HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-06-05REGULAR },~EETINC OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BA~ FRANCISCO,HELD MONDAY, JUNE 5TH,19~9. The regular meeting of the city council of the City ~f South San Francisco was held in the City Hall, l~onday evening, June §th,19S9. The meeting was called to order at 8 ~'Clock p.m. by Mayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, ¥.Minucciani, D.W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissio ns they were approved as read. A communication was received from the Gerth-Knollin Advertising Agency, submitting a statement of the moneys paid by the city of South San Francisco for advertising, an d th balance due to be ~?.97. Com~unication accepted and filed. Gagliant Brothers we~ granted a permit to construct a brick story consisting of six apartments over their present building at 4?5 Grand Avenue at a cost of ~lS,§00. Standard Oil Company applied for a building permit to replace their present build- ings at 401 Bayshore Highway,at a cost of 'SS000. Permit granted. California Tater Service Company answered the city's letter requesting them to lowe the water rates on city hydrants as per statement. Yanager Green stated he would meet the c council ¥onday evening and discuss the matter with them. Communic~tton ordered placed om file;. A communication from the War Department announced that the federal government not approve of the construction of the improvement in South San Francisco harbour, for the reason that the benefits to commerce and navigation would be small in comparison to the cost and maintenance. The communication stated that interested parties could still take the matter up again if there was any additional information to convey. ~ayor Eschelbach instructed the clerk to get in touch with Phil Thompson and bring the matter to his attentl Dance permits were granted to The Ramblers Club for June 24,19B9, The Rounders Club of Oolma for June 17,19~9 and the Italian Catholic Federation for June 10,19~9. Ma ccc ~onstruction Company applied for a permit for blasting operations on lands of the Bethleham Steel Company and the So.S.F.Land & Improvement Co.,. The clerk was lnstru ted to inform them that a blasting ordinance was in the course of being enacted ~nd it would be about twoweeks before it became effective~after which the application would be ac on. George Rouissi made application for a license to sell peanuts,popcorn, candy, ice cream,~etc, from a wagon. ~e was informed that the license ~ould be $200 a year. He agree to take one for the next quarter. Councilman Tlbbetts moved that the quarterly license be g~anted him, The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly carried, James D.Andrews applied for a license to sell ice 6ream,candies, popcornm otc , by automobile servic~ near the High SchoOl and factories. Moved by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Tlbbetts and regularly carried that the permit be granted for a quarter year. Mrs. Gallic E.Boyle,owner of a house at 8~ Randolph Avenue, wrote the city council stating that damage was done to her building by the blasting of Uacco Construction Company recently and asked to have the company notified of her complaint. The City Clerk reported he had already'notified the insurance company. Ward L.$hultz, owner of a house at lll Green Avenue in Peck's sub. notified the ci~ that the blasting of ~acco Construction Company had damaged his dwelling and wished to have the city notify the insurance Indemnity Co., The City Clerk reported that the company had been notified. Presto-O-Lite Company made inquiry regarding a $40 claim fcf~damages which they alleged to have sustained when the level of the street in front of their property was changed. The matter was referred to City attorney Colebera to investigate and report, ~ext Monday. Request was made by the South San Francisco Unified ~chool District for the use of the City Council's Chambers the second and fourth Thursday evenings'from ?;50 p.m, till 9 p.m. On motion by Councilman Minucciani, seconded by Councilman Boido and reg~larly~Ca~ the desired permission was granted. Chief of Police Bellont appointed Fred Brown ~ special police officer to be statio~ at the ~,~acco Construction Company's oPerations at the Grand Avenue Crossing. subject to thf City Council's approval. ¥oved by Councilman Ratto that the appointment be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman ¥inucciani and regularly carried. It was stipulated t! City of South San ~rancisco would not be responsible for Mr. Brown's salary. The monthly reports of the Building InspectOr, Health Officer, ~oundkeeper. Fire C! City Judge, Chief of Police, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending May 51,195! were submitted, together with the quarterly report of ~he §ity Auditor, On motion by Counc~ man Ratto, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly-c~rried the reports were acceptt An ordinance entitled "AN 0RDINANCM REGULATING BLASTIEG OPERATIONS I~ THE CITY OF SOUTH SA!~ FRANCISCO AND PROVIDING FOR LICENSING THE SAME" was introduced by Councilman Minucctani, had isa firat reading and was laid over to come under the regular order of business at the next meeting of the city council. A resolution, No.?MA, orde~thg~he cancellation of unpaid taxes upon 6.6 acres of fractional Tide Land Lot No. Bl,in SeCtion 27, Township No.5 South, Range 5 West,belonging the City of San Francisco, was introduced by Councilman Boido, and was adopted by the vote~ of all the mambers of the City Council, as follows.- Ayes, Councilmen~ V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Mtnucciani, D.W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, Councilmen, None. Attee~ Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutiuns, Vol.3, at page2£S. "RESOLUTION NO.?~6". Councilman Ratto introduced a resolution, ~o.725, requesting ~enator Harry L.Parkm~ and Assemblyman Harrison W.Call to urge the adoption of Assembly Bill No.596,pertaining to salt marsh, tide and submerged land belonging to the City of ~outh San,Franctsco,grante~ to said city by an act of the legislature of the State of California, with wharfage and otl rights. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the~ members of the City Council, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach,M.Minucciani, D.~'?.Ratto, Rod Tlbbetts. Roll call found all members of the council present, as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, N.Minucciani, D.W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts, The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omisslo they were approved as read. A communication was received from the Gerth-Knollin Advertising Agency, submttt a statement of the moneys paid by the city of South San Francisco for advertising, an balance due to be ~?.97. Com~unication accepted and filed. Gagliani Brothers we~ granted a permit to construct a brick story consisting of apartments over their present building at 47~ Grand Avenue at a cost of ~1~,~00. Standard 0il Company applied for a building permit to replace their present bu ings at 401 Bayshore Highway,at a cost of '$~000. Permit granted. California Tater Service Company answered the city's letter requesting them to ~ the water rates on city hydrants as per statement. ~'anager Green stated he would meet council ~*onday evening and discuss the matter with them. Communtca~ tion ordered place, file;. A communioat~on from the War Department announced that the federal governmen~ not approve of the construction of the improvement in South San Francisco harbour, for reason that the benefits to commerce and navigation would be small i~ comparison to th~ cost and maintenance. The communication stated that interested parties could still ta! the matter up again if there was any additional information to convey. ~ayor Eschelba~ instructed the clerk to get in touch with Phil ThomPson and bring the matter to his att~ Dance permits were granted to The Ramblers Club for June 24,19~9, The Rounders of Colma for June 17,19~ and the Italian Catholic Federation for June 10,19~. Ma coo ~onstruction Company applied for a permit for blasting operations on lane of the Bethleham Steel Company and the So.S.F.Land & Improvement Co.,. The clerk was in~ ted to inform them that a blasting ordinance was in the course of being enacted would be abou~ twoweeks before it became effective,after which the application would b~ on. George Rouissi made application for a license to sell peanuts,popcorn, candy, cream.!etc, from a wagon. ~e was informed that the license would be $200 a year. He a~ to take one for the next quarter. Councilman Tlbbetts moved that the quarterly license b g~anted him, The motion was seconded by Councilman Minucciant and regularly carried, James D.Andrews applied for a license to sell ice ~ream,candies, popcornm otc automobile servic~ near the High SchoOl and factories. Moved by Councilman Minucciani seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried that the permit be granted for a quarter year. Mrs. Gallic E.Boyle,owner of a house at 8~ Randolph Avenue, wrote the city counc stating that damage was done to her building by the blasting of ~;acco Construction Compa recently and asked to have the company notified of her complaint. The City Clerk reports he had already'notified the insurance company. Ward L.$hultz, owner of a house at 111 Green Avenue in Peck's sub. notified the that the blasting of ~acco Construction Company had damaged his dwelling and wished to have the city notify the insurance ~ndemnity Co., The City Clerk reported that the compa~ had been notified. Presto-O-Lite Company m~de inquiry regarding a ~A0 claim ~of~damages which they alleged to have sustained when the level of the street in front of their property was changed. The matter was~referred to City attorney Coleber~ to investigate and report, ~ext Monday. Request was made by the South San Francisco Unified ~chool District for the use of the City Council's Chambers the second and fourth Thursday evenings'from ?;~0 p.m, 9 p,m. On motion by Councilman Minucctani, seconded by Councilman Botdo and reg~,larly,, the desired permission was granted. Chief of Police Belloni appointed Fred Brown ~ special police officer to be stat~ at the ~,acco Construction Company s operations at the Grand Avenue crossl~, subject to City Council's approval. ~oved by Councilman Ratto that the appointment be approved. The motion was seconded by Councilman ¥inucciani and regularly carried. It was stipulated City of South San ~ranctsco would not be responsible for Mr. Brown's salary. The monthly reports of the Building InspectOr, Health Officer, ~oun~keeper. Fire Cl%y Judge. Chief of Police, City Treasurer and City Clerk for the month ending May Bl,l! were submitted, together with the quarterly report of the ~tty Auditor, On motion by man Ratto, seconded by Councilman Minucciani and regularly c~rried the reports were acce~ An ordinance entitled "AN 0RDINANCM REGULATING BLASTIEG 0PMRATIONS IN THE CITY OF SOUTH SA~ FRANC IBC0 AND PROVIDING FOR LICENSING THE SAME" was introduced by Councilman Minucct~ni, had iSs firat reading and was laid over to come under the regular order of business at the next meeting of the city council. A resolution, No.?MA, ordezihg::~he cancellation of unpaid taxes upon 6.6 acres o~ fractional Tide Land Lot No.31,in SeCtion 27, Township No.3 South, Range ~ West,belongi~ the City of San Francisco, was introduced by Councilman Boido, and was adopted by the vol of all the mambers of the City Council, as follows.- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, M.Minucciani, D.W. Ratto, Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen, None, Absent, COuncilmen, None. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.5, at page22~. "REBOLUTION N0.785". Councilman Ratto introduced a resolution, No.?2~, requesting Senator Harry L.Park and Assemblyman Harrison W.Oall to urge the ~doptiou of Assembly Bill No.~96,pertainin~ to salt marsh, tide and submerged land belonging to the City of ~outh 5an.Francisco,grant to said city by an act of the legislature Of the State of California, with wharfage and rights. The resolutio~ was adopted by the votes of all the members of the City Council as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbaoh,M.Minucct~i, D.~.Ratto, Rod Tlbbette,. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk. J Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page 224. Claims in the amount of $3563,~6 were next presented to the board for payment;- B,Papini, E.Soto Fred Brown Mario's tacaco service W.P,Fuller & Co. cleaning alleys labor in ball park painting safety zones wash & grease police car 5 gals traffic line Patrick-Moise Elinkner Co, Bruton's Automotive Service Dudley Perkins Belli Motor Co, Robinson-druggist Davis Engineering Equip. Co., Universal Tool & M'F'G' city court docket police register motorcycle service reps to police car photo work police dept Supplies sir. dept lst,aid fire kit clean punch register Pacific Coast' Building Officials Mambership National Fire ProteCtion subscriptions 20,vol.firemsn 49.50 45.00 80.80 8.?6 61,30 58.7 P., 50 5.61 ,60 8.50 13. O0 10.00 lO. O0 A. J.Pacheco Hercules Equip.& Rubber Co., So.City Laundry & L.& L.S.Co Union 0il Co., J?N?He~burg ~e Berry's service Station M. Greenberg's Sons E.Rossi S,Barney W. Locatelli G.Olmstad C.Rinehart J.Penna R.Sptnelli A.Johnson M.¥azetti A.Robinson M.Castro E.Kozlowski J.Hunttngton C.Begnal F.Gamba C.~churck V.Ullery G. W. ~everton P.Fiore W.Perry D.Hocking E.Bianchi A.Monetini C.Francesco H.Troxell D.J.DI Bens F,Mandoli ~,Prlt?~r J.Nasei~weCChio M.Laufer Union 0il ¢o., Lazzart & Sen So. City Lumber & Sup. Co. Joe. Pantaleoni J.G.Nalker Pac. Gas. E1. Co 'So. City Lbr. & Sup,Co Delasco Neon Sugn Sign Co. Knox-Hale Yachinery Cc., Gerth-Enollln Co., Oliver's E,R.Bacon ~o., ~aintain fire al sys,&~oonstru$ ?8.56 materials & Repairs traf. sig. ~ 39.64 install clock,and olook,Eng. Of~ 23.6? maintain Str, Lights & Lamps~ ¥ 95.74 repair traffic signal $ 17.31 pump and hose wash No,2 fire house May gasoline windshield glass lubrication fire chief's car valves & gs. skets attending fires May 2 typewriter"pads" repairing Clerk's Underwwod " police chief's cleaning Baden ~'treets weeds " alleys destroying thistles watering trees grading streets park labor § gals wheel clearing Mod 38 lbs worn gear lub. dry dog food ~epair rake 4 tractor type ~apS sec. Planning Com. ssi.May street lights mlsc.lights Ma2 2 hrs roller rental rep sign at Bayshore lB rubber squeeges refill broom,nixxles,etc, advertising League Banquet May 18 I Eeroll hand spray bar~, I set grader blades ~ 13.48 ?.50 ~ 78.19 ,~115.80 113.6~ ~lS4.18 S 4.06 $ 4.64 S 1.00 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 3.50 4.00 4, 50 .~- 4.50 i4,50 5.00 6.00 6.50 · 7. O0 9.50 ~.00 16.50 i 12. O0 36.00 36.00  1 8.00 31.50 ~ 27.00 $ 58.50 S 31.50 ~ 49.50 ~- 22.50 $ 45.00 3 36.00 I1.04 4.41 i 4.43 $ 3.54 e6.11 S 10.00 8746.89 8107.37~ $ 10.00 S ~?.50 ~ 48. ~.0 $ 56.45 ~ ?.97 S 75.50 $ 10.14 O.W.Thomas Draying and. Rigging Co.,hauling kettle from Redding~ 17.50 Enterprise Press 50 weeA notices $ 6.?0 ' " 100 copies 0rd. 201 S S. 09 San ~at,eo to. Title ~e. May daily ~eports $ 1.50 3 Cities Mosquito Abatement District for abatement work $ 29.61 Dr, J.0.McMills phone Apt.May ~ 6.50 Pac. Tel & Tel Co., May phones $ 86.?0 Californl~ Water Service Co., water at dumps Yay $ 1.25 ' " Library service May ~ 20.6? - " Ci~ Hall Bruton's Automotive ,Service Dudley Perkins Belli Motor Co, Robinson-druggist Davis Engineering Equip. Co., Universal Tool & M'P'G' Co, Court docket ~J 58.72 police register ~ 3.65 motorcycle service '~ 2.50 reps to police car ~ 8.61 photo work police dept .60 SUpplies str.dept .~'1,~.9 let,aid fire kit ~ 10.11 clean punch register ~ 8' 50 S 13.00 S 10.00 " " " " 2 " " s Pacific Coast' Bullding Officials I~ambershtp National Pire Protection subscriptions 20,vel. fireman $ 10.00 A.J.Pacheco "atntaln fire al sys,&?oonstru$ 78.56 . w materials & Repairs traf. stg. ,$ 39.64 " " install clock,and clock,Eng. Of$ 23.67 " " maintain Str, Lights & Lamps ~ ~.74 " " repair traffic signal ~ 17.31 Hercules Equip.& Rubber Co., pump and hose ~ 13.48 So. City Laundry & L.& L.B.Co wash No.2'ftre house May ~ ?.50 Union Oil Co., gasoline ~ 78.19 " " " ~115.80 " " ' ~113.6S J?E?Hee~burg windshield glass $134.18 Be Berry's service Station lubrication fire chief's car ~ 4.06 M. Greenberg's Sons valves & gsskets S 4.64 E.Rossi attending fires May S 1.00 S.Barney " " " ~ 1.~0 W. Locatelli " " " O 1.~0 G.Olmstad " " " $ 2.00 C.Rinehart " " = $ 2.50 J. Penna " " ~ $ 3.00 R. Sptnelli " " "~ 3.50 A. Johnson " " " M.Nazetti $ " " A.Robinson " " M.Castro " " " E.Kozlowski " " J. Hunt ing t on " " " C. B · gnal " " F. Gamba " " " C. Schurck " " V.Ullery " " G. W. ~evert on P,Fiore W.Perry D.Hocktng " " E. Bianchi " A.Monettni ", C .Prancesco " H. Troxell " D.J.Dl Bens P.Mandoli ~.Prltzer J.Nasei~wecChlo M. Laufer Union 0il Co., Lazzart & Son So. City Lumber & Sup. Co. Joe. Pantaleoni J. ~. Nalke r Pac. Gas. El. Co So.City Lbr. & Sup. Co Delasco Neon Sugn Sign Co. Knox-Hale ~achinery C~., Gerth-Knollin Co., Oliver ' s E.R.Bacon ~o., O.W.Thomas Draying and. Rigging Co. ,hauling kettle from Redding$ 17.50 2 typewriter"pads repairing Clerk's Underwwod " police chief's cleaning Baden ~treets weeds alleys destroying thistles watering trees gradl~ streets park labor ~ gals wheel clearing Mod 38 lbs worn gear lub, dry dog food ~epair rake 4 tractor type c~pS sec. Planning Com. Sal,May street lights mist.lights May 2 hrs roller rental rep sign at Bayshore 13 rubber squeegee refill broom,nixxles,etc, advertising League Banquet May 18 1 Eeroil hand spray bar 1 set grader blades Enterprise Press 50 weeA notices " " 100 copies 0rd. 201 San ~ateo Co. Title ~. May daily ~eports 3 Cities Mosquito Abatement District for abatement work Dr. J.O.McMills Pac. Tel & Tel Co., Californl~ Water Service Co., phone Apr. May May phones water at dumps ~ay Library service May Ci%y Hall " May_ fountain & fire house playgrounds service 3.50 4.00 4.50 ,~- 4.50 4, 50 5.00 6.00 6, 50 7.00 9.50 2.00 16.~0 12. O0 36.00 ~6. O0 18.00 31,50 27.00 27.00 58.50 31,50 49.50 22.50 45. O0 36. O0 1.04 4.41 4.43 3.54 86.11 10.00 I746.89 107.37' 10.00 27.50 48.20 56.45 7.97 8 7~.50 ~ ~.5. ~S S 10.14 6.70 1.50 29.61 6.50 86.70 20.67 ~23.79 6.19 $113.60 Disbursements continued;- California Water Service Company hydrant rental service May Sprouse Reitz Co., s~pplies parks ~ 1.18 G.F,Biasop Co., alemite gun hose ~ 1.44 Arndt's department Store Maypole cloth ~ ~.61 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. garden hose ___$ 68.56 Total~$~56~.16 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Ratto moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Mlnucciani and regularly carried. County Mayor Eschelbach announced that George Davis , Chairman of the San ~ateo'Day at the Treasure Island Fair, requested that all city council~urge their com~unfties to att~ the Fair.wearing San Mateo County Day buttons,flowers, etc, There being no further business before the council Councilman Tlbbetts moved t~ adjourn until Monday,June 12,1939, at ? o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 9;50 o'clock p.m. Approved Mayor of South San Frencisco Respectfully submitted,~