HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1956-08-20REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T~tE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, i AUGUST 20,' 1956 PLACE: TIME: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: MINUTES: -- CLAIMS: fo/ MISSION & CHESTNUT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING: ~-~o~ 0 MISSION & CHESTNUT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT RESOLUTION: ANNEXATION FEES 1ST READING OF ORDINANCE: ~/~ 7 BRENTWOOD PARKING & CIRCLE COURT ONE-WAY ORDINANCE NO. 403: 7 P-1 DISTRICT ORDINANCE 1ST READING: ~-/~ 7 MISSION & CHESTNUT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT PUBLIC HEARING: (CONTINUED) ~--~ O RAMIREZ USE PER~IT: Council Chambers, City Hall. 8:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 8:14 p.m. Pledge o:f Allegiance to the Flag was recited, and in the absence of Father Paul Colema~ of St Veronica's Catholic Church, cue to illness, CounCilman Lucchio rendered invocation. Present: Absent: Councilman G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Francis and Leo J. Ryan. None. LuCchio Mayor Rozzi asked if there were any errors, omissions or corrections to the minutes of the last meeting held August 6, 1956. There being none, he asked if there was a motion for their approval. Co~ncilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the minutes as submitted be approved. Mayor Rozzi asked if there was a motion ap~roving the claims for payment. Coun- cilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilnan Ryan and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted be approved for pa?ment. The first item for Council.attention conce=ned the public hearing on the Mission Road and Chestnut Avenue improvement assessment district. Mayor Rozzi opene~ the hearing and asked if any written protests had been received, to which the City Clerk replied that none had been received but that some of the notices had been returned due to no forwarding address. Mayor Rozzi then asked if there were any oral protests from the audience. Mr. A. Bergamaschi, property owner in the area of Old Mission Hoad, remarked on the charge which was in excesst~~ the original amount which he was quoted. Discussion followed, at which time]TDirector of Public Works~ a/tked to be excused from the meeting so that he could obtain the file on the subject matter. Mayor Rozzi remarked that this matter would be held over until =he return of Mr. Goss to the meeting~ City Attorney Lyons remarked there was onl~ one resolution whAuh had been pre- pared for the evening, concerning the Missuon Road and Chestnut Avenue Assess- ment District, which would be held oVer along with the Public Hearing for the time keing. Mr. Lyons then proceeded on to the matter of ordinances, explaining the first which appeared on the agenda, concerning t~e charge of annexation fees. After an exp].anation by City Attorney Lyons, he asked that because of the length of the ordinance, he would appreciate a motion that the detailed reading be waived and that it,be introduced by the reading of the title only. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried. Mr. Lyons then read the title of the ordinance, afte= which it was introduced by Council- man Cortesi. City ~.ttorney Lyons then explained the second ordinance ready for Council action concerning the regulating of the pa~king of automobiles in the Brentwood businese district and designating a portio~ of Circle Court as a one-way street remarkL~g that this was ready for second reading and adoption. He requested a motion waiving the detailed reading and :hat it be voted upon by the reading of the title only~ Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried~ Mr. Lyons then rea~ the titleof the ordinance, after which roll call vote on its adoption was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. The l~t ordinance for Council attention concerned the amending of the master zonin~ ordinance ~ provide for a P-1 District. This ordinance was scheduled for fk]'st reading and introduction. After a brief explanation, the City Attorn requested a motion waiving the detailed reading and the introduction by title only. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded ~y Councilman Rocca and regularly carried. City Attorney Lyons then read th~ title of the ordinance, after which Councilman Ryan introduced the ordinance. Mayor Rozzi then proceeded back to the public hearing on the Mission Road and Ct~stnut Avenue improvement assessment district, after which discussion took place between members of the Council, Mr. Bergamaschi, Director of Public Works Louis Goss and City Attorney Lyons. After the discussion, Mr. Lyons sugge~zed that the public hearing be continued to the next regular meeting of September 4, 1956. Councilman Ryan then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regSlarly carried, that the public hearing be continued until the regular meeting ,of September 4 1956. The council then proceeded on to the item of unfinished business, taking up the ma=ter of Use Permit Resolution No. 612 as applied for by Peter Ramirez, requeszkng permission for the construction of an additional dwelling unit in the rear of 458 Miller Avenue. Mayor Rozzi asked the Planning Commission secre tary, .~oy Ghilardi, present in the audience, if this was for one unit, to which he replued that this was correct. CounciLman Rocca then moved, seconded by Counculnan Lucchio and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Plannung Commission be accepted. CASCADE PRODUCTS USE PERMIT: FRATESSA VARIANCE APPLICATION: FRANCISCO TERRACE FLOOD CASES: ~- 0 ~ SCHAFER RESIGNATION: SOUTH S.F. COMMUNITY FAIR: COMPENSATION DIVIDEND: ~6-/~/ SOUTH S. Fo INDUSTRIAL PARK #1: PAR~WAY & LUX TRUCK DAMAGE: AVALON OUTFALL SEWER ASSESSMENT REFUSD: Use Pe.~n~t Resolution No. 615, as applied flor by the Cascade Products Company, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending that permission be granted for the erection of a 12 ft. x 15 fit. single face, non-flashing Noon sign, 12! ft. high, for Win's Drive-In at 1683 E1Camino Real, subject to the condition that the red and green Neon colors be changed so as not to conflict with t~e traffic signals at Hickey Boulevard and E1Camino Real. Councilman Lucchi~ moved, seconded by Councilman RoccL and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted subject to the applicant confor~i~g with the requirements. Variance~Application Resolution No. 614, as applied for by Leo Fratessa, was received! from the Planning Commission, recommending that the request to sub- divide aiportion of Parcel 28, Zone E, Acreage, into three lots of less than 50-foot frontages, be denied, the area locLted at 403 Alta Vista Drive. Coun- cilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman ~occa and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Co~iss~on be accepted. Communication dated August 6', 1956, was received from the Hartford Accident and In~emnity Company advising of the results of their investigation concerning the various claims filed against the City by Francisco Terrace residents and Larry ~ini, stating that the claims did no~ fall within the coverage of the City's p~licy. Councilman ROCCa moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the Council go on =ecord as denying the claims or any respon~i~ility. The City Attorney was requested to further check the subject matter,i Communication dated August 2,1956, was received from Mr. A. L. Schafer, tend- ering lis resignation'as a member and chakrman of the Personnel Board, effective August 15, 1956,.ao he was leavi:~g the City to take up rmmidence in Menlo Park. -At the request of Mayor RoZzi, the City Clerk read the communi- cation, after which Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the City Council regretfully accepted the resig- natior of Mr. 5chafer and that the City At=orney be instructed to prepare a certificate of merit and resolution for his services rendered to the City. Commurication dated July 26, 1956, was received from the South San Francisco Junior Chamberof Commerce requesting perm~ssion to hold its seCond annual Co~su£ity Fair and Industrial Exposition, with a further request that the necessary license and fees be waived, if possible, by the City. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the reques~ as ma~e be granted and the City waive the ~icensesand fees. CommuniCation dated July 24, 1956, was received from the State Compensation lnsursnce Fund, with which the City was forwarded a dividend check in the amount of $5,861.86, representing a refund on premiums paid for their policy year ending November 19, 1955. At the req]est of Mayor Rozzi, City Clerk Rodonck read the communication, after whic~ a brief discussion followed, at which time, Councilman Ryan commended the City employees for the part they played in curtailing accidents resulting i~ the refund. Mayor Rozzi remarked that i~ there were no objections, the comm'Anieation would be accepted and placed On file. No objections were registered. Inter-office memorandum dated August 16, 1956, was received from the office of Director of Public Works Goss, concerni~g the final map of South San Fran- cisco ~ndustrial Park No. 1, recommending its acceptance subject to various conditkons as enumerated. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no object- ions, 1;lis ~atter would be held over to th~ adjourned meeting of August 27, 1956, Lt 6:30 p.m. No objections wmre regtmt~, Briof discussion followed, at wheel time, it was announced that a study meeting would be held on Friday evening, August 24, 1956, at 7 p.m., conce~ning the subject matter, at which time k~ would be attended by members of th~ Planning Commission, City Council, representatives of the Haas-~Y~Utah Construction Company and department heads concerned. Further discussion followed, at which time, Councilman Lucchi. broug[~to the attention of Mr. Rus of the Haas-l~n~Utah Company the matter of blasting operations in the area, partic~larly mentioning the one which occurred on the previous Friday. Mr. Rus then explained the method by which the b~&sting operations were being handled, stating he would investigate the matter further, assuring the Council of his company's cooperation. Inter-office memorandum dated August 15, 1956, was received from the Director of Pub~kc Worke concerning a report of the final inspection of damage done by heavy =rucking on Parkway and Lux Avenue, recommending that Loma Linda Con- strucz~on Company be required to pay the ~ost of repairing which would amount to approximatelyten thousand dollars ($10,)00). Also received by the Mayor was a communication dated August 16, 1956, from the law offices of Bridgett Marcus, who explained their position with regard to their clients, Loma Linda Const:*uctions Company. Discussion followed, after which Mayor Rozzi remarked that kff there wero no objections, the Director of Public.Works would be struc~ec to proceed with the p~&on ~f the plans and specifications and the c~ing for bids to have tho work dono. He also requested that the letter from ~e Loma Linda Company be acknowledged and that thoy be informed of a meeting to be arranged t~umedtately concerning the matter. C0mmuakcation dated July 27, 1956, was received from William J. Adssievicz, Jr. reques=~ng a refund for the construction of a sewer lateral which he stated was never constructed. It was the recommendation of the Director of Public Works, ~fter checking, that the lateral apparently was not constructed and that ~ refund in the amount of $137.80 was due Mr. Adasiewicz. Councilman Rocca noved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that a rerun in the amount of $137.80 be made to Mr. A~asiewicz. PLANNING COM- Inter-office memorandum dated August 9, 1956, was received from the office of MISSION TERMS the City, Clerk, submitting the new seven member Planning Commission and REAPPOINTMENT OF giving the term expirations of each member. Included in the memorandum was ANITA ROBERTSON:ff0~ the suggestion of the City Attorney that Commissioner Anita Robertson fulfill the unexpired term of Peter Mazzanti and that Mr. Don Delaney fulfill the unexpired term of John Ferrari. Inasmuch as the term of Peter Mazzanti expired on Aug~s~ 1, 1956, and the term of John Ferrari expires on August 1, 1957, action would have to be taken by the Council on the term of Anita Robertson. Mayor ~ozzi then stated that he wished at this time to reappoint Mrs. Robertson for the ~erm specified. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regzlarly carried, that the appointment as made by the Mayor be confirmed. SCHWEINING REQUEST Inter-orifice memorandum dated August 10, 1956, was received from the Supt. of TO ATTEND Sanitation, Henry Schweining, requesting permission to attend the 29th annual CONFERENCE: ~O5~- conference of the National Federation of Sewage and Industrial Wastes Associations to be held in Los Angeles October 8 to 11, 1956, inclusive. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that permission as requested be granted. APPT.OF RALPH DAVIS, Mayor _~ozzi then requested that the next two items be taken up together. Both THOMAS SCANNELL, concerned personnel reports, the first being the probationary appointments of CYRIL ROSSI & Ralph ~avis, Thomas Scannell, Cyril Rossi and Gene Lazzari as maintenance men, GENE LAZZARI AS having ~een recommended to the position by the Acting Supt. of Public Works MAINTENANCE MEN:~-0ocDavid Corsiglia, subject to the satisfactory passing of the medical examination. The next.concerned the probationary appointments of John Monti as operator APFT. OF JOHN MONTI and Harry Johnson as relief operator at the Sewage Treatment Plant, as rec- & HARRY JOHNSON om~ended|by Supt. of Sanitation Henry Schweining, subject to the satisfactory AS SEWAGE TREATMENT passing of the medical examination. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by PLANT OPERATORS: ~00o CounciLaan Lucchio and regularly carried,'that the recommendation of the department heads involved in these appointLents be accepted and the men as mentioned be employed. MONTHLY REPORTS :'-' Monthly reports for the month of July were received from the City Clerk, Fire Department, Police Department and Libra~y,,also for the month of June from the County Health Department. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan a3d regularly carried, that the report as submitted be placed on file. TRANSFER OF FUNDS: Inter-office memorandum dated August 16, 1956, was received from the office of the Police Chief requesting a transfer of $1,500.00 from Department Projects to Training Expenses, in order that Inspector Fabbri might attend the 58th session of the FBI National Academy in Was~.Zngton, D. C. beginning August 27, 1956. Councilman Lucchio moved that the transfer of funds be approved. A brief ~t,scussion followed, after which Councilman Ryan seconded the motion which wa,s regularly carried. C~)OD AND WELFARE:~ CALLAN SIGN: ELECTION REGISTRATION RESOLUTION: COMMENDATION FP~)M COUNTY FAIR: Mayor 2ozzi then proceeded on to the matter of Good and Welfare, asking if any of t~e Council had anything they wishec to offer. Councilman Ryan asked what w~s being done concerning the removal of the Callan sign on Grand Avenue. City Attorney Lyons stated that a letter had been directed to that company requesting that it be removed. Councilman Ryan then spoke on thecoming November electiOn, stating that the number off registered voters in South San Francisco was low, although there was a daily increase of people moving into the City. He stated that he requested the City Attorney to prepare a resolution ~o be adopted at the next meeting of September 4, urging the people of South Sa~. Francisco to register. Councilman Lucchio then brought to the attention of those present the certifica! received!by the City from the San Mateo CoLnty Fair Association commending them for their outstanding showmanship in this event and remarked that the Council wished to express their thanks to Duane Ma~tison, Supt. of Parks and Recreation, and La:tretta Hussar, Librarian, and the mehbers of the City who participated, for their efforts in making this award possible. CALIF. P.T.A, COM SNDATION: Mayor .~ozzi then brought to the attention of the Council the California Congress of P.ToA. who are sponsoring a program for blind children in which a request was ma~e for volunteers to assist. He further requested that a letter be sent to thi~ organization commending them for tt.eir project. Councilman Ryan so ~oved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried. Mayor Rozzi re- marked that the letter would be written by his office. ADJOURNMENT: '--- Mayor ~ozzi then asked if anyone had anything further they w~mhed to offer undex Good a~d Welfare. There being none, the meeting was adJou~nsd until Monday, August 27,1956, at 6:30 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Time of adjournment: 9:20 p.m. APPROVED: