HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1955-09-19PLACE: TIME: CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION: MINUTES: DONATI CLAIM: CLAIMS: PETER MAZZANTI REZONING HEARING: RESOLUTION NO. 2229 SO. CANAL ST. & MAYFAIR AVE. IMP: RESOLUTION NO. 2230 SO. CANAL ST. & MAYFAIR AVE. IMP: REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TH~ CITY OF sOUrH SAN FRANCISCO HELD M01eIMY, SEPT. 19, 1955 Council C 'k~mhers, City Mall 8p.m. The meetir~ was called to order at 8:07 p. m. by Mayor Smith. PreBent: Absent: Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Francis Lucchio, Emilio Cortesi, Richard (~amlen, Tolford Smith Pledge of Allegiance was rec,ited, after vr~ich invocation was given by Rev. Martin Wynekan of the First Lutheran Church. Mayor Smith asked if there were any correctionm or ~mimStonm to the Minutes of t~e meetin~ of A~ust 29, 1955, am mu~itt~. ~r~tor of Public Works ~ ~ed for oM ~rr~tion on ~we 3 of tb MZ~tes, co~erni~ the or~h~e on ~uth ~M1 Street, 8tatZ~ t~t t~ M~Mte8 i~tcatmd it was to ~-, a o~-uy strut. He re~emted t~t this ~ c~ed to i~Zcate t~t 2~ action p~ibited t~ ~~ on t~ ~rth mi~ of ~th Canal Street;. ~u~l~n ~ca t~n ~od, ~on~ by Cou~ilMn ~tesi and refu].&rly carrie, t~t t~ Minut~ ~ c~-r~ted, ~ stated, and thereafter n~ed. At t[~s time, Mayor Smith stated that as ~e entered the building this even- ins, Mr. Warren Empire, attorney for'Mr. )onati, served h~m with a Summons #1607, relative to a suit by Mr. Donati v~. Aunt Terragno. He, at this time, asked City Attorney Lyons if it wottld be in order to ~,tve this to the C'~ty Clert. City Attorney Lyonm stated that the City Clerk could be tnmtr~.cted to place this stmmoam on file, and refer it to the City's sure.ce carrier. Co~cil~an C~mlen then moved, seconded by Cou.ncilmen RoccL and regularly carried, that it be filed with the City Clerk and re- ferre~ to the City's i~surance carrier. Mayor Smith then asked if there was a motion to approve the claims for payment. Councilman Lucchio so moved, se~omdmd by CouaciLman Gamlen and re~u~.,rly carried. Total suae~nt of clat3ms: ~37,5~.~. ~ayor Smith, at this time, opened the public hearin~ on the remoning app- lica~*.on of Peter Mazzanti. Mr. hmnti had r~q~e~ted rezontng of an area adjacent to Orange Arenas Memorial P~rk and the Southern Pacific Railroad Co. Valencia Line from an R-1 toI a P. C. M. District. Mayor Smith asked if there were amy written ~ts, to which the City Clerk repl--~d none had been received. Mayor ~mttth then melted if there were any o_~al protests, at which time Mr. L~ of 4 Eucalyptus Avenue, present in the audience, stated he wished to pr~mt a petition signed by 133 remlM-nts protemtin~ the remonin~. After lem~thy discussion had taken place co~cerni~ this matter, durin~ whtcZ members of t~ ~tl, protestaatm, ~d Mr. Polett~, the ~altor for ~. ~mmti, m~; ~tlmn ~c~o ~d t~t t~ M~iM ~ ~n- tin~ to a farter ~tm; a~ t~t in t~ interim, t~ ~u~il ~et with any ~ all t~ repr~entativ~ of the ~t~ti~ ~rtt~ in o~r to iron :~ ~tter out. ~u~ilm ~lea m~d t~ ~tion. ~rther dis- cmLon t~n took pla~ c~er~ a ~te amd t~ to ~o~n this Miter to; ~ffter ~tch, ~~n ~chio ~m, ~m~ ~ ~i~n ~rtemi and ~larl~ carr~, that t~ ~art~ ~ contl~d ~t~l ~ ~y n~, ~pt~r ~ at 7:~ p. m. ~&~ ~chio t~n ~ t~t t~ ~tt--r ~ ~fmrred to t~ Di~ctor of ~c Ws~ to ~t ~th t~ pro- t~tknts and ~. Polettt, a~ &~ ~t ~ d~fere~s if p~ible, so that ~ sit,ilea can be explaZ~d to t~ in f~l with t~ ~ that theywill see it in a favorable l~ht a~/ m~wbt withdraw their peotests. FurttM~r dlmcus~ton follomed, after mhtch Coumeilman Lucchio with~lrew his Mayo_- Smith then proceeded on to the itm of resolutions. City Attorney Lyes, stated that there presently was pe~-in~ before the Cou~ciI the matt*.~ of South Canal Street Imp~ovm~ts, amd rmmmrked that he had re- cetv-M word today fram the Director of P~blic Works that the DiVision of H~lhwaym had approved the plans and specifications for the improvement, which would allow the City to spend funds am a Major Street Project. lie also e~plained t~ resolutions he had premiered, which shmald he a~k~pted by th~ Council mo that the City miWht prc~eed without .delay. He explained the _~'-rst resolution; after which, CouaciLman Gamlen introduced, "A RESO- LUTION OF ~ CITY CO, IL OF ~ CITY O~ ~OUT~ SAN FVeA~CI~CO ESTA~LIS~ItlG ~ .~ILI~G W~G~ ~AL~ FO~ T~ I~IC I~tOVE~ENT PROCEEDING IN CO~CT- IOM '*-TM TI~ XMi~~ OF MA~FAIR AV~I~ F~OM M~TFAIR VILLAGE ~UBDIVISlON NO. $ TO SO~ 9P~UC~ AVENUE AMD T~E I!~~ OF SOUTH CA,AL STREET FI~OM 90UTI! SPRUCE AVENUE TO LI~I~ AVENUE." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen R~cca, Cortesi, Gamlen, Smith; Absent, None; Noes, None; Abmt~ ..heed, Coumcilmam Lh~chi~, statin~ ht~ reason bein~ that he was employ- ed by. Mr. Co~n, one of the property o~mmrm in the affected area. Alto-~ an explanation by City Attorney Lyo~s concernin~ the next resolution, Coum~lman ~oeca introduced, "A I~SOLUTIGN OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF SOUTH SAM ~PtANCISCO CALLIMG. ~ 8BAI, KD BII~S OR PB0POSALS FOM THE IIS)ROVE~T OF MAYF-~[R AVKMUK FROM MAYFAIR VIIJ.,A~K SUBDt'VISIOt~ NO, 3 TO SOUTH SPRUCE AVB3~E AMD TiI~ I~EMENT OF SOUTH CANAL ~;-t~,~,~-'l' FROM SOUTH SPRUCE AVENUE TO L~MI~M AV~." Roll call vote was a~ follo~w~.: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Cort~mi, Gamlen, Smith; Noes, !~; Absent, None, Abstained, Councilman RESOLUTION 'NO. 2231 SETTING 1955-56 TAX RATE: EMPLOYEES HOLIDAY PAY: RESOLUTION NO. 2232 CONFIRMING DIVIDED ASSMT. TOM WILLIAMS: RESOLUTION NO. 2233 AGREF3IENT RE USE OF SPRUCE AVE. GYM: '1ol RESOLUTION NO. 2334 AGREEMENT RE USE OF ALL SOULS' SCiiOOL: ~-/01 RESOLUTION NO. 2235 STOP SIGN INSTALLATION: LICENSE AGREEMENTS, AVALON AREA HOLDING BASIN: ~-/?! RESOLUTION NO. 21136 A l RPORT BOULSVARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT: RESOLUTION NO. 2237 AIRPORT BOULEVARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT: RESOLUTION NO. 2238 AIRPORT ~,~VARD INDUSTRIAL~CT: RESOLUTION NO. 2239 AIl/PORT ~OULEVARD INDUSTRIAL 'rRA~ ~. RESOLUTION NO. 2240 AIRPORT BOULEVARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT: City Attorney. Lyons than took UP the next resolution concerniu~ setting of t~e tax rate, which ha explained. Councilman Rocca then introduced, "A ~OLUTION OF 11~ CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY OF S01~TH SAN FF~NCI~ FIXING T~ TiE P~tl~ FO~ I~E FISCAL YEAR 29~-S6." Boll call vote was as foll~m: Ayes, Cou~ctlmen lk~cca, L~cckto, Gamlee, ~ith; Noe~, None; Atme~t, None; Aha. talaed, Councilman Cora41, remarkt~ that ha felt the futnu~ received from the ffou~in~ Autharity should have been placed in a separ~.te fund for the buildin~ of an Aud~torium. Further di~tmsion took pla~ concerning this ~atter. At t~is time, Councilman Lucchio moved tkat the representative of the Municipal ~mploysem' Association be placed aa the first item under new tmmi~ems, to renew their plea for holiday pay. Councilman Oortesi sec- onded the motion. Roll call vote was as follow~: Ayes, Councilmen Lucchio & Co.~;eml; No~s, Councilmen Rocca, GamleL, & .q~ith. Afte~ dis~on, City Attorney Lyons proceeded on vith the matter of re~o'~ttons, takin~ up the next ~ne whicZ co,corned a divided a~sessment of t~ T~ Willie pro~rty. After an e~la~tion by t~ City Attor~y, Cou~1l~n G~len Zntro~ed, "A ~L~[~ ~ T~ CITY ~IL OF ~E CI~ OF ~ SA~ ~I~ ~I~ A DIVI~D AS8~S~ WI~ ~SPg~ ~ A ~~ ~ ~ A~ I~~ Wl~W ~ M~RI~ ~I~D IN ~L~ION OF I~ION ~. 1~.'* ~11 call vote -as as foll~: Aye, Cou~tl~n ~ca, ~hto, Cort~i, Gaml~, Smith. City'~ttorney Lyons then explained the authorization of a contract between the City and School District for the tee of 'tko Spruce Avenue GYm; after whicA. Councilman Lucchio introduced, "A P~SOLUTION OF' Ti~ CITY COUNCIL OF ~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCIS~ PBOVII~I]SG Fei TIlE EXECUTION OF AN AG~ BA*'F~EN. SAID CITY AND THE SOUTh. SAN FRANClHCO [JNIFIED SC"NOOL DISTI~_'CT WITH USP~'"T TO THE, USE OIP THE ~Z AV~ SCBOOL GT'~ASIUM AND ~EATI~ FACILITIES.' Roll call vote m as follows: Ayes, Councxlmen Pmcca, LucChto, Corte~i, ~amlen, Smith. City ~ttorney Lyons than explained the ~t re~olution, which was related to tbs one just pa~sed; after ~hich, Cou~ctlmau P~cca introduced, "A RESO~*JTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTH- ORIZ.~G T~ EXECUTION OF AN AGP~Ei~NT BFTW~EN SAID CITY AND T~ FAT~RS' CLU~ OF ALL SOULS' SCI~OOL, A PRIVATE ~TION, Wll~[ F,~P~T TO THE USE OF T~E SPffUCE AVENUE ~L GYI~A~IU~ ANE RECREATIONAL FACILITIES." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Council~en Rocca, Lucchio, Cortesi, len, S~ith. City ~ttorney Lyons next explained the rMolution for tko installation of a sto~ sign at Miller AveRue and Fore~tview D~ive; after-'which, Councilman Gaml~-~ intro~v~i, "A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COUNCIL OF 'I~E CITY OF SOUTH SAN ~.~NCISCO WITH RESPECT T~ ~ IN~rALI~TION OF A ~P SIGN AT THE INTER- SSCT_-'ON OF MILLER AV~NU~ AND FOK~T VIEW MIVE.' Roll call vote was as foll~: Ayes, Councilmen ~occa, Lucchio, Cortesi, Gamlen, Smith. City ~ttorney Lyons explained that the tam which appeared under resolutions, autho.-tztng the acceptance of a lice~e fr~a tko lb0man Catholic Archbishop for '_~,nd used in the Avalon Park area holding basin, had already been taken care of. He explained that the contract ~ad been duly si~ed and that he had ~ccepted it in behalf of the City, filing it in the office of the City Cler?~. He th~n proceeded on to the next tte~ under resolutions, vhich concerned the l~blic imprOve~ents in South Airport ~oulevard I .~kmtr~al Tract. Dis- cu~a~on followed con~ernin~ a fire alarm system in the areal after which, Councilman Pmcca introduced, 'A ~[KBOLUTIOq OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SC~f~ SAN FRANCISCO DECLARING TEAT INv~rlGATION P~OC~~S ARE NOT REQU~BgD IN CONI~gCTION ~I1~! ~ IIBqtO~B~g~T OF AI~ BO~EVA~ INDUSTRIAL TRAC~ ~' Roll call vote was as follmm: Ayea, Councilm~n Bocca, Lucchio, Corte~i, Gamlen, Smith. After brief explanation by City Attorney Lyons, Councilman Gamlen next intrc~uced, "A R~OLUTION OF I~ CITY COU~CIL OF T~ CI~ OF ~H SAN ~~~ ~R~ I~ I~I~ ~ ~ C~AIN P~IC I~~ ~ IN ~ CI~ ~ ~ S~ F~I~ IN ~ AI~ M~VA~ I~~IAL T~.' ~11 call vote w~ a~ fells: .,y~, ~ilMn ~ca, L~chio, ~rt~.I, ~th~ blen. After brief explanation by City Attorney '~yo~, Councilmn Lucchio then intrC~aced, "A RE~LUFION OF 1~~ CITY CO~IL OF 1~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAIICISCO AFI~FrlM6 ~ENGI~ OF ~ FO~ ~ Ilt~~lFr OF AIRPORT M~A~ IN~l~ T~, A~ M~I~ ~ID ~l~S ~ ~ AN E~I- ~TE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ID Iffiffi.'* ~11 call ~te m ~ follo~: Aye, Cou~~n ~ca, L~chio, ~t~t, ~len, kith. After brief explanation by City Attorney Lyons, Council~n Lucchio then intrf~uced, "A ~~ON OF T~ CITY COU~IL OF TH~ CITY OF ~ SAN FRAiSCISO0 BMPLOYING A~Y8 lq)R AIRP01tT BOUI,gVAILD IMIMY~ ~T!tlAL I~ACT IM- PBOV~ PBOCggDIHGS." Boll call vote m os followa: Ayes, Councilmen ltoccs, Lucchio, Cortesi, Gamlen, 'Bmith. After brief explanation by City Attorney '-yens concerntn~ the ~ext reso- lution-, di~cuesion then took place regardkng the 'installation of sidewalks in tb~ area. After dl~ctm~ton, Councilman Lucchio introekaced, "A RESO- Lurlc3q OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF Tl~ CITY OF ~ SAN F~qBCISO0 ADOPTING PLANS A~qD ~PECIFICATIO~S FOR TH~ 'l~lO~ OF AIRPO2r BOULEVARD INDUS- TIIAL TRACT IN~ CITY OF ~ ~AN FRANCISCO.'* Roll call vote was as follo~s: Aye, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchto, Corte~i, Gallon, ~ith. RESOLUTION NO. 2241 AIRPORT BOULEVARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT: RESOLUTION NO. 2242 AIRPORT BOULEVARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT: RESOLUTION ~O. 2243 AIRPORT BOULEVARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT: After: brief explanation by City Attorney Lyons, Councilman Rocca then intrOdUced, "A RESOLUTION OF T~E CITY COWMCIL OF THE CITY OF 30UTH SAN FRAW;ISCO APPROVING ESTIMATE OF WORKS EM~IMEgRS." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchto, Cortesi, Gamlen, Smith. Alee= brief explanation by City Attorney Lyons, Councilman' Cortesi. intro- duced, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO EST&~ISIIING PKEVAILIMG WAGE SCALE." P~E1 call vote was aS follows: Ayes, CounCilmen Rocca, Lucchio, cortesi, Gamlen, Smith. After brief explanation by City Attorney 'Lyons, CounCilman Gamlen intro- duce,l, "A RS~OLUTION OF TIlE CITY COUWCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DI~ING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE INVITING SEALED PROPOSALS, AND FIXING DATE OF ~.-RING T~ FOR IMPROV~II~NT OF All,Olaf BOULEVARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT." Roll call vote was as follow~: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Cortesi, Gaml.~, Smith. RESOLUTION NO. 2244 TAX CANCELLATION, GARBAGE DU~ SITE: At t~_s time, City Attorney Lyons stated that he had two other resolutions preps.--ed; and, although they did not appear on' the aget~da, would like to have =hem introduced, l~e explained, the first ._which had to do with land used~y the City for a~lm~ site and wtich belonged to the South San Frame--soo Land & Improvement Co. After ~ n explanation of the resolution, Counc'-lman Lucchio intro~kaeed, "A RE~OLuTIow OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CANC~LLII~G CITY TAXES O~ REAL PMOP~rY OWNED BY T~E SOUTH SAN ~I~CO LAND AND IMP~'~I~T COMPANY ~ICll IS USeD BY SAID OITY FOR TEE PURPOSES OF A GARBAGE L'31~.' Roll call vote was as foiler-s: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Corte~i, Gamlen, Smith. RESOLUTION NO. 2245 AGREEMENT WITS SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. INGRESS TO INDUSTRIAL SEWERS PUMP STATION NO. 3: ? The ]~xt resolution, he explained, had been recommended by the Director of P~lic Works and Mr. Randlett amd concerned a permit for roadway across trac~ in the industrial area of the Southern Pacific Co. After an ex- plan~ton, Councilman Rocca introduced, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~J CITY OF SOUTI! SAN FRANCISCO AU~0~IZI~ T~E E~ECUTION OF A LICENSE AGRRq~ENT B~'TWEEN SAID CITY AMD ?lEE ~OUT3iERN PACIFIC COMPAMY, A COI~N)RATION, WII~I~Y 5AID CITY IS PERMITTED TO CON~TR~'r, MAINTAIN AND USE TWO PRIVATE ROAD CROSSIRGS UPON AND ACROSS T~ PI~OPE~ AND TRACKS OF SAID SOUTBERN PACIF--C COMPANY." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Rocca, LuccLko, Cortesi, Gamlen, Smith. RECESS: Recetm was declared at 10:04 p.m. and the meetin~ recalled to order at lO:l~p, m. ORDINANCE RE CITY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM: ? The ~meting, upon being recalled to order, Mayor Smith proceeded on to the ~xt order of bumtnes8 concernia~ ordtusmces, takt~ up fix, mt the firmt reading ami iatrodaction of an ordinance keeping storm drain ease- meats and struct~r~ free from ob~.tructiom. City Attorney Lyons read the ordinance in full, after which ~t was introduced by CounciLaan Cortesi. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOR: ?-ooo Mayor Smith then proceeded on to the item of unfinimhed b~mimmms, taking up first the maPloyment of a Public Wortm Iampmctor. Lengthy-discussion took place; after which, Mayor Smith move~ that the services of Mr. A1Dellepiane be terminated at this time. Further di~cussion took place; after which, Mayor_Smith amended him mettos to state that Mr. Dmllepiane's servtcmm be terminated at 10:54 p. m., September 1~, 1955. Councilman Roccm secon~md eke mmtion,after mkich rol~ call vote mas am follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca & Smith; limes, Cou~ilmmn Lucchio, C~rtesi, Gamlen. Furtbmr dimcam~ton took place; after which, Councilman Rocca moved, seco£e2d by Councilman Gamlen, that Mr. IkalLmpLame be given a closed examination at the earliest possible time, Roll call vote ~as am follows: Ayes, Councilmen Lucchto, Rocca, Cortmst, Gamlea; Nmes, Mayor Smith. CIVIL SERVICE STATUS & PAY PRACTICES: ~-000 After discussion, Councilman Rocca stated that in Order to dispose of the Civil Service matter once and for all, he would like to move that any ctty employee who o~cupted a position alamve that in which they were qualt~fied for under Civil ~ervi~e, tkat ~te steiam be taken to cort~t th~e i~e~alitins by eettia~ up -~u~inations. Lengthy discus- sion followed; after which, CounciLemn Lt~ckie meve~ that eke p~vioas council action taken re~r~Ltng tbs Civil 9~vice examinattos for p~ople holdt~ pemitions after ~,adi~ and mot kavi~ talmn an enmination, be resciiMed. Further dimcu~mion tmmk~laGe; after mhtch, Com~Alman Lucchio moved that the repo~t of the City Maal4Wr he meat to the Bmpartment Heads to be studied by them, and that the dmpar~ment heads make a recolmndation as to.tkome employmmm on the l&mt that th*Y demm to be performing in a satisftctory manner; and that they recommend blanketia~ tkem into Civil Servi~e in their present clammifioatieu. ~m fma-tltmr r~mmrk~d that those pempl~ that the D~mrtMnt ~ fiad a~ not satisfa~tory in their job per~o2~mn~e, that the Be~artment I~ad~m~- the r~~tioa to th~ City Matmg~r either for oatrilht 4d_msmim~al or ~o have th0me .pemple ~ ~d to t~ ~ e~~ti~ ~ ~vi~ly ~t ~ ~ ~il ~t~. D~~l~ t~e t~ pl~ co~ernl~ t~ m~t~ of r~r~ ~r~nt ~a~ ~ to t~r ~~ti~; af~ ~eh ~~n ~a ~,~t t~ City ~ ~i~ t~ ~il, ~~ t~ ~rt- ~nt ~a~, ~th t~ ~ of the ~rti~ t~Sr ~t~, ~ t~ ~rti~ ~t ~ld ~t ~ ke~t ~t~ for the City. ~yor ~ith ~n~d t~ ~ti~; ~ ~h, ~i~m ~ca stat~ t~t t~ intent of with a list ~f t~ ~1~ ~ a~ ~t m~ .t~~ty ~fomi~ t~ t~ir ~tt~. ~11 ~1 ~ m ~ fol~m: ~l~ ~, A~; ~il- ~n ~kio, Aye, ~kl~ this sta~nt for t~ ~rd: "t~t I ~ acti~ in th~oaffirmattve with the mmMma~ta~ ~ the previotm com~mrsatioam that $-,~ t~ i~t of t~m ~tl tm b~t ia t~ ~m ~$ a~ not s~tted on t~ l~t a Mt ~til~~, ~d ~i~. ~ ~ve given :m every indication they will do ~s seeh." Mayor Smith r~mmrked that -~tm m Coun~iXmmnLuce~io's understanding as an indivi~l, to which he rs~lied this wam correct; Ccmncllman Cortmmi, abmtaimmd fm voting; Gamlen, Smith. RESOLUTION NO. 2244 TAX CANCELLATION, GARBAGE DUMP SITE: RESOLUTION NO. 2345 AGREEMENT WlT~ SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. INGRESS TO INDUIrrRIAL SEWERS PUMP STATION NO. 3: ORDINANCE RE CITY STOIUI DRAINAGE ST~T~M: At this time, City Attorney Lyons stated that he had two other resolutions prepared; and, although they did not appear on the agenda, ~t)uld like to have them introduced. He explained, the first which had to do with land - tmed by the City for a~ma~site and which belonged to the South San Francisco Land & Improvement Co. After an explanation of the resolution, Councilman Lucchio tntro~aeed, "A ltgSOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI~ CIT~ OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CANCELLING CITY TAXES ON REAL PltOPE~O~D BY TBE SOUTH SAN FRANCII~) LAND AND IMPltOVEMgITF COI~ANY WlqlClq IS U~EDBY SAID CITY FOR TIlE PUI~3OSES OF I GARBAGE D~IMP." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rocca, Lucchio, Cortespi, Gamlen, Smith. The next resolution, he explained, had been recommended by the Director of Public Works and Mr. Randlett and concerned a permit for roadway across tracks i~ the industrial area of the Southern Pacific Co. After an ex- planation, Councilman Rocca introduced, "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTll SAN FitANCISCO AUTBORIZING TIlE EXECUTION OF A LICENSE AGREEME1Tr BETWEEN SAID CITY AND TIlE SOUTRERNPACIFIC COMPANY, A COEPORATIOB WlI~REBY SAID CITY IS PRRMITTEDTO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN AND USE TM0 PRIVATE ROAD CROSSINGS UPON AND ACROSS TIlE PROPERTY AND TRACKS OF SAID SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Rocca, Lucchio, Cortesi, Gamlen, Smith. Recess wa~ declared at 10:04 p.m. and the meettn~ recalled to order at 10:13 p. m. The meatier, upon bein~ recalled to order; Mayor 9mith proceeded on to the amzt order of Ipmmtmemm cmoeernim~ ordtaamomm, taking up first the fi~mt re&~te~ ampi i~tx, e~ksctioa of an ordinmmce kmmpim~ storm drain e~se- m~nts and etrttctma~m free from ob~tr~ctioms. City Attorney Lyonm read the ordlamace in full, after which it was introduced by Councilman Cortemi. PUBLIC WORKS INSPECTOe: p-ooo Mayo~ 5aLtth then proceetted on to the item of unfinished h~mtnmms, takin~ up firmt the employment of a Public Workm Imm~mector. Leqthy diecumsion took place; after which, Mayor Smith moved that the services of Mr. A1Dmllepiane be termiamted at this time. Further discussion took place; after whisk, Mayor_Smith mm4tm41 kis m~ttoa to state that Mr. Dmllepiane'e servicmm be terminate4 at 19:54 p. m., Kmp. tmmlm~r lt, 1~55. Councilman ltocca secomMm41 the mmtion,after mkich roll call vote was am follows: Ayes, Councilmen ltocca & Smith; Mmem, Councilmen Lucchio, Corteei, Gamlen. Further discussion took place; after which, CounciLman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Gamlen, that Mr. Ikellepianm bm given a closed examination at the earliest possible time. P~ll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Lucchto, Rocca, Cortemt, Gamlen; Woes, Mayor Smith. CIVIL SERVICE STATUS & PAY PRACTICES: ~-000 After diacumsion, Co~ncilman Rocca stated that in Order to dispome of the Civil Service matter once and for all, he would like to move that any city employee who occupied a position above that in which they were qualified for under Civil 9mrvice, that amd&ate stepm be taken to correct thome immqualitiem by setting up exmminations. Lengthy dimcum- sion followed; after which, Councilman Lucckio moved that the p~i~as council action taken rewarding the Civil Service examinatioum for pmople holding pomitions after upgrading and not having taken an examination, be rescinded. Further discussion t4mk place; after which, Councilman Lucchio moved that the report of the City Manager be sent to the Department Head~ to he studied by them, and that the department heads make a ree~mmmmdation as to thome mmployeee on the list that they d~em to be performin~ ia a satisfactory manner; and ~hat they recommend blanketin~ them into Civil Service in their present classification. Mm f~rther rmmmrk~d that tttome p~ople that the Dmpartment llmadm find ave not satisfactory in their job performmn~e, that the Department Head make the r~commmn~latioa to the City Manager either for outright dimmiasal or to have those p~ple he ambte~! to take the examimationm as previously set dews by co~acil action. D~memmeion then took place concernin~ the awaitin~ of reportm f~ t~ N~rt~nt 8ea~ u to t~tr fmc.hr $: ~-tio~; after ~tch C~il~n ~a M~,~t t~ City ~n~ ~rnish t~ Cou~il, tM~h t9 ~rt- ~nt Rea~, ~th t~ n~es of the ~rttu ~ ~lieve to k ~ttable in t~ir ~itimM, and t~ ~rti~ t~t m~ld ~t ~ kept ~lq f~ t~ City. hyor 9math s~nded the ~tien; stated t~t the intent of h~ ~tlon ~s t~t the Cou~ZX~ f~ntmhmd with a list of t~ ~ple ~ a~ ~t matimf~torily ~rformiq ia t~tr ~itio~. kll call ~te m am follow: ~i~ ~ca, A~; ~il- ~n ~kie, Aye, ~ki~ thim statm~nt for t~ r~ord: "t~t I ~ actl~ i~ t~ affir~tive with t~ ~rmta~ f~ the previo~ co~vmrmatio~ that it is t~ intent of th~ ~tl to blast tm t~ not m~ittmd on t~ l~t ~ ~t matimfmcto~, and co~il~n ~ ~ve Wi~n ~ eve~ indication they will t~t this m ~e~il~n Lucchio's un~rstandi~ am an indivi~l, to which he replied this m co~ect; Cou~il~n ~rtemi, a~tai~d f~ voti~; ~il~a ~len , Aye; ~yer ~th, Aye. £77 RECESS Recess vas declared at 12:27 a. m. and tho meeting recalled to order at 12:37 ~. m. PARK AVENUE HEIGHTS GRADING PBRrIT: POLICE SEI[IRA~T EXA~NATION: JOINT USE OF CITY & SCll0OL FACILITIES: The rating upon bmin~ r~called to order, ~ayor Smith took up the next item u~mr unfinin~md btminems, which come,reed the l~trk Avm~m bights 6radim~ p~rmlt. After brief disc#melon, C~m~cilmaa Rocca moved, seconded b~ Co~il~ Gallon, that tko gradiq per, it be a~ed smbject to the alii of the ml authorities.' g~der the q~a~tiea, DireCtor of PuMic Worha bm r~rk~d that it eho~ld ~ be ~ject to him approval. Cmmei~n ~n ended his ~otioa to in~'~ud~ the april of~ tb ~rector of l~ Wmrk~. Cemm~ilmmn ~mmlmm a~---t,,d the mm~nt, mmeoe~in~ it. ·otioa. an made, seconded and ended Mayor ~tth 8tat~ t~t tf t~re ~re ~~j~ttoM, t~ ~xt itm con- cerni~ t~ mli[ibllitI for ~li~ ~~a~ m~~tio~ ~ld ~ ~ld o~r ~ a f~~ ~rt. Co v~cation doted September 11, 196& 1Nd received from t~ ~ation ~isdon ~~ni~ joint Me of City a~ k~l f~iliti~. ~r ~ith ~~d t~t ~ ~l~Nd t~ City b~il m~uld t~tr~t t~ ~- reati~ ~ton to w~ ~t t~ ~ils a~ s~it tm to t~ City ~tl for e~ution of a c~t~ct amd f~ml ~nt. ~il~n ~1~ ~ ~, ~~d ~ ~i~ k~a ~d ~larly o~ried. VARKEY, EC KAY & PAGLIEBANI APPOINTMENTS: C~'l,,-$cition dated ~eq~teeg~er 12, 1955 m received fr~a the office of the Police Chief coacornl~ tko l~N~tlo~a~y al~int~eate of lrvim Varney amd AX~mrt Me,ay as Police ~fficees, amd :Louie l~t~lierani as Police Clerk- Radio ~impatcher. Coumcil=mn Gamlen moved, seconded by Cottmlilman Rocca and r~ularly carried, that the x~: i~zi~mm of the Police Chief be confirmed. COLLINS TEMPORARY APS~I~: Co~umication dated SepteMber 13, 1955 was received from the office of the S~gt. of ~nitatt~, co~erni~ t~ ~~~tton for t~ p~tion- ~y a~in~nt of ~hn ~llim ~ C~mt Cl~ at ~ ~ ~tMnt Plant. .After brief d~mcmion, ~i~n ~ca ~ed, ~~d by C~il~n ~len a~ r~larly carried, t~at a~tioMl emimatto~ ~ called for a~ t~t J~n ~llt~ ~ hired on a t~~ry ~ts if his servi~ are r~ui~d. VANNI APPOINTiSIfr: Cc. -.~4'-atton dated S~ptember lA, 19~5 m ~ecetved fro~ the office of the T~ Collector, concerning the probationary appointment of Buth Vanni' am Acc~mnt 'Clmpk. ~ilmn ~kio ~, ~~ by ~u~i~n ~ca a~ ~larly carried, that t~ ~~qion of the Tax ~ll~tor ~ confi~d. DOLLAR AV~ I ~P~OV~II~Frs: Communication dated September 9, 1~55 mm~ ~m~eived from the 9~mth~rn Pacific Co., toWethor with n memoir.-'~ from the office of. tho City Man- aw~r u~der date of 9mptmmber 13, 1~55, cmsmmrnim~ Bmllar Avmmsm Improve- monte. Councilman Gamlen moved, ~mcome~d by C~m~eilman L~cchto and reg- ularly carried, that the Director of l~bltc Work~ be' i~mtrmctmd to prepare plans a~d 8p~cifications for thio Job. NEW POLICE CAR: Communication was received from the office of the City Manafer under date of ~r 15, 1955, concerning the ~bsme of a m~w Police Car. Couaci-maa R~cca moved, ~ by Cmmmt~mma Lm0ehho amd r~W~larly carrim~, that the car tm purclM~md fx~m Arena Pontiac mm the low bid4er. SCULLY VARIAM~E PERMIT: Variamc~ & Adjtmtaent .permit ~476, am appl'-ed for by Charles W. Scully, waa received from the Planning Commission, ~OCOUSBOI~tn~ ~rantin~ of same. Co~ncilman Rocca moved, seconded by CounciLman Cmrtmmi amd regularly carried, that the recommendation of the PL-mming Commtsmion he accepted. TIDEWATER ASSOCIATED Varianc® & Adjustment permit ~477, am a~pl~ed for by Tidewater A~mociated OIL CO. VARIANCE PERMIT: Oil Co., was received from the Planning Commimeion, rmcommm~htng granting ~0._~'~ of nam-. Councilman Gemlen moved, oooomlm¢ by Councilman Beech and reg- ularly carried, that the recmndatton of the Planning C~ t~. ion be accept~ d. ~AI~T~A.qI USS PERMIT: ~se poelit #479, as applied for .by Mr. G. Itamto~ani, was received from the Pl,.~ning Commission, rocommondtq fram' ;ia~ of same. Co~ilmn Lucchio moved, m.coadmd by ~u~tlm ~a ad ~larly ~t~, t~t t~ r~~~tion of the Pla~i~ ~l~xon b a~optod. BRANCH USE PERMIT: KIISKI SUBDIVISION: U~e Pc--tit #480, as applied for by Donald ~ranch, was received from the Plannin4 Commismion, recommending granttm~ of some. Councilmam ik~ma moved, M~onds.a,~by Councilman Cr'l~/n d r~ttarly carried, tkat the recm~d~tioa of tho Plnnotng ~ton 'be ~.ted. Inte_r~g. fico ~m~o~a~ dated September 14, 1~ ~ received fro~ the PLan~ib~ Co~B~ion, con~erning tho Ktiokt Subdivision. CoslaCilman R~ca moved, mecondmd by Commi~n 6colon and re~arly carried, that the re~o~t~mn of the Planming Commimmton b~m ~d. It mm the re. om- ~tkon of the Plamning Cmmmtmmion tha. t tho tmmlmtive map be approved; and tbs: since tho ~vtmtmn emmmtmted o? tk~mm l~tm lomatmd oa Dena ltmy ~atoly adJacmat to the $ ts;.: setimm o~ mama Wety and Coa~titutien Way, the mabdtvieioa co,minting of lmmm than four lots, aha Pla~atmw Commtmbion mould comfier tt~ tm~tmtive mm~ mm a final mop ualmms contrary were r~coived frma aha City Cemncil. RESOLUTION NO. 2246 IMT~MTION TO V&CA?E FINAL MAP OF POLETTI SU&9IVI$ION: Ccmm~catlon was received from the Planning CmLm~/on, under ~te of ~t~r 14, 19~5, co~ern~ng t~ Sout~ ~i'~s ~stric~. ~his ~e~d the revision of st~t~ in t~ ~t~ ~l~ ma ~d pla~ .~m~ t~ later, ~ty At~r~y ~ s~ t~t a rmlution AL/~Y," Poll mall v~te vas as' fells: K-,~, Councll~ Bm~ca, Lucchto, Corte~ ~, Gamlen, ~mfth. Co~cation dated September '14, 1955 was z~:elv0d from th~ office of the P~~ Ommm~mmLon, x~mon~mm~ approval Qf the ftmal amp of the P~Lett:. hbdtvision. Councilman ~omca ~d, .~ ~-~tmd by Cottmcilman blm~' amd rm~larly married, that the r~tiou~ of th~ PLanmimg Co--ion he accepted, mmbje~t to tl~m alii of the mimer ~mtails by the l~tor of ~ie Wm~. J. E. P~lt OltaDI~O Pl~tiflT, Ki~ll SCllOOL PAII~ l'~tl~C~: Commu~ucation dated September 9, 19~5 ~am :~ceived frmm tbs office of J. E. Pock, Consulting Civil Engimmmr, ~t~ a g~~ ~r~t for lots · to 12 'izl~ive, bl~k 3, ~h ~1 ~ ~rrace ~d ~p. After ~ ~~mion, ~l~a.~ ~d, ~~d ~ ~il~n ~le~ and r~ul~ly carried, t~t this ~ter ~ ~ld ~r to t~ ~xt ~1~ ~tl ~ti~. SI,,'BSTAMDARD BUILDI MG 1ill AI~ DLVD: MONTHLY RIPORTS: 3'o 7 Corn ---r~etionm were received from the Department of Public Health & Wel- fare, concerning mubmtamda~d dmelltmg at Ifil Airport Bmulmvard; together with d~partmont reports for the month of ~t from .the Lib~arLan, Pou~ter, City Ctml*k (Bmsinesm Liemmsem Immured), Pol&co ~tmont and F~e Department. Cmu~ml~n ~mmlma moved, smeom~ed by Cmmmeilman Rocca -nd l~larly carried, that the repo~tm be accepted and placed on ' file. FRANCISCO TERRACE Commu~lcation dated September 15, 1955 was recsivm~l from the office of the City Manager, concerning l~an~t~co T~rr~ce Ae~mleration Lane. After le~tk~ d~cummion had taken plm4~e coa~ma'n~mW tim matter, May~r 9~Lith re- ~ that if there were mo obJ~e,~l;iom8 ft~m the cmuacil m~, this matter would be held over and tM City Mass. mr mmttld ~mf~atn f~ma exec- utinW '~nythin~ on this setter at t~ time, STORM IRA INAGE PROm, MS: Commur~tcation dated ~eptesd~er 15, 1955 m remeiveM fr~ t~ off Ace of t~ C~y ~B~r co~ut~ m~ ~~ ~X~ at t~ followt~ ~at~m: PAM Torr~, ~lnt Avcar, a~ h~my a~ Waist ~nter- mecti~.. ~ef d~mAon foll~; after ~ ~u~i~n ~len ~ved, ~~ by ~t~a ~ca a~ ~arly c~ri~, iht tb ~ts ~ accop~d and placed on file. -. BUltNIMG B~ S~LII~ DUllS: ~'-0 ~' 7 Co' ..~4~ation dated September 13, 1955 mmm received from the office of the City ~ma~r, com~erning bmrmtng at th~ 81e~lLme Deeps. After brief discuf~ion, Councilman Gamlmn moved, secoMtmd by Councilman Rooca and reguLm~ly earri®d, that a reetummt be su~~d to the De, rd o~ Supervisors to talbe s~ action rmgareting the oomtroll;z~ of burning at th~me d~mps. SCII~INING P, BQb~ST TO Commur~tcation dated Septead~er 13, 1955 was re~iv~d from the Supt. of BE AB~ FROM MBBTIMGS: ~anitation, concerning r~qttest to be excused from attending council meet- ~-/~-~ ing~ c~smmenctmg September 19, s~ that ke m~mld be able to take a course on Pu~tc A~mAntstratton for tbs next 18 w~. Mayor 9z~tth rmrked that if there were no objectless, p~ml~ion as x~tmd mm~aXd be grante~. No objection~ ware registered. STAFF M~l~r I NG MINUTES: ~-~ ~ o Staff meeting minutma of the meeting held ,:m~t 31, 1955 were received fro~ t~m office of the City Manawer. Coan~iLman Itmoca moved, seconded by Counci]~aan Galen and regularly carried, t.~t the Mind,ms be accepted and placed on file. BI-MONTHLY RBPORTS: Commu~ation was rmceiv®d from the office o~ the City Mawr, dated September 2, 1955, concerning bi-monthly reports on projects and studies. After ~rief dimcummLon, CouuclXmaa Gamlen ~ovmd, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the cemmmuicatZoe be acce~tod and placed on file. RILEK8 R~81GIqATION: ?-ooo Commun3cat&on dated Septem~r 6, 1055 m .~emeived from the Supt. of Sanitation, concerning the resig~ation of RrwZn H. Bt~emm ~ Operator at the Seqmage Treatment Plant. CoumctXman B~ec~ moved, seconded by Council- man L~hto and ragularly carried, tkat ak- ~mm~natiom be ~pted and placed on file. STATE COMPENSATION DIVZDBMD CllECK: Communication dated Sotember 8, 1955 was 2eceived from the State Compen- sation Insurance Fund, concerning m~Xvidmm~ ckeck in the amm~nt of $6,961.32 for the policy year ending Novem~r 19, 19~. Councii~n lto~ca moved, seconded by Councilman ~len and re~alarl? carried, that it he and plied on file. DEBRIS IN LOTS, BUTLER & AIBPolrr: Mayor kith then proceeded on to G~od and W~lfare, asking the council m~mber$ if tkey had anytk~ng they wished to offer. Councilman Cortesi breu~k~ up the matter of dobF~8 lyin~ in v.caat lots in the area of' Butler Read and Aix~port Boulevard in Pock'a Subdivision, requesting that some a~tion bo taken con~erning tbs matter. MaFor ~mith stated this would ~e referred, to the Fire Dmpart~t. '7q WKS~.~v' IEW TERRACE WATER PROBLEM: LUCCHIO P~QUEST FOR FILE CASlN~r ~gYS: DBA IMAOg AG~IBSIISi~: D'/ 70 USg OF CO~ FACILITIES: CounciLman Cortemi also brought up the Batter of water lyAn~ on property in th,: vicinity of Wemtview Terrace, the s.lbd_ivision built by Callan. Director of l~blic Work~ ~ mm ~eqt~t~d to imvwatigate. Counc~an L~cchio, at thts ti~e, req~eeted through the ~yor for keys to ~ f~l~ cab~t Zn t~ City ~~r's Off,ce, mtat~ t~t he ~d ~en ~ble to s~ure them. He furt~r s~ted there ~re t~ in the even~ and on ~eeke~'t~t ~ w&~.~d t~ ~vm acc~ to t~ f~les. C~ty ~r ~Clu~ ~tat~ t~t s~uld fZl~ ~ ~A~d, t~ ~t could ~ le~ ~.th h~ s~tary ~ m~. ~d ~ain tk fil~ f~ t~ file Mr. L'~-oyd Tha~ker, pre~ent in the audience, renewed his rmpae~t to be ~urm~d a copy of the agreement between the City and the Sumsh~ae Gard,~ Subdivision c~ncerning the dralaa~e problem. City Attorney Lyon~ state~ that it would be forwarded to kim when c0~pleted. ~ayor ~ith, at this time, took up the watter of the ~e of the Courtroom (acil~e~ by ~th t~ City ~ ~c&~l ~t, mtat1~ t~t ~ ~ff- e~ of ~e ~d arisen. After ~m~ ~ t~ place, ~r Smith statm~ t~t if t~re were ~ ob~t~o~, ~ ~ld met with Jm~ ~cc~ to r~lve t~ ~tt~s. There .~eing no further business, ComaciLm~n Rocca ~oved, 'seconded by CouncL~an Lucchio a~d ~r~u~rly carried, that the mtl~ be adjourned to ~ember ~6, 1~55 at 7:30 p. m. Time o_~ Adjournment - 2:13 a. m. Respectfully sub~it ted, ~lty ~lerk Al~Proved,