HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-04-03REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY~ SOUTH SAN FRANC ISC 0 HELD MONDAY, April 3, 1939. -'The regular meeting of the city council of the city of South San Francisco was held the city hall, Monday evening, April 3, 1939. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock p. me by Mayor A. J. Eschelbach. Roll call found-the following members of the council present, as follows: V.--Boido, Rod Tibbetts, ~A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto -~Absent~ M. Minucciani The reading of the minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. ~A communication was receivSd from the South San Francisco Fire Department asking per~ mission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, April 18. On motion by Council man Boido, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried, permission granted. Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana "Morelos" Inc. requested permission to g~ve a concert at the Grand Avenue School Auditoriumvand a fr~e dance at Fraternal Hall, Saturday\evening~ May 6, 1939 from ?.4§ p. ~. to 2. a.m. 0~motion by Councilman Tibbetts, secor~ed by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried, permission granted. BusinessMen's Association of South San Francisco addressed a letter to the council, attaching thereto a copy of an ordinance regulating billboards, asking the city council to support the regulation of billboards. Mayor Eschelbach said that an ordinauce is under cos sideration at this time. Councilman Tibbetts said the building in§pector was instructed not to issue any more permits. Business Men's Association of South San Francisco addressed a letter to the city court, regarding the business license ordinance, stating it was their understanding that the city would put on an additional officer ~hose main duty would be to patrol the city on the loo~ out for peddlers. The letter stated the Association would ask the repeal of this ordinanc4 if consideration is not given the matter, inasmuch as ~ppr0ximatel2$35000.00 has been col~ ed since the enactment of the ordinance and no officer was appointed f~ ~he work. Mayor Eschelbach said he believed the city had enough officers now, but believed tbet if p~ople who saw peddlers would report them to the policedepartment they would be attended toe CouncilmauTibbetts stated that peddlers should be made to pay yearly in advance. Counci~m Boido also stated that peddlers should be made to pay yearly instead of quarterly, thereby eliminating ~he possibility of ~heir getting ~ license for Just a few mo~ths of the yea~ at the peak of the season. Mayor Eschelbach ordered the license collector not to collect less than a year in advance from peddlers in order to give the city attorney an opportunitl to study the ~ordinance with a view of amending same. Officer Bianchini stated it wa~ im- possible to check on peddlers without the co-operation of the householder or merchant who buy from peddlers. He said they report the peddler to the police department only after t~ have been stung on the purchase. City Attorney Coleberd said the city cannot touch ~Inter. state Commerce peddlers. The City Planning Commission addressed a letter to the council asking that acti~nbe taken on the billboard ordinance, stating they had studied the Burlingame ordinance a~d thought it most effective, especially the fee of $1.00 a square foot. City Attorney ~epor' ed he is writing an ordinance along the line of the Burlingame ordinance. The City Planning Co~ission addressed a letter to the city council enclosing a lette: from Martin Eby in which he complained about the unsightly condition~ of the old Gellepis building~ recommending that the owner either remove the building or make it presentable. The city clerk was instructed to write the Capital Company, owners, asking them to remove building or repair same in accord with the building laws. Communications were r~ceived from the following regarding the damage done to thei~ property in Peck's Subdivision due to the blasting operations of the Macco Construction Company: E. C. Peck, W. L. Cameron, E. Raine, Andrew Hynding for Mrs. Frances Garcta John Blanchard, John M. Fagundes and Fontana Food Products Company. A ~etition siEne~ by property owners of Peck's Subdivision petitioned the city not to grant Macco Construction Company another blasting permit until such time as the damage done had been taken care of. Councilman Ratto stated this company should not be granted another permit until they paired the damage already done, thereby speeding them up on the settlement. Mr. and M~s. Fagundes addressed the council stating their house ha~ been~wrecked. Adjusters had been out to see them several times only to advise them they figured the Fagundes had their use out of the house. He also stated he has a written guarantee from the Macco Construction Company to repai~ damages. Mr. Cortesi said he submitted the lowest bid for repairing hi~ building to the insurance company but nothing had been done. Hugh McNellis said he thoug starting suit~would hardly be the proper proceedure, but that all parties concerned should get together ~1.~ see what could be accomplished. He also stated t~here is a re~ex~oir at the top of the ~tll that should betaken care of. City Attorney Coleberd said that was a matt,X- fo:~ the owner of the~prope~ty to take care of. He also said a peaceabl~e a.dJust merit should be made with a fair minded adJuster~from the insurance~Company~. Councilma~x Tibbetts suggested the building inspector, engineer, insurance adjuster and a competent representative go over the ground with a view of coming to some amicable settlement, This was agreed upon and the city attorney was instructed to write to the Traveler's Insur Company telling them of the conditions as they exist and ask them to send out an adjuster to meet with the city's representatives. City Engineer Marshall stated the State.~nginee office is making a survey of this land and as soon as ready he will have a copy for the ci A communication was received from the State of California as to was progress had been made in changing the #STOP" and "GO" signals on Grand and Bayshore to the prope~r ssquences The city engineer said it would require a new circuit and the cost would be about $§00.00. He said the State has contributed in other cities with this expense. Mayor' Eschelbach requested the city clerk to write to the Division of HighWays asking the S~tate to share in this expense. Clara Rubin applied for a business license to conduct a general dry goods store at 'A communication was receiv6d from the South San Francisco Fire Department asking pe~ mission to hold a dance in Fraternal Hall Saturday evening, April 15. On motion by Counc: man Boido, seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried, permission granted. Sociedad Mutualista Mexicana "Mcr.los" Inc. requested permission to g~ve a concert a' the Grand Avenue School Auditorium:and a fr6e dance at Fraternal Hall, Satu~day~evening, May 6, 1939 from 7.45 p. m. to 2. a.m. 0~ motion by Councilman Tibbetts, secor~ed by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried, permission granted. BusinessMen's Association of South San Francisco addressed a letter to the council, attaching thereto a copy of an ordinance regulating billboards, asking the city council ~ support the regulation of billboards. Mayor Eschelbach said that an ordinance is under c, sideration at this time. Councilman Tibbetts said the building inspector was instructed not to issue any more permits. Business Men's Association of South San Francisco addressed a letter to the city regarding the business license ordinance, stating it was their understgnding that the citl would put on an additional officer Whose main duty would be to patrol the city on the lool out for peddlers. The letter stated the Association would ask the repeal of this ordinsu~ if consideration is not given the matter, inasmuch as gppr0ximate12535000.00 has been col'. ed since the enactment of the ordinance and no officer was appointed f~ the work. Mayor Eschelbach said he believed the city had enough officers now, but believed that if po. cpl. who saw peddlers would report them to the police' department they would be attended to. Councilman Tlbbetts stated that peddlers should be made to pay yearly in advance. Council Boido also stated that peddlers should be mede to pay yearly instead of quarterly, therebl eliminating ~h~ possibility of ~cheir getting a license for Just a few morAths of the year at the peak of the season. Mayor Eschelbach ordered the license collector not to collect less than a year in advance from peddlers in order to give the city attorney an opporctuni' to study the 'ordinance with a view of amending same. Officer Bianchini stated it was im- possible to check on peddlers without the co-operation of the householder or merchant who buy from peddlers. He said they report the peddler to the police department only after tl have been stung on the purchase. City Attorney Coleberd said the city cannot touch ~Inte: state Commerce peddlers. The City Planning Commission addressed a letter to the council asking that action be taken on the billboard ordinance, stating they had studied the Burlingame ordinance a~d thought it most effective, especially the fee of $1.00 a square foot. City Attorney ~repo~ ed he is writing an ordinance along the llne of the Burlingame ordinance. The City Planning Commission addressed a letter to the city council enclosing a lett. from Martin Eby in which he complained about the unsightly condition~ of the old Gellepis building~ recommending that the owner either remove the building or make it presentable. The city clerk was instructed to write the Capital Company, owners, asking them to remove building or ~epair same in accord with the building laws. Communications were r~ceived from the following regarding the damage done to thei~ property in Peck's Subdivision due to the blasting operations of the Macco Construction Company: E. C. Peck, W. L. Cameron, E. Rain., Andrew Hyndtng for Mrs. Frances Garcia John Blanchard, John M. Fagundes and Fontana Food Products Company. A ~etition siEne~ by property owners of Peck's ~ubdivision petitioned the city not to grant Macco Construction Company another blasting permit until such time as the damage done had been taken care of. Councilman Ratto stated this company should not be granted another permit until they ?e- paired the ~amage already done, thereby speeding them up on the settlement. Mr. and M~s. Eagundes addressed the council stating their house had been~wrecked. Adjusters had been out to see them several times only to advise them they figured the Fagundes had their use out of the house. He also stated he has a written guarantee from the Macco Construction Company to repair damages. M~. Cortesi said he submitted the lowest bid for repairing building to the insurance company but nothing had been done. Hugh McNellis said he tho~ starting suit~would hardly be the proper proceedure, but that all ps, ties concerned shoul~ get together ~.~'~ see what could be accomplished. He also stated ~here is a re~ex~oir at the top of the ~tll that should be.taken care of. City Attorney Coleberd said that was a matte~ fo~- the owner of the· property to take care of. He also said a peaceabl~e a~dJust merit should be made with a fair minded adJuster~from the insurance Company. Councilmalx Tibbetts suggested the building inspector, engineer, insurance adjuster a~ a competent representative go over the ground with a view of coming to some amicable settlement. This was agreed upon and the city attorney was instructed to write to the Traveler's Insu~ Company telling them of the conditions as they exist and ask them to send out an adjuster to meet with the city's representatives. City Engineer Marshall stated the State.~Engine~ office is making a survey of this land and as soon as ready he will have a copy for the c~ A communication was received from the State of California as to was progress had bee~ made in changing the #STOP" and "GO" signals on Grand and Bayshore to the prope, r s~quence., The city engineer said it would require a new circuit and the cost would be about $500.00. He said the State has contributed in other cities with this expense. Mayor Eschelbach requested the city clerk to write to the Division of ~igh~ays asking the S.tate to share this expense e Clara~Rubin applied for a business license to conduct a general dry goods store at ~81 Gpand Avense. on motion by Councilman Tibbetts, seconded by ~Councitman Ratto and dul~. carried the permit was granted. Western Wrecking and Salvage Company by M. Shapiro, applied for a license to en- gage in a wrecking business on a five acre tract adjoining Round California Chain Co. The matter was referred to .the building inspector with instructions to contact the Chain Company with.re~ard, to. thei?, attit.u.de o.f having this t~ of business adjoining their propex~y, an~ amso to nave ~ne appAxcan~ submit plans specifications for his build- ings. . The Tasty Sweet Sho~ by A. B. Rt~ss6 applied for permission to alter the place of business at 303 Grand Avenue as per plans and specifications submitted. In this connection, the W. J. Martin Company, owner of the building, asked the council to approve the plans as submitted. On motion.by Councilman B. oi.do, seconded by Council-. man Ratto and duly carried the permit was granted. A communication was received from the City of Boys Town asking the council to contribute to the building a another dormitory at Boys Town. The matter was laid over. The South San Francisco Recreation committee addressed a communication to the council recommending certain improvements at the Orange Avenue Park, such as handball and ~horse- shoe courts, etc. The recommendations were acceptable to the council and the matter was referred to Councilman Tibbetts to work witt~ Mr. Shaffer. M~. Shaffer also submitted a list of ~ules to be posted at the tennis court. a Gordon Rowe Company submitted a quarterly report ending March 31, 1939, which was ccepted by the city council. They also asked to be permitted to prepare the yearly budget figures. Mayor Eschelbach instructed the city clerk to write them that it would be alright to prepare the budget figures, but this repo. rt should be furnished without further cost to the city. Monthly reports for the month of March were received f~o~ the City Planning Commission, Heal_th Department, Building Inspeotor~ Fire Chief, Chief of Police, City Judge and City Clerk. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilman Ratto and ~ly carried reports were accepted and ordered filede Claims in the amount of $ 1,635.78 merit: were next presented to the council for pay- J. Monti So. San Francisco Hospital Brunton's Automotive Sex, ice Louis Belloni Dudley Perkins Patrick· & Moise Klinkner E. Kozl0wski A. Johnson V. Ullery W. Locatelli C. Schurk A. Robinson J. Penna S. DiGtorgi L. Savares M. Castro A. J. Pacheco ~ Pacheco Electric American Rubber Co.~ ~ Entear~rise Press Standard 0il Co. Knox Halw Machinery Co. Roy' s Service H. V. Carter Co. ~ Rod Tibbetts 01d Reliance Garage M. ~ Laufer Burroughs Adding Machine Co. Corner Grocery California Water Service Geco Ae Klleese Holmes Express R. ~R. Sharkey Pacific Tele~ &Tele. Bank of America So~ City Lumber Co. Dept. of Public Works lubricate & wash police car $ Intoxication examinations 1 tube - police dept. meals~ box rent, etCe~ service motorcycle 1 stamp- police dept. ?ttendin~ fires March , ,! maintain~ fire alaa-m system Mar. maintain street & traffic lights 300' fire hose 1000 mimeograph sheets -fire dep 10 gas appliance permit books 1000 letterheads Mayor's office 358 Ga~s. Gas Jan. 30 filter bags, brooms, etc. re~airs street sweeper lawn mower 2 ~ sprinklers' & emery dus~ Expense of engineer & Tibbett~ to San Luis 0bispo · repairs Chevrolet 4 days labor Orange Ave. Park ° 1 ribbon Supplies city hall ~ city hall sex-vice hydrant rental March library, city dump, fountain set. service various playgrounds engineering Co~a Creek~Feb. Genl administration streets Feb. express - police dept. Secy. Planning Comm. March phone 401 and 626 Mar. Claim of Gordon Rowe Co. materials - street dept. 1 sack cement 1 gal. fuller gloss fir~ dep 1 motor patrol Total .... , 3.00 10. O0 2.5A 6.80 3.75 1.45 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 52.00 128.86 163.77 2.55 12.36 7.21 55.49 80.17 16.38 1_9.53 19.8~ 21.00 18.85 18. O0 .47 16.94 9.62 ~27.00~ 12.19 27.41 21.60 32.40 .50 10. O0 5.00 150.00 62.46 1.01 3.64 300.00, $1,63b.~8 The claims having been audited by the finance committee, Councilman Ratto moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. ORDINANCE NO. 200 Au ordihanoe of the city of South San Francisco prohibiting the keeping of'swi~e within the city l~m~ts had its second reading and was adopted as an ordinance' of the City of South San Francisco by t~e following vote: Ayes. Councilmen V. Boido_ Rod T~bba*.~.~ A_ _T_ Wo~-~-~ ~ w n_~- contribute to the building a another dormitory at Boys Town. The matter was laid over. The South San FraXtclsco Recreation committee addressed a communication to the council recommending certain improvements at the Orange Avenue Park, such as handball and horse- shoe courts, etc. The recommendations were acceptable to the council and the matter was referred to Councilman Ttbbetts to work wit~ Mr. Shaffere M~. Shaffer also submitted a list of rules to be posted at the tennis cou~t. a . Gordon Rowe Company submitted a quarterly report ending March 31, 1939, was which ccepted by tn. city council. They also asked to be permitted to prepare the yearly budget figures. Mayor Eschelbach instructed the city clerk to write them that it would be alright to prepare the budget figures., but this repo~rt should be furnished without further cost to the c itye Monthly reports for the month of March were received fro~ the City Planning Commission, Health Department, Building Inspector. Fire Chief, Chief of Police, City Judge and City Clerk. On motion by Councilman Tibbetts seconded by Councilmau Ratio and ~ly carried reports were accepted and ordered filed. Claims in the amount of $ 1,635.78 were next presented to the council for pay- ment: J. Monti So. San Francisco Hospital Brunton's Automotive Service Louis Belloni Dudley Perkins Patrick. & Moise Klinkner E. Kozlowski A. Johnson V. Ullery W. Locatelli C. Schu~k A. Robinson J. Penna S. DtGiorgi L. Savares M. Castro A. J. Pacheco- Pacheco Electric American Rubber . Ente.rprise Press Standard 0il Co. Knox Halw Machinery Co. Roy' s Service ,, H. V. Carter Ccc Rod Tibbetts 01d Reliance Garage 'M.~Laufer Burroughs Ad,ding Machine Co. Corner Grocery California Water Service Geoe A. Knees. Holmes Express R. :R. Sharkey Pacific Tele~ & Tel.. Bank of America So~ City Lumber Co. Dept. of Public Works lubricate & wash police car $ Intoxication examinat ions 1 tube - police dept. meals~ box rent, etc.~ service motorcycle 1 stamp - police dept. ?ttendin~ fires March . , , maintain ~ fire alax-m system Mar. maintain street & traffic lights 300' fire hose 1000 mtmeogra~..~ sheets -fire dep l0 gas appliance permit books 1000 letterheads Mayor's office 358 GalS. Gas Jan. 30 filter bags, brooms, etc. re~airs street sweeper lawn mower 2 ~ sprinklers' & emery dus% Expense of engineer & TibbettB to San Duis 0bispo · repairs Chevrolet ~ days labor Orange Ave. Park 1 ribbon Supplies city hall city hall service h2~trant rental March library, city dump, fountain set. service various playgrounds engineering Colin Creek'Feb. Genl administration streets Feb. express - police dept. Secy. Planning Comm. March phone ~01 and 626 Mar. Claim of Gordon Rowe Co. materials - street dept. 1 sack cement 1 gal. fuller gloss fire dep 1 motor patr$1 Total .... - 3.00 10.00 2.54 6.80 3.V5 1.45 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 2.00 52.00 128.86 163.77 2.55 12.36 7.21 55.49 80.17 16.38 19.53 21.00 18.85 18.00 .47 16.94 9.62 ~27.00. 12.19 27.41 21.60 32.40 .50 10.00 5.00 150.00 62.46 1.01 3.64 300.00. $1,635.78 The claims having been audited by the finance committee, Councilman Ratto moved they be paide The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. ORDINANCE NO. 200 Au ordthance of the city of South San Francisco prohibiting the keeping of swime within the city l~m~ts had its second reading and was adopted as an ordinance' of the City of South San Francisco by tae following vote: Ayes, Councilmen V. Boido, Rod Tibbetts, A. J. Eschelbach, D. W. Ratto Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen M.'Mimucciani Attest: Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk Recorded in Book of 0rd~nances Vol 2 at page 281 Mayor Eschelbach announced the annual Easter Egg Hunt at Orange Avenue Park, April 9~ 1939, with Fire Chief Welte in charge, carrying on the tradition started by Mr. J. P. Quinlan. Engineer Marshall discussed the offer to purchase a Motor Patrol from the State of California for $500.00. He said it would cost about $100.00 to get the machine brought up and about $100.00 for t~mes. He said that at the cost of rentals for outside machines the Patrol would pay for itself. On motion by CoUnCilman Boido seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the city engineer was aut~r- ized to purchase the machine Engineer Marshall recommended the purchase of an Asphalt Surface Heater for repair- ing asphaltic cracks in roadways. The cost of the machine would be about $195.00. On motion by Councilman Boido seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried the engineer was authorized to purchase the heater. There appearing no further business before the city council, Councilman Tibbetts moved to adJourn~ until the next regular meeting. The motion was seconded by CouncilmanEatto .and duly carried. Time of adjournment 10.00 o'clock p. m. Re spectfully submit t ed Approved: Dan~l~McSweeney, City Clerk Mayor of South ~an ~'rancisco.