HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1954-10-04REGUIAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, OCT. 4, 195~ PLACE: TIME: CALL TO ORDER: Council Chambers, City Hall 8p.m. The meeting was called to order at 8:02 p. m. by MAyor Smith. PLEDGE OF ALLWGIANCE & INVOCATION: Pledge of Allegiance w~s taken and Invocation given by Rmv. Romain Sw~denberg of the Buri Burt Me-%aodist Church. ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLAn : $'o 13 Present: Absent: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Richard Gamlen, Telford Smith Councilman Emilio Cortesi (Councilman Cortesi appeared at 8:16 p. m.) First i-~m of business was the approval of the council minutes of the previous meeting.. Coun- cilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lmcchio and re~mlarly carried, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. The ne~ item 6f business was the approval of claims. Councilman Gamlen moved, seconded by Couucilrmm Rocca and regularly carried, that the claims be approved. Total amount of claims, $127,508.63. DISPOSITION OF IT~ ON PENDING AGENDA: J~ /~.~ Mayor Smith then w~ut on to the matter of old business, taking up the memorandum from the office of the City Manager with regard to the Pending Agenda. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Couucilm~n Gamlen and regularly carried, that the several items ou the Pending A~enda, number- lug 35, be handled as rec~nded by the City Mauager with the exception of items ~l, 3, 4, 9, Il, 12, 16, 20, 26, 27, 28, and 29. Number ~3 was on the agenda for tonight. The council then considered the items excepted as enumerated by Councilman Rocca in his motion. Item~l - Public Works Committee Reportdated Jul~, 1954: Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the matter be referred to the Director of Public Works and the City Manager for study to come up with a plan for the public works pro- gram of the City. Item,S - Elimination of the ~osition of Public Works Foreman ~ost now held by Dave Corsi$1ia: Counciimmn Rocca mOVed, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried, that the position remain since the formation of the labor pool. Councilman Lucchio voted no. Item~4 - Bo~s Club reqmest for clubhouse facilities: Mayor Smith remarked that if.there w~re no o%JeCtio~s the CityNauagerwouldbe instructed to notify theBoys Club that the prop- erty is not available for private use. There being no objections, the City Manager was so ordered. · $",'6 ? Item ~9 - Investment of city monies to Be held over until the budget is determined: Mayor Smith remarke~ that a report from the auditor disclose~ the City ~id not have surplus monies to use ir_ the way of investments for the purpose of bringing added revenue to the City. Mayor Smith st,-ted that if there w~re no objections this matter would be dropped from the agenda. There b~l~g nome, this was ordered done. Item ~11 - ~12 - O~v.il Service Ordinance revision a~ resolution r~n~cc~nection charges to Ava~P~k~. Comnci~ Gamlen moved, seconded by Councilman Lueehio and regularly ca~ied~hat item~ll be set over for November 8th study meeting and item~12be set over for the Octcemer llthmeeting. Item~16 - planning Conau~tant summaryof duties: Councilman Lucchiomoved, seconded by Coun- cilman ~Oeca and regularly carried, t~at this item be referred to the Planning Co~nission and they determine if there is any need for' such a service. Item ~ - Francisco Terrace residents complaint of storm drain~ ad~acent to Spruce Avenue: Councii~n Rocca moved, seconded by 0ouncilman Lucekio that t~ ~ter %e acknowledged and filed and a letter sent advising the property o~ners concerned. On the 9mestion, Councilman Lucchio remarked that it should be pointed out that this property in question is private prop- erty. Motion as made and secondedwas regularly carried. IteTM ~26 - San Marco County Development Association request for funds: if ~there were no objections, the item would be dr~mped frc~ the agenda. ions the item was dropped. Mayor Smith stated that There being no ~bJect- Item ~27 - Police Car storase yard and .extension of sh~d at Cor~orat£on Yard: Mayor Smtih re- mar~e~ t~t if there were no objections from the council,~ the City ~a~ger would be instructed to proceed with this project which has been provided for in the budget. There being none, this was ordered done. Item~28 -Master Drainage Plan: Councilman Gamlen moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that this matter be set over to the October llth study m~eting. Mayor Smith then remarked that this brought the agenda up to ltem~B which was ou the agenda this evening. Item ~29 conceruingbus transportation for elementary school children ha~ already been disposed of. CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO TAX RE1WJND REQUEST: ~-//0 The next item taken up under old business was the matter of a request from the City & County of San Francisco for tax refund. City Attorney Lyorm reqmested a little more time to work out the a~-rangemeuts with the City & County of San Fr~ucisco~ stating he would have the report ready for the next meeting which would be October 25. Mayor Smith remarked that if there were uo objections, the matter would be set over. This was ordered done, no objections having been made. AUDITING & AUDITOR'S REPORT: APPEARANCE OF COUNCILMAN C0RTESI: The matter of auditing and Auditor's Report was next taken up. City Manager McClung stated that thi~ was a report submitted by Mr. Ledwith and that he had not had a chance to fully go into the matter but that a report would be ready for October ll. Councilman Gamlen moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the matter be set over and that a written report from the City Manager be submitted on October ll. Councilman Cortesi appeared present at 8:16 p. m. and was present for the duration of the meeting. TOM '~FILLIAMS SUBDMSION: ~4PLOYMENT OF EDWARD M. MARTIN AS JR. ENGINE-ER: Mayor Smith then took up the matter of Tom Witliam~ Subdivision, reading the recommendation of the Planning Commission, iu which they gave their reasons for denial. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planuir~ Commission be accepted. Councilman Rocca then suggested that the Works Engineer, the City Manager and the property owner make an effort to come to some understanding for a more suitable division of the area and present it again to the Planning Commission. Council- man Lucchio stated he would second the motion and upon being asked by Mayor Smith if this was a motion, Councilman Rocca said that it had been meant iu the form of a suggestion or a memorandum but that he would put it iu the form of a motion if the council desired. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Mayor Smith the6 proceeded on to reports, taking ul, first the matter of the employment of Edward M. ~9~rtin as Jr. Engineer. After a brief explanation by City Manager McClung, .City Manager .~cClung recommended the appointment of Edward Martin as Jr. Engineer oua probatiou- ar-y period commencing October l, 1954 at the starting salary of $376.00. This was to be con- tingent ou his passing satisfactorily t~ medical e~amination. Councilman Gamlen moved, sec- onded by Councilman Rocca, and regularly carried, that Edward Martin be employed as recomm- ended ~t the specified salary. COUNTY HEALTH DEPT. MONTHLY REPORT: The next matter was the monthly report of the San Marco County Health Department. Mayor Smith stated that if there w~re no objections the letter and report would be filed. This was or- dered done. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISOR, J. ~,,[[T,T.I~R WADE INCREASE: Comm,,uication was received from the Recreation Department concerning the approval of Playground Supervisor and the wage increase for Mrs. J. Miller. Councilman Lucchio remarked that he understood these to be informative matters only to which City Manager McClung replied that this w~s correct. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried that they be filed. BROWN & CALDWELL REPORT ON ININ3STRIAL WASTE: Communication was received from the City Manager regarding the Brown & Caldw~ll report which accompanied his c~mmunication. City Manager McClu~g reported that this ~ms a preliminary report from Brown & Caldw~ll who were engaged to amalyze the problem of industrial waste treatmen%. He further remarked that~it would be necessary for the a~m~nistrative heads, at least to meet with Brown & Caldw~ll and work out the details and legislation under which industrial plants will be permitted to hook ~p to the new sewer installation. Ne suggested that a meeting be held as soon as possible and that it be attended by as many council members as possible. He recommended that the council instruct the City Attorney, Director of Public Works ~nd ~imself to hold a meetim4~ as soon as possible to draft preliminary legislation on the matter. Councilman Lucchio so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca a~ r~ly carried. Mayor Smith requested City Manager MeCluug to notify the members of the council of the meeting date so ~s many of the members as possible can attend. SPECIAL OFFICERS APPOINTMENTS, SCNURK & BROUGNALL: Communication was received from the Chief of Police regarding the appointments of Special Police )~ficers. Councilman Gamlen moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that t~ appoin~nts be al~roved. Mayor Smith explained that the~e special police officers were the officers at the school crossings in the W~nston Manor area. DRAINAGE THROUGH SENALDI PROPERTY: SO. AIRPORT BLVD. SANITARY SEWER DIST. CONTRACT: ~-//--~ Communication was received from ~e of Tiee of the City Manager regarding the matter of drainage through the Senaldi property. City Manager McClung reported that the three reports were re- lated to the subject mat~er and felt action should be sought at this time permitting the Dir- ector of Public Works to make formal application tc the Public Utilities Cow~ssion of the City of San Francisco for the proposed change in draina@e waters. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi. After a brief discussion regarding engineering work being done in ~he area by the propert2 owner and a letter from the property owners to hold the City ma~e and harmless, motion as made and seconded w~ regularly carried. The council then proceeded o~ to Public Hearings. .~ayor Smith remarked that the award of the con.trac~ for South Aix?port Blvd. Sanitary Sewer District appearing ou the agenda had already been done. RESOLUTION NO. 2073 REVOCABLE PEItMIT I~0R DRAINAGE DITCH: RESOLUTION NO. 2074 PONDING AREA TO PROTECT FRANCI~O TERRACE SUB: There being no ordinanceS,. Mayor Smith proceeded on to resolutions. City Attorney Lyons ex- plained -~aat the first resolution prepared was regarding a revocable permit for storm drain on the City & County of San Francisco Water DePartment property. After a brief explanation by the City Attorney, Councilman Cortesi introdmee~ a resolution of the City of South San Francisco authorizing the execution of an agreemmnt b~tw~en said city and the City & County of~San __~rancisco providing for the granting of a revocable permit to said City by said City & Coun~ of San Francisco for the l~O~e of constrActimg by excavation an open drainage ditch and maiu-~ining the same. Roll call vote was aa follows: Ayes, Conncilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. The second resolution was regarding the recc~aendation of the Director of Public Works relative to a po~_ing area to be established o~osite Franci ~o T~rrace. After the resolution had been read by ohs City Attorney and explained, Councilman Cortesi introduced a resolution ~ of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco providing for the execution of certain license agreements with respect to the acqmisition of a pon~ing area for the protection of the Fran- cisco Terrace subdivision area. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Commcilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. RESOLUTIONS NOS. 2075 & 2O76 MERITORIOUS SERVICE BY OFFICERS HARPER & OLIVOTTI: City Attorney Lyons then remarked that he had prepe~ed two resolutions, one for Police Officer Lawrenc~ Olivotti and the other for Police Officer William Harper. After the resolutions had been rea& by the City Attorney, Councilman Cortesi stated he would introduce the resoluti¢~s remarking that they co~d both be tarn together. Mayor Smith asked City Attorney Lyons if this could be done to which he replied yes. CounciLman Cortesi then introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco acknowledging meritorious services rendered to said City by William Harper while serving as a m~r of the Police Depa ~rt~e~ ~nt of said City, and a resolution of the City Council of ~he City of South San Francisco acknowled- ging me~_torious services rendered to said City by Lawrence Olivotti while servimg as a member of the Police Department of said City. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. RE~OLUTION NO. 2077 W. P. FUT.T.RR & CO. EASEMENT FOR SEWERS: City Attorney Lyons next took up the matter of a resolution regarding the acceptance from the W. P. ~.~l~er Co. of a deed to the City of an easement for instadd~tion of sewer lines~ subject to certain conditions. After City At~mey Lyons had read the resolution and explained its purpose, Councilman Lucchio asked Director of Public Works Goss if he had checked the descrip- tion to which he replied that he had.. Comnc~l~mau L~,cchio then asked Director ~f Public W~rks Goss if he was satisfied with it to which he replie~ that he was. Councilman Rocca remarked that he understood from the remarks of City Attorney Lyons that he found nothing in it that was STREET IMPRO~, SUNSHINE GARDENS ~1, zS / 4/ 3 , ~. CL~ ~ OF HICKEY BOULEVARD PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS: ~/~/ object2onable. He replied that there was nothing objectionable in it. Councilm~n Cortesi introduced a resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco accepting an indenture from W. P. Fuller & Co. conveying to said City an easement for the installation of sewmr lines, subject to certain conditions, and authorizing the execution of said indenture on beb~f of said City. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. Mayor $~_ith then proceeded on to new business. Communication was received from the Garden DeveloSment Co. regarding the acceptance of streets by the City iu Sunshine Gardens ~l, ~2, ~3i ~4, ~5~ ~. Councilman Rocca stated that there was still some question in the area con- cerning the drainage problem, .which had not been resolved and accordingly rec~maended that this matter be held over for further study. CouncLlman Lucchio seconded the motion which was regularly carried. Communication was received from the Francisco Terr-~e Improvement Club thanking the City for the guard rail. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio, that tbs letter be filed. On the question, Mayor Smith requested tha~ the letter be read. After the letter had been read motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Communication was received from the office of the City Manager regarding the Hickey Boulevard pedestrian overpass. City Manager McClung explained that it was a transmittal from the office of the Eirector of Public Works regarding a metal structure overpass. He further mentioned that the method of financing was to'be worked out and that. a proposal concerning the matter was to ge sent the Joint Highway District as per their request at a recent meeting. City Manager McClung suggested that the plans and specifications be accepted and that the admin- istrative staff be directed to work out a finance program on the project. Mayor Smith re- marked that the council was looking with favor on ~he~ overpass and that the people in Winston Manor would have to help bear the cost of this project since it is a local project. Council- man Lucchio remarked that since he was not prepared to act on the matter he would like to have it referred to a study meeting. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi, that it be referred to the City Manager for his attention to work out a means of financing. Council~n Gam3en asked if there was to be a ~tme Limit to which Councilman Rocca replied that he was to do it right away. A brief discussion was held in which Mr. Whitehead of 207 Clifden Drive remanked that at a council meeting some time ago it had been suggested that $15,000.00 be set aside from Gas Tax funds for use iu this project. After further discussion regarding the matter and that such funds could not be used for such purposes, me, ion as made and seconded was regularly carrie&; Mayor Smith then instructed the City Manager to check the record to see if the City Council had gone on record to contribute to this overpass. Councilman Lucchio then moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried, that the policy re~ing the financimg of ~this overpass be referred to the next study meeting. TRAFFIC COUNT AND MAJOR STREET WIDENING PROGRAM: ~-~ gO C~m~unication w~s received from the office of the City Manager regarding traffic count and major street widening program. City Manager McCluug remarked that this was a transmittal from the Diree, tor of Public Works concerning several reports on traffic counts and major street widening program. He recommended that the Public Works Department be directed to draw u~ the plans and specificatiens of the major street widening and place them ou file so it can be determined ho~ to proceed. Councilman L~cchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the Director of Public Works be instructed to prepare the plans and specifications as outlined in his memorandum dated S~ptember 2~th. Councilman Lucchio then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the City Manager be in- structed to prepare a list of means to finance and what funds can be used to carry out the project as outlined by the Director of Public Workz. Communication was received from the office of the City Manager regarding the Lindenville sewer. Mayor S~Ith remarked that the City Manager recoam~n~ed holding the matter over for study. City Manager McOlung reported that this matter was ~lso un~er item ~9 of new business. Coun- cilman Rocca_moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi ~l regularly carried, that action be de- ferred on items ~4 and ~9 under new business ~ntil D,3~ details are available for further study, GOODELL, BYERS & CO. AUDIT OF CITY 5'06/ CITY & COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO PROTEST SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: ,.P'/lo Commm~nieation was received from Goodell, Byers & Co. re~rding audit of the city's books. Mayqr Smith remarked that if there were no objections, the letter would be filed. This was done. ~ Communication was received from the office of the Tax Collector regarding protest from the City and 0o~u~y of San Francisco on special assessments. Mayor Smith stated that if there were no objectiem8 it would be referred to the City Attorney. No objections w~re r~ered. City Attorney Lyons was instructed by the Mayor to see t~-t this w~s properly handled. FRANK B. FITZGERALD T. V. RELAY STATION PARKWAY TERRACE AREA: ~-/~-~ Communication was received from Frank B. Fitzgerald regarding T. V. relay station in Parkway Terrace area. After a brief explanation from City Manager McClung and Mr. Fitzgerald regarding the mat-~r, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and reglZlarly carried, that since this seemed to be a worthwhile program a~ long as tb~ City is absolved of any lia- bility, ~:ecommended that the application be granted. LEO DONATI CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY: Claim against the City was received from Leo Donati. City Attorney Lyons recommended that the claim be denied and that it be transmitted to the insurance carrier. Councilman Rocca so movec, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried. SPRUCE AVENUE DRAINAGE DITCH: ~-/~ The item concerning the Spruce Avenue drainage ditch w~s set for the study meeting of Oct. ll. PARR-RICHMOND INDUSTRIAL COHP. USE PEE~: ~oGo C~nications were received from the Planning C,:-~ssion as follows: Use Permit of the Parr- Richmond Industrial Corporation. Councilman' Lucchio rmmarked that by the last paragraph of the use ~ermit it noted that this was a reference copy and not necessary for the council to act on · H. PAOLI VARIANCE AD JUS~2~ENT PE~4IT The nex~ was a variance permit, resolution ~30 as applied for by Hugo Paoli. After having been r~£ by Mayor Smith, Councilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regu- larly c~ied, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. A. N~dRDOCK VARIANCE & AD~JSI~52~ PERMIT: The ne~ was a variance permit resolution ~431 as applied for by Alan Murdock. After this was reaC by Mayor Smith, Councilman Gamlen moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning C~!ssion be accepted. ARCO BUILDING CO. REZONING REQUEST: H. BYRNE APPLICATION FOR '~JSINESS LICENSE: BERRY, RE: REQUEST FOR STREET REPAIR AVALON PARK: CONMUR ST. IMPROV]~tENT: SUNSHINE GARDENS DRAINAGE: ESC EELBAC H CORPORATION YARD: APPROVED: A rezoning request was received from ~e Arco Buildirg Co. as applied for with the Planning Co, mission. Councilman Lucchio asked that this matter be referred to a study session and that a member of the Planning Cow~ssiou be present at this meeting. After some discussicm, Councilman Lucchio asked Planning Commissioner Mark Senaldi, present in the audience, if he could explain why the request had been denied. C~m~issioner Seualdi remarked that he could answer as au individual only and not for the C~ission, but that this was a home that was to be ccaverted into a medical building and that no provisions had been made for parking. After this explanation by Commissioner Senaldi~ Cour. cilmau Lucchio stated that he would with- draw his request and move that the rec~ndation of the Planning Commission be accepted. Motion ~$ seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried. Under the Good & Welfare, Mr. Howard Byrne spoke regarding his application for business lic- ense to e~gage in heating appliances at his home located at 5~0 Orange Avenue. City Clerk Rodondi explained that this had not had a3_l the recommendations of the Depe~-~nt heads as yet. Mr. Berry of Avalon Park then s~ regarding the repair of holes in the street caused by the trucks of Stoneson Company-in the course of their building work and which they agreed to repair. Director of Public Works Goss explained that he had discussed this matter with Mr. Floyd Watson and Bill louse of the Stoneson Company and that they had agreed to do this work when building was finis ~d in the area. He stated that building in the area should be finished by now and that the work could be done. Mayor Smith asked Mr. Goss if it was in order for him to order the .work done to which he replied yes. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the Director of Public Works contact the proper parties and instruct them to proceed with the work that they had agreed to do and to get it done be- fore the~ rain starts. Mr.' Bez"z~ then asked what had happened to the improvement of Contour Street requesting an answer before he fenced it in. After a discussion on the matter had taken place at which time Mr. ~oss explained the action of the Planning Commission, City Attorney Lyons remarked that he would contact Mr. Berry's attorney asking him for the attorney's name which he replied was Mr. R~psey. Mr. Lloyd Thacker of 341 Gardenside, Sunshine Gardens, asked regarding the drainage plans for that are~. Mayor Smith remarked that the subdividers had requested that the streets in the area be ~ccepted but that they were being held up until such time as the problem could be re- scolved. He also instructed that a letter be sent by the City Manager to the Improvement Club when the meeting was to be held on the matter. ~4rs. Mo~re of 125 Fir Avenue then asked as to the status of the Eschelbach Corporation yard, reqmestiag to know if the City Attorney had made any personal inspection that ~ms supposed to have b~ made. City Attorney Lyons replied that he w~s unable to make an inspection but that evex7 effort would be made to have a report and that a report would be forthcoming for next Monday night. Counci~_~ Lucchio then remarked on the fact that no meeting would be held October 18th due to the Lmague Conference but that it would be postponed to October 25, 19~. There being no further basiness the meeting was adjourned to Monday evening, October 11, 1954 at 7:00 p. m. Time of .Adjournment - 9:47 P. m. REspectfully submitted, ~ MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ~.B OCTOBER 4, L954 RESOL ON O76 A ~ION OF TEE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S0~TH SAN FEANCISCO ACKNOWLEDGING MERITORIOUS SERVICES P~N- DERED TO SAID CITY BT LAWEE OLIVOTTI W~JE SERI~iNG AS A ~ OF TEE POLICE DEPARTMENT OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS LAWRENCE OLIVOTTI did successfully complete the Civil Service Examination for the lmoeition of policeman in the Police Del~rtmer~t of the City of South San Francisco a~d was thereafter appointed by the City Council as a member of said Police Del~a~ment, which appointment became effective as of the 1st day of September, 1948, on W~ich date he c~enced service as a member of said Police Department; and WHEREAS said LAWRENCE OLIVO~I did honorably and efficiently serve said City of South Sa~ Francisco, and the people thereof, as a member of the said PoliCe Depart~nt from the time of his appoin~_*~e~nt to and including the 15th day of September, 1954; a~d WHEREAS, as a public official of said City, he did always conduct him- self with the utmost loyalty, faithfulness, and competence; and WHERE~ said LAWRENCE OLIVOT~I, as a loyal and faithful public servant, contributed greatly, by untiring efforts to the upbuilding, improvement, and efficiency of said Police Department of said City of South San Francisco, NOW, T'~EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco that th~$ City Council does hereby extend to LAWRENCE OLIVO~2I its sincere appreciation for his ~rvices to said City of South San Francisco, and the people thereof, and said City Council also does hereby express to him their very highest commendation for the manner in which he has fulfilled the duties of a member of the. Police Department of said City. BE IT F~ RESOLVED that t~ resolution be spread upon the Official Minutes of the City Council and that a certificate of merit be presented to said LAWRENCE OLIVOTTI, to~ether with a certified copy of this resolution. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 4th day of October~ 195~, by the following vote: AYES, Councilmen NOES, Ar.&rew Rocca, Francis Luembio, Telford Smith, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamlen None AT~EST: ARTHUR A. RODONDI City Cler~ RESOLUTION NO. 2075 A RES(Y~ION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SO~TH SAN FRANUISCO ACKNOWL~OING ~ERITORIOUS SERVICES RENDERED TO SAID ~ITY BT WILLIAM HARPER ~NILE SERVING AS A MEMBER OF THE P~LICE DEPARTMENT OF SAID CITY. WHEREAS '~ILLIAM HARPER did successfully complete the Civil Service Examination for the position of policeman in the Police Department of the City of South San Francisco and was thereafter appointed by the City C ncil as a member of said Police Department, w~ich appoint- sent became effective ~s of the 1st day of September, 1952, on which date he commenced service as a member of sa~ Police Department; and WEEREAS ~aid WILLIAM NAEPER did honorably and efficiently serve said City of South San Francisco, and the people thereof, as a member of the said Police Department from ~ae time of his appointment to and including the ~0th day of September, 195~; and WHEREAS, as apublic official of said City, he did a&ways conduct himself with the utmost loyalty, faithfulness, and competence; and WBEREAS ~aid Wlw.7.TAN NARPER, as a loyal and faithful public servant, contributed greatly, by untiring e_~f_orts to the upbuilding, improvement, and efficiency of said Police Department of said Cit~ of South San Francisco, NOW, T~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ~f the City of South San Francisco that this Ci~-y Council does hereby extend to WILLIAM EABPER its sincere apprecia- tion for his services ~o said City of South San Francisco, and the people thereof, and said City Council al~o does hereby express to him their very highest commendation for the manner in which he has fulfilled the duties of a member of the Police Department of said City. BE IT F~lVf~:~ RESOLVED that this resolution be spread u~on the Official Minutes of the City Council aha that a certificate of merit be presmnted t~ maid ~IAM HARPER, together with a certified copy of this resolution. I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regularly introduced and adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 4th &ay of October, 1954, by the following vote: AYES, Councilmen NOES, " Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith, Emilio Cortesi, Richard Gamlen Nor_e None ARTHUR A. RODONDI City Clerk