HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1956-05-14ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, MAY 14, 1956 PLACE: TIME: CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL: BUDGET TRANSFERS LIBRARY: g~-~o~.~ COOPMAN REZONI NG ORDINANCE NO. 393 7 REPAINTING OF DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS CAR: RISERS MENTIONED IN COOPMAN REZONING: ~--2t; 7 WEED ABATEMENT Council Chambers, City Hall 4:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 4:51 p.m. P~'esent: Councilman Rozzi, Rocca, Lucchio and Cortesi. Absent: Councilman Ryan Mayor Rozzi called on Lauretta Hussar, librarian, present, asking if she w~shed at this time to explain her mem~randu~ concerning request for budget transfers which had been held over for further information. Miss Hussar explained to the Mayor and members of the Council present the reasons for the request as made, statiag that other Peninsula communities aM.Lowed their library boards to use th~ fines collected for replacement of books. Also discussed was the transfer of monies fromsalaries to office equipment-furniture. After discussion, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca that that portion of transfer from salaries to office equipment-furniture in the amount of $1,700.00 be approved. Cc~ncilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the amount necessary, the sum being $1,438.09 representing fines collected, be used for the purchase of lost and defaced books in t~e library. Mayor Rozzi then proceeded on to the m, tter of the Coopman rezoning which l~volved the second reading and adoption of the ordinance which had been prepared changing the classification off the property in question from R-1 to PCM. At this time, City Attorney Lyons read the agreement which he had prepared, which was to be executed bY the City and Mr. Coopman. He likewise explained the provisions wLich had been included in the agreement for the signature of Colonial Bakeries who were to occupy the building. Discussion then followed concerning the improvements which, were to be'borne by Mr. Coopman and coLcerning drainage of waters. Lengthy di~cussion followed concerning drainage problems, installation of drainage pipes necessary as well as the method of trapping sand in holding basins west of Junipera Serra Boulevard in the County area, After further lealthy discussion had taken place concerning formation of assessment di~tricts in the area to solve the drainage problems, City Attorney Lyons ~ explained the additions which were to be incorporated in the original ag=cement and wh~ h had been discussed and suggested by members of the Ci=y Council. A~ong the suggestions offered was that sufficient easement width be provided to allow the installation of two 72" pipes. Councilman Rocca then moved that the contract as prepared be accepted with the changes and additions as enumerated by the City Attorney. City Attorney Lyons su~lested that it be incorporated in tee motion that Mayor Rozzi be auth- orized to sign the contract. Councilman Rocca then incorporated in his ork~inal motion that the final contract be signed by the Mayor with the changes as mentioned. Councilman Cortesi seconded the motion, after which roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen P~zzi, Rocca and Co~=esi. Abstaining, Councilman Lucchio. Absent, Councilman Ryan. Ci:y Attorney Lyons then explained the ordinance which had been prepared concerning the Coopman rezoning and for which the second reading could be held at this time. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the reading be waived and the ordinance be adopted by title only. City Attorney Lyons then read the title of the ora;nance, after which Councilman Rocca asked if this had been gone over by ~he Planning Comaission, to which Mr. Lyons replied that it had been recommended by them. Roll call vote on the adoption of the ordinance was as follows: Ayes, Cuuncilmen Rocca, Rozzi and Cortesi. Abstaining, Courcilman Lucchio. Absent, Councilman Ryan. Director of Public Works Goss at this time requested Council permission to repaint the car that is used by his .tepartment. After a brief dis- cussion, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried that Director of Public Works Goss be authorized to have the car re-painted and the bumpers re-chromed. At this time, Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and resularly carried that Director of Public Works Goss be instructed to start negotiations for the construction of the risers mentioned earlier in the meeting, before the rains commence. Cou=cilman Cortesi at this time brought up the matter of sidewalk parking str~ps overgrown with weeds which should be cleaned up. He further re~rked that a weed abatement program ~hould be co~enced. City Attorney Lyo;m explained the legal steps necessary, stating that he would prepare the resolution and notices required. CITY TREES DAVID CORSIGLIA APPT: WATER POLUTION & COUNTY CENTENNIAL MEETINGS: MISSION ROAD DRAINAGE DISTRICT: A~OUR~ENT:'"'-- At this time, Councilman Cortesi also ~emarked on the trees which had been planted by the City and were bein~ allowed to go unwatered and l~ need of poles to keep them properly braced. Mayor Rozzi remarked that recently whea Acting Supt. of Publio Works He=ry Schweining was absent, David Corstiglia had been placed in charge as Acting Supt. of Public Works. When he asked Mr. Schweining why David Corsiglia was placed in charge, ~ayor Rozzi was informed that he was the person delegated to carry o~ the duties during his absence. Mayor Rozzi then suggested that in ord-r to relieve Mr. Schweining of the dual offices of Acting Supt. of Public Works and Supt. of Sanitation amfl allow him to return as Supt. of Sanitation, it might be well to place David Corsiglia in the capacity of Acting Supt. of Public Works. COincilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regu- la=ly carried, that the Personnel Board be instructed to hold an examin- at,on for the position of Supt. of PubLic Works and that in the meantime, David Corsiglia be appointed as Acting Supt. of Public Works at no salary change. Co'~ncilman Cortesi then gave a report on the water polution board meet- in~ which he attended, as well as the ~eeting concerning the centennial ce~.~bration in which the City was askeC to participate. He remarked that he would supply the MayOr with ali of the reports he had received, in writing. Director of Public Works Goss then asked the Council to authorize the Cizy Clerk to disburse monies from the general fund for payment of assess- me== notices which the property owners were receiving in the Mission Road Dr;.~nage District. City Attorney Lyons stated that he guaranteed the com=ract would be signed the following day and that the funds would be fo~=hcoming from the Standard Building Company to pay these assessments. Co~ncilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio that upon receipt of the signed contract, the City.Clerk be authorized to pay the ass~mments on Mission Road Drainage District from general funds and th~ the general funds be reimbursed from monies forthcoming from the St~adard Building Company which were on deposit with the First Western BaLh in San Francisco. Director of Public Works Goss asked if, in the event all the signatures had not been affixed to the petition or all of the notices had not bm~n received, could the City pay all of the assess- men~s within the assessment district. City Attorney Lyons informed Mr. Go&~ that the City could pay all of the~. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. There being no further business, Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Co~_cilman Cortesi and regularly carriet,that the meeting be adjourned unt~l Monday, May 21, 1956. Ti~e of adjournment: 6:37 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Approved: