HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1954-04-05PLACE TIME: CALL TO ROLL CALL: 5-05-0 CITIZEN EJEOT~D FRC~ PUBLIC OFFICE IN cITY HALL: EAST GRAND AVENUE STOB~ DRA]2~ BIDS: TRANSPORTATION OF WINSTON MANOR PUPILS: GENERAL PETROL~;~ CORP. RE: R~OVAL OF ~: PETITION PROTESTING WIDENING OF ALTA VISTA DRIVE: ~-/~ REGULAR MEETI~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ~.I1 MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1954 Council Chambers, City Hall 8p.m. The meeting was called to order at 8:04 p. m. by Mayor Cortesi. Present: Councilman John Noonan, Adolph Sani, Emilio Cortesi, Joseph Bracco, Telford Smith Absent: Nome Councilman ~aith requested that the minutes of the adjourned meeting held March 10, 1954 be co~rect~, a~king that the first page, 5th paragraph, be corrected to show that regarding the M. J. King Permit request that the Bmildi~ Inspector present at that meeting stated that the b~ilding conformed to the building code to which it was moved. He stated that he wo~ld like the minutes corrected to show this, further stating that the Building Inspector said the building would conform to o~r building code. Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman Br~eeo an~ regularly carrie~, that the minutes regarding the M. J. King Inc. permit be corrected as ~~eA~ ,I~X~ ~. Comncilman Smith then requested that the regular meeting minutes of March 15, 1954, Just befor the adjournment, ~e corrected to inclmde additional discussio~ regarding the complaints re- ceived regarding the civic center parki~ lot. He further stated that persons who registered objections regarding this item questioned the Mayor regarding the reasons for this parking lot. At this l~int Mayor 0ortesi amd Comneilman Smith conver~ed back and forth regarding this matter. It ~ state~ by May~r Oortesi that this lot ~ a move of the Businessmen's A~sociation. Councilman Smith stat~ that in ~ng of the minutes, a question was asked of ~ayer 0ortesi as to the meed for the ~arking let to ~ich he answered that the reason wa~ t~at a large ~Ul~er market was going to ~e ~.ailt e~ Gra~i Av~ume opposite the Library., and this lot would provide parking for sho~er~. Re further remarked that the question' was then asked as to who ~ ~ owner of t~ lot~ to which ~ayor Cortesi admitted that he was one of the emmer~. C~ilman Smith then me, ed, ~eeca~ by Councilman Noonan and reg- ,,~lawly carrie~, that the miumtes be corrected to include the re~on give~ for the parking lot. Councilman Slaith then stated he further moved that the minute~ show that the Mayor stated he o~ne~ property at the S~ mentioned for t2~ super market. Comncilman Noonan seconded the motion, which ~s regmlarly carried. Comucilman Smith then remarked that if there were no further corrections to the minutes, he moved that they be approved. Councilman Noonan second~ the motion w~ich w~s regmlarly carried. Comncilman No.nan then r~ that the minutee of ~ council reflect, moving that this council does not approve or condone the action of the ~ayor in ejecting a citizen from a public office in the City Hall. Councilman Smith seconded the motion. Mayor Cortesi re- ma~ked that the City Hall sheazld not ~e a place in ~hich to conduct politics and r~led that C~xncilman Noonan was out of order. Commci~ Sani said that the comncil should consider the aerioms bmsiness at hand. Councilman Noonan m~ved, seeo~ by Councilman Smith, that the chair be overruled amd the chair's ruling be contested. 0ouncilman Sani again remarked that the eomneil had ~erio~ business at hand to discuss and that this matter was one that should be brought to the eomrts if the person ~esired. Vote on _~he motion as made by Coun- cilman Noonan amd seeeu~ed by CouneLlman Smith that the chair be overruled was as follows: Ayres, 0~ncilm~n No,nan, Smith and Bracco; Noes, Councilman Sani and Cortesi. Councilman Noonan then moved, seconded by Comucilw~u Smith, that the minutes contain that the council does not approv~ and disapproves the action of the ~yor iu ejecting a citizen from a public office. Motion as me~e and seconded was regularly carried, Conncilmau Sani and Mayor Cortesi voting no. The first matter tak~n'~ on the agenda was the opening of sealed bids on the East Grand Avenme storm ~rain. Ceuncilman Bracco moved, aeconde~ ~y Councilman Smith and regularly carried, that ~he bids be o~ened.. After t~e ~iAa ~d been o~ned and read, Councilm~n Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Nooma~,~.l~t$o~ ,e~gimeer check the bids and report ,back to the council. Councilman ~aith asked if in the bids there would be any variation.* He wished to kno~ if this should not be con~ider~ by o~r Director of Public Works. After a brief discussion, motion as ma~e and seconded was regularly carried. 0cmaaunication was received from the Se~th San Francisco Unified School District regarding the transportation, temporarily, of Winston Manor p~pils to school. Councilman Noonan asked if we did not have smme plan. Councilman Sani remarked that in looking through the agenda he noted an increase of gas tax was to be had. He said he wo~ld like to go on record in ~tting this extra $15,000.00 for an overpass or underpass with matching funds from the Sta~. Councilman Smith stated that just saying that this should be allocated would be improper since there may be new members on the council and that ~study should be made to use the money to the best advantage° Councilman Sani said that ~e felt this is a good move to allocate these funds for either the overpass or under, ass. Councilman Noonan seconded Councilman Saki's motion, remarking that he felt tb~t the area is the moat critical one and should be taken care of. He further remarked that the council should not earmark only to $15,0OO.00 but all we can ~ut to this end as well in addition to this amomnt. He seconded the motion with the proviso that an amendment be added that the $15,000.00 is in no way limited. Coun- cilman Smith suggested that this matter be brought up again on the agenda. Motion as made and amended was regularly carried. C.~A-~unication was received from the General Petroleum Corp. regarding the removal of trees in front of their new service station on L~nden and Armour Avenmes. Mayor Cortesi ordered the c~mmmaleation filed inasmuch as the work had been done. Counc~lm~n Smith asked Mayor 0ortesi who ordered it done as the city ham planted and pulled o~t trees. City Manager McClung explained the location of the service station and that the trees were blocking the driveway entrance. Co~mm~uication was received from Luther Berry accompanied by a petition bearing 42 signatures ~f x~$idents of Avalon Park, regarding the matter of the widening of Alta Vista Drive. Mayor ~ortesi requested that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission. Councilman Smith asked regarding ~he lOCation to which City Manager McOlung replied that it would paralle Northwood Drive. After a brief discussion relative to the problem, Councilman Smith said he secomded the mayor's motion that it be referred back to the Planning Commission. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. ' CITIZEN EJE~I~D PUBLIC OFFIOE IN CITY HALL: EAST GRAND AVENUE STOP$~ DRAIN BIDS: TRANSPORTATION OF WINSTON MANOR PUPILS: ~-? ~-/ GENERAL PETROL~JM CORP. RE: R~OVAL OF TRNES: PETITION PROTESTING WIDEniNG OF ALTA V~A D~XVE: that the b~ilding conformed to the building code to which it was moved. He stated that he would like the minutes corrected to show this, further stating that the Building Inspector said the building would conform to our building code. Councilman Noonau moved~ seconded by Councilman Braced and regularly carried, that the minutes regarding the M. J. King Inc. permit be corrected as ~%~W%e~" ,l~y~k~l~n m~e.t~a. Councilman Smith then requested that the regular meeting minutes of March 15, 1954, just befo the adjournment, ~e corrected to include additional discussion regarding the complaints re- ceived regarding the civic center parking lot. He further stated that persons who registered objections regarding this item questioned the Ma~or regarding the reasons for this parking lot. At this point Mayor Cortesi and Councilman Smith conversed back and forth regarding this matter. It was stated by Mayor Cortesi that this lot was a move of the Businessmen's Association. Councilman ~mith sta~e~ that in Sl~ng of the.minutes, a question was asked of Mayor 0ortesi as to the need for the parking lot to which he answered that the reason was that a large super market was going to ~e built on Grand Avenue opposite the Library., and this lot would provide parking for shoppers. He further remarked that the question' was then asked as to who was th~ owner of th~ lots to which Mayor Cortesi admitted that he wa~ one of the owners. Councilman Smith then moved, seeoaded by Councilman Noonan and reg- ularly carried, that the minutes be corrected to include the reason given for the parking lot Councilman S~ith then stated he further moved that the minutes show that the Mayor stated he owne~ property at the ~i~ mentioned for t2~ super market. Councilman Noonan seconded the motion~ which was regularly carried. Councilman Smith then remarked that if there were no further corrections to the minutes, he moved that they be approved. Councilman Noonan seconde~ the motion which w~s regularly carried. Councilmam No.nan then rem~ that the minutes of the council reflect, moving that this council doe~ not approve or condone the action of the ~ayor in ejecting a citizen from a p~blic office in the 0ity Hall. Councilman Smith seconded the motion. Mayor Cortesi re- marked that the City Mall she~l~ mot ~e a pla~e in ~bich to conduct politics and ruled that C~cilman N~o~an was out of order. 0o~i~ Sani said that the council should consider the ~erioms business at hand. 0ouncilman Noouan reeved, seconded by Councilman Smith, that the chair ~e overruled a~ ~he chair's rmlimg ~e eonte~t~d. 0ouncilman Sani again remarked that the council had ~eri~ bu~ime~m at ~ ~o discuss and that this matter was one that should ~e bromsht to the eomr~ if t~ ~em ~e~ir~d. Vote on the motion as made by Coun- ci]w~n Noo~an cad seesawed by Councilman Smith t_hat the chair be ove~-r~led was as follows: Ayes, 0onncilmmn Noo~an, ~mith and BraceD; Noes, Councilman Sani and Cortesi. Councilman Noonan then moved, seconded by Councilman Smith, that the minutes contain that the council doe~ not approve and disa~roves the action of the M~yor in ejecting a citizen from a public office. Motion as ma~e and seconded was regularly carried, Councilman Sani and Mayor Cortesi voting no. The first matter taken'up on the agenda was the opening of sealed bids on the East Grand Avenue stox~ ~rain. Councilman Braced moved, seconde~ by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, that the bids be o~ened.. After ~e ~iAa ~ been opened and read, Counci~m~u Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman N~,~.t~1~ 'e~gimeer check the bids and report~.back to the council. Councilman Smith asked if in th~ bids there wo~ld be any variation.* He wished to know if this should not be considered by o~r Director of Public Works. After a brief discussion, motion as m~ie and seconded was regularly carried. 0omm~Anicatiou was received from the South San Francisco Unified School District regarding the transportation, temporarily, of Winston Manor pupils to school. Councilman Noonan asked if we did not have sc~e plan. Councilman Sani remarked that in looking through the agenda he noted an increase of gas tax was to be had. He said he wo~ld like to go on record in putting this extra $15,000.00 for an overpass or underpass with matching funds from the Sta~. Conncilman Smith stated that just saying that this should be allocated would be improper since the~e may be new members on the council and that ,study should be made to use the money to the best advantage. Councilman ~ani said that he felt this is a good move to allocate these funds for either the overpass or underpass. Councilman Noonan seconded Councilman Ssmi's motion, remarking that he felt that the area is the most critical one and should be taken mare of. He further remarked that the council should not earmark only to $15,000.00 but all we can ~ut to this end as well in addition to this amount. He seconded the motion with the proviso that an amendment be added that the $15,000.00 is in no way limited. Coun- cilman Smith suggested that this matter be brought up again on the agenda. Motion as made and amended w~s regularly carried. Communication was received from the General Petroleum Oorp. regarding the removal of trees in front of their new service station on L~m~len and Armour Avenues. Mayor Cortesi ordered the co~mmlcation filed inasmuch as the work had been done. 0ouncilman Smith asked Mayor 0ortesi who ordered it done as the city has planted and pulled out trees. City Manager McClung explained the location of the service station and that the trees were blocking the driveway entrance. Commmauication w~s received from Luther Berry accompanied by a petition bearing 42 signatures ef rm$idents of Avalon Park, regarding the matter of the widening of Alta Vista Drive. Mayor ~ortesi requested that the matter be referred back to the Planning Commission. Councilman Smith asked regarding the location to which City M~nager McClung replied that it would paralle Northwood Drive. After a brief discussion relative to the problem, Councilman Smith said he seconded the mayor's motion that it be referred back to the Planning Commission. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. * He said he noted that if additional fill were needed it would cost more. Lm S.. SAtmXO CZA. : NORTH SAN MATEO COUNTY PARK SITE: -/fig SMITH CONTR~ONS TO CITY ~PLOYEES ASSOC IATION MATI~R: T~JCKS ON ALTA VISTA Dana: M~diINE EXCNAN~E INC. CENTRAL Ft~E STATION JOSEPH DE LUOA APPLICATION FO~ WORK: JOHN ALFRED HYRRER BUSINESS LICENSE: TUBULAR RIVET & STUD CO. BUSINESS LICENSE: SADIE LYNN DRIVING SCHOOL B~SINESS LICENSE: Communication was received from the South San Francisco Junior Chamber of Commerce regarding a truck route through the city limits. Mayor Cortesi stated he agreed with the Junior Chamber of Com~nerce and recommended that the Junior Chamber of C;-~,erce contact the Chamber of C;-=~erce regarding the matter. Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried, that it be referred to the Planning Commission's Street and Highway Commit~ Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco, that the claim of Antonio J. Gaudio regarding the matter of Cima and Guaspari be paid. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Coem~Anication was received from ~be North San Marco County Oouncil relative to the adoption of a resolution for the North San Marco County park site. City Attorney Lyons stated he did not have a resolution prepared but could write one in form for adoption. Councilman Noonan asked if the ccmmmittee ha~ made a DAli survey to which Councilman Smith said that the areas were limited that could be drawn from. He further said that the move was to get some of the money back to the north end of the county. This resolution would tend to strengthen the matter. After a brief discussion, the council went o~ to the next matter of business. C~,mnuication was received from Merle L. Reidell regarding the matter of his recent suspension stating that he ha~ ~eeu able to secure additional testimomy which he requested be heard and the case be reopened. Mayor Cortesi requested that the matter be referred back to the Per- so, riel Board. Councilman Noenan moved that in the referral, it be made with the reccmmendatio~ to reopen the came an~ Co, aider any additional information that may be submitted. Councilman Smith seconded the motion ~hich w~s regularly carried, Councilman Smith, Noom~n and Bracco voting Aye, and Councilmam Bani and Cortesi voting no. After a discussion regarding the casting of vote, Councilmaa Br~cco stated he wished his vote to remain as cast, and the matter to go back to the Persomnel Board. Councilman Neoman then a~d regam~ling the aec~ Reidell came, requesting to know why no report had been sent regarding the Pers~-~el Board's recommendations. Mr. Bucher, Chairman of the Boaax~ pre~ent, was called on who stated that if he spoke, it would be as one man only and not aa th~ ~car~. He said t~t briefs had been sent to the City Attorney for opinion and that these had b~en given s~a~ 7 or 8 ~ya ago. A discussion was held regax~ing the time that the briefs should be maas. Mr. Bucher then r~marked that the Personnel Board was being ma~e a target of at this time, that the matter discussed had been referred to the City Attorney because he is the legal advisor, further remarking that the Board did not care to 'act on this wit~ the advice of the City Attorney, that because of election time this was a 'political move. Councilman Noonan state~ that if evidence wa~ brought out that the brother- in-law of the mayor did not pass the examination, this weuld have an effect on the election and w~nted to know if pressure w~e being brought to the Board because of politics. Councilman Smith then spo~e on tbe~ latter which was sent to Attorney General Brown's office regarding the legality of Councilman Smith giving monies to th~ Employees Association, that this was released to the press and no copy sent to him. Mr. ~cher answered that the reason the Personnel Board addressed the c~m~uraication to the Attorney General was because it was i~lt the Personnel Board has charge of Civil Service employees and the opinion from the Attorney Generalts office was regarding the legality of this action by CounciLman Smith. He further said that the c~mmAnication was addressed to the Attorney General~s office and the City M~amager's office. After a di~ussion regarding the date of the letter, when sent to the office of the Cit~ Manager, and its inclusion in the council agenda tonight, Councilman Smith stated he was serving notice on the council and charging that the Personnel Board is involved in politics and that he was referring the matter to his attorney. Councilman Noonan then read the letter as referred to. C~unication w~s received from Luther Berry regarding trucks using Alta Vista Drive in their operations endangering the lives of people, especially children. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, that the matter be referred to the Director of Public Works and the Chief of Police. Councilm~n Smith asked the Chief of Police if referral had been m~de to his department to which he replied that it had been taken ~care of but that Alta Vista we~ out of the city limits. Cce~m~ication ~ received from the M~rine Exchange Inc., regarding the coming luncheon for Governor Knight on Tu~y, April X~, was ordered placed on file. Cc~munie&tion ~ received from the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Co. regardi~ the Boilers at central Fire Station. Councilman ~ni suggested the matter be referred to the Fire Chief to which Fire Chief Welts stated that this w~d be taken care of. CCmmUmicatiou was received from Joseph DeLaca submitting his application for cement finisher amd street de~nt employee. Mayor Cortesi requested that the matter be referred to the office of the City ~anager and Personnel Board. City Manager McClung said that he would notify the a~licant that no such e~amination was being held now but that when there is, he wo~ld be notifie~. Al~lieatio~ for business license ~ receive~ from John Alfred Fttrrer, 221 Milton Avenue, San Bruno, to e~ in the business of paving amd excavating contractor at 932 E1 Casino Real. Councilman Smith asked if this w~s a proper location for such ty~e of business to which City Mmmager MeOlung stated that he was seeking a proper ya~ in which to conduct his business. Comncilmmn Smith then moved that the license Be gr~nted provided it conformed to proper zoning and other use. Councilman Bracco seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. City Attorney Lyens stated he wo~ld check with the City Mamager regarding this matter. Appli~t~on for business license w~s received from H. Harold Anderson~ 308 Linden Avenue, to engage in the business of Tu~zlar Rivet and ~tud Co. for warehouse and sales only, located at ~O8 a~d 310 Linden Avenue. Councilman Noouan moved, seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, that Business license be granted. Cce~aunication was received from Sadie L. Lynn of 1778 - 23rd Avenue, San Francisco, to engage in the business of driving school. It was explained .by City Clerk Rodondi that the reason no address regarding the location a~peared on the al~plication was due to the fact that up to the time of submitting the 'application, the applicant had not found office space but was en- deavoring to secure one in the business district. Councilman Smith suggested granting the application with the proviso that proper location be found. He then placed this in the form of a motion that the application be granted provided the applicant locates within the proper business area. At this time Angelo Massagli, present in the audienCe, spoke stating that a location had been ~r~ found in the new Masonic Temple Buildi~ and that office space had been leased for five years, that he was one of the interested persons in the venture. Coun- cilman Bracco seconded the motion as made, which was regularly carried. BURI BURI QUONSET HUT: FA~M CH~&IOAL 00. REZONING REQ~rEST: GAVA REZONING: MAGNOLIA TO CEES~ coum ZONING: ASSOOIAT~) CONST. & ENGINEE~RIN~ 00. ROAD & PLOT PLAN: USE PF~T: BERTRAM 51300O USE PEF~4IT: The Council then by previous decision went to iten ~27 of the agenda. At this point, Mr. Bucher asked for consideration of item ~21 on the agenda at this time. Councilman Smith moved that it be referred to the City Manager. The letter w~s read in its entirety at which point Mayor Cortesi rem~_wked that the Buri Buri people have been very patient, that demand for immediate removal of the building should be made. City Manager McClung said that a letter from the City Attorney should be ~ent which would have more effect. City Attorney Lyons remarked tb-t he would follow this up with a letter. Mr. Bucher said that the residents of Buri Buri w~re sick and tired of delays stating, that a letter from the City Attorney would not suffice. He also said that a copy of this letter had been sent to Barrett and Hilp and that no reply had been received. City Attorney Lyons said that Barrett and Hilp have been render litigation but that through a phone call received, learned that their diffmremces ha~ been settled amd was sure that the matter coml~ be taken care of by phone call to the Barrett & Hilp imtereats. Co~nc~lw~u Sani then moved, seconded by Councilman Noomau and regmlarly carried, that the 0ity Attorney take the proper action. Resolmtio~ No. 388 aa applied for by the Farm Chemical Co. reg~esting amendment to section ~.2 of ordinance ~269 of l~reel 41 zone E, also lot 1, block 5 for rezoning from R-1 and R-3 to a U cla~siflcation, ~a~ r~ceived from the Planning Commission rec<~nding its approval. Councilman Noonan suggested changing paragraph 3 of Mr. Coopman's letter marked 4/5754 to re~d 55', s~ting that the change be made by Mr. Coo~ and initialed by him. Council- man S~ith ~ated he wo~ld like to hear from Pla~niug C~wm~ssion -~m_ bors, Breed and Bosworth. Mr. Coo~a~n~ present, state~ that it ~s Mr. Breed who drew up the resolution. Councilman Smith them re~_rked that he wo~ld like to have an ex~lamatiou for all the people regardiu~ the rez~uing to a U classification. City Attorney Lyon~ exclaimed that this wo~ld have to be dome by Ordinance ~n~lment, which require~ two readings. >~f application as submitted were accel~ted, the recommendation he stated sho~ld be followed up with an ordinance. After a diseu~sieu regarding the procedure that could be followed relative to the rezoning, Coun- cilman Bracco move~, ~eeo~ied by Councilman N~eman, that the rec~maendation of the Planning Comaaisalo~ be aeee~tmd. 0ommcilman ~mith smgge~t~d that Mr. GOOCh be advised that a change of ee~eil me~ber~ c~ld make a difference a~ that he should be made aware of this, that what o~e council does may not bind other council members. Mr. Coopman remarked that in ~dvising the City Attorney to draft the ordinance, he should also be advised that this is a good thing for the people of ~outh San Francisco. He then spoke of the hearimg~ that ware held au~ the people of Francisco Terrace informed of this as well. He further said that he could not do the Job if the confidence of the council was not had. Conncilman Smith said that fast legislation tonight may create further trouble or difficulties later. Motion as made and seconde~ was regularly carried. City Attorney Lyons ~okm on the matters necessary for full protective mea~urea. He said in speaking to Mr. Coopman~ he stated he would com~ly. He further said that at the adjourned meeting of April 15, 195~, he could have an ordinance prepared. He also said that Mr. Coopman should place in escrow the documents necessary prior to the ordinance' s first reading. C~Ancilmam SaliVa':then remarked on the matter of Spruce Avenue and the development of this street, stating that he hoped for assessment of property ~wners to improve this street. City Attorney Lyons stated he w~Ald obtain the stipulations from Mr. Coopman to place on Ccamm~uicatio~ wa~ received from the Planning Commission regarding resolution ~283 wherein it w~s reeolve~ that section 4.1 of ordinance ~269 be amended to rezone all lots from Magnolia Avemme to O~estmmt Avemme on both the south and north sides of Grand Avenue from R-2 to R-~. This referred to the council taWing no further action concerning resolution ~28~. It al~o re~erred to the action of the Planning 0o~-Ission in granting the petition of Mr. Pie~ro Gays to have his l~ticular lot rezoned from R-2 to R-3 is well taken. Councilman Br~eeo moved, a~eom~ed by Comncilm~n No.nan and regularly carried, that the ree~mamendation of the Planning Ce~aission be accepted. 0ity Attorney Lyons stated that this also would require an aa~ndmmut to the ordinance and he wo~ld place this in the same ordinance aa Mr. Coopman's. Oo~Anication ~ received fr~m the office of the Planning C~ission regarding the meeting held to consider t~e reqmest of the Connty Board of Supervisors to support uniform zoning action in San ~ateo County. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Noonan and reg- ularly ca,riel, l~t the recommendation of the Plammiug Commission be accepted and the County Su~e~ be so notified. City Attorney Lyons stated in view of the fact that the ~ter Z~iug Ordinance ~ still under diacm~sion, he would advise that they act in connection with the County Board of S~pervisors in revising the Master Zoning Ordinance. He etated that t~e Planning C~mmission shonld be asked to carefully consider this. Coun- cilman Smith moved, seeo~ied by Councilman Noonan amd regularly carried, that we advise the City Attorney to so inform the Planning Ccmm~is~ion. O,~-.~,,Anication was r~eeiv~d from the Plaunimg O~,~ssion regarding the Road & Plot Plan for thc A~a~ciated Oonstr~cti~ and Engineering Co. Director of Public Works Goss explained relative ~o the 0re~ section of ~ roadway. At t, his time an explanation of the map was made with representatives of tbs Associated Construction Company and members of the City Council. After a discussion of the matter, Comncilman Bronco moved that the recommendation of th~ Planning Co~mission be accepted with the exception of Garrack Street, and only Sylvester Street be accepted. Councilman Smith seconded the motion which was regularly carried. Director of Pmblic Work~ Goss remarked that he should be instructed to lay out 20' plan limes a~Jacent to Sylvester cna abutting to the East so that when the land is developed it would have a wider street. Also that this be recommended to the Planning Commission. Comncilman Bracco so moved, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly carried. Use Permit ~83 a~ a~lied for by the First Lutheran Charch was received from the Planning O(~mtssien, r~e~,~mding that they be granted permission to construct a church (ranch style) located in an R-1 di~rict,~ which requires a use permit. Location given as parcel ~ zone A (Willow Ave. & Dolores Ave.) O~Ancilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco and reg- ularly carried, that the recczaaandation of the Planning Commission be accepted° Use Permit ~8~ as applied for by Bertram F. Zucco was received from the Planning Cc~tssion recommending that he be granted permission to construct a 60' x 35' Medico Dental Building, wooden ty~e with surrounding architecture to conform with the area, located at 662 Grand Ave. Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, that the recom- mendation of the Planning C¢~.~.~tssion bc accepted. WONDERLITE NEON PRODUCTS CO.~ USE PERMIT: ~ o~ NAT LUCCHESI USE PEET: SPACE DUSTERS F rmG RECREATION CC~MISSION OFFICER COt~EZ TT.T.NESS: OFFICER FABBR! I .T.NESS: ?- EAST. GRAND .~VE. STOle4 DRAIN LOW BXDDER: ~-/ ~ 3 RESOLUTION NO. 1996 ACCEPTING PUBLIC WESTVIEW TERRACE ~l: WINSTON MANOR NO, 2 IMPROV~2~TS: ~_/~; $-- PETITION FOR SIGNALS SPRUCE & GRAND AVES: ~-0 Fo FRANCISCO TERRACE STORM DPJ~TNAGE: ~-o og BUR1 BUR1 PARK: ~- o .n,l Use Permit ~385 as applied for by the Wonderlite Neon Products Co. was received from the Planning Commission, reco~ending the granting of permission to install a neon sign at 812 Linden Avenue. Councilman Bracco moved, seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning C~issiou be accepted. Use Permit #386 as applied for by Nat Lucchesi, was rece~.ved from the Planning Co~mission reccmmending that he be granted permission to construct a single unit dwelling in a C-1 dis- trict, located at 341 Baden Avenue. Councilman Sani moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning C~mmission be accepted. Communication was received from the Recreation Del~rtment relative to the request of the Sp~ce Dusters Flying Club for additional operating time for the flying of model airplanes. The request was for permission to fly between the ho~rs of 4:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m. Council- man Sani moved, seconded ~y Councilman Bracco amd regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Recreation Department be accepted. Coamm~nieatio~ a~ received from the Recrea~io~De~nt regmrding the election of Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary was ordered placed on file. C~mnication as received from the office of the Chief of Police regarding the illness of Officer Cortez, since returned to duty, was ordered placed on file. C~anication as received from the office of the Chief of Police regarding the illness of Officer Fabbri, since returned to duty, w~s ordered p!aeed on file. At this time the matter of bids opened earlier in the evening was again taken up. Director of Public Works Goss remarked that he and Mr. Randlet'thad checked the bids and recommended awarding the ~id to the Bernal Constructien Cc~y. City Attorney Lyons stated that an oral motion w~s only needed. Bid could be accepted, provi~e~ that proper bonds were posted. Councilman Braeeo moved, seconde~ by Councilman Sani and regIalarly carried, that the bid of Bernal Construction Co. be al~provm~ provided proper bon~s w~re posted. Coamamieation was received from the Director of Public Works regarding the acceptance of tmprovem~n~ in WestviewTe~ce No. 1. Also attached was a letter from the StouesonDevel- opmeut Corp. regarding the same matter. Councilman Saul moved that the reco~neudation of the Director of Public Works be acce~ted. Councilman Noouan asked for a statement from the City Attorneyrelative to this matter. City Attoruey Lyons remarked that Stoneson Develop- ment Corp. has entered into a contract with the City. Councilman Noonan asked if we were incurring any liability, to which City Attoruey Lyons said that the City should act promptly regarding the drainage. Councilman Noonan asked if City Attorney Lyons concurred with this rec~maen~ation to which he said he did from a legal standpoint. At this point, City Attorney Lyons read from the resolmtion regarding this matter and suggested that the council act on the recommendation first and follow with the resolution, rec~mneuding the adoption of the resolution. Councilman Bracco seconded the motion of Councilman Saul, which was regularly carried. Councilman Sani then introduced a resolution of the Clty Couucil of the City of South San Francisco accepting all the public improvements installed iu Westview Terrace Subdivision No. 1. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Noouan, Saul, Cortesi, Bracco, Smith. Councilman Noouan moved, seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, that the com- munication regarding the acceptance of improvements at Winston Manor No. 2 be laid over to the next meeting. Communication was received from the office of the City M~nager regarding the petitions cir- culated relative to the request for improved traffic control at the Spruce Avenue intersection of Grand Averme. Councilman Noonan c~..~u~nded the manner in which the petition was circulated. Councilman Smith remarked that it should be referred to the offices of the Chief of Police, City Manager and Director of Public Works for submission of their recommendations. Council- man Bracco said that this matter should be acted on at once as it w~s a hazardous crossing. Councilman Smith stated that a recommendation could be submitted for the proper facilities to be used. Councilman Bracco moved that we instruct the City Manager to report and start with the instadlation of signals. Councilman Noonan seconded the motion of Councilman Bracco. Director of Public Works Goss stated that Mr. Lund of the State was contacted and $3,500.00 would be the cost for standard type signals. City Manager McClung said that traffic safety funds were available for this purpose. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. C~unicatimn was received from the office of the City Manager regarding the problem of storm drainage at Francisco Terrace. Councilman Noonan asked Director of Public Works Goss if this should have been taken care of when Francisco Terrace was built to which he replied, yes, that a hookup was made to a BO" pipe which was in existence at that time. At this point, Mr. Goss read from his computations. A discussion was held regardio~ the amount of money which would be needed to take care of this problem, Councilman Smith asking where the money would be coming from for this work. Mr. Gosareplied that 50~ of the property owners would have to o.k. the work on an assessment basis, citing the further flood conditions that may take place. Councilman Noona~ moved that a study be received from our Engineering Department. Councilman Smith seconded the motion. Director of Public Works Goss suggested that the City Attorney be asked to look into the legal aspects. Councilman Noonan amended his motion to include this suggestion of Mr. Goss. Councilman Smith suggested that this amendment could be placed in a second motion. Councilman Noonan then moved, seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, for a study from our Engineering Department. Coun- cilman Noonan then moved, seconded by Councilman Smith and regularly carried, that the City Attorney make a study regarding the legal liability of the State. Councilman Sani then moved that t~e_ reco~nendation of the City Manager be accepted to find out if assessment can be made outside of the city limits to pay their Just share. Councilman Bracco seconded the motion whichwas regularly carried. 0~maunication was received from the office of the City Manager regarding the development of the Buri Buri Park. Councilman Noonan moved, seconded by Councilman Sani and regularly car- ried, that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted. VICTORY AVENUE STORM DRAIN EASV2~ENT: CLAIMS: ADJOURNED MEETING: RESOLUTION NO. 1997 ACCEPTING STREE'I~, SEWER LINES, ETC. INDUSTRIAL VILLAGE: o-oF/ REVISED FREEWAY MAINTENANCE AGREE~T: ~OLU~O~ NO. 1999 ~0~ COU~ PA3~ SITE: ~'-/~ APPROVED: C~unicatiou was received from the office of the City Manager regarding the Victory Avenue storm drain easement involving the Southern Pacific Railroad. City Attorney Lyons requested information regarding the type of pipe to be installed to which Mr. Raudlett stateA that this would be o.k. City Attorney Lyons explained that this is a standard form of agreement as submitted, also stating the City would have the right to be heard if it were revoked. He reco~meuded acceptance and execution of this agreement. Councilman Saul moved, seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, that the reco~meudation of the City Attorney be accepted. Councilman Sant moved that all clafm~ be paid as audited by the Finance C~ittee. Council- man Noouan r~rked ou the' delay in obtaining the registers of electors from the Enterprise Press, that a bill had been received for some $1400.00 and that in checking other peninsula cities he found that these registers had been received long before us and at less cost. He seconded the motion as made by Councilman Saul. Councilman Smith stated he wished ~to abstain from voting on the clatm, as he had not had a chance to review them. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Total amount of claims - $~6,882.96. Discussion was then held regarding the adjourned meeting~ It w~s set for April 15, 1954 at 3:00 p. m. City Attorney Lyons explained the procedure following regarding the installation of new council members. He also stated that bids w~re to be opened for the industrial sewers at that time and the unfinished items were to be taken up as well. Councilman ~mith then asked Mayor Cortesi for permission to remark on the advertising of Sani and Kay, council candidates, that records show that Councilman Smith and Councilman No. nan w~re dragging their feet regarding the Mission Road drainage. Councilman Sani replied that the records are available in the office of the Oity Clerk for public view. After a discussion regarding these matters, City Attorney Lyons br~,_ght to the attention of the City Go~ncil the matter of a resolution regarding the relinquishment date for the Housing Authority, which was tomorrow. This he said ha~ to do with the acceptance of the public improvements in Industrial Village and mentioned regarding a deed which had been executed today by the Ho~sing Authority. Mr. Goss remarked that in connection with the storm drain on '~" Street, he rec~ended acceptance after checking, the legal description. Councilman Noonan introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco accepting frc~ the Housing Authority of the Cit~y of South San Francisco a deed dedicating to said city all the streets, highways, alleys, and sanitary and storm sewer lines in Industrial Village (Project Cal.-15-1). Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Noonan~ Sani, Cortesi, Bracco, Smith. Councilman Bracco introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco approving revised Freeway Maintenance Agreement. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Nooo~n, Sani, Cortesi, Bracco, Smith. Councilman Noonan introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco approving the selection of a north San Mateo County Park Site. Roll call vote ~as as follows: Ayes, Councilman Noonan, Sani, Cortesi, Br~cco, Smith. Councilman Sani moved~ seconded by Councilman Bracco and regularly carried, that the meeting be adJourned untilThursday, April 15, 1954 at 2:30 p. m. Time of ~Journment - 11:12 p. m. Respectfully submitted, City Clerk