HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1956-05-07I~.EGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OY THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, MAY 7, 1956 PLACE: TIME: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 'AND INYOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: CLAIMS SPRUCE AVENUE PLAN LINES: -~/~ RESOLUTION NO. 2341 AIRPORT BOULEVARD SANITARY SEWER:~-//~ ANNIE M. FERRARI ANNEXATION:~O RESOLUTION NO. 2342 MAZANTI REZONING: Council Chambers, City Hall $ p,m. The meeting was called to order at 8 ~.m. by Mayor Rozzi. PLedge of Allegiance to the flag was :ecited, after which Invocation was g~ven by Reverend E. J. Haanstad of O~r Redeemer's Lutheran Church. Present: Councilmen G. J. ROzzi,' Emilio Cortesi, Francis Lucchto, Leo Ryan and And~ Rocca. ~bsent: None. Mayor Rozzi asked if there were any errors, corrections or omissions to ~he minutes of the regular meeting of April 16, 1956, and the adjourned regular meeting of April 17, 1956. There being none, he then asked if =here was a motion that the minutes be approved as submitted. Councilman .~occa moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that: =ac minutes be approved. [~yor Rozzi asked if there was a motion to approve the claims as sub- :~itted. Council~n Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried that the claims be approved for payment. ~yor Rozzi then announced to the aucience that there were some forty-six items on the agenda for Council action this evening and asked if anyone ~d an item he wished to take up on ~he agenda, to please so state so that the order of the agenda could be changed. :There being no response from the audience, the Council then proceeded on to the regular order of ~us i ness. Next taken up was the matter of public hearings, the Council considering the first item which was the Spruce avenue Plan Lines. Council~an Rocca · oved, seconded by Councilman Ryan a~d regularly carried, that this ·atter be set over to the regular meeting of June 4, 1956. Councilman Lucchio then moved that t~is matter be referred to the Directo~ of Public Works to study Spruce Aven~e with the express purpose of re- aligning and utilizing more of the already existing road as it is, which would be in the final 'determination an economical factor in using the already established roadbed that we have. Councilman Cortesi seconde, the motion, which was regularly carr:~ed. Fext item under public hearings for :~ouncil attention was the matter of the industrial subdivision of Louis Poletti, who requested a division of the assessment on his property. Mayor Rozzi opened the public hearing, ask~ if any protests had been received. No protests having been re- ceived or registered, Councilman Ryaa moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi, and regularly carried, that the public hearing be closed. At ~his time, City Attorney Lyons stated that a resolution had been prepared concerning the assessment and confiraing the division as required by Law. After a brief explanation, Councllsmn Lucchio introduced a "RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF FOUTH SAN FRANCISCO CONFIRMING A DIVIDED ASSESSMENT WITH RESPECT TO A PORTION OF THE AREA INCLUDED WITHIN THE DISTRICT DEFINED IN RESOLUTION CF INTENTION NO. 2054." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Council~en Rozzi, Cortesi, Ryan, Lucchio and ~occa. The Council next considered the matter of the Annie M. Ferrari annexa- ~ion which appeared as a pending item on the agenda. Mayor Rozzi opened =he public hearing, asking if there were any protests. No protests i~aving been received or registered, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded '~y Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the hearing be closed. .~ity Attorney Lyons asked if he were correct in assu~ing that the Council wished to hold the ~atter over for further study, asking if they wished to refer it to the Planning Co~lssknn. Councilman Lucchio moved, sec- onded by Councilman Rocca, and regularly carried, that in accordance wit~ the discussion in the study session, the matter of the annexation of the Ferrari property would be referred to the Planning Com~ission for study and reco~endation. The Council next proceeded to the ~atter of resolutions. City Attorney Lyons explained the first which appeared on theagenda and concerning the Mazzanti rezoning. After the reading of the resolution in full by the City Attorney, discussion folio, md, at which time Mr. Sca~pini, attorney for the property owner, remarked that in view of the resolution prepared~ if adopted, litigation taken would be dropped by his client. Also speaking on the subject ~tter was Philip Scannal, vice president of the City Park Improvement C~ub, ~s well as Joe McKeever. After dis- cussion, Council~anLucchio introduced a "RESOLUTION ~F THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO SO ZONE THE RAZZANTI PItOPERTY AS TO PROVIDE FOR ITS HIGHEST ADAPTABLE USE, BUT AT THE SAME TIME TO CLASSIFY IT OTHER THAN 'R-I', 'PCM' or 'M'." Roi1 call vote was as follows: Ayes, Co~ncilmen Rozzi, Cortesi, Lucchio, Rocca and Ryan. RESOLUTION No. 2343 ACCEPTANCE OF WORK CITY HALL BASEMENT: LIPPETTI REZONING 2ND READING ON ORDINANCE: ~'/& 7 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ORDINANCE NO. 392:~-/~7 CHESTNUT AVENUE ABANDONM~IqT :.~*~ G / SIGN ORDINANCE: ~/67 TRAFFIC ~UL~TIONS: LINDENYILLE TERMINATION: ~'G3 7 GUY F. AT~INSON CO. APPLICATION TO GRADE CITY'S AD BURLINGAME ADVANCE: The next resolution for Council action concerned the acceptance of work in the City Hall basement. A brief explanation of the resolution was given by the City Attorney, after whiclt Councilman Lucchio asked the Director of Public Works if he reOo~melded the acceptance of the work. Mr. Goss replied that the work had bee-~ completed according to plans and sp~cifications. Councilman Lucchio then introduced a "RE~OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFTHE CITY OF SOUTH SAN ._~RANCISCO DETEPJ[IBING ~HA? TH~ W~-OF, RENOVATING AND MODERNIZING TRI~',BASBMRN~ :~ OF' ~qig CITY HALL HASBEEN'COHPL~I~D.~''; RolI ~11 vOtew~8 as follows,* .Ayes, councilmen Ro~zi, Rocca., Lucohio, Cortesi :.and :ltYan. The next item for Council attention co~cerned the matter of ordinances, tb~ first for co~tderation being the '.i.ppetti rezoning. Mayor RosSi remarked that the agenda showed this ~tter 'to be.sOheduled for first reading but ~that actually it :was before the' Council .for .its second reading. City Attorney LyoM reported that this was corl'eet, stating' that the first r~di~ng was held on the. 16th of:April. He 'al~o asked if a ~otion coUld b~ ~de, w~tvtng the reading and :t:ntroduoing the:'ordinance by title Only. Cc~not~n 4~ocoa so moved, seconded by CounciI~ Pucchio. DiscusSiOn followed co~oerniag the' proposed tocat~on of t~ service :station, after wbtoh Councilman Ryan moved, seconded '~y Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, tha:t this matter he .,held over until the next regular ~ting. Next taken up was: the second reading amd-adoption of the Uniform BUilding ccae: Ordinance. A brie~ explanation ~ given by the City Attorney, after which he remarked that inasmuch as the copies had been ~ade available to the members of the Council and since t_~e ordinance was some eight pages long, he would ask if the council would pass a ~otion that it be introd- uced or voted upon by the reading of t~e: title only. Council~an Ryan reeved, seconded by Councilman LucOhio ~nd regularly carried, that the ordinance be :voted upon by title Only. City Attorney Lyons then read the title of the ordinance, after which roll c~l! vote' on the adoption, was as follo~s: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Ry~n, CorteSi and LucOhio. The Council next proceeded on to unfin~shed business, taking up first the matter of the Chestnut Avenue ahandons~nt. A letter had been received from the Pacific Coast Construction Company reporting their inability to secure property pro~ised them in' the re-align~ent of Chestnut Avenue in 1PS1. Councilman .ROcca ~oved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regul- arly carried, that the matter be held .over. . The next item under unfinished business concerned the matter of the overhanging sign ordinance. · Inter-off ,ce ~maOrandtm 'dated April 24, I~., haC, been received fro~ the pla ~nning CO~ission requesting that .the CounCil t~;ke immediate action on the a~tion off-the Sign Ordinance. MayOr Rozzi remarked, that this matter would be rmf, trred ,to the: City Attorney: for:' the preparation.of the~ neCe~y ordinance, in a~rdance with.~the recommenda- tion Planning Commt~Sion.. Ci:y AttOrney Lyon~ stated he ~ould s~bmtt acOpy to-each 'of Ehe' Council members for their study. The next item un~ unfinished.' business concerned traffic regulations at Grhnd and ~ucalyptJ~ Ayah-es:, ''; A ~~t :~'d ~en' receive~ .f~ the City Park' lm~ove~nt O~ Co,er'ninE this ~tter. Inter-office moran~ ~ed April 23, 19'~, was r~e~ved from t~ office Of t~ ~Iice Chief co,.corning the ~c~n~d ste~ and ~t~e: st~ air, dy taken. ~yor Rozzi m~, $~on~ by COuntieS RYan and '.re~larly ca~ied, t~t the r~- mer~tion of the POlice Chief ~ :a~epted and the letter placed on file. Co~unication dated April 17;, 1956, was received from Theodore E. Wall, secretary Of the; Ministeriali: Fell*wahl_,0 AssoCiatiOn, cono~ni~.t~ con- t=nUation of housing in the Lin~nvix1 f~ilies. C~ilaan ~cchio ~ved, $.~~d by Cou~i~l~u R~ and re~larly carried, that the Rousing~ A~hori~Y ~ i~t~rueted to a~ise the M~ni~terial Fello~hip :A~iation of t~he steps taken with ~he San ~ancisc. H~sing Aut~ritY te p~Vl~ .adequate ~o~i~: for' t~ i~: i~e g~u~ a~: ~-infom them of O~il action. CO ~niCati~~ ~ted April ~, 19~, a~d ~'y 7, 1~, we~ ~ceiVed fro~ tee Guy F. Atki~on C~any,: reqU~ti~ bY th~ as wll as a ~mit to ~u.1 earth and other sateriale fr~. their p~ises,- ~tor of ~blic Wor~; G~S' r~n~ t~ ~a:l ~ute along 8~th Canal Street to Li~en~' Avenue a~ Tr~ Linden .to Baden Avenu®, f~" Ba~n to Ai~ort ~ulward, Tm-~i~rt ~uI~ard to ~~, thence to the jo~ite, ~ also r~arked that· ~hey:had ~~ a~ ~nd in amount off $500.00 which he underst~d the City Attorney had approved and t~t ~Z' '~S in' or~r that~ t~ pe~it~ g~ted onded bY ~u~il~n L~Ch~o,~ that the ~ecmen~tion~ acce~ ed. A ~ief dl~sion' foiled, after wh~h Cou~llman R~ca mo~, s~on~d b~ ~u~ll~ LucCh~o, that t~he r~te ~ a~roved as sU~itt~-, subJ'~-t to Ouy F. Atk~ obtaining: the a~al of Lo,rio Pa~i~ C~pany for the use of South Canal Street. ~rther d~cussion followed, at which time PO:~e Chte~ ~u~ Belloni ~ggested w~.~Ch. D~r~tOr o~ ~blic' ~ ~s r~rked that this '~e a very g~d so~tt~n.~ Cou~il~n ~ea ~hen s~g~te~ t-~t the matter of the route be lefft up to t~ ~tor of ~bl~c ~r~. ~tion as made and seconded was re ~ularly carried. C~unication ~ted A~iX~I8, l~,'m ~eived f~: J~ A. ~od, pU~liSher of the ~rlingame ~Adva~ee, ~nee~ning. the City's ad for the' 1956 F~eSta Edition. CoUnC~l~n ~cca-r~arked that in the study meeting e~lier in the afternoon, It was their understanding that the Council would approve a half page ad. He therefore moved that the C~ty take out the ~'lf page ad. After discussion, Councllmn Lucch~o seconded the motion, w~ich was regularly carried. ~RKET ST. RR R,O.W, INTER-CITY HIGHWAY: FRANCISCO DRIVE INTERSECTION: o~'oOz/ APPROVAL OF PLANS CITY HALL BASEMENT: THE TEXAS COMPANY USE PERMIT: o~-'O.ff'~ ROMEO BRASCHI USE PERMIT FOSTER & KLEISER USE PERMIT: LANDIS CONSTRUCTION CO. - USE PERMIT: FRANCISCO TERRACE DRAINAGE: ~-OO/v~ AVALON PARK NO. 4: MONTHLY REPORTS: -'" DUMPING ALONG BUTLER ROAD: ~-~ 7 Cm~nunication dated April 20, 1956, was received from the Burlingame Chamber of Commerce requesting that the Council designate a representa- tiv~ to meet with the Committee in Burlingame City Hall on May 9, 1956, at 8 p.m. to discuss acquisition of the old Market Street Railway right of way for an inter-city highway. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Coincilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the communication be accepted and placed on file and that tile Council could later decide who hat the available time to attend these meetings. Inter-office memorandum dated April 30, 1956, was received from the Director of Public Works concerning the Francisco Drive. intersection with E1Camino Real. Accompanying the memorandum was a cost estimate for this work. Councilman Rocca asked if this met with the approval of the Francisco Ter~ residents. Director of Public Works Goss re- piked that he felt it/~-nasmuch as Mr. 3reed, one of the representatives off the area, looked over the plans and said that they would meet with hms approval. Councilman Lucchio then asked if the State had given i=s approval, to which Mr. G~ss replied that it had approved the pre- l;ninary plans and granted a permit for encroachment. Councilman Lucchio t~en moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried that the plans and specifications as submitted by the Director of Public Works be a~roved and that he also be authorized to advertise and call for bids for the work. I~ter-offiCe memorandum dated April 3G, 1956, was received from the Dir- ector of Public Works concerning the remodeling of the City Hall basement. Accompanying the memorandum was a cos~ estimate for the work to be done. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly car- ried, that the improvements as submit=ed be approved. Use Permit Reselution~. 566 as appl;ed for by The Texas Company was received from the Planning Commission, It was requested by The Texas Company, the applicant, that this application be removed from the agenda. Use Permit Resolution No. 567 as applied for by Romeo Braschi was re- ceived from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be g~anted to erect a 4-unit apartment building in front of lots 59, 6~ and ~k, block 97, Martin Subdivision. Ccuncilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved. Use Permit Resolution No[ 569, as applied for by Foster & Kleiser Company, wts received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted to elevate the existing o~tdoor advertising billboard sign on lots 45, 47, 52, 53 and 54 of Block Q, Pecks Lots, to a maximum height of 10' from existing grade. Councilaan Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved. Cee Permit Resolution No. 576, as applied for by the Landis Construction Company was received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted to erect a building for the fabrication and assem- bly of lightweight truck bodies on Ptrcel 13, South San Francisco Map No. 25, Acreage, subject to the condition that operation be confined within building and not interfere with traffic on Linden Avenue. Council man Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, ~hat the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved. ~ommunicmtion dated April 126, 1956, was received from th® F~ancisco Terrace Improvement Club, requesting information as to what progress the .~ity was making in solving winter flooding in the Francisco Terrace Subdivision. Director of Public Works Goss remarked that his department ~admade preliminary plans for the work which is to cost approximately $80,0~0. He further remarked that t.e was making recommendations to the City Council in his budget on flood control for the financing of this work. Discussion followed, at whiclt time Councilman Cortesi remarked that the City should appoint a comm;ttee to appeal to the State and County bodies who were responsible flor this condition, and make an effort to ebtain from them as much assistance as is possible, since they create, this conditien. Councilman Cortesi then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio that a committee be appointed to obtain assistance from the State and County authorities for the problem created. Discussion follo~ after which motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Communication dated May 1, 1956, wa~ received from the Stoneson Develop- ment Corporation requesting final a~.proval of the Subdivision map of Avalon Park No. 4. Councilman Rocca suggested that this matter be held over because of insufficient material before the Council. Mayor Rozzi announced that if there were no objections, this matter would be held over. No objections were registered. Departmental reports for the month of March were received from the offic of the City Clerk and Health Department. Councilman Rocca moved, sec- onded by Councilman Ryan and regulhrly carried, that the reports as sub- mitted be accepted and placed on Inter-office memorandum dated April 26, 1956, was received from the office of the City Manager concerning refuse dumping al~m~ Butler Road. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the report be accepted and placed on file. BUDGET TRANSFERS: ~o~/~ POLICE DEPT. OVERDRAWN BUDGETS: ~-/o~ MASTER SANITARY SEWER STUDY: ~-~ RECESS:-- ARMOUR & CO. REQUEST FOR SEWER REFUND:~-//O ANIMAL CONTROL ENFORCEMENT: ~"/0,.~ CONSUMERS ICE CO. SAN BRUNO ANNEXATION: 1956 FLOOD RELIEF LAW: SCHOOL-RECREATION AGREEMENT: ~nter-office memorandum dated April 26, 1956, was received from the office of the City Manager concerning budget transfers for the year [955-56 for the following departmentr: Dept~ ef Public Works Library Building Inspector Street Department City Mechanic Fire Department Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly car- tied, that the transfers be approved with the exception of the Library, ~nasmuch as it required further study~ Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried that.the matter of the pay status of Lester Anderson, the ~oun.dmaster, be referred to the Personnel Board for study and recom- nendation as to the job classificaticn within or without Civil Service classification of the City and what ~ay scale the man should be paid. ~ater-office memorandum dated April ~6, 1956, was received from the offfice of the City Manafer regardim~ the overdrawn 1555-56 budget of =3e Pound DePartment and Park~.~:;"Meter Department'which are under the ~pervision of the Police Dep~rtment. Brief discUsSion followed, at e~ich time COUncilman Lucchio suggested that inasmuch as Lester Anderson ~ad Arthur Johnson were former employees of the Street Department, recentl ~ssigned to the Pound Department and Parkln~ Meter Department, transfer off funds from 'the Street Department ~hould be investigated. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman P~cca and regularly carried that the ~dget transfer as requested be approved.. ~ater-office memorandum dated April ~6, 1956, was received from the office off the City Manager concerning the master sanitary sewer study. Accom- panying the memorandum was a letter from Richard ives, Acting Regional Administrator for the House and Home Finance Agency outlining the provis- kons under which the City may apply for funds needed for a sanitary sewer s=udy. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the matter be laid over for further study. ~ayor Rozzi declared a recess at 9:25 p.m. Meeting was recalled to order at 9:40 p.m. ~ater-office memorandum dated April 24, 1956, was received from the offfice of the City Manager accompanied by a letter from Armour & Company under date of March 21, 1956, requesting a refund of sewer rental paid d,~ring the last fiscal year, After ~rief discussion, Mayor Rozzi re- harked that if there were no objections, the matter would be referred to ~e Superintendent of sanitation, Henry Schweining, and Director of Public Works, Louis Goss, for a study and report. No objections having been registered, it was so ordered. ~ter-office memorandum dated April 25, 1956, was received from the offfice of the Police Chief concerning the enforcement of the Animal Con- ~rol Ordinance. This report was subsitted in answer to a communication received from Mrs. C. W. Hartnett, 16 Verano Drive, concerning the run- n=ng loose of dogs in the area, causing ~amage to the.gardens. Mayor ~ozzl remarked that if there were no objections, the letter would be ac- cepted and referred to the Police Department for any further action. Notice of hearing dated April 16, 19~6, was received from the office of ~ohn A. Bruning, secretary of San Ma~eo County Boundary Commission con- cerning property proposed for annexation by the City of San Bruno, des- cribed as a portion of Consumers Ice Company property lying northerly Lad westerly of the existing City ~ere were no objections, our engine.er and San Bruno*s engineer wouldbe hsked.to study the matter and report back to their respective councils. No objections having been registered, Director of Public Works Louis Goss was i.nstructed to handle the matter. ~ater-office memorandum, dated April 23, was received from the office of =~e City Manager concerning the Floo~ Relief Law of 1956. Accompanying ~e memowas a copy of a letter from the Department of Public Works, S~ate of California, under date of April 20, 1956, over the signature off Frank B..Durkee, Director. The letter refers to the availability of ffun.ds for the restoration of public property damage by the flood of ~Mcember 1955, and January and February 1956. Mayor Rozzi remarked that kff there were no objections, this matter would be referred to the Dir- ector of Public Works, Louis Goss, who would investigate the matter and ~,ke the n~cessary steps. ~ater-Office memorandum dated May 1, 1956, was received from the Recre- ~ion Mission concerning the agreement for the joint development and use of school areas for recreational purposes, recommending that the n~tter be expedited as much as possikle. Brief discussion followed, after ~ich Councilman Ryan moved, seconde~ by Councilman Rocca that the agree- n,~nt .originally drawn by the three bodies be prepared for Council signa- =~re and then forwarded to the School Board for their authorized signa- %~res. A brief discussion followed, after which roll call vote was as ffollows: Ayes, Councilman Rozzi, P~oca, Ryan, Lucchio and Cortesi. SUBSTANDARD HOUSING SURVEY: 12-MILE CREEK RE-ALIGNMENT BUR1 BUR1 PARK: CONMUR STREET EXTENSION: ~/~ CENSUS TRACTS PROBATIONARY APPT. LOUISE ELLIOTT & JEANETTE PETRONI: p-ooo FORNESI RESIGNATION FROM FIRE DEPT: ~-0o0 THOS. McCLENDON APPT, PART TIME BASIS LIBRARY'.: P" O00 TAX REFUNDS: ~-//0 inter-office memorandum dated April 16, 1956, was received from the office of the City Manager concerning the substandard housing survey conducted by the Fire Department, Building DePartment and County Health ~epartment. The report covered inspections from the period of August 1, 1955 to April 1, 1956. Brief discussion followed, at which time City A~torney Lyons stated that he would kave the ordinance prepared On the substandard housing prior to the first meeting in June. Councilman LucOhlo then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried zhat the report be accepted and placed on file. inter-office memorandum dated April $0, 1956, was received from the office of the City Manager accompanied by a communication from the Calif- o=nia Golf Club dated April 24, 1956, concerning the re-alignment of 12-Mile Creek in the vicinity of Burt Burl Park. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried that the matter be re- ferred to the Directors of Public Works and Recreation Commission for zheir recommendations as to further ~ction in the matter. ,ti this time, Councilman Cortesi mentioned the hazardous condition that exists at the Buri Buri Park near 12-Mile Creek which needs fencing, re- marking that such fencing and pests could be salvaged from the dismantlin~ of the Federal Housing Authority. After brief discussion, Councilman .~ortesi moved that a communication be directed to the Manager of the Federal Housing Authority requesting that before they place the fencing up for sale, the City desired to obtain it for its own use. Further dis- c'Assion followed, at which time other surplus property was mentioned ':hat might be available to the City. Mayor Rozzi then asked the Director of Public Works to investigate avail~bility of this surplus property to ~-~e City. I~ter-office memorandum dated April 30, 1956, was received from the offic~ of the City Manager concerning Conmur Street extension involving property owned by Henry and Astrid Beretta. Accompanyin~ the memo was a commun- ication dated April 23, 1956, from the Fratessa Realty Company concernin~ the subject matter, as well as a letter from Mr, and Mrs, Beretta auth- orizing the Fratessa Realty Company ~o act as their agent for the pro- posed street extension. Discussion followed, at which time Director of ~ublic Works Goss stated that he had looked over the communication sub- mitted as well aS the proposed map b~t that this proposal did not actuall] deed to the city the land which was Fequested. Councilman Lucchio then ~oved, seconded by Councilman Rocca ~nd regularly carried, that t~he Dir- ector of Public Works carry out the conclusion of this matter to the best interests of the City. Inter-office memorandum dated May 3, 1956, addressed to the Mayor and members of the City Council concerniLg census tracts was received from the appointed committee composed of Emmons McClung, City Manager; Gildo lozzi, Building Inspector; Louis Belloni, Police Chief; A. J. Welte, Fire Chief; and Reint Linweman, Health Officer for San Mateo County. It was requested that the Council approve t'..e program devised by the various department heads after consultation hnd in accordance with previous Counc] action. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularl] carried, that the City Council approwe the census tracts at no cost to the City. . Inter-office memoranda dated April 16, 1956, were received from the office of the City Clerk recommending the commencement of the promotion .~robationary period of Louise Elliot~ as Senior Account Clerk and Jeanett~ Petroni as Account Clerk. Councilma~ Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that ~he recommendation of the City Clerk be accepted. Inter-office memorandum dated April 18, 1956, was received from the office of the Fire Chief, together wuth a copy of a letter dated April 13, 1956, as submitted by Basil Fornesi tendering his resignation from the Fire Department, effective May 16, 1956, to enter private enterprise. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried: that the resignation as submitted be accepted. Councilman Lucchio sug- gested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Basil Fornesi for his services with the City. Inter-office memorandum dated April '30, 1956, was received from the librarian notifying the Council of the appointment of Thomas McClendon ms a library page on a part time basks. Councilman Lucchio moved, sec- o,admd by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the librarian be accepted. Inter-office memorandum dated April 26, 1956, was received from the offic, of the City Clerk concerning request~ for refunds on tax payments as made by the following: John P. & Bertha Foley -$15.65 - Veteran's exemption credit not given in er: Antonio Antoniazzi - 3.52 - Personal Property Mary Bollazzi - 3.13 - Personal Property Yolanda Mahoney - 2.19 - Personal Property. ~.lso received was a notice from the City and County of San Francisco of payment of taxes under protest on lands of the San Francisco International Airport which are owned by the City tnd County of San Francisc° and are situated in the City of South San Fr~ncisco. Councilman Lucchto moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried that the refunds of Mr..& Mrs. Foley, Mary Bollazzi, Antonio Antoniazzi and Yolanda Mahoney be granted and that the payment of taxes under protest from the City and County of San Francisco be denied. JOHN PRYSHEPA DAMAGE CLAIM: BRENTWOOD CLUB DANCE PERMIT: ~-O~// TOWING REPORT: ?',/~ MERCHANT' 8 CARNIVAL: .~o~-.~- S l MONOV l CH TOWING INQUIRY: ~-/03 SEE* S CANDY CO. APPROVAL OF PLANS: ~.~70~?' POPULATION SIGNS: ~-/~/ ON-SALE GENERAL LICENSE: ~-/~-0~' GOOD AND WELFARE: ELECTION COMPENSATION MRS. TH~LMA WALLACE: ANIMAL SHELTER IMPROVEMENT: ~ SOUTHERN CROSSING OF BAY: ~/~/ INQUIRY RE VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF COUNCIL MEETINGS: OVERPASS - GRAND AVE. UTAH CONSTRUCTION CO. Communication dated April 12,1956, was received from the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company concerning the claim for damages as filed against the City of SoUth San Francisco by John PrYshepa, noti- Tying the City that this claim is not covered under the policy of ir~urance in effect. May°rRozzi requested that the communication be placed on file. No objections were registered. Communication dated April 25, 1956, w&s received from the Brentwood Club requesting permission for a one-Way dancepermit to hold their Sprim~ Dance on May 12, 1956, at the ~rentwood Lodge. This request bore the approval of the Police Chief. Mayor Rozzi requested that the emmmmnicmtton be placed on file. No objections were registered. Tko next item for COuncil attention was a report from the Police Chief concerning garages possessing business licenses and capable of towing services. CounCilman LucchiO requested that a copy of this report be ~Lde available to him. Communication dated April 17, 1956, was received from the Downtown ~erchants Association of South San Francisco, requesting a date change o~ which to hold their annual carnival. Request had been made to change the date from June 12 through 17~ 1953 to June 19 through 24, 1956. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly chrried, that the request as made be granted. at this time, Mr. Simonovich, present in the audience, asked concerning kris share of tows from the scene of accidents, requesting to know why it was that he was not receiving them. Councilman LucChio requested t~,at this item be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Inter-offi~e memOrandum dated April 27, 1956, was received from the Plan- ning Commission concerning their approval of the architectural drawing ~r.d plot plan for the See's.Candy Company which is to be located on the northwest corner of E1Camino Real an3 Spruce Avenue. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca amd regularly carried, that the rec- em~ue~datt~n be accepted as long as t~e residents of Francisco Terrace ~re agreeable with the plan. ]t.ter-office memorandum dated April 24, 1~6, was received from the Planning Commission requesting that tae population signs throughout the C=tY be changed to indicate the new population figures. Councilman P, occa moved, seconded by Councilman L'Acchio and regularly carried, that tt.e City proceed with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Application for ~ransfer of alcoholic beverage license as applied for by B~sil Fornesi, Aldo FOrnesi and Albert Fornesi, was received from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Mayor Rozzi remarked that S~nce this did not require Council action, it should be placed on file. ~o objections were registered. ¥~yor Rozzi asked if any of the Council members had anything they wished to offer underGo od and Welfare. Coumcilman Cortesi brought to the ~tention of the CounCil. complaints from the residents of Mayfair Village concerning heavy equipment such as tracks speeding through that subdivisio Ee requested the Chief of Police to bring this to his department's L~tention. C~ty C1erk Rodondi then brought to ths Council'.s attention the matter of compensation for Mrs. Thelma Wallace who served as an inspector at the recent municipal election. He explained to the Council that she had been paid up to and including 12 o'clock noon the day of the election but that it had later been learned that she actually worked until 4 o'cloc that afternoon. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried that Mrs. Wallace be paid a total of $7.00 for her services. Councilman Cortesi then brought up the matter of the animal shelter, $~ating that mmmm~.ng.l~dbed~am tefselve, th~;~reblem~tnee-it has been pending for some seven or eight years. Discussion followed concern- ~g the subject matter, after which l~rector of Public Works Louis Goss ~s asked to contact the architect, Louis Baldini, and follow through o~ this matter. Councilman'Ryan then brought up the nttter of the southern crossing of ~e Bay, stating that the City shoul~ go on record encouraging the southern crossing entrance near South San Francisco rather than San Fran- cLsco. After discussion..Mayor Rozzi appointed. Councilman Ryan as a com- ~tkttee of one to look into the matter. Mrs. Louise Scheaf, a resident of Brentwood, then asked the Council con- cerning a verbatim transcript of the aeetings as taken by the court re- porter. Discussion followed, at which time Court Reporter Robert Kull g~ve the Council information concerning the cost for a full transcription off the proceedings of each meeting rather than the official Council action ~s 'is now being submitted. ~krector of Public Works Louis Goss at this time brought up a letter re- ceived from the Utah Construction Company concerning the method in which =hey were going to construct the overpass on Grand Avemue, stating that =heir equipment would have to cross Grand Avenue in order to build the =amp, that they agreed to pay for any breakage in the street or sidewalk. 3e stated that he--and the Police Chief have requested lighter equipment ~nd were bringing this to the Council's attention at this time concerning %he crossing and also thefact that the company would pay for any damages. ~ re,uest was boise made at this 'time for uermission to cross Grand Ave. MERCHANT' 8 CARNIVAL: S I MONOV I CH TOWING INQUIRY: SEE'* S CANDY CO. APPROVAL OF PLANS: ~'5~? POPULATION SIGNS: ~/~// ON-SALE GENERAL LICENSE: /__-/;,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,-,~-O.R- GOOD AND WELFARE: ELECTION COMPENSATION MES. THELMA WALLACE: ANIMAL SHELTER I~PROVgMENT: ~-~ SOUTHERN CROSSING OF BAY: ~'/~} INQUIRY RE VERBATIM TRANSCRIPT OF COUNCIL MEETINGS:~/~3 OVERPASS - GRAND AVE. UTAH CONSTRUCTION CO.: Communication dated April 17, 1956, was received from the Downtown Merchants Association of South San Francisco, requesting a date change on which to hold their annual carnival. Request had been made to change the date from June 12 through 17' 1956 to June 19 through 24, 1956. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the request as made be granted. At this time, Mr. Slmonovich, present in the audience, asked concerning his share of tows from the scene of accidents, requesting to know why it was that he was not receiving them. Councilman LucChio requested that this item be placed on the agenda for the next regular meeting. Inter-offi~e memOrandum dated April 27, 1956, was received from the Plan- ning Co~mission concerning their approval of the architectural drawing and plot plan for the See's Candy Company which is to be located on the northwest corner of E1Camino Real and Spruce Avenue. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the rec- ommm~dat~n be accepted as long as the residents of Francisco Terrace are agreeable with the plan. Inter-office memorandum dated April 24, 19~6, was received from the Planning Commission requesting that the population signs' throughout the City be changed to indicate the new population figures. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the City proceed with the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Application for ~ransfer of alcoholic beverage license as applied for by Basil Fornesi, Aldo Fornesi and Albert Fornesi, was received from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. ~ayor Rozzi remarked that since this did not require Council action, it should be placed on file. No objections were registered. Mayor Rozzi asked if any of the Council members had anything they wished to offer underGo od and Welfare. Councilman Cortest brought to the attention of the Council. complaints frma the residents of-Mayfair Village concerning heavy equipment such as trucks speeding through that subdivist He requested the Chief of Police to bring this to his department*s attention. City clerk Rodondi then brought to the Council'.s attention the ~atter of compensation for Mrs. Thelma Wallace who served as an imspector at the recent municipal election. He explained to the Council that she had been paid ~p to and including 12 o'Clock noon the day of the election but that it had later been learned that she actually worked until 4 o'clc that afternoon. Council~an Rocca moved, seconded by Council~an Ryan and regularly carried that Mrs. Wallace be paid a total of $7.00 for her services. Councilman Cortesi then brought up the ~atter of the an~al shelter, stating that f~meSb&.ng ~hould bedmae to 'solve thi~problem:s&~e. been pending for some seven or eight years. Discussion followed concern- ing the subject utter, after which ~rector of Public Works ~uis was asked to contact the architect, ~ui8 Baldini, and follow though on this matter. Council~an Ryan then brought up the matter of the southern crossing of the Bay, stating that the City should go on record encouraging the southern crossing entrance near South San Francisco rather than San Fran- cisco. After discussion .Mayor Rozzi appointed. Council~an Ryan as a com- mittee of one to look into the matter. Mrs. Louise 8cheaf, a resident of Brentwood, then asked the Council con- cerning a verbatim transcript of the meetings as taken by the court re- porter. Discussion followed, at which time Court Reporter Robert gave the Council infor~ation concerning the cost for a full transcription of the proceedings of each meeting rather than the official Council actio as is now being submitted. Director of Public Works Louis Goss at this time brought up a letter re- ceived fro~ the Utah Construction Company concerning the method in which they were going to construct the overpass on Grand Avemue, stating that their equipment would have to cross Grand Avenue in order to build the ramp, that they agreed to pay for any breakage in the street or sidewalk. He stated that he~nd the Police Chief have requested lighter equip~ent and were bringing this to the Council's attention at this time concerning the crossing and also the fact that ~he company would pay for any damages A request was being ~ade at this time for per~ission to cross Grand Ave. Councilman Rocca stated that he believed they should be per~itted to ADJOUItl~MENT: p cross Grand Avenue during the construction. Mayor Rozzi remarked ~at he felt' the Police Chief and ~r. Goss could handle this matter. T~ere being no further business, Cou~cilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried that the meeting be adjourned u~til 4:30 p.m. May 14, 1956. o ayOr Rozzi announced that the next regular meeting would be held on nday, May 21, 1956, at 8 p.m. Time of Adjourmaent: 10:35 Respectfully submitted: City clerk Approve