HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-10-17REGULARLk' ADJOURNED*.~ ~EETING OF T~ CIT~ CO[~NCIL O~~ T~ CiTk 0~~ SOUT~ SAN FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER, l~TH,l~38. The regular meeting of the City Council of the the City Hall,Monday evening, October 1~th,1938. City of South San Francisco was held ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the City Council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the three previous meetings were read. There being no errors or omissio~ they were approved as read. Two applications were made by the Pacific ~as & Electric Company, one for permission t( install a ~" gas main in the crossings of City Park Addition and one to extend theor 2" gat mai. n in t~e easterly sidewalk area of Poplar Avenue from Parkway to a point 88' southerly, Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the desired permission granted. A communication was received from the Treasury Department, Washington,D.C. relative to water drainage from the Proposed new postofftce on Linden and Niller Avenues,stating certai~ conditions under which tt..e flow of rain water would be controlled. Councilman Tibbetts move( that the desired permit be given the government to discharge rain water from the light well the roof water not to be connedted with the sanitary sewer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bo~.~o and regularly carried. The aooiedad~xicana Eutualista ~orelos,inc. reported that they had opened their club house at 31~ Oaden Avenue, and will be opened from 6 p.m. to l0 p.m. nightly, The club rep( ed that the~ had received a retailer's license, No,B3~318,from the State Board of Equaliza~ to sell beer. A notice was received from the State Board asking the city council if they t ann objection to t~e society having a license. There being none Councilman ~inucciani moved that the city place no objection in the wa~ of tLe society securing the license. The motion seconded by Councilman Tibbetts aN~d regularly carried. An application was made by Lawrence Nallace for an increase of salary from 90 dollar~ to ~125 per month,statin~ he is working six full days a week,including holidays, from eight o'clock A.~I. to five o'clock P.~. ~ioved by Councilman Boido that ~r. Wallace be given a ra~ of ~18.00 a month, making his salary ~105.00 per month, commencing November 1,1938. The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. A communication was received from John Figoni, window cleaner, asking the City Council to raise the present license fee higher, stating he lives in South San Francisco and wish~ to see the city pro,per. ~he City Clerk was instructed to address a communication to the window cleaners asking if this arrangement is satisfactory to them. An application was received from the Ramblers Club of South San Francisco, asking fo~ permit to hold a dance On Saturday evening, November l~,1938,and enclosed ~5.00 for police protection. On motion by Councilman Ratto,seconded by Councilman .Tibbetts and regularly carried the permit was granted. ~'he ~.ocieta Lombarda applied for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal ~all, Novemb~ 5,1938,from 9 o'clock P.~. to i o'clock A.~I. On motion by Councilman ~iinucciani,seconded bl Councilman Ratto and regularly carried, the desired permit was granted. ~.00 for police protection accompanied the application. The ~arket Street Railway Company replied to the city's letter requesting them to f~ a better lighting system at the shelter, Orange Avenue and their railroad trcks. The compan~ stated that the light cluster at the point mentioned went out shortly previously and that t~ had since remedied the defect. Communication accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from Edmund Parrott Chapter Inc. Nol6, Disable Americ~ Veterans of the World War, requesting permission to sell ~d install American Flag Units in city. ~o~ed by Councilman ~inucciani that the request be granted. The motion was seconded b~ Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of John Penna for appointment to the call force~ of the fire department. Moved by Councilman Ratto,t~at the appoi~tment be made. The motion seoonded bN Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. The monthly report of ~ity Treasurer Ed.P.Kauffmann for the month ending 'September 19~8, was received and accepted. The Democratic Committee of San ateo County asked permission to hold a meeting of party in the Council Chambers of the Cit~ Hall,Friday,0ctober ~l,l~$. ~oved by Councilman that the request be granted, The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Hugh F.~cNellis appeared before the council and asked permission to use the counci~ bets for a meeting of the $3~ a week California Retirement plan. Permission was granted, bu~ ~ayor Eschelbach advised that there be no friction between the parties. Councilman Tibbetts submitted Resolution "B", ef the City of South San Francisco, re-submit to the electors at the November 8,general election, the proposition to incur a boz indebtedness for the construction of a recreational center and buildings and a swimming tan~ On roll call Councilmen Boido,Eschelbach and Tibbetts voted for the measure,and Councilmen ~inucciani and Ratto voted against the adoption of the resolution. Many argumar were put forth in favor of the passage~of the resolution. ~r. Andrew Rocca greatly favored acquisition of the buildinga and swimming tank. ~'e stated there would b~ no raise in city valuations or cit}~ taxes. He read a communication from the President of the South San Fran- cisco Land & Improvement Company, by Mr. P.J.Shaw, in which the land company offered to exch~ the site at the high school favored in the voting September 27 for the Acacia Avenue Park, the city voted in favor of the bonds in the November election. Experts from the Jefferson Swimming pool .spoke of the success of tLat venture, stating the costs of upkeep are about balanced by the admission charge. Ben Kost of the South San Francisco Recreational Center si he had been in conference with Mr. Fugerson of the~.Jefferson swimming pool,and was told the is paying for itself. Charles Ledwith, Logan Franklin, Councilman Boido and Mayor Eschelt spoke highly in favor of the bond issue. Mayor Eschelbach stated that the committee on ti projects agreed to pay all expenses of the bond elections, that there would be no raise in t city's valuations and no raise in the tax rate. Councilman ~inucciani stated the people h their chance to vote for the improvements and had turned them down, and he would not change mind on the subject. Councilman Ratto said a large petition was submitted to the city cou council u~ging the construction and developing of a beach and the petition was not acted up that increased license mone}' from the dog track was received and was intended for the but Esehelback Boido and Nager had-~s~9ent it on parks. Councilman Boido said the beach. bonding electionThis being the date for the opening of bids for bank protection of the Channels, bids were ordered o~ned. There were none. It w~ ~f~ ~ ~.~ The'minute~ of' the ~h~-pr~v~ous meetings were read. There being no r or omissio~ they were approved as read. Two applications were made by the Pacific Was & Electric Company, one ~or permission t, install a 2" gas main in the crossings of City Park Addition and one to extend theor 2" ga: ma~n in t~e easterly sidewalk area of Poplar Avenue from Parkway to a point 88' southerly, Referred to Councilman Tibbetts and the desired permission granted. A communication was received from the Treasury Department, Washington,D.C. relative to water drainage from the Proposed new postoffice on Linden and Miller Avenues,stating certai~ conditions under which tt_e flow of rain water would be controlled. Councilman Tibbetts move( that the desired permit be given the government to discharge rain water from the light well the roof water not to be connedted with the sanitary sewer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. The Sociedad~Mexicana Mutualista ~orelos,inc. reported that they had opened their club house at ~12 ~aden Avenue, and will be opened from 6 p.m. to l0 p.m. nightly, The club rep( ed that the2 had received a retailer's license, No,B37318,from the State Board of Equalizat to sell beer. A notice was received from the State Board asking the city council if they t an~ objection to t~e society having a license. There being none Councilman Minucciani moved that the city place no objection in the way of the society securing the license. The motion seconded by Councilman Tibbetts a~d regularly carried. An application was made by Lawrence Nallace for an increase of salary from 90 dollar: to ,12~ per month,statin~ t~ 'is working six full days a week,including holidays, from eight o'clock A.N. to five o'clock P.~. ~oved by Councilman Boido that ~r. Wallace be given a ra~ of ~18.00 a month, making his salary ~10~.00 per month, commencing November 1,1938. The motion was seconded by Councilman ~inucciani and regularly carried. A communication was received from John Figoni, window cleaner, asking the City Counci] to raise the present license fee higher, stating he lives in South San Francisco and wishe to see the city pro,per. ~he City Clerk was instructed to address a communication to the ot window cleaners asking if this arrangement is satisfactory to them. An application was received from the Ramblers Club of South San Francisco, asking fo: permit to hold a dance On Saturday evening, November 19,1938,and enclosed ~5.00 for police protection. On motion by Councilman Ratto,seconded by Councilman ~Tibbetts and regularly carried the permit was granted. i'he [.ocieta Lombarda applied for a permit to hold a dance in Fraternal Mall, Novembe 5,1938,from 9 o'clock P.M. to i o'clock A.M. On motion by Councilman ~inucciani,seconded bi Councilman Ratto and regularly carried, the desired permit was granted. ~5.00 for police protection accompanied the application. The Market Street Railway Company replied to the city's letter req~_esting them to a better lighting system at the shelter, Orange Avenue and their railroad trcks. The compan] stated that the light cluster at the point mentioned went out shortly previously and that tl had since remedied the defect. Communication accepted and placed on file. A communication was received from Edmund Parrott Chapter Inc. Nol6, Disable America Veterans of the World War, requesting permission to sell sod install American Flag Units in city. MoVed by Councilman Minucciani that the request be granted. The motion was seconded b~ Councilman Boido and regularly carried. i~'ire Chief Welte submitted the name of John Penna for appointment to the call forces of the fire department. Moved by Councilman Eatto,tl_at the appoi~tment be made. The motion seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried. The monthly report of ~ity Treasurer E~.P.Kauffmann for the month ending September 3 1938, was received and accepted. The Democratic Committee of San ateo County asked permission to hold a meeting of t party in the Council Chambers of the Cit~ ~all,~¥iday,0ctober ~1,1935. ~oved by Councilman R that the request be granted, The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Hugh F.~cNellis appeared before the council and asked peEnission to use the council bers for a meeting of the ~O a week California Retirement plan. Permission was granted, but ~ayor Eschelbach advised that there be no friction between the parties. Councilman Ttbbetts submitted Resolution "B", of the City of South San Francisco, t re-submit to the electors at the November 8,general election, the proposition to incur abon indebtedness for the construction of a recreational center and buildings and a swimming tank On roll call Councilmen Boido,Eschelbach and Tibbetts voted for the measure,and Councilmen Einucciani and Ratto voted against the adoption of the resolution. Many arguman' were put forth in favor of the passage~of the resolution. acquisition of the buildinga and swimming tank. ~e stated there would ~ no raise in city valuations or cit~~ taxes. Ee read a communication from the President of the So~th San Fran- cisco Land & Improvement Company, by Mr. P.J.Shaw, in which the land company offered to excha~ the site at the high school favored in the voting September ~ for the Acacia Avenue Park, ~ the city voted in favor of the bonds in the November election. Experts from the Jefferson Swimming pool spoke of the success of that venture, stating the costs of upkeep are about balanced by the admission charge. Ben Kost of the South San Francisco ~ecreational Center st~ he had been in conference with ~r. Fugerson of the Jefferson swimming pool,and was told the is paying for itself. Charles Ledwith, Logan Franklin, Councilman Boido and ~ayor Eschelb~ spoke highly in favor of the bond issue. ~ayor Aschelbach stated that the committee on th, projects agreed to pay all expenses of the bond elections, that there would be no raise in t! city's valuations and no raise in the tax rate. Councilman ~inucciani stated the people h~ their chance to vote for the improvements and had turned~them down, and he would not change mind on the subject. Councilman ~atto said a large petition was submitted to the city cou~ council urging the construction and developing of a beach and the petition was not acted up( that increased license mone~ from the dog track was received and was intended for the beach but Eschelback hoido and Mager had~Pent it on parks. C~u~c~l~an Bo~do~aid the be~ch project be a bonding electionThis being the date for the opening of bids ~o~ oanK pro~ecD~on of the ~olma Creek Channels, bids were ordered opened. There were none. It was decided to re-advertise for b~ Engineer Klassen stated the estimated cost would be about $1140.00. On the proposed resurfacing of Linden Avenue City Attorney Coleberd asked Engineer Klassen questions as to the character of the work done~time of completion by the Union Paving Company, according to the company's calculation , etc. Mr. Klassen said the work was not up to the specifi- cations, nor in any sence good work. He stated he notified the company of the defects in the work, several times and they took no notice of the warning. Accordingly Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the City of South San Francisco adopting plans an~ specifications for resurfacing Linden Avenue. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council,as follows~- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,AoJ.Eschelbach,M.Minucciani,R.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3,at page 198. RESOLUTION N0.69V. RESOLUTION ORDERING RESURFACING A PORTION OF LINDEN AVENUE IN THE CIi~Y 0F SOUT~ SAN FRANCISCO No.698. Councilman Minucciani introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco ordering the resurfacing of a portion of Linden Avenue. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council,as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of nesolutions. Vol.3, at pages 198 to 201. Claims in the amount of $4673.35were presented to the city coUncil, for payment as follows: E. Carreiro 921 days Colma Creek $ 42.75~ S.C.Lumber ~ Supply Coacrete aggreg. , 3.5~ D. Maltoni " " " " 42.75 " " " Material 209.86 S. Pascuzzt 8 " " " 36.00 V.Ullery lday relief driv. 5.0C L. Alfano 9½" " " 42.75 F.Gamba 5" " " 25.00 N. Guidotti 7~ " " " 33.75 Inds. City Lumber Material- Rec. Dep. 58.4¢ G. Gussoni 9 " " " 40.50 Western Pipe&Steel Culvert,coupling 41.45 R. Bertuccelli 7 " " " 31.50 Well-Worth Co. Recrea. purposes 1.64 N. Santucci 921 " " " 42.75 George A. Kneese Weed assess. F. Mandoli 12 "trimming trees 54.00 " " " M. Laufer 5 "Orange Ave. Park 22.50 " " " J. MaschevicchMl2 " " " " 54.00 Lillian Laufer R. R. Sharkey 9 Ev~lyn Matting F. Diew 7~ Fred. J. Lautze M. Casagrandi 6 " " D. Rosaia 621 Calif.WaterServ. Co. Water service. B. McDermott -Hallawell Seed Co. Superior Laundry A.J.Pacheco Pacheco Electric Chas. Hover W.S. Wetenhall Co. Arndt's Store W.H. Rowe Sprouse-Reitz Co. F. Pariani Union 0il Co. Spears-Wells Mchy. Inds. City Lumber "storm ditch R.R.Ave.40.50 " " " " " 33.75 " " " MissionRd27.00 "repairing streets 29.25 Mutual Eng. Co. Material & labor. 11.15 Enterprise Press 100 cert. of appoint. 13.18 " " Notices-eonst.¢olma Creek 45.00 Dalesco Neon Green arrow - 0ra.fcE1 Cam.17.50 G. Penna Bread for dumps ,, , Material Pacific Tel&Tel Exchange service Hickey & Son Material Gas & Elec. Co. Street lighting " " Various accounts State Compeasation Insurance Fund Ins. L.C. Smith Truck rental W.P.'A. Enterprise Fdy. Furnishings- Fire Dept. Dudley Perkins Motorcycle service .75 .82 5.00 21.91 722.41 108.52 630.26 59.76 10.30 4.75 18.13 Maps,Col.ditch,surve457.12 genl.admin, streets 21.'§~ 10days clerical work~0C 5" "' " 22.5~ Install.- Fire. Dept. Post.Cards address. Flower seeds Wash - Fire house repairs,maintenance 8.45 6.94 178.37 355.85 4.0¢ 1.39 ,. 4.2~ 57.0C' Mainten. street ' .22.35 Dragline,truck rent.136.35 Material 236.5C Blar~et,Fire Dept. 6.18 Plans,Rec.&Fire"Sta.200.0¢ Material, Rec~Dept. 1.0~ Install.,police dept 7.7C Lamp,.police dept. 3.73 Street maintenance 232.0C Stakes,Oak Ave.Park 22.22 Linden ~ve. Gar. Work on city trucks 14.76 Grand Total - - - $ 4 673.3~ ' The finance committee having audited the claims Councilman Tibbetts moved the-be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business action on the request of the city firemen for a raise in salary was postponed. '~.In the matter of the notice of the State Highway Commission to the city that the signal lights at Grand Avenue and Bayshore High:way are not rotating according to permission given the city , and requesting that action to correct the manner of sequence as now used be taken immedialely, Chief of Police Belloni was instructed to thae charge of the matter at once. Referring to the request of Mr. Canagetti for a permit to practice archery in the City of South San Francisco, City Councilman Tibbetts reported t~at he had visited Golden Gate Park, where the game is played considerably and found that the players own their own equipment. He asked if the City Council had an objections to players using their own equipment in this city. There were none. Councilman Tibbetts reported that the Lodge Truck now used in the street' department is iz. bad shape, requiring several hundred dollars to refit it, and advised that a new truck be purchzsed. This was agreeable to the city council and the City Attornay was instructed to prepares specifi- cation for bids to be called for. Councilman Minucciani requested that bids be calle for for a Ford, Chevrolet and International. So ordered. Engineer Klassen reported that he hsd not see~ ~h~ Ro~nd Chain Company. ihere being no further business ~.. :Lcouncllman~ Mi~-¢ia~'~'~ moved to adjourn until Tuesday evening, October 18,1938,at 7;30 o'cleck ~.mo The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 10;55 o'clock P.M. Epproved ~ayor of South San Francisco.