HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1957-10-07REGULAR NEttING OF THE CITY CO~flqCIL OF THE CITY OF 80UTH 8AN FRANC'_8CO HELD MONDAY, OCTOBgR 7, 1957 TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDgR: PLg~GE OF ALLEGIANCE TO FLAG & INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: ROGER WILLIAMS SCHOOL VISITORS: MINUTgS: CLAIMS: ORVILLE DECKER CLAIM - OFF-STREET PARKING DISYRICT NO. 1: 5 51 .5'01'3 FAY IMPROVEMENT COIfl~ANY CLAIM - INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 1: VACATION OF PORTION OF BIRCH AVENUE PUBLIC HEARING: HORNER-BONINO ANNEXATION PUBLIC HEARING: RES. OF INTENTION TO AMEND ORD #353 PUBLIC HEARING: RESOLUTION NO. 2526 REQUESTING SAN NATKO COUNTY SUPERVISORS TO ADD RKPRESENTfI'IV~ TO CHARTER STUDY COiflflTTEE: ' ,5-~) ~ ~ UNITED CRUSADE WEEK PROCLAMATION: PINEVIKW CREST SUBDIVISION APPROVAL OF FINAL MAP: 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall Th~ meeting was called to Order by Mayor Rozzi at 8:05 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which invocationwas givez by bverend Harry Larson of the FirSt Baptist Church. Presen=: Councilmen G. J. Rozzt, Andrew Rocca, Eailio Cortesi and Leo J. Ryan Ab~e~t: Councilman Francis Lucchio Mayor Rozzi at this time announced that present in the audience were the 8th grade students of the Roger Williams School, along with their teacher, stattn~ that t~is class was presently studying ckvic government and were here to observe the City Council in their work. He then introduced the teacher and each off the students, after which he remarked that it was a pleasure to have their attendance this evening. Mayor ~ozzi asked if there were any erroTs, omission or corrections to the minutem of the regular meeting of September 16, 1957. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regul~,rly carried, that the minutes be approved as submitted. Mayo_~ ~tozzi asked if there was a motion &pproving the regular claims as sub- mitted. Councilman Rocca moved, seconde~ by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the regular claim be approved, with the exception of the claim of Sequoia Equipment Company in tho amouLt of $1,677.91, since an attachment had been levied a~aingt it. The :~nctl then took up the claim of Orville Decker in the amount of $750.00 for ~resenting an appraisal report rendered for real property within the off-qtreet Parking District No. 1. Councilman Rocca suggested that this clai~ be held for the Parking Authority to bo Lppointed. He then moved that the claim ~e held in abeyance. Councilman Ryan seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. The last claim for Council action was the claim of Fay Improvement Company representing 10~ retention monies duo' on work performed in Industrial Park Unit .(o. 1 in the amount of $23,780.60. Councilman Rocca asked the Director of Pu2~ic Works if it was ready for approval, to which he replied that it was, the claim being due and payable at this time. Councilman Rocca moved, sec- onded by Councilman Ryan and regularly c~rrted, that the clail be paid in accorcb~nce with the approval of the Director of Public Works. Proceeding on to public hearings, Mayor P~zzi first took up the vacation of a portkon of Birch Avenue, this matter h&ving been held over from the regular meetl~ of September 16, 1957. Mayor Ro~zi remarked that if there were no objections, the matter would be continuec to the regular meeting of October 2] 1957. No objections were registered. The next public hearing concerned the Horner-Bonino annexation. Mayor Rozzi opened the public hearing, asking if any written protests had been received, to w~ich tho City Clerk replied none had been received. He then asked if there -ere any oral protests. None were registered. Mayor Rozzi remarked that iff there were no objections, the matter would be continued until October 21, :1957, at 8 p.m. No objections were registered. The last public hearing concerned the Re~olution of Intention to amend Ordin- ance No. 353 by adding 8ection 4-11C, providing for parking in ~' Districts. At t~e request of Mayor Rozzi, the City Clerk read the Resolution of Intentio~ previo~mly adopted by the City Council, f.fter which Mayor Rozzi opened the public hearing, asking if any written protests had been received, to which the City C~erk replied none had been receive¢. He then asked if there were any oral protests. None were registered. MLyor Rozzi remarked that if there were ~o objections, the matter would be continued to October 21, 1957. The .:o~ncil then proceeded on to Resolutions and Proclamations, taking up firs~ ~he resolution requesting the Boar~ of Supervisors to provide represen- tatives from the northern part of the Co~nty to the Charter Study Committee. Councilman Ryan introduced: "A RESOLUTIO~ OF THE CITY COUNCIL'OF THE CITY OF SOUT~SAN FRANCISCO REQUESTING THAT THE SUPERVIRORSOF,SANMATEO OOUNTYADD RKPRZSENTATIVES FROM THE NORTHERN PART O~ THE COUNTY TO THE CHARTER STUDY COMif[T~.KE. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Rozzi, Rocca, Corto~ and Ryan. Absent: Councilman Lucchio. The 3p:t item concerned the proclamation designating the week of October 13 to 2), 1957, as United Crusade Week in South San Francisco. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the Mayor be empo-ered to proclaim United Crusade Week during tho dates mentioned. At this time, ~ayor Rozzi called on Mrs. Whiteho~d, chairman of the drive, present in t~® audience. Mrs. Whitehead expressed her thanks for the interest shown. There being no ordiances, the Council then proceeded on to the matter of un- finisned business, taking up the approval of the final map of Pineviev Crest 8ubd~v~eion. After brief discussion, Co~ncilman Ryan moved, seconded by Coun- cilm-n Rocca and regularly carried, that upon the execution and filing of the subd~ksion agreement conforming with the memorandum dated May 27, 1957, from Director of Public Works Goss comprising twenty-one items, excluding item #8 in t~e aforementioned memorandm, the fiml map of Pineview Crest Subdivision shal~. ~tand approved. CORRECTION OF PLANNIIG COIN188IO1q MINUTES INDUBTRIAL PARK MR. &lfim. WARNKE VARIANCE APPLICATION: RESOLUTION NO. 768 NOTICING INTENTION TO AMEND ZONING ORD. #353 & SUB, ORD. #297 PROVIDING STANDARD8 FOR ltlLLSlDE DEVEL.: THEODORE MULKEY USE PERMIT: G. W. WILLIAMS CO. USE PERMIT: o STARLITE INDUSTRIAL SUBDIVISION TH ATIVE ,t SOILS INVESTIGATION BUR1 BUR1 #3 - WOODWARD-CLYDE AND ASSOCIATES: ABANDONED HOUSE - ARROYO DRIVE: SOUTH S.F. OUTBOARD CLUB - REQUEST FOR LAUNCHING RAMP: SAN MATEO COUNTY COUNCIL OF BOY SCOUTS REQUEST FOR USg OF mEMORIAL PARK: HICKKY BLVD, KXTKNS IOlq: 5057 Inter office memorandum dated September Z8, 1957, was received from the Plan- ning COum4Sston concerning the correction of the Planning Commission minutes of t~e meeting of July 8, 1957. This correction concerned their Resolution No. 733 approving the re-subdivision of Lot 11, Block 1, South San Francisco Indus~rial Park No. 1. The correction sLould show Lot 12, Block .1, am shown in Dr..t-lng No. 52406. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and re~ularly carried, that the recommen6ation of the Planning Commission be accep' ;ed, Vari~-nce Application No. 767, as applied for by Mr. and Mrs. P. ~ C. Warnke, was rece'~ved from tho Planning Commission, recommending tho granting of permissio~ for ~ 7 ft. encroachment into the required 20 ft. rear yard at 209 Bryce Avenu Council-man Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that :he recommendation of the Planning Comm4ssion be approved, ROmoS~=ion No. 768 was received from the Planning CommisSion noticing its tOstSon to amend Zoning Ordinance No. 3 5~ and Subdivision Ordinance No. 297 as to ~rovide standardm for hillside development. Councilman Rocca moved, seco ~dud by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that tho recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted. Use ~ermit Resolution No. 769, as applie~ for by Theodore Mulkey, was receiveg from ~ho Planaing Commission, recommendir~ that permission be denied for the sale o~ trailers at 636 E1Camino Real~ Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by CounciLman Ryan and regularly carried, tLat the recommendation of the Planning Commk~Lion be acc®prod. Use Permit Resolution No. 770, as applie¢ for by the G. W. Williams Company, was nceived from tho Planning Commission, recommending that permission be gran=*d for a double faced, electric sign, 8 ft. x 5 ft. mounted on tvs steel poleJ kn the parking lot at Lot 10, Map S, Southwood C~mmorcial Tract, at 645 E1Camkno Real, subject to certain provi~iona. Councilman Rocca moved, sec- ended ~y CoUncilman Ryan and regularly c3drried, that tho recommendation of the ~&nning Commission be approved. Use ~ermit bsolution No. 771, as applioc for by Maria Gomignani, was receive~ from ~he Planning Commission, rocottmond~r~g that permission be granted to do crop ~Lrming on Parcel 30, Map ~l, at 63~ Chestnut Avenue, subject to certain cond~:~ona. Councilman Rocca maVod, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be approved. Inter office memorandum dated October 3, 1957, was received from the Planning Comm~sion concerning the matter of St~Jite Industrial Subdivision, listing provk#kons to be complied with by Hart S Hynding in order to receive approval of th# tentative map[ Mayor Rozzi romarhOd that if there worm no objections, this m~tter would bO held over to th® me, ting of October 21' 1957, ~r finaI solun~on. No objections wore registered. Inter office memorandum dated September ~0, 1957, was received from the City Ms--ur concerning the matter of soils i~vestigation in Buri Buri #3. This matter concerned tho p~l from Woodwmrd-Clyde and Associates, requesting inform&tion from tho Council concerning the matter of drilling on private proper~y. After brief discussion regarding the amount of money involved, Councilman itJ~.~s moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca, that the Director of PublSc Works and City Manager be empowers d to hire the firm of Woodward-Clyde and ,ssociatos, an outside firm of soile nginoers, with the amount of $2,850 to be ~,dvanced, tho money to be obtained from tho contingent fund. Under the ques=~on, CounCilman Cortesi suggested tie Council wait for a few days to see whether or not Bauer-LeSser would take any action, since Mr. Lesser had formed him and tho City Manager some action was to be taken. It was agreed by t~! Council that the City vouldwait ~ntil Monday, October 14, 1957. Motic as u~j and seconded, was regularly carrtmd. At this time, Councilman Ryan brough= to the Council's attention the aba~da:amdhouso on Arroyo Drive which should be torn down since it was presenting more of an eye-sero each day. Mayor .~ozzi requested the City Manager t¢ contact the City Attorney to inves- tis~p~e the matter, submitting a report tc tho City Council. Inter office memorandum dated September 17, 1957, was received from the office of t~* City Manager, together with a communication dated ,Imfumt 28, 1957, from ~lm South San Francisco Outboard Club, concerning tho matter of a launch- lng r~mp in the beach area. Mayor Rossi asked the commandant of the Outboard Club, present in the audience, to meet with the Council after the adjournment so aha= this matter could be further discussed. This was agreeable to his club. Commua~cation dated October 2, 1957, was received from the San Mateo County Counc~k Boy Scouts of America, requesting permission to use the picnic area in t~e Orange Avenue Memorial Park on October 18, 19 and 20, 1957, for their outdoor training session. Councilman Rymn moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and re ~larly carried, that permission be granted for the use of the Orange Avemte Memorial Park. Communucation dated September 30, 1957, was received from the San Marco County gngine*rs' office, advising of an application for Federal funds for prelimin- ary enginoeriRg on the extension of Hicke y Boulevard from Junipers Serfs to Skyl~l~ Boulevard, requesting passage of a resolution endorsing the route and r~commending the Govermaont's allocation of funds for this purpose. Mayor Rozzk remarked that if there were no objections, this would be held over for coUnC~k study, inaSmuch as the map was J~t received today and the Council had ~o~ had sufficient the to study it. Brief discussion followed, concern- ing ~he proposed route with relation to ~inston Manor #2. COuncilman COrtesi voiced his objection to the County reque~ting funds for this work when money has ~en paid by the taxpayers over the years for improvement work which was HILLSIDE BLVD. NEED FOR IEPROVKMENT8: LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL - CITY PA~ SITE: ERNEST ESERINI LINDENVILLE OUTFALL HEWER ACCEPTANCE: MURVIN L. DARNELL AND DAVID H. CASEY APPOINTMENT8 AS POLICE OFFICERS: RAYMOND E. NUNE8 AND STEVE MARK_AS APPOI NTMENT8 AS FIREMEN: LeROY WRESTLER APPOINTMENT: MONTHLY REPORTS: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATION: GOOD & WELFARE: JET AIRCRAFT TAKE-OFF PROBLEM: CHRISTMAS LIGHTING CONTEST: JET AIRCRAFT TAKE-OFF PROBLEM.'. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF DRAIN FROM HORSFALL PROPERTY: COMPLAINT ON DRAG RACING ON AIRPORT BLVD.: ADJOURNMENT: to be Cone in the north end of the county. He cited the need for improvement Hillsice Boulevard, near Sunshine Gardens, moving that the reqUest be made to the county to appropriate the necessary monies to take care of the dangerous section of roadway on Hillside Boulevard near Sunshine Gardens. Councilman RyaJ seconce~ the motion. Mayor Rozzi then suggested to Councilman Cortesi that the City M-nager and Director of Public Works be authorized to make a survey and study of those county roads in t ho city needing work immediately, with requests to be ~ade to the county engineers' office and the supervisors for the necessar~ funds to be spent for these improvements. Councilman Cortesi thon placed the MayOr's ~uggestion in the form of a motion, which was seconded by Councilman Ryan axd regularly carried. Inter office memorandum dated September 23, 1957, vas received from the Recreat~ Commission, advising that the Little Leagum Baseball and City Park Site were presently under study and that reports would be submitted as soon as possible. Mayor lozzi remarked that if there were no objections, this would be accepted and pl'.ced on file. No objections were registered. Verified claim against the City of South S&n Francisco was received from the law offices of Richard P. Lyons, filed in behalf of their client, Mr. Ernest Emerini, alleging damages as a result of a fall on Cypress Avenue. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca eld regularly carried, that the claim be deni*d and referred to the city's insur.nee carrier. Inter orifice memorandum dated October 1, 1~ 57, was received from Director of Public -orkm Louis Goss, recommending the final'acceptance of the Lindenville Outfal~ Sewer and final payment, with 10 percent withheld for ~Oehtys after notice off Completion is recorded. Council~an Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman ROcca -nd regularly carried, that the recom~mndation of the Director of Public Works ~e accepted. Inter offffice memorandum dated October 1, 1957, was received from the Police Chief ~dvising of the probationary appointaqmnts of Murvin Lee Darnell and David Harper C~.sey as police officers, effective~ctober 1, 1957. This carried the conCurP-nce of the City Manager. C°unOilma~ ityan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca ~n~ regularly carried, that the recomktendation of the Police Chief and the cia? Managorbe accepted. Inter offfice m~ ldm dated October l, 195~, was received from the Fire Chief, advising of the probationary appointments of Raymond E. Nunes and Steve Markas as firemn, effective October 1 and October 16, 1957, respectively, and con- curred kn by the City Manager. Councilman.Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca sn~ regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Fire Chief, as concurre~ in by the City Manager, be accepted. Inter office memorandum dated September 4, 2957, was received from the Acting Supt. of Public Works, advising of the probationary appoiatm~nt of LeRoy Werstler as maintenance man, effective July 16, 1957. ThiS was concurred in by the City Manager. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by CouMilman Rocca and regularly carried, tbat the recommendation ,)f the Acting Supt. of Public Works and the City Manager be accepted. Monthly r~ports were received for the month of August 1957 from the Librarian and the San Marco County Department of Publkc Health and Welfare. Councilman Rocca m~ved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the reports be accepted and placed on file. Notice 'ea~ received from the Department of ~lcoholic Beverage Control of the applica;ion as filed by Quality Foods, Inc. for an off-sale beer and wine license t~ 1015 E1Camino Real. Mayor Rozzk remarked that if there were no ob- jections, this application would be acceptec and placed on file. No objections were registered. At this tkme, Mayor Rozzi asked if any of tlc Council had anything they wished to offer ~nder Good and Welfare. There being none from any of the Council members, Hayer Rozzi remarked that he was v~sited by Congressman Younger, at which tkm,-, Councilman Ryan was present, and the matter of Jet aircraft was dis- cussed. He called on Councilman Ryan to relate the discussions of the meeting, which he did, stating a meeting was scheduled for October 22, 1957, at which time, Congressman Younger would again be prtsent, as veil as experts in the field off ~et aircraft, to further discuss t~e matter. It was explained that the mee=kx.g would be open to the public, with an invitation to anyone who wished to be in &ttendance. Mayor Rozs:i then asked if anyone in the audience wished to offer anything under Good and 'elfare. Mrs. Betty Hammond of the Serra Highlsnds Impressment Assoc- iation Lsked the Council if they would commence plans for a city-wide Christmas lighting contest. Mayor Rozzi remarked that this matter would be given immed- iate attention. Mr. Lesko of Orange Avenue spoke on the Jet aircraft problem, stating that the relocation of runways should be investigated mo as to alleviate the danger of aircraft taking off over the city. Mr. WllliamHorzfall asked the Council to authorize the Director of Public Works to~ move the drain from his property, placing xt on the easement where it belonged. .Mayor Rozzi requested the City Manager to handle this matter. After further discussion, Councilman Ryan moved that the City ~anager and the Director.of Public Works, together with the City Attorney, be instructed to call up the bond ~n regard to the Horsfall problem, with action no later than Monday. Councilman Cortesi seconded the motion, after w/iCh the motion as made and seconded -as regularly carried. A resident of Airport Boulevard ~equested action on dra~ racing which has been taking place on Al~lqMm~t Boulevard from Randolph Avenue to Linden Avenue. TM smatter vas referre~ b* the Mayor to the Police Chief fortnvestigation. There bein~ nothing further, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned unti~ the next regular meeting tO be held October 21, 1957, at 8 p.~. Tim~e/~f~o~n~: 9:13 / / Verified claim against the City of South San Francisco was received from the law offices of Richard P. Lyons, filed in behalf of their client, Mr. Ernest Eserini, alleging damages as a result of a fall on Cypress Avenue. Councilma Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the clai: be denied and referred to the city's insurance carrier. LINDENVILLE OUTFALL ~WER ACCEPTANCE: Inter office memorandum dated October 1, 1957, was received from Director of Public Work~ Louis Goss, recommending the final'acceptance of the Lindenville Outfall Sewer and final payment, with 10 percent withheld for ~O days after notice of completion is recorded. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Council Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Publi Works be accepted. MURVIN L. DAP, NELL AND DAVID H. CASEY APPOINTMENTS AS POLICE OffICERS: Inter office memorandum dated October 1, 1957, was received from tho Police Chief advising of the probationary appointments of Murvin Lee Darnell and Dav Harper Case~ as police officers, effective October 1, 1957. This carried the concurrence of the City Manager. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councils Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Police Chief and the City Manager be accepted. RAYMOND E. NUNE5 AND STEVE MARKAS APPOI NTMElqTS AS FIREMEN: Inter office mmmmmMum datedOctober 1, 1957, was received from the Fire Chic advising of the probationary appointments of Raymond E. Nunes and Steve Marks as firemen, effective October 1 and October 16, 1957, respectively, and con- curred in by the City Manager. CouncilmanRyan moved, seconded by Councilma~ Rocca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Fire Chief, as concurred in by the City Manager, be accepted. LeROY WERBTLER APPOINTMENT: Inter office memorandum dated September 4, 1957, was received from the Actin8 Supt. of Public Works, advising of the probationary appoiatment of LeRoy Werstler as maintenance man, effective July 16, 1957. This was concurred in the City Manager. Councilman Rysn moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and reEularly carried, that the recommendation of the Acting Supt. of Public Wort and the City Manager be accepted. MONTHLY REPORTS: Monthly reports were received for the month of August 1957 from the Librariaz and the San Mates County Department of Public Health and Welfare. Councilmaz Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the rope be accepted and placed on file. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSE APPLICATION: /L.-/5// Notice was received from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the application as filed by Quality Food~, Inc. for an off-sale beer and wine license at 1015 E1Camtno Real. Mayor ROzzl remarked that if there were no ( jections, this application would be accepted and placed on file. No obJecti( were registered. GOOD & WELFARE: JET AIRCRAFT TAKE-OFF PROBLEM: At this time, Mayor Rozzi asked if any of the Council had anythin~ they wish( to offer under Good and Welfare. There being none from any of the' Council members, Mayor Rozzi remarked that he was visited by Congressman Younger, at which time Councilman Ryan was present, and the matter of jet aircraft was dl cussed. He called on Councilman Ryan to relate the discussions of the meeti~ which he did, stating a meeting was scheduled for October 22, 1957, at which time, Congressman Younger would again be present, as well as experts in the field of Jet aircraft, to further discuss the matter. It was explained that the meeting would be open to the public, with an invitation to anyone who wis to be in attendance. CHRISTIL4,S LIGHTING CONTEST: Mayor Rozzi then asked if anyone in the audience wished to offer anything un, Good and Welfare. Mrm. Betty Hammond of the Serra Hlghlandm Improeement Ass, iation asked the Council if they would commence plans for a city-wide Christi lighting contest. Mayor Rozzi remarked that this matter would be given im~m. iate attention. JET AIRCRAFT TAKE-OFF PROBLEM.'. REQUEST FOR REMOVAL OF DRAIN FROM HORSFALL PROPERTY: COMPLAINT ON DRAG RACING ON AIRPORT BLVD.: Mr. Leaks of Orange Avenue spoke on the Jot aircraft problem, stating that tl relocation of runways should be investigated so as to alleviate the danger o aircraft taking off over the city. Mr. WilliamHormfall asked the Council t, authorize the Director of Public Works to move the drain from his property, placing it on the easement where it belonged. Mayor Rozzi requested the Cia Manager to handle this matter. After further discussion, Councilman Ryan mo that the City Manager and the Director of Public Works, together with the Ci Attorney, be instructed to call up the bond in regard to the Horsfall proble with action no later than Monday. Councilman Cortesi seconded the motion, after which the motion as made and seconded was regularly carried. A reside of Airport Boulevard ~equested action on drag racing which has been taking p on Air, port Boulevard from Randolph Avenue to Linden Avenue. This matter was referred b~ the Mayor to the Police Chie~ for investigation, There being nothing further, Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman ADJOUBIqMENT: and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned unti~ the next regular meeting to be held October 21, 1957, at 8 p.m. Time/~f~our~n~: 9:13 p.