HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-07-05474 REGULAR MEETING OF TH~, CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO,HELD TUESDAY, JULY 5,1938. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City Hall Tuesday evening, July 5th, 1938. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M., by Mayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the City Council present,as follows;- V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,M.Einucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of th~. two previous~:~eetings were,read. There 0ein'il no errors or omissions they were approved as read. This being the date set for the opening of bids to construct a fence around the city's Tennis Court, Councilman Minucciani moved they be opened. The motion was seconded by Council man Boido and regularly carried. Four bids were received, as follows;- California Wire Cloth Corporation, 10 foot fence $635, 12 foot fence,. ~775;00 Anchor Post Fence Company l0 foot fence $¥84.50 12 ft fence '$849.00 Standard Fence Company l0 foot fence ~630.87 12 ft fence ~751.84 Wickwire Spencer Steel Co. l0 foot fence ~686.15 12 ft Fence $863.57. (RESOLUTION N0.656] The Standard Fence Company appearing the lowest responsible bidder CounciLman ~inucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South ~an Francisco awarding them the contract. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the Co~zucil, as follows;- Ayes, CounciLmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, N~ne, Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel Mc~een~z_~ ~ity Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3 at page 184. RESOLUTION N0.657. A resolution authorizing the ~ayor of South San Francisco to file an application to t!~e United States of America, through the federal Emergency A~ministartion of public works,for a grant of aid in financing the construction and completion of buildings,including a swimming tank, apl~u~tenances,equipment and furnishings, for a recreation center for South San Francisco, was introduced by Councilman Boido. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, CounciLmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Counci~nen, None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest,~ Daniel McSweene~ City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume 3, at page 164. George L.Tucker, 53 E1 Camino Real,baden, applied for a business license to operate a second hand store and fixit shop at that address. Referred to Building Inspector Welte. Assistant Engineer Klassen submitted a statement to the City Council showing the amount of balance due Union Paving Company on the Linden Auenve contract, to be $293.60. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts,seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried the balance was ordered paid. The engineer also submitted a statement showing the amount due P.L.Burr on his contract to construct a playing surface for the tennis court in Orange Avenue Park~ to be $532.50, and the and the Balance due after 35 days, to be ~532.50. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by CounciLman Boido and regularly carried the amount was ordered paid. In another communication to the Council Engineer Klassen requested permission to make purchases for the city on requisitions signed by himself. Authority was granted. A comm~unication was received from the Northside Taxpayers Protective Association, stating that at a meeting of their organization on June 22,1938, members complained that the Linden Avenue Electrolier across the street from 9th lane is in a correct position to give light down 9th lane, but there is no light burning there at nights, nor any for 450 down the lane. The communication requested that t?~e city have the electrolier turned on for use of residents in this lane. Communication referred to Chairman Tibbetts of the street committee. The monthly reports of the Chief of Police, City Judge, Buildin~ Inspector, Fire Chief, Health Officer, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending J~ne 30,1938,were submitted. On motion by Councilman ~inucciani, seconded by CounciLmen hatto and regularly carried the reports were accepted. ..... RESOLUTION N0.658 ...... The Street Improvement ~=und being overdrawn by ~4,272.:32 Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco withdrawing $7500 from the Gehe~al Fund to be deposited in the Street Improvement Fund. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, B.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani,D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes,Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSw~eney. gity Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Volume 3, at page 1.55. Claims in the amount of $3,824.04 were next pres ent to the city council for psyment: California State Auto. Assn. Bostitch, Western Inc. W. P. Fuller Co. Dudley Perkins Co. Roy's Repair Shop Union Oil Co. Louis Betlsni So. City Auto Service Fred J. Lautze A. Lazzart & Son Kellys Welding Shop Seagrave Corporation A. Welte E. RoSsi J. Feri W. Garibaldi J. Famb~'i ni A. Robinson L. Savares S. Barney G. Olmstead S. Schurk P. Smith F. Gamba C. Begnal E. Kozlowski A. Johnson R. Smith V. Ullery M. Castro W. Locatellt J. Huntington A. Robinson C. Bott G. Maggi C. Rinehart G. Kincannon G. Penna Enterprise Press The Ent e~prise Ente~qori se Press Sprouse Reitz Co. Well Worth Store Cook's Oil Co. A. Pache co Pacheco Electric P. L. Burr W. Gorman C. A. McDanial M. Laufer F. Maudoli E. Soto J. Welch John Morris Pac. Tele. & Tele. California Water Sexwice P. G. & E. Co. Swift and Co. A. N. Bloomquist W. S. Wetenhall Co. J. Figoni Co. Arndt's Dept. Store 13 white crystals $ stamp pa d & inck 10 gals.traffic paint Service motorcycle,etc. 9 motorcycle tires 9 auto ~ amps Peace 02ficer's dues 1938, etc. repairs police buick rental Ford Sedan i Batter y St. Dept. " Chev. cpe. Supp.lie s fire dept. Weld par k fire truck 6 gaskets 1 manifold expense to Salinas,etc. attend f ires June 1 ~ day burning grass 4 days burning" 4_m 4~ ,, 4~ ",, matches fire dept. bread fo r city dumps 2375 tax bills legal no tices 500 seco nd sheets recreat ion dept. materials " Supplies " 7.14 bbl. fuel oil 9.38 " Oil for W.P.A. job maintain fire system June & other r?pairs repair shears - reset clocks maintain street lights etc. 1 payment tennis court c~ntract cleaning weeds park labor Linden Ave side- walk labor Or ange Ave. park removir4q cats & dogs Phone #~01 city hall service hydrsnt ~ental June fountain & fire house W'P.A. project service service city dumps library service service various parks misc. service J~ne street 1 ights June 2 sacks salt 620 Gals. SC-IA 300 lin. ft. pipe cleaning city hall win- dows & fountain to 6/30 canvas for park .93 9.83 2 q. 66 2.68 18.90 .67 7.24 5.00 9,53 9.53 15.44 1.00 1.13 15 .O6 1.00 2.00 2.bO 3.00 3.50 4.50 4.50 5.50 7.00 V.O0 8.00 9.50 9.50 10.00 10.50 16. O0 17.50 18. O0 9.25 18.00 90.95 90.25 90.25 20.95 .60 .75 189.99 48. O0 1.29 16.50 13.25 10.30 13.52 6.24 45.00 ~ 7.25 94.94 539.50 9.00 13.50 29.50 27.00 27.00 33.75 15.50 9.50 36.27 321.00 5.80 6.11 1.25 24.57 141.94 VV.59 722.41 1.VO 195.32 31.00 5.99 W. P. Fuller Co. Ihld. ley Perkins Co. Roy's Repair Shop Union Oil Co. Louis Betloni So. City Auto Service Fred J. Lautze 1! A. Lazzart & Son Kellys Welding Shop Seagrave Corporation A. Welte E. RoSsi J. Femi W. Garibaldi J. Fambz~.ni A. Robinson Le Savares S. Barney G. Olmstead S. Schurk P. Smith F. Gamba C. Be gnal E. Kozlowski A. Johnson R. Smith V. Ulle~ N. Castro W. Locatelli J. Huntington A. Robinson C. BoPt G. Naggi C. Rinehart G. Kincannon G. Penna . Enterprise Press The ~te~rise Entempri se Press Sprouse Reitz Co. Well Worth Store Cook's Oil Co. A. Pache co Pacheco Electric P. L. Burr W. Gor~an C. A. McDanial M. Laufer F. Msndoli E. Soto J. Welch John Morris Pac. Tele. & Tele. California Water Service P. G. & E. Co. Swift and Co. A. N. Bloomquist W. S. Wetenhall Co. J. Figoni Co. Arndt's Dept. Store Bertucelli & Nannini Golden West Quarry Chamber of Commerce $ stamp pa d & inck 10 gals.traf~_tc paint Service motorcycle ,etc. 9 motorcycle tires 9 auto ~ amps Peace Officer's dues 1958, etc. repairs police buick rental Ford Sedan ! Batter y St. Dept. " Chev. cpe. Supp!ies fire dept. Weld par k fire truck 6 gaskets I manifold expense to Salinas,etc. attend f ires June ~ day burning grass . 4 days b urni~ . ~ " matches fire dept. bread fo r city d~ps ~375 t~ bills legal no tfces 500 seco nd sheets retreat ion dept. materials Supplies " 7.14 bbl. fuel oil 9.38 " Oil for W.P,A. job maintain fire system June & othe~ r~pairs repair sheams - ~set clocks maintain street lights 1 pa~ent te~ts court e ont ~a ct cleani~ weeds park labo~ Ltnden Ave side- walk labo~ Or ange Ave. park ~emov~q eats & dogs Phone ~01 city hall se~ice hydrsnt ~ntal June Fountain & fire house W'P.A. p~oject se~ice se~vice city d~ps library ~mvice service various pa~ks mfsc, service June street i i~ts June ~ sacks salt 690 Gals, SC-lA 300 lin. Ft. pipe cleaning city hall win- dows & fountain to ~/30 c~vas for p~k supplies city hall 65.30 ton cm. ~n advemtfsfng July 2.83 22.66 9.68 18.90 .6V 7.24 91, VV 5.00 9,53 9.53 15.44 1,00 1.13 15.06 1.00 ?.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.50 4.50 5.50 V.O0 V.O0 8.00 9.50 9.50 1Q.O0 10.50 16. O0 17.50 18, O0 2.95 18,00 ~0.25 20.25 20.95 .60 .75 189.99 48. O0 1.29 16.50 13.25 10.30 13.59 6.24 45.00 . 7.25 24.24 53~.50 9.00 13.50 29.50 9V.O0 ~7.00 33.V5 15.50 9.50 36.2V 391.00 5.80 6.11 1.25 ?4,57 141.94 77.59 7~,41 1.70 31.93 195.32 31.00 5.99 13.03 50.45 95.00 476 Richfield Oil Co~p. Dalesco Neon Co. Union Paving Co. 400 gals. gas J~ne M~ $ 2 Neon signs 367 cu. yds rock for Linden Total ....... $ 69.68 R78.10 9_,93.60 3,894.04 The claims having been audited by the finance committee councilman Minucciani moved they be paid. '~'he motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Under the~head of ~ew Business Mayor Eschelbach announced that Driver P~troff was off duty? sick, and Charles Lema-was taking his place temporarily, at a salary of $130 pe!r month, whereas Mr. Pertoff's salary was $150 per month, The ~ayor suggested that Lema's salary should be the same as Petroff-'s. Councilman Tibbetts moved that th~ Lema salary be raised to ~150 per month while working temporarily in Driver Petroff's place. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Mayor Eschelbach inquired from !~ity Attorney Coleberd if ~ecreational employees and children playing in the city grounds on city apparatus could sue the city in case of accidents. Mr. Coleberd advised that that the city clerk write the State Compensation Insurance Fund and inquire as to the city's responsibility. ~,~ CounciLman Minucciaui re'~orted that a delej~ation visited the fire houses at £alinas. and Watsonville and favored i~La~~ structure of the Oalinas fire house type. The councilman advised that an architeet be employed to co~mmence proceedings on a new fire house for this city, the building to be a central fire house, and in a central location. He sugEested that Architect Gutterman be contacted. ~e and the committee will make further study of location and size of building proposed~ and equipment to be added to the city's present apparatus. The whole pro- position to be submitted to a vote of the people, with other proposition~ at a bond election. Mr. Rocca~of the Committee on Cizmnunity House said the architect was working away, and asked Engineer Elassen the approximate cost of streets, storm and sanitary sewers , grading etc, The engineer stated he would have to have instructions from the City Council~to prepare such figure~. Engineer Elassen reoorted that the South San Francisco Land & ImprOvement Company is con- templating the opening of a new subdivision in the region west of 0range Avenue and between Co~er- cial and Railroad Avenues, and stated the company would expect the city to lay main sewers through the tract. After discussion it was agreed that the city would lay the main sewer if the tract was opened. ~ayor Eschelbach announced that the soccor field required a fill of some 5000 yards and knew where he ceuld secure the amount of soil about free,except the hauling. ~o partioUla~ objections were~offered. The ~ayor asked that a filing cabinet be secured for him i~ takin' care of records of matters that come to his office. Councilman ~atto stated he had a city file which the ~ayor could have. There ~eing no further business Councilman Minucciani moved to adjourn until Monday evening, July 18,1938,at 8.o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded y Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;40 o'clock P.~. Approved Mayo,-of South-g--a~Y[ancisco- Respe ct fully ity Cler~