HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1938-12-19RE[;ULAR ~[EETING 0F T}~ CITY COUNCIL OF Tt~ CITY OF SOUTH SAI'~ FRANCISCO,}~LD Iv~ONDAY ,i ECEI¥1BER 19,1938. The regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South Zan Francisco was held ~n the City Hall, ~v;onday evening, December 19,1938. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.~l. by ~iayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all the members of the council present,as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~,i.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the two previous meetins~s were read. 'lhore being no errors or omissiO~ they were approved as read. A communication was received from the S0.S..F.Chamber of Co~nerce favoring the extensi~ of the li?hting systam on the Bayshore ~lighway through South San Francisco to the underpass~ and reconnuending that the cit~ petition the State l~igL, way 6ommission to effect the improve-me~ It was decided to have t~-.e city attorney confer with our legislators in Sacramento first, Senator Park~nan and Assemblyman Harry Call. Complaints were received from G.Imparato a~ainst weed charges against his property. TI com~:laints were ordered placed in the Weed Complaint file until such time as t~:e city can tak~ all complaints of this character up. Fire Chief A.J.Welte recommended the appointment to the call forces of the Fire Depart ment of Vincent Antista to fill a vacancy. Councilman ~linucciani moved the appointment be made. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. A communication was received by Benjamin Kost , superintendent of W.P.A. Recreational activities , from the ~,~artin Primary ?.T.A, secretary,thanking him for his assistance in maki~ success of their Christmas Festival. A statement was submitted.by Engineer Klassen showing that L.C.Smith, contractor on the excavation of maintenance channels of Colma Creek, has the amount of ~31~8.53 due him. On motion by Councilman 1,,iinucciani, seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried the amc was ordered paid. Gilbert Panattieri , 6V8 Railroad Avenue applied for a business license to sell medic! and drugs with store headquarters at V01 L~nden Avenue, the goods to be sold. from house to ho: with a regular business license, of ,$11.00 per annum, i e was instructed to secure a six mon' lease fro~ the proprietor of the store and appear before the council next evening, Tuesday, December ~0,1~38,at V o'clock p.m. Sante t{osaia and E.Rosaia protested in writing against paying for the cutting of w~e~ by the city in front of their property, saying tiey cut the weeds themselves~ and asked for a refund of the amount. Ordered placed in the the weed file folder for consideration later. A con'~unication was received from i¥[r. Lester In, herman, ~ianager of the State Theatre, stating t~at the lighting system on Baden Avenue alongside of the theatre is very poor, that cars have been tampered with while the ownere were in the show house and asked that floodligh~ be placed in the street for the convenience of the public and the safety of their cars. Refer~ to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation. A communication was received from Benjamin G.Kost, recreational Director unSer the W.P.A, tLank]ng all the city officials for their courtesy to him ~uring' his term in South San Francisco,and wished all of the?~ a very merry Christmas: and a happy and promperous New lear. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. ~.iayor Eschelbach stated the city exoected more help from the recreatinal 5eoartment was .oromise~! about 05 to thirty persons i¥1r.Kost explained t]~ at b~t 15 were allotted by t? e mana;;ement, that 8 of them are from South San Francisco. ~e requested that tBe city enter into a new. agreement with W.~.A by the spon for recreational ~o~k for the ensuing year. Councilman ~atto, while believing in the character of the project stated many of t~e persons e~ployed are doing practicall~ nothing fo tBeir money, making the ~.P.A. a racket and should be reported back to headquarters as bein~ $ unworthy of t~eir salary, while others in the depar-.ment are doing good work. I~r. Kost explai~ t~at while t~e most of the laborers are old, ~hey do ~:rettF well for tLe small salary they re.'.eive, just barely enougL to eat on~ that if t~e,~., were not doing a little something for the: small pa~~ they would be on tt.e dole, ~ietting about the same assistance and doing notLing for goverrmlent whatever. After considerable further discussion ail five members of the council v to continue the recreational work for the coming year. A communication was received from ,~¥ir. Charle Frederic?,s, SecretarF and i,;anager of' the :'~rancisco pound, giving details in the mana~ement of a public pound, suggesting matters conaerning salaries commissions, etc,etc and inviting the poundman and Councilman '±ibb~tts to the San Francisco pound for sn~~ information or ad~ice they might care to have. Councilman Tibbetts moved that Arthur Johnson be appointed poundmaster, his term to be January 1,1939, at a salary of ~60 per month. Councilman I?~,inucciani secconded the motion and was regularly, carried. Under the head of unfinished business, the cierk,h~ving written to the State Bighway Cormmission relative to their request to the ~ity to cooperate with them in establishing set- back lines of 30' on the Bayshore Highway, inviting a representative of the commission to vis the ~City Council and explain their attitude in the matter, ~ir. ~cCurdy appeared before the C Council and gave the reasons why the commission wished to change the set-back lines. After considerable discussion tLe cit,~ council decided to refer the ~s.t~er to the Planning Commissi Under the head of new business City Attorney Colsberd that the bonds of Brothers are not surrendered to t.t~ company at any time, the city being in continuous possess of them. Th, e award of contract-to /.J.Main for re-surfacing South Linden Avenue was postpo until the city attorney has time to ascertain :;..f the contractor is willing to extend the star date for several weeks later. Engineer Klassen stated he would not allow work.to start on th avenue until Sprin[~, when all danger of very wet weather is past. City attorney Coleberd st he still has hopes that t]-e bnion i:aving Company will chan;-~e their mind and a~ree to arbitrat to settle t~'e dispute of tl:e South Linden Avenue job. I';ir. Victor Lonati appeared before the council with reference to the lack of drainage~ for winter waters at Bayshore and Armour Avenue.. It was agreed by the city and engineer Klas that something would be done there to take up considerable if not all surplus waters, tie sta he-had been in conference with the State authorites on the subject, who stated they would co out and look over the situation. ~ayor Eschelbach stated the city had been paying employees salary for the Christmass days for many years and called for a motion to nay' as usual. Accordingly Councilman Councilma Tibbetts moved that the December salaries of the city emp_ loyees be paid before Christmass. 'ih motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and all councilmen voted Aye. · Claims in the amount $5522.86 were next presented to the council for payment;- they were approvem as re am. A communication was received from the SO.S..l;'.Ckamber of CoN~nerce favoring the extensic of the lighting systam on the Bayshore Highway through South San Francisco to the underpass~ and recon~nending that the cit~ petit.ion the State ~ig~:way 6onm~ission to effect the improveme~ It was decided to have tl'e city attorney confer with our legislators in Sacramento first, Senator Parknr~an and Assemblyman Harry Call. Complaints were received from G.Imparato a%~'ainst weed charges against his property. T1 com~:laints were ordered placed in the Weed Complaint file until such time as tl'e city can tak~ all complaints of this character up. Fire Chief A.J.~Jelte recommended the appointment to the call forces of the F~re Depart ment of Vincent Antista to fill a vacancy. Councilman ~m~linucciani moved the appointment be made. lhe motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. A communication was received by Benjamin Kost , superintendent of W.P.A. Recreational activities , from the ~;~artin Primary P.T.A, se~retary,thanking him for his assistance in maki~ success of their Christmas Festival. A statement was submitted by Engineer Klassen showing that L.C.Smith, contractor on the excavation of maintenance channels of Colma Creek, has the amount of ~1~8.~ due him. On motion by Councilman P~inucciani, seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried the amc was ordered paid. Gilbert Panattieri , 878 Railroad Avenue applied for a business license to sell medic~ and drugs with store headquarters at ~01 L~nden Avenue~ the goods to be sold. from house to ho~ with a regular business license~ of ,~11.00 per annum. ~ e was instructed to secure a six mort' lease fro~ the proprietor of the store and appear before the council next evening, Tuesday, December ~,0,1~8,at 7 o'clock p.m. Sante ~osaia and E.Rosaia protested in writing against paying for the cuttingl of w~,e~ by the city in front of their property, saying tLey cut the weeds themselves~ and asked for a refund of the amount. Ordered placed in the the weed file folder for consideration later. A con~unication was received from i~ir. Lester In~uerman, ~!anager of the State Theatre, stating ttat the lightin~ system on Baden Avenue alongside of the theatre is very poor, that cars have been tampered with while the ownere were in the show house and asked that floodlight be placed in the street for the convenience of the public and the safety of their cars. Refer~ to Councilman Tibbetts for investigation. A communication was received from Benjamin G.Kost, recreational Director un~er the W.P.A, thanking all the city officials for their courtesy to him ~urln~~' his term in South San Francisco,and wished all of the~'~ a very merry Christma~ and a ~appy and prosperous New Iear. Communication accepted and ordered placed on file. ~ayor Eschelbach stated the city exoected more help from the recreatinal ~eoartment~ , was _oromise~! about 08 to thirty persons. ~ir.Kost explained ti~ at b~t 15 were allotted by t? e mana~;ement, that 8 of them are from South San Francisco. -~e requested that the city enter into a new.agreement with ~'7.~~.A by the spon: for recreational ~wo~k for t~e ensuing year. Councilman ~atto, while believing in t~e character of the project stated many of t~,e persons employed are doing practicall~ nothing fo~ their money, making the '~.P.A. a rachet and should be reported back to headquarters as bein~ , unworthy of their salary, while others in tlc department are doing good work. Yr. ~ost explai~ tl at while the most of the lab~rers are old, ~hey do ~,rett~ we!l for tlc small salary they re~'.eive, just barely enougL to eat on~ that if t~e,~, were not doing a little something for the~ small pa~~ they would be on tie dole, gettiny about the same assistance and aoing nothing f~r government whatever. After considerable £~rther discussion ail five members of the council w to continue the recreational work for the coming year. A communication was received from ~r. Charle Frederichs, Secretar~ and ~anager of' the ~rancisco pound, gi~ing details in the mana~ement of a public pound, suggesting matterh conaerning salaries commissions, etc,etc and in~iting the poundman and Councilman '±ibbetts to the San ~rancisco pound for sn~~ information or ad,ice they might care to have. Councilman Tibbetts moved that Arthur Johnson be appointed poundmaster, his term to bei ~anuary 1,19Zg, at a salary of ~60 per month. Councilman Im~iinucciani secconded the motion and was regularl~ carried. Under the head of unfinished business, the clerk,having written to the State Bighway Cormmission relative to their request to the ~ity to cooperate with them in establishing set- back lines of $0' on the Bayshore Highway, inwiting a representative of the com~ission to vis'~ the ~City Council and explain their attitude in the matter, ~r. ~c¢~urdy appeared before the C~ Council and gave the reasons why the co~m~ission wished to change the set-back lines. After considerable discussion the cit~ council decided to refer the n~at~er to the Planning Commissi~ Under the head of new business City Attorney Colsberd that the bonds of ~acc¢ Brothers are not surrendered to t~ company at any time, the city being in continuous possess~ of them. The award of contract', to ~'.J.i~.~ain for re-surfacing South Linden Avenue was postpo~ until the city attorney has time to ascertain if t]~e contractor is willing to extend the star' date for several weeks later. Engineer Klassen stated he wouid not allow work.to start on th~ avenue until Sprin[~, when all danger of very wet weather is past. City attorney Coleber¢~ st~ he still has hopes that t?e linion i~aving Company will chan;~e their mind and agree to arbitrat~ to settle t~'e dispute of tte South Linden Avenue job. · i¥~r. Victor Lonati appeared before the council with reference to the lack of drainage for winter waters at Bayshore and Armour Avenue. It was agreed by the city and engineer Klas; that something would be done there to take up considerable if not all surplus waters, he sta' he. had been in conference with the State authoriles on the subject, who stated thes~ would co: out and look over the situation. ~iayor Eschelbach stated the city bad been paying employees ss~lary for the Christmass ] days for many years and called for a motion to nay as usual. Accordingly Councilman Councilma~ Tibbetts moved that the December salaries of the city employees be paid before Christmass. 'ih. motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and all councilmen voted Aye. · Claims in the amount ~5522.86 were next presented to the council for payment;- Rent?? i~.Gutterson architect on the library wing ~438.~1 ~estern ~l,.~'F'g Co materials, police dept .~ V.~/3 Fashion Clothing Company police suit & cal D~ifcer Lazzari ~ 54.~.59 ? disbursements continued;- W,P ,F~.ller Oompany Robinson Drug Co The Albert Peters Co., F.Gamba A. Jo?mson i,~anu el Castro R .Rinehart V.Ullery Corner Grocery E,Carrierio J. Hans on Joe Galli I~. R. Sharkey W. Perry t~,. Qu inlan N. ~u t cher (~. Cornell H. Truxall A .Cerri S.kascuzz~ J. kas clove cchio Ivlartin ~oro 0. Bi anch ini ~i. Laufe r F.Parent,~ L.C .Smith Pacheco Electric ~od Tibbetts relief driver installing lights ?! ti tt Supplies fire dept Labor on Colma Creek traffic white .~ 9.~ ' supplies fire dept ~ 14..o~ repairs Seagrave truc~!~V.48 ~ 5.0O ~ l~. O0 ~ 1~.00 ,~i~ 8. O0 ~ 3.00 ,~ 15.09 v.oo ,, t, " " ~ 9V.O0 " " " " ~ 9V. O0 " " " 't ~ 9V.O0 ",~,," " " ~ 9V.O0 , ,, " " ,$ ~V.O0 " " " " ~ 33. V5 " " " " ~ 54.00 t, ,, " " ~ 54.00 " ~leanfn~ Swift Ave~ 90.95 " ~lantin~ tr~es ~ 40.50 " Plantin~ tr~es $ 49.50 " " ~ 54.00 " Orange Ave.Park ~ 97.00 " " " " ~ ~V.O0 " " " " ~ 2 V. O0 Progress payment #9, ~31V8.53 Electric wirirng ~39,5.00 dinners at Pen ~uni Conv~ ll.O0 ~aclfic Tel & Tel Co., telephones!No~e~oerl~385 V4.80 Standard 0fl Co Nartin Signs Lan McSweeney Tke Enterprise Press tt ti fl Jenr. ings Pharmacy gas,cfi,November,1938 ~158.46 painting-zone lines ma~ $ 9.50 stamps, box rent etc, ~ V.VO Ad Industrial Edition ~$100.00 500 job analysis,flee dt~ 14.94 police P.O.Card notices ~$ 1~.~8 materials clc:rks tsx.Off~$ 8.60 Anchor Drug Co Str.~chnine Sulphate ;:~ 1.55 New Lincoln Market 1 broom fire dept ~$ .V~ ~.olmes Express Company freight, $. 1.M5 Enterprise Foundry catch basins & ~'rates ~ 49.44 Knox-~ale i~'iachlner~' Co., refilling brooms ~ 50.99 Fred J.Lautze frease etc old Ford 'iru;~ 1.V5 ~he ~ub costume material ~$ 1.16 ~prouse ~;eltz Co ' recreational materials ~ .88 Arndt's dept Store " " .~ 4.71 South City Lbr b: £upply Co. " " ~ ,5~ " ~ " materials ;i~~5.90 " " " " Colma Creek ~ 6~.33 Industrial Cit?~ Lumber Co., materials fire dept~ 9.34 " " " " ?o~e nozel ~ " " " Supplies .~ 19.89 Woboers,Inc recre~,tional materials ~ lq.61 Total ~55~q .86 Tuesday evening, December 90,i938 at V o'clock p.m. Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, lO.~O The clla~s having been audited by the finance co=~lttee Councflman Tibbetts moved they be paid. ~he motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. There being no further business Oefore the board Councilman Ratto moved to adjourn until ~he motion ~'as seconded b~ Councilman Approved ~,iayor of ~.outh San Francisco ,Res ectfully~~~._~submi ed,