HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1954-09-20REGULAR MEETING OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ~,~ MONDAY, SEPT. 20, 1954 PLACE: TIME: Council 69~mbers, City Hall 8:00 p. m. CAT,T. TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at 8:05 p. m. by Mayor Smith. PLEDGE OF ~LT,wSIANCE & INVOCATION: P'ledge of ~l~egiance was taken and Invocation given by Walter Martin of the Parkwood Community Methodist ~hurch. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: ~ouncilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, ~m~lio Cortesi, Richard Gamlen, Telford Smith None MINUTES: Mayor Smith took up as the first item of business the al~roval of the minutes of the previous meeting. "~ouncilman Lucchio asked regarding two letters that were supposed to have been received~ one from Petrocchi Brothers relative to the constrmction of their service station and the other from Mark Senaldi concerning drainage problmms in the Air~ort Boulevard section, requesting to know if these letters should be on file before approval of the minutes. Mayor Smith state~ that the minutes as submitted reflect t~e a~tion of the council. Councilman Rocca move~, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the minutes be approved. These were the minutes of August 30, September 7 and September 13, 1954. CLAIMS: The next item was the item of claims. Councilman Cortesi moved, secoaded by Councilman Gamlen and regmlarly carried, that claims am submitted be approved for payment. Total amount of cla - $53,556.08. DEVELOPMENT OF B~CD PARK: ROLLINGWOCD DRAINAGE: The next item taken up was the matter of a communication from the Director of Public Works regarding the development of Brentwood Park. CounciLman Lucchio moved, seconded by Co~ncil- man Corte~i and regularly carried, that the section of pipe measuring some 20 feet to be extended on the city property as requested by the Federal Government be granted. Councilman Gamlen then remarked on the development of the Brentwood Park stating that he thought the filling of the gully should be tied up with the problem of drainage from Rollingwood as a possible solution. He further remarked that the City should contact the City of San Bruno in or4mr that some help c~ld be received from then ~_n handling this problem. After discus- sion, Mayor Smith asked Co~acilman Gamlen if his sta~emmnt was in the form of a motion to instruct the City Manager and Director of Pmblic Works to contact the Oity of San Bruno for preliminaa~y discussions on working out an agreement for the m~intemauce of a holding bamin. Councilmmr_ Gamlen replied that it was, or contribute to this ~8 inch pipe ~ the galley. After f~r discussion, Councilman Cortesi seconde~ the motion which was regularly carried. Councilmsm. Lucchio then moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried, that a letter from the City Manager be sent to the Brentwoo~ Improvement Club notifying the residents of the facts upon which the 0ouncil had made their decision. FRANCISCO TERRACE DRAINAGE: Mayor Sm'~th then proceeded on to the next item which w~s reports. The first was the ccumuni- cat~on i~ the City Manager concerning tbs Francisco Terrace Drainage problem an~ a reply from the Division of Highways. Mayor Smith askmd the City Manager to summarize his report and upon this being done, Mayor Smith stated that if there were no objections the letter would be filed and taken up in the study session meeting. He also explained the temporary measures that were being taken to protect the residents of Francisco Terrace against flood damage. After some discussion, City Manager McClung said he recommended that the Council approve the City Engineer entering into the necessary agreement with the various property owners ~uvolved. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lacchio and regularly car- ried, that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted and the City Attorney be in- structed to draw up a uniform agreement. Mayor Smith then mentioned regarding a discussion wi~h the Director of Public Works on the removal of a great deal of silt thereby eliminating a considmrable amount of work later on. Director of Public Works Goss explained how this would be dome by the construction of risers at a c~s~. not to exceed $300.00, recommending that h,~ be instructed and given authority to construct these risers as menti~aed. Comncilman Lucehio moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen, and reglZLarly carried, that the Director of Public Works be authorized to carry out the work of this program. Mayor Smith then explained the mat-~r of slowing or stopping the flow of silt. ROLLINGWI)CD: ~-/ DISPOSITION OF IT324S ON PENDING AGENDA: FIRE DEPT. REPORTS, R. PENNINGT~N APPOINT- MENT, A. FOX SICK LEAVE, AUGUST REPORT: ~ince the item concerning the matter of drainage fron Rollingwood had already been discussed, Mayor Smuth proceeded on to the next item which was -~he ~isposition of items on the Pending Agenda. M~yor Smith remarked that there were quite a few items on the Pending Agenda and if there w~re no objections this matter w~xld be hel~ over to the next reg~ study meeting. The next item under reports w~re those received from the Fire Ohief, concerning the appoint- sent of ~. Pennin~on, A. Fox sick leave and the August re~rt. Commcilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the reports as submitted be con- firmed az~. filed. Mayor Smith then asked if there w~s a motion confirming the a~ointment of R.-Penr. ington. Councilman Lucchio so moved, seco~led by Councilman Corteei and regularly carried. MONTHLY REPORTS: Mayor Smith then proceeded on toe, the monthly reports of the Police Ohief and Librarian. Cou~cilm~n Cortesi moved, seconded by Comneilman GamLen and regalarly carried, that the reports be filed. P~IC EEARING, AIRPORT BLVD. SANITARY SEWER DISTRICT: The matter of public hearings was next taken up. Thus item concerned the Airport Boulevard Sanitary District. A letter of protest ha~ been rmeeiveal from the Sonth San ~rancisco Land & Improver~nt Co. and the San Francisco Bridge Co. Mayor ~aith stated that the ~ids had been op~med earlier in the ai~~ but that it appeared it would be well to have a~ ~ the property owners meet with the council tomorrow at 3:00 p. m. on thru matter. City Attorney Lyons s~sted that the hearing be opmmed and continued until tomorrow. This, he stated, should be done by motion. Councilman Lmcchio move~, seconded by Commcilman Cortesi and reg- ularly carried, that the Public Hearing ~e ope~ and continued until tcm~mrrow at B:~ P- m. Mayor Smith then asked if there wmm a motion that the ~cceptance of the bids be considex~'~ at that ti-~, to which City Attoraey Lyons replied that this should follow the protest hear- ing. Couneulman Gamlen so moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried. RESOLUTION NO. 2O66 COMMENDING VICTOR ROSA, JR. ~'o/7 There bein~ no ordinances, Mayor Smith proceeded on to resolutions, the first acknowledging meritoriou ~ services rendered by Victor Rosa as a member of the Planning C~m~ission. Council- man Cortesl introdaced the following resolution: "'F~ the City Council of the City of Sout~ San Francisco did, on the 7th day of July, 1952, a~nt VICTOR ROSA, JR. as a member of the Planning Commzission of said City, on which C~,a~sion he served as a member until the 28th day of Amgmst, 1954; and 'F~mtEAS said VICTOR ROSA, JR. did serve said City of So~th San Francisco, and the people the_~of, honorably and wall daring all the t~ _w~_ w~e he was a member of its Planning Co~aission; and '~, as a public official of said City, he did always conduct htmaelf with the utmost loyalty, faithfulness, and competence; and '~/~gRgAS said VICTOR ROSA, JR.~ a~ a loyal and faithlSzl public servant, contributed greatly, by mntiriug efforts to the ml~mzil~ing and i~l~rov~am-nt of the City of So~th Sa~ Fran- cisco, whie 2 msAe great growth and tremendous progress during the time when he was serving as a member of the Planning C~ssion of said City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Somth San Francisco that this ~"~ty Council does hereby extend to VIETOR B0~A, JR. its sincere appreciation for his serviose to maid City of Somth Sam Francisco, a~ th~ ~eople thereof, and maid City Co,moil also does here~y express to him their very highest c~mdmtion for the manner in which he has ftxlfilled the duties of the public office held b y him. ~E IT ~ RESOLVED that this resolution be spread upon the Official Minutes of the City Comncil ami that a Certificate of Merit be presents4 to said VICTOR ROSA, JR., to- gether with a certified copy of this Resolution. XXXXXNXXXX#KXKXKK I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution wms regularly introduced and adopted by the City0ouncil of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 20t~ day of September, 1954 by the following vote: Ayes, 0our~ilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith, ~milio Cortesi, Richard Gamlen Noes, Co~ncilmsn~ None Absent, Councilmen, None Attest: ArthAr A. Rodondi City Clerk" RESOLUTION N0. 2067 The next resolution concerned the matter of instructing NenryL. Schweining to pay to the SOEWEINING TO PAY City Trea-urerbalance of surplus moniesrem~ining in his hands as former Smperintendent of BALANCE OF SURPIN3S MONIES Streets. After brief explanation by City Attorney Lyons, Councilma~Oortesi introduced a ~ING IN HIS HANDS FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT & PUBLIC IMPRO~ PROCEEDINGS: resolution of the City Council of the City of South ~an Francisco instructing Henry L. Sch- wmining, now S.uperinteBxlent of Sanitation and for~rly Superintendent of Streets, to pay to the City Tr_easur~r for deposit in the General F~nd th* sur~las of moneys remaining in his hands and which w~re paid to him in connectio~ with c~rtain special assessment and public ~mprovemeu~ proceedings which are now concluded. Roll call vote mas as follows: Ayes, Counc~n Rocca, Lucchio, Smith~ Cortesi, G-m~en. OFFICIAL ASSESSOR'S The next resolution concerning the adoption amd approval of an official assessor's map was explmiue~ by OityAttorney Lyons. Since he did not have the resoluti~ with him at the time, this was laid over to the next regular meeting. TRANSPORTATION FOR SCNOGL G~.nl~EN: Navor Smith then proceeded on to new busimess. The first item was a c~--,,uication from the WinSton M~uor C~mmmnity A~sociation, Inc. At the re_~uest of the Mayor, City CXerk Rodondi read the ~omm~nication aa received. Mayor Smith explained the position of the city with re- gard to th~ transportation of school children. After discm~sion had taken place between members of the City Council, Mr. Nello Agoa~ini and ~. Fearn of the Winston Manor Community Association, Inc., at which time the function of the school crossing gl~ards was explained. Councilma~ Lucchio moved that the policy be not to interfere - not to enter into the trans- portation ~f school children direct to or from school under amy circumstances except in an ~msr~ncy and where the city has not provide~l safe c~osai~gs. 0ouncilm~n 0ortesi seconded the motio~ an~ after further discmssien, withdrew hi~ second. Mayor Smith explained that when ther~ ~s a motion before the honse it could not be withdrawn, that is, ~he second comld not %e withdz~wn without the council's consent. After sc~e f%u~ber discmssion, City Nauager ~Ol~ng for the record asked Mr. Fearn if he felt signals were safer than adult s~pervisi~m to which he replied that he i~lt they w~re. Co~uctlm~n Lmcchio reworded his motio~, ~oving that this council adopt a policy not to provide tr~tion to and from schoels emmept iu instances where safe crossings are not provided. Councilman Cortesi sec- onded the motion. Roll call vote w~s as follows: Ayes, Councilman Lucchio; Noes, Council- m~n Rooca~ Cortesi~ Gamleu, Smith. Councilman Lucchio then moved, seconded by Comncilmau Corteat and regularly carried, that the council adop% a policy that it will not provide transportation to and from schools for the children. Mayor Smith again informed the residents of Winston Manor ~2 that everything possible is being dome re~rding protection until such time a~ o~her means are provi~ed. H. H. SMITN PROPOSAL COI2~A 0BEEK: C~nication was received from H. N. Smith regarding work proposed to be done in Colma Creek w~st of Winston Manor ~2. Mayor Smith sta+~d that t~ council had the recoam~udation of the Director of Public Works, requesting to know if it was his recoe~endatiou in the matter that the council should have no objection to Mr. Smith, s ~roceeding with his work o~tside the city limits, to which he replied yes. Mayor Smith then re_marked that am he understood, the city did not give approval of this matter as it wms outside the city limits, bmt merely state that wm did not have any objections. City Attorney Lyons stated that this ~s the procedure. Couucilm~u Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Gamleu and regularly carried, that w~ show no objection to Mr. Smith carrying out this project at uo expense to the city and that it meets the &l~proval of o~r Works Engineer as the work progresses. KLASSEN PROPOSAL STORM WATER DRAINAGE: Com~unicat'_on was received from Mr. R. A. Klassen on sborm water drainage proposal. Council- man Lucchio moved that the matter be put over to the pending agenda. After some discussion Mayor Smith asked if it was iu order to file the communication. Councilman Lucchio so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried. CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO TAX REFUND: Communication was received from the office of the Tax Collector relative to a tax refund from the Ctty a.~oUn~y~.ofSanFrancisco.' Ci~y~AttorneyLyons requested that the matter be held over to the next meeting iu order that he be given an opportunity to investigate this once again. There being uo objections, this was done. BAUER-LESSER GRADING PEF~4IT Cu~aunication was received from Bauer & Lesser requesting permission ~o do grading work at Rancho B~rl Buri ~3. Director of Public Works Goss reco~,euded that the request be granted. Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recom- mendation of the Director of Public Works be accepted. BORTIS COMPLAINT LAKEVIEW ~0TEL DRAINAGE: ~o~-? Communicatlou was received from Mr. Bortis regardiug drainage complaint at the LakeviewMotel. Mayor Smith asked City Manager McClung to give a repo~ on the matter. He remarked that this was a request that ~as received each year from Mr. Boris who operates the Lakeview Motel. He also said that iu view of the fact that this area is outside the city limits, he recommended that a let-~rbe sent to the Couuty Engiueer and thatNr. Bortis be notified of the council's action, informing him that it is impossible for the city to perform the work iu view of the fact that i~ was outside the city limits. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly car~. AUDITING & AUDITOR'S ~ORT: ~o ~,/ Since the communication from the office of the City Clerk regarding the official assessor's m~p had been taken care of earlier, Mayor Smith proceeded on to the next item of business. This was a nemorandum from the office of the City Manager regarding auditing and t~ Auditor's Report. tidy Nanager MoClung reported that there w~re presently two auditors working for the City, one the Gordon Rowe Co. of San Francisco and the other, Charles J. Ledwith of South San Francisco. He stated that the council should decide which service they wished to proceed with. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman .~ortesi and regularly carried, that w~ confine the services to those of the local man, Charle~ J. Ledwith and dispense with the other serve_ce. City Attorney Lyons asked when this wa~ to take effect, to which Mayor Smith asked City Manager MeClung if he had any sug~stions. City Manager McClung stated that Mr. Row~ ma~es a monthly audit and that his services could be terminated on any month if we gave him sufficient notice and not place the city in a bad Dosition. Mayor Smith asked relative to the firso of October to which City Manager McOlung ~tated he did not think that would work a ha~ship on him. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded b~ Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the termination of Mr. Rowm's services be as of October 1st. Councilman Lucchio then askmd if the council ~s in a ~o~ition at this time to determine a policy re~$~ding the auditing of the books~ asking if it should he on an annual basis or semi- annual basi~. After some discussion on the matter, Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Counci~-~n Lucchio and regularly carried, that t~ audit be submzit~e~ semi-annually. City Attorney Lyons r~marked that Mr. Ledwith's duties Should be spelled out and after scme dis- cussion, ~r. Ledwith w~s to be notified to be present ~t the next study session meeting. REQUESTS FOR STOP SIUN INSTALLATIONS: Communication was received fram the office of the City Mawr r~ng request for stop sign instaLLations. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion that the City Me~ager proceed with the s~op signs as this was an administrative matter in conJunction withthe Police De~nt. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi an~ regularly carried. BOARD OF SUPERVISORS CENSUS TRAOTS EF2U~ING: VARIANCE & ADJ~ MAC CORPORATIONS; USE PE~TS: Bonalanza, Grondine Co., O. D. Hamliu, Bauer-Lesser; BUSINESS LICENSES: Southwood Market, Eddie Maez, Trip-A-Way Food Corp., Daniel Preffer: Camaunication was received from the County Board of Supervisors re~rding census tracts hear- inc. Mayor. Smith stated that inasmuch as the meeting ~s set for 2:~0 tomorro~ afternoon and the coaucil was meeting at ~:00 p. m. the same ~ay, he would inst~ct the City Ma~mer to request ~he Secretary of the Planning Commission or t_be Planning Coamztssiomers to repre- sent the ci~y at this meeting. The next i-~m of business concerned permits and applications. Mayor. Smith explained that a request had been made by the Health Department that tko a~plication of the Trip-A-Way Food Corp. be held u~. Mayor Smith then asked if there w~re any others to be hel~ up and was in- formed that this was the only one. Councilman Rocca moved, seco~ by Councilman Gazzlen and regularly carried, that all the permits and applications, numbers 1 to 10 with the exception of number 9, be~ approved, subject to the approval of e~h department head. DIRT MOVING, ROLLINGWOOD:Mayor Smitabrought up the matter of dirt moving in the Rollingwood Subdivision in San Bruno ~/~ remarking that if there were no objections, he would instruct the City Manager to co~tact the City M anser of San Bruno and enlist their aid and cooperation in watering down the dirt. SCHOOL-CITY 000FOINATING C0~g~ITTEE APPOINTMENTS: Mayor Smit~ then brought up t. be matter of al~ointingma~bers to the School-City Coordinating Committee, asking for the confirmation of the al~ointmant of 0ouncilman Gamlen and Councilman Lucchioasmembers of the School-CityCoordinatingCcmm~ittee. 0ouncilmanOortesi so moved, .. seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the mayor's appointments be confirmed. SET BAOK LINES Director of Public Works Goss remarked on the set back lines on Westview Terrace for certain buildings, requesting the authority to adjust these lines so as to provide proper front yard. Councilman ~m~len moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and AmE-l-rly ceded, that the Director of Public ~orks supervise the set ~acks in the Oaesar-Oallen development. ROCCA REQUEST TO LEAVE STATE: ~--O ~-~- Councilman Rocca then requested permission to leave the State, requesting to be absent fram Thursday cr Friday for three or four days. Councilman Lucchio moved, secon~a~ by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that Councilman Rocca be permitted to leave the state from September 23 to 27. ESC~aACH OONTRACTORS YARD, MAYFAIR VILLAGE: ~- I ,./o Mrs. Moore of Mayfair Village then brought up the matter of the contractor's yard belonging to Mr. Eschelbach. City Attorney Lyons remarked that he would make a personal inspection and if Mr. Eschelbach is not doing what he ha~ been instructed to do, he would take the proper steps. Mr. Goss then brought up the matter of Mr. Eschelbach dumping in the natural channel, thereby filling op the drain. City Attorney Lyons explained that Mr. Eachelbach stated *~be PILING OF LUMBER & JUNK IN BACK YARDS: ESC HELBACH PROPERTY: SUNSHINE GARDENS DRAINAGE: C 0NGRA~JLATIONS TO NEW CO~NC~: APPROVED: dirt ~s being dumped without his consent. Mayor Smith remarked that the council should determine the area to be channel and instruct the City Manager to obtain ~om the Director of Public Works channel lines to carry water frc~ the car lines to Colma Creek. The Director of Public ~rks was to submit *~his with his reco~mendati~. Mr. Goss stated he wo~ld have this for t~ next council meeting. After discussion, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded .by Councilman ~amlen and regularly carried, that Mr. Esehelbach ~e notified of council action and the pertinent information concerning the drainage problem, that if Mr. Eschelbach does not do t~e '~rk within seven days, the City will do tee work an~ sen~ h~m & bill accordingly. Mr. Oaborme of Winston Manor ~1 remarked on front yard set backs in his neighborhood, which prevented c~rs from being parked on driveways withont beim~ partly on th~ sidewalk. To park on the street constituted a hazard of children being struck if they darted from behind a pared ~zicle. Ne urged the council to keep a&ter the subdividers regardi~ this matter and was informed that earlier the Director of P~blic Works was authorized to do Just that by council m~tion. Councilman 0ortesi brought ~ ~ attention of the council the practice throughout the city of piling up second-hand lumber and Junk in back yard~, suggesting that a resolution be adopted prohibitin~ this practice. City Attorney Lyons recommended being given the pom~r to enact an ordinance regarding the abatement of such nuisance~. Nm also stated that he would inves- tigate the matter and bring in an appropriate ordiB~nce. 0ouncilman Rocca reco~aended the City AttoN~y be authorized to explore the matter. A disc~alon was then held regarding the legality of -~e City to do the work on Eschelbach's property and billing him. Councilman Lucchio suggested that if it waa found the City could not legally c~ that proper proceedings be made by the City Attorney. Mr. Lloyd Thacker, resident of the Sunshine Gardens a~ea, spoke on the drainage problem, expressing gladness that work was started. After explanation w~a given by the City Attorney concerning a letter that was to be prepared and the ~Irector of Public Works had explained his discussion with Mr. Schulhauser regarding the drainage problem, Mr. Thacker asked if there was ~ome way in which he could be notified of these meetings and proceedings. Mayor Smith sta~d that this matter would come ~p at the next regular meeting. Mr. CarroLl Bucher, present in the audience, tendered his congratulations and best wishes to the newly installed council members, stating that he was o~t of town when they w~re in- stalled. There being no further business, Councilman Oortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned to Tuesday, September 2_l, 195~ at B P. m. Time of A~Journment - 10:26 p. m. Reapectfully submitted, c