HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 54-1912 · c~ F~L~: NO: An ~ordinance ~roviding for licensing. ~_~°xing or ~-sparrf~'- ' exhibitions and regulating the s~u~e and repealing Ordinance NO. 34 of the City of South San Francisco, entit'~ed"An or~linance to .provide flor licensing Sparring e~ibitions and regulating the ~e Board of Trustees of the City of South San Francisco do ordain as fol~ows: Section 1. Every person, firm or corporation, unde~ whose auspices ~ny boxing o~ sparring e~ibition is held tn the City of South San Wr~ncisco, shall pay to the T~x Collector of the City of South S~ ~rancisco an anoual license tax of Eix Hundred (60~ DolLars for a"Class A" license, or an anuual lice~e ~ S ~'~ r . The license tax _~," [ ; Dolls, rs for a "Class ~" license shall be pi~yable in advance. Section 2. A "Class A" license shall entitle the holder thereof to give or conduct a boxing or sparring e~ibition con- tim. uing for ·more than ten (10) rounds. A "Clatss B" license shall entitle the holder thereof to give or conduct a boxing or sparr- ing e~ibitio~ continuing not more than ted (10)rounds. The word. "rounds" shall be understood to hi{ye the meaning in the customary athletic usa of theft %vord. Section [~. No license holder und=r the provisions of this' ordinance shall[ be pel~itted %o hold more than one boxing or spar¥img e~ibit~on ~n any' calend~tr month. Section 4. No boxing or sparring e~ibition shall be held. under an2/ licel~se issued in accords, nee '~;ith the provisions this ordinance until a special pe~]it has been o~tained for such e~ibition from the Board of Trustees. Section 5. Ail licenses issuecl undertb_e ,l:rovisions of this ordinance shall expire on the first day of January next, succeed- ing their date. Section 6. All boxing or sparring exhibitions shall be con- ducted uniter ~nd subject to the control of the City Marshal Section' 7. Every person engaging as principal in such box- ing or sparrin~ exh,i~itions shal~[, on the day pr~vious %o the holding of said exhibitions, file with the City ~arshal of the City of South San Francisco, a certificate from sene reputable physician to the effect that said principal is in ~ood physicial health., well trained and capable of enduring the strain of a boxing and sparring exhibition of the kind proposed to be held, describing the same. Section 8.No boxin£~, or spar~ing exhibition shall be held in the Citj, of South San ?rancisco, unless the conditions in this ordinance provide¢~, are complied with by the person, firm or cot- port, trion under whose auspices the boxing or spar~'ing exhibition is held, and also on th% part of those persons engaging in such boxing or spar¥'inf~ exhibitions as princip~ls. Section ~3. No person, fir~_-~ or corporation conducting or h~ving charade or control of a~ny' boxinp~ or sparring exhibition shall allc,.~~ t?]e hunt, er of t~ersons ~tten~tin~' any such. boxing or sparrin[6 exhibition to exceed the seating capacity of the buil- ding, held, room or inclosure where any such boxing or sparring] exhibitior~ is being or is a~bout to be held. ~he City ?'arshal shall strictl3' enforce the ~rovisions of th. is ordin~nce. Section 10. If the hold. ar of any "Class ]_{" l~cemse permits or allo~s ~ny boxin[{ or sp~{rrin~i exhibition to contir~ue for more than ten (10) rounds, such license shall ~forthwit?~. be revoked by the Board of Trustees. Any violation of the provis, ions of this ordinance by the holder of any license issued under this · ord. inance sh~tl be sufficient ground for revocation of such license b3-~ the Board of Trustees. Section ll. Any person, finr~ or cor~or~ttion v~olating the provisions of this ordinance shall[ be deemed ~uilty of a misde- mai%nor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished, by a fine of not more than ~hree Hundred (30~i~) Doll;~rs or by imprisonment not more than th.rea (',~) months, or by both. such fine and impri- sonment. Section 32. Ordinance No. 34 o£ the City of South San Wran- cisc0 entitled "An ordinance to provide for licensing sparring exhibitions and regulating the same;' passed and adopted June 20, 1910, is hereby repealed. Section 13. This ordinance shall 'take effect and be in~-~ from and after the date of its passage. Section 14. This ordinance shall be published once in "The Ente~r~.'e, a weekly ne~.vspaper printed, publishe-~ a~d circulated in the City of South San Francisco. Introduced this ~. ....... day of JuDe, 1912. Pa~sed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South S~n ~rancisco by the Board of Triteness of the City of South San A e , tee ~, ' AI*p roved · the City of South San Pra~cisco. Attest: