HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1957-08-05REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1957 TIME: PLACE: 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 8:02 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND INVOCATION: Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which invocation was given by Reverend Barber of St. Elizabeth'=. Episcopal Church. ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: Mayor G. J. Rozzi and Councilmen Andrew Rocca, ~lilio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan Councilman Francis Lucchio MI NUTES: Mayor ~ozzi asked if there were anY errors, omissions or corrections to the minute~ of the regular meeting of July 15, 1957 and the special meeting of July 2S, 1957. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regu- larly carried, that the minutes be approved as submitted. CLAIMS: Mayor Rozzi then asked if there was a motion approving claims as submitted for paymeEt. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carrie~, that the claimm be approved as su~mitted. 80UTH SAN FRANCISCO PAIII~G DISTRICT 19S5-1 PUBLIC HEARING: Mayor Rozzi then proceeded on to the matte~ of public hearings, taking up first the So,th San Francisco Parking District 1955-1. He called on Mr. Scampini, present in the audience, representing the ~usinessme~ who requested that the matter be continued to the next regular Co~lncil meeting inasmuch as all of the information concerning the appraisal repor=s had not yet been received. Mayor Rozzi opened the public hearing, after which Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Co~r. cilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the hearing be continued until the regular meeting of August 19, 1957, at 8 p.m. WEED ABATEMENT PUBLIC HEARING: The next public hearing concerned the matt-r of weed abatement. Ma~or Rozzi opene~ the hearing, after which he asked iffany written protests had been re- ceive~, to which the City Clerk replied nome had been received by his office. Mayor Rozzi then asked ff there were any or~l protests. None were registered. Council.man Ryan then moved, seconded by Co-Ancilman Cortesi and regularly car- ried, ttat the hearing be closed. RESOLUTION NO. 2503 ORDERING REMOVAL OF WEEDS: Processing on to the matter of resolutions, City Attorney Noonsn explained the first -kich had been prepared for Council ~ction and concerned the removal of weed~ from private properties. After a brief explanation, Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OFT HE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO ORDERING REMOVAL OF WEED8 FROM PARCELS OF PRIVATBPROPERTY.' Roll call vote -ks as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortosi and Ryan. Absent: Councilman Francis Lucchio. RESOLDTION NO. 2504 City ~ttorney Noonan briefly explained the next resolution concerning the ac- ACCEPTANCE OF ceptance of a revocable permit from the Ci';y and County of San Francisco. Afro: REVOCABLE P~RiflT FROM the o--planation, Councilman Ryan introduce~: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL S.F.WATER DEPT.: OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ACCEPTING A REVOCABLE PERMIT FROM THE SAN ~..,.~--~-/'~ FRANC:SCO WATER DKPARTHElfr OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO". Roll call vote -~ as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Roz~i, Rocca, Cortesi and Ryan. Absent: Counck~ln Francis Lucchio. RESOLUTION NO. :2505 IMPROVEMENT BONDS AIRPORT BLVD. INDUSTRIAL TRACT: The n-xt resolution concerned the issuance of improvement bonds on Airport Boulevard Industrial Tract. After the explanation by the City Attorney, Coun- cilmaL Rocca introduced: 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF $OUT SAN F~,~Ci$CO PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE O~ IMPROVEMENT BOND8 IN CONNECTION WITH ?~ AIRPORT BOULEVARD INDUSTRIAL TRACT." Roll call vote vas as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rozzi, ROcca, Cortosi and Ryan. Absent: Councilman Francis LucchLo. RESOLUTION NO. 2506 GRANTING OF GRADING PERMIT- INDUSTRIAL PARK NO. 3: .j~_~ The next resolution as explained by the City Attorney concerned the granting of a grading permit in Industrial Park No. 3 to the Utah Company. Councilman Ryan kntroduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO GRANTING APPLICATION FOR GRADING IN INDUSTRIAL PAR~ #3." Roll call vote -~s as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Ccrtesi and Ryan. Absent: Counck~.an Francis Lucchio. RESOLUTION NO. 2507 AMENDING ZONING HAM PROPERTY:~_~ ~ The no:t resolution concerned the resolution of intention to rezone property owned by L. B. Ham at the intersection of Hickey Boulevard and E1Camino Real. After explanation by the City Attorney, Codnc~lman Rocca introduced: "A RESOL- UTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S~UTHSANFRANCISCO D~C~.ARING ITS INTENd. iON TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 353 SO AS TO REZONE PARCEL BORDERED BY WINSTO~ MANOR #1, HICKKY BOULEVARD AND EL ~AMINO REAL KNOWN A~ THE HAM PROPERTY SO AS TO REZONE FROM R-3 TO C-1ANDSETTIKG THE REQUIRED PUBLIC HEARING." Roll c~[1 vote was as follows: Ayes: Cour~cilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi and Ryan Abmon=: Councilman Francis Lucch~o. RESOLUTION NO. 3508 VACATING OF Bi H AVE : { After explanation of the next resolution by the City Attorney concerning the vacatkoL of a portion of Birch Avenue, Cotncilmsn Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTI0 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO VACA~ A PORTION OF A PUBLIC ROADWAY OL THORODGHFARE DEDICATED TOTHE CITY OF SO-F~I~ SAN FRANCISCO AND KNOWN AS 'BIRCF AVENUE'." Roll call vote was as folloq~: Ayes: Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Oortosi and Ryan. Absent: Council- man F.~ncis Lucchio. RE~OLUTION NO. 2509 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF WINSTON .OS #1 SANITARY SEWER AGREEMENT: 50 0 The resolution concerning the authorisat~on of an agreement regarding the Winston Manor #1 sanitary sewer was next explained by the City Attorney, after which Councilman Rocca introduced: '*A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT REGARDING WINSTON MANOR #1 SANITARY SEWE2." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: ~ouncilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi aid Ryan. Absent: Councilman Lucchio. RESOLUTION NO. 2510 MEMORANDUM OF AGREE, MENT WITH STATE FOR EXPENDITURE OF ENGINEERING FUNDS: .I. The next resolution concerned the approv~l of a memorandum of agreement with the State for the expenditure of engineering funds. After explanation by the City Attorney, Councilman Cortesl in=reduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCIS.~O ADOPTING BUDGET AND APPROVING HElf~EANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED UNDER SECTION 2107. ~ OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAYS ~0DE." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi, and Ryan. Absent: Councilman Lucchio RESOLUTION NO. 2511 IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH H. DIAS: The '-sst resolution for Council action was a resolution in memory of Joseph H. D~s, deceased, an employee of the St~-eet Department of the City. After expLhnation by the City Attorney, Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF ?l~K CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH H. DIAS, AN EMPLOYEE OF THE STREET DEPARTME,qT OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO Rol~ call vote was as follows: Ayes: Co~ncilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Cortesi and Ryan. Absent: Councilman Lucchio. ORDINANCE FIXING REQUIRED REVENUE FROM PROPERTY TAXES FOR F1 SCAL YEAR 19 57- 58: JAMES CHRI STENSEN AND JOHN GARDNER APPOINTMENTS AS PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Proceeding on' to the matter of ordinance~, City Attorney Noonan explained the ord'~nce which had been prepared for the first reading and introduction at this l.eeting and concerned the fixing of the amount of revenue required from prope_-ty taxes for the fiscal year 1957-58. After explanation, Councilman Ryan ~.oved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the ord~nLnce be introduced by the reading of title only and the detailed readin~ be w~ved. City Attorney Noonan then read the title of the ordinance, after whio..~ it was introduced by Councilman Rc~ca. Procepding on to new business, Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no ob- Jec%ions, he would like at this time to appoint the following Planning Com- missioners: James Christensen - to replace the unexpired term of Frank Eserini John Gardner - to replace the unexpired term of Loui~ Silvas Councilman Cortesi then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly car- ried, that the appointments as made by 1;he Mayor be confirmed and accepted. TEEN-AGE ADVISORY COUNCIL: The Council then took up the matter of %he Mayor's Teen-Age Advisory Council, Coun~ilman Ryan briefly explained tho f~nctions of this group and the personf who would compose it, giving the names ~s follows: Seniors Betty Harte, Saner- Pidcoke and John Orchard; Junior~ Shirley Crotty and Diane Vallerga; Sop~o'uores Roger Moore and Ted De Wilde. Councilman Ry&n then moved that the s~ven names read be accepted as the Teen-Age Advisory Council for the comin~ year. Councilman Rocca seconded the motion which was regularly car- riel. ACCEPTANCE OF., PREMIUM RETURN CHECK FROM STATE COMPENSA- TION INSURANCE FUND: Tho next item for Council attention com:orned the acceptanc'e of a dividend chock from the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Mayor Rossi called on Mr. Eugene Saylor, present in the audience from the State Compensation Insurance FuEl, to read a communication from his office dated July 15, 1957, explain- ing that the refund in the amount of $9,714.92 represented a return of 60 percent of the predum for this year. 3e further explained that the refund waf'¢ue to the a~oomplishment of city employees because of lema personnel abs e£teeism, after which explanation he presented Mayor Rossi wt~h s check in'the aforementioned amount. Councilm, n Ryan commended the City Manager ant the department heads for their actions in making this refund possible an& expressed his personal thankm to them. RODRIGUEZ CLAIM: CI~ for damages was received from the law office of Albert Picard, filed in behalf of John and Grace Rodriguez, for damages alleged to have occurred as L result of a back-up in the sewer line into their home at 102 C~aremont Aven~e. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the claim be denied and r~ferred to the City's insurance carri. JET COMMITTEE Co~'~nication dated July 25, 1957, was received from Don Delaney, chairman of =~o Jet Committee, stating that his ~ommittee would present their report fei' consideration by the Council on the matter of Jet aircraft. Mayor Rozzi th~a called on Don Delaney who presented his report, reading from it with expkLnations on the prepared map concerning the take-off pattern over the City of South San Francisco and other portin®nt information on Jet airliners Al=er he had completed his explanation, he turned his report and maps over to =l,e Mayor for keeping by the cityo He then called on John Breed for cmt~ents and an explanation on a transcript of the meeting held june 12, 195 bec-eon representative8 of the airport and persons interested in the jet ai=c~aft. After Mr. Breed had commented from his prepared statement, he likewise turned it over to Mayor Rossi for filing by the City. Mr. Breed the~ called on Mr. Skulsky, who gave hi8 comments on the danger which ox=s%ed from the jet aircraft. After the committee had completed thei~ ex- pl-nLtions and comments, Mayor Rossi t[anked them for the excellent report wh=c~ they had prepared, commending them for their fine study and survey. Ho :further remarked that the Council would waste no time in the matter but wo~ld undertake an immediate study of the recommendations and suggestions and ~hat in all probability a study meeting would be held during the week. No f~rther action was taken at this t~.e by the City Council. GASOLINE CONTRACT AWARD TO STANDARD OIL CO. OF CALIF.: In, er office memorandum dated July 31, 1957, was received from the City Man~er concerning a compilation of gasoline bids for the year 1957, recom- mending that the contract be awarded to the low bidder, Standard Oil Compan~ of C~lifornia. Councilman Ryan then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca an( re~2larly carried, that the bid of Standard 0il Company of California .be accepted as specified in the memorandu~ and compilation of the City.M~nager and %hat the award be made to StandardJOil Company for ~he coming year. / STORM DRAIN INSTALLATION HAMLIN PROPERTY: Com, .~nication dated July 30, 1957, was received from the Hamlin Company, req~ting permission to install a 72-inch storm drain on their property in the -tnston Manor shopping center at the corner of Hickey Boulevard and E1 CLB ins Real. Accompanying this Commu~ication was a memorandum from the offJ,ce of Director of Public Works Louis Goss dated July 30, 1957, concern- lng tls subject matter, recommending that the city authorize the installation of tl.e mentioned storm drain with the provision that the work be done under the s~pervislon of his office, plans and specifications having already bem subs ktted by the property owner. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Coun- c41el.n Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of P~blic Works be accepted. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT WITH DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS FOR EXPENDITURE OF ENGINEERING FUNDS: Comu~nication dated July 18, 1957, was received from the Division of Highways whicL was accompanied by a memorandum from Director of Public Works Goss dates July 29, 1957, concerning the Memorandum of Agreement for the expend- iture of engineering allocation for the city streets during the year 1957-58. It w&s the recommendation of the Director of Public Works that the Memorandum of Agreement be approved. Since this matter had been previously taken care of by the adoption of a resolution, no farther Council action was taken at PERMANENT APPOINT- MENTS OF SCANNELL, ROSSI, DAVI~ AND GIANELLI: ~,--~ 0 Recoh~endations were received from Acting Supt. of Public Works Dave Corsigli~ reco~mending the permanent appointments of the following: PLilip Scannell Cyril Rossi R&lph Davis V~ctor Gianelli - i~tntenance Man - effective July 10, 1957 - " ~ - ' July 2, 1957 - " " - " July 2, 1957 - La]2orer - " April 16, 1957 CouLcilman Ryan moved, ~econded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of 2he Acting Su~t. of Public Works be accepted. PROBATIONARY Int~ office memorandum dated July 22, 1957, was received from the office of APPOINTMENTS OF the Police Chief advising of the probationary appointments of Audry Dale AUDRY SHELTON AND SheL=on and Jesse Thompson Wallen as police officers, as of July 22, 1957. JESSE WALLEN AS CouLcJ. lman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, POLICE OFFICERS~0~ 0 that the recommendation of the Police Chief be accepted. MONTHLY REPORTS: Mont;hly reports were received as follows: C~ty Clerk- - month ~f June 1957 Po~ndkeeper - " " " S&£ Mates County Health Dept.- " " Bu=lding Inspector - '* July 1957 Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, these reports would be Lccepted and placed on file. No objections were registered. GOOD AND WELFARE: DEFICIENCIES IN BAUER-LESSER' S BUR1 BUR1 #3: Cou~cklman Ryan asked as to the progress being made on the matter of the Bauer-Lesser tract in Buri Buri #3. Director of Public Works Louis Goss expk~kned a meeting which had been held with the engineer for the Bauer-Lesse Comp&ny, at which time the memorandum as prepared by Hr. Goes concerning the ~kst of deficiencies had been discussed. City Attorney Noonan remarked than those items which the engineers could agree upon would be taken care of firs~ and those which could not be agreed upon would have to be discussed later. PARKING ON OLD MISSION ROAD BETWEEN CHESTNUT AVE. AND SEQUOIA AVENUE: CouLcglman Correct brought to the atten~on of the Council the verbal agree- menz concerning the prohibiting of parking on Old Mission Road between Chestnut Avenue and Sequoia Avenue which had been agreed upon at the time of zhe improvement work. He then moved that tho City Attorney be instructed to pr,,pare the necessary legislation to ~revent parking on Old Mission Road betw,,en Chestnut and Sequoia ~enues. (~ounctlman Ryan seconded the motion, after which discussion took place as to whether or not the matter should firs~ be given study before offtclal action was taken. Coum~ilman Cortest then ! eyed, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried that the Chief of Po2tce, City Janager and City Englnee~ make a study and report of the matz-r with recommendations to be submitted. CLEANING UP OF SERRA HIGHLANDS SHOPPING AREA: The~e being no further business under Good and Welfare from members of the CouLcLl, Mayor Rozzi asked if anyone in the audience had anything they wished to offffer. Mrs. Hammond, present in the ~udience, asked the City Manager if any reply had been received from Mr. Mci[eon, the developer of Serra-Highlanct8 rolL,Lye to the cleaning upof the area in the shopping district. City Man~ger Aiello replied that he had written to Mr. McKeon and followed up with a telephone call and ns informed that t2ey would take care of the matter. Mr. ~,Lello then advised Mr. McKeon that if he did not take the necessary step& to clean up the area, the city would do so and bill him for the work. Mr. ,Lolls then briefly remarked on the ~lan for King Drive in which the resLdents of Serra Highlands were intore~ted. VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS YOUTH ACTIVITY AND BUILDING PROGRAM: Mr. Goggin, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, briefly spoke concern- ing =he support needed by hie ol'ganisatt~n from the citizens of the COmmunity in =hsir youth activity and fu.p~hering t~eir building program, He also re- quec%ud the issuance of a proclamation from the Council to assist them in this venture. Councilman Ryan then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and reg~LLrly carried, that the Ms, proclaim the period fr~m August 6 to Sep~ber 6, 1957, as Veteran~ of Fer®ig~ Wars Youth Month, with the approp- ria%- proclamation to be prepared. Cou~c'-lman Ryan then moved, seconded by :ounctlman Rocca and regularly car- risc, that the meeting be adjourned until Augmst 19, 1957, at 8 p.m. Time of adjournment - 9:32 p.m. ENGINEERING FUNDS: It was the recommendation of the Dlrector of Publlc Works that the Memorandm of Agreement be approved. Since this matter had been previously taken care of by the adoption of a resolution, no further Council action was taken at this time. PERMANENT APPOIHT- BENTS OF SCANNELL, ROSSI, DAVIS AND GIANELLI: ~ ~ ~ ~ Recommendations were received from Acting Supt. of Public Works Dave Corsigl: rocommendin~ the permanent appointments of the following: Philip Scannell Cyril Rossi Ralph Davis Victor Gianelli - M~tntenance Man - effective July 10, 1957 - " ' - " July 2, 1957 - " " - " July 2, 1957 - laborer - " April 16, 1957 Councilman Ryan moved, meconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Acting Supt. of Public Works be accepted. PROBATIONARY Inter office memorandum dated July 22, 1957, was received from the office of APPOINTMENTS OF the Police Chief advising of the probationary appointments of Audry Dale AUDRY SHELTON AND Shelton and Jesse Thompson Wallen as police officers, as of July 22, 1957. JESSE WALLEN AS Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, POLICE OFFICERS~0 ~ 0 that the recommendation of the Police Chief be accepted. MONTHLY REPORTS: Monthly reports wore received as follows: City Clerk- - month of June 1957 Poundkeeper - '* '* " San Marco County Health Dept.- Building Inspector - ** July 1957 Mayor Rossi remarked that if there were no objections, these reports would be accepted and placed on file. No objections were registered. GOOD AND WELFARE: DEFICIENCIES IN BAUER-LESSER' S BUR1 BUR1 #3: Councilman Ryan asked as to the progress being made on the matter of the Bauer-Lesser tract in Burl Burl #3. Director of Public Works Louis Goss explained a meeting which had been held with the engineer for the Bauer-Lose Company, at which time the memorandum as prepared by Mr. Goss concerning the list of deficiencies had been cLtscussed. City Attorney Noonan remarked that those items which the engineers could agree upon would be taken care oJ first and those which could not be agreed upon would have to be discussed later. PARKING ON OLD MISSION ROAD BETWEEN CHESTNUT AVE. AND SEQUOIA AVENUE: Councilman Cortesi brought to the atten~ on of the Council the verbal agree- ment concerning the prohibiting of parking on Old Mission Road between Chestnut Avenue and Sequoia Avenue which had been agreed upon at the the of the improvement work. He then moved that tho City Attorney be instructe( to prepare the necessary legislation to prevent parking on Old Mission Road between Chestnut and Sequoia Avenues. Councilman Ryan seconded the motion, after which discussion took place as to whether or not the matter should first bo given study before official action was taken. Couecilman Cortesi then moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried that the Chie~ of Police, City Manager and City En~ineermake a study and report of the matter with recommendations to be submitted. CLEANING UP OF SERRA HIGHLANDS SHOPPING AREA: There being no further business under Good and Welfare from members of the Council, Mayor Roszi asked if anyone in the audience had anythin~ they wish, to offer. Mrs. Hammond, present in the audience, asked the City Manager if any reply had boon received from Mr. McKeon, the developer of Serra-Highlan, relative to the cleaning up of tho irma in the shopping district. City Manager Aiello replied that he had written to Mr. McKeon and followed up a telephone call and was informed that they would take care of the matter. Mr. Aiollo then advised Mr. McKeon that if he did not take the necessary steps to clean up the irma, the city would do so and bill h~m for the work. Mr. Aiollo then briefly remarked on the plan for King Drive in which the residents of S~rra Highlands were interested. VKTKRANS OFFOREIGN WARS YOUtH ACTIVITY AND BUILDING PROGRAM: Mr. Goggin, representing the Veterans of Foreign Wars, briefly spoke concer~ ing the support needed by his organisatton from the citizens of the communi' in their youth activity and fu~tbring their building program, He also re- quested the issuance of a proelamatios from the Council to assist them in this venture. Councilman Ryan then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that tho Mayo~pro~la~m the period from August 6 to September 6, 1957, as Veterans of Foreign Wars Youth Month, with the approp riate proclmtion to be prepared. Councilman Ryan then moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly car- ried, that the mooting be adjourned until Aus~mt 19, 1957, at 8 p.m. ADJOURNMENT: / ..... T4ue of adjournment - 9:32 p.m, city clerk APPROVE~..~~~_. ~~., RESOLUTION NO. 2511 A ~SOLUTION OF TBE CITY COUNCIL OF TF~ CITY OF SO~H SAN FRANCISCO IN ~EMORY OF JOSEPH H. DIAS, A~ 2~PLOYEE OF THE STREET DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ~HERRAS, it has pleased Almighty God in His infinite wisdom to remove from our midst JOSEPH H. DIAS, and WHEREAS, Mr. Dl&s, a native of California, was a resident of the City of South San Francisco, State of California, and WHEREAS, Mr. Diks was employed by the Street Department of the City of South San Francisco from the 15th d~y of April 1946 until his untimely ~eath on t~a 12th day of June 1957, and WHEREAS, said J~Sl H. DIAS, as a loyal and faithful public servant, contributed greatly, by untiring effort , to the upbuilding and improvemeLt of the City of South San Francisco, and NOW, THEREFORE, that this City Council to his fmaily in their IT RE~OLVED by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco the passing of JOSEPH H. DIAS ~nd extends its sincere sympathy of sorrow. BE IT FURTHER that this resolution be spread upon the official minutes of this City Council and th~= a copy thereof together with a par:h~ent certificate of merit be sent to the wife of JO8~]~ H. DIAS. ' introduced and a a regular meetin AYES: NOGS: None ABSENT: I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was regularly by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco at held this 5th day of August, 1957, by the following vote: G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, F~ikio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan Francis Lucchio ATTEST: ~ity Clerk