HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 1972-06-05SPECIAL MEETING OF JUNE I, 1972 ADJOURNED TO JUNE 5, 1972 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the special meeting of the City Council of the Clty of South San Francisco, held on the Ist day of June, 1972, was adjourned to Monday, the 5th day of June, 1972, at 7:00 p.m. o'clock, in the Council Conference Room, City Hall, 400 Grand Avenue, South San Francisco, California. Date: June 2, 1972 Arthur A. Rodon~H, City Clerk ADJOURNED SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1972 TIME: , 7:00 p.m. PLCE: Conference Room, City Hall. CALL TO ORDER:__~The meeting was called to order by Mayor Mammini at 7:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Absen,: Councilmen Patrick E. Ahern, Gordon T. Boblitt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mammlnl and Warren STeinkamp None LABOR NEGOTI A- TION DELAY: RECESS: City Manager Drelsbach stated that the Labor:Nego, iator was in court today and would be delayed. He suggested, slnce tlme permitted, that Council might consider the matter of land acquisition in a Personnel session. Mayor Mamminl recessed the meeting at 7:16 p.m., to an Executive Per- sonnel session. RECALL TO ORDER: ~The meeting was recalled to order by Mayor Mammini at 7:52 p.m., with all Council present. ADJOURNMENT: Councilman Stelnkat~ moved, seconded by Councilman Ahern and regularly carried, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment: 7:53 APPROVED: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, C i ty C~rk REGULAR MEETING OF THE Cl TY COUNC I L OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO HELD MONDAY, JUNE 5, 1972 TIME; , 8:00 p.m. PLACE: .. _Council Chambers, City Hall. CALL TO ORDER:____Mayor Mamminl called the meeting to order at 8:01 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLE- GIANCE AND INVOCATION: The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was recited and In the absence of Reverend Father Daniel Derry of St. Veron~ea's Catholic Church, no Invocation was given. ROLL CALL: .Present: Absent: Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblitt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mammlni and Warren Steinkamp. None MINUTES: Mayor Mammini asked if there was a motion approving the Minutes of the regular meeting of May 15, 1972. Councilman Borba moved, seconded'by Councilman Stelnkamp and regularly carried, that the Mlnutes of the regular meeting of May 15, 1972 be approved as submitted. REGULAR CLAIMS:, Mayor Mammini then asked if there was a motion approving the regular ,.claims as submitted for payment. Councilman Steinkamp moved, seconded by Councilman Borba, and regularly carrled,tthat the regular claims, totallng $126,074.76, be approved as submitted. PARKING DIST. NO. I CLAIMS: Mayor Mammlni asked if there was a motion approving the claims as sub- .mitred for Parking District No. I for payment. Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Stelnkamp and regularly carried, that the clalms as submitted for Parking Dlstrlct No. I, totaling $2,625.91, be approved for payment. ANTOINETTE LANE ST. OPENING PROJECT ASSMT. DIST. CLAIM: Antoinette Lee St. Opening ProJect Assessment District Claim: Marvin Church, County Clerk-Recorder, claim dated May 8, 1972 in the amount of $8.00 for recording fee of Assessment Diagram and Notice of Assessment. Councilman Borba moved, seconded by Councilman Stelnkamp and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Antoinette Lane Street Project Assessment Distrlct be approved for payment. C.C. & F. IND. Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 3 Claims: PARK NO. ] CLAIMS: (a) Cooper-Clark & Associates claim dated May 8, 1972 In the amount ......... of $5,289.80 for inspection and testing of earthwork. (bi California Water service Company claim dated May 16, 1972 In the amount of $766.97 for relocating fire hydrant at Pt. San Bruno Road and Grandvlew Drive. Councilman Boblltt moved, seconded by Councilman Borba and regularly carried, that the claims as submitted for Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. ~, be approved for payment. EC'CAMINO REAL SIDEWALK PROJECT ORANGE TO CHEST- NUT ASSMT. DIST. CLAIM: El Camlno Real Sidewalk ProJect (orange to Chestnut) Assmt. Dist. Claim: Marvin Church, county Clerk-Recorder, claim dated May 12, 1972, in the amount of $8.00 for recording fee of Assessment Diagram and Notice of Rssessment. EL CAM I NO REAL S I DEWALK PROJECT CLAIM: (Cont.) Councl Iman Borba ~oved, seconded by Councl Iman Bobl itt and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for El Camino Real Sidewalk ProJect (Orange to Chestnut) Assessment Dlstrlct, be approved for payment. SO. AIRPORT BLVD. South Airport Boulevard Sanltary Sewer Assessment Dlstrict Claim: SANITARY SEWER ASSMT. DIST. Inter-Office Naaorandum dated May 30, 1972 from the City Attorney CLAIM: requesting that the amount of $4,479.00 be released to satisfy the claim of Charles Lowe and company. Councilaan Stelnkaap ~oved, seconded by Cduncllman Boblitt and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the City Attorney be approved and accepted. STONEGATE RIDGE ASSNT. DIST. CLAIM: Stonegate Ridge Assessment District Claim= Wllson, Jones, Norton & Lynch claim dated Nay 5, 1972 In the amount of $200.00 for legal services perforaed. Councilman Steinkamp moved, seconded by councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the claim as submitted for Stonegate Rldge Assessment District be approved for payment. (Duplicate approval. This clalm appeared on the council Agenda of Nay I, 1972 and pald May 2, 1972.) PUBL I C HEAR I NG GEN. PLAN AMEND. OPEN SPACE ELEMENT: The next item was the continued Notice of Hearing - General Plan Amendment Open Space Element. Acco~panying was the communication dated May I, 1972 from United States Steel Corporation urging restudy of the plan wlth par~lclpation of affected landowners and propsective developers. Mayor Nam~Ini stated ,hat, if there were no objections, the Public Hearing would be con, inued for ac, ion a, ,he regular meeting of July 1972. As no objections were registered, It was so ordered. PUBL I C HEARING GEN. PLAN AMEND. SE I SM I C SAFETY ELEMENT: The next matter was the continued Notice of Hearlng - General Plan Amendment Seismic Safety Element. Mayor Naa~lni again stated that the Public Hearing would be continued for action at the regular meetlng of July 3, 1972 If there were no objections. Since no obJections were registerd, Mayor Me,mini so ordered. RESO. NO. 5851 Mr. Richard Raymond, Bond Counsel fro~ the firm of Wilson, Jones, Norton AWARDING SALE OF & Lynch, suaaarized the bids which were received, and stated that the BONDS $600,000 best bid was that of the Bank of America and recommended award to that WATER POLLUTION fire. CONTROL BONDS ~72: councilman STelnkamp Introduced the resolution entltled: 'A RESOLUTION ~,~o~7 AWARDING SALE OF BONDS CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO $600,000 WATER POL- LUTION CONTROL BONDS OF 1972." Roll call vote was as fol.[ows: Ayes, councllmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblltt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mammlnl and Warren STeinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESO. NO. 5852 APPOINTING SOILS ENGINEER GELLERT BLVD. EXT. PRJCT. ,.5'-3 ?3 Afterr, an explanation by City Attorney Noonan, Councilmen Steinkamp Introduced the next resolution entltled: "A RESOLUTION APPOINTING SOILS ENGINEER GELLERT BOULEVARD EXTENSION PROJECT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Council~en Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblltt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mammlni and Warren Stelnkemp. Noes, none. Absent, none. -2- 6/5/72 RESO. NO. 5853 RESCINDING RESO. NO. 5677 ANTOINETTE LANE: City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Councilmar Ahem Introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 5677 (ANTOINETTE LANE)." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblitt, William A. Borba, F, Frank Nammini and Warren Steinkamp, Noes, none. Absent, none. RESO, NO, 5854 City Attorney Noonan explalned the next resolutlon concerning the VACATING PORTION vacation and abandonment of portions of Cabot Court after which Council- OF PUBLIC UTILITY man Steinkamp Introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION VACATIN( EASEMENT CC & F A PORTION OF A PUBLIC BTILITY EASEMENT AND A PORTION OF CABOT COURT, UNIT I-C: CABOT, CABOT & FORBES INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT I-C." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblltt, Willlam A. Borba, F. Frank Mamminl and Warren Stelnkamp, Noes, none. Absent, none. RESO. NO. 5855 ACCE~TING GRANT DEED FROM CC&F 5~ P.U.E. CABOT CT. & 6RANDVlEW DR.: The resolution accepting the Grant Deed conveying a 5~ public utllltles easement in Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park Unltrl-C was explalned by Clty Attorney Noonan after which Councilman Borba int~oduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FROM CABOT, CABOT & FORBES CALIFORNIA PROPERTIES, INC.- 5~ P,U.E, AT CABOT COURT AND GRAND,VIEW DRIVE (CABOT, CABOT & FORBES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT I-C)." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councllmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblltt, Willlam A. Borba, F. Frank Mamminl and Warren Stelnkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESO. NO. 5856 ACCEPTING GRANT DEED FRON CC&F LOT 15 BLOCK I LOT I BLOCK 2 PUMP SITE: 5357 City Attorney Noonan explained the resolution accepting the Grant Deed conveylng property for a pump site in Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unit No. 2 after which Councilman Stelnkamp Introduced the reso- lution entitled: "A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A GRANT DEED FROM CABOT, CABOT & FORBES CALIFORNIA PROPERTIES, INC., LOT 15, BLOCK I AND LOT I, BLOCK 2, CABOT, CABOT & FORBES SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT 2 (PUt4P SITE)." Roll call vote. was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon ~. Boblltt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mamminl and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESO. NO. 5857 City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution after which Council- RESCINDING RESO. man Borba Introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION RESCINDING NO. 5735 (FOX- RESOLUTION NO. 5735 (FOXRIDGE SCHOOL LOTS)." RIDGE SCHOOL LOTS) RESO. NO. 5858 RESCINDING RESO. NO. 5736 (COLMA CREEK PARKWAY): RESO. NO. 5859 AUTHOR I Z I NG AGREEMENT W I TH DEPT. FI NANCE POPULAT I ON EST I NATE: Poll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councllmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblltt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mamminl and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. City Attorney Noonan explained the similar resolution after which Councilman Stelnkamp Introduced the resolution entltled: "A RESOLUTION RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 5736 (COLMA CREEK PARKWAY)." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblltt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mammlni and Warren Stelnkamp. Noes~ none. Absent, none. The resolution authorizing execution of the agreement concerning an estimate of population was explained by City Attorney Noonan after which Councilman Borba Introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOL~ION AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA (POPULATION ESTII~TE)." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblitt, Wllllam A. ~}orba, F. Frank Mammlnl and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. 6/5/72 RESO. NO. 5860 IN SUPPORT OF S.F. AIRPORTS COMM. ' S APPL I CA- TION FOR FEDERAL A I D UNDER ADAP PROGRAM: RESO. NO. 5861 AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE AGMT. UCB: 7 ?6 The resolu, ion supporting San Francisco Airports Commission's appli- cation for Federal aid was explained by City Attorney Noonan after which Councllman Boblltt Introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF SAN FRANCISCO AIRPORTS COMMISSION'S APPLI- CAT ION AND ACCOMPANYING ENV I RONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT TO THE FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION FOR FEDERAL AID UNDER THE ADAP PROGRAM." Roll call vote was as follows: Councilmen Pa, rick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Bobll,t, Willlam A. Borba, F. Frank Memmini and Warren Stelnkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next item concerned the Agreement between United California Bank and City regarding parking facilltles after which brief discussions followed at which time City Attorney Noonan explained the provl$ions of the Agreement and use of the lots. Councllman STelnkamp Introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF LEASE AGREEMENT (CITY AND UNITED CALI FOI~IIA BAN Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilman Patrick E. Ahern, Gordon T. Boblltt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mammlni and Warren Stelnkemp. Noes, none. Absent, none. PESO, NO. 5862 AppROvING OPER- ATING BUDGET 1972-73: City Attorney'Noonen explained the next resolu, i.on at,er which, in answer to Councilman Borba!s Inqul'ry, City Manager Dreisbach answered that the budget did not provide for n~nthly garden-clipping pickup, Discussion followed after which Councilman Steinkamp stated ,hat he would Introduce the resolution adopting the opera, lng budge, for the fiscal year 1972-73 with an approprlati, on of $6,600 budgeted for I/4- year garden-clipping pickup. The resolu, lon was an.ti,led= "A RESO- LUTION APPROVING THE OPERATING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E, Ahem, Gordon T. Boblitt, Willlam A. Borba, F. Frank Mammini and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESO. NO. 5863 City Attorney Noonan explained the next resolution at,er which Council- RE CC)MPENSATION men Borba Introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION REGARDING OF HOUSING AUTH.: COMPENSATION OF HOUSING AUTHORITY COMMISSIONERS." PESO. NO. 5864 COMMEND I NG F I RE CH I EF MARCH I: RESO. NO. 5865 CHARGING DUTY OF CITIZENS~ COMMITTEE RE PUBLIC SAFETY: Poll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Bobli~t, William A. Borba,.F, Frank Mammini and Warren Stelnkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. Cl,y A,torney Noonan presented ,he next resolution to Council for their attention after which Councilman Borba Introduced the resolution anti,led: "A RESOLUTION COMMENDING JOHN MARCHI., FIRE CHIEF." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahern, Gordon T. Boblitt, William A. Borba. F. Frank Mammini and Warren Stelnkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. The resolution charglng the members of the Public Safety Capital Improve ment Committee to resolve certain questlons wes explained by City AI-Yorney Noonan after which Councilman Steinkamp Introduced the reso- lution entitled: "A RESOLUTION CHARGING THE DUTY OF COUNC~APPOINTED CITIZENS~ COMMITTEE - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT5 REGARDING PUBLIC SAFETY." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblitt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mammlni and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. RESC'. NO. 5866 CHARGING DUTY OF CITIZENS~ COMM I TTEE RE PARKS & REC.: City Attorney Nooaanexplalned the similar resolution after which Councilman Borba Introduced the resolution entitled: "A RESOLUTION CHARGING THE DUTY OF COUNCIL APPOINTED CITIZENS~ COMMITTEE - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS REGARDING'PARKS AND RECREATION." Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes,.Councllmen Patrick E. Ahern, Gordon T. Boblitt, William A. Borba, F. Frank Mammlni and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. -4- 6/5/72 77 ORD I NANCE DIRECT ALARM SYSTEM AND REPEAL I NG ORD. NO. 626 I st Read i ng/ I ntroduct i on CLA I M AGA I MST THE CITY AS FI LED BY MRS. DIONISIA HERRERO: CLAIM AGAINST THE C I TY AS FILED BY NICK PHI L I POPOULAS: CHANGE ORDER NO. 2C.C. & F. NO. 3: 72-- APPLICATION TO OPERATE A BUS SERVICE IN CITY: Mayor Mamminl ordered the title of the ordinance read. The title of the ordinance was read. City Attorney Noonan stated that Deputy City Attorney John Shaw, who had prepared the ordinance, was present to explain what it was to do. Detailed explanatlon followed after whlch City Attorney Noonan advised the Council regardlng procedure for Introduction. Councilman STelnkamp moved that reading Of the ordinance in its entirety be waived and that the ordinance be introduced and read for the first time by reading title only, seconded by Councilmen Ahem and passed by a unanimous vote, Councilman Stelnkamp moved that the ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE REGULATING DIRECT ALAI~I SYSTEMS AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 626 EN- TITLED, TAN ORDINANCE REGULATING ALAI~I SYSTEMS,TM the entire reading of whlch has been duly waived, be Introduced, seconded by Councilman Ahem and passed by the following roll call vote. Roll call vote was as follows: Ayes, Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem, Gordon T. Boblitt, Wllllam A. Borba, F. Frank Manmlnl and Warren Steinkamp. Noes, none. Absent, none. The next Item was the claim against the City as fi led by Mrs. Dionlsla Herrero for alleged personal Injuries as a result of uneven section of s i dewa I k. Councilmen Steinkamp moved that the claim be denied and referred to the Cltyts Insurance carrier and to the office of the City Attorney; and Notice be glven to claimant In accordance with Government Code Sections 913, 915.4 and other related sections of the Government Code. Brief discussion followed at whO.eh tlme, In answer to Mayor Mammlni~s inquiry, City Attorney Noonan explained the responsibility in these matters after which councilman Borba seconded the motion which was regularly carrled. The claim against the City as flied by Mr. Nick Phillpopoulas for alleged damages as a result of City sewer overflow was the next matter for Council's consideretlon. Brle~ ~iscussion followed after which Councilman Ahem moved, seconded by Councilman Boblltt and regularly carried, that the claim be rejected and referred to the City's Insurance carrier and to the office of the City Attorney; and Notice be given to cleimaint In accordance with Government Code S~ctions 913, 915.4 and other related sections of the Government Code. The next Item was the Inter-Office Memorandum dated May 26, 1972 from the Director of Public Works submlttlng copy of letter dated May 25, 1972 from Wilsey & Ham and recommending approval and confirmation of Chan! Order No. 2 - Cabot, Cabot & Forbes Industrial Park, Unlt No. 2. Councilman Borba moved, seconded by Councilman Ahem and regularly carried, that the recommendation of the Director of Public Works be approved and accepted. The next matter was the application as flied by Mr. Florentino Roses to operate a Bus Servlce in the City of South San Francisco. Mr. David Frledenberg, Attorney at Law, stated that he represented the applicant In the matter, outllng Mr. Roses~ program of operation and service. Lengthy discussion followed among the Hembers of the City Council; Mr. Frledenberg; Mr. Jake Jones~ operator of the El Camlno Bus Lines; City Attorney and Deputy Clty Attorney; Mr. Jack Adams, former employee of Mr. Jelm Jones, Mr. Russ Adamson, resident of westborough; Mr. Donald Gamma~ Mr. Robert Albrlght and Mr. August Chevalier concerning this matter and its need. -5- 6/5/72 APPLICATION TO OPERATE A BUS SERVICE IN CITY: (CONTINUED) During the discussions, City Attorney Noonan offered for Council's consideration a Resolution of Intention to grant a permlt and then have Staff bring back the conditions concerning this request. No action was taken in this regard. After discussion, Councilmen Boblitt moved the granting of a conditional penal?, subject to Staff approval. Councilman Steinkamp seconded the motion.' Councilmen Gordon T. Boblitt, F. Frank Mamminl and Warren Steinkamp voted "Aye? Councilmen Patrick E. Ahem and William A. Borba voted "No." Councilmen Ahern quail?led his "No" vote by stating that the route did not pass any shopping centers. INVITATION TO ATTEND BRISBANE WESTEI~ I~YS JUNE 4 - II: The next item was the Invite?lan by Mrs. Wllllam E. Lawrence, wife of the Mayor of Brisbane, to Clty Council and citizens of South San Fran- cis~o to attend Brisbane Western Days - June 4th through Ilth. Hfs, Lawrence presented the program which was to take place, extending an invitation to the Mayor to ride in the parade after which she ex- tended an invitation to everyone to Join In this event with them, ITEMS FROM COUNCIL .APPTS. TO PARK The first Item from Council was the matter of appointments to Park and & REC SUBCOI~ITrEE Recreation Subcommittee - Capital Improvements. CAP ITAL IMP.: BEAUT I F I CAT I ON CO~. APPTS,: 15'3 At the request of City Manager Dreisbach and since there were no obJectior Hayor Mamminl continued the appointments to the next regular meeting, The next Item from Council was the Beautification Committee appointments. Brief dlscusslons followed at which time the City Manager explained the vacancy In Mr. Robert Maxey~s appointment as well as those who presently served. As there were no objections, Mayor Mamminl continued the matter to the next regular Council meeting, requesting that those Interested, for- ward their applicatlons to the office o~ the City Manager APPS. TO COr~. SAN HATEO CO, TRANSIT DEVEL. PRO J ECT: The appointments to the committee - San Mate County Transit Development Project - was the next met?er for Council~s attention, City Manager Dreisbach requested that thls matter be withdrawn since the persons who had volunteered to serve at the previous meeting, had accepted the appointments and would be able to attend the meetings. S[nce there were no objections, it was so ordered. ITEMS FROM STAFF REQUEST OF UTAH INT. INC. FOR RELEASE OF BOND: City Manager Orelsbach, at thls time, brought to the atten¢lon of Council the request of Utah International Inc., for the release of their $9,000 Public Contract Bond In connection with the construction of Belle Air Councilman Borbe moved, seconded by Councilmen STeinkamp and regularly carried, that Utah Interne?lanai Inc., be released of this obligation. There being nothing further, Mayor Nammin! asked if anyone had anything they wished to offer under Good and Welfare, GOOD AND WELFARE: Mr. Steven Tonegato, 404 Wildwood Drive, noted some new staff members .... present and ~nqulred es to thelCrpresence. INTROBUCTION OF Hayor Hammlnl then Introduced Messrs. John Shaw, Deputy City Attorney; STAFF NEHBERS:--_ Fred Hull, Director, Department of Ecological Development; Mrs. Louise Coleman, Staff and Budget Assistant, Mayor Mamminl commented that Mr. EXPLANAT I ON OF DEPT. OF ECOLO- G I CAL DEVELOP- NEWT: Fred Hull headed the new department in the City and, at the request of the Mayor, Clty Manager Dreisbach explained the reorganlzat[on, functions, and those departments which it supervised, In answer to Mr. August Chevalier, Hr. Hull co,men?ed on the annual savings to the City by this organize?lan and the services which his organize?lan would perform. -6- 6/5/72 C~:)OD & WELFARE: (CONTINUED) BAY ARE AIR POLLUT I ON CONTROL DIST. APPT.: ADJ OLII~INIENT: Councilman STeinkamp, at this time, announced his election to the Bay Area ~ir Pollution Control District which took place at the May meeting of ,he County Council of Mayors. Since there was no further business, Mayor Mamini adjourned the meetin~ to 14onday, June Ig, 1972 at 8:00 p.m, _Time of adjournment: 10:12 p.m. APPROVED: RESPECTFULLY SUBI~ITTED, Entries of ~hls Council meeting show the action taken by the City Council to dispose of the item. Oral presentations, arg,uments and comments are recorded on tape. The tape Is on file In the office of the City Clerk and available for Inspection, review and copying. Documents related to the Items are on flle tn the office of the City Clerk and available for public review, lnspectlon and copying, -7-