HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1957-01-07 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNC--L OF TBE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1957 PLACE: TIME: Council Chambers, City Hall 8:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 8:04 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEG- IANCE TO THE FLAG AND INVOCATION: Pledge of t,llegiance to the Flag was recited, after which invocation was given by the Reverend Rolph Conrad, Parkwood Methodist Church. ROLL CALL: Present: Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Francis Lucchio and Leo J. Ryan. MINUTES: Mayor Rozzi asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the regular meet- ing held December 17, 1956, as submitted. Councilman Rocca so moved, seconded by Councilmar Cortesi and regularly carried. Mayor Rozzi then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims as sub- mitted. Councilman Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried. SOUTH CANAL & MAYFAIR AVE. DIST. CLAIM: The City Clerk stated that in addition to the regular claims, there were other claims for which separate Council action should be taken. First was a claim made payable to the Crocker Anglo National Bank in ~he amount of $1,500.00 for paysent on work done on the South Canal and Mayfair Avenue Improvement District. Council- man Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the claim be approved for payment. SOUTH S. F, INDUSTRIAL PARK NO. I CLAIMS: The next three claims all concerned work done on South San Francisco Industrial Park No. 1. The first of the three claims was a claim from the Fay Improvement Company, dated December 31, 1956, for material on the site for future installation in the amount of $1,263.84. The next claim wax from the Fay Improvement Company dated Deces.ber 31, 1956, for work completed to date in the Industrial Park No. 1 in the amount of $65,546.38. The last claim was that of Wilsey & Ham dated Decembe~ 21, 1956, for engineering services in Industrial Park No. I in the amount of $11,394.0C. City Clerk Rodondi stated that a12 three claims carried the approval of the Director of Public Works. Councilman Rocca then moved, seconded by Councilml Lucchio ard regularly carried, that the three claims for Industrial Park No. I and the claim for South Canal & Mayfair Ave. Distr~ct be approved for payment, since the Public Works Director had approved them. RESOLUTION N0.2445 There beirg no public hearings, the Council then proceeded on to the matter of res- AGREEMENT WITH UTAH olutions. City Attorney Noonan explained the lirst resolution ready for Council CONSTRUCTION CO. RE SAN BRUNO SHOAL BORROW AREA--FILL: Action which concerned an agreement between the City and the Utah Construction Company relative to dredging fill from borrow area located on San Bruno Shoal. Aft~ the explanation, Councilman Ryan introduced 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY ~F SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING TH~ EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAID CITY AND THE UTAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, A UTAH CORPORATION, WITH RESPECT TO DREDGING ~ILL FROM BORROW AREA LOCATED ON SAN 3RUNO SHOAL." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. RESOLUTION N0.2446 ACCEPTANCE OF DEED MAGNOLIA SCHOOL: The next resolution as explained by the City A~torney concerned the acceptance of a deed to the Magnolia Avenue School property. After a brief explanation, Council- man Lucchio introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CItY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING A DEED FROM SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT TO THE CITY OF S¢CFH SAN FRANCISCO." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozz: Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. RESOLUTION NO. 2447 The last resolution concerned the execution of an agreement between the City and AGREEMENT WITH STATE the State Department of Public Works concerning the installation of traffic signals DIV. OF HIGHWAYS CAMARITAS & CHESTNUT AVENUES TRFFFIC SIGNAL: at Camaritas and Chestnut Avenues. After a bt:el explanation, Councilman Ryan introducei "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OY THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAID CITY AND THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF CILIFORNIA, WITH RESPECT TO INSTALLA- TION OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL SYSTEM AND HIGH~AY LIGHTING AT CAMARITAS AND CHESTN~ AVENUES." 11o11 call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio ard Ryan. TENTATIVE MAP There beiig no ordinances or unfinished business for Council action at this time, STARLITE INDUSTRIAL the Council then proceeded on to the matter of new business. Inter-office memoran- : SUBDI¥ISION~,7~. dum dated january 2, 1957, was received from the Planning Commission concerning the acceptance of the tentative map for the Starli:e Industrial Subdivision, subject to various enumerated conditions. Also received was an inter-office memorandum dated January 3, 1957, from the office of the City Manager concerning a protest to the Starlite tnbdivision as registered by the Western Iron Works in their communication dated Jannary 3, 1957, attached to the memorandum from the City Manager. Mayor Rozzi remarked that there were a number of problems that the Council had to study among which were drainage, zoning and a buffer strip and that if there were no ob- jections, this matter would be held over to a meeting which was to be arranged and attended ky all parties concerned. No objections were registered. ACCEPTANCE OF AMENDED MAP AIRPORT BLVD. INDUSTRIAL TRACT: Inter-office memorandum dated January 2, 1957, was received from the Planning Com- mission, recommending the acceptance of the amended map of Airport Boulevard Industrial Tract, provided proper notations were included on the map to clarify the re-subdivision. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planniag Commission be accepted. RESOLUTION NO. 2448 TENTATIVE MASTER PLAN FOR SMALL CRAFT HARBOR: ,f~, ~ MATH-MANN COMPANY (CHAS. E. HOFFMAN) USE PERMIT: FOSTER & KLEISER USE PERMIT: OSCAR BOROVICK use PERMIT: f S ABANDONMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES EASEMENT--PARKWAY TERRACE NO. 3: _~t~ EDITH L. 'MILLS CLAIM: SAN MATEO COUNTY ADVISORY PLANNING COUNCIL: MASTER PLAN-- APPLICATION FOR FEDERAL AND STATE PARTICIPATION: FINAL ACCEPTANCE FRANCISCO STORM DRAIN:fc, C~ CHESTNUT-CAMARITAS- EL CAMINO REAL TRAFFIC SIGNAL AGREEMENT: .~),~ Resolution No. 669 was received from the Planning Commission, as adopted at their regular adjourned meeting held December 27, 1956, adopting a tentative master plan for small craft harbor as part of the master plan of the City. City Attorney Noonan stated that since it had come from the Planning Commission and was properly certified to the Council, a resolution should be adopted by the Council setting a public hearing, and that if it were agreeable to the Council, zhis public hearing could be set for the next regular meeting to be held on the 21st of January, 1957, at 8 o'clock. Councilman Lucchio then introduced "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO ADOPT A TENTATIVS MASTER PLAN FOR A SMALL CRAFT HARBOR AS PART OF THE MASTER PLAN FOR THE CITY AND ORDERING BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF A HEARING THEREFOR.'* Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, Lucchio and Ryan. Use Per~li~ Resolution No. 670, as applied for by Charles E. Hoffman of the Math-Mann Company, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending that per~ssion be granted to allow parking in the fifty-foot buffer zone so that the adjacent property could be used for future expansion. Mayor Rozzi re- marked ~at if there were no objections, this matter would be held over, togethe~ with the Starlite Industrial Subdivision, at which time both matters would be ~aken up. A brief discussion followed, at which time, Mr. Louis Poletti spoke concerning the Use Permit. Use Perni= Resolution No. 672, as applied for by Foster and KleiNer Company, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be granted for the construction of one 12 ft. x 25 ft. back-to-back outdoor advertising structure located on E1 Camino Real, 495 feet on Country Club Drive. Permission was gra~=ed for the period of one year. Co~ncilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilnan Ryan, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. Councilnan Ryan stated that in seconding the motion, he was in favor of grant- ing it lot one year, but that if it came up again for renewal at the expiration date, he vould vote "no" on its being granted. Motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. Use Pern~ Resolution No. 673, as applied for by Oscar Borovick, was received from the Planning Commission~ recommending the granting of permission for a steel scrap yard to be located on Harbor ~ay, subject to various enumerated conditions. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried. ~hat the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. Inter-off~ce memorandum dated December 20, 1956, wam received from the Planning Commiss~on, recommending that abandonment proceedings be started for the public u;~lity easements located in Block 2, Parkway Terrace No. 3. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan ani regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. Notice off Claim for Damages for Personal Injury, Medical Expenses and Loss of Wages was received from the law offices of Truce and Veal, attorneys for Edith L. Mills, 816 Circle Court, making the clal~ in her behalf. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the claim be denied and the matter sent to the City's insurance carrier. Communic~tion dated December 24, 1956, was received from the San Mateo County Advisory Planning Council, requesting that the Council authorize Director of Public "orks Louis Goss to participate on a~ engineering advisory committee, composed of City engineers and the County Engineer. Councilman Ryan moved~ seconded by Councilman Rocca and regular carried, that Director of Public Works LouLs Goss be appointed to become a member of this Engineering Advisory Committee. Inter-offff~ce memorandum dated December 19, 1956, was received from the office of the Ckty Manager submitting a report with regard to the City's making an applica~Lon for Federal and State participation in the preparation of a Master Plan fo~ the City. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the report be accepted and placed on file and that the City Manager be instructed to proceed with the negotiations with the County ~or the development of the Master Plan and ascertain the costs and time element LL making up the plan. Communieation dated December 31, 1956, was received from McGuire and Hester, requesting final acceptance as of December 31, 1956, of the storm drain in Francisco Terrace which was constructed by their firm. It was recommended by the Director of Public Works in his memorandum dated January 2, 1957, that final acceptance of this work be made, subject to various provisions at this time. Mr. Goss verbally recommended that the usual ten percent be withheld subject ~o the checking of the results of the seeding and planting. He further stated that the contractor had employed a nursery man to plant shrubbery and to seed ~he lots and that it was part of the nursery man~s duties to care for these lawns and water them until they properly germinate into a growing state. He recormended that the ten percent be withheld for thirty-five days, at which time he would again make a report to the City Council as to the acceptance of the plar.~ing on the properties. Councilman locca moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio ~nd regularly carried, that the City proceed in accordance with Mr. Goss's reKarks. Communication dated December 14, 1956, was r~ceived from the Division of Highways concerning the installation of a traffic signal at Chestnut and Camaritas on E1Camino Real and signing of t2e necessary agreement. Inter- office ~.e~orandum dated December 19, 1956, was received from Director of Public Works Goss, recommending the adoption of the resolution approving the agreement with the State to provide for joint financing of traffic signal facilities at this :ntersection. Inasmuch as previous ~ouncil action in adopting a res- olution took care of this matter, no further action was necessary. FAY TAYLOR RESIGNATION: ARTHUR TRIPLETT RESIGNATION: WM. P. BRILL APPT, AS ASST. ENGINEER:c FRANK SOLTIS APPOINTMENT: SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT CHIEF OPERATOR EXAMINATION: MARIE BRANDFASS SICK LEAVE: JACQUELINE GISLER APPOINTMENT:~C©C ATTILIO GIOitGI APPOINTMENT AS CUSTODIAN:.pjO, OO VIC ROSA APPT. AS RECREATION COM.: SOUTH S.F. ROD AND GUN CLUB REQUEST TO GRADE: MONTHLY REPORT: COMMENDATION FROM CONGRESSMAN J o ARTHUR YOUNGER: GOOD AND WELFARE: SOUTHERN CROSSING: (S. F. BAY) ~/~l PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM: ,~l Inter-ofiice memorandum dated December 21, 1956, was received from Fay Taylor submitting her resignation as P.B.X. Opera~or for the City, as of December 31, 1956. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carriei, that the resignation as submitted be accepted. Inter-office memorandum dated December 18, 1956, was received from Arthur W. Triplett tendering his resignation as Main~enance Man in the Street Department effective immediately. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the resignation as submitted be accepted. Inter-office memorandum dated December 19, 1956, was received from Director of Public Works Louis Goss, advising of the temporary appointment of William P. Brill as Assistant Engineer in his department. Councilman Ryan moved, secon(ed by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the temporary appoi~tment of William P. Brill be made wi:h the stipulation that the salary would be $481.00 per month, commencing Jan'lary 1, 1957. Inter-office memorandum dated December 19, 1956, was received from the Super- intendent of Sanitation recommending the probationary appointment of Frank Soltis as Relief Operator at the Sewage Treatment Plant. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Lucchio and regularly carried, that the appoint- ment as made be accepted. Inter-office memorandum dated December 24, 1956, was received from the office of the City Manager recommending the establishment of a position to be known as Chief Operator for the Sewage Treatment Plant and that a promotional exam- ination be held for the position. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Council~an Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommenda~on be accepted. Communication dated December 12, 1956, was received from Library Clerk Marie Brandfass, requesting two days sick leave be granted to her. Accompanying the memorandum was an inter-office memorandum ffrom Librarian Lauretta Hussar dated December 30, 1956, concerning the subject :hatter. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconaed by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the request be granted. Inter-office memorandum dated January 7, 1957, was received from the office of the City Manager, which, although not on the agenda, notified the Council of the employment of Jacqueline Gisler as ~.B.X. Operator on a temporary basis pending the holding of an examination and ;he establishment of an eligible 1~ t. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carriec, that the recommendation of the City Manager be accepted. Inter-office memorandum dated December 19, 1956, was received from the Personnel Board notifying that at the meeting held November 15, 1956, Attilio Giorgi appeared before the Board for his oral examination for ouetOdian for the City.and received a rating of 76.4 percent. It further notified that the required medical examination had been passed. Councilman Lucchio moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the appointment of Mr. Giorg: be accepted. At this time, Mayor Rozzi remarked that he would like to appoint Vic Rosa to the Recreation Commission to replace Mr. Glen Smith who resigned because of moving from the City. Counci:lsmn Rya, n moved, seconded by COuncilman Rocca and regnlarly carried, that the Mayor's appointment of Vic Rosa as a member of the Recreation Commission be confirmed. Commun~cation dated January 7, 1957, was r~ceived from the South San Francisco Rod and Gun Club indicating that they are ready to grade the land which was lntenaed for the location of their building. Councilman Lucchio moved, sec- onded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the permit be approved subjec: to all the conditions as set forth by the Director of Public Works, the work to be done under his supervision. CommuL:cation dated December 26, 1956, was received from the San Mateo County Departnent of Public Health and Welfare, transmitting their report for the month of November, 1956. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the communication be accepted and placed on file. At th:s time, a communication as received from Congressman J. Arthur Younger and addressed to the Mayor, commending the City for their recent safety award, was read by the City Clerk. Councilman Ryan commended the Police Chief and members of his staff for making this award to the City possible. Mayor Rozzi then asked if any of the Council had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. Councilman Cortesi mentioned that employees who were absent from their duties because of illness should bring a doctor's certiff~cate to substantiate this absence. Mayor Rozzi instructed the City Manager to follow through on this matter. CounciLman Ryan spoke briefly on the southern crossing, stating that he now noted =hat the Army Street location was no longer being considered as a site but that a location somewhere on the Penimsula had been given consideration, which was in keeping with a statement previously ~ade by him. He also men- tioned that some action should be taken on the improvement of the public address system in the Council chambers. Counc~knan Rocca mentioned that an item which he had brought to the attention of the Council at their recent study session concerning some of the streets within the City had been taken care of. AUDI E NCE GOOD & WELFARE: SERRA-HIGHLANDS IMPROVEMENT ASSN. LETTER: ADJOURNMENT There being no further items from the Council, Mayor Rozzi asked if anyone in the audience had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. Mr. Skulsky, a resident of Eucalyptus Avenue, s~oke on the traffic signals at Chestnu~ and E1Camino Real, requesting that the Council do everything within their power to expedite the installation so that fatal accidents will be ~prevented at that locale. The Council assured him that they were going to do everything possible to expedite this matter, and instructed the City Manager to follow through. Mr. Mor~on Dobrow, an officer of the Serra-Highlands Improvement Association then read to the Council a letter dated January 7, 1957, from his group, over the signa~ure of M. L. Woodward, Corresponding Secretary, extending their thanks ~o the Mayor, Council Members and City departments for the cooperation received mn the past year. He also brought up several items on which they requested Council attention concerning matters of drainage, transportation and recreational activities within the subdivis~on. Aft®r discussion, the Council members remarked that they were aware of the prob~®~s but that it would take a little ti:~e and study to take care of them. There being no further business, Mayor Rozz~ asked if there was a motion to adjourn until the next regular meeting of January 21, 1957, at 8 o'clock p.m. Council~an Ryan so moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried. Time of adjournment: 8:54 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED,