HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1958-11-03REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY Ct~CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1S 58 TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALl,: MINUTES: CLAI MS: PAUL g. KAUFMANN CLAIM FOR REPLACEMENT OF PATIO AT 109 LONGFORD: CLAIM OF KIRKBRIDE, WILSON, HARZFELD & WALLACE - MADRONE AVENUE: .~,-$ oO APPEARANCE OF COUNCILMAN CORTESI: 5i5_3 A. DALE WILLIAMS CLAIM - HARBOR WAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: ~0 ;_9 A. CARLISLE & COo AND A. DALE WILLIAMS CLAIMS - INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT NO. 3: RESOLUTION NO 2708 CHRISTMAS OUTDOOR DECORATION PROGRAM: ORDINANCE NO. 437 POLKTTI ANNEXATION: RELINQUISHMENT OF PORTION OF STATE HIGHWAY: 8:0~ p.m. Count'- 1 Chambers The :teetin~ was called to order by Mayor Rossi at 8:03 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Fla~ warn recited, after which invocation was giv~ by the Reverend Ralph Caffey of tlc Southern Baptist Church. Pre~ent: Mayor G. J. Rozzi, Councilmen ~ndrew Rocca, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern AbsJnt: Councilman hilio Cortest Mayor Rossi asked if there was a motion approvinE the minutes of the regular meeting of O~tober 20, 1958, as submttt*d. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Codncilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meetin~ of October 20, 1958, be approved as submitted. Mayor Roszi then asked if there wam a motion approving the regular claims as Lubmitted for paymente Councilman &0cea moved, seconded by Councilman Ry~L and regularly carried, that the re lular claimm as submitted be approved for payment. The Council then proceeded on to claims which required individual Council actLon. The first was a claim made payable to Mr. Paul'E. Kaufmann of 109 Longford Drive, for replacement of concrete patio at 109 Longford Drive, Sepal Kan Francisco, as per Council auttorization. This claim was in the amount of $308.00 and dated O~tober 23, 1958. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regula:ly carried, that the claim be paid with a receipt to be taken as prepared ~y the City Attorney to protect the in,crest of the City. Cl~h dated October 31, 1958, was received from the firm of Kirkbridm, Wilso Ha=zffeld & Wallace, in the amount of $~0.72 for legal services rendered in =he matter of the Madrone Avenue Iml~rovement. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ah~rn and regularly carried, that the claim be approv fo~ payment. Co~ncilman ~milio Cortesi appeared present at the meeting at 8:08 p.m. and remained for the duration. ClaSh dated November 1, 1958, was received from A. Dale Williams in the amount of $13,311.84 for Seventh Progr-ss Billing on the Harbor Way Assessme Di~trict. This claim carried the approval of the Director of Public Works and Mr. R. L. hart of the firm of Wilpey & Ham. Councilman Ryan moved, sec.~ded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carri®d,'that the claim be appro~ fo~ ~ayment. C1-.t~ dated October 20, 1958, was received from A. Carlisle & Company in th~ amount of $406.15 for the printing of %ltm Improvement Bonds in Industrial Park Improvement District No. 3. Also r~eived was the claim of A. Dale Williams dated November 1, 1958, in th- amount of $35,547,91, representing Sm~o~d Progress Billing in South San F~-ancisco Industrial Park Unit No. 3. Trim claim carried the approval of Dir. mtor of' Public Works Goss and Mr. R. Samrt of the firm of Wilsey & Ham. Cotncilman Rocca moved, seconded by Co~n~ilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted be approved for payment. There being no public hearings, Mayor Rozzi then proceeded to the matter of refolutionm. In the absence of the Ci%y Attorney, City Clerk Rodondi ex- pi.fined the first resolution ready for Council action, after which he read aL(, title. Councilman Ryan then intro4ucod: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COI~*CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO REQUESTING:PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN THE CHRISTMAS OUTDOOR DECORATION PROGRAM FOR 1958". Roll call vote was as followm: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Ro~zi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, La~ Jo Ryan and Patriok E. Ahern. P_-~ommdim~ on to the matter of ordinan~es, City Clerk Rodondi then remarked th~-.l; with regard to the Poletti Annexation, Mr. Louis Poletti had at 7:50 p tL~a evening filed with him "CONSENT THAT PROPERTY WITHIN THE ANNEXED TKRR- I?ORY BE TAXED TOPAY INDEBTRDHESS OR LIABILITY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN F~L-FCISCO" and that this cousent carried the signatures of Tony Rossi, Be~t~rice Rossi, Louis Poletti, Natalie Jean Poletti and Richard P. Lyons. T~e Council then proceeded on to the s aster of the ordinance concerning the Po2~ttiAnnexation. Councilman Ro~ca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the detailed reading of the ordinance be waived t~,~ it be adopted by the ~eading of the title only. City Clerk Rodondi th re~d the title of the ordtmmm~et "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRA C~SCO APPMOVING AND ORDERING THE ~TION OF 'POLETTI ANNEXATION* TO THE C~TY_ OF SOUTH SAN F~J~qCISCO", after wkich Councilman Rocca moved, meconded by ~:oUncilman Ryan and regularly carrked, that the ordinance be adopted. Proceeding on to the matter of unfinished business, Council took up first t coumunication dated October 30, 1958, as received from the Division of Riga v~Fs concerning the relinquishment of portions of the State Highway, this m.t~®r having been held over from the meeting of October 30, 1958. Council m%.n Ryan moved, seconded by CouncilmaL Rocca and regularly carried, that tt City Attorney Itc authorized to prepar~ the proper resolution effecting this relinquishment. 1958 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE: The Council then proceeded on to the ma=asr of the 1958 Uniform Building Co~e, it having been held over from the meeting of October 6, 1958. Mayor Rossi r~marked that if there were no 'objections, this matter would be re- ferred to the City Attorney for the preparation of the necessary ordinance. NO objections were registered. Mr. Doyle of the Associated Rome Builders Company remarked on the letter his company had written concerning these ch=nges. After discussion, the City Manager was instructed to advise Mr. DoyLe when this matter would be prepared for Council action. AWARD OF DISTINCTIVE M~RIT TO COUNCILMAN seERs: Proceeding on to new business, the Council took up the first item concern- in~ ~he presentation of a Distinctive Merit Award to Councilman Ahem as ch~i_-man of the United Nations Day Com~itteeo Mayor Rossi ommmmadmd Council man ,hem for his work as chairman of this committee, commenting on the display which appeared at the Public L~brary. Counoil~an Ryan likewise ex~e~ded his commendations to Councilmkn Ahern. CITY AUDITOR* S FINANCIAL REPORT ,.,,"-, / QUARTERLY APPORTIONMENT OF GAS TAX MONIES FROM STATE: / .~/~ accepted and placed on file. No obJec~iona were registered. REVOCABLE PERMIT Cos"unioation dated October 15, 1958, was received from the San Francisco FROM SoF. WATER DEPT., W&~;~r-Department concerning a revocable per~it issued to the Civil Defense CIVILIAN DEFENSE of the City for the purpose of erectln~ and maintaining a pole to support AIR RAID SIREN: aL ~ir raid siren within a parcel of land owned by thom. Mayor Rossi re- 4 m~rked that if there were no objections, this matter would be referred to ~/ ' the City Attorney for the preparation mf the necessary resolution. No ob- j-orions were registered. Fi~i&l report for the fiscal year e~,ding June 30, 1958, was received free Ci_t~l Auditor Charles E. Ledwith. Councilman Ryan ~oved, seconded by Coun- cil~n Ahern and regularly carried, thLt the report be accepted and ordered plied on file. Co~Anication dated October 32, 1958, was received from the Department of Public ~orks of the State of Calif°rni~ regarding the quarterly apportion- me~t of gas tax ~onies which was to be received from the State. Mayor Rozz~ remarked that if there were no objections, this commUnication would be ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT STERLING EANOR: I~er office memorandum dated October 27, 1958, vas received from the Dir- et:or of Public ~orkm concerning the abandonment of the lpmblic utilities e: ~ent in lots 1 through 13, block ?, Sterling Manor Map No. 2, recommend t~ the abandonment of the easement. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, this matter would be referred to the City Attorney for t3- preparation of the necessary resolution. No objections were regtstereg WILLIAM L. HINTON VARIANCE APPLICATION: Variance Per, it Resolution No. 996, as aPplied for by Mr. William L. Hinto~ received from the Planning CommisSion, recommending permission be gma:~ted for a 10 ft. encroachment into part of the 20 ft. required rear .rd at ~0 El Ca~po ~rive. Councilma~ Rocca ~oved, seconded by Councilman A~ern and regularly carried, that' the recommendation of the Planning Com- missionbe accepted and approved. HAROLD & THELMA MARTINDALE VARIANCE APPL I CAT I ON: Variance Permit Resolution No. 997, at applied for by Harold and Thelma Martindale, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending permis. ~lon be granted for a 2 ft. encroachment into the required 5 ft. side yard st 6 Jacinto Lane, subject to certain conditions. Councilman Rocca moved, ~econded by Councilman Ahern and regu_arly carried, that the recommendatio] off the Planning Commisston be accepted and approved. A. & AMELIA SCAMPINI USE PERMIT: Permit Resolution No. 998,'as applied for by A. and A~elia Scnmpini, received from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be gr. hnted for the~ection of a 2-bedroom and attached garage dwelling to the ~r of 458 Railroad Avenue. Councilman P~cca moved, seconded by Councilm ~Aern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- L~si~n be accepted and approved. VITTORIO DA GRAGNANO USE PERMIT: ~e Permit Resolution No. 999, as applied for by Vittorio Da Gragnano, was received from the Planning Commission, recozmending permission be granted flor erection of a secondsingle-fa~i]y dwelling on the front of Lot 25, ~l~ck 102. Councilman Rocca moved, ~econded by Council~an Ahern and regu- larly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be ac- ce~ted and approved. GEORGIA GLEASON USE PERMIT: ]se Permit Resolution No. 1000, as applied for by Georgia Gleason, was re- ceived from the Planning Coeuaission, reco~ending that permission be gram1 for a one-operator beauty shop at 407 Commercial Avenue. Councilman Roccs ~oved, seconded by Councilman Ahern ~nd regularly carried, that the recom- mendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and approved. FIRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH USE PERMIT: 5-0 13" PUMP - SHAW RD. PUMPING STATION: t'se Permit Resolution No. 1001, as a~plied for by the First Southern Bapt: Church, wa8 received from the Planning Commission, recommending permissiol be granted for the renewal of use gr~nted under Resolution No. 791 (Octo~ 25, 1957) - a 4' x 8' temporary sign, constructed of wood, to designate t~e location of the future home of c~urch at the corner of Grand and guoa: yptus Avenues, subject to the condition that it be for the period of one ~,ar - renewable after one year. CoAncil~an Rocca moved, seconded by Cou ,c~lman Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Plan- nkng ¢~amission be accepted and approved. proceedi~g on to the matter of reports, Council took up the matter of the LS, Pump at the Shaw Road Pmaping Station, compilation of bids having bee received fro~ the Director of Public Works with his recommendations, Mayo ~oZzi remarked that if there were nc objections, this matter would be hel ~or study at the request of the City Manager. No objections were regis- ~red. APPROVAL OF TRNTATIVE MAP OF ALTA VISTA SUB: (GRADING PERMIT) TENTATIVE PONDEROSA HILLS SUBDIVI SION: COMMENDATION TO LIBRARY STAFF: PURCHASE OF SgDAN FROM LAUTZE MOTORS, INC o FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT: REQUEST FROM COUNTY FOR AMENDMENT TO RESOLUTION #2698 (HXCKEY BLVD. EXTENSION): LEOTA McDONALD APPT. AS LIBRARY CLERK: CLIFFORD BmSNAL SICK LKAVR: CHARLES LRMA SICK LEAVE: p. ooo DAVID CORSIGLIA SICK LEAVE: 0 JOHN RIFLE ACCUMULATED VACATION: HUGO STOPPOLONI ACCUMULATED VACATION: ?-ooo GOOD & WELFARE: OUTDOOR CllRI ~rMAS DECORATING PROGRAM: ELECT ION DAY: Inter office memorandum dated October 28, 1958, was received from the Plan- nir~ Commission, concerning 'the tentati~e map of Alta Vista Subdivision, ad~'-f ing of their approval of the tents;ire map subject to certain con- dit'~ons. Also received was a communica ;ion dated November 3, 1958, as sub- sial;ed by R. DoNardi of DoNardi-Fontana Company requesting a grading permit in ~ccordance with grading plan submittld for the Alta Vista Subdivision. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, th~ the tentative map of Alta Vista Subdivision and the grading permit be app-~oved. In%er office memorandum dated October 28, 1958, was received from the Plan- nin~ Commission concerning the tentative map of Ponderosa Hills Subdivision, recommending approval subject to certain conditions. Mayor Rossi remarked th~% if there were no objections, this matter would be held over for further stqdy by the Council. No objections were registered. Communication dated October 16, 1958, -as received from Mrs. C. Allbaugh of 151 Sonora AvenUe, commending the library staff for their very fine selectio~ ofI ~ooks, records and the recently acquired collection of reproductions of feast,S paintings. At the request of ~,yor Rozzi, the City Clerk read the le=ter in its entirety, after which Mater Rossi remarked that if there weft no objections, this communication would be accepted and placed on file. No ~Jections were registered. Inte_~ office memorandum dated November 3, 1958, was received from the City Manager, concerning the quotations received on the purchase of a 1959 four- door sedan for u~e by the Police Depar=ment. Councilman Rocca moved, seco,~ded by Councilman Ryan and regula--ly carried, that the low bid of La~tze Motors, Inc. of $1,795.07 be accepted. Co~municati°n dated October 31, 1958, ,~am received from the office of the County Manager, requesting an amendmen= to Resolution No. 2698 previously acopted by the City Council on 8optemi~er 15, 1958, which concerned the Ce~nty's application with the Housing and Home Finance Agency for the ex- termion of Hickey Boulevard. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councllmal ALern and regularly carried, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepar, tee necessary correcting resolution to meet the requirements requested. IL%er office memorandum dated October 20, 1958, ns received from Librarian I~retta Hussar, recommending the prot~ttionary appointment of Leers McDonal. a-- L Library Clerk, effective October l, 1958, her name having been taken f~ow the eligible list submitted by tho Personnel Board. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regularly carried, that the recom- m~cation of the LtbrariaB, am concurred in by City Manager Ruwene Aiello, m accepted and approved. I'~er office memorandum dated Oatober 33, 1958, was received from Fire Chic A. ,-. Welts, recommending that Mr. Begnal be granted 10 days additional s'-c.~, leave. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regu- l~r-y carried, that the recommendation of the Fire Chief, as concurred in by ~he City Manager, be accepted and approved. Iuter office memorandum dated October 21, 1958, was received from Supt. of l~ic Works Hugo StoppOloni, together with memorandum datsd October 31, IS f-~m the City Manager, recommending tLat Charles Lema be granted 60 days a4ditional sick leave. Councilman Ry~n moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca a~d regularly carried, that the recomakendation of the Supt. of Public Works as concurred in by the City Manager,' I~ accepted and approved. Inter office memorandum dated October 27, 1958, was received from the 8upt, of ~ublic Works, recommending that'David Cormiglia receive 2 days additiom siC: leave. Councilman Ryan moved, s~conded by Councilman Rocca and regu- ls.rly carried, that the recommendatio3 of the Supt. of Public Works, am concurred in by the City Manager, be -ccepted and approved. ILter office memorandum dated October 24, 1958, mm received from tho Supt of Public Works, recommending that Jo~n Ehle be allowed to accumulate 5 wo~ ir4 days, giving ham a total of 15 mo:king days vacation for the year 1959 Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Co'~ncilman Rocca and regularly carried, tLat the recommendation of the Supt. of Public Works, am concurred in by tL~ City Manager, he accepted and approved. -_uter office memorandum dated October 24, 1958, .m received from Supt. of PLblic Works Hugo Stoppoloni, requesting permission to accumUlate 5 workin cL~s for this year, giving ham a total of 15 working days vacation for the y-ar 1959. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Rocca and regu- '~rly carried, that the request of Hu~o Stoppoloni, as concurred in by cia ~.~ager Aisllo, be approved. There being nothing further, Mayor Rczzi asked if anyone in the Council ha ~:rthing they wished to offer Under Good and Welfare, Councilman Cortesi requested information of the Council am to how much money the City was wil '~ to spend for the awards to be given in tho outdoor Christmas decorati~ p.-~grm~. Brief discussion followed, at which tame, Mayor Rossi remarked ~t this matter could be left to the chairman and his committee for a dec ~.O:2 and report. ' C)~ncilman Ryan at this tame urged tls people of SOuth San Francisco to vo=e and vote early in the election ~o be held the following day. There being nothing further from any member of the Council under Good and  ,lfare, Mayor Rossi asked if anyone in the audience had anything they .abed to offer. ? GOOD & WELFARE (CONT'D) Mr..~aul Kaufmann of 109 Longford l~rive brOught up the latter of the storl drain pipe as it affected his property. Lengthy discussion followed, during STORM DRAIN PIPE NEAR KAUFIf&NN PROPERTY WINSTON MANOR #2: which t~e Nr. Kaufmann CO~lented on the work which had been don~ to the pip~ ~y the Associated Pipeline Company. Director of Public Works Goss explained the matter from a plan and profile which had been prepared by Nr. De Hart of his department. Also in anlwer to ~ayor Rozzi, Director of Public Works Goss stated that he felt the pipe was safe and not endangering. Di~cuision then followed between Nr. Kar~fmann and members of the City Con, il concerning the settlements offered, not only by his own insurance carrier, but that of the City, after which Council stated that since Mr. Kanflmnn could not settle with the insumance companies, the course of action left for him was to file suit and let the court decide the latter, also that no further action could be taken by the Council, nor would further dis- cu~ton of this latter serve any purpose. EXPRESSION OF THANI~S, PARADISE VALL~f II~ROVEMENT ASS' N: ~r. ~ohn Obsrst of the Paradile Valley ~mprovement Aslociation expressed hi5 thanks to the Council for their asltstance in ~ettin~ the extra sidewalk neh~ their lchool. Theme being nothing further, Mayor Rozzi adjourned the meeting to November 1 1958, Tl~e of adjournment - 9:02 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED,