union 0il Company Patrick & Moise Klinkner Co. A. Carlisle Co. Flinks-' Service Louis Belloni F~ank Pariani Irvine and Jachens General Prdduction Co. C. D. Rush Dudley Perkins The Hub M. Greenbe~ s Sons So. City Lundary & Linen Supply Arndt's Dept. Store C. S. Schurk G. 01mstad M. Mazzetti A. Johnson C. Begnal A. Robinson W. Locatelli M. Castro E. Kozlowski R. Smith J. Fert A. Peterson V. Ullery R. Bis agno .A.J. Pacheco Pacheco Electric Co. Enterpri se Foundry Gladding McBean Co. Woodin and Little W. P. Fuller Co. Walter Martin Signs Chas. Bollazzi A. Robinson W. Wright D. Rossia A. Sola J. Galli A. Bertolucci H. Longhoffer N. Guidotti were next present ed to the council f~r paym~ SupPlies police dept. $ gummed p~tche s Supplies police dept. ~ wash and grease police car misc. expense expense repair police car I police badge I police car desk Special police duty repairs motorcycle 2 doz towels - 6 sheets 1 hydrant - fire dept. Wash #l and #~ houses March 6 pillow cases fire d ept attending fires Mar maintain fire alarm ~ ar, & repairs ~ bronze bells and other repairs traffic maintain street lights Mar 9 ma~ole frames and 2 5 manhole steps sewer p~e - W. P. A Job 1 diaphragm, 15' hose , i nipple Red lead - paint remo vet, etc. 6 signs Linden Ave jo b supplies for cit~j hall "for street dept. sups. lies ~ark "fire dept. ~ days labor~colma creek 3 days labor grading Linden Ave. 3 days trimming trees 3 days labor ball park 3½ days labor grading on Linden ~ve' ~ days labor grading on 0rsnge Ave, 5 .days labor colma creek. 13.60 .59 61.40 3.00 V.V6 4.'75 7.83 3.61 5.00 36.29 13.97 45. O0 15.56 2 .!6 1.00 i' 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 4.00 4.00 4.50 50.19 62.93 10.00 137.51 345.79 27.93 8.03 9.00 3.34 9,99 4,47 22.61 3.9'/ 9.00 9 '00 13.50 13.50 13.50 15.75 S0.~95 22.50 A. FregoSi A. Wilson R. Castro M. Cain S. Lumberp Armour and Co. SO' City,Lumber Co. Golden West Quarry Santini and Roccucci Fred Lautz~ C. H. Emerson Bertuccelli and Nannini California Water Service P. G. and E. . H. L. Haaker A. Hynding N. L. Haaker Bank of America J. S. Baker Schwabacher F~ey Co. So.S.F.Chamber of Commerce Burrot~s Adding Machine Co. San Mateo County Title Co. Pacific Tele. and Tele. ~o. Robert C or nell J. Welch Enterprf se Press Standaz~. 0il Co. Kelley's Welding Shop 5 days labor colma creek 85~ days labor " days hauling mud from streets repairing sidewalks 9 days labor~ grading Orange Ave. park 200 empty ~s~dcks materials for sidewalks " park " W P A Job materials Colma Creek 3.84 tons ct. ~tu raincoats, hats~ etc. colma creek install gas line ford truck Trip to Redwood for great registers supplies city hall baseball service city hall " fountain and fire house service library service hydrant rental March Linden Avenue project service various playground service street lights misc. service pre~ forgery bond "· quarterly audit prem. city Judge bond claim of G~rdon Rowe Co. 320 cu. 2ds. top soil 100 folders Clef k's office advertising Apri 1 1 ribbon reports March phone March #401 impounding 2 dog s March " dogs and cats March publishing Nominees and appoin~ents paint thinner an d grease · ald dog on pa rk t~u ck Total 22.50 24. V5 38.25 40. 50 40. 50 10.30 .51.94 13.T1 66.6V 2.01 2.9V 2V. 65 .96 2.50 12. V2 6.00 6.00 3. 16 4.50 321.00 1~2~ 3 .V5 V19.35 105.43 88.93 55.10 25.00 150.00 96. O0 13.85 25.00 · 1.50 2.60 2. O0 30.00 16.50 3.53 1:00 iii.is The claims having been audited by the ~inance cc~ittee Councilman Esche!bach moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciaui and duly carried. The matter of the $9.64 weed refund of the So. San F~ancisco Laud and !~P. Company was b~ought up aud laid over for further investigation. The~e ~pearing no further business before the council, Councilman Eschelbach made a motion to adjourn to Monday evening April 18, 1938, at 8.00 o'clock p. m. The, motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and .regularly carr~.ed. .~ Time of adJouEsEent 8:40 p. m. Re spectfully sub~itted Approved: Dsn~Sweeney, City Clerk Mayor City of South San Francisco.