HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1955-05-02REGULAR ~EETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, MAY 2, 1955 PLACE: TIHE: Council Chambers, City Hall 8p. mo CALL TO ORDER: The meetir4/ was called to order at 8 p. m. by ~ayor Smith. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pledge of allegiance to the flag was recited, after which invocation was & INVOCATION: given by Rev. Rowland Martin, Pastor of the Bu=t Buri Co~aunity Methodist Church. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Tetford ~aith, Emilio ~ortesi, Richard Gamlen MINUTES: ~ayor Smit~ aeked if there were any corrections or o~issions to the minutes of the adjourned regular meeting of April 11, 29§§, the r~ular meeting of April 18, 1955, and the adjourned regular meet:ng of April 25, 1955. There being none, Councilman Ga~len moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, tilt the minutes as ~entioned be approved. CLAIMS Mayor Snith then asked if there was a motion to approve the claims for payment. Councilman 3oeca ~oved, seconded by Councilman Gsu~len and regularly carried, that clal~ as submitted be approved for payment. Total amount of claims, $28,777.80. PARK HAVEN SEWER CONNECTION FEE: Memor~d~m dated April 19, 1955 was received from the office of the Director of Pu~c -~rks, accompanied by a me~orandu~ d~ted April 27, 1955 from the offiCe'O~ =he City Manager, concernin~ Park Hav~n Sewer connection fee. Coun- cilman ROcc~ moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly Carried, that the Arco B~kldin~ Company pay the same fee as the other subdividers and be 'given credo: for $700.00 on account of work prewiot~sly done. REPORTS: Reports were received as follows: 5'/o~ 1. San Marco County Health Dept. monthly repor: for the month of Narch, 1955; 2. Letter of commendation fr~ the South San Francisco Waman's Club dated April 16, 1955; 3. Request for dance permit by the Sociedad Mu=ualieta Mexicans Morelos; 4. Mary Jennings application for Off Sale Beer and ~lne; 5. Public ~tiltties Cammission notice of Greyhound rate hearing; 6. Approve6 route for L. C. Smith dirt hauling operation; 7. School Board letter reportin~ on Recreation agreements; 8. Coamur Street Extension request for time extension. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion to acce~t and file the reports. Coun- cilman Laecbio so moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried. Councilman bucchio then moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried, that Report #7 on the School Board letter concerning recreation, that it be refers, ed to the School-City Coordinating Cm~ittee for interpretation and any other action the City may choose to make. Mayor Smith then instructed City Manager ~cClung to notify the Chairman of the School-City Coordinating Committee to call the ~eeting, obtain the date of the ~eetin~, and inform the Recreation ~m~ittee so that tb~y might have a representative there or the co~issione~ mi~lat be there l~ they wish. REGULATION OF USE OF CITY SEWER SYSTEM ORDINANCE: Mayor S~ith =hen proceeded on to the next ite~ cn the a~enda, concerning ordinances, =aking up first the one concernin~ the regulation on the use of the City Sewer Syst~. Councilman Rocca remarked that,he would introduce the ordinance az an emergency measure. City Attorney Lyons stated that he would like to have a motion watvin~ the reading of the ordinance and introducing it by title. Councilman Lucchio so moved, secoade¢ by Councilman G~mlen, and regularly c~rried. City Attorney Lyons then explained that this wac the ordi- nance, copie~ of which had been alread~ forwarded to the me~bers of the council. City Attorney Ly~ms then read the title of the ordinance. WEED ABATEI~NT & RUBBISH REMOVAL ORDINANCE: ~-/~, 7 Mayor Smith ~hen took up the ~tt, er of an ordin~ee which did not appear on the agenda, b~t concerned the abatement of weeds, st ,ting that since it was nearing the season for weed abate~nt, that prel~inary step~ ehould he taken for their removal. City Attorney Lyons explained the ordinance he had drafted concerning weed abatement, re, nesting that a motion be made waivtn~ the r~di~ of the ordinance arc that it be introduced b~ title. Councilman Ga~len so moved, sec- onded by Cot4~.cil~a.n Lucchio and regularly carried, after which City Attorney Lyons read tlc title of the ordinance. SUBDIVISION ORD. Mayor Smith ~hen went on to the matter concernin~ the revision of the Subdivision REVISION, ORNAMENTAL-Ordinance re~arding ornmeental light standards. Re res~rked thai'this ordi- LIGHT STANDARDS: nance was not re~ty for the council at this time and that if there were ~o ob-' ~-/~ 7 jections, it w~utd be held over until the next m~ttn~ to be held Monday, May 9. No objectio~ being registered, layor ~ith stated it was so ordered. RESOLUTION NO. 2142-City Attorne~ Lyons next explained that he had prepared a resolution on the MISSION ROAD & improvement of Old Mission Road from the city limits south to Chestnut Avenue. CHESTNUT AVE STREET-He 'explained the r~olution in that it requested the Board of Supervisors to IMPROVEMENTS: give the Citir jurisdiction over the property that do~ not lie in the City so ~-,~o that we could proceed with the improvements. Cotnctlman Rocca introduced "~ Resolution off the City Council of the City of 8o~th San Francisco proposin~ a Resolution off Im~ion to Perform Street Improv~ent Work on Mission Road and Chestnut Ave~'~e to be Submitted to the Board of Pupervisors of the County of San Marco." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. RESOLUTION NO.2143 DEED OF DEDUCATION BAYSHORE ARUSE~ENT COMPANY: City Attorney Lyons then explained that another resolution had been prepared regarding tie acceptance of a deed from the Bayshore Amusement Company for property along Baden Avenue in order that the City might proceed with the imp- rovemmnt. Councilman Gamlen introduced "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of S~utb San Francisco Accepting A Deet of Deducatton From Bayshore Amusement Com~ny, Inc., to the City of South S~n Francisco." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. RESOLUTION NO. 2144 AWAI~)II~ COF~LtCT TRAFFIC ~ICES, GRAND A~E. & AIR- PORT BOULEVARD: Mmmerand~m cared March 20, 1955 was received from the Director of Public Works, accompante~ by a memorandum dated April 27, 1955 from the office of the City Manawer, co~cerning the Airport Boulevard and G.~and Aven~e Actuators. Mayor Smith explained that the Director of Public'Wori~ had opened the bids received for the automatic actuators and that it had bemn found that Coopman Electric Company was the Iow bidder. Councilman Gsmlen ~oved that the recommendation of the City M~er be accepted and the contract a*arded to Coopman Electric Co. City Attor~y LF~m~ r~marked that a resolution had been prepared 6n the matter, reqummtLn~ t~ k~ow if some member of the counct~ wished to introduce it. Coun- cilman Gmmlmn introduced "A i~olution of the C~ty Council of the City of South San Framcimco Awardin~ Contract for the Install~tion of Traffic Actuating I)evicem at the lntermection of Airport B~ulevard and Grand Avenue in the City of South Sm~ Francisco." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucch~o, S~lth, Cortesi, Gamlen. DOWMTOWN MERCHANTS ASSN. CARiqlVAL PERMIT: ~~ Communication dated April 26, 1955 was received from the Downtown Merchants Asmociatiom of $~ath San Fx, aneisco, requestinw .~mx~mton to ~ld a carnival rrm Ju~ ~ to 3~ on t~ ~e's Candy Co~y p~rty located at Spruce Avenue and E1Cmi~ ~al. ~qmt m also made t~t the l~ce~e fee ~ uived. Cou~i~n ~test moved, that the ~t as r~u~ted be granted. Councilman R~ca ~d ~ ~ctlMn ~rt~i ne~t to incl~ the ~iviM of t~ ~1 fee, to which C~ncil~n Cort~t replied ~s. Cou~~n ~cca ~n~d the motion, which ~ ~.l~ly carried. WINSTON MANOR #2 IMP; AVALON PARK #4 FIMAL M~P; OLD STARLITE TttgATRE FILLING & GRADING PLANS; LOMALINDA TERRACE #1 FINAL MAP; SUNSHINE GAR- DENS #8 FINAL MAP: Councilman Lucchio then moved that the followin~ a~mnda items be held over and ~ referred to the Department Me-ds for final repo~t: 1. Item #3 - acceptance of improvements in Winston Manor #2. 2. Item #4 - final map of Avalon Park #4. 3. Item #5 - Ftlll~ & Grading plans of Starlite Theatre. 4. Item ~6 - final map of Loma Linda Terrace #~. 5. Item #7 - Surmhine Gardens ~8 final map. After brief discu~sion, Councilman Rocca seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. Brief dtscummbon followed by Mr. Bacon concernin~ Sunshine Gardens #8 final map, ~d Mr. Castellani concerning final ~ ap of Loma Linda Terrace #1. DEMOLITION OF SUB-STANDARD BLDG. 214-216 GRAND AVE: Communtca~,~dm~md~/bprtl 22, 1955 was received from the San Mateo County Dept. of Public ll~.lth & Welfare concerning the dmmolttion of a structure located at 214-216 C~ra~i Avenue, owned by Lawrence Vincenztni. Councilman Rocca moved, that the Cl~y prooeed with the demolition accor¢ingly. Discu~sion followed concerning =~e matter after which Councilman Rocca withdrew his motion. Coun- cilm&a Gaml-n then su~gemted a motion that the amm~liti~n proceedings take,~ effect on t~e 16th of the month, City Attorney Lyoa~ remarked that this was a good suggmm~on a~d that he could be instructed to notify the people in writing to vacate t~m pr~m~mes by the 16th of May, and that if this was not done, that legal actio~would be taken by the City to condemn the property. Councilman Gamlen so mm~ed, meconded by Councilman Rocca. This was followed by further discussion ~ffter which roll call vote w~s taken as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchlo, Smith, Gamlen; Noe~, Councilman Cortwsi. Mayor Smith then in- structed C/.:y Manager McClu~ to inform,the Housing AuthoritY about this family's pr~dicament and see if arrangements could be made for their location in Lindeaville flor permanent or temporary quarters. OLD MARJCST STREET Communicatlen dated April 27, 1955 was received frmm the office of the Planning RIGHT OF WAY CommissiOn, accompanied by a communication dated April 15, 1955 from the San DEVELOPMENT REQUEST:Bruno Chambe~ of Commerce, c~ncerninK the reqummt for development of Old Market ~,~ Street Right of way. Mayor Smith stated that if there were no obJectiom$~ this matter m~ulC be held over mm that the City Manaw~r Could obtain all the tn~r- mation fort~ cotmcil. No objections Were rewibtered and it was so ordered. COMMERCIAL AVE. Communie&t~dated April 13, 1955 was received frmm the California Water Service FIRE STATION SITE: acc°~Pan.fed ~y a Co~municat~g~n dated April 18, 1555 from the office of the City ~O~ Manager, cor~raLug the'Ce~mercial Avenue Fire Bouse Site. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded b~ Councilman Rocca and regvlarl~ carried, that the City ¥~ger be instruct.® to offer the California Water Serw.ce C~any the sma of $6,500 for the acqn~s~tien of the I00' x I00' piece of property for the Fire House Site. Councilman ~ mien voted no, stating.tkat he did ~ot think it belee~ed there, but that it sho~].d be on the other side of the high~ ,F. C~uncilman Cortesi stated he aKreed with Councilamn Gmalen that it sh~tld ~e on t~e other side of the high. ay. After'brief dtsc~ssion, ~ayor S~ith aa~d Fire Chief W~lte to give his remns far the location of the Fi~e Rom a~te in the area he proposed, being the Cm~rcial Avenue site. After an egl~l.uatioa by Fi~e Chief Welte. roll call ye. to m as follm: Ayes, Councllm Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. JR. CO~g SITE HILLSID~ STGN AREA: Com~unicmt~o~ d~ted April ~6, 1955 was received ffrom the Plaanin~ Commission concernt'nw t~ Hillsidm sign site as area for future Jr. Collewm. The Planning Commismion r~ended a~nst such a project. Ma~or Smith asked if there was a motion to accept the rmco~'ndation of the Plaint_ag Co~miselon. Councilman Rocca ~ov~d, eeconded by Councilman Lucchio ~r~gularly carried, that the recom- mendation of the Planatg Commission be accepted. HART & HYNDING USE PERMIT #456: Use permit resolution #456, as applied for by Hart & Hynding, was received frO~ the PLanning Commission, recommending granting of permission to construct a 50' x 100' building to house the Homelite Corporation to be located at 727 Airport BouLevard. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly c~rried, that the recommendation of the Planning CommiSsion be acce~ ed ant the use permit be granted. WEST COAST ADVT. Use permit resolution #455, as applied for by the West Coast Advertising Co., CO. USE PERMIT #455:was receivec from the Planning Commission, recemending denial for the erection ~0~O of a 12' x 25' un$11uminated billboard on property located at Airport Boulevard approxiarately 25' south of Grand Avenue. Namer Smith a~ked if there was a motion to accept the recoamendation of the Plan~ing Commission. Councilman Cortesi so wved, seconded by Councilman 'Rocca .nd regularly carried. WINSTON MANOR BUS SHELTER: Com~unicatio~s dated April 21, 1955 and April ~?, 1955 were received from the office of tbs City Manager concerning the Winston ManOr #2 bus shelter. This was accompaxied by a petition signed by resi~n~s of that area in which the residents p~otested the building of the shelter and asked that the City Council reconsider the matter with the possibility he~ that the permit to construct the shelter be revoked. Rayor S~ith explained ~hat the matter was rather con- troversial as some time ago the council was pet~tioned to place a bus shelter at ~he city playground, and that now a request ~ received that the bus-shelter not be built. Counci]~an Lucchio asked if the bus shelter had been built to which City ~nager MeClung replied that it had ~ot. Councilman Lucchio then moved, seconded b~ Councilman Gamlen, that it be referred back to the Winston ~anor I~l~~nl;~ Association for their co~ideration with the iaediate resi- dents involw~d ~ ~ co~e to s~e un~rstandi~ wit~t putting the council in a positio/.to antagonize one factio~ or the other. The petition was then read by City Manager NcClung, followed by brief discussion. Motion as made and seconded~ re~dtarly carried. Mayor Smith then instructed City Manager NcClung to send a l~tt~r to the Winston Manor A~ociation and explain to them the problem~ involved in this bus shelter and also ~.dvtse the people in the petition of the council's action. TRANSFER OF BUDGE~P FUNDS: Com~unicatio.~s requesting transfer of budget funds were received as follows: From the offf~ce of the City Clerk, under date of April 19, 19§5; the office of the Fire Chief, under date of April 24, 1955; a~d the office of the Police Chief, un,em date of April 27, 1955. City Manager NcCIung explained that through so~ inadvertence the request of the Fire Chief had not been in,dod along with ;he other two but w~s being included at this time. He also plain~d the: he found that the above ~entioned'r~que~ts did not in any way overdraw th~ department fund~. Councilman 6amlem then moved, seconded by Councilman ~cca and regularly carried, that the transfers of budget funds as requested be approved. AIRPORT BOULEYARD SEWER ASSESSMENT: Coaunicatio~ dated April 27, 1955 was received from the office of the City Manager concerning payment of the Airport Boulevard Sewer Assement. It was the reco~merdatton of the City Manager that the ~ity deny the claim and the payment be aLlowe~ to go to bend. Co~mcil~an Lu~chio moved, seconded by Coun- cilman Gamle~ amd regularly carried, that the re~ommsadation be accepted, that the claim b~ den~d and the payment go t~ bond.' Franc-isco TERRACE HOLDING BASIN EXT. OF T~ME: 71 Co~m~nioatio~ dated April 21, 1.955 was received :~roa the office of the Director of Public ~k~k~ together with a co~unication del;ed April ~7, 1955 from the office of t~e City l~nager concerning Francisco Terrace Holding Basin. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion that the City Mamager be authorized to nego- tiate with the help of the Director of Public Works for the renewal of the leases. Coo~et~Gamlen se moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio. Coancil- man Rocca stated that he understood this was on a very nominal basis to which City Nanager NcCluag replied that Councilman ~occa was correct. Notion as made and seconde~ w~ regularly carried. OLD MISSION ROAD DRAINAGE DISTRICT: Co~aunicatior dated April 21, 1955 vas received from the Director of Public Works together with a co ~,-t~etion date~ April ~7, 1955 from the office of the City ~ concernt~ Old Mission Road Draanage District. Mayor Smith _ asked if ~~ in order to have a motion to C°nffirm the instructio.n~ previously given the City Attorney on the petition. CounciLman R~cca so moved, seconded by Council~ Lt~cchio. CounciLman Lucchio, unde~ the question, asked if City Attorney had be~n Sul~plied with a cspy of t~e specifications, to wh~h City Attorne~ Ly~ stated he hsd been given the specificati~ns needed. Mof~ton as made' and ~econded was regularly carried. FIREMAN ARNOLD ZWEF&~HORS T RESI6NATION: Co~unicatioa dated April 20, 1955 ~s received ffrom Arnold Zweekhorst, tendering his resignation from the South San Francisco Fire Department, effective April 30. This was accompanied by a communication dated April ~2, 1955 from the Fire Chief together with a comm~nication dated April 27, 1955 from the office of the City Manager, all of which concerned the ssu~e subject matter. Cou~cilman Lucchto moved, .s~con~d by Ceumcilman Rocca sad regularly carried, that the resi~nation be accepted. Councilman laacchio then a~ked Fire Chief Welts h~w 1~ Mr. Zweek- horst had be,s~ in the e~ploy of the City, to which l~e replied about three years. Councilman L~cchio then ~ved, seconded by Counc: lman ~len and regular~ carried, tbs= the council k~aor lit. Zweekherst with a certificate of merit for his services ~endered to the City. GOOD & WELFARE RESOLUTION NO.2145 ADDING POSITION OF P.B.X. OPERATOR TO CIVIL SERVICE: 000 Mayor Smith ~aen asked if anyone in the audience had anything to offer under Good & Welfare. No response was received. Mayer Smirk then asked if any mem- ber of the co'~ncil or other officials had anything to offerj City Attorney Lyons remarked that a resolution had been larels~red amending the Personnel Rules and Regulatio~s by adding the position of Switchboard Operator (P.B.X.) to the ~ivil or Claitified Service System of the City. Councilman Lucchio introduced A R~molutio~ of the City Council of the City of South S~n Francisco amending the Personnel Rules and Regulations of Said City by addilag the Position of Switchh~ard (~rator (P.B.X.) to the Civil, or Classified, Service System of said City." Eoll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Corte~k, Gamlen. A DJOIIRNMENT: APPROVED: Mayor Snith asked if any other council membe_~ had a~l~hhi~'~o.~Of{ercto Which Council~an Lucchio requested that the meetin,~ be adjourned in memory of John Mager, former councilman of the city who recently passed away, and Adolph Soldani, former city employee who likewise r-cently paseed away. Mayor Smith remarked that if there were no objections the meeting would be adjourned in memory of Jehn Mager, former City ~ncilm~n, a~d Adolph Soldani, former Park D~partme.~t e~ployee. The meet~ was then adjourned until Monday, May 9, 1955 at 4:30 p. m. Time of 'djournment - 9:33 p. m. Respectfully sub~t ted,