HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1958-11-14REGULAR MEETIEG OF THE CITY CCUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1958 TIME: PLACE: CALL TO ORDER: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION: ROLL CALL: CLAIMS: A. DALE WILLIAMS CLAIMS (HARBOR WAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT): CLAIMS FOR SO. S.F. INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT #3 ASSESSMENT DI STRICT: RESOLUTION NO. 2709 ACCEPTING REVOCABLE PERMIT FROM S. F o WATER DEPT.: (AIR RAID SIREN ¢ RELINQUISIIMENTOF PORTION OF STATE HIGHWAY: RESOLUTION NO. 2710 GRANT OF EASEMENT TO P.G.& E. AND PACIFIC TEL. CO. ROEBLING ROAD~ 'RESOLUTION NO. 2711 ACCEPTING DEDICATION OF AVALON PARK SIGN: 8:00 p.m. Council Chambers, City Hall The meeting was called to order by Mayor Rozzi at 8:04 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited, after which invocation was give by ~e Reverend Theodore Wall of St. Paul's Methodist Church in place of the ReverendHarry Larson of the First Baptist Church. Preset.t: Mayor G. J. Rozzi and Councilmen Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. Absent: None Mayor Rozzi asked if there was a motion approving the minutes of the meeting held November 3, 1958, as submitted. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councklman Ryan and regularly carried, that the minutes of the regular meet- ing o~ November 3, 1958, be approved. Mayor Rozzi then asked if there was a motion approving the regular claims as sutmitted for payment. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan ~nd regularly carried, that the regular claims be approved for payment. The Council then took action on claims ~hich had to do with work performed in ~,ssessment Distric~ and were as follows: k. ~a~e Williams, dated November 1, 1958, installation at Drill Track crossing at Harbor Blvd. & Purdy Metal Co. in amount of $504.50 V~ dated November 17, 19~8, final billing - $1,166.13 " " 4ated November 17, 19f.8, completion of rough grading - $ 380.60 The ~t~ve claims were for the Harbor Way AsseSsment District and carried the app=oval of. the Director of Public Works and Mr. R, L. Smart of the firm of Wilsey & Ham. Councilman Rocca remarke¢ that it was the Council's under- 8tandkng that there still remained some work to be done and therefore he moved that the claims be paid but that they be paid on account and not subjec to :~e City accepting anything. Councilman Ryan seconded the motion, which was regularly carried. The ffollowing claims for South San Francisco Industrial Park Unit No. 3 were received: Cla~:t of City of South San Francisco dated Oct. 29, 1958, for blasting in- spec%~ons during October - $120.00. Claret of Orrick, Dahlquist, Herrington & Sutcliffe dated Nov. 11, 1958, for services rendered'- $2,470.00. Cla~ of Antonio J. Gaudio for services rendered (dated Nov. 12, 1958) - $2,~70.00. The above claims carried the approval of Director of Public Works Goss and Mr. 2. L. Smart of the firm of Wilsey & Ham. Councilman Ryan moved, seconde~ by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted be approved for payment. There being no public hearings, Council then proceeded on to the matter of resolutions. City Attorney Noonan explLinedthe first which wa~ ready for Counckl action, after which Councilman ,hern introduced: "A RE~OLUTION OF THi CITY. OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AcCEPTING A KEVOCABLE PERMIT FBOMTHE SAN FRAN- CISCO WATER DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN F~tNCI~CO'*. Roll call vote ~ms as follows: Ayes, Councilmen O. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cor%esi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. City ,ttorney Noonan remarked that the resolution regarding the relinquish- men% of portions of State Highway which was referred to his office at the mee%ing of November 3, 1958, was not needed at this time, inasmuch as the recordation of the State's resolution would take care of this matter. No fur%~er action was taken at this time. The next resolution was then explained by the City Attorney, after which Couacklman Ryan introduced: '*A RF~OLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOU.'~_ SAN FRANCISCO GRANTING THE RIGHT ~D PRIVILEGE TO PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY AND PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY TO SUSPEND WIRES AND TRANSMISSION LINES ACP~SS CITY PROPERTY~. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahem. Although not shown as a resolution on the agenda, City Attorney Noonan ex- plained the next resolution for Council action, after which Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OFT HE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRAN- CISCO ACCEPTING THE DEDICATION OF AVALON PARK SIG~'. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. RESOLUTION NO. 2712 ENDORSING CONSTRUC- TION - EXTENSION OF HICKEY BLVD.: RESOLUTION NO. 2713 AUTRORI ZING AGREE- MEET WITH CALIF. DISASTER OFFICE: 1958-59 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ORDI NANCE: ~/¢.,7 APPT. OF WM SPANGLE AS PLANNING CONSULTANT DANIEL VARGAS cLAIM: JAMES L. DUNOVAN CLAIM AS FILED BY CALIF. STATE AUTOMOBILE ASS' N: ROUSING AUTHORITY OF SOUTH S. F. NOTICE OF TERMINA- TION OF SEWER AGREBMgNT: .50 3"J ! SURPLUS PROPERTY AGREEMENT WITH FINAL ACCEPTANCE HARBOR WAY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT: ff~? NATIONAL RETARDED CHILDI/~I~*, S WEEK REQUEST TO SOLICIT FUNDS: REZONING OF MAZZANTI PROPERTY: The next resolution as explained by the City Attorney concerning the amend- ing of a resolution previously passed by Council concerning Hickey Boulevard After explanation, Councilman Ahern introduced: 'A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COt~'CIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO ENDORSING Tile CONSTRUCTION OF PRCPOSED PROJECT UNDER PUBLIC LAW 560 - EXTENSION OF HIOKgg BOIILEVARII'. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, CounciLmen G. J. Rozsi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. The last resolution for Council action concerned the execution of an agree- ment with the California Disaster Office. After explanation by the City Attorney, Councilman Rocca introduced: "A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMEIfF DATED THE T~gNTY-FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER 1958 REGARDING PROVISION OF TRCHNIC/IL AND CLE3I.~AL ASSISTANCE TO AGENCY IN PURCHASES OF SURPLUS PROPERTY~. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen G. J. Rozzi, Andrew Rocca, Emilio Cortesi, Leo J. Ryan and Patrick E. Ahern. The Council then proceeded on to the matter of ordinances. Mayor RozZi marked that if there were no objections, the matter of the ordinance adopting the 1958 Uniform Building Code would be referred to the City Manager with ins~ructions to arrange a meeting between the City Council and the Peninsula General Contractors Association. No further action was taken at this time. The Council next proceeded on to the matter of unfinished business, taking up ~e selection of a Planning Consulta£t for the Master Plan, this matter havkag been held over for further study at the meeting of August 18, 1958. Brieff discussion followed, at which time, Councilman Rocca moved that the firn of William Spangle be employed wit[ employment to be contingent on the CitY!s receiving sufficient monies from the State on a 50 percent basis. Councklman Ahern seconded the motion, after which City Attorney Noonan re- market that he had prepared a motion in accordance with Council's request. Councklman Rocca then requested that the City Attorney read the motion. City Attorney Noonan then read the motion, which was as follows: "Move that in accorcance with the Planning Commission's recommendations, William Spangle be retained as Planning Consultant to proceed with the Master Plan as de- taiLe~ by the Planning Commission and City Council, authorizing at this time completion of stage one, at a fee not to exceed Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00); and further providing that the City Manager and William Spangle negoziate a contract for completing said project, said contract to particu- lar].y provide that the City may terminate it and the project, should match- ing ff~nds not be granted by the appropriate state or federal agencies and sho~Lc said contract and project be so terminated, City shall not be obli- gatec for any compensation to William Spangle in excess of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00)." After the City At';orney had read the motion, Council- man Rocca stated that he withdrew his original motion and introduced the motto~ as read by the City Attorney. Councilman Ahern seconded the motion, whic[ was regularly carried, Councilman Cortesi voted "no" on the motion. FurtLer disCussion followed by Council ca the hiring of William Spangle. Com~nication dated October 26, 1958, was received from Daniel Vargas, claim- ing Canages to his fence alleged to have occurred at the time the Fire Depart. ment was burning weeds in the vicinity off his property located at 205 Chap- man Avenue. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regul- arly c~rried, that the claim be denied and referred to the City's insurance carrier but that Mr. Verges be informed ~hat he had 90 days in which to file a verified claim. Comminication dated October 31, 1958, wa~ received from the California State Auto~obile Association over the signature of S. Kaufmann, Insurance Claim Service, submitting a claim in behalf of his client, Mr. James L. Dunovan, alleqing.damages to his car as a result of the street being oiled by City equl~nent. Councilman Ryan moved, seconced by Councilman Rocca and regu- larly carrie~ that the claim be denied ~nd referred to the City's insurance carri~, also that Mr. Dunovan be notified through his insurance company that ~e had 90 days in which to file a verified claim. Communication dated October 29, 1958, wal~ received from the Housing Author- itY of the City of South San Francisco, ~endering Notice of Termination of the Sewer Rental Contract Agreement whic~ was to be effective December 31, 1958. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there w~re no objections, this matter would ~e referred to the City Attorney for study and report to the City Manaler. No objections were.registered. Commlnication dated October 24, 1958, was received frcaa the California Dis- aster Office concerning the agreement to be executed by the City's Civilian Defense Office, covering an added charge to the co~t of surplus property. This matter having been taken care of uncer resolutions, no further action was =aLan at this time. Comliakcation dated November 12, 1958, was received from the firm of Wllsey and ~am, engineers, advising that the contractor, A. Dale Williams, had com- pleted all of the work in the Harbor Way Assessment District and that formal acceptance by the City was requested at this time. There being no objec- tion~, Mayor Rozzi remarked that this matter would be referred to the City Manager. Commua:cation dated October 31, 1958, was received from the Parents Ass'n for 2e~arded Children, requesting permission to solicit funds during the period November 16 through 27, 1956. Cocncilman Cortesi moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that permission as requested be gran%ec. Coal, s;cation dated November 12, 1958, wa~ received from the City Park Im- provm~nt Club, requesting that action be taken on Resolution of Intention No. 23!2, concerning the zoning of a parcel of land owned by Mr. Mazzanti. MAZZANTI REZONING (CONT' D) Lengthy discussion followed by residents of the Circle Court Subdivision and members of the City Council concerning the matter, during which time Cou~¢ilman Ryan suggested a motion that the area be rezoned to a P-1 classi- fication this evening, after which furtLer discussion followed. City Attorney Noonan then suggested a motion that proceedings be commenced to rezone the area to P-1 with this proposal being submitted to Mr. William Spangle, the consultant employed earlier by Council for the Master Plan, thai in ~e meantime, the Council would have the advice of Mr. Spangle and upon his advice wOuld be able to classify the area in question to its highest ada~'t~ble use. Further discussion followed, after which Councilman Ryan move tha~ ~he Council begin proceedings to reclassify the area described in Reso- lutkon No. 2542. Motion as made did not receive a second. City Attorney Noonan, in answer to Council's question, enumerated the steps involved and the ~kme necessary in proceeding with tie rezoning. After discussion Coun-, cil]~a Ryan moved, seconded by Councilm&n C~rtesi and regularly carried, that the C:ty Manager and City Attorney be instructed, to begin proceedings to reclassify the land described in Resolution No. 2342 to a P-1 classification. SAN MATKO COUNTY lq, COD COFrROL & WATER COMBERVATION DIST. LBGISLATION: Although not appearing as an item on the agenda, Council next took up a comr~nication dated November 12, 1958, as received from the Manufacturers Assoc~ation of San Mateo County, urging support to legislation creating a San MLteo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Councilman Rocc& moved, seconded by Councilman Ryar and regularly carried, that the C~ty ~ttorney be instructed to prepare the proper resolution expressing the City's desire to cooperate in a Flood Control Program. WHITECLIFF HO~ES VARIANCE APPLICATION - AVALON PINES: _9O50 VarL&nce Resolution No. 1003, as applied for by Whitecliff Homes, was re- ceive~ from the Planning Commission, rec~mmending permission be granted for 3 ft. tO 5 ft. encroachment into required 20 ft. rear yards in Avalon Pines Subckvision (Lots 15 thru 18, Block 2; Lots 4, 7 thru 10, and 12 thru 16, Block 4; Lots 3 thru 7 and 12, Block 5; ~ot 17, Block 3), subject to the conc~tion that a 15 ft. minimum rear yar~ shall be maintained at all times on tlc variance lots. Councilman Rocca .~oved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and r~gularly carried, that the recommen~ation of the Planning Commission be ~ccepted and approved. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1004 - approval of the proposed sign ordinance, including recommended revisions. SIGN ORDINANCE APPROVAL: BEATRICE M. O' SULLIVAN USE PERMIT: Reso],~tion No. 1004 was received from the Planning Commission, recommending Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, the matter of the resolution concerning the sign ordinance would be held over for further Courcil study. No objections were registered. Use Permit Resolution No. 1005, as applied for by Beatrice M. O'Sullivan, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be granted for construction of a 4-room dwelling and attached one-car garage on rear portion of Lot at 810 Commercial Avenue, 120 ft. NW of Eucalyptus Avenue, subject to the condition that a 4 ft. se=back is maintained all the way thro~ to the rear carport. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- missio~ be accepted and approved. BELL ELECTRICAL SXGNS~ INC. USE PERMIT: .fro.Go Use ~e_mit Resolution No. 1006, as applied for byBmll Electrical Signs, Inc. was received from the Planning Commission, recommemdt~ that permission be granted to raise existing sign.(approved on Res. ~45) an additional four feet above the twenty-five feet above the Freeway allowed by said resolution, at 190 Airport Blvd. (rear). Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Aher~ and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission be accepted and approved. ASSOCIATED CONSTRUC. & ENG. CO. OF CALIF. USE PERMIT: Use Pe-~mit Resolution No. 1007, as applied for by the Association Constructior and ~ineering Company of Calif., Inc., was received from the Planning Com- mission, recommending permission be granted for renewal of sign granted under 2esolution No. 799, located on Lot 2, Block 1, Airport Blvd., Industrial Trac~ (South Airport Blvd.), subject to the condition that Use Permit be renewable after one year. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern knd regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- missko~ be accepted and approved. WATERPROOFING TREATMENT PLANT DIGESTER TANK ~2 AWARD OF CONTRACT TO R. W, READE & CO.: Inte= office memorandum dated November 1~, 1958, was received from the Dir- ector of Public Works, Louis Goss, submitting a compilation of bide received for ~e waterproofing of Digester Tank #2 at the Sewage Treatment Plant, reco~tending that the City Council award the contract to R. W. Reade & Co. as t~e lowemt responsible bidder. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by Coun- ci~n ROcca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of ~-~kic Workm be accepted and the contract awarded to R. W. Reade & Company. ALBERT C. STARR RESIGNATION FROM PERSONNEL BOARD: Commun~cation dated November 6, 1958, was received from Albert C. Starr, subm~ting his resignation as chairman of the Personnel Board of Review, since Le was moving to the City of Burlir~ame. Councilman Rocca moved, sec- onded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the resignation of Albe~ C. Starr be accepted and the City ~lerk be instructed to write Mr. Star]'.~ letter tendering the Council's aporeciation and commendations 'for the work performed by him. GINO VENTURI ADDITIONAL SICK LEAVE: Imtm~ office memorandum dated November 7, 1958, was received from Supt. of Par~mitltm~reation, recommending that Gi~o Venturi be granted ten days ~ddi~onal sick leave. Councilman Ryanm3ved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and re,gularly carried, that the recommendation of Supt. o.f Parks and Recrea- tion D~ane Mattison, as concurred in by the CZty l~mr, bm accepted and approved. CESARE SERNAGIOTTO A DDI TI ONAL SIC~ LEAVE: Inter office memorandum dated November 10, 1958, was received from Supt. of Public Works Hugo Stoppoloni, recommendin~ that Cesare Sernagiotto receive one Chy additional sick leave. Councilma~ Ryan moved, seconded by Councilman Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of Supt. of Public reclaSSify th; land d~s~ib;~ in ~es°luti°n N~. 2342 to a Classificat' SAN ~ATEO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL & WATER CONSERVATION DIST. LBGISLATION: Although not appearing as an item on the agenda, Council next took up a communication dated November 12, 1958, as received from the Manufacturers Association of San Mateo County, urging support to legislation creating a San Mateo County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. Councilm~ Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the City Attorney be in~tructed to prepare the. proper resolution expressing tl City's desire to cooperate in a Flood Control Program. WHITECLIFF HO~S VARIANCE APPLICATION - AVALON PINES: PLANNING COMMISSION Variance Resolution No. 1003, as applied for by Whitecliff Homes, was re- ceived from the Planning Commission, recommending permission be granted f 3 ft. to 5 ft. encroachment into required 20 ft. rear yards in Avalon Pin Subdivision (Lots 15 thru 18, Block 2; Lots 4, 7 thru 10, and 12 thru 16, Block 4; Lots 3 thru 7 and 12, Block 5; Lot 17, Block 3), subject to the condition that a 15 ft. minimum rear yard shall be maintained at all time on the Variance lots. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilman Ahe and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and approved. Resolution No. 1004 was received frei the Planning C~islion, recommendi RESOLUTION NO. 1004 - approval of the proposed sign ordinance, includin~ recommended revisions. SIGN ORDINANCE APPROVAL: BEATRICE M. O' SULLIVAN USE PERMIT: Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objection~, the latter of the resolution concerning the sign ordinance would be held over for further Council study. No objections were registered. Use Permit Resolution No. 1005, as applied for by Beatrice M. O'Sullivan, was received from the Planning Commission, recommending permislion be grl for conltruction of a 4-tool dwelling and attached one-car garage on rear portion of Lot at 810 Commercial Avenue, 120 ft. NW of Eucalyptul Avenue, lUbJect to the condition that a 4 ft. letback is laintained all the way through to the rear carport. Councilman Rocca loved, seconded by Council Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission be accepted and approved. BELL ELECTRICAL SIGNS, INC. USE PERMIT: Use Permit Resolution No. 1006, a~ applied for by Bell Electrical Signs, was received frei the Planning Co~mission, reco~e~i~ that permission granted to raise existing si~n (approved on Res. ~4~) an additional fou~ feet above the twenty-five fe~ above the Freeway allowed by said resolu~ at 190 Airport Blvd. (rear). Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Council Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- milliOn be accepted and approved. ASSOCIATED CONSTRUC. & ENG. CO. OF CALIF. USE PERMIT: 50 Use Permit Resolution No. 1007, as applied for by the Association Constrt and Engineering Company of Calif., Inc., was received from the Planning mission, recommendin~permission be granted for renewal of sign granted under Resolution No. 799, located on LOt 2, Block 1, Airport Blvd., lndm Tract (South Airport Blvd.), subject to the condition that Use Per, it be renewable after one year. Councilman Rocca moved, seconded by Councilmai Ahern and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Planning Com- mission be accepted and approved. WATERPROOFING TREATMENT PLANT DIGESTER TANK #2 AWARD OF CONTRACT TO R. W~ READE & CO.: Inter office memorandum dated NOVelber 12, 1958, was received from the D: ector of Public Works, Louis Goss, submittin~ a compilation of bid~ rece: for the waterproofing of Digester Tank #2 at the Sewage Treat~nt Plant, reco~mendin~ that the City Council award the contract to R. W. Reade & C~ as the lowest responsible bidder. Councilman Ahern moved, seconded by C~ cil~an Ro~ca and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Direc' of Public Work~ be accepted and the contract awarded to R. W. Reade & Col ALBERT C. STARR RESIGNATION FROM PERSONNEL BOARD: Communication dated November 6, 1958, was received from Albert C. Starr, submitting his resignation as chairman of the Personnel Board of Review, since he was moving to the City of Burlingame. Councilman Rocca moved,~ ended by Councilman Ryan and regularly carried, that the resignation of Albert C. Starr be accepted and the City Clerk be instructed to write Mr Starr a letter tendering the Council's appreciation and commendations 'fo the work performed by him. GINO VENTURI ADDITIONAL SICK LEAVE: p ooo l~t~r office lelorandum dated November 7, 1958, was received from Supt. Par~l~reation, recommending that Gino Venturi be granted ten days ~klitional sick leave. Councilman Ryanmoved, seconded by Councilman Co and regularly carried, that the recommendation of Supt. of Parks and Rec tion Duane Mattison, as concurred in by the City l~~, be accepted and approved. CESARE SERNAGIOTTO ADDITIONAL SICK LEAVE: Inter office lelorandum dated Novelber 10, 1958, was received from Supt. Public Works Hugo Stoppoloni, recom~endin~ that Cesare Sernagiotto recet one day additional sick leave. Councilman Ryan moved, seconded by Counc Cortesi and regularly carried, that the recommendation of Supt. of Publt Works Hugo Stoppoloni, as concurred in by the City Manager, be accepted approved. RAY ANGKLI APPT. AS PERSONNEL BOARD MEMBER,~ MONTHLY REPORTS: ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL DEPT.: L-/,5-o3 L-/ff/ GOOD AND WELFARE: LITTERING NEAR SCHOOL PROPERTY ON EL CAMINO lt~AL AND POLETTI o~ PROPERTY: SUBDIVI SION ENTRANCE SIGNS: ILLNESS OF POLICE CHIEF BELLONI: '~.- 0 PALM & MAGNOLIA PAVEMENT REPAIR CONDITION OF STREETS IN VICINITY-OF TANI~RAN RACE LEFT HAND TURN AT AIRPORT BLVD. AND BADEN AVENUE: SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER- SCHOOL CROSSING AT EUCALYPTUS & GRAND: DUMPING ACTIVITIES VACANT LOT IN SERRA HIGHLANDS: PAYMENT TO MR. PAUL KAUFMANN: DUMPING ACTIVITIES WINSTON MANOR ADJOURNMENT: At this time, Mayor Rozzi stated that he wished to offer for Council approva the name of Mr. Ray Angeli as a member of the Personnel Board of Review to fill the unexpired term of Albert Start, resigned. Councilman Cortesi move¢ seconded by Councilman P~cca and regularly carried, that the appointment of Mr. Angeli as made bythe Mayor be confirmed. Monthly reports for October were received from the following departments: Police Department Fire Department Building Inspection Dept. Library Oounty of San Mates Public Health & Welfare Dept., Sanitation Section Mayor RozZi remarked that if there were no objections, these reports would be accepted and placed on file. No objections were registered. Application for l~m~fer of Alcoholic Beverage License was received, as applied for by Tberema DiMuccio of "Town Liquors*', 301 Grand Avenue, for Of~ Sale General Licenme. No objections having §sen registered, it was ordered There being nothing further, Mayor Roszi asked if any of the Council membe~ had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare. Councilman Ryan remarked that he noticed that people sating at the Dairy Belle Freeze near the Southwood Commercial Tract were not discarding paper cups, paper plates, napkins, etc. in the trash containers provided, but were throwing them aboul and as a result v~z~bei~ blown across the street, thereby littering the east side of E1 (~Amo Real near the school property, causing an unsightly condition. He requested thatthe City Clerk write to the Dairy Belk Freeze expressing the City's coMern on trash being thrown about, suggesting that vigilance he employed in the use of trash cans. Councilman Cortesi remarke¢ that the Poletti property, recently annexed, was also an area where debris was being dumped and requested that some effort be made to curtail the dump- ing of refuse there. Councilman Ryan asked Mr. Jommph Powers of Serra Highlands Improvement Asso¢ iation, present in the audimn~e, if his group cotald consider some type of sign at the entrance of their subdivision such am was recently dedicated by the Avalon Park Club to the City; also that if he could generate some inter- est in Buri Buri No. 3, this would also present an attractive entrance to the subdivisions. Councilmas Ryan then asked Capt. Terragno concerning the condition of Polic~ Chief Lm~is Belloni. Capt. Torragno advised that the Chief was feeling mucl better and was expected home this week. Councilman Rocca then brought to Council's attention the intersection of Palm and Magnolia Avenues which needed repairs to the street as a result of water action on the paving. City Manager Aiello was instructed to take car~ of the matter. There being nothing further from any of the Council members, Mayor Rozzi asked if anyone in the audience had anything they wished to offer. Mr. Johz Rich of 761 Circle Court requested to know whether or not more monies could be obtained from the Tanforan Race Track other than those monies which are presently being received through taxes, since the streets are used extensiv~ ly by traffic coming from the track area, thereby'creating the need for repairs sooner than would be necessary. Mr. Rich then asked if Council could give some study to a left hand turn signal at Airport Blvd. and Baden Avenue, since it was almost impossible to make a left hand turn in the area because of increased traffic. Mayor Rozz~ remarked that if there were no objections, the City Manager and Director of Public Works would conduct a survey of this matter. No objections were reg- istered. Mr. Morris Skulsky of 111 Eucalyptus asked that Council give attention to ti placing of a special police officer at Eucalyptus and Grand Avenues so that adequate protection could be given to children crossing Grand at Eucalyptus who were attending the Parkway School. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if there were no objections, City Manager Aiello would be instructed to contact the Police Chief concerning the matter. Mr. Joseph Powers of Serra Highlandm Improvement Association brought to Cou] cil's attention again the dumping activities which were taking place on a vacant lot in Serra Highlands. Lengthy discussion followed, at which time, mention was made of the steps which had been taken to prevent this dumping, after which Councilman Ryan suggested that the City Manager, City Attorney and Director of Public Works meet and make some recommendations to alleviat~ this condition and that it also be placed on the agenda for the next meetin! Mr. Paul Kaufmann, of 109 Longford Drive, remarked that the money which was authorized paid to him at the last Council meeting had not been received as yet, requesting as to when he might expect it. Mayor Rozzi stated that the claim had been approved and the check authorized issued, but that the only thing remaining now was the preparation by the City Attorney of a document for Mr. Kaufmann's signature. He further remarked that the reason the docu. ment had not been prepared was because the City Attorney was suddenly calle, out of town as a result of his mother's death. City Attorney Noonan stated that the document would be prepared this week for Mr. Kaufmann's signature, and upon its being signed, the monies would be released to him. Mr. Ken Moser than requested Council to consider the Hetch-Hetchy easement ' the vicinity of Winston Manor, together with the vacant property in Serra Highlands, this easement also being used for a dumping area. There being nothing further, Mayor Roszi adjourned the meeting to December ' 1958, at 8 p.m. T~me of adjournment - 9:37 p.m. ~d anything they wished to offer under ~d and Welfare. Councilsan remarked that he noticed that people eating at the ~iry Belle Freeze the Southwood Co~ercial Tract were not discarding paper cups, paper pla: LI~ERING N~R napkin,' etc. in the trash containers provided, but were throwing them al SCH~L P~PgR~ ON and as a result ~m ~t~ blown across the street, thereby littering th, EL CAMINO ~AL east side of E1 C~i~ R~al near the school property, causing an unsighti AND ~LE~I/ ~ condition. He requested t~t' the City Clerk write to the ~iry .Bel~Fre~ P~PER~: ~0_ expressing the City's oo~ern on trash ~ing thrown about, suggesting vijilance ~ e~ployed in the use of trash cans. ~unci~an Cortesi resl~ that the Poletti property, r~ently annexed, ~s also an area where debr~ vas being d~ped and requested t~t s~e effort ~ ~ade to curtail the dt inj of refuse there. SUBDIVI SION ENTRANCE SIGNS: Councilman Ryan asked Mr. Joseph Powers of Serfs Highlands Improvement As iation, present in the audience, if his group could consider some type sign at the entrance of their subdivision such as vas recently dedicated the Avalon Park Club to the City; also that if he could generate some est in Buri Burl No. 3, this would also present an attractive entrance tc the subdivisions. ILLNESS OF POLICE CHIEF BELLONI: ~0 0o PALM & MAGNOLIA PAVEMENT REPAIR: Council~aa Ryan then asked Capt. Terragno concerning the condition of Poi Chief Loeis Belloni. Capt. Terragno advised that the Chief was feeling better and was expected home this week. Councilman Rocca then brought to Council's attention the intersection of Palm and Magnolia Avenues which needed repairs to the street as a result water action on the paving. City Manager Aiello was instructed to take c of the matter. CONDITION OF STREETS IN VICINITY-OF TANFORAN RACE LEFT HAND TURN AT AIRPORT BLVD. AND BADEN AVENUE: There being nothing further from any of the Council members, ~ayor Rozzi asked if anyone in the audience had anything they wished to offer. Mr. J Rich of 761 Circle Court requested to know whether or not more monies cou be obtained from the Tanforan Race Track other than those monies which ar presently being received through taxes, since the streets are used extens ly by traffic coming from the track area, thereby'creating the need for repairs sooner than would be necessary. Mr. Rich then ~sked if Council could give some study to a left hand turn signal at Airport Blvd. and Baden Avenue, since it was almost impossible make a left hand turn in the area because of increased traffic. Mayor Re. remarked that if there were no objections, the City Manager and Director Public Works would conduct a survey of this matter. No objections were r. lstered. SPECIAL POLICE OFFICER- SCHOOL CROSSIN6 AT EUCALYPTUS & GRAND: .510Z Mr. Morris Skulsky of 111 Eucalyptus asked that Council give attention to placing of a special police officer at Eucalyptus and Grand Avenues so th~ adequate protection could be given to children crossing Grand at Eucalypt~ who were attending the Parkway School. Mayor Rozzi remarked that if ther~ were no objections, City Manager Aiello would be instructed to contact th~ Police Chief concerning the matter. DUMPING ACTIVITIES VACANT LOT IN SERRA HIGHLANDS: Mr. Joseph Powers of Serra Highlands Improvement Association brought to C~ cil's attention again the dumping activities which were taking place on a vacant lot in Serra Highlands. Lengthy discussion followed, at which tim~ mention was made of the steps which had been taken to prevent this dumpi~ after which Councilman Ryan suggested that the City Manager, City Attornel and Director of Public Works meet and make some recommendations to allevtl this condition and that it also be placed on the agenda for the next meet: PAYMENT TO Mit. PAUL KAUFMANN: .5/o5' Mr. Paul Kaufmann, of 109 Longford Drive, remarked that the money which wi authorized paid to him at the last Council meeting had not been received ~ yet, requesting as to when he might expect it. Mayor Rozzi stated that ti claim had been approved and the check authorized issued, but that the onll thing remaining now was the preparation by the City Attorney of a documenl for Itt. Kaufmann*s signature. He further remarked that the reason the doc ment had not been prepared was because the City Attorney was suddenly call out of town as a result of his mother's death. City Attorney Noonan stat~ that the document would be prepared this week for Mr. Kaufmann's signature and upon its being signed, the monies would be released to him. DUMPING ACTIVITIES WINSTON MANOR ADJOURNMENT: Mr. Ken Moser than requested Council to consider the Hetch-Hetchy easement the vicinity of Winston Manor, together with the vacant property in Serra Highlands, this easement also being used for a dumping area. There being nothing further, Mayor Rozzi adjourned the meeting to Decembex 1955, at $ p.m. Tine of adjournment -~ 9:37 p.a. APPROVED: