HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-07-10REGULARLY ADJOURNED MEETINC OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOUTH SAN FHANC I SC 0, HELD MON]~AY. JULY 10TH ,1959. LI L A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of Mouth San Francisco was held in the city hall Monday, July 10,1959. This meeting was called to order at ? o'clock P.M. by ~,~ayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach. N.Minucciani, D.W. Ratto. Absent. Councilman Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omissions they were approved as read. A communication was received from the Travelers Indemnity Company in response to the city's letter requesting them to look into the claim of Rhene Fakkema for damages alleged to have been done to his dwelling in Peak's Lots.by blasting. R.L. Gove, the adjuster, stated he had been in contact with Mr. Fakkema and that a satisfactory arrangement had bee completed. Communication accepted and placed on file. ~Fire Chief Welte received a communication from Fire Chief Morris of the City of Ban Mateo, stating there is a movement on foot to present Fire Chief Brennan of Ban Francisco auto-trailer at the coming convention of Pacific Coast and International Association of Fire Chiefs to be held in September, and wished to know if this city could contribute toward the cost. Referred to City Attorney Coleberd , he stated it would be in the natu~ of a donation, and not legal. After discussion the matter was dropped. An appl~cation was m~de by offi~.~er Anton Martin, traffic officer, for an increase i~ salary, He stated his arrests of violaters, on the Bayshore Highway~brought in considerabl~ revenue to the city. Counoilman Boido stated officer Martin had asked him personally fo~ the raise, but he had forgotten about it. On question by ~ayor Hschelbach Chief of ~ol~ Belloni stated that officer ~artin had not consulted him in the matter. Councilman Ratt~ believed the officer's work on the highway wa~ hazardous and he ~hould be entitled to ~or~ his duties being similar to Officer Terragno's. Councilman Boide thought it might be be~ for the 'city service if all officers were given turns on the highv~ay night patrol. The applioatio~ was laid over until a full board of councilmen were present;~ Notice was received from the Peninsula Division of the League of California Munictpalit~ ~ing that the next meeting of the division would be held at the Venitian Villa, ~unters Point, Francisco on July 20th,19~9, at 6;Z0 o'clock p.m. on Thursday, and wished to know how man~ city officials would be in attendance. After count Mayor Eschelbach announced that nine persons would ~ost likely attend,and the City Clerk was instructed to so inform the secrel Oerth Knollin Advertising Agency submitted a claim in the amount of ~455.41, and requested the city to authorize an additional six months subsscriptton, t0 be included in city's, budjet. A~.l councilmen present believed the city was not given much space tn t~ agency's writings, ~pamphlets, etc. The ~atter was lead over, and the clerk instructed t~ write the company accordingly. RE~0LUTION CALLI~G FOR BID~ FOR LOCEE TRIPL~ POWER LA'~ POWER. Councilman Noldo introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City.of Ban Francisco for a Locke Triplex Power Lawn ~ower', bids to be opened Monday, August ~th~ 1959, at 8;00 o'clock P.M. The resolution was adopted by the votesof all the members City Council present, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ~.Mlnucciani. D.W.Ratto, Noes, Councilmen, None. Absent, Councilman Rod Tibbetts. Attest Daniel Mc~weeney City Cl~rk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.,~, at page ~. Cla~ms~lm the amount of $1907.~5 were next presented for payment;- Thompson Tire Company James SputA Roy's Service Bruton's Automotive Aervice Dudley Perkins Superior Laundry Po~ta's Garage Cook's 0il Co. A,Cerri N.Laufer J.Mas~ovecchio ~easide Oil Company Standard Oil Co. Evan Bertollozzi Pacific Tel & Tel Co., Pacific Cas & Electric Co, California Water ~ervice tubes for M.0. ycle 9..99 6 films aut~ wreck Hillside B ~.80 2 tires ~ ..... 0.Cycle 15.65 1 radio tube police car ~,~, 3.59 f'.O.Cycle repairs ~ 7.65 6.55 wash No 2.fire house June repair street sweeper 109 gals oil pulling up tracks labor in park pulling up tracks gasoline in February I BBL R.P.M. ~otor oil 15. ?§ 7.58 51.50 51.50 51.50 25.56 painting halls , ceilings fire House Fo. 2 city phone 626 , June street lights June miscellaneous service water,fountaun & Fire house " c i t y dump . hy ~[rant rental " city hall service June " library service June " Visc. service parks " ~. 9"/. O0 ~ 2.50 ~749.16 ;~118.25 ""' 6.58 1. 5 ~529.00. ~ 59.E6 I24.85 140.28 This' ~e~ng ~aS "O~i~d to order at 7""o'cl0~k P.M. by ~ayor A.J.Eschelbach. ROLL CALL. Roll call found the following members of the council present;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach. ~.Minucciani, D.W. Ratto. Absent. Councilman Rod Tibbetts. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being no errors or omission~ they were approved as read. A communication was received from' the Travelers Indemnity Company in response to t city's letter requesting them to look into the claim of Rhene Fakkema for damages alleg to have been done to his dwelling in Pemk's Lots by blasting. R.L. Cove, the adjuster, stated he had been in contact with Mr. Fakkema and that a satisfactory arrangement had completed. Communication accepted and placed on file. .Fire Chief Welte received a communication from Fire Chief Morris of the City of Sa: Marco, stating there is a movement on foot to present Fire Chief Brennan of San Francis, auto-trailer at the coming convention of Pacific Coast and International Association of Fire Chiefs to be held in September, and wished to know if this city could contribute toward the cost. Referred to City Attorney Ooleberd , he stated it would be in the na~ of a donation, and not legal. After discussion the mat~er was dropped. An application was made by offi~er Anton Martin, traffic officer, for an increase salary, He stated his arrests of violaters, on the Bayshore Highway'brought in considers1 revenue to the city. Councilman Boido stated officer Martin had asked him personally : the raise, but he had forgotten about it. On question by ~.ayor Eschelbach Chief of Belloni stated that officer ~artin had not consulted him in the matter. Councilman believed the officer's work on the highway was hazardous and he ~hould be entitled to m~ his duties being similar to Officer Terragno's. Councilman Boide thought it might be for the 'city service if all officers were given turns on the high~'~;y night patrol. The application was laid over until a full board of councilmen were present;, Notice was received from the Peninsula Division of the League of California Eunicipali ~ing that the next meeting of the division would be held at the Venitian Villa, Punters Point Francisco on July 20th,1939, at 8;30 o'clock p.m. on Thursday, and wished to know how ms 'city officials would be in attendance. After count Mayor Eschelbach announced that nine persons would ~'ost likely attend,and the City Clerk was instructed to so inform the sect Gerth Knollin Advertising Agenc~ submitted a claim in the amount of ~A~8.~I, and requested the city to authorize an additional Six months subsscriptton, t0 be included city's budjet. .i],l councilmen present believed the city was not given much space in agency's writings, ':pamphlets, etc. The matter was laid over, and the clerk instructed write the company accordingly. RESOLUTION CALLI~G FOR BID~ FOR LOCKE TRIPLEX POWER Councilman Not. do introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City~of $ou~h San Francisco for a Locke Triplex Power Lawn ~ower', bids to be opened Monday, August ~tl 1939, at 8;00 o'clock P.M. The resolution was adopted by the votesof all the members City Council present, as follows;- Ayes, Councilmen. V. Boido, A.J.Eschelbach, ¥.Mtnucciani. D.W. Ratto, Noes, Councilman, None. Absent, Councilman Rod Tibbette. Attest Daniel McSweeney City Clerk. Recorded in Book of Resolutions, Vol.3, at page ~£~. C[a~ms:lm the amount of $1907.5~ were next presented for payment;- Thompson Tire Company James Sputa Roy's Service Bruton's Automotive Aervice Dudley Perkins ~uperior Laundry Po~ta's Garage Cook's 0il Co. A.Cerri M.Laufer J.Mas~ovecchto 2easide Oil Company Standard 0il Co. Evan Bertollozzi tubes for M.0.Oycle ~ 6 films auto wreck Hillside B 2 tires ~.0.Cycle i radio tube police car ~.O.Cycle repairs wash No 2. fire house June repair street sweeper 109 gals oil pulling up tracks labor in park p~lling up tracks gasoline in February I BBL R.P.M. ~otor oil 9..99 3.80 15.6~ ~. 39 7.65 6.33 15. ';5 7.58 51.50 31.5O 31.50 23.36 painting halls , ceilings fire House No.2 ~ 9?.00 Pacific Tel & Tel C'o., city phone 626 , June ~ 2.50 Pacific Cas & Electric Co, street lights June $749.16 " " " miscellaneous service ~118.25 California Water ~ervice water fountaun & ~ire house 6.~8 " " " city dump ~ 1.25 " " . hydrant rental ~29.00. " " " city hall service June ,~.~ 39.26 " " " library service June ~ ~4.8~ " " " ~isc. service parks " $140.28 Total ~1907.5~ The claims having been audited by the finance Co ~m3n~ttee Councilman Z~inucciani moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd stated he would ha~e the reSolUt3 changing the names of certain streets ready for t~L~e next meeting. The attorney for the Union Paving Company in the natter of the resurfacing of South ' Linden Ave, failed to answer the city's offer of adjustment through the city engineer. The proposed chicken , trailer camp and building alterations ordinances were not yet ready.' Under the head of New Business Nayor Esche~ach announceA that it was about time the -city was considering requesting the companies owning poles on the streets of ~outh San Francisco to meet with the city council on the subject of removing them to the alleys. The City Clerk was instructed to write the companies inviting them to attend a meeting of the council and talk the matter over. Councilman Ratto reported that the road leading to the city's beach was in very poor condition, and that there should be a few toilets installed at the beach. City engineer ~armhall stated it was so~t!~es possible to secure old toilets taken over by the WP&, and he would investigate and try to~'secure some. He was instructed by the Mayor to do so, and also to repair the be~ch road, and look up a good second hand roller for this chAraCter of work, and report on the price of one at the next meeting, Fire Chief Welts submitted some specifications for vario~s types of fire engines. No action was taken on them at the meeting, and further study will be given the matter. There being no further business before the council Councilman ~inucciani moved to adjourn until the next regular meeting, Nonday July l?th, 1939, at 8 o'clock P.M. The motion seconded by Oouncilman Ratto ard~ regularly carried. Time of adjournment, $ o'clo.ck P.M. Respe~fully submt tt~ Approved ~ayor of Bouth San Francisco.