HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1950-10-16REGULAR ME~ING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO }{ELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1950 PLACE: TIME: ROLL CALL: CALL TO ORDER: MINUTES: S~AGE DISPOSAL PLANT BIDS: SOUTH MAPLE AVENUE BIDS: S~ER--ENTERPRISE FOUNDRY-- PAYMENT: PLANS & SPECIFICATIONS PARKWAY T~RRACE NO. 3: Council Chambers, City Hall 8p.m. Present: Absent: Councilmen Victor Boido, Charles K. Elder, Adolph Sani, Joseph Bracco, Emilio Cortesi None. The meeting was called to order at 8:15 p. m. by Mayor Sani. City Clerk having forwarded copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to all councilmen, Mayor Sani asked if there were any errors or omissions. There being none, the minutes were approved as submitted. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by Councilman Boido that bids for the cons- truction of a sewage disposal plant be opened. This motion was regularly carried. Five bids were submitted as follows: Barrett & Hilp Haas & Rothschild l~lsh Construction Co. Fred J. Early, Jr. Co. Inc. M & K Corporation Total Bid $ 961;146.OO 1OO5,752.00 956,759.20 909,550.00 g92,690.50 Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Elder, that these bids be laid over for consideration to Monday, October 30, 1950 at 4:30 p. m. This motion was regularly carried. Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Klder, that bids for the improvement of South M~ple Avenue be opened. This motion was regularly carr~ The following two bids were submitted: TOTAL BID The Lowrie Paving Co. Inc. $20,611.25 L. C. Smith Co. 18,877.35 Action on these bids was laid over until later in the meeting to allow the Works Fn~ineer to check same. Communication was received from the Works Engineer advising that B. Miles Thomas had completed the work of sewer construction in easement at the Enterprise Foundry. He recommended that Mr. Thomas be paid the sum of ~1485.50 as part payment for this work. Councilman Elder moved, seconded Councilman Bracco, that the rec~ommendation of the 1,7orks En?ineer be accept~ and Mr. Thomas be paid $1455.50. This motion was regularly carried. The Works Engineer presented for approval plans and specifications for the street improvements in Parkway Terrace No. 3. The l~orks Engineer stated h, had talked with Mr. Re with reference to bank on this property near Mr. Re prooerty. He also advised he had talked with Mr. Shaw of the Land Company who stated this lot had already been sold but possibly some arran~,ements might be made to take care of possible erosion. On this condition, Counci man Boido moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco, that the recommendation of the Works Engineer be accepted with the proviso that a retaining wall be J stalled adjacent to the Riccomi and Re property. This motion was regular] carried. RF~OLUTION NO. 1585 STREET I~gPROVEM~TS krINSTON MANOR: PUM~ HOUSE CHANGE ORDt~R: POLICE OFFI CER-SHAFFLEY: RECREATION DEPARTMENT HILLSIDE AREA PLAYGROUND: JOSEPH RODOTA RECREATION DEPARTMenT: PLANNING COmmISSION VARIANCE PEP~ITS: PLANNING CO~9~ISSION USE PER, fITS: P~ITION-PAVING THIRD LANE: FIREMAN QUESTONI RF~IGNATION: RICCOMI-RE COMPLAINT: SOUTHWOOD WOM?~'S CLUB BREN~OD SCHOOL: CALIF. ?~ATtR StRVICE COMPANY TANK: ARATA MOTOR SALF~ GASOLINE TANK: HOUSING AUTHORITY TRANSFIX: BRENTWOOD FISH AND POULTRY MARKET LICD~SE: MUSIC STUDIO LICENSE: ALL SOULS! BAZAAR: Communication was received from the Works Engineer presentin~ for consideration plans and specifications for the improvement of Winston Manor. Councilman Elder introduced a resolution adopting plans and specifications for street improvements in Winston Manor. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all mem- bers of the council. Communication was received from the Works Engineer aubmitting for approval chan~e order for the reconstruction of the pump house. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by Councilman Boido, that the council approve changes as submitted by the Works Engineer. This motion was regularly carried. Communication was received from Chief of Police Belloni advising that Purnell E. Shaffley would commence his probationary period October 16th as a police officer at a salary of $265.OO per month. This communication was ordered filed. Communication was received from the Recreation Commission advising that a com- mittee had met with Superintendent of Schools Mr. J. C. Cherry, with reference to playground for the Hillside area. They advised that the school de~?rtment would install the baseball field if the city would pay for the watering and main- tenance of the field. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco, that the council request a meeting with the School Board with representatives of the Recreation Commission present. This motion was regularly carried. The Mayor asked the City Manager to arranKe for this meeting. Communicatiom was received from the Recreation Commission recommending that Joseph Rodota be employed as a recreation leader at $1.10 per hour for a 30 day probationary period at the Hillside recreational area. Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi, that the recommendstion of the Recreation Com- mission be accepted. This motion was regularly carried. Resolutions were received from the Planning Commission recommending the granting of variance and adjustment permits to Thomas & Greta Theisen, Fernando & Vera Benetti, Mario & Edward Giaccosa. Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Council- man Elder, that the recommendations of the Planning Commission be accepted. This motion was regularly carried. Resolutions were received from the Planning Commission recommending the ~ranting of use permits to Paul Sweigsrt, the Purdy Co., and Mr. A. E. Stamps. Council- man Elder moved, seconded by Councilman Boido, thst the recommendations of the Planning Commission be accepted. This motion was regularly carried. Petition signed by fourteen property owners was received requesting that Third Lane between the westerly line of ~calyptus Avenue and the easterly line of Chestnut Avenue be paved. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Elder, that the Wor~s Engineer be authorized to prepare plans and specifications for the improvement of Third Lane. This motion was regularly carried. Communication was received from Albert ~estoni submitting his resignation as a fireman, effective October 31, 1950. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by Council- man Bracco, that the resi~ation of Albert Questoni be accepted. This motion was regularly carried. Communication was received, si.~ned by J. E. Riccomi and Nicola Re, concerning the level of the ].and at the corner of Orange and Tamarack Lane in the new subdivision Parkway Terrace No. 3. This communication was ordered filed. Communication was received from the Southwood Women's Club, asking thst the council initiate plans for a connecting street between Southwood and the new school prop- erty in the Southwood-Brentwood area. This mstter was referred to the ?forks Engineer for study.. Communication was received from the California i, Tater Service Company requesting permission to erect a 250,000 gallon water tank on their property. Motion was made by Councilman Elder, seconded by Councilman Boido, and regularly carried, that permit be ~ranted. Communication was received from Arata Motor Sales requesting permission to install a 2,000 gallon ~asoline tank at their new building. As~the Fire Chief approved of this installation, Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Elder, thst permit be granted. This motion was regularly carried. Communication wss received from theHousing Authority, requesting that the city council approve the transfer of the Lindenville Housing project. This matter was laid over for further study. Joseph E. Jago submitted application for a business license in the name of the Brentwood Fish and Poultry Market. Motion was made by Councilman Elder, second- ed by Councilman Bracco, and regularly carried, that license be granted provided all health regulations are complied with. R. Kautina submitted an application for a license to teach music in the American Legion Hallunder the firm name of Kaulina Conserv&tory of Music. Motion was made by Councilman Elder, seconded by Councilman Cortesi, and regularly carried, that license be granted. Communication was received from Lucien J. Caron, Chairman All Souls School Bazaar Committee, advising that the annual bazaar would be held from October 2?th to 29th inclusive. This communication was ordered filed. MORELOS DANCE: Communication was received from The Sociedad ~futualista Mezicana "Morelos" Inc. requesting permission to hol~ a dance at the American Legion Nail Saturday, Octobe~ 28th. Motion was duly n~de, secor~ed, and carried, that permission be ~ranted provided the necessary police protection is obtained. STANDARD BUILDING CO. USE PERMIT: Communication was received from the Standard Building Co. requesting use permit coverinG warehouse and milling facilities which they had installed on the newly annexed territory known as Mission Gardens. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by Councilman Boido, that the necessary use permit be granted the Standard Build- inK Co. This motion was regularly carried. FIREMEN ISKRA & GARRETT: Communication was received from Fire Chief Welte advising that F~wsrd Iskra and Jesse Garrett had reported for duty with the Fire Department OCtober 16th. This communication was ordered filed. CLAIMS: Claims in the amount of $12,380.77 were approved by the Finance Committee. On motion duly made, seconded, and carried, claims as submitted were ordered naid. MONTHLY REPORTS: Reports for the month of September were submitted by the Chief of Police, City Judge, Fire Chief, Library, Wumane Officer, ~ilding Inspector, and Wealth Officer. Motion was ~uly ~ade, seconded, and carried, that same be approved as submitted. LEAGUE CONVINTION: Councilman Elder moved, seconded by Councilman Boido, that the following City Officials and Department heads be authorized to attend the League of California Cities Convention at Los Angeles: Mayor Sani, Councilm~n Elder, Bracco, and Cortesi, City Clerk Fyland, Attorney Coleberd, Superintendent of Streets Schweining, Works Engineer Randlett, Fire Chief ?~elte. This motion was re~]larly carried. PROCLAMATION-UNITED NATIONS DAY: Mayor Sani issued a proclamation declaring October 24, 1950 as URited Nations Day. NATIONAL LETTER I,~ITING WEEK: Mayor Sani issued a proclamation declaring October 15th to 21st as National Letter Writing Week. RESOLUTION NO. 1586 BUILDING BELAIR: Mayor Sani asked if anyone wished to protest the sale of a buildinz on the Belair property. There were no protests. Therefore, Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolution providing for the sale of a public building locat~ on ]and acquired for the construction of a sewage ~isposal plant. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the council. RESOLUTION NO. 1587 SOUTH MAPLE AVENUE IMPROVF~ENT: Councilman Bracco introduced a resolution awarding the contract to L. C. Smith Company for the improvement work on South Maple Avenue. This resolution was adopte~ by the unanimous vote of all members of the council. PROPOSITION NO. 1 NOVF~B~R BALLOT: Proposition No. 1, covering personal property tax exemptions to appear on the November ballot, was ~iscussed. As the passage of this proposition would mean a loss in revenue to the city of at least $50,OOO.00, it was suggested that the council go on record as ~rgin~ the Uefeat of this proposition. Councilman Elder moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco, that the city council urge all citizens to vote "NO" on Proposition No. 1. This motion was re~ularly carried. STOP SIGNS: Councilman Cortesi reported that he with the Superintendent of Streets, and the Captain of Police had ma~e a survey of the town with reference to installing stop sikhs, and that signs would be ~r, stalled at various locations at an early date. CITY CLFJNUP: Councilman Cortesi stated something sho~ld be done toward cleaning up the empty lots and wrecked cars at the Simon's Garage. The City Attorney stated he would chec~ this matter and see what could be ~one. Mayor Sani aopointed Councilmen Cortesi, Bracco, and Boido as a committee to arrange for s cleanup of the city. DISASTER COUNCIL: ~OU~riL OOD-H ALLO. ~EN: Councilman Elder stated the Disaster Council had a try-out on Sunday and were to be commended for the efforts put forth. We moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco, th.~t the Communication Committee of the Disaster Council be commended. This motion was regularly carried.. Mrs. Hernan asked the city's permission to close off ~noll Circle between 7 and 9 P. m. October 31st to permit street activities in that area. It was regularly moved, seconUed, and carried, that permission be ~ranted. BICYCLE REGISTRATION: Mrs. Hernan asked if it would not be possible to license bicycles as a great number had been stolen. This matter was referred to the City ManaEer. A DJOURN~N T: On motion of Councilman Elder, seconded by Councilman Boido, and regularly carried, the meetin? was adjourned to October 30, 1950 at 4 P. m. Time of Adjournment - 9:&5 P. m. Respectfully submitt ed, APPROVED: City Clerk