HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-05-02460 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, MAY 2nd, 1938. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, Monday evening, May 2nd,1938. The meeting was called to order at $ o'clock P.M. by Mayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the City Council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Ttbbetts. A communication was received from the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce stating that they are of the opinion that the road leading from the Bayshore Highway immediately south of the Underpass, and connecting with East Grand Avenue, would be dedicated to the city by the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company, if request were made. The communication stated this road could be made passable and would be very convenient for North bound traffic going to the ~actory districts~ and also south bbund traffic to relieve congestion at Grand Avenue and ayshore Highway.-After discussion it was referred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation and report. The chamber also suggested lights similar to the new ones installed on the Baysho~e Highway at the city limits by continued on to~the Underpass. Matter referred to Councilman Ttbbetts and the Chamber of Commerce. A communication was received from the California Wire Cloth Company stating that Dollar Avenue and Tanforan Avenues are badly in need of reapir, and requested the city to· give.early consideration to the condition of these streets. ~eferred to Chairman Tibbetts of the Street Committee. Referring to streets Mayor Eschelbach asked engineer Klassen if Linden Avenue was finishe~. The engineer said it was practically finished. He stated the Linden Avenue sidewalk was not yet finished on account of the construction work going on in Linden Avenue. Councilman Minucciani also inquired as to the status of the reconstruction of Linden Avenue. Engineer Elassen stated it was practically finished. Announcemant was made by Henry (Dutch)Stelling,Manager of the Bethleham Steel Company's Baseball Team, that the season will open on Sunday, ~ay 8th, 1938 , at 2;30 o'clock p.m, ~hAt his team was in splended shape for the occasion, thanked the City of South San Francisco for providing such an excellent baseball diamond,and accommodations,and invited all the city officials and their families to participate in the grand opening. The invitation was accepted with the thanks of the City Council. Mayor Eschelbach stated his attention was called to the fact that no dugout was provided for the protection of the players while on the bench. The placing of a wire screen place of the dugout was suggested, and Councilman Tibbetts and Engineer Klassen were delegated to attend to the matter. The Mayor said every encouragement will be given the boys,with Rod Tibbets in charge. An application was made by the Business and Professional Women's Club of South San Fran- cisco for permission to hold a meeting of their organization in the council chambers of the City Hall, Wednesday evening, May 4th, lB38. On motion by Councilman Ratto seconded hy Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the desired permission was grantede Notice was received from the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County that a meeting of land owners in the Drainage Area of. Colma Creek would be held in the City Hall of the City of South San Francisco on the 28th, day of April, 19~8, for the pdrPose of considering an offer by the United States Government to establish a ~' Camp ~n the area affected to work with the Federal government in checking the erosion by planting grasses, plants and trees, grading, sur- facing and the building of check dams, to reduce the erosion. The meeting having already taken place Mayor Eschelbach appointed Engineer Klassen and City Attorney Coleberd to look into the matter and report to the council. A communication was received from the Department of Public Works, Sacramento,California, tndicati~ that Bridge No.~8-o7 over Colma Creek in this city, on Highway Route 88, is in an unsafe condition, and requested the city to send a representative to a meeting in the office of the District Engineer of the Division of Highways,State Building, San Francisco, at 2 o'clock p.~. on Wednesday, May 4th, l~8, looking toward the establishment of a restricted loading regulation for the bridge. Mayor Eschelbach appointed Engineer Klassen to attend. Joseph Bildhauer Jr., applied for a ~-~usiness license to conduct a barbe~ shop at 242 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the permit was granted. E.W.Stephens, General manager of the Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show, submitted a letter of thanks and appreciation to the City Council for the city's cooperation in decorating the city streets at their recent show. The letter was accepted and ordered placed on file. Request was~made by members of the Moffett Ship for permission to use the council chambers for a meeting of the' 8th, Anniversay Charter night, Wednesday evening, ~ay llth, l~8. On motion Councilman Ratto, Seconded by Councilman Mlnucciani and rsgularly carried permission was granted. Roy Taboda applied for permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, ~ay 28,1~38,from 8 o'clock P.M. to 2 o'clock A.M.,on behalf of Union Espanola No.1. On motion by Councilman Ratto, secomded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried permission was granted. South San Francisco Fireman's Association applied for a permit to conduct their annual dance in Legion Hall. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Ratto and reguLar- ly carried the desired permit was granted. A communication was received from J.J. Jordan, Superintendent of the Southern Pacific C~mp- ing, asking if the city has on hand the sum of money required to reimburse the company, fo~ expenditures incurred in installing falsework and driving piles under their tracks for the city's construction of a 4 x 4 concrete box sewer in connection with the installation of a storm and sanitary sewer in 8outh Industrial Area. The City Clerk was i~structed to reply to Mr. Jordan stating the money was available when an itemized statement is submitted. ~derlite N~P~fic~cOo~~§t~-fi~tted~ to install 1 single face sign, without arrow, 'for the sum of $125.00 plus ~ales tax;- One Double faced sign, without arrow, ~ # " "$167.§0,plus sales tax , one arrow for any sign # ~ # "~ 6.§$ additional, plus sales tax. On account of the work of providing elecSric Juice up to the point of installation, Engineer Klassen was instructed to have further bidders submit figures including connections and all work of installation, including primary The monthly reports of the Health Officer, City ~'reasurer, Building InSpectOr,Fire Chief, ~t Chief,City Judge. and City Clerk for the month ending April 30th, 1938 were submitted to road could be made passable and would be very convenient for North bound traffic going to the factory districts, and also south bbund traffic to relieve congestion at Grand Avenue and Oayshore Highway.-After discussion it was referred to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation and report. The chamber also suggested lights similar to the new ones installed on the Bayshore Highway at the city limits by continued on to:.~the Underpass. Matter referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the Chamber of Commerce, A communication was received from the California Wire Cloth Company stating that Dollar Avenue and Tanforan Avenues are badly in need of ~eapir, and requested the city to' give.early consideration to the condition of these streets. "ef~rred to Chairman Tibbetts of the Street Committee. Referring to streets Mayor Eschelbach asked engineer Klassen if Linden Avenue was finisheS. The engineer said it was practically finished. He stated the Linden Avenue sidewalk was not yet finished on account of the construction work going on in Linden Avenue. Councilman Minucciani also inquired as to the status of the reconstruction of Linden Avenue. Engineer Elassen stated it was practically finished. Announcemant was made by Henry (Dutch)Stelling,Manager of the Bethleham Steel Company's Baseball Team, that the season will open on Sunday, ~.ay 8th, 1938 , at 2;30 o'clock p.m, ~hAt his team was in splended shape for the occasion, thanked the City of South San Francisco for providing such an excellent baseball diamond,and accommodations,and invited all the city officials and taeir families to participate in the grand opening. The invitation was accepted with the thanks of the City Council. Mayor Eschelbach stated his attention was called to the fact that no dugout was provided for the protection of the players while on the bench. The placing of a wire screen irc place of the dugout was suggested, and Councilman Ttbbetts and Engineer Klassen were delegated to attend to the matter. The Mayor said every encouragement will be given the boys,with Rod Tibbets An application was made by the Business and Professional Women's Club of South San Fran- cisco for permission to hold a meeting of their organization in the council chambers of the City Hall, Wednesday evening, May 4th, 1938. On motion by Councilman Ratto seconded hy Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the desired permission was granted. Notice was received from the Board of Supervisors of San Mateo County that a meeting of land owners in the Drainage Area of. Colma Creek would be held in the City Hall of the City of South San Francisco on the 26th, day of April, 1938, for the p/~vpose of considering an offer by the United States Government to establish a ~6~' Camp in the area affected to work with the Federal government in checking the erosion by planting grasses, plants and trees, grading, sur- facing and the building of check dams, to reduce the erosion. The meeting having already taken place Mayor Eschelbach appointed Engineer Klassen and City Attorney Coleberd to look into the matter and report to the council. A communication was received from the Department of Public Works, Sacramento,California, indicati~ that Bridge No.35-o? over Colma Creek in this city, on Highway Route 68, is in an unsafe condition, and requested the city to send a representative to a meeting in the office of the District Engineer of the Division of Highways,State Building, San Francisco, at 2 o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, May 4th, 1938, looking toward the establishment of a restricted loading regulation for the bridge. Mayor Eschelbach appointed Engineer Klassen to attend. Joseph Bildhauer Jr., applied for a ~-:business license to conduct a barbe~ shop at 242 Grand Avenue. On motion by Councilman Ratto, seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried the permit was granted. E.W.Stephens, General ~anager of the Interstate Junior Livestock and Baby Beef Show, ~2mmitted a letter of thanks and appreciation to the City Council for the city's cooperation in de~oPating the city streets at their recent show. The letter was accepted and ordered placed on file. Request was made by members of the Moffett Ship for permission to use the council chambers fo~ a meeting of the 5th, Anniversay Charter night, Wednesday evening, May llth, 19~8. On motion OouncilmanRatto, Seconded by Councilman Minucciani and rsgularly carried permission was granted. Roy Taboda applied for permission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall, Saturday evening, ~ay 28,15~8,from 8 o'clock P.M. to 2 o'clock A.M.,on behalf of Union Espanola No.1. On motion by '~ Councilman Ratto, secomded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried permission was granted. South San Francisco Fireman's Association applied for a permit to conduct their annual dance in Legion Hall. 0n motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Ratto and regular- ly ca~ried the ~esired permit was granted. A co-w,unication was received from J.J. Jordan, Superintendent of the Southern Pacific Comp- ing, asking if the city has on hand the sum of money required to reimburse the company, $~90,. for expenditures incUrred in installing falsework and driving piles under their tracks for the ciSy's eons$~ction of a ~ x A concrete box sewer in connection with the installation of a stcvm and sanitax,y sewer in South Industrial Area. The City Clerk was instructed to reply to Mr. Jordan stating th®money was available when an itemized statement is submitted. ~onderlite ~/$//e~d/c~o00~'r~h~t~-fi~tte~ to install 1 single face sign, without arrow, fop Sh~ sum of~125.00 plus ~aIes tax;- One Double faced sign, without arrow, # ' # ~ $167.50,plus sales tax , one arrow for any sign " ' ' "· 6.59 additional, plus sales tax. On account of the work of providing electPie Juice ~$0 the point of installation, Engineer Klassen was instructed to have further biddePs submi$ including connections and all work of installation, including primary wiring. The of the Health Officer, City ~reasurer, Building Inspector,Fire Chief, Police Chief, City Cl~y Clerk for the month ending April Z0th, l~88 were submitted to the ~ouncil and in chaff Claims in the amount of $5,158.50 were next presented to the council for payment;- Louis Belloni Sharer Mfg. ¢o. Ric's Service · Station Robinson' s Drug J, Lombamdi V, Uller2 A, Robinson 0. D. R~sk I. P. F~ller & Co. F~ank Pariani Universal Tool Mfg. Co. American Fire Dquipment Co. Model Appliance Co. P. Smith R. Smith E. Ventu~i C. Schu~k A. Robinson M. Mazzetti Fe~i G. Olmstad I. X~eatelli A, Je~mae~ OV: Be~al Ulle~ Le Savages Cast~. R. Bt sagno A. J, Pacheco Pache ce Electric So. City Lumber 0o, F~ed. J. Lantze . C. J. Rinehart J, Venturini F. Lewis F. Dieu N. DeZo~io C. DeZox~io P. Saba G. Kinc~non M. La~e~ ~ed. B~ J. Riz~ D. To~i Stagnaro Baker Union Paving Co. Western Pipe & Steel Co. We 8. Wetenhall & 0o. Gladding McBean COo Bollazzi & Swift and Co. Robinson. Druggist Bertucelli & Nannini California Water Semi ce J. Welch So.8.F.Ohamber of Commerce A. Carlisle Co. J. 0. McMills Patrick & Moise' Klinkner Co. S.S.F. Union Stockyards C · Emerson Enterprise Press Georg,e A. Knees, .# meals for p~isoners, sram ps, etc. 255 Snoite markers 5 gals gas, grease Job- police dep. supplies pellce dept. 1 tube - police dept. special police parade May 1 5 gals t~affic line paint repairs police car 2 f~e alarm boxes - 4 Ne on cartridges 2 fire extinguishers - 1 -10' pike 40 Mazda lamps - fire dept. Attendi~ng fires Apr. tl # # # !1 tl II # ,# # 11 It Relief driver Apr. maintain fire a.lar~,:':. system Apr' street lam~, canopies & maintenance Switches, otc traffic signals 1 gal. aluminum- fire dep. me_refills W. P. A. Job lumber for watclunan's cab in rent motor grader &roXle r - park cement and Concrete m~x rent grader & roller tennis ceux-t repairs ford dump truck repairs street truck labor watchman' s cabin 4 days labor watchman' s cabin 2~ days labor Orange Ave Park 3 days. labor Orange Ave. Park 8 days labor Park 8. days painting streets 10 days labor Orange Avenue 11 days labor 120 es,yds, fill for park Progress pa .y~e_ nt ~2 Imp. So. Linden Ave 4 -'Galv.48" x 120" flat W.P.A. sewer 277~pcs. sq. corr. W. P, A. sewer 59- 8" sewer pipe 3' W. P . A. Job supplies ~or city hall for park 53 - 100~ bags Vigoro supplies gardener 2 garden spadds hydrant rental Ap~ · water sex, rice W. ~P. A. pr oJect fountain and fire house # 2 playground sex, ice library Service city hall service removing dogs & cats Apr. advertising May- 1 doz stmap pads phone Health Dep. Mar. and Apr. 1 envelope moistener rental space 1958 stock show 2 trips tO redwood City f or registers notice of 'election Eng. Bo. Linden Ave. March # study Colma Creek saint chance "Imp. Orange Avenue Park "in re tennis court "sani,ta~y & storm sewers 80. Linden "general administration streets $ 6.40 58.09 3.60 2.98 4e79 2.50 2.50 3·00 11.59 46.62 199 26,78 22.15 1,00 1.00 1.00 3.00 5,00 5.00 3.00 5.00 5°50 5.50 5,50 5,50 5.50 6,00 6,00 1A~. O0 20,00 76.29 16.18 21.41 156.35 3V.10 73.00 7.58 30.50 2 2.17 4.50 18,00 11e25 1~.50 1~,50 1~. 50 13.50 15e50 13,50 36,00 36.00 45.00 49.50 49.50 56, O0 i 90~.15 55.47 6V.05 7.91 9.84 95.59 5 e66 4.12, 321.00 1.25 3.82 22 5~72 6.00 31.50 25.00 2.69 6.50 1.55 ASO·O0 5.00 7,00._. 206 8V.41 170.84 45.20 21.60 $5 158·50 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they bo paid. The motion was se~Cnded by O' D. RUsk W. P. ~uller & Co. l~sn~r Pariani Universal Tool Mfg. Co. American Fire E~uipment Co. Model Appliance 0o. P. Smith R. Smith E. Venturi C. Schu~k A. Robinson E. Eezle~ki M. Mazzetti J. Feri G. 01~stad W. Lo,at.Iii A. Johnsem CV~ Be6nal Uller,j Mo Castro. R. Bisagno A. J. Path, co Pache co Electric City Lumber II # F~ed. J. Lantze C. J. Rinehart J. Vent urini F. Lewis F. Dieu N, DeZo~do C. DeZordo P. Saba G. Kinoannon Be W. Sheerin l~ed. Brow~ Je Rizzo D. To~ali S. St agna~o J. S, Balmr Union Paving Coo Western Pipe & steel Co. w. S. Wetenhall & Co. Gladding MoB, an Coo Bollazzi & Co. Swift and Co. Robinson, Druggist Bertucolli & Nannini California Water Semi ce J. Welch So.S,FeOb_~mber of Connr~rce A. Carlisle Co. J. 0, McMills Patrick & Moise' Klinkm~r Co. S.S.F. Union Stockyards C. ~erson Enterprise Press ~org~e A, Kneese 5 gals t~affic line paint repairs police car 2 f~e alarm boxes - 4 Ne on cartridges 2 fire extinguishers - 1 -10' pike 40 Mazda lamps - fire dept. Attendi~ng fires Apr. Relief driver Apr. maintain fire alaxm~, system Apr' street lam~, canopies & maintenance Switches, et, traffic signals 1 gale aluminum' fire dep. mate~ialsWe P. Ae Job lumber for watehman's cab in rent motor grader & roll. r - park cement and ooncz~te mix rent grader & roller tennis c~ux~ repairs fo~ ~ t~ck repa~s street t~ck labo~ wat~'s cab~ 4 da~ ~ wat~'s cabin 2~ ~ys lab~ 0r~ Ave Pa~k 3 day~ ~o~ 0r~ge Ave. Park 8 days labo~ P~k 8, days p~nti~ streets 10 days lair 0r~ge Ave~e 11 d~s ~boP e 120 cT~.yds, fill for park Progress pa_y~e, nt #2 Imp. So. Linden Ave 4 -'Galv. 48" x 120" flat W.P.A. sewer 2VV~pcs. sq. corr. W. P, A. sewer 59- 8" sewer pipe 3' W. P . A. Job supplies tot city hall for park 53 - 100~ bags Vigor. supplies gardener 2 garden spadds hydrant rental Apse water service W. P. A. pr .Jeer fountain and fire house # 2 playground sexwice library Service city hall service removing dogs & cats Apr. advertising May- 1 dos stenp pads phone Health Dep. Mar. and Apr. 1 envelope moistener rental space 1938 stock show 2 trips to redwood City f or registers notice of election EriE, So. Linden Ave. March "study Colma Creek maintenance "Imp. Orange Avenue Park "in re tennis ~ourt "sanitary & storm sewers So. Linden "general administration streets 2 eS~ 3e0~ 11.5~ 46 199 26, ?! 22.1~ 1,0~ 1.0( 3.0( 3,0( 3.0¢ 5.5C 5,5C 5.50 5.5(} 6.06 6,00 1~8.00 20 cO0 V6.29 16.18 21.41 136 3'7,10 V3.00 7.58 50,50 2.V5 4,50 18,00 11.2~ 15.50 15.50 13,50 13.50 13.50 13.50 36.00 36, O0 45.00 49.50 49.50 56.00 1 905.15 18.lS 55.4V 6?.05 7.91 9.84 95.59 5.66 4.12 321 cO0 1.25 3.82 22.V5 5,V2 6,00 31,50 25,00 2.69 6.50 1,55 450.00 5.00 ?,00__ 206 8V.41 170 e84 45,20 I?O.~V 21.60 S5 158e50 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Tibbetts moved they be paid. The motion was seUonded by Councilman Bold, and regularly carried. Under the head of New Business ~ayor Eschelbach announced that the city's Recreational activities mould be taken over and managed by a divisto~ of WPA projects of the State of Calif orni~a't little cost to the city, i£ application by the city council were made. He called upon Engin?er Klassen for further information on the subject.~ Mr. Klassen stated the city's playgrounds would be included ~n th~ proposi6ion, from 20 to 32 workers would be smp~Qyed on parks, play- grounds,office work,crc, at nominal costs to the city. He introduced Mr. senJamin Kost, Director of si~lar activities in the City of San Bruno. Mr. Kost outlined the various items supplied b~ the Division, the amount of money allowed by them and the amounts the city would be called upon to furnish. He stated the WPA would furnish between 21 and 30 persons to cover the needs of the City of South San Francisco. He stated the first thing the city would have to do in order to s~cure the benefits stated would be to apply to~/the WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION FOR A RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP PROJECT, submitting the name of a co-sponsor's as agent-to act for the oity in authorizing expenditures and a recreational committee of five. A1.J.Welte,Fire Chief,was appoZnt- ed comsponsor, after Engineer Klassen declined the position on-acceunt of press or-business. On the recreational Commtttee Mrs.~rgaret ~eller,Laura E~Selltck,Antotnette Ko~lowski, L.G. Hardy Jr., Andre~Rocca and S.K.Robbins were nominated. Accordingly Councilman Boido intro- dmeed .a resolution of the City C~uncll of the City of South San Francisco as follows;- RESOLUTION N0.646, RESOLUTION DIRECTING APPLICATION TO WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION FOR A RECREATIONAL LEADERSHIP PROJECT. J~ESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that said City make applica- tion to the WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION of the State of California, DiviSion of.Recreation ProJeats, for a recreational leadership project under the rules and regulations of-the Works Progress Administration for Recreational Workers to supervise play and other activities at Orange AVenue Park, in the Civic Center and on the play grounds on Linden Avenue, in Peck'.s Lots and at the Martin School in said city. A.J.Welte is hereby authorized and direc~- ed, i~ behalf of said City of South San Francisco, to sign such application. The following named persoms are hereby appointed as members of the ~ocal Recreation Committee for said c£ty;- ~ MarEaret Weller Lura E.Sellick o Antoinette Kozlowski S.K.Robbins L.G.Hardy. Jr.. Andrew Rocca I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly introduced ~nd adopte~ bY the~ City Council of the City of South San Francisco, this 2nd day of May, l~8, by the following vote;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, CoUncilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney. ~ity Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 15~. There being no further business before the board Councilman The mo~ion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 10;28 o'clock P,M. Tibbetts moved'to adjourn. Approved Mayor of South San Francisco Res~pectfully su~bmitt~,