HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1943-04-19REGULAR i~LEETING OF THE CIT~ CObNCIL OF T}IE CITY OF SOUT}£ SAN FRANCISCO,LELD ~,~ONDAY, APRIL 19,1943. ~he regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco was held in the City H~]? ~ondsy evening, April 19,1943. The meeting was called to order at 8 o'clock P.M. by ~ayor D.W.Ratto. -~e~~-~-~e-ee~ee~-e~-~e~-~e~-~eaee~-~e~e~Ama~-~e~e-~a~e~-~e-~a~-~e-~a~e~a~ ~e~e~e~ee-~e-%~e~W~wee~-~a~m-~ee~e-me~e-~a~-~-e~e~-~ea~e-~-~e-m~ee-ee~ee~e~-~e-~ ROLL CALL. ~oll call found all members of the city council presen~;~.8s follows;- Councilmen,V.Boido,OeorEe W.~olston, ~eese Lloyd, ~.~tn~ccisni,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meetin~ were read. ~efe~rin~ to the collection of ~ent for leased city ~round councilman Boido stated he ha( no particular reference to the W~.lwood Par~ lease an7 more than any other leased ~round owned by the cit7~ and the minutes were corrected so to read and adopted. A communication was received from ~he ~merican ~ed Cross of San ~steo Count7 expressin~ its sincere appreciation of the city's coop~rstion during the 1943 ~ed Cross War Fund Campai~ in ~a~ch. Accepted and filed/ Assemblyman ~arrison W.Call replied to the city's letter with reference to Assembly 1777,statin~ ~e was pleased to have the city's advice and do w~at he could to follow the sam~ Communication accepted and filed. With reference to the improve~ent of Industrial Way a communication from John H.Ske~?'~, District Engineer of the fourth district,stated he was in receipt of a letter from the Centr~ Office regsrdin~ the possible restriction of ~ndustrial Wa7 to one-wa7 traffic for one hou~ durin~ the shift chanEes in d~71i~ht hou~s,addin~ that The Public Roads Administration is a~reeable to the ~estrtction but believes the matter should be adjusted b7 the City of South San Francisco. The matter was laid over further stud7. An application for a ~ob on the police force was received from "'ario Blandini,Ol8 Pine Avenue. Councilman Lloyd moved tke% the applicant be appointed temporarily, at a salsr7 of ~165 per month. The motion was seconded b~ coincilman Boido and regularly carried. The date of commencinf work by the new officer, was set at ~a7 1~1943. An answer was received from ComEressman Anderson to the city's letter requestinE him to use his best endeavors to secure financial aid from the federal ~overnment to control the flood waters enterin~ South San Francisco from the Coima Creek area and the lands above.~r. Anderson stated he would do all in his power to assist the cit7 in this flood prevention,and enclosed a letter from A ~r.Brandt on soil conservation,which did not show much encouragement in sight. ~snk of America wis~ed to know if the cit7 still wished to keep on stop-payment notices in re checks ~008,~0~.o8731 and ~6690.It was decided to keep the stop-payment in effect. In a communication :. San ~ateo Count7 Civilf. an Defense Council requested the Lccal Civilian Defense Council to issue officer's tyDe ~as masks with special diaphram for microphone communications for WERS operators only. Ee£erred to C~ief Welte. Pete ~azzante & Company,Wildwood Far~, requested pez~ission to connect wi~h the water pum? in Southwood D~ive for the duration in order to suD~l7 their Erowln~ crops with water, and asked that a cop7 of the per, it be furnished the Pacific ~as & Electric Compan7 for thai3 records. Councilman Holston moved the desired permission be ~ranted. The motion was seconded b7 councilman Boido and re~ularl7 carried. The recreation commission requested ~hat ~iss ~ar~aret ~cNult7 be appointed to the positi( of assistant to the Hecreation Director, be~innin~ April 90,1943,at a minimum salary of ~135 per month of 180 ho~rs. Councilman ~inucciani moved the appointment be made. The motion was seconded b7 councilman Lloy~ and regularly carried. Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of Archie F~e~osi for appointment to;;the call forces ( the fire department.Councilman ~olston moved the appointment be confir~ned. ~he motion was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly ca~ried. ~ille Enterprises,Inc., a~plted for a permit to open an Arc,de in the Russo Brothers corn~ Councilman Lloyd moved the permit be denied. The motion was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and reEularly carried. Lawrence Wallace submitted an application ?~ the position of police clerk in Chief of Po; Louis Bellont's office. There bein& no vacancy : in this office the application was ~aid over. Claims for damages for in~uries alleged to h~ve been received ,~n the sum of $3~,~00, wet{ m~de b7 Theresa Etley, Josephine Warner and ~arold Riley, through their attorneys, Sullivan & Sullivan~ it bein~ alleged, their automobile fell into an unguarded hole or culvert near the intersection of East ~;'snd Avenue and Industrial Way. Eeferred to city attorne7 Coleberd. Notice was received from the State Board of Equalization of the application o£~errill W.~ for an on sale beer l~¢ense for the restaurant at the north east corner of Butler Avenue and the Southern Pacific Rail~oad tracks. No ob~ections from ~he city council. Chief of Police Belloni requested the cancellation of tke appointments of the followin~ named special policemen at the Western Pipe & Steel Company's plant}- Ben~amin Battiesta, ~eor~e S.Ca~anauEh,Ed~ar W.Clark,Leo F.CPaiE,Ou7 ~a~,Chan 5owell,Ton7 C.~owell,~onroe D. ~ackson,Oa~land Lawson,Ceor~e S.Lee,burton A.~ason, ~erbert B.~acomber, JoDn T.~ooney,Christi~ ~anzont,Joseph Olson,Frank Purcell,Paul T.$imms~arl Un,er and Tom Weitziel;- and st theBethl~ Steel Corporation, Travls D.~icheelson,Joseph Louis L~bus,Ealph Oney,Clarence Dalziel, Louis Sokach ~ilton H.Eoowe, Albe~t ~;tll ,Gilbert J.E~an,Clif£ord O.~awkins,Wendell F.Ha~old, Kieth DeFolo, J~mes T.Campbell,Ernest B.P~te,~alph Eudson,Jonathan E.Sev7 ,Theodore ~.~aines~ Oeor~e Filbert and William A.Ward. Councilman ~inucciani moved the cancellations be ordered. The motion was seconded b7 councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Chief of Police Beiloni next submitted the names;~ilton H.~owe,;okn B.Blanchfteld,~uckle; Ntmy,Nova Wilmer Vanderpool,Ben~amin J.hansscker, and ner~nan V.Caldron for ap~-.ointment as spa( policemen at Western Pipe &: S~eel Co, and of Frank Nelson,James Francis Holve7 and Ossian Deb( Oeddes a~ the ~ethleham Steel Co~poration. Councilman Lloyd moved the appointments be con£: without remuneration from the cit7. ~he moti:~n was seconded b7 councilman ~olston and regular; carried. W~r~s Engineer Klassen submitted a statement of all the claims paid b~ the cit7 char~eal against Co,ma Creek ~aintenance £~om ~'a7 1,19~ to ~7 1,1S43,which ~ncluded certain bills no' 7et presented for payment bu~ chargeable against the pro3ect. Acc~rdin~ to the engineer ~4,3 will be spent b~ the city. Of the county's ~uarantee of ~15,000 toward the pro~ect has been expended leavin~ the count7 owtn& the cit7 ~10,414.66 of its ~15,000 appropriation to ~elp maintain Colma Creek. The Cit~ Clerk was instructed to wPite the count7 ~oard of Supervis askin~ for the balance o£ the money due t~e city, ~10,414.66, The engineer's s~atement was ~ccep%ed ss submitted. ROLL CALL. Roll call found all members of the city council present;~s follows;- Councilmen,¥.Boido,Oeorge W.Holston, Heese Lloyd, M.Mi~,~cciani,D.W.Ratto. The minutes of the previous meeting were read. Referring to the collection of rent for leased city ground councilman Boido stated he h no particular reference to the W~lwood Farm lease ann more than any other leased ground owne~ by the city~ and tile minutes were corrected so to read and adopted. A communication was received from The ~merican Red Cross of San ~ateo County expressing its sincere appreciation of the city's coop~.ration during the 19~3 ~ed Cross War Fund Campa~ in ~arch. Accepted and filed/ Assemblyman Harrison W.Call replied to the city's letter with reference to ~ssembly lVTV,stating ~e was pleased to have the city's advice and do what he could to follow the s~ Communication accepted and filed. With reference to the improve~ent of Industrial Way a communication from John H.Skegg~, District Engineer of the fourth district,stated he was in receipt of a letter from the Cent~ Office regarding the possible restriction of Industrial Nay to one-way traffic for one hour during the shift changes in d~ylight hours,adding that The Public Roads Administration is agreeable to the restriction but believes the mRtter should be adjusted by the City of South San Francisco. The matter was laid over further study. ~n application for a job on the police force was received from ~ario Blandini,Ol8 Pine Avenue. Councilman Lloyd moved that the applicant be appointed temporarily, at a salary of ~16S per month. The motion was seconded by coincilman Boido and regularly carried. The date of commencing work by the new officerwas set at ~ay 1,19~3. An answer was received from Comgressman Anderson to the city's letter requesting him to use his best endeavors to secure financial aid from tl~e federal government to control the flood waters entering South San Francisco from the Coima Creek area and the lands above.~r. Anderson stated he would do all in his power to assist the city in this flood prevention,and enclosed a letter from A Mr.Brandt on soil conservation,which did not show much encouragement in sight. Oank of America wis~ed to know if the city still wished to keep on stop-payment notices in re checks 23008,90~46~o8V31 and 26690.It was decided to keep the stop-payment in effect. In a communication :~ San Aateo County Civilian Defense Council requested the Lccal Civilian Defense Council to issue officer's type gas masks with special dfaphram for microphone communications for WERS operators only. Referred to C~ief Welte. Pete ~azzante &~ Company,Wildwood Farm, requested permission to connect with the water ~}ump in Southwood Drive for the duration in. order to supnly their growing crops with water, and asked that a copy of the permit be furnished the Pacific ~as & Electric Company for their records. Councilman Holston moved the desired permission be granted. The motion was seconded by councilman Boido and regularly carried. The recreation commission requested that Miss ~argaret NcNulty be appointed to the positio of assistant to the Hecreation Director, beginning ~.pril ~0,1943,at a minimum salary of $135 per month of 180 hoprs. Councilman Ninuccianl moved the appointment be made. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Fire Chief Welte submitted the name of Archie Fregosi for appointment to:.the call forces o: the fire department.Councilman Holston moved the appointment be confirmed. ~he motion was seconded by councilman ~inucciani and regularly' carried. Mille Enterprises,Inc., applied for a permit to open an Arcede in the Russo Brothers corne~ Councilman Lloyd moved the permit be denied. The motion was seconded by councilman Ninucciani and regularly carried. Lawrence Wallace submitted an application ?~r the position of police clerk in Chief of Polf Louis Belloni's office. There being no vacancy in this office the application was Said over. Claims for damages for injuries alleged to have been received ,in the sum of $3~,500, were made by Theresa Riley, Josephine Werner and harold Riley, throu~h their attorneys, Sullivan Sullivan~ it being alleged, their automobile fell into an unguarded hole or culvert near the intersection of East G~'and Avenue and Industrial Way. Referred to cit~ attorney Coleberd. Notice was received from the State Board of Equalization of the application ofNerrill W.3~b for an on sale beer license for the restaurant at the north east corner of Butler Avenue and the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks. Mo objections from the city council. Chief of Police Belloni requested the cancellation of the appointments of the following named special policeman at the Western Pipe & Steel Company's plant;- Benjamin Battiesta, Oeorge S.Ca~anaugh,Edgar W.Clark,Leo F.Craig,Guy barS,Chart Howell,Tony C.Howell,Monroe D. gackson,Oarland Lawson,George S.Lee,Burton A.Mason, ~erbert B.Macomber, John T.Mooney,Christian Manzoni,Joseph Olson,Frank Purcell,Paul T.Simms,Narl Unger and Tom Weitziel;- and at theBethleh~ Steel Corporation, Travis D.Michaelson,Joseph Louis L~bus,Ralph Oney,Clarence Dalziel, Louis Sokach Milton R.Hoowe, Albert Kill ,Gilbert J.Egan,Clifford O.Eawkins,Wendall F.~arold, Kieth DeFolo, James T.Campbell,Ernest B.Pste,~alph Hudson,Jonathan E.Sevy ,Theodore T.Haines, George Filbert an~ William A.Ward. Councilman ~inucciani moved the cancellations be ordered. The motion was seconded b~ councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Chief of Police Belloni next submitted the names;~ilton E.Howe,John B.Blenchfield,Suckley Nimy,Nova Wtlmer Vanderpool,Benjamin J.hansacker, and ~erman V.Caldron for ap~ointment as specis policemen at ~estern Pipe & Steel Co, and of Frank Nelson,James Francis Eolvey and Ossian Debose Geddes at the ~ethleham Steel Corporation. Councilman Lloyd moved the appointments be confir~ without remuneration from the city. ~he moti ~n was seconded by councilman ~olston and regularly carrie~. Wor~s Engineer Klassen submitted a statement of all the claims paid by the city chargeable a~'ainst ~o~ma Creek ~aintenance f~om ~ay 1,1~4~ to ~y 1,18~B,whic~ included certain hills not yet presented for payment but chargeable against the project. According to the engineer ~24,38~ will be spent b~~ the city. Of the county's guarantee of ~lS,O00 toward the project ,$4,83~.34 has been expended leaving the county owing the city ~10,414.66 of its ~lS,O00 appropriation to help ma£ntain Colma Creek. The City Clerk was instructed to write the county ~oard of Supervisors asking for the balance of the money due the city, ~10,414.66, The engineer's statement was accepted as submitted. ~ cop~ of the LatLam Act of Congress on Rousing was received b~ the city, in connection ~ith the proposed ~21 units to bc erected in the south end of the city. The act provides that 379 the Administrator shall pay annual sums in lieu of taxes ~'rom the rentals to any State or politi- cal subdivision th~_reof with respect to any real property acquired and held by him under said act,including improvements thereons etc. Works engineer Klassen stated a representative of the Housing authority would be in to see us soon. The War ~epartment suomitted Bulletin No.31,stating that the South San Francisco ~erminal Company,M16 Linden Avenue applied for a permit to construct a timber-pile-oil-pipe-lin~ pier about 5 feet wide and 188 feet long and three five pile mooring dolphins, the proposed pier to extend 140 channelward of the existing bulkhead in San Bruno Channel. There were no objections to the project and the notice was filed/ The monthly reports of the Librarian and City Treasurer for the month ending ~arch 31,1943 were submitted and accepted. RESOLUTION N0.$94. Councilman [inucciani introduced a resolution of the city council of the City of South San ~rancmsco leasing one and one half acres of Orange Avenue~to Pater azzantt,~ony ago and Lawrie Mazzei,under the firm name of WILDWOOD F~.RM, for farming of vegetables for the p~riod of one year at a rental of $~5 per acre. The resolution was adopted by the votes of all the members of the city council, as follows,- Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,George W.Holston,Reese Lloyd,E.Ninucciani,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest,___Daniel ~cSweeney City Clerk. aeco~ded in Book of ~esolutions, Vol.3,at page 384. Claims in the amount of ~40V0.35 were next presented to the council for payment;- Joe Galll F.Mandoli Harry Troxell John '~ ac chi A. ~e rrari o F.Parenti F. Lom~ardi L. Arman~no. Joh'1 Colomba J.Ferrario M. Lau fer Howard Buick Co South S.F.Hospital Patrick & Co., Brunton's Service Associated Equip Co., L. C .Smith Fred Lautze Rockaway Quarry ~Iis sion Quarry Ed.R.Bacon parts Linde Air Products Co. oxygen Linde Air Products Co Kelly's,, '~oe ldi~g tf ,! Baber's Body Works California -ater LSer. ,f ti tt ~t Camera ~hoto ~ervice San Mateo Co.Title Co Enterprise Press IntercitN Transport Co David B.Eill Co. Chas.Oerg g Co., A1. J .We lte, tt tt Arndt's ~ept . ~tore Union Oil Co tt tt ~he Ohio Chemical Co., Pac.'Ze..&. 'iel Co. S. F. Ex ami n e r San Mateo Times labor in parks Labor on streets " parks ~c~ rpenter labor ark Labor tt It alcoholic exms poliEe desk set tube etc, broom core e~c. rock rep Chev.pickup chrusher run demurrage welding rep fire teuck hydrant water It 'f ~;fs c. " Plauground " f i lms d~ily reports pub. or ,0,28 20 check hooks frieght lawn s~ed rep lawn mower CIV,DEF Exp.to Sacto ,t tt 6 sheets fire ho. tire inspection tire.tube etc, oxygen April Set. adve rti sing State Compensation Ins Fund oal due W .~ ..~rownlee renew checkwriter W~.:.Minucciani rep drink fo~.~tain South Cit]~ Lumber ~ S.CO.,paint,fire dept " " materials t! tt tt It ,t ti ft tt ,t ~t t~ ff P.Uccelli & Co plowing 76.54 76.54 70.27 70.9V 4s.o5 51.90 e3.10 6V.13 93.38 100. O0 9 e.06 1~,00 1~.$9 s.0o 65.45 19.96 .36 10.50 e4.00 18.75 11.20 ~189.00 36.64 9.75 .5o o.oo 20. O0 oo.oo 4.53 ~140.99 6.84 1.61 ~963.81 eo.so ~199. O0 10',67 35.59 80.05 60.00 J.P.Quinlan stamped envelopes .':.C $100.00 R.R.Sharkey extra phone operator $ 48.40 R.A!'Klassen, Works Engineer for ~arch,1943, 16.hours $94.00,Trans~ortation f~'.4'O0, Prints ~9.83.Oenera; expenses $4~69,Profit $8.86,'Butler Riad-; Ueneral expenses of streets;- Klassen,.~36.00, Transportation $6.00 ~eneral expenses, ~6~30,Prof~t $1q.08, Ayes, Councilmen,V.Boido,George W.Holston,heese Lloyd,~.Ninuccianf,D.W.Ratto. Noes, Councilmen,None. Absent, Councilmen,None. Attest, Daniel NcSweeney City Clerk. ~,ecorded in Book of ~esolutions, Vol.3,at page 384. Claims in the amount of ~4070.35 were next presented to the council for payment;- Joe Galli F.Mandoli Harry Troxell John ~lacchi A. ~.~'e rrario F.Parenti F. Lom~ardi L. ArmanAno. John' Colomba J.Ferrario M. Lau fe r Howard Buick Co South S.F.Hospital Patrick & Co., Brunton's Service Associated Equip Co., L. C. Smi th Fred Lautze Rockaway Quarry ~iission Quarry Ed.R.Bacon parts Linde Air Products Co. oxygen Linde ;~ir Products Co Kelly,, ' s ~e ldi,n,g tt Baber's Body Works California -ater ~Ser. ~t t! tt tt Camera ~hoto ~ervice San ~ateo Co.Title Co Enterprise Press tt t! Intercit~ Transport Co David B.Eill Co. Chas.Oerg ~ Co., A1.J.Welte, ?t Arndt's ~ept . ~tore Union 0il Co tt ~t ~he Ohio Chemical Co., Pac.'~e. & ~±el Co. S. F. Exami n e r San ~ateo Times labor in parks Labor on streets " parks ~2rpenter labor ark Labor " ~ tt It repairs to ~uick alcoholic exms poliEe desk set tube etc, broom core e~c. rock rep Chev.pickup chrusher run demurrage welding rep fire teuck hydrant water ~[isc. ~t Plauground " films d~ily reports pub .or?~8 ~0 check books frieght lawn seed rep lawn mower CIV,DEF Exp.to Sacto tt ~! 6 sheets fire ho. tire inspection tire.tube etc, oxygen April Set. advertising State Compensation Ins Fund oal due W.E.Brownlee renew checkwriter Wm.~inucciani rep dr~nk fou~:~tain South City Lumber ~ S.CO.,paint,fire dept " " materials tt tt t! ti tt P.Uceelli & Co J .P. Quinlan $ 76.54 ~ 76.54 $ 70.27 $ 4e.05 $ 51.90 ~ ~. 10 $ 5~.8~ ~ ~3.38 $1oo.oo $ ~ .~1 $ ~2.o6 $ 13,00 $ 14.42 $ 3.00 $ 65.45 $ 19.~6 $ .36 $ l~.V3 .62 $ ~o.5o ~4.oo z3.5o. 18.75 $ 11.~0 $18~ .00 $ 36.64 ~ 9.v5 $ $9.50 $ zo.oo $ ~o.oo · ~$100.00 $ ~1.93 $ ~.24 $ ll. 68 $ 3.00. ~ ~4.53 ~ 6.18 ~140 .M9 $ 6.s4 $ 1.61 $963.81 $ ~5.oo $ ~0.~0 $ lV.SS ~1~9. O0 $ zo'.6v $ 35.59 $ 13.52 $ 80.05 plowing ~$ 60.00 stamped envelopes C.C $100.00 R.R.Sharkey extra phone operator $ 48.40 R.A?Klassen, Works Engineer for ~arch,1943, 16.hours $24.00,Transportation %4'00, Prints ~.83.~enera; expenses $4~62,Profit $8.86,Butler Riad-; ~eneral expenses of streets;- Klassen,?36.00, Transportation $6.00 ~eneral expenmes, ~$6.30,Profit $1q.08, ~olma Creek I~iaint,- Klasse n,$36.00,Roc~ell,$8.00,Cor~oran $5.00,Transportation $8.00,General expenses $8.55,Profit $16,39,-Industrial Way,Klassen,~$30.00,Brian $48.~5 0'Day;$18.00,Roc~ell $69.00;Corcoran,$~3.iS,Cahill,.$5.00,Transportatton ~$~6.00,StakeB ~.63,General expenses,~36.S8,Proflt,~69.7~,, o ~ . . Running levels for drainage ditch on Grand Ave.~ear Armour Packing Co.,Rockwell $4.00 Corcoran Q~.50,Transportation ~'~l.O0,General Expenses .gl.IS,Profit ~$~.16 ;-Preparing report on ~amage created by Oarrett & Hilp operation in Belle Air Shipyard, Brian,,~15.63,Rockwell ,$3~.O0,~Corcoran ~.O0,Transportation .~8.00, enera, expenses '~ll.34,Profit ~l V4, Total $654.V4, Grand total $40V0.35. The claims having been audited by the finance co~:mtttee councilman Lloyd moved they be paid. The motion was seconded by councilman Holsto n and regularly carried. D~d. er the head of unfinished business City Attorney Coleberd steted he was contacting ~r. Azzaro, who has been using some of the city's park land for agricultural purposes, with a view of securing rental therefor. ~ayor Eatto stated he believed ~r. Azzaro was paying rent to someone for the use of this land,and the city should collect it. Mr. M.Lucchesi of the South City ~arket appeared before the council and again protested against the congested c~owded condition of ~rand Avenue by people parking in front of business places,including owners~of the places. ~e stated it orevented prospective buyers from getting to the stores to bny,and asked that something be done by the city council to protest the stor and their customers. Councilman Lloyd stated there are many ~acant lots in close vicinity to t business district, and it would be ef service if the city would provide free parking space 'for the public. It was advised that the police become active again in t~?~ing overstaying automob Councilman Minueciani again took up the matter of hog stench and sewage entering Colma Creek and down into Sout~L San Francisco and asked for action to eliminate this condition. Melvin Chlaam , county health officer was on hand and stated the county is preparing an ordina to cope with the hog ranch situation, and t~at a new inspector was being put on the Job. Mayo Ratto requested city attorney Coleberd to study the matter of taking legal proceedings against the hog ranchers. ~r. Coleberd stated the District Attorney could institute proceedings at any time. Councilman ~inucciani ~eported that liquor dealers were keeping open late, and some were selling to minors.City attorney Coleberd a~vised that the guilty be arrested right away. There being no further business before the board conncilman Holston moved to adjourn until Monday,May 3,1943,at 8 o'clock P.M. The motion was seconded by councilman Lloyd and regularly carried. Time of adjournment, l0 o'clock P.M.. respectfully submitted, Approved Mayor of South San Francisco.