HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1955-05-23ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, MAY 23, 1955 PLACE: TIME: .Council Chambers, City Hall 4:30 p. m. CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: The hooting was called to order at 4:40 N. m. by Mayor Smith. Present: Councilman Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Telford Smith, Emilio Cortesi Absent: Councilman Richard Gamlen (Councilman Gamlen appeared present at 4:43 p. m.) WEST COAST SHOWS CA RNI VAL: ~ayor ~mith, before proceeding on with the meeting, asked that the record show ~hat added to the awenda would be item #6 under New Business, which concerned the application of West Coast Shows requesting permission to con- duct a carnival. LINDENVILLE DRAINAGE: Mayor Smith then proceeded on to old business, bypassing the public hearing concerning weed abatement until the arrival of the City Attorney. The first ~03 7 item 'ander old business concerned the problem of Lindenville Drainage. City Manager McClung explained that this was the matter brought to the attention of the City Council by Mr. Riccomi, Executive Director of the Housing Auth- ority, which concerned a drainage proble~ in that area. Discussion took place regarding the length of time that remained on the lease for the Housing Authority, at which time City Manager McClung stated that he did not think the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Co. would wish to do the work since the lease had only two years to go. He suggested the Housing Authority buy ':~e necessary pipe to be installed aLd that this pipe could be reused later. Director of Public Works Goss recoaenended that the Housing Authority buy ~ie necessary drain pipe and the City do the installation, also putting in the necessary outlet box. APPEARANCE OF COUNCILMAN GAMLEN: Councilman Gamlen appeared at 4:43 p. m. and remained for the duration of the meeting. Mayor Smith explained to Councilman Gamlen the item under discussion, briefly informing him as to what had taken place, Lengthy discussion then took place as to how the cost of the pipe and the installation should be paid. Also disc.~sed was the cost of the pipe, the cost of laying the pipe, and the construction of the outlet box. APPEARANCE OF CITY ATTORNEY LYONS: City Attorney Lyons al~eared at 4:48 p. r. and remained for the duration of the meeting. City Attorney Lyons then gave an explanation as to the ~ of Linden- ville and the manner in which this cost was being provided for each month by tme Housing Authority. Also explained was the manner in which the prop- erty was originally leased from the Land Co. for use as a housing project. After further discussion had taken place concerning the area that this pipe was to drain, it was mentioned that city forces would in all probability install the pipe cheaper and thereby affect a savings. Councilman Gamlen then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the Housing Authority purchase the necessary pipe, engaging the services of the City forces and reimbursing the city for the cost of the labor. Councilman Cort~si abstained from voting. RESOLUTION NO. 2151 WEED ABATEMENT: ~-~dS- Mayor Smith then went back to the matter of public hearings, taking up the mattmr of weed.abatement, asking if any protests had been received. No written or oral protests were registered. Councilman Rocca then moved, sec- onded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the protest hearing be closed. City Attorney Lyons then explained a resolution he had prepared conc~rning the removal of weeds. CounciLman Lucchio introduced A Resolution of t~e City Council of the City of South San Francisco Ordering Removal of Weed~, Rubbish, Refuse, and Dirt from Parcels of Private Property. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilnen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. RECREATION COMM. REPORTS: 5-0 The ~atter of reports was next taken up. Councilman Lucchio remarked that before acting on these he requested information from City Attorney Lyons as to whether or not council still had the authority concerning appointments, to which City Attorney Lyons replied tha~ they did. Councilman Lucchio then asked that the matter concerning the employment of part time playground supervisors as mentioned in the Recreation Co~mission reports and the approval for temporary employment of a Szeno-Clerk as appeared in the re- port~ from the City Manager, be taken up under new business. After dis- cussion, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen, that the recommendations on the reports as received from the Recreation Commission be accepted and the list approved and thet they be authorized to employ the ~ersonnel as needed. At this time, City Manager McClung asked for a clarification concerning the appointment of temporary employees, stating that the council had prev- iously ordered him to pass on approval of part time help and not have matters such as this come before the council. After further discussion, Councilman Lucc~io withdrew his motion as made. Councilman Gamlen then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendations in the Recreation Commission's reports be accepned and placed on file. The reports listed were as follows: 1. Employment of Part time playground supervisors, 2, ~aming of Mrs. Janet Seekamp as Commzssion Chairman, 3. E1 Rancho School P.T,A. request for supervised play, 4. Supervised play at Rancho Burg Buri Park, and 5. Requested use of Spruce Gym by Windbreakers. CITY MANAGER REPORTS: E/5'3 /g-O0 0 HIRING OF TEMPORARY HELP: ~_000 ORDINANCE NO. 364 SPRUCE AVENUE PARKING: .~/~ 7 ORDINANCE NO. 365 ZONING AMENDMENT: RESOLUTION NO. 2152 CORRECTING ASSESS- MENT ROLL: AIRPORT BLVD. SEWER UNDER PROTEST: COMMERCIAL AVE. FIRE STATION SITE TRANSFER OF FUNDS: CITY HALL BASEMENT MODERNIZATION: SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT TRANSFER OF FUNDS: ~'-~)~, ? CITY HALL BASEMENT IK)DERNI ZATION: Councilman Lucchio then moved that the temporary hiring of a Steno-Clerk be approved and the Personnel Clerk instr~cted to call for an examination. City M~nager McClung stated that a new test was being called for. Mayor Smith asked if there was a motion to accept the' recommendations of. the City Manager concerning the reports listed. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Co,~ncilman Gamlen and regularly carried, that the City Manager's reports be accepted and placed on file. The reports listed were as follows: 1. Use of City Hall for Juvenile Traffic Offender School, 2. Relocation of Easter Sunrise Service Cross, 3. Approval of temporary employment of Steno- Clerk, 4. Serra Highlands Street Lightin~, 5. Referral of Old Market Street Railroad R/W to County Planners, and 6. ]btice to Scavengers on business area trash can pickup. Brief discussion then took place concerning the hiring of temporary help, at which time City Manager McClung stated th, t this would come to the council in the form of a report, further statin~ ~hat the Library and Recreation Commipsion h~.ve their own eligible lists ffrom which they hire but that the City .~anager is notified regarding this. Councilman Rocca stated that the City Manager should be notified at once. Mayor Smith agreed that the noti- fication should be immediately done upon ~he hiring of an individual so that the City Manager would be advised and the necessary insurance and statistical information placed on file. Mayor Smith then instructed the City Manager to notify those departments =hat have part time help to notify him &t once concerning any employment. Next taken up was the second reading of the ordinance concerning parking restr~ctionm on Spruce Avenue from Parkway to Railroad Avenue. City Attor- ney L~ons stated that the readin~ could be waived and the ordinance intro- duce~ by title. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the reading b~ waived and the ordinance intro- duces by title only. City Attorney Lyons then read the title of the ordi- nance after which roll call vote on the adoption was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Rocca, lmith, Cortesi, Gamlen; Noes, Councilman Lucchio. Coun- cilm~ Lucchio voted no remarking that he felt that restricting parking on bo~h sides of the street was too strin~ent. Brief discussion followed concerning the matter of restricted parkin~ at which time it was mentioned that ~he Police Chief could use his discretion in enforcement. Mayor Smith then asked if there was a motion to waive the reading and intro- duce ~y title only the ordinance concerning amendments to the zoning ordi- nance. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carrked, that the reading be waived and the ordinance introduced by title only. City Attorney Lyons read the title of the ordinance after which roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. . The council then took up the matter of r~solutions, the first being the corr~ctions of the assessment rolls. After brief explanation by the City Attorney, Councilman Ga~len introduced A Resolution of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco Correcting Certain Clerical Errors in the ~ssessment Roll as Adopted by Said City Council for the Fiscal Year 1954-1955. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Rocca, Lucchio, Smith, Cortesi, Gamlen. Mayor Smith then went on to the matter of new business, the first being the paymeat of Airport Blvd. Sewer Assessment under protest by the City and County of San Francisco. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconSed by Councilman Gamlen, that the letter be accepted and placed on file. City Attorney Lyont then briefly explained to the council the matter of the sewer assess- ment ~gainst the City of South San Francisco property which he had previously disc'l~sed with them, stating that this ~.s been settled. Motion as made and e~conded was regularly carried. Comwl~ication dated May 17, 1955 was received from the office of the Fire Chief concerning transfer of funds for the purchstse of the Commercial Ave. Fire Station Site. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded bY Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommenCation of the Fire Chief and City Mana4mr be accepted concerning this request. Com~,~nication was received from the office of the City Manager dated May 17, 1955, concerning authorization for the calling of bids for the modernization of t~e City Hall Basement. After a brief discussion and explanation, Coun- cilm ,n Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen, that the City Manager be a'Athorized to call for bids. Discusskon followed concerning the work to b~ done after which motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Comm~nication was received from the office of the City Manager dated May 3,~ 1955, frem the Supt. of Sanitation dated May 13 & 10, 1955, from the Director- of Public Works dated April 28, 1955 and from Engineer Edward Martin dated April 27, 1955 concerning transfer of funds for the expansion of the electrical system at the Sewage Treatmen= Plant. Councilman Gamlen moved, secozded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that approval be given for the transfer as requested. Brief discussion follmqemd concerning plans whict were to be drawn showing the area ~o be wired so that it would be available for future use and which would have to be approved. Mayor Smith then asked if there was a mo~ion approving the plans and speci- fications for the alterations to the City Hall Basement. Councilman Lucchio movec, seconded by Councilman Gsmlen and regularl~ carried, that the plans and specifications for the renovation of the City Hall Basement be approved. Mayor Smith asked Mr. Goss for the record, if he was satisfied with the plans and specifications to which he replied he was. City Attorney Lyons then briefly remarked on the dates for the opening of bids in the office of the Director of Public Works, stating that the date of June 10 had been planned. Mayor Smith asked if there were any objections. None were registered and it wad so ordered. City Attorney Lyons then stated that a publication would appear in the paper this week calling for the bids on the basement renovation. 1955-56 BUDGET REQUESTS: ~-/2 Mayor Smith then took up the matter of the budget requests for the coming year, comending the City Manager on the preparation and comments which appeared in the budget as he prepared it. He asked the council members to read over the material prior to council dkscussion. WEST COAST SHOWS CARNIVAL PER~IT: The council then took up a letter dated M~y 9, 1955 received from the West Coast Shows, request.i~g permission to exhibit their carnival within the city from June 7 to 12 inclmive. The letter ~,s received was read by the City Manager, after which he remarked that the Police Chief opposed the granting of thAs license. Mayor Smith explained the Businessmen's request which had been granted for a carnival which was to follow within a week or two from the ~te as requested by the West Coast S~ows. It was generally agreed that the lecal organization should be given preference. Councilman Rocca then move~, seconded by Councilman Gamlen and regularly carried, that the appli- cation as requested be denied. DRAINAGE CONDITION 317 CAMARITAS AVE: Councilman Cortesi then brought up the ma~ter concerning drainage proble~as that existed at 317 Ca~aritas Avenue, sis=lng that a large hole existed at this residence which was dangerous and had not been taken care of. Also, debrit was collecting inside of this hole. Mayor Smith stated that if there were no objections, the ~atter would be referred to the Director of Public Works for proper action. No objections being registered, it was so ordered. CALLING OF BIDS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS: Councilman Lucchio then remarked that some time ago he had asked the City Manager regarding the calling of bids for petroleu~ products and as yet, had mot seen anything concerning the matter. City Manager McClung explained that & protected price bid was on file from the Standard Oil Co. After brief discussion had taken place, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Counoilman Ga~len and regularly carried, that bids :~a. called for gasoline purchases. NORTHCUTT & WHIDDON CLAIM AGAINST CITY: City Attorney Lyons then took up the matter of two claims which were filed by La~ence Norman Northcutt and Wlllia~ 1. ~hl~n and Olga Whiddon, his wi~e, vs. the City of South San Francisco, Sgt. Silvio Stagnaro, Officer James Keane and the Hartford Accident & Imdemnity Co. Council~an Rocca moved, seconded by Council~n Gamlen and ~egularly carried, that the claims be denied. SERRA HIG~ANDS GRADE CBA]S~S: ~'-0 7-~ 73 City Manager McClung then brought up the problem of change of grades in the Serra Highlands Subdivision, stating that Mr. ~cXeon had asked to forego the e~tension of Serfs Drive. Discu~sion took place at which time an ex- plan,zion was given concerning the water company pipe line in the area, the thought being that the City forego the extension of Serra Drive and put the money to work on the extension of Carmelita, so that a uniform grade could be eszablished. Mayor S~ith suggested that the Director of Public Works make an overlay map to show how this problem exists. City Manager McClung said =hat time is of essence in this matter since the grading was now in its f=nal stages. Councilman Rocca suggested that the City Attorney, City Manager and Director of Public Works make a full study and report back to the council. Mayor Smith so ordered. LOMA LINIIA GRADING COMPLAINTS: Mr. ~shnell, present in the audience, then aagaed the City Council to con- sider the grading problem pr~ently underwmy in the rear of Parkway and Spruce Avenue for the development of Lo~a Linda Terrace Subdivision. He requested that a study be made of the proble~ and assure the property owners that they ~ave some protection of property an¢ values. He stated that he was con- cern*d about the safety of drai.nage and slides in the area, asking as to what ~rotection they have. He also stated that present was Mrs. Becker, a neighbor of his, who could furnish the council with further details if they desired. At this time, Director of Public Works Goss explained the grading procedure from the map of the area, also explaining the drainage which was to be towards the street of the subdivision and not towards the slope. City Attoraey Lyons suggested that an insurance bond and contract be given the City, affording the property owners protection. Council~n Lucchio requested that =he subdivider put up the proper bold after which Mayor Smith asked Director of Public Works to ~ake an i~pection and infsm~ the developer to remove the material from the fences, also to obtain test borings concerning compaction and report back to the council. Request was also made that the repor~ be subeitted for the next regular meeting. BUR1 BUR1 #3: Coum:il~an Lucchio then briefly mentioned the compaction tests in the Bauer- Le~-m Tract, Burl Burl #3, stating he under~tood that no cosq~action had been ~ade. Director of Public Works stated that a letter had been written last Friday concerning this matter. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP- MENT CO~ITTEE APPOINTMENT: Mayor Smith then said that he had been asked to appoint a director for the Inda .trial Development Co~ittee, r~ark~ng that with the council's permiss- ion, ~e would appoint Councilman Ga~len as South San Francisco's represen- tati-~ to the San Mateo County Development Association. No objections havin~ been registered, it was so orderec. City Manager McClung was in- structed to notify the A~sociation regar¢lng the appointment. A DJOUPJqMENT: There being no further business, the ~eeting was adjourned to Monday, June 6, 1955 At 8 p. m. Time of Adjournment - 7:09 p. m. APPROVED: ReSpectfully submitted,