HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1952-05-05REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY J,)ULolL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO UELD MONDAY, 1,21Y 5, 1952 PLACE: TIME: Council Chambers, City Hall 8p.m. CALL TO ORDER: 'lOLL ~aLL: MINUTES: The meeting was called to order at 8 p.m. by R~yor Cortesi. Present: Cou~cilm~n Noonan, ~ani, Cort~si, Bracco. Absent: Councilman Smith The City Clerk having forwarded copy of the minutes of the previous meeting to all councilmen, Mayor Cortesi asked if there were any errors or omissions. There being none, the minutes were approved as submitted. SMITH A~E?,ICE FRCM STATE: ~ommunmcat~on was received from Councilman Te!ford Smith askin~ permission to be absent from the State for eight days from May ~th to May 11, 1952. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, permission was ~ranted. ADDITIONS JOINT PU~,~ING STATION: Works Engineer Randlett submitted plans and specifications for additions to the joint p~unping station for South Jan Francisco and San Bruno at an estimated cost of .i',20,OO0 recommnending that the project be advertised for bids to be opene~ June 2, 1952. Motion was matte by Councilman 3racco, seconded by Councilman 3ani and re_~ularly car- ried, that the recommendation of the %~orks ~gine~r be accepted and that bids be ad- vertised for. EXTRA WORK S~VAGE DISPOSAL PLANT: ~rks Engineer Randlett,submitted two items of extra work at the Joint Sewage Treat- ment Plant at a cost of $122.08 for item one and ~721.O~ for item two, recommending that this extra work be approved. On motion of Councilman Bracco, seconded by Coun- cilman Suni and regularly carried, the recommendation of the Works ~ineer was accepted. .CIVIL SFF{VICE EX&R~NATIONS: A communication was received from City Manager McClung reco~mendin~ that the Personnel Board be instructed to call examinations for Asst. Supt. of Streets; Foreman, Street Dept; Truck Operator, Street Dept; Utility!~n, Street Dept; and t~'olice Officer. Motion ,-~as made by Councilman Ssni, seconded by Councilman Bracco and re~m~larly car- ried, that the recmmnendations of the City Manager be accepted and the Personnel Board be instructed to call e~minations. SU~SIIINE GA~DENS: The communication of the Atlas ~ealty Company dated Au~r~t 9, 1951 was read. This letter appealed to the ~it? Council from a decision of the ~la_~ming Commission's reco~m]endation of Au~uSt 8, ~951. Mr. Pica. rd explained two other a~pe~ls fi]_ed April 17, 1952 eased on a Plam~in? Uo~m]ission recomm~ndation against variance. His explanation was made after Councilman Noonan agreed to waive readin~ of the aopeals. Mr. Picard addressed the City Council in behalf of ~he Pacific Coast gonst~nction Co. advising that this company purchased the property from Atlas Realty Co. He a eked the city council for a decision on the lot 'size. After ,~tiscussion, Councilm~n S~ni moved to hold to t~he 50' front lot size. This motion was seconded by Councilman Yoonan and re~v~larly carried. LIKDLX~VILLE RECRE~ITION: A co.mmunication was received from the Recreation Co~nmission recon~aendin~ that a full scale recreatienal pro?ox, at Lindenville ~.~U.th suitable leadership be established be_~innin? with the 1952 summer pro,ram. Mr. Buljan ~dvised that Lindenville will put in the equipn~nt, the only expense to the city wou!d be the salaries of the directors. Motion was made by Councilman Noonan, seconded by Councilman Eracco and regularly carrie~,that the i%ecreation Co~r~2ssion be s~tbe~ized to employ a f~ll time man director and a crafts director for th~ summer. KEE~PIMD OF FOWLS, ANIMALS: The matter of creating an ordinance re?~latinq the keeping of fowls and animals was laid over. TR~:,ETo TO }~IGH S~OOL: A communication was received from the South San Francisco Unified School District regarding the use of th~ Market Street Railway right-of-way for a roadway for in~ress to the Hizh School, enclosin? Revocable Permit for the use of this right-of-way. Actin? City Attorney Lyons a~vised the council that the city cou!~ not leMa!ly imp- rove this roadway ~..rithout first obtaining a lease or having the property dedicated to the City. l~i~yor ~ortesi appointed tn~ City ~, ~ .~na~er, City Attorney, %.~orks Engineer and Councilman Noonan to contact the City of San Francisco regarding the use of this right-of-way. ABOVE G!{OUND GASOLINE A communication was received from the Enterprise Pallet Co. requestin? a.oprovsl of an TAi.~K, ~TERP~ISE above ground storage for gasc!ine. Motion was made by Councilma~ Suni, seconded by PALLET: ~oun~lman Bracco and regularly carried, that tha recommendation of the ~,ctinx Fire Chief be acee?.~ ~n~ permission granted. BRL]'i[T[.?OOD CARNIVkL: A co~mmunication was received from Crentwood Company asking permission to have a car- nival in the parking ares f~cinf[ l~.~nwood 'by from 5apt 3 to 7, 1952. Mot~on was made by Councilman Suni, seconded by Councilman Bracco and r~Tu]sr]..~z carried, that oermission, be graf, ted s~bject· to ~he payment~., of the .l'~nse~ f~,e. SAFE g communication was received from Sprouse-i~{eitz Co. askin? the city to amen~ the city ordinance pertaining to the sale of fireworks. Actin~ Fire C?~ief ~r~uns advise5 the council the matter ~as bein~ ~iscussed b7 Fire Chiefs with the i~ee in mind of recommending that sale of fireworks be prohibited. The matter was laid over. AMERICAN LEGION ~O~DI ?IOk~: A communication was received from the Bernar¢~ McCaffery Post, 2~nerican I,-~on, regard- ing the deplorable living conditions at th~ Lindenville Housinx Project. After ~is- cussion Councilman ~oonan moved 'that a sub committee be appointe~ to meet with the Housing Authority and the P. T. A. This motion was seconded by Councilman Suni regularly carri~ ~yor Cort~,si appointed ~ ~uncmlm.~n Noonan, osn~ and ~racco on this co~it tee. PARKING ~'~TER ADS: SID~fALK$ }~PAI.R3: A cormaunication was received from ~;slt~-:r ]ribbins regarding placing advertising on the parking met~,r posts. On motion duly mad~, s~con~,sd and regularly c~rrie¢!, the matter was laid over. oo~maun~cao~ons fro~,~ the Hartford Accident ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ · -? ~' ~om~any dated Dec~mber 10, 19~]I and J~nuarv 15, 1952 rs~zar~ing sidewalk condibions an~ reco!mmendations, w~r~ read. Motion was made by Councilman Noonan that the recommendation of the Hartford Insur~nte Co. as set forth tn paragraph four of l~tter ~s. te~? Dec~ber 10, be accepted, an4 that the city attorney give an opinion at the next meebinZ as to what method, can be used for the payment of thc work done. This motion was second, ed i.y Councilman Bracco and reg- ularly carried. Claims in the amount of j~!20~.81 were submiti~.~d by the Finance 3ommittee. ~(otion was r~de by Councilman Sani, s~conde~. . !-~.,, Councilman Noonan and r~.~ularly ~rr~ed, thn. t claims as submitted b~ ordered paid. SANTO CHRIS'PO SOCIETY C i~EB!{ ~ T I ON: A communication was received from the Santo T~':risto .~oci~-,y asking permission to go May 10 and 11. On motion ~uly ms~,, s~con~d and r~ularly carried, p~rmission was grant e5. LAUTZE BUILDING: M~RK .R~ IGIfATI ON: LKIGUE DINN[R: A communication was received from Fred J. Lautze asking approval of a building permit to construct a precast concrete building on CyI~ress and ~-~iller Avenues as per plans submitted to the BuildinE Inspector. Motion was ~.de by Councilman ]~ani, seconde~ by ~ar~ _ ~d, · Councilman Bracco anf regularly ~ ~e +,bat the r~con~endation of the Building Inspector be accepted and. permit granted. ,\ communication was received from Mark }%~ber tendering his resignation as a m,:mber of the Planning Commission, sffective April 30, 1952. Motion was made by Councilman Bracco, seconded by Councilman Sani and rc?ul~rly carried, that the resignation be accepted. A communication was received from the Fenf. nsula Division, League of California Cities advisin~ of the dirm~,r meeting to be held ~y 15, ]952 at Lyle's, ?7A E1 Camino, South Jan Francisco. The ~!~rk was to be notified of those wishing to attend. RESOLUTION NO. 1752 A(~RE~2'I]~ k2TH CALIF. i,[AT~ SERVICE: Councilman Bracco introduced a resolution suthorizin~? the execution cf an agreement between the City and the California Water Service. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the council pres~t. The a~re~nent called for the payment of $3702.00 for estimated costs. RESOLUTION NO. 1753 Councilman Sani introduced a resolution authorizing that condemnation proceeding~ be CONDE$~,~ATION ?ROCEEDINGS:fi]ed in the Superior Court a~ainst the property of Stolp and Stireman in the City of South San Francisco, in cormection with the ~%valon Park 3ewar. This resolution was adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the council present. The Ulerk was instructed to draw two warrants of !~100.OO each to John ~. ]Sruning, County Cl~rk, as a deposit. PETITI ON .Z~NEXATION UNINHABITLD TIiRRITORY: The petition of the Arco Building Company and [Le Oan Mateo Mounted Sheriff's ~'osse Club for annexation to the City of South San Francisco was laid cver for further study. INDUSTRIAL ACRES: On motion duly .made, seconded and re.~a!srly carried, the >forks i~gineer was instructed to prepare Plans and Specifications for the improvement of streets and sidewalks in Industrial Acres. Acting City Attorney Lyons suggested that the Council fix amount of bond between the South San Francisco Land Co. an¢] the City for the improvement of Industrial Acres. A motion was made by Councilman Bracco that the South San Francisco Land Co. deposit a bond or cash in the amount of ~,65,000. ~,~.th the ~' -~ ~ t ~ ~t~. ~l~rx. This motion was sec- onded by Councilman Noonan and regularly carried. Mr. McL~od suggested that an out- side attorney be hired to check the saleability of the bonds. ROCCA: Mr. Andre; Rocca addressed the City Co'ancil with reference to Sunshine Gardens, stating the depth of the lots should be considered as well as the width, and asked if the City Council was not deviating from the 5000 square feet area ~.s set by ordinance. Works Engineer Randlett advised that the accept~nce of the street map last fail -stablished I~0' between, streets, th,~reby setting a 90' lot depth. SO. LINDt~ AVENUE CROSSING: Councilman Bracco brought up the matter regarding the dangerous condition existing at th~ So. Linden Avenu~ c~ossing of the S. ~. Company and thouT~ht 6he County Super- visors should be contacted to L~lp defray the ~,~pense of automatic qates, i motion was made by Councilman ~racco, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried, that the City Manager contact the Supervisors regar~in? auto,~atic .~ates st this crossing. SPRUCE AV~fUE: Works Engineer Randlett was asked re%arding the completion of Spruce iven~e Extension. He advised that the paving should be completed about June 1st, but that the bridge and culvert would be delayed on account of the carpenter's strike. Councilman Noonan asked the Fngineer to post on the bulletin board a report of the progress. BRF2~OOD STOP & GO SIGNAL: Mr. Church addressed the council asking as to wh,n the Stop and Go Sisnal would be installed at the Brentwood intersection. City Hanager McClunc advised that it would be ready by September. WIL~ DEDICATION OF STRE1T & REZ)NING: Martin W ilms read a letter addressed to the City Council in which he asked the City to purchase the necessary land from his company for Spruce Avenue Extension; that cer- tain of their properties as indicated by an attached,map be zoned C-I; that s!l previous correspondence prior to this dat~ relative to'the above be considered deleted. On motion duly made, seconded and regularly carried, the matter was referred to the Planning Commission. WINSTOn! MANOR [{FCR?ATION: INV~'~TORY OF CITY PROP ]~TY: LIGHTS ON JUNIPfl{ ADJOU~2~%;~,~T: ROVED: Mr. Les Kelting addressed the City Council and recommended that the Recreation Com- mission study recreational facilities in thc l~nston }~nor, Burl Burl area. Recrea- tion Director Buljan was asked to make a studM of this ar~a and report next meeting. ~.{r. J. DiBasilio addresse(] the Council and recommended that Department Heads b~ re- quir,~ to make an inventcry of ~11 City property under ~[~,ir iurisdiction. ~!e was advised the matter would be given consideration. Mr. Frank De~".'~rchi addressed the council end asked for mor~ lights on Juniper Avenue. No action was taken. On motion of 7ouncilman Sani, seconded bV Councilman Bracco and r%~ularly carried, the meeting was adjourned to ~.~onday, ~ay 19, 1952 at 8 p. m. Time of Adjournment - 10 p. m. Respectfully ouom~tted, DANIEL J. U~JJ~D, ~ty ~le_ k ' ~_~eputy City Cl~rk / Mayor