HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1939-11-27 REGULARLY ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE CITY C0~NCIL OF ~iE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, EELD ~0NDAY, i(0VE~BER 2V,1939. A regularly adjourned meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City hall, Eonday evening, November 2V,1939. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the council present;as follows;- Councilmen, V.Boido, A.J.Eschelbach,~.Minucciani, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. The reading of the.minutes of the previous meeting was dispensed with. A communication was received from Sociedad ~utualista Mexican "EORELOS',Inc, requesting permit to hold a dance and conc~rt in Fraternal hall, ~aturday evening, ~ecember 16,1939,fro~ 8 o'clock F.M. to 2;00 A.~i. ~Admis2ion to be free and_ Christmas presents for the children. On motion by Councilman Ratto,seconded by Councilman~nd regularly carried , permission was granted. A communication was received from Nrs.E.C.Peck stating that Mrs. Taverner of the recreat department of the WPA would be laid off work for the month of December on a~count a ruling i~ division,pending a new assignment, and request~ the city council to pay her salary for the month of December. Councilman Minucciani moved that the salary be paid,and mot knowing the a~ she receives, left it open until ascertained. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto an~ regularly carried. A communication was received from the Fetal ~-Thermit Corporation stating that many mont ago they had agreed to cont?Ibute the sum of ~500 toward the improvement of East Grand Avenue in accordance with an anticipated improvement pro,ram, and wished to know if the city was got ahead with the program, and if not they would withdraw-:the offer. The city clerk was instruct to repl~ stating that the city intends going ahead as soon as the WPA gets started~ and wou] inform the company when the work starts. South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company submitted a deed to a parcel of land, po~ of lot lot 53,in Block ~, City Park Addition,the same being the southeast corner of said lot, f¢ city purposes. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of Sc San Francisco accepting the deed. ~he resolution was adopted by the votes of a~l the membe the council, as follows, being RESOLUTION NO.V40, Ayes, Councilmen V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, M.~inUcciani, D.W.Ratto,Rod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of resolutions, ~ol.3, at page 233. Claims in the amount of $490.33 were next presented to the council for payment;- Anchor Drug Company South S.F.Land & Imp.Co., Am~rican Bitumuls Company Marlo Blandini C .E .Bush Corner Grocery American Chechwriter Company South City Lumber & Supply Co., San Msteo Co.Title Co., Patrick ~'ioise Klinkner Co. tt ti tl Ercola Lazzari i~r s. W. ~. Dinning print films of Orange Avenue Park 4000 yards top soil 450 gals Bitumuls wash,Erease police car 1000 cans-1 gals- i case towels renewal of insurance,~lO,OOO,etc, staples October reports police clubs rubber stamp rent Lazzari to November 30,39 salary of judge Dinning September 1,to October 13,1939 Total ~ 1.13 8200. O0 ~ 52.45 3.00 6.50 4.64 ~ 55.00 .51 1.50 8.96 .59 gO. O0 ~;~;156.19 ~490.33 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Einucciani moved th~ be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business no word was received from the South San Francisco ·and and Improvement Company re~arding the proposition to submit an offer to the city to sel3 beach property, the city clerk not~havingln~tified~'them, on account of a misunderstanding in the instructions at the previous meeting. Councilman Ratto requested the clerk to write the. company inviting them to re-submit their bid of April 19Z~, at the next meeting of the City So ordered~ on motion by Councilman ~inucciani,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly ca~ Nr. Thompson of the ~ills~_de Sign Company aooeared before the council and requested that his sign be eliminated from the provisions of th~Billboard sing ordinance, having had a lea~ the City of Sou~h San Francisco for a term of years on the property . City Attorney will pret a resolutio~the matter at the next meeting of the council. Engineer Narshall referring to Eucalyptus Avenue, City Attorney Coleberd was requested by ~ayor~Eschelbach to procure easements from Swift Armours and the ~arble works before the city constructs sewers in the their property. Tony Pacheco was instructed to proceed to string wires for the purpose of lighting up G~ Avenue for a certain distance for the comong holidays~ He declared it would take about 16 st~ and the price about .if$8 per string. A representative of a decoration and flag company appeared the council wit~ a propositie decorate the city hall,library etc., He will bring samplesand submitc them to the councilmen the coming week. Councilman Boido proposed. *~t the salary of Larry Wallace be raised to ~l~O. per month. he act as stenographer and typist . for any other city departments wishing his services . After consideration of the matter he moved that the raise be made, salary to begin December The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Councilman Ratto announced that Supernitendent Rooney of the Western Pipe &Steel Compan~ offered the city shell gravel when wanted. It developed that it was now too late to take adv~ of the offer. A delegation of boatmen, including Gilbert Lazzari,Bob ~ieri, Frank ~'ariani and Eu?ene De Lucca, appeared before the city council and made upon the cit7 to establish a yacht harbo: at the water front for the convenience of the many fishermen of this city. Councilman Ratto endorsed the request,saying many had called upon him to advance the interests of bhe~yachtme~ the city by securing space for the boats,which he claimed would ~ring revenue to the city. Eschelbach believed there is merit in the proposition and appointed Gilbert ~azzari, City Eh! ~arshall and the others of the delegation a con~ittee to investigate the costs,etc,and repor' the next meetin~ Hu~h ~cNellis called attention to the ~oor road to the be~ah, he A communication Was received from Sociedad Mutualista Mexican "MORELOS",Inc, requesting permit to hold a dance and couc~t in Fraternal hall, ~aturday evening, December 16,1939,from 8 o'clock f.E. to ~;00 ^.~,l..~Admis~ion to be free and Christmas presents for the children. On motion by Councilman Ratto,seconded by Councilman~nd regularly carried , permission was granted. A communication was received from Nrs.E.C.Peck stating that Mrs. Taverner of the recreat~ department of the WPA would be laid off work for the month of December on aEcount a ruling in division,pending a new assignment, and request~ the city council to pay her salary for the month of December. Councilman Minucciani moved that the salary be paid,and mot knowing the am. she receives, left it open until ascertained. The motion was seconded by Councilman Eatto and regularly carried. A communication was received from the ~etal ~. Thermit Corporation stating that many mont~ ago they had agreed to contribute the sum of ~500 towar~ the improvement of East Grand Avenue in accordance with an anticipated improvement program, and wished to know if the city was goi~ ahead with the program,and if not they would withdraw~the offer. The city clerk was instruct. to reply stating that the city intends going ahead as soon as the WPA gets started, and woul~ inform the company when the work starts. South San Francisco Land & Improvement Company submitted a deed to a parcel of lan~, pot of lot lot 53,in Block ~, City Park Addition,the same being the southeast corner of said lot, city purposes. Councilman Boido introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of So' San Francisco accepting the deed. fhe resolution was adopted by the votes of a~l the membe the council, as follows, being EESOLUTION N0~940, Ayes, Councilmen V.Boido,A.J.Eschelbach, ~.~inucciani, D.W.Ratto,Eod Tibbetts. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest Daniel ~cSweeney, City Clerk. Recorded in Book of resolutions, ~ol.3, at page ~33. Claims in the amount of $490.33 were next presented to the council for payment;- Anchor Drug Company South S.F.Land & Imp.Co., American Bitumuls Company Mario Blandini C.E.Bush Corner Grocery American Chechwriter Company South City Lumber & Supply Co., San ~teo Co.Title Co., Patrick Moise Klinkner Co. t! tt tl Ercola Lazzari Mrs. W.~.Di~ning print films of Orange Avenue Park 4000 yards top soil 450 gals Bitumuls wash,Erease police car 1000 cans-1 gals- I case towels renewal of insurance,~lO,OOO,etc, staples October reports police clubs rubber stamp rent Lazzari to November salary of judge Dinning September 1,to October 13,1939 Total 1.13 $~00.00 3~.45 3.00 6.50 4.64 55.00 .51 1.50 8.96 .57 20.00 ~156.1~ ~490.33 The claims having been audited by the finance committee Councilman Minucciani moved the be paid. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ratto and regularly carried. Under the head of unfinished business no word was received from the South San Francisco Land and Improvement Company re~arding the proposition to submit an offer to the city to sell beach property, the city clerk not~having!n~tified them, on account of a misunderstanding in the instructions at the previous meeting. Councilman Ratto requested the clerk to write the company inviting them to re-submit their bid of April 1937, at the next meeting of the City C So ordered~ on motion by Councilman Minucciani,seconded by Councilman Boido and regularly car ~r. ~hom~son of the Eillside Sign Company aooeared before the council and requested that his sign be e~iminated from the provisions of th~-Billboard sing ordinance, having had a leas the City of South Sen Francisco for a term of years on the property . City Attorney will prep a resolutio~the matter at the next meeting of the council. Engineer Marshall referring to Eucalyptus Avenue, City Attorney Coleberd was re$~ested by ~ayor~Eschelbach to procure easements from Swift Armours and the ~arble works before the city constructs sewers in the their property. Tony Pacheco was instructed to proceed to string wires for the purpose of lighting up Gr Avenue for a certain distance for the comong holidays, He declared it would take about 16 str and the price about ,i~35 per string. A representative of a decoration and flag company appeared the council with a propositic decorate the city hall,library etc., He will bring samplesand submit: them to the councilmen the coming week. Councilman Boido proposed *~t the salary of Larry Wallace be raised to ~l~O. per month~ he act as stenographer and typist , for any other city departments wishing his services . After consideration of tLe matter he moved that the raise be made, salary to begin December 1 The motion was seconded by Councilman Tibbetts and regularly carried. Councilman Ratto announced that Supernitendent Rooney of the Western Pipe &Steel CompanN offered the city shell gravel when wanted. It developed that it was now too late to take adva of the offer. A delagation of boatmen, including Gilbert Lazzari,Bob Eieri, Frank ~'ariani and Eugene ~e Lucca, appeared before the city council and made upon the cit~' to establish a yacht harbor at the water front for the convenience of the many fishermen of this city. Councilman Ratto endorsed the request,saying many had called upon him to advance the interests of bhe~yachtmen the city by securing space for the boats,which he claimed would ~ring revenue to the city. Ns Eschelbach believed there is merit in the proposition and appointed Gilbert ~azzari, City En8 Marshall and the others of the delegation a conmittee to investigate the costs,etc,and report the next meeting . t~gh ~cNellis called attention to the poor road to the beach, he was informed the city had it in mind and would get around to it later. There bein~ no f~rther business before the board Councilman Minucciani moved to adjour until Monday, December 4th,1939, at 8 o'clock p.m. Ratto and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, 10;10 o'clock p.m. ~±he motion was seconded by Councilman Respectfully submitted, Approved l~layor of South San Francisco.